Wmuww vww mwwvws WWI my PAGE FOUNTKEN MRCISTRAIESM COURT NOTES Willulm The man tax icttizns cm list tiE false lreteiirts The law for 21 of ii was lt iii limndit for tile Itdltt and it on from Satlivtay lilti tilttliu lCLli Iir Honili lrialti li in Ilil llvill nnrrhal lhett onyatiit in full iiii ltCAt June iii sentenced to iut nioiitlis and months llltl forniattrry gate hiiziinl ln nstody ttcd liiti tl IIail vchtiI tliirtiiillt dy until liulaj iglitin nn ii li lit liitl Banana iii lotto ttliii ii iiarin on 82 iw Ittld tii tltftiini and Si ii eii Ilic ioui pairs IIlNlI 19 Mary St lt il $1 Lift till 11 wOonNcRitiNic Builtin upboaids Cab iiicts and Furnitiire Itc IOS BREWER 3228 or 2373 Barrie wnisrwArcurs Askthe exservice li iti Wrist Watches iii of itili maize Bannin in In November Ii Ans il die than it ill lined 53 taunt lliil iitdldlilllg Ltil oil ti mm clloit tax or by int Killed ill llall nnaxftiliy tipiin car without due tdlt and was fined $23 and At Ilenund Inc Week in ii delay of IipOII of poii ii latizioi ontiol lioaiti Ts 17 the case of leiei liiiuor flit in bi posse lt Llillilllxllil wele iiit l0 Joy Riding llzilliday toinicieti of ollincwood on itemrd to two llltlllllt tiilJJtltil of two additional diiwirii timing and ill iltkltlllll two months the former ha Ii with oniniillid on tape bargc Lari niiziiry was made ie of mph iiiiist Alexi oi aiiip llortien who iid ioi tiiai on cliaihvlhis isa tir for hit potatoes and many tale is told of the size and itll rape liov ton Wight 01 pi spurts grown in Sinieoe oiintys ider knoun potato lililt lloiwils can tHdenti Nine Days Alanit land Smith of Hamilton of illegally operatintz lllliltll due cart and con mtoxiealed and llthIll sion of lIlloXltilllllil ntcnced to nine days Eougiiimiivieiit the liquor scird to liltttl of by law onstablt le ij liltlllillll gave evidence Dismissed lhe tase aeaiiist William George Matthews electrician at Camp llor den for unlawful care antleontrol loi motor vehicle was dismissed man about ROLEX Sold by Leading Jewellers Everywhere Youll loye its ay colouring smoot texturcwonder ful flavour And this special PURIIY FLOUR rercipe 1s in tune with your budget Pound for pound its economy hospitality his new Whiterrrchnstmas Lake calls for PURITY FLOUR the dependable favouritethats milled from the nest hard wheat bet of the UnitchChurch United Church conducted thcfunQ cral serVice on FridayNov 5at VStephens of Glencairn sistersin Murray of Collingwood brother For holiday baking gt and everyday baiting right on using Purity Flour It makes won erful cookies pies cakes buns bread it makes wonderful everything IC85F buy you the mops Purity Cook oak wit its 75 reqpes develo ed he Purity our Kitchen Sen to your nearest Purity Flour Mills Ofce St rib NIL bagtrgltgue am mom mm Mallrm Altafnctium Nme Street City5lProvince Oct nic VVICKS districts The above picture shows Itnihlin ll and grown on his fathers farm in Itltdon above potatoes weigh bit fellows over tour pl iltiil of th aiiuiiii liool orps ii Klltllli against liii ltttltstll Ullt loiith toiiictid lililitli=l llillt3 liquor in place ozhii 1hii where Ilt ititls lloiialtl ilillll liiilih iaslinvd $10 plus $3 costs and given one iiioiiLh in Jail The lil tilior was eoiiliwaed ll uni tully lllVlIll lllltit thout in UPtHIlHPalterllHllHlrixhrlillotl Sill plus $173 costs or ltll days In Jail Constable lcairc gave iviI dcnee RONOHEAIS Lcw Noviiulnr Mr and Mrs Arthui llall St Thomas visited last iik with Di and Mrs thunuinas At the third euclne of the silliltt 20 the foilowiim were lll ners Ladies lbs lean iiiheii 11 Mrs llipwill Meir it hit Kay It task Lucky draws lion laxton leaii lleynoltls lll Ed Reynolds Mary Brown lleleiil Davis Womens Institute The 11 met on Oct 111 at Mrs Sutlicilantls with twenty incini bershhnd 23 visitors present it was clec1ded to donate thc usual wreath to be laid at the memorial service on Nov 11 vote of thanks was given the ltlllltlsjlt Benton Fair who won tliird primal report of itlie LHlthlllltiII at llai rie was given by Airs Forum Fishers Corners Institute put the following program with Mrs Allan in the chair lioll call Do you know your triends by Mrs Hughes solo Mrs Noble paper on Social Welfare and liealtli ny Mrs Hughes recitation by Mrs Rutledge comical reading by Mrs Noble Watch contest won by Edna Hounsome singsong follow cd by ti poem by Mrs Arnold and skit Personality Backtircs by him members hearty vote of thanks was tendered the visiting group Roll call My One Supcr stition The customary refresh ments were served GEORGE MILLS wellknown cducationist with the Ontario Department of Educal tion for 25 years George Mills died here early Wednesday morni ing Nov 1948 Dcath was duc Mr in 1865 As young man he spent some time in the Canadian West where he served in the Riel Re bellion Later returning to thci cast he graduated from tlICUlll versity of Toronto After some years oftcachinL during which he THURSDAY NOVEMBER II 194 i3 OBITUARY MKS JAMES IILLSMAN liiiil tool Al the familiar red cooler ltmcI for did nzi it Llil VII Napier liii Salisniaii ti tiia vi im friends Li1ttl placed the Noilii lliililutl 5LLill at iititi Ill KI Iiii illial lilt liiit rain iLlIl llrill lflil1 Scotland in Will ili Iulltl can to Canada lmll conzpiitatttely Hili tori iiir vih thi CNllt bridge and tildnu outii twin ltllii to 193 in look up tiiuiii ihis tlhllit the Litter Sttiirh ill at ifzv leginniii of poor crops and pitirti Ilfttbg Mi Napar had to oili hard to lam iiilig binding in laziuin none too protable uiidtiily Ltlit to tiiiilarnilt and at tln llllt ul his death widely inon I= dairy Iarnai tn the tlistiict and in calf titilt woik IIt il iniiinl in Him to Na tiiei kiluliillli turmoil of Uniti lt Jiitario who stuie lllll lwo brothers lIlll and Joe lth in North Haitltioitl llll his llltlllllt ti lliltt gtigtllr and brother are itzidinr in otlaiid lln Sailorx and Boyd Funeral liaptl wan tioudtd for the Illlllt tral =tlll on Monday llltl tlt conducted by the litv lvan Iiiioil oi liiigSi Andiews lits butciizin liurih There were many lmautllul floral llllgtlllt also both liltlllll to his popularity ill the district lalllitaiiis m1 ralltei 1J yea MALE IOIlLAIION CANADIAN INDIANS Hon Itill to Hit the ptlttdllirut The popular ltltl that the Indians oi males iii tanada iieter droppiJ of anads are disappearing is coit below fit of the total population fun to fail By 1934 census in Western Canada it has iiized there were 135600 Indians here between 53 and 39 in that inn more than in l900 rm mun lVALLEY TAXI AND Trucking Service LOCAL LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING CLASS yeui fli tiiresiiiaii in lliigtdi llutljjlll Li l3 fvllKMi ill llo luiicial Home at Vuueted by ltex wlslttl lH IIlt liitiiiieii 2gt tt itiieiy Iliose actor in will ilt is in Win ll liein la thceriiian llaity tlietaiaii tlitisnimi Almat ll tiiits and llllti Davidson ltelatixe izieiids from distunee who liltlltl id were Mr and M15 ll Hitu lzitli Detroit Frank thiisiiin West tiicster ltnn llltlvtl theesnian Vintlsor Mi lt Kitchenei iii tioiiton Lllitlililill ii thy Mrs iitisiaii Itaine win Saiah iane IIililit liolll at ianzyale on Uri 30 daughter of William air liitlii limiter Slit icsiiicd in llznil iioni 1000 In lilittl but when husband died lll tin latter he moved to lo1onto where the iciiiamdtr of her life as spent is till ll lti on lll limitn linioii lt liilllt mm 9115 iii on Win use iiltl ii were litcti Natliteiiailt Dayan lxiiani iaiiow and thi lClt ition from Tuttcnhani waited upon Beeton Council to consider the advisability of distri buting milk daily front lottcnhain andthe erection of pasteurization plant in Beeton 24 HOUR SERVICE record sample held by Glen Each of the 51 mow immediate relatnes survinnp are one sister Kins Martha lliin ier Toronto tiuee daughters Mrs Wilson tAnnie Mrs licynoltls ieitrudii and lr1 rounds Heres the Dial 2433 or Hint Immunnnnnnnm melons and up to tii pounds art be 1H luirvesftil many alcdoii ii11il 1m 3115 WWDavidson tllelent all ot loionto one ol lint hm WW wars elX sons IVllllillll ll lltilnll Typical Igiotm U1 11 51nd isl liank of West hesti la liar lolaim liz fir iiiiii ii lot four llllli dun and bags on till on Mills was born in Oincniec llern li ditto till alcdoii Who has iltit on his StillEmit lj1ll lttiltil entirely to potatoes lli eai li lauhlin purchased potao dicqer and banner lllls Illiltllillt litilllllll the help oi 700 bags day or bel ltll 10 and 12 bags an hour Two men on platform are kcpi liligtilltlilll4 off the tops from conveyor that bruins the potatoes up to the bagging outlet where another man ties bat tops and lumps the bags on the grountl The fourth helper drives thc tiac toi Behind the dimer comes two lllxil wnh hay rack hauled by team of horses lliey pick tip the full bans and haul them to the barn where they go through the grading machine llonicmadc this machine grades bag minute Moro than 3000 bags have al ready been taken to Toronto deal ers by Mr IAillLllllll who estiw mates his average yield at about 300 hnizs to the aers Cost pcri thlt to grow the crop is estimat ed at Shit plus the cost of bags and labor For each bar of potal toes taken to the wholesaler the grower receives 00 cents HOLE November Presentation to Lucas Family of Albert of Toronto hailes hany NY James and both of llairie JAMES NAIIICI INortli Batikford Sask New lanics Napier of the Metropoie District SElSllillClliVlllll dterl sud denly in his sleep Finlay night let 22 1940 Mr Napier who farmed two miles east and ihrii miles north of North Ilzittlciortl Vas only 40 yearsot ago While he had had few minor troubles with his heart in the past no out tell that there nsranythinesort oust wrong with him and his sudden death came as great shock to his relatives and many friends Of very friendly disposition Mr Napcr made friends lastly hard worker and more than wilL ing to do his share of community work Mr Napier never spared himself For the past eight years he served as councillor for the Rural Municipality of North Bambi very enjoyable evening was spent in the basement of Holly United Church on Friday evening Oct 29 when the friends and neigh bors of Mr and Mrs Win Lucas gathered to wish them happiness in their new home at Stioud Rev Carder conducth gamcsnnd singsong after whichMr and Mrs Lucas and Laura wcLe called to the front Elmer Dyer presented Mr and MrsuLucas with Trilite floor lamp Bob Redfcrn presented Miss Laura Lucas with boudoir lamp and vase The recipients rcs pondcd in the usual way All sang For They are Jolly Good Fellows Lunch was served and the evening closed in the usual manncr Allvjoin in wishing Mr and Mrs Cochrane many more happy years They celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at the home of their son CochrancOn Sun day Oct 31 WW The Crecmore Progress Club has undertaken to assume the opera tion of the village civicowned skating and curling rinks pay oper ating expenses and turn over the surplus torrbe used exclusively for improvements and replacements Was principal of Harriston and Stratford High Schools and Col lingwcl Coll he Was ap pointed an 70f schools and then of continuation schools for Ontario until his rel tircmcnt in 1935 Mr Mills was2 noth for his strongchampionship of ruralducation tofv Which he gavelumselgunstlntinglyand4vith marked results He was mem Hc is survived by his widow the former Margaret ZMurray of Barrie and One datightcr Mrsl first wifcvSairahf Collison Vpre deceased himinl923 Rev SE LeWis of Collier St Mount Pleasant ronto Mausoleum To Among the immediate rela tives attending were Miss Jeans Milrray of Barrie and Mrs Paul laws of the deceased and John inlaw Outoftown friends from Collingwood and Beeton were present Entombment took place in Mount Pleasant Mausoleum Dont be tortured by Get relief fast Put ti few drops of iVlcks Vatronol in each nostril It helps drain sinuses brings Welcome relief VA lag We EGENERAL 1EllECIRIQ 14min sweetest richest smoothskinn kitchens land processed the daylthey are picked AHIi itl mvaevsqizvism rlteuai lllicIchntleiPressI process makes alliithtedlayourful dilferencie Libbys Tomato Juicch ItgsriLibbysekclusiveiniethdditffgently iextracdng the juice from selected sunripened tomatoes Thcse plump ed beauties tare rushed daily to Libbys modern The result is gardenfresh iuicefso delicious thatvitfs first China of Canadians from coast to coastrst for avour and an excellent dietary source 5fthOse healthgiving vita mins and EnjoyLibbyls every day WWW lelNl CANADIAN GENERAL uremic GOIMANY LIIITID fo MAIO tut tinnumriu tum or ANADA Linnea cItAIHAM omitnu DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK ii you dont agree that Libbys Gentle Press Tomato Products Juice Catchun Chili Sauce and Soupwere the best youve over tasted