gt IHI BARRY EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY NOVEMBER ll 1948 raaw gt WWWM Jv gm rwv Honor Dr Locke First ett ements in r0 By an Tablet To Great Librarian ITS ONE us gt ioaxe ltlltjl c2iiiicn3il SPRING Ema Ei 13m ltt lfa ill ant iicliltRtIlltllw Blimp spams SERVICE educator and iillwl billl la lid ltl ii zilalitl on in lztx ttllilnltllzilll LARGEST STOCK OF and Rtdilf0 Guiana on they ll arm on atom of tic ii Is and Monxie is It Renaud it NORTH or TORONTO languid Ilfitllitll lllilllllilll lttlll ionist and Airflior an of Toronto llillf Library 190ile Born at Begiiiisiillo March 29th liiTtl Dixd in Toronto lth riflllll 37 scuoor BllLDlNGS he lantlilfli ceremony was pir Iitiu lizef lab Gowan St FACING ii TRACKS Mitch yr actual Seil lilltn flay lliH penis llial AND BEST EQUIPPED SPRING SHOP COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL SPRING ACCESSORIES Allandale PHONE 3400 LONG llyll ANADA pl rm Smammn chm About thirty million dollars ll dun tzt to Stilllltl liFtUtll punJ pup him llkltlllllttl for construction of es aeiiii but you have only slightly limipw Twomo News Imk sential school buildings in Canada better than one in tirlttlti chanceA pm Kuhn51 SETTLE Tm Smut Sims and Mlmmwms in the next ten year ttlltlilllllf your ltlfltli birthday lni oi stillns lulu it Aim nu with Board of zsnatia CiL represented satcsvl the run or te liroh lu lliitSltl Fred Landon l4c War fl lltl Ilmn uu ltzll lllflll lilti llfllvTSElV we the lust lane mm n1 eiiimrt ein lllltlll menlie oi ioloiitl moill la 7M1 in he he saii ritlc 13a lilal luv NHL ue llttt liaitlwwll litl As an author and educator Strectj sin in uni lliouu tiazie lll llielL Locke enjoyed an international XCll of lltfiltl ll lit in lxiirzdia liiiii Xhtl lifl mum minim UH fish Iliuee inniti lilllilllue Skilion linideyl cl liIbutor to educational journals in ll Eta lz in and ll tin naniwil lllllllll and the United Stites Ile ion in 111 in Al Slll lllflxblflfllbll Slllt t=ity Chanel llitl transformer station was once irrtlllittl by the Journal ll tillili in Cull Mil lfilwifl above 26lUUolt power is stepped up to distancc of miles This has been under lllltrllltit1 11 Unity ll1 1s two oar izetrt ere Ill lit cares itat ei spec ol lllzizn in ton and Sennacl 0000 ll Ml allllllttld mm 0000 lilkl lllf PM lllllllll mm llilwpl ialists in education in America nienl lo llvttll nasi mill fiesta llcrstlll transnilssiOn line to Westminster Fun for Ontario 11 Lotire lllltl spent many years rliip and in llit 321am at lilltldlllltllilltllx lltt lift the United Stitesa an illSllllf of itl ltiti tiv maltr lo xeiiziitlii chW mu hiet nl mp pmh ltlllttlllilltvll lilltt ltlls arm It 11 illtlitltllt THll llt lL ll llkililvarll lnivers lvU iiid tl Are you Offf Feel weary tlred it ll xt of the itillillii tlilllttl that innt lneii iiiates Ht glllllllllllfldlltl andi mpm 1le ml He qminto and headachy Then try good ili srrt Jnl tlu twnlw we Let Ho lumdim to flh lllllleSHll or education at lucaiai thorough housecleamng With this elieral tllltllltlli llll liiit lllll place 11mm and l33 Stllidlvdl lll guppmiwl Mun Iim in Iuuttol tilliieu iv were tauntd in canoe tin Ht tXlIIHl into the lovclhlllp for appointment as hief Librariim at reliable AwliLsIVEGETABLE Iuxmlve lltl And soon prov in lll hv llill two miles east of Ill itll Md mini the Toronto Public Library in 19011 Natures Remedy is made from YOOlS the cmnniunit lH llllill in amodsl was ll ll ft The control lli Ivitlllltitll station tlllttl litinput Hill illllmm LVN ll tilWb Ks it rightly Unifyillllldhzllllixf and herbsnoumg YOUJUSt take litescnt liitnls oi llil lvlllll with llItthll ml 5M wilth mm mum my Mcthll Univerlv His life from one or two tablets vlth fun glass or lleln lie snvie mt mm In it om John how Wt WNW Mn an the tunc of his graduation from lo water at night when needed and in the to Uiiivcrsitv in 1393 was dtw MW morning you have welcome relief from iv ililitl of the township close to wherel Md llmmt lmlllx high nov Oio lti 7i education and it is largely his work your constipation Hm Ur Hum hr mvi 11f1l and great inlluences in this lltltl Wm l1 that is being commemorated Thousands Of farmers swear by NR Is oca on lllf becaiiic nude to subsequent land Lynnl Ill AllVegetable Laxater for 193 know Mm 3mm Dr ka mg mm WHO its mighty hard to beat for relieving mill llllt way betwwn the lake land 10 imvmmp and l4 Li will to llarriehnd illtlllltl our Lifbizu constipation and helping you feel brlgllt Just east oi the 1llietfoite Street illinfilllwilll atoll tlinlhtutdilll and agam ASk your drug Store for lleglisltidmlltlllltTKllllllll nihllltlmixl of The Examiner he declared NRNatureS Remedy lablels Only stton lllllllertord located on the litth con 101 km PUP 25 cents for 25 tablels tcmon in the vicinity of he prog Hm fill PM ent llueby and Bass Lake while mm Li IHCH IN MANGANESE fiharlcs Jarratt took up lot turtli 31ppininxitligml 011181 DRHVING ABOVE SHOWS 119W Illfllf llilllsllllSSlOll line 0011 The chief sources of manganese ff Hour mmwd bfdikmmlulanecting Polymer Corporation at Saturn and Westminster are Russta IiitlitiIliail and the Madam who is Frequency Chaucer and Transformer Station near Lonthii1d WCL TO SET NAIL POLISH To speed tip nail nolisb drvim UKK mm for Acid Indigestion post office called after llllllrJLlf Jill years are bound to This STmile line transmits BOcycle power as shown in the lower drawing This is being done to help alleviate Oytarios ber of British ollieers retired otl lClithW hallpay and who had Od pi bllOI iagt hold tingtis under cold pants or 1300 Hon am in minutcs after applying gtHeurlburn Gus MADE BY THE MANIIFlmn tom llSFllmcd occupation of their lamp which Wm the mm est Livmg Bonus gllorth Simcoe Juniors DO you know what your insufance needs ward the lake indeed they were For Veterans Cross Porf Gl GUElph for some time the only UIllS along the front from Kcmpcnfeldt to the the unwed ChurCh William llbLllSUn 01 IlltlllSlOH Orillla town line They were Capt Unummnim gt 12nd lliane Jones of RR illidland Oliver RN who had commanded lth rnfdilm l11llll were yaccd 231i out of in the at kcmpenfeldt Lieut Monck land Brim Cult 1li lruvil tlllt judging competition cousm of subsequentGovernor mR 5km hix mun 31IIWIVUKL recently held at the Ontario Agri you thatexibity At the end of ve years 2310 ftiiitiltii lllalor Adams their comrmmim sotumt ram cultural College in Guelph Tlicy yehave we privilege or at arili$izuszsihi original POlle into any one of ve different above mentioned nartv of lo Vlduws and Owlmm l1 club plans at new rate which is guaranteed them landing at IIawkestone after New may haw Clixlwlmlnlm Jack Drer and Ronald French in your original policy There are no lump building huts for the protection of sum arrears of premium to pay the ilmm mm W0 ll bonus to meet risinv twsts lil mg iboth oi lift Iiiliiivalc were placed they could aback men mum Every church in Tie United Get in touch With Crown Life represen and supplies to their imam tative He Will be glad to explain how will be in 1953 Marriage birth or death in the family inig htchange the present picture completely SO plan ahead but make your plans flexible Crown Life convertible Policy gives in lclub Howard Ritchie of Elmyalc Missionary and aintenancc Fund and 11 Charms Barne oid in the competitions4Tlicyaarc hmlch of 11de is mini Kkvdllrom the North Simcoe lair calf rl to increase its offerian for the CTOWD LITC convertible Policy be used Mrs Albert Stewart Maple Val 20 mm 1948 lwcnt along with the four Juniors to give you the exrble protection you 103 IS nUIsmir broken collar bone Thom 87 13i1M mat HS OttthLS require as result of brakes failing on and missitnaries reccyinu benc big incline The car rapidly gain ed speed skidded on loose gravel from th Pension Fund Of The Uni iAPPLE CROP FAIR ted iurch of Canada In ad and nllned ovals there are 799 widows aildlllLHBUT lld ts Established Homeomce AAEabEOSfSIXIE anEJhAYs 3023190 $710 1mm HARVEST OF 1947 I900 nsurance ompany Toronto new as bee Decision to provide costatl known to rout cat by serie Of attacks in which one bird at acts the cats attention while mate dives in to deliver Sharp peck Read Examiner Ckssifieds Goldie district horticul turist reports fair apple crop the General Council of The United in lhis district although it is 0L Church of Canada hold recently in as gOOdas the bump crop Of last Vancouver yogr gt Many churches plan to ask spec 533 hqlfevei that the con living bonus to the Churchs vet crans of the Cross was made at NIXON General Agent It warrenwouru Division Manager manna ONTARIO Mun vii lial missionarJy and maintenance Oi Sum lsbymg as he has 91 lferings to provide this costofliv bought 51 1945 M13 GOIdL ring bonUSI feels that this may be due to the fact that many Sll grown va Hunters on Roads lers hivc llld to go to the large May be Charged growers tobuy Perhaps people are Just eating more apples Hunters who do their hunting Apple prices Te bit this along the reads may be in dim year from about $3 to $325an bushel if found dicingxpso this sea for grade Spies and Macintosh 77 AW $2 15523 FStsDepall0m Started junior ll Games and Fisheries regulations lstate that no person shall dis charge firearm from or across highway within the mcaning of the lHighway Traffic Act and under new interpretation of this any travelledroad rmaywbe classed as highway He moved He learned lotabout banking about Canada aboilt peopleHe is still tisit climbing still learning job which is not miemmastered in aday or year Most hunters seem to like the idea of metaltagsbeing provided for deer and moose hunting it wasi stated Regulations call for the metal tags to beattachedto the carcass of moose immediately Lwhen it is killed and tqeeeer FOR EMERGENCIES gt He liaslrned for instance that in to himself that12111113 borrower wuulll merit your makingwloanseabankmanagenmustsatisf ACCOUNTING SERVICES for retail and wholesale Where evervbunk is political fool eVery 55 Mluluuqu Street In bunker Stale official Stale monopolybf 2nd floor phone 2394 ORIlLIA om banking proposed by Sociallslshere would businesses ngiirl 910 of by appoinlmchl gt Income tax forms inunsmrllorostdnnnornarbyvown yearbunking transactions to political intrusion camplpted statinomsruaucsmzlaw Weekly or Monthly Autlits INQUIRIES INVITED 9P NS to vow Penman95is the grutesl underlttdrvolll that hosfbeenpro gr Ego litiS transport9d 01 When you needmdh bnbwfrom 7731 duced for Men and Boysin the 80year experience fWPexnmuris Game roverseers said resp0nse HbUSEHOLD Fmagw Canadaisii condentlerlfvyou WEIQyaur money The softMerno fobr is mad lh le ol if hadbe excellent to the legulai OlCltfst anddargest consumer nance fc 8f qt IV9 tion requiringlheplugging ofshot organization Atthe same tlme hewelcomes for warmth yerlighl in weight Expertly tailored 95 protects your guns to three shens gt Y6mybormw$50 $100 $200 gt cOmfOtlgqnd yourheolth7assuringyou long satisfactory serviceYou Attention WSd13Wn l0 SECOYl or upt6$1000cn your own signa toppoigtuhltles toiUPUt moneylto WQTkv LOanS gel the utmOSl vulufl for your money When YOU chaosePEnmdhs 43 ohf ad Whlchvstates tllrevlllthom endofsersorbankable est person ave any alrgun r1 Securi Repaymnth f6 12 18 95 Underwear or firearm in his possession in or even 24 monthsdeplinding upon pal Si uslpess and anglInponanF place from which game may be the repayment plan yowchoose Shot unles it is unloadid and in Leansarc made to single persons or Sourge Of revnueThey help people get 1033 cased or it is dismantled between marriedcoupleg gt onehalf hour after sunset and one help bulld prosperous progresswe nation halflvhour before sunrise of any norm ll Any R9059 day HFC custolrjnersbborrow to consoli datepast pe ills pay medical expenses repairs seasonal or Contrast hisfreeclom of ludgmentwwuh emergency expenses and for many nd otherputposcs Phone or seeps for conditions in lands where freedom is deniedm prompt friendly service