PAGE FredGrant Writes ofi lt Papers Publishers Printers And Editors He Has Met Ky FRED llll 514 That was it The la retarding lIie JI ii story elzi 11 =II which 1i lie family Lllllit ll tit IltKdL MiIiv Sirt lilxit VI lim was li uii that In litllvls ti liftl lliia IIliIi anti tiII1 first sawmill liitI at iil tracks Qilll of liar aiding lItlr it IllJlatl In Ztioxiilyilwll LA RCd C7355 ACFIVIFIes The opening meeting of the Lil 13 hm my ll mhhb IIiliII liIIIi MH Lmdr Man Rwl WM llv Lake lLlllIl Forum was held at HM Hm ii tittl III lyltill 11mm minimum 0mm MS III and Mrs Robt itch with the III In liiiiiiiinu Ill IietIil appreciated as is ivi Epiwmdln Andiw Ummmii Lu wimp INN Ki IWP LL 3h pm qummim at IIIiiiige lhe topic In discussion lol Mi than it mi WM HW it titi which have comet from menu my iiimu MUNICH ml il liilI iii Ll WW MM in ltIi Id Other Illtliicd lis Fii Minn MHWS 11 lIIliilrlIIii tlii IacIIIiih llll tII ms iui tli lhr lllli ll It lla WNW IN valid tliiiiii cliailiiiian of Woin Milli llfl in WM li Ill volt Workimiins to Ontario the linenrt daughter to remain on Ill ifffll lliiii iiin 1m NWWI ll JAIHVHW Tvltlltltl liiisy on the hall pltl lillm ill tllllflll lflhll IS 1I the II lie and Minx inimiiiiii 1mm Mild 11 Hil II Ii lliiiiiclies havt Indicated llItlll lilil ll ltlfillltlll ill The iiiadiali lii int2II were iltitltl LUSH Mlwn lillll wash that aiticlcs made by llilell it tilltll tilllS Ill Iv lillilllltlll itidielliiav ll 3l liloll lilt llttll hILVKIHhM ti women workers should con lllllel CUIIUHUIUDillltl Johnny Fill tliIii IiIIdiliv loiiiiiiii liIll llllllll In Siam hill 1llllt to he shipped llillitl to ilri mill hmmll ltilillll lilll it with Prof iolileI it im IIIIsI III hip tvniii with write going to the League tlltlltltv ll Wt lit thlltltll and also opesiatcd Hl pair HHLVVJW 31 lI pm Holmupmlpm up opinion that ii tilll lioiii the city li llli in the et it ital lhiin Iie Illll fit continent Since May nearly 23 iii ltll tllilmtj llllliilllll 1i Silt UM Illl llltllllitiii I3 it lIl iii73 IIIII ltllilts incliidiiii almost Zoo wrsiul Inrm vIte lllmitlllll hit 11 ii the stated sale til iil llII IA llrlw 1175f if oile iiaie been shipped abroad Willa ltllitlmlmi it IiiIitiI by liyron JiIIIIIIwIII Il liilly Limmlmsi ihil Jll illid will and TIMI articles of boys and girls lile Is one it coupe Iition and ATTENTION FARMERS WI ARE PAYING TillI llItllllCRl llllIVAlIJNC PRICES FOR DEAD OR Hlllllill FARM ANIMALS HORSES CATTLE HOCS Telephone Collect for Immediate Service GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE 3617 Dominion Stores Volume Still at Record Level iiiil econoriiieal fall Ilyltliltll ttxpiiliii lll tin III Id In the twsi III lt1 IIIIIIIIIAA LHE ItllJII Military Cemetery at llltct little Dutch girls laying flowers on one of the graves 11 HI Isie moo Imadiziits who gave their lives in Europe 3414 bl Irr It Illi In lt Elwin lttil 12 ii of maxi 52 ii lb vi ti cvi IIi Lian tii lwvft in Ni ii iiit liUJJ 1Il Hit tried in this cemetry GIOFCFUl Letters from i0verseos Voice Thanks had for Ill yours hi ltll liIIl Hill had lll Ititi Jt2i the ltIIiI liill Wesley UllllitllIl ii papei it lxIiicardIiie iit Wally Ito2 Ibio thei of Dr Bob floss and All lcrkiiisi jilllllti Ihe Mounted Police of which loiii Boys ibiotb ll of Judge lloysi was also Intiii her and qualities Iii this list oe ca he wrote what was iiieon iiied as the NW national ionc copy of which hate in my scrap blinks hailie Pearson whose father was foreman III The Advance when fit was owned by Crew lloin Crews fatherl vasforeniun of the EMIEL VANDEWYNGAERDE im very satisfied with the ttstllts olitiincti on my tolizuto using lilcnn lllni lood says mitl VIIitlcivyiiizucnlc ioiiitto grower of RR No Ayl lcr HIJIIU expect to ll liltllll IyIin IiLivl you Mr Vandewyngaerde used Swifts lileiiirbecatse he knows that the choice of agood plant food is just about as important to raising protabletobacco as the choiceofgood land Swift Bleni is scieiiticplifnm development prepared in Canada by Swift experts to help grow more prot ahle tobacco crops inCanadian soil Now is the best tinge to see your Sw ft Plant Food Dealer about your years supply of SWifts Elem in 1mm mlllllllWWIM MI4 if WIFJ ANADIAN ED PNT Foo 905 39 Ne Tor loom BLENN GETS RESULTS rsnvs Jack Patterson Caldwelli in Chicago Walter Naslil his measmanager foriToronto Type bie Chicago News when wolkil on that anti the other papers theri during the Worlds liaerm tljtill but never knew his identity until he wrote me oeriing to help me with my sketches of former times in Barrie in Tlichxaniiner though how he located the is still niys tcry But it was probably through pliical Union paper He said he and his father used to get three meals 2i day at the Clarkson House at daily cost of 25c each was about ten years ago at Los Angclcs wlieile he was living rei illltd on his Typo Union pension thc same as myscli Among the many other fellow apprcnticcs have met or worked with at various points in my ramb lings were Jack McIntyre and stepson of Sam wife was Annie Vickers ol Barrielain Portland 011 Ed Crew in Rochester NY Jack ltic her his father was an Anglican tcr at Shanty Bayi in Nw Or ilcans and later at Nelsvn BIL lBuck Fullerton in Rich 0nd Va land Calgary Jerry foore father was Old Dogciies who was Barrics originalcoal oil lamp lighter before the town had either gas or electricity in Honolulu Bcrt King and Tom Crew in Vati couver lerc Watson in Victoria Iack Mallo in Toronto and De itroit Nlik Barry in Toronto and Boston ob CrosSland in Edmon ton lErnie ing in New York Cityand Calgary where was reading proof Foundry in Alberta and Saskatche wan and Alex McNeiltwhile he was General Manager or Managing Editor of The Daily Gazette in Montreal and later when on business trip to Victoria as Presi dent and General Manager 01 the Central Press Among the other former apprentices met were John Thompson piooticader on The Empire Fred Nash proofreadcr on The Globe Alex Harper Hcrb Penstone and Herb Mick all of whom1think spent their whole MA Is CRAY COACH Iiiyi my 95 Ilium357ao tsubneuo chance gt II 1th it Loan Tux inciunrp alias TIIIIIIIIIII RITIMES Youfiiluminous ZBYILBUSigii SYDNEY Ef$659o NONE 316 Ltltt 1191 rcspondcnricin ouilypiigii The last time met him er Nicholson in Winnipeg the same name fortheir respective IIIhIiI Itehscl had by Branches of Branches were Ilii iii the making of supplies for utpost Hospitals whiny Branches Vitlllli work be at Division headrpiaitets in loi Into It is very encouraging said Mrs tolenian to know that ttir women of this province are still willing to make tip materials to be sent abroad The establishment of Loan Cup boards continues to be oncrof the major 77 activities of Branches in Ontario declared Miss the meeting of the Executive Coni mittec Ontario Divisit it Red Cross Friday November The chair man of theNursjn SQlleDLtlcjllsfl revealed that thy Outpost Hospi illS had this summer provided field experience forIoronto University Ipiiblie health nursing students as xvcil as hospital experience for students from McMastcr Univer sity Czechoslovakian Swedish and Swiss nurses in America on Red Ottipfh experience as well Ni etcen Branches now operate ted Cross Visiting Homemaker Iiaivson chairman of Nutrition Red Cross nutritionists assist in the lliliHlIS and have given classes as part of the Red Cross Public health program at outposts CI Number of patients in DVA cen itres interested in Red Cross Arts and Crafts is on the increase Mrs McKenzie reporting hisi for the Branch Program Commit tee noted that new branches were to be organized in several centres 14 regional meetings had been held Miss Holmestcd reporting for Cali iidian Red Cross Corps told of work by members in many Centres at hospitals sanatoriums in Loan ICiipbeards vvithHOmemakers and in transporting veterans to games and other events There is scarce 1y any Red Cross project in which Corps girls are not actively en lifc in Toronto And it wouldnt be right to con clude this sketch without referring to former Barrieites who later on occupied less important naturally and of course positions as mere editorsand managers of newspap Icrs in the cities They include Wm Thompson editor of The Tor onto Globe Jack Ewan brother of Ewan Ottawa Press representative foi the same paper Will Findlay its General Manager George Scroggie GeneralManager and Faith FontonzilVss Freema mewwfzrther owned store at Elizabeth and John Streets Wom ans Editor of The Toronto Mail Lou Kribbs the very brilliant writ cr on The Toronto Nevis Byron Nicholson who became prominT cnt Dominion Government lumber olIicialipQdebe dlbotTorran freclancejwriter in Southwest cini0ntario iteWSpapers Harry Scott and Tom IBoigverman succeed ingFinancialEditors of The Globe and strangely enough the three last named all had Barriegirls of Twives Mary Plaxton her sister Carrie daughter of George Plax ton of theSheriffs officeand also former Barrie Fire Brigade Chief and theirzicousm Bertha Plaxton daughter of John Flax ton alDunlop Street plumbing and tinsmith rm And still some of my present Barrie friends have recently asked me why dont Itake trip some time to sort of break the monotony of life Well have nally dis covered that enough is plenty and then some ya FRED GB 45 Worsley St Barrie Ont October 18 1948 EARLY PLA ETARIUM In thelatter hal of the 16th cen tury the astronomer Huy gens and Danish astronomer res tliesqlat system BARRIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO liltie etc which had been tliItIIios quota of ltll layetlcm been practically all acccpteo An increasing niim interested rooms are assisting in all branches of work by using cutting SOIVlCt fioss scholarships had shared in service according to Mrs Earl dental survey in school lunch pro Rwrbuilt aplanetarium to rape CANADA Iloltcn in Holland and sliows Canadian Army Photo iBoy Meets GirlTopic iLittle Lake Farm Forum illingness fai in to interest licrsclf inanagerneiit and linaiicial problems llu re must be an aide IIIIiiite social life in the rural con munity and greater mutual iindlt Iistaiiding bctween city and coun tiy people The need for training for mar riage and parenthood is not greater among farm young people than Jillltlllif other groups The parents on the farm can by Ixzivfnplc teach lilltll children trite sense of vai ties that they may be proud of their lbnckground secure in the know ledge that faiiiiing as way of life lS second to none Some suggestions were set forth to improve and vary our programs jattendcd recently in Ohio The hbrought the evening to close mmsmmt in Hazards of Walking at Your Peak to Older Folk Specially it on if vtch your step dining lilt next two month According to the lkpaitnicnl of Highways November and her are danger months for oi peIJI strians killed in Iiiotui ilLClLanle hilt gt If these 33 fatal accidents two thirds happened alter dark nlUH than 30 pIr cent involved 1in ualking crossing between intri sections against the traffic signal or stepping out from behind parked iiehitlel and of the It inaintici eight of the older pedes irki ltlt fatally Injured when crossing rural highways The Weather light and road cun ilitiiais which contribute to the peak accident totals in November and December make increased cine in llllll3 and walking of utmo inipiiitunce Since however It the pedestrian who comes oil Sec ond best in km cncoiintir with motor vehicle he should be prw lliltl to go more than half way to avoid such an encounter Even ilien driving carefully and at speed wholly consistent with pre vailiiig conditions driver requires an appreciable amount of time and tspace to bring his vchiclc to II slop There is also the fact that xvliilotlic pedestrian may sec an ap proaching vehicle the driver may be unable under certain conditions Ito seigtlie pedestrian especially if latter is Wearing darkclothes listing in mind these driver liaii idicIps and the special hazards of the Full and winter season motor ists must drive at reduced speeds and llll extra care loofTsct the added dangers lhc pedestrian must assume large share of tlic lresponsibilitv for his own safety ill ii is necessary to walk on the Ihigliway where there is no side Wlllli he should walk on the left Iliurid side facing traflic At night he should wear or carry something while so he can be more readily seen In cities and builtin areas he should cross streets at intersec tions not betwgcn blocks and he should be especially careful to walking out from behind parked vehicles Safety is every bodys business avoid Many New Features At Royal Winter Fair November l6 to 24 Revised lUlOS and upward rcvis ion in various prize lists are fea Mr Cumming gave brief glimpse titre of interest to all exhibitors at Red Cros into forum meeting which he had the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair iNov 1624 Officials say that from magma Emmy Speaking at soCIal hour with games and lunch the public viewpoint the Royal will be of interest to everyone flat Tlienext mccing will be held at statement that embraces variety the home of Mr and Mrs Reg suitor OMHA FORUM PLANNED AT MIDLAND NOV 12 Christie secretary of the Ontario Minor Hockey Association lintorms local representatives that the Association is holding series IotI public meetings in several pla ccs throughout Ontario to be iknown as the OMIIA Forum for Referees If any suggestions for betterment of minor hockey come to mind the citizen is urged to attend the meet ig nearest his centre The date and place for gathering in the Georgian Bay eDistrict is Midland Friday November 12 at pm in the Georgian Hotel Director will be Alex MacIntosh of Midland and assistant chairman Dubcau Penetang lll8ll5lloiwel stagcd for years the Federated Junior Rally iHeld at Elmvale Nov Chairman Lloyd Fletcher Stewart Pagcol Barrie and Rev George Morrison ol Wycvale iled discussion on what shouldle program of the North Simcoe Fed erated Juniors at rally of direc tors arid leaders in the Elmvalc Parish Hall on Tuesday evening November About 35 directors and leaders Were present at the rally Chair man was president Lloyd Fletcher iors was held under the leadership of Allan Brown Ruth Shaver new home economist for the county ex plained the newxllomcmaker Club prOgram to the meeting Itis ex pected that good number of discussion on projects ordain of preferences from Pcrcherons to usacook to horse ing to cows stage shows or even the private intimate lives of goldlish on the program Many special attractions have been added to the 1948 Royal The Royal Theatre where cooking clem onstrations and lms will be put on live broadcasts of CBC and CIIIVIL new Pavillion with Dom inion Provincial and Dutch Gov ernment exhibits of general inter est and of special interest to the ladies fullscale fashion show sponsored by the International Wool Secretariat The horse show promises to be the most thrilling and colorful In addition to international military teams jumping competitions featuring Mexico the 1948 Olympic champ ions France and Canada the Royal Canadian Mounted Police will pre sent their first postwar musical ride in Canada The RCMP ride is now on tour in the UScomplet ing circuit of the OiegonvPenn sylvzinia and New York National Horse Shows All are included Training School on Nov 11 and 12 recreation hour followed under the direction of Louise Colley County recreation director assisted 0N New Enlarged premise at the Same AA llkLtZI the 57 pedestrian during those months last year almost per cent iveie over 65 years off iiisIIRiiNcr THURSDAY NOVEMBER 1948 ml on Guaranteed Trust Certicates lSSllil for are amount for term of live years and interest find li holder option nay coiiipoutul in IKILIIS itiltl An ideal inviztiiieni for individuals guaranteed both in to principal llll ret liripit lllfuittl l0 gt on iii side or iii holders be tlilllyld ti Iiutiiuiatc at ltrtrl Coul iorlzeii by law for crmewry boards executors and other trustees THE STERIING TRUSTS CORPO RATION Head Cice Toronto Barrie Office Dunlop Street 37 your in Butinul HARVEY Iiltllz mm MORTGAGE iNsuRiiNcE HOME is where your heart is 23 Next in loving his wife and children the average man is in love with his home Xhllis spare time is devoted to making it more iivable lie is forever busy with hammer and saw screwdriver and pliers paint brush orgarden spade determined toeonvert the house into ll home 23gt Most men assume mortgage when they move their families into homes TIIC mortgage is often source of worry too licausc they fear what may happen if it DOCIlllCH necessary for tho Iiioitgiigcc to foreclose at sortie future date 53gt That is the reason why mortgage life insurance is becoming increasingly popular For about additional Fort om CUSTqu IE iliklicnt loLtivciity or more interest depending Iipoii age of the lllillltilltl it is pos sible lofseeiiie policy which will my oil the iiioilgzige in event of the lltllllttllltl death thus hulking sine lllill the handy will ltl able to continue to call the house home with only loves to pay and lltllllllll wear and tear to finance Plans are available for both types of iiioitgugcs If you are paying for your home on the llIIltllilZl basis fixed amount monthly just years there is plan which gears in with the outstanding amount of principal at the end of IIlll year Xi Or if your house has one of the older styles of mort gages where you pay interest plus ll fixed amount on account of principal each year there Is yearlyrelluring plan to keep pace with it May we tell you more about the cost of mortgage policy for your own case WTJ AFHARVEY Branch Manager Wilson Bldg BARBIE COMP srRRNc CANADIAN COMPANY 33 oops WIllSETId icaderstothc vvmoa wonirs norm Ornamental Iron lRailing Fireplace Fender Or Ornamental Iron 80 gt We will be glad to give youa Free Estimate SALESSERVICIT on jWISCO STN Air fooled admits and machinevICo 17 Mulcaster Sti Phone 3744 Barrie PORTABLE WELDING ABC and ACET swan FOR sat Work ofrany consult arctic tumours THE jILSON BLDG BAitqu scum Loomion made thidiejrencie airsizomoo1i firisiusunisn Ar Iuo3exrndcosr WWW Rim Autumn lowirtlitn Grumman remit about Marnilower Nb binlitiiioieciiilty terms to suit you Big enough for rxrgrirucr 50th for Ix riiiiiiicrg El