THURSDAY NOVEMBER Illl8 The annual staff drnatr of Dani lgtrritid ulutcis igt recently lit 1d Phlm fr13 WWI lid the vtcnlllg pinup born eruoyrible and promulic Ming Wh DdhLHdi welcoltiedccttilc and opened hrf remarks mentioning that reg Ullmwhllm mwmm hm Im ml 1UIW3 and proved very beneficial and he attended to ltlltiy Ila pro tailwind is losing its force said Emu Sales volume is becoming more and Mr Ilangerfreld Our bank man In hi5 HEMRE my Danumviq innit immnmbllc deal more important Mr Dangereld said he felt sure ager advises us to watchour cred its as people arenow spending lATABLE setting worthy of Novembers specialoccasion dinners Calls for the traditional elegance of an Irish linen damask tablecloth your ii TWINE Him ml Lilly in Hummiu that if the same spirit of coopera tidn and frrrndlincss pltVZIIlS more caretully and at the same time are harder to collect debts best silver and crystal including beverage glass for apple cider and centerpiece suggestive of autumns abundant harvest PAGE FOUR BWIE mm BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA GM Conference Held At Community House tlztlord of Toronto Sul lt11iSlalillic at General ror the Central Oritutrul Zone spoke to the quarterly meet1 in or Gentrat Motors StIlec rnan igcrs on Iriursday October 21 in the Community House Service rrrriagurs present from zone ch the areal Aurora in the south to Hunt in the north and tlcll Sound west to Buliic in the cast bcrtd about 233 metting to Zlt General Motors Trucking Sales School wast irlcl on Monday and Ttlrstllll Oc l1ll arid 30 ill the onurrun llorrw tlztlord Carpenter lllgt representative for trucks for llll central zone was present and addressed group of about Gen tlizl Motors icprcseritatvcs La olQ Dangerfield Motors Holdg Annual Staff Dinner November Festivities Star Irish Linen ikt nltilrir on Ar Womans Vtcwpolnt on lhlx and That Cti prisewinning baby my living The li women of the town of Marilyn Cuvm if lr irvzziian Szrc Vlirly is the daughter of li 11 Mrs William trrt Marilyn is not yet jrri ti frzsi lie 11 rrd VtitilitI organr rtn 1n Vicelrcs or the Ford Motor tar Company of Canada who said in referring to the automotive busi ness that it was time for us to look forward and take stock of ourselves we are to cross the bridges of the near future Sales and prices are at the peak and are now beginning to level off and in the Motor Car bunicss we have been enjoying driving tailwind which has been in our favor Otir er business too is enjoying this accelerated Eailwind But do not be fooled it Cannot last forever and rt is gradually declining and tlicrclure wt llltlStlht stock of ourselves in the illilllltlllht busi ntss and prepare to give more and lltllt service for the custoriiers dollar For number of years now our service departments have been turning work away but next year it is very probablothat we will begin to look for more work to keep our shops busy 1f we are to iriaintairi our Scrvicc volume to near the present accclcrated corn ilition Vt must prepare now to hang on to it Take stock of your sclvcs each air lA every man and sell yotiisltlvcsrs well as your tlll to audit customer and friend New businesses each day are try ing to give more for the dollar and we who are well established must follow suit if we are to con tinue operating at profit Credits too are sign that the TRINITY CHURCH OBSERVES 113TH ANNIVERSARY will build iriy church and the prize or lllr hr Fall Fair prcniier attain lilOkSlth Friday liltilrl teied tlic llllllthr contest and prire in take tht Marilyn drr swd ttlSllllll round In in papcl and ribbons itiitl Hf ltvir held The Earning Road lrgvnx lfrv Lt Zr rlrrgt is farts president in 11lllirt xlzs llalturr Whitt rctvprtszrlrru polllIttl MD he III the Slslztl ii Amour lsrrcccss of tire day tlc tlrs riltl Olinl M13 liiilltll i1rs Ileilrur ourm Wctio Eloy iratil wrorr Atniliary Llit 1h 1mm Min 11 15 among the stall we can look for from When this happens it is ward to greater arcoriptislimeirts in the years rllcad In closing Mr Dangerfield thank ed all for attending and then tjzillcd on Osborne larts brill Service Representative of Chrysler Corp who gave an excellent talk on service Work After several items had been dis cussegl the meeting came to close at lr of It Farrell and the treasurer Mrs Lothiari were mainly respon srblt for the success of the morn ing fairly good crowd attend ed and about $115 was raised for rhi funds of the society What was left over of the better clothing was sent to iluropc through the Jesuit MM Father of Toronto Mrs lZ=l llrllr It lil lituipcl lllll ht sign that money is not as free as it was after the War and the years succeeding definitely good sign is the fact that large credit comp anies are issuing only 50 of the amount of credit they have given in the past In our case during the last year we have increased our Stall and if we are to keep all our inert busy iii the future so they can maintain their employment we must prepare to cross the bridges by putting them in condition for our crossing When the doors of our business open each day we have to make money and to do so we must give service and be on time each morning to be ready and greet each customer with smile ii ax latitw llir lilrl Scrutorr tiic thogtc icsporrsrblr for There was good trirriout of Al laiirirrlc people for the sale of bak ing and afternoon tea held at the Irainrrrcns llall Thursday after noon Oct 28 by the Ladies Aux iliary to the llrollicrhoml of Rail way lrainrrrcn The committee in charge includ rrl Mrs Dick Roe Mrs Earl llurrter Mrs Bates Mrs Vcr non lalmcr Mrs llarold Tomp kins Mrs Arthur Daiglc Mrs Walter Sriiitlr and Mrs Alfred lil grim president of the Auxiliary llio bake table was under the cow trlrgtlllp of Mrs 11 Tornlinson Mrs Charles Ihoririgton and Mrs gilccd ttcztlritlii thou who litlp hump Mme Mme pilgrim llanviliimv lij bllli and Mrs Aubrey Iloopcr received ltdV ltlltul Ill lallthl flfrtlrc guests and Mrs Mary Miller lftPUELj UlvSka potlrtd Mrs lhorington and Mrs lladucn verr in charge of the so mr cial evening which followed The members of the Auxiliary feel very pleased with the success of their annual moneyraiser lttrrrl Still xta rutiru funds Is tin rtu at and Mrs tlvr gti le AGENTS FOR The 31 Hub of Burton Avenue ilrrrtxri 1rzrrl was one of two gchtirclr orgzarrrxarrou holding llllll inran es in Allarrdrrlt or Satur day rlirriltlllzi lrs trllrarpg Fure rrl of rccvprcsrdtnt the club ltl clrarir of tlrr 111 iii Irs liclrcy prrsr Wsz Albopp lr lid zrard Hogan Iltgtgtlt Spearri lr Winston 1ilrs larr tlcrn 0790 MUNRO TWEEDS YARNS WOOLLENS SWEATERS and KNITTING SUPPLIES l7 Hayfield St Remember that each man includ ing the delivery boy must be salesman With operating expenses increasing every day our customer YOU WOMEN WHO SUIFER wag Heres 600d NeWS sale URRY BROS 36 Baylleld St Phone 38 nil armada ding cake Mrs Wes Cochrane and Mrs Stewart Cochrane poured tea in the aftcrnobn Mrs Sriglcy and Mrs Chas ampbell poured tea at the evening weeps tion Mr and Mrs Brown rf rvrs Steve Rawn is in lororrtc Toronto were up for the vcckcnd im my days to see her son who and attended in and Mrs corirer in Sunmbrunk Hospital rancs reception rlrorrr the Ilollyl 311113 iliilggnjllllnmuwMthll it concslmmmm Mrs Vilmot Hiitz Yollirigwood Mrs Morris Cochranc and 110er The ceremony of infant bdpllslllluf My we Sunday with hm W88 Cmllltlttd RC1 Ernestparents Mr and Mrs Steve Ilawn Lewrs of Collier St United Church Mr Mum and Dora at the morning service on Sunday Town Sim 0W mo weekend ocnibcr The ladies of St Marys did Housing good business in the Odd fcllows lctrrplc on Saturday The Just South orncrs Hours 21 rum 530 pm Well 930 to 1200 noon MAGICS isalc was under the rirarirrgcniLnt lot the tXLttllHc of the Altar So Iciety of St Marys Church and Jthe president Mrs Brennan the first vicepresident Mrs ORANGE MARMALADE BISCUITS cups sifted flour tspn salt thspns shortening egg 13 cup milk 41 cup orange marmalade tspnN Magic Baking Pointer Sift dry ingredients together Cut in shor enlng until mixed lieat egg slightlyi measuring cumudd milk and marmalade to make 34 Cup and add to first mixture Roll out about lzlnch thick cut wit floured biscuit cut lop each with little marmalade bake in hot ovcn Fl1 about 15 minutes Makes 16 THERES ONLY ONE MADE IN CANADA LOOK lward Ineson Mrs Seymour land Mrs Gray president of iIlhe 150k ololovelyvwogianl iUnerring bdsists6fco In spite of hockey games and other worthy competition 41 cori ples attended the dance held un der the auspices of the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority Friday evening Oct 29 at Club 79 Dress was optional and the cv cniirg fcaturcd several novelty dances Roses were sold during the evening by Bette Kidd Mar jorie Harris and Beatrice McQuay Airiia Piggott Beth Norris and Jean Campbell took tickets at the door The Clubs fivepiece or chestra played for dancing Mrs William LaPlante convener of tickets for the dance and Maisie Barkcy president of the sorority should be given much of the credit for the success of the evening Ti sorority is endeavoring to furnish wartFTrTr the hospital and the success of Friday evenings dance should go good way to wards this large number of townspeople patronized theHalloween tea held by the Trinity Church Junior Guild in the Parish Hall on Friday af ternoon Oct 29 The ten ifeatured white ele phant table and sale of work The program committee which was responsiblefor the colorful decorations was under Mrs Ed the Guild Heading up the social committee were Mrs Edith Moran Mrs Donaldson president of the WA Mrs Lloyd presi dent of the Parish Aid Mrs Vance president of the evening branch of the WAand Mrs Cross wife of the rector Mrs Amy Vair was in Icharge of the kitchen The whole affair was considered highly successful Miss Livingstone donated the beautiful floral decorations This was the third annual tea of this kind The employees of Zelleis held Howeenmasquerade party the Sign of the Elk in Guthrie on Tuesda evening October 26 About 35 couples were present The room was beautifully decorated by committee composed of Lois Lam bert Marg McKay and Donnie MacdonneRLLchers who helped make the party success were Marion McMulkin Grace Harris and Marion Robson The evening featured games dancing and re freshments Prizes were awarded for the best costumes and the most unusual costumes First prize for the best costume went to Lois Lam bert who came as Bo Peep Dag rGrose wonfirst prize for the most unusual costume She and her icscort came as horsef Despite endless talk and writing about vitamins and calories their inner meaning is sealed book to most of UnitedStates housewives according to the Department of Tits vrmmiw urse Agriculture survey on this sub jetfwas Aheld athichrmond Va when itwas found thatjhalf of those interviewed knwf littlelor nothing about nutrition Threeout of everyfour were interested in learning more about the subject but the report Says only about four per cent had an adequate knowledge Tribble Assrstmgwrththepro Oct3l with her parents Mr and Mrs The children baptized were Rob Steve Rawri ert William sort of Mr and Mrs Ben Flook RR Douglas Roy son of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Johns 38 Owcn St Dciryl Anne daughter of ll and Mrs Bruce Johnston 192 Dunlop St Court browss Albert Maddcii Mr and Mrs 93 Am and 111315 RUSSL Al Stewart Madden and Mrs Howard drew twin daughter Mrs Angus McNabb 61 Ross St and the late Captain Angus McNabb John Richard son of Mr imd 50 0f of Rivers Man visited at Mad dens last Week The community fowl supper which was to be held in Clowns and Mrs John Ouglr 27 Rrissll1lll NOV lb l0gttl00d St Howard Lloyd sort of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Bl Smith 114 Blake St Brenda Louise daughter of Mrand Mrs Noel Stephensonu 188 Dunlop St William Edward Morrow son of Mr and Mrs Allan Florence St and Kathleen Isabel daughter of Reg inald Whitty and the late Mrs Whitty tnee Isabel All wardi great deal of entertaining was done for Lillian Kearns prior to her departure for Toronto where the Barrie branch of the Manufactur ers Life Insurance Company have taken up new quarters on North YongeStreet The bridge clrib of which Lillian was member the Harmony Club and the Soroptimists entertained and had presentations for her Norine Rowclifle gave an evening party at which several of her friends presented her with gifts Several friends gathered to wish Mr and Mrs Curtain bon voyage at shower on Wednesday even ing October 27 in the home of Mr and Mrs Chaterlys of Anne Street Mr and Mrs Curtain who are sailing for England on Novcm7 her received many beautiful gifts7Mr Curtain spent six years in the front lines during the war His parents reside in Elmvale HallowenParty was held at the King George School last Fri day evening when nearly 100 child ren and their parents gathered for thejnnual night of fun andganms Kenneth Robinson recreational counsellor demurer dressed as little girl Executive members of the EBLEnddmLaDLSchoolAss ation who convened the event were also incostumeMrs Cecil Mc Keown Ian Welsman George Hol loway Mrs George Coles Gus Vjau Hamp Fralick and Mrs Wheeler The chairman of the Hal loween committee ElliottRey nolds was absent on more ini portant mission He celebrated Halloween at the Royal Victoria Hospital where Mrs Reynolds gave birth to baby girl At the school there swass 7music and games in which children and adults joined together parade was held and prizes were awarded to the follow ing Michael Redmond costumed as an angel and1ittleCaro1 Tuck as Gypsy Candyand refreshments were served to all There wjll be no service in Guth rie Presbyterian Church on Sun services atCentirl Church anniversary awskelet0n Barbarayollowayifas this Week 13 rintil Friday Nov Mr and Mrs Dicker and Ken accompanied by Mrs Dicker and Mrs Hayes of Ed gar visited friends at Cannington recently CENTRAL ORO Several from hch attended the services at Guthrie Unitcd Church NIYIIS Robt Paisley spcnt Vaifcyv days last week with her cousin Mrs Hutchinson in Orrllia The many friends of Miss Carol Reid are pleased to hear that she was able to return home after be ing patient in the Orillia Hospi tal We are pleased to hear that Mrs Hugh Hutchinson is doinglniccly after her operation At present she is spending few days at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs McArthur The ftyninth anniversary of Central Presbyterian Church will be held SundayNovember Ser vices will be conducted by Mr Mathews formerlydn charge of Esson and Willis churches at 11 am and 730 pm BEETON 21 Mr and Mrs Don Palmer spcnt Friday in Toronto Mrs Armstrong of Toronto is the guest of her mother Miss Betty McDonald spent the eekerrd Withherparents Mrs Kearns of Waterdown is visiting her parents this week ee your man eeton United Church turkey supper Nov 10 Mr and Mrs lgate of Tor onto are visiting eeton friends Mr and Mrs Kttle were in Toronto attending the funeral of Mr Morgan gates of hell shall not New against it was the Itbil 0f R9 Cross on the occasion of the 113th anniversary of liill Anr glrcari Church Barrie last Sillldyt The morning survice vaSCltI1 ducted by the rector and the nth istcr at the cvening service was Rev Northcotc Burke of Christ Church Deer Park Toronto In the morning Rev Mr Cross referred to the 113 years of Trin ity Church and said it was long time in young country like Can ada He pictured the settlers travelling north from Muddy York over the corduroy road to Hol land Landing and then taking boat to Kcmpenfcldt Bay Referring to thchistory of Sim coeCounty Mr Cross spoke of the little old mud church at Shanty Bay the frame church at Pena tang and the first church for es caped Negro slaves in Oio Town ship He spoke of Barrie as being hubbf tradeAand he added Doxvrr through the years our community has continued to make progress and today we live in one of the most beautiful parts of this court trv Rev Mr Cross spoke particular ly of the history of Trinity Church as noted in the church records He recalled plague in 1869 that wiped out entire families The rector asked What does the present generation think of the church their forefathers built He said there were three groups Some were definitely antagonistic Others are indifferent Thank God there are the friends of the church In his anniversary message Mr Cross emphasized the cost of build ing the Christian Church andadd ed Let us hearten ourselves with the knowledge that we are not losingthe battle The music was provided by the choir under the direction of Mrs Roberts and the girls choir sang TheLords My Shepherd Rib Mr and Mrs Palmer were the guests of Mr and Mrs on Thursday Rev Mr McTavish of Bradford will preach in the United Church on Sunday at 11 arm The Evening Auxiliary omeee Spencer ton1lnited Charch has bought mimeograph or dupliator to be used in printing programs and bulletins for the church This or ganization has done wonderful yyork forthe church and commun st day Nov owing to anniversary wiriuirrrirm CAMERON ELLIS GIBSON sym toms Its famous for this Are you between the ages of38 and 52 and going through that tryin functional middlenge period peculiar to women Does this make you suffer from hot flashes feel ammy so nervous irritable weak hen no try Lydin Pinklinms VegetableCompound to relieve such It helps nature you know what we mean This great medicine also has what Docitors call stomachic tonic off any wise middleage women take Pinkhamir Compound regu larly to help build up resistance garnet this distress Pinkhams Compound contains 0113 mu we Lynn no opiatesno habitforming dilugs PINKIMMS lmtTS with ldllld iron Lydia Pinkhams VEGETA lE WMPOUND Babysrst solid foods often cause diges VI tive upsets even when they are carefully strained This is because they contain coarse bres and cells which must be penetrated before nourishment can be assimilated Libbys exclusive homogenization iprocessiiImakes Libbys BabyFoods at least ten times finer in texture thanrwfoodswhiclhhaverbeencstrined Ely Only fLibby sBsby1oodsareshomoggnizediTestsJJrovef35l that even sixweekold baby can digest Libbys easily without digestive upsets war hrlhofno booklet Healthful Feeding for Your BabyJusl send your namo and addron lo llbbys Chalhom OM BABYFOODLAQE nonr ASTRAINED and HoMoforserEo BF248R llliliys Evaporated Milk lsllomogenizerl loo The Wohelo Class of Central United Church held sale on Sat urday morning to dispose of What was left over from their previous rummage sale early in October Mrs John Partridge was converter for the sale and Mrs Llew Beaver Mrs Hinton Mrs Russell Jgry and Mrs Jack Garnrasslst The WMS of Guthrie Presbyter ianChurcii will holditheir monthly meetihgron Wednesday Nov 10 at the home ofMrs Norman Av Campbell 100155er ifSERVICES for retatl andwtiolesa1e businesses Income tax forms completed Weekly or Monthly Audits INQUIRIES INVITED 22 Oaks mail 4603 theyvlrole group of Miss Ardensi lomous Essentials to leave your skincleonerulreshersolter Cleanse With Ardent Cleansing Cream 125 to 700 Refresh with SkinLotion 1525 to 975 Or Special Astringent 275 and 475 Smooth with ArdenaVelya Cream 19510 700 range Sldn Cream 125 to 950 or PerlclionCreom and 1250 And like all Miss Ardens preparations you needless to do more Quite number of friends called to pay congratulations and best wishes to Mr and Mrs David CochraneonSunday on the occa sion of theirrh golden vedding atrial versary recep ion was SDBNfs enumer at the home of their son Joseph Phone 3719 For POSTS BRAN FLAKES have avor thats diluent avor that mice healtheating pleasureeating too And POSTS BRAN FLAKBS eaten regularly for breakfast act as or gentle man regulator because bran isnnnwnlbulkfood Other pm of wheat provide added when nourishneat Cochrane The honored couple re ceived many beautiful gifts cards and owers The dining table was cent Vtred With Beautiful storey Wed if