quarter it troutth Wednesday plasotl in ratg Intax tor lllt roll to juiy quartet tntciccptmi Illill it It Itllll to trilat cm and in otlt won hizt In tiotltt Kttnivlcs Jim non and li In Intd boys nit lia scitsott hat lhcy tapptd 31a shtctls in IlltIlt ma rt tlic victory ltlockcd kick llllh they Itilltl tltlls TIMfilo III AGE Craig and Shamans BCI Srs to 132 Victory Spra ltt Ailtt ltltll tilt litattulttlc ll1llt fill that tlicti tics it 111 lntc lilL tiIll by If QQIO altV Have you made any new friends lately Of ourse we always want to keep our tricdandtruc friends Butto make new ones is to discover an important secret of richer more in teresting life Like travel new faces and new personalities help lift us out of our ruts So instead of waiting for new friends to drift into our lives it is good plan to seek them and cultivate them Where will you find them Right in your own town perhaps in your neighbor hood church club or place of work Already you have nodding acquaintance with some people who may later be included in your circle of intimatecompanions Choose from all typesnot just those whose occupations and interests are similar to yours Favour those who are awe WWW fpllfllflii Ifour Touchdowns Scored iBy Cooper and MacDonald Iiktltl 111 21 Im tll lll tlllit intuit Incd itgiilltll ltlfi Illtllllil guilt lltll was lttilt Itll Liv ll ck Syd ll llltitt paw Ims 11 yard IticlitIt itut lit 1hr ltttulltl quarter 1191 vdttc lllltlttpltd iHI to gilat Zovi utttt Itttl Hamilton lII ii titl tortuni ita iitotia ylit Illtlll yazds tttltttl in In EVERYBOIIIS Spittly BUSINESS In With Ic llillll ot tttoc tit litt toll Iltl stallttl ill tttII iaitczson stauwd itzs tittoarlt thc ttllllt oi thc lmc yard run and raw tircd to Don Simmons for yard 111mm zaritctcd lltlitl Front llllllit It ttll Iltll Ittltlt Ll lit rotthcu pcratc attciupt lltli Iroia tltch ozvn tcititoi llaitttlton Who iortnard to Haitir but ltllti ohttitotttitc Vtiol with an intcrccpttott and sail ttl down the gtltltllillgt tor ti yatti touchdown taivz Ll dIop to scott TRAIN IN CANADA irl ilxltti lrorgc Store of the Barrie fjitttititr hts tcry good point Professional hockry trams do lrave very large sum of monry often itt Ameri can currency in the towns in uhivh they train We were plcascd to we the support Mid land tans hztvc given Tulsa litters and St Touts Hych dur iii the past two falls We can spcak for thc officials of the two clubs in saying both the financial and moral support of tllc fans was appreciated Wc would again pom out that till lltt large number of Ill artificial ice artnus cont in irtto operation it may be tttcrtasingtv difficult to obtain trams for fall training Barrie iii the ncar future We feel that Midland fans ant ateam training llttt lit the fall and ilso tch they have taken thc best means of securing same lty tltc support given in the past tTicials of Arena lar dcns Itavc also done all that could hc askcd and have ttot lfcard visiting players or olTicials complain of hotel or otlttr accounnodation iii Viitl land vpcatui totwatds lioucvcr Don Siltttittitis 1i vcry alctt on tho pass dctcncc and knockth ttl hall to lIh sztottnd Iittott any datnauc was tioltc l1lltitlill ttlI llatrtt pcitotintl tuncd Ill whalc ot game smut sltmtl out Itltili than otltcrs For lIlIitltt handyman llrttcc KCII Ulh ot Illtl ItIIUWs which club cannot llllUll ltc saw itctiot It too Itltlgtllltlilli tit thc backticld Illlt ttlltYllH and attcndcd rciut Iar ditty at otttsidc wing Ilc pro duccd inatty sparkling tacklcs and itovcd cllccttvc whtlc cattying lllt Illztctlll to haltint pass was mood for lltc convcrt ilarrtc ccond ltickcd halt bcizin tItc rtlha make yards and ktckcd but littuan math tcrritlc tnnhack as llh 11ttticitclt tlcnsivc Ilnd runs with Bugs Lakinu cart int the mail placcd them on the ortltctncrs 23 raiu lollowcd up with long pass to Simmons who shook otl tlttcc Itacklcts to cros tho Iinctoi major ktckcd tltc convert That was thc scoring for thc tf Ilernoon but 0C1 thrcatcncd many ttitnes itt tltc fourth quartcr Aftcr ILaking had spcd tItc cnds for ltllt rccthtcd llllc pigskin and tcaturcd an acrtttl attack didnt powcr lailcd Ilacan Iaculous romps IIlllll llitll Don Kirby showcd better at in ltlt and itayncr Mctullongtlt roam cd thc lttllia backticld all after noon ilctt Icdchcn played his rst ILtllllt itt scnior company and iincd up at outsidc wing ihc cntirc backfield raccd their Iccs oil in gaining every possible inch on tItc Iltltl IIapan stood ottt on thc lllltljtltli of kicks Laking flashing thc cnd runs Iattcrson in ploughing through tltc linc and Sitttmons on rccciving passcs and playing terrific twoway game Toronto Man to Manage Collingwoods Recreational Centre They marched yard linc where they tried tltrcc Barrics tivc Hear BARRIE on the Air icontmunity centres Of course to make new friends means that you must usually make the rst move But most people appreciate being singled out and quickly respond to friendly overtures And the little effort you make will pay divi dends in happier more suc cessful living Like good friend the mod ern life insurance agent is always ready to offer helpful advice when needed And as result of his services mil lions of Canadians enjoy peace of mind through own ing life insurance From ORILLIA EVERY SUNDAY dircctorand organizer was appetit cd manager of the new articial ice arena anti recreational centre in Collingwood structor in the RCAF and has had wide experience as an organizer in discharge from the RCAF he acted as director of the Kiwanis youth may learn that to their sorrow Mr Cuntmins served four and Ionc half years as an athletic in Following his THE BARRIE Ekhm BARR ILc 12 Ha 111 Cult thin this till llatrt krre atco llltlt1t llow iyc tittntttc lttlc doubt tr plats It lllt Ulill Studcttts and Initial tilts iatrtc gtocd Ilil picname it ports and and rials lltllltlltlf to yitncs tztc ciastt wt tuo undc tcatcti clubs The records wctc on lilt lino mid thc tcart In triumph would hold the upper hand in thc championship match lhc loss to Uttlltzt placcd lIlt1 ltlllll tlt ettillIllttil and Icy must win tht rclutn match or pack up for an Uilnt yxat IItc Itcavtcst pttttor itrtc scqn tot sonic Illtlt tcsponstnic for lItc rcti and white ottttits tlittltlpll liitct times 111 lhc optmm stanza tlity stubbornly lllll tlicn ground Ii11 Orillia vctc parkcd vttltin tltctr tivcyatd hnc in thc third occasion Lloyd Icatsall dcltvcrctl tcrritic tacklc to llll Utl plungtt causing unthlc htclt 11c tctov Iiivll Ittotit lllili on ilarttc ncvcr look cd hack lhcy playcd lll thc ill vadcts zonc tltc tcst of thc Ilfltl lltltilt as they look toiitpltlt tlllliLlI of adults IItctr izrotmd attack was one or thc bcst scin itt aucs for junioi company dnc largely to spcctacu lar work by Itltc front val Boy Iikc lcarsall Mclaod llittotl and Hamilton cotnphtcly out shifted their rivals attd jokingly snickcrcd throughout their massive march Icrry Cockburn tzangly outsidc wing had It Iicld day with his an klldllgll tackles Twicc itt succesj sion when it appcarcd that Orillia could scorc ltc nailcd ball carrictT bchind tltcir own ltnc Diivc drive and drive plus at IE ONTARIO CANADA dart Elliott llt has an arttatiti icknp Alan ttittcs thtotalt shook tztcltlct 1a thc plunging dc waitittcttt lit vcttlc was schll or sltllll littultt tlllitl tnnc tltc afttrnoott llatiny dacllottaldscittats on tons around the Ihttitt 1h was rtsponsthlc for thy danizct tck limit so sttcccssful who Icads his club to lttlat and again yct ottcit in out uhcn tho hand shakes att ntinltlc wohd lllt Johnson Batttca littlc loc is hardly morc than wt tall but is Slllltlt ilttccv 11c knows his llllll split und to cptitu Iatctai tztcliit Itliilt Lttlli passcd around tll1 lcr tot ot 11 club Creemore Resident First Automobile Collingwood 1902 ttll tir to ll whirl til tin fits tiiit II tonsil if itll 119 all The at Itlll and people yczt pct tntazc to talk LIt112 tltc wonders of slittic that re ptitcti ticltv lltlltN mi tict to pull lltv gttif7lililiii 311 tt Eott had ltc ttaoty of ltpli Iitiilil lid litittlgt simply ltvottldnt itcltcvc mtam lilsllit Vial ii llcpps at that ti ts opv ciaiitJ Illtltlllt and porttnp Littotls ltllt at toiltittiod llt trad about this llttlltjt llt nav clinic tI chttclc and Ith man of pioczcsstv tdcas Ilt put tIllirttl out and had lajltvcicd to 111112 In lllliltlaltltltl Ilc told itsif crcatcd bit scn ration at the lttitlsltlc town llow cvcr ll disappointcd Its critics Itc catis it would rcally go That is static titttcs llc told us it balkcd tptttc oilvtt and for sonic peculiar tcason tould invariably stall on cvcry railroad crossing ir llcpps Itrlttlttl this llllllIlll car as follows It was mllcd It lctoy and was madc at Berlin now Kitchinrr ttlttllti It was onccvliudcr contraption painted briuhl rcd it had no stccrmig whccl but was controlch by letlllltlglllIX witctc tItc Itolcs ottcn and the weak spots on UN op posing ll tttixcs apparently tot lllt iorwatd Johnson ituitthtt havnc linc plays is not much swiftly bccotninu onc convcrt ktckcr In thc ttvc attctnpts lhnrsday he only lanncd on onc toopcr bootcd singlc carlicrtn tho antc to makc up for it lwtttlvlc tots lut Ihc lad is lindinu Itllll cll tit thc ltlllilll and tough sport Icd illlltll and Doug Bakcr also cthirts in iarncr sltoucd allout nmplt as did lack synnott till Grant Bill iIlson and lion trosbic ilrucc LeadershipiTiaining Courses In Stayner Creemore Orillia Two attd pcrhaps thrcc leadetw ship training courses itt recreational activities are getting into swinc this Fall itt Simcoc County under the leadership of the director of recreation Louise Collcy Thursdays The first session on party planning featured model Hallowccn party Thc second placed emphasis on singing games End muare dancing Informal dramatics and the ways in which community drama club may he organized creative crafts indoor sports and choral community sing ing under thodirection of Quirt McKinney of Peterboro Normal Talk on Greek Drama By Marion Rickard Bctrrie Drama Club talk by classics Grcck Marion tcachct Illttlllgi of the Barrie Drama Club itt tltc omntunily Iionse on Tucs day night Oct 20 One course is already underway Sclected front to applicants from in tltc Crccmmc Town Hall it many parts of Ontario William began on Thursday October 121 Tummins 33 Toronto recreational and is being held on six SUCCESSch Drama was Rickard the BCI regular IIto work of Aristophanes com cdy playwrightand of Aeschylus IIIttripcdcs atttl Sophocles the thrce rctl tragcdians spccchcs were quoted from Iplays that werc being presented in itcccc 2400 years ago was gtthanked by ers George Cadogan presidem of Ithc Drama Club Following the talk by Miss Rick ard scene from Oedipus Rex by Sophocles Miss Elsie Raikes cited and those 215 The speaker was directed by Those who took tudtlcr lhcrc was no radiator tandthc drivers scat was on top of tltc It Itorscpowcr motor Ac cordingly he was omcttmcs titt comfortably warm it was possiblc to acoitirc spccd of 11 miles pcr ltottr ott ood smooth roadways Thc ltorscs as cll as the majority of thc pcoplc wcrc scarcd stiff of thc machine vltcn it was itt motion and avc it widc berth lhc li ccncc number 470 was painted on solid rubber This Iiccncc plate is now relic III the Iiuron Institute at ollinuwood The cost price of this famous first car was $00000 Mr llopps rclatcd sonic uniquc cxpricntcs Itc Iliad with this car The ncrvtycar aftcr hc got it the latc llarry Trott of Collingwood purchascd ottc for Itimsclf Thc latc Sir Vilfrcd Lauricr was visitor to tho town and Mr Trott took the Prime Minister itt his car on sightsecitur trip around the town Mr TrotIs car stalled on back strcct and Sir Willieds train was due to Icavc iii matterof minutes Ilortunately Mr iiopps who was speeding along at maybe 10 lllllS an hour behind the Irott car arrived at the sccne of the stalled auto attd it was Mr iIopps and manager 01 illOJLiIlClSHY arena At present on the staff in the office of the Collingwood by Nov 13 ORILLIA BOMBERS 200 415pm ENTERTAINMENT LOCAL NEWS MUSIC VARIETY ei450 ON YOUR RADIO DIAL IS priceless feelingto know that your Wife and chil draft will always beprovided for and thetwhen you grove enemyE coining integularly Do you oldyou will sti Iknow how easily youIcari get feelingYourfriendatf Canada Life can tell yoL iWhy notskIhiin to give ybus IItIhe facts about Canada Life contract exactly suited to your needs wlZ cfltl AND YOURS PLAY PETERBOROI IN GROUP FINALS Orillia Silver Bombers of the ORFU Senior division are one game away from group champior ship The rst game of hotne andhome pointstocount series with Peterboro Panthers was play ed last Saturday at Peterboro Orillia won 80 Bombers carry that lead into the second tilt this Saturday inOriIlia If Bombers emerge victorious they meet Cobourg Galloping Ghosts the following weekend in Orillia However the Bombers lost the services of playing coach Bill Me Gill who sustained torn knee liga ments last weeken man with his educatedrtoe will be sadly missed but other thanthat theelub istn goodishape for the for board room and instruction return engagement Oiiltb University errorest Dorset year university undergraduates from the Faculty of Forestry at Prqctieal Courses DORSET Ont SpeciaDOn II tawm the forest fire Ranger Schbol built and operated by the Department of Lands and Forests has beendiscovered by the forest industry Nine employ ees of lumber concerns scattered from one end of the province to the other are now taking courses at thegbiinyhite shool situated on StINoras Lake few miles from this Muskoka municipality Originally tiiegschogl was built to give employees of the depart Iily increased inwaupeiuntil now SERVICE in Barrie Orientals Broadloom Domestic Rugs Perfectly Sham potted in Home Business N0 MUSS Harmless Odortess Dry Same Day SIMCOE RUG 80 Upholstery Cleaners PHONE Batrte Toronto I4761 EL0663 Iment offence to improve their forest education IBecause of wits popularity v1towever it has stead rangers fish and game overseers 001 are onIfhe program for the next four weeks similar course is bcing held at Toronto Works Department he will the Stayner High School beginning testgnI to take over his duties in on Wednesday November and continuing for six successive Wed nesdays People from both towns and sur rounding rural communities in these areas are attending the courses committee met in Orillia with Miss Colley to discuss plans for third cou Three sessions be fore Christmas and three after are contemplated Similar leadership courses on summer recreation were held in Creemore and Orillia in the spring university students and employees of private industry are going back to school Taking the course atprcsent ong with the departmental em ployees are representatives from score of lumber companies and woods companies The company selects the employee which it feels ebenefitedbytevmmrwh courses It is responsible for transportation and anominarsum The employee is required to buy the books and instruments required Wabout $10 Courses differ inf length T111 tendedfrom April 19 107 Guides and outfitters werei oneweek course while forest tativeywent from May 24 to Aug There were short courses for students from the Faculty of Api plied Science and Engineering1en gineers and architects second ing the men from forest industry tfromI Oct 1T0 Dec 18 while third will be held early inthe new year Thprcially prepared tion in fgrestry subjects I00 Darin NEWSPAPERS Canada has nearly 100 daily news have circulation of1 about two and half million Fr nch tang uage about half niilltoriuw In ad ditionv iweihave foutkChinesie ETTTCI two Yiddish dailies evenv CKAGE Too were MISTDay Miss Rhoda Youngi1iss HelenINicholson Mrs John Ransom Miss Mavis Pindar and Miss Raikcs short scene from The Birds by Aristophanes was presented by Robert Boyd LynCoutts and John Ransom This year the members ofthe Drama Club are tracing the history meeting last Tuesday was the first in the series $1000 001m MONEY 10003 00 Your 0w0 SIGNATURE en youhm moneyfborrow from HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Canadas 7oldestandlargestconSunIgtffinanceW organization You may borrow $50 or up to $1000 on your own signa turewithoutendorsers or bankable security Repay monthly 12 18 or even 24 months depending upon 77the repaymentlplan you choose Loans are made to single pets married coupl angers and the ipdustry represens of drama and $100 $200 ons or es date past due bills pay medical expenses repairs seasonal or emergency expenses and for many other purposes Phone or see us for prompt friendly service imsluoga Srrarian Phon 2395 ORILILIA9NI Hour to or byoppotntmanl term opened for rangers includ and Floor syllabus proVides extensive educa Toanx node to residency nearby Iowa SERVINGTME puauc sweeten papers Englishlanguage dailiesi TRANSFERITIM ere QtMKER wnm FLAKIS sune TASTESWELL rout FREE NSFERS HEY SIS see How SNAZZYMY BIKE Loosznu mesa new NIT MY OWN TRANSFERS INITIALS T00 to EMBER 1948 TRURSDAY NO Noumea uranium CZzzixchcarmff MR ANDERSON DISTRICT MANAGER Cor DunlOp and Bayfteld Barrie Ilic Iirst background tan can llau tlctllittr lusi NORWICH IVALLIIIIIIE TAXI Trucking Service LOCAL LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING CLASS 24 HOUR SERVICE 31 All All Ln 41 wovrw routine 31193 1a 2433 or 2212 tutu on your Savings TWO pcrccnt interest checking privilcucs paid chcqucs rcturncd if re quested deposits and vitlulritwttls by mail if dosier prompt service these are some of the ulvuntaucs tillcrcd by our Savings Ilcparttncnt THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Head Office Toronto Barrie Office 13 Dunlap Street 37 years In Busineu car which carried Sir Wilfred to the train TL 171 7948 80 years ofproven integrity and manufacturing expince are behind Penmans Underwear Hosiery and Outerwear which is being produced II today When you purchase Knitted Wear made by Perirns yOu can be sure of qualifyi7vvorkmanshipfsmart design and honest which rest guarantee of present grid futurer satisfaction Canada bassyrged far wIard as manufacturing nation during the past 80 years Gross annual value of manufactured product has jumped from $221617000 id 1868 foam estimated $10000000000 vaetimans past record is your su ll 8thle ironsiii MY BIKE urritwr 1L tinelie ua WHEATfFtAKES iwum iqu THE ENERGY or Titose Rios QUAKER EAT FLAKES MUST Gooo FOR THEM QUAKE Gait tTLOOKS snarl IH0w Aeour HELPING me PUT QUAKER WHEAT Mites TRANSFER ON of