THURSDAYOCIOBER 1913 BOND Hello BEFORE WINTER COMES 111w your liestirfhlils and Occasion11 hliirs 111paired yI llcwwrctl Stratford lpholsteriug CoI For Free Pickup And Delivery Coll Lowe Son Phone 43155 Free Estimates c1111 of 11111141 Labia111 11 1111 C11111=1111111111 are rug111th to 1111111 111111 mus in by Tut111y 11111 SH IVI II IIII 11 311111111 11111 1111 111 gill11 11 1111 1111 1111 lluv illusion Ilrx 1111 11311 ittillllll 1111 11111111 l1p11111 Haleration Miscellaneous Shower Hill Utill iirl inch 11 111111 111 1111 111 11 5111 1lc 1111 c1114 111111 11111 SIABUSHED 111 1111111111 11111 151 311 1319 inllui 111111 1111 111111111 111 11111 11 Vin 1v 11131111 111111121 1111111 l1ii 1511 Ivilmm 11 Emmi Eli 14M Wk Ml Mm II humid 1101111121111 1111 111111 11111111111 II 1111i 11111 11111111111 1111 11111 11 11 1liiiii1 11111 111111 11 11111111111 11 111 11111111 tl1 1111 11 c1111 1111111 11111 1111 11111411111 l11 lgt 111v 111 11411 will Worth 111 111111111111 lrIi1 wa 111111111111 1111 l111 111 lullllltti to collect lol each 11111 111111 Village 11115 Silliili 1111 1111111111 111 1111 111111ntio1 111 iii1111111111 1111 11111111111 2JlliilIIIillllli iIlIrIIillHi 1111111I 11 111 11 111111 lI qun Rudduk Idde Imwm IIIHIII III IIIIIIII Haw Mnk Imd ImhI INF IIIIIIIIIII 11 111111 11111111111115 111111111111 1111 Prev THREE lilNSltHKS 11111 11111 1111 11 11 11 1i 11 11 11 1514 411111112111111t11111111111 111111 1111 11111 12111111 tliialcll 11 11111111 111 Sept 11111111 1111 111w 11 11 I111 hipililxhul v1mlutilgls humility 1t 111 1111111111111 llliiil 11111111 ml It 1IIHIH II f1I 191 111111 11111 11Ili1 Iiiiil gt111iiil=1i1111111111111111131aiiax 11 11 um i1111=11i1111111111e 111 1111 1111 11 111 11 11 111111111111 1111 11111 11111111 11 111111=11l 111 141le 11giJihihhiUiILL ilil RR L1 lHt 11111 11111111 11 111 11 1111111 111 11111 11 11111 1111111 11 11111 111X11 1111 11111 1I1 II and1H1MHIVHIHHIHIw mIIIIIII II III mIIImIMI IIIIIIMIII IIIIII II II I1 511111 1111 gt11 11 l11 111111 111 1111 11 11 11 1111 11lt is 11111 111111 blown1 11111 1123 111111111 111111 111 111111111111 11 II II 11111111111111 511111111 gt111c 111 511II111111 I1I11 In1 IJ ll lull ll mlmll II HIIIII II 31 IIII IIIIIIIII III IIIIII HI III I1 IIIIIIIIHI II III1 IiIIIII IIIIII IIII III IIIHIUII IIIM IM IIIIIIIIIII III II III III mi II 11 II pimpln MI L11 IN J1 I11 III m11IIc 11111111111 111W 11111111s 191115251111 AA 111111 in xEIIIIiUI oi Burrit 111111111 11 11 Iwidhiim 1111111l11 HIM Hi ms will 3115 11111111 11 1211111111111 11 to 11 II II 114111111 11111111 1111141 1111111 11 it loiir my hm II It 111 11111111 111 11111 11111111 111 1111 111 11 l1 11111 the 3111111111111 ll1lcli11111 111 11111 ImmmlInmmm131 1111111111 km 1111 111111 1111 oi 111111 11111 II MII III mmhII HIII SIIIIIIIIIII IMIIm II II 11111 1111111134 1111111 LlU1ll 111 orange oiii ioliti11ilt1l 1111 111111 111111 111111111 11115 llltgt11111$ She 111111111 l1 111scent 11111 11 1111 roses and 111111 11111111111s 111 to 11111111 11111 311 1111111111 Plan111111 31 111111111 11111111 v1 1111111 oi MM MINI HIIIIIIIIIIIIHI IIIIIUI11IIII1IiI1 11111111111 11111111 1111111 11V Hospi tlilliltti II 11111111 11 1iloorl11laih drcxs 111 row 11 1I 11111 lliillll Btltlt ill 111 11 II 11 511111 1111 111Is 111111 1111 111111115 11 011 iriill 919fl1 ML I1 11 1I11 111 111llllli1 11111111 11111 Miss 11 of 1111111I mum 1111111 31101111 Slhlll of 1111 1111111111 Mr and 1ll 111111 1111 unstable 5IH11II1 1111111111111111 oil 1111111111 oi 111111 1111H11L1M 1101 HEAD OFFICE TO 1101th 111111 MISS UUIISliliiltli1t sister of Misses 111111111111 and Slillloii oi llll pump Iumimsmw wk fun IImm this III 1111 bride 1r1 111 gtllllllill gowns 111 11a lSllt1t 11 111111itr1111 11 1111 M131 HIM II Mlle HI III SIIIIIHV 1111 11111111 1111 11111 or 111111 11mph 1111111111 11111 IIIIIILIMII IIIIIIII1IIIII1IIIIlt II ldtI 11 11111 Mrs 11111111 and boys using 1111 library Mrs Mela1111 MAYOR ofhl1dioii iillivbihi1iiifv Lilmiflcb All5 hm 111 111411111 55 51111111111 111111111 111m 11 Hiulmu and 1111 11111 tlllli In 11an Imd IIIIIIII1IIirIltI 1l1II11111I111 Ruhr11 S111ipltoii ITpP Iatrt 11 3111111111111 111111 Mr With answered by 111111111114 1111 1111111 15001111121 tuna 111111 mrmm HI IL Hill In Ihlttllrtratt chm at l1111 illrt 11111 1111111111111111111111111 lunch was served 11 1111 close 11 111 11 11111 mp Hm 11Im My 1111131 ML vulnh gAhiSW doorlength dresses of 11111111 and MI Imd Fnd Hm in louni Mimi 11A Purely Canadian 101111111 oluandy with matclllnU Il CONPNY hpaddmg and dumb II Carrying Place and 1113 1111111 11 511 m1 111111 glidioli 1111111111111111111911 Wm WW 111111 1111131135 MmlM81 LEFROY imumsfwm md Um V5 llielltls here last week Iiluns olI loronio with bus Sarah II III II VIIIII II II II II 11 II II II II mm ml Mm mm Km 0th Grimm is $11 My Fig01UiliilfIIItnhertzllltfllIlflIlIlllJl 111 ltllll1II InRizalthlllltdht 11I1 11f Vanginvol at ICI CI 51111 in Marimio Humian J1 iu mIi luw son Mrs Blevins of Midland wi 11 Mrs Edwards Toronto is visit Readmg and watching demonstrations welc 51mg the mules 515101 1111 1oii stalls 1t 1111 home oi 11P Ml md Mrs MW in md Mm l1 1Vlls Illeskcy and Mrs Ed 51 11 T51 Fridw 111111 111111111111111 at liivis Mr 5121 Mis 51111113711131M1 these are the two most Important III liar Miss Marilyn Denney played Anulversanv services will be held Sudden Death of Mrs llelitli 011101011 Wttlih Vilcatitin 11111111111l methols learning 600d Classmum the demg mus EOHOVUH the 111 St 1101105 Clllllikll 1111 Sunday The community was shocked on Lake last week CLILIHOM reception 15 held in Oct 10 at 11 11111 and pm 11111 Sunday 11orniugiio learn that Mrs Mrs llios 131111111 is now 11 lg ung helps your Child to better HOV order of Burton Are 111111s llcaih had passed away 1111110111 111 1111 RV 11051111111 Billllli marks 612 Fluorescent Lighting cm rmg Baxter Hall which was beautitully recin installed gives an even glare frce light to classrooms this means better vision better marks decorated with pink and Villlt United Cllllltlll Allluldale on very suddenly on Sunday morning All her friends wilth ll II Li Spoon streamcis and baskcis 111 11o elslchaige lgt lleaih had been residing with recovery Several names were omitted on the item sent in last veck about T1111 IthliIdesI mother Ireceived ill BORNmAt wvnmlcy ownUL 1111 sistti Miss Margaret Whitin itt 111111 liess oi plum colored 11 MW 10 interment took place in Oriliia on Toronto on Sc tLmbcr 41 IiIVI II II IIiI IcIIihepe VllllI iiizltflilIiig accessories Mn and MrSI iiimm whorls 1m Tuesday 1iiernoon QIIItIeIgI 1013111 311111111IittletdrIrn aimme Rance1 aduchrerrilanicvwm Prepare frStinillknlllitl as 11 clept manna Work h1lt been com lctel 11 withblack accessories and corsagc 11 1i ii of red roses The happy couple Farewell 101 Family in mines S111i 131111 left on honcvmoon tri to 3910 Min Wisu pmmiimom 21W dbl 15 1111111 tor the atlth lellilLlSillI1 oil the Junior ltilltiltis bus trip to the ISlillle77AlllUllgI1111517tljllg cm Joyed this grand tour re 1517121 both Holland Stewart Doniully lll and Mrs Fltllili litll Jack and Kenneth llillstoii 11111111111 1111111111111111 latkit1 ington DC The bride chose for The Jtllly Farmer was the scene Yawning Wino wool suit with otI gettogether of neighbors 11111118101 1Itmzf 1111l1VIV muck 190159111 11an 1101 re friends 1111111 and Mrs 11 111111111 ti5110f 11 turn they IWIlIl resale in Toronto imd dauullters Sept 30 before the tixwiqd til ah 1ufnuwl lTIlictgroiym 512111 to the bride 35 l9d wusag B11 Th mimileis will erect 111115111211 18113 1c 1s s1 clwale 111111 each of mg as spent playingy Cll1nlClmim and thahksmvmg The My ilwir attendants received suitable 011C1110 and 01111059 hmlitls 13111110 of 11111 chmCh is bun 111111 llliS 111 MI 1g riaim up and will be road at Monday sincere regret was expressed 111 105 ownmg 100111115 Siamese f1Iihends and good llreiglIll F= mm communl Ir 1Hj SPOHLU and Russ Holldcn presented the family with 11 handsome Tri October light 1001 lamp for which Mr and WTl 111 Nllkt Poll of 1011 Clcdlt as 111 MH Cllltl 15 LINN 111mm September 27 cmIII rtownionTuesday77111 77m tho 1111111115Aibullulltlllcll113 IIKfiwlmallflwllSrI1 Homerattended leneullingeistflest hu succeSb dimcmg Collingwood Fair on Saturday iMfS 1pa1me35pent Mohaq 17in GQQ Mdd09 11115 ILltllmd to his 1131111115 visiting friends hmcemike mun mine POWHSS an 71 Midi Mr and Mrs Mcliean are woodgxiecn Umth Clmrm TU V15 a1 Maddonis holidaying with his pmemsI ionto was the scene oi the mIaIr II L0111efyoils liZiSIIltltllInSCi toIhis we IIII711 Ill110 tgpgfem omg$ 1C3ItI111ke Torontcj and George 11 VIMPII and1 igIIis1 peacock Mrs anceson of Mr 1m Mrs acvcr lir 0y and Dayle 2nd 15k for 5119 way igqflenlverdays mm an Mrs Ira Chance Toronto out 13111111111111 MrspH Lang Shanty Bay visiied boll trad MI and Mrs Roy Sparks Tor September 25 1943 The C911 Niagara11151 eek 67 mmspent Suhda with 1d mony was performed by Rev Mr The Womens Institute will meet mmume Mme thing iMrsDon an McCrcary The bride given in at Keys on 012161111130 Roll mer marriage by her fathmI 109111111 call response is Brief History of John lmei Totten Tottzngafgsteivggd Ile charming in white brocadcd gown lilmOUS Cilnilllfm Woman palmers Fail DWI with ngertip vcilIand white satin Wekaend HSlturs vcrcIM1 and slippers She carried bouquet oiMIS C1001 Hutchinson 01 Severn MrandMH Miss Pearsonsof Chlbkrsxtziirtiilnonwaexig zed roses MISS Muriel Burke wash will zlitrldd Mfg ii er sisters bridesmaid Wearing WW gal dens 1lilvlnlle$sdynaie 10 gown 0f pink brOCaded tafleta with bonnet and gloves to match andl POLISH EGG EXPORTS Tottenham Wedne da ml the carryng boIUQLiet of roses Mrs During the first six months of mixed doubles tournament Mn and MrsI Gordon Hawton and Chas Chance Iwas matron of honI1948 Poland exported 55 million Mr and Mrs Hall are holiday 01 gown 01 Sky blue tammleggs compared with 35 million ing at Manitoulin Island this week with 5001 anrgloves 10 181911111111an the same period or 1947 and Mrpand Mrs Ch 5118 carrieliebx mums and 1111 and Mr and Mrs JngiiiggtigrlmiSl thebvatley Chmleisicmnce gal3321 15 ro es r0 is an Bramfmd spent Wadnesiay Wm on yl Britain ISwitZerland and Czecho sloulria Johnson andTErdon Williamsoni Iactcdasusheis The soloist sang Love You Truly before the eercmenyand1Becauscdulingcmm Mr and Mrs Palmer The Bowling Club held Euchre in the club houseFriday evening FindThe prize wmnrs were Mrs Authorizedbother of CocaCola under 110111111111 cocaColaLtd Palmer Mrs verbmSki aud Mrs Altken gentlemen Mr Fish Pete Verbanski and Mr Fachine Penetanguishenc Phone 440 ggerdraw was won by 1111115 IIIIIEIllslllIIHOIORNEART ofITillsoInburg Ontario says 111 nine yeais cuter says he has negated 1112 nlIcestIcIrIop 11ch lleavlcstletliI good Ibody better crop in his 213years experience Yo an very smooth leaves BlenmPlant Food hasII be sure Im using Blennineixt year 5111 Iim 11125631 the signing of the register FolI fwmimiwf $ln01hgt cttiIiecnIiIgirirye ifllfpggl Mrs Ch Ch ceived in eagle driezs wiiilrbilalcck accessories andy was assisted by the brides mother in winecolori ed frock with black accessoriesis II F01 the Vvedding 11710 LOHdOHW Out and points in the Unite States the bride wore grey gab 3361 Sunwm gletenI CCQSSONCIS werepresen 110m afle and Waverey I==1 2122325311132fggy0e 111 dl am as zifaitimfgnsumimm Admtiing they visors sunday 119 gfou may111111011150 $100 $200 on WeeI eidwere1l1Ii and ioru to 10000 he IniIIailsieiI llllrrclhilild MISsiilahigiiii 1111111111111111endgrgggioiiiiiiie lped meigCLtheibesiimme99H Lhavggmdm minimfllt SIIQQBIYtomy neighbours 1111 friends 11 III rowand Paul Townto Mrs Johnl security Repaymentmyua 12 18 CDChraner 3311193 Walter Mc or even 24 monthsdpendingupon Mr HOGmeat like other Successful tonne60 farmerS has 113111111 ii MackonsMr nd MrsJas51aw 11 II oerdland with the Shaw Family the payment plan ylch9Sem that the Choice Of plant f00d is second in importance only toilthi Death of Thos Worrod On Saturday Sept 25 Thos Inggtipf rie former les dent of iedatitheMcM Ian Nursing Home Barrie Inter 1d 1B tr Leanaremdetdeinlepermsor rild will IIfaerrrylllilangiogciil married coupled 0199 Of farm land 1fy0uwantt0 make mone ngwo as GI Bush5 Mr ml Bomw 163 Regan IiftI IYOQFO tIObIaCCO1 rs ennett Barrie at enn isth Mlsqampbells Mr 1111 M11 c111 HFC customer borrowm WWII CanadaIto I9 tObaCOI Plant food made in X1111 illbla Gdflphsd 131321 date 113311 tut11111111 medical glve 1013111811118 111 011112111111111011 Its 111011111 with Mm wmI Imrby expenses repairs 11351111 scientically prepared by Swiftsto produce ner Cullin ton 111111 sI emergency expenses an or many xi Torontgo at tile Cilallingltvclin 111133 oierIpurppssThone or see 1111 for fuller b0d1dleaf 11 pmmpt friendly service Asureyourself of note protable Icmi about we qu inertial TII57 $27175I talllonesome Int 31113921 Bagog 011111111 our year see your SwiftsPlant FoodDealer about your supply of SwiftIsIBlennItgday merit in the Angus Cemetery on $2415 Sept 271 Sympathy is extended to 91911vbnppomm II WMmIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWIIyIOWI the family United Church Anniversary immmuwcumm Anniversary services at the Uni ted Church werewell attended last Sunday The special speaker was Rev Irwin of Toronto 1311 359110 slime TICKETS INFORMATIONAT BARR BUS TERMINAL HANI Fob DiVISioN 73 21111111151 man 11111 111e1 we iii Chm T010910 Ont 111 11