THURSDAY OCTOBER 1948 WM MCCARTNEYT AT KIWANIS Mix Chocolate Cake in gt gt 60 Seconds gt ru Lt lillliktl lllt Fr uf tirrevith tan dyelb Cale at add up of milk or water gt111 tIliI bake Light ltildcl dchaous Try it mtg xlu titeiltiti i=1 Flavors OCOLAIE 1CmPBlL Erin Mix irintat ditherinc recurint lLa was tavtitrrtitztitzg tr 1V 31 WM mm hm 1mm WVva ma gain mm 12 4i Ath gt irrarns ill but its oi the manure oi the world 71 Morley any with the fruit net hittcl at associa icns ItU had 1515 31 tlitt gt end during the po gt Ontario thud hire Ilttl was Illit lo Mr IIICI MONTH Itltlltl when it so IltLtWul illi Ipiiblisiivr Ken wls BRUSH RKIM is piovrdeti in the 11mm by till it toiian 01 its Iii ltJIlltI Ml Iliiil 1ttrulotii oi gloVJil and tllit wrrf tar ans puma 19 ka 01tlot of Nurses tor patients who do not require the attention mf BMW amt or his part time ttllttlll gunrim tltltll tirt ttrrtur oi ltlll Illllt nurse lliOsr who ran pry for It mm My mi titgni Iti toanrtaMSthr an xpwurd do but it SillCU 15 nut de ismnncwtwlmzlilk 15xlllltjfight EHWMSHH Mi Mi Him MW your it 11 will mmle huh med to attytitic campaign lbbtllllgnullified lerlle lgtiimlglf biting1 SPHW MM HT yttigit 1iiJrtpras rlli1llitlLllellxutibiv md 1M Umwmnm hm assure the carrying on or this nursing stryite winch ltdsrrxdh lt was uk Hnmllfnl mmfvilli 11 dill Ii53lw vAAvi gt lietore this toiftiirctit oasoistoyirv cd It as lllltigtlltttl IaUJ rrs ago klti wrote a1 ill is being run hat churchi llris is lltlt liberty when free StlXltrF writ be held next Sunday 511mm iircn Hut the larger portion of the world an 11tlll1 to athisc the public may today editors and writers cant pt rk tree say those firings man who And singe that limo the stip tttlts fcra grrvcritiiictilvcontrollcil tritFsliiti tree speech and the rise newspaper or the dictator press trttsolsliipqltas been largely re can say only those things which sponsihlt for the crumbling of tie are put into lllSlllllKI by his bosses rioriaties ilitl the raising tip of And when that happens the peoplei Rheumatic and Arthrlhc Pans Hmtunhgpc who read those newspapers ltLiiltl Neuritisl etc Now what is this lieedoirr of longer ficc ltiie lrcss It your editors right For lltt celebration of National lhosfewlro lravclost to publish anything he may desire Nvxrspapcr Week thls ytar the wurk and10mdlluirrjust so long as it is within the tttltllllllltt selected the following bounds of cornnani decency He can slogan Yonr right to ktrow is the mums Inc to TIPl publish it in his newspaper and boy to all your libertich And it ling Arthritic send lit to witch litmu in the com is to ensure continuance if these mINlIllm1mErnunity He netd show his writ liberties that the press of anadt found ldllllii ings to no one before they are pub is lttltcaltd real investElirlud lie is the sole judge of for treatment of Individual liberties are cher tncnl Arthr ritis must be treated curly Ask your drug gist todayl Price 600 Bottle ANTIGEN lABORMORIES llMlTED lkhmond St IORONIO ONT what occupies space iir his paper This is marvellous privilege compared with what the Press of the rest of the world enjoys Only free men enjoy the right of free press but it is also true that only fit press can guaran tee aiid maintain the rights of free people Your Editor can write that he dislikes the policies of gov ernnrent and cabinet ministers that he doesnt like the way the ishoil thing here which set this country apart as mecca for op pressed peope everywhere And yet these icrtiels and freedoms are taken for granted by the vast majority of the people who are neither interested nor vocal enough to recognize and light the threat erred errcroachments on these rights The press of anada is the tried llllll dedicated to that proposition National Newspaper Week gives us this opportunity to rcdcdicate our selves once again to that purpose Freedom of the press is not an intangible prerogative granted to the owner of printing press It is guarantee to the Canadian pco pfe Freedom of the press belongs to you It is merely exercised in SPECIAL LotiLAws LE CAKE LOBLAWS RICH DARK Mon OctinllBalanec your behalf by the cxrstnig pub of week as usual IlSllCtS Kit includes your freedom to read and hear whatver you ROBIN HOOD FOR CAKES PASTRY vish the me dis you Vil DOG FOOD ROBIN HOOD ill to buy town you 51 FORTEA BISCUITS HOLIDAY STORE HOURS Fri 830 to pm Sat 830 to p111 losed IUIHIYUII an on KnelcltllslimedOak IunioiDiningRoomSuite therein Your newspaper is acutely gaware of its responsibility to in form its readers on the important news of the day BecauSo all news items by themselves are not readily lundcrstandable or may have wider lsignicance your newspaper also is aware of its responsibility to anal yze and comment on such news Freedom and responsibility go together Your right and duty to vote interlocked with your free dom to speak Yourright to indi vidual happiness depends on your freedom to go anywhere whenever you please Andin the final analysis all in dividual freedoms reston the rst oney0ur right to read and be in forinedwi VIf your newspaper is restrained in any manner in its function of tellingr you what is going on you have begun toloseyour individual agree or disagree to praise or criti 1601 27cm icize the points of view expressud NS RYE CRUNCH DIET 302 BISCUIT PKG APPLE JUICE Wsz airlift 17 LIBERTY BRAND RED MARASCHINO iCHERRlE527c vFL OZ 8Tb LYONS ORANGE PEKOE TEA Va 57 KRAFT vtivtttA R3335 00 FEGUR JELEY POWDERS NUJELL 48FL oz LARGE UN 31C CHARMS TQMAIO JUICE FANCY WHEAT ERM CEREAL BREX zpt 29c CREAM MUSHROOM Stilt olllia Mo HEINZ JESNEQRFGOD afrm 35c HAEIANF PEA SOUP claim 27c DHMERWE ME SPICE an ylt we TELEST WE CRUST 331 Stf ETC SMARW CHOICEPUMPKIN z3fllis23c Outstanding Value come BRAND Lonmws LOAFy freedoms And the rights and pri vileges that you enjoy as Cana dian citizen will slowly but surely begin to crumble away It is because of that your news paper is jealous guardian of all WHITE WHOLE WHEAT CRACKED WHEAT tinselm he 28c SWEET MIXED plchEscaimav izg vwommokxsw lIBBYS SPAGHEITI era 13 illustrated This charming junior dining suite features roomy drawer and cupboard spacepa spacious extension table and amply comfortable chairs upholstered with blue duraleather Dlstinctive in their lovely simplicity of design fine wood finish and attractive economy of price HOMEWOOD pieces are beautifully keyed to todays livingffntheiw smaller home or apartment SMITH TURN TZQVDunIop Si Bdrri ix Dial 4492 ft 51252 It copra AMBER Captain large Glasses CHARLES WIISON LiitiTEpl ms tritium itiBitEE ipltYf freedoms Perhaps we are some vtimes too petty in our editorial ommcnt Some of our criticisms and warnings may not be warrant in the long run But if mis takes are made they are honest ones honestly made in the effort to ward off the continuing onslaught against our Canadian heritage our precious individual frecdomsw Your newspaper is dedicated to freedomthe Canadian type In conclusion do not think it would be amiss to refer briefly to the record of your own paper BarTie Examiner The Examiner is now 84 years oldapproximately the same age as your town For the past 53 years it has been edited by your good friend MacLiFen better knovvn to all ofius as Alex Qn GINGER ALES TORONTO cltocoLATI calms wALuuTsrisz4c BRAzILs SMOKEDPICNIC poll sELECT nusmVINGi came Snuss RAtsms AUSTRALIAN GLACE CERELES at ruin veneratei GRAPEmw fw 1801 6295 LIZED BROOKFIELD CHEESE SWm V322 25 ALTMBEiVE tar was Freshly Ground LOBLAWS PRIDE oi ARABA 63 correct 51 CONCEN GMNT TRATED PKG SUPERVISUDS ToaLTZ isrtlfs 9c LORIQA SIZE Serums firs La SAGE SAVORY THYME aural 16 POULTRY SlZlfi stzn Sm DRESSING WATER 10 gt ll 105 133 Ci Fort For 1025 70NE SIZEVAVAlibABEE ltiEACH SToRiEw outARI GROWNNO1GRADE AP LE 25 3Dm19c anauauas EC EXTRA FANCY GRADE OCEAN SPRAYmutt CRANBERRY SAUCE ISETiNr cELERv sTALtts Pertussis alfalfa mMEBIQiigEg 6NTARtonoisMALL 1213 QUEEN 92 JAR rONIARhIoREABAGASwAm anthrax 56 SUGGESTED EXTRASFOR THANKSGIVING PARSNIPS units BROCCoLi6ammonia PEPPER souAsa WATER CRESS TABLE =DATEs jFLEMISH BEAUTY FEARS BLUE GRAPES 1629 PURE vTAjNLLA its 21s 15MNW warn 16c Eelcurmxm peer CRYSTAL 18c sesame GlACl mums can yttcfzzc einitiationKarrieand riiiiaiistricu crust