it IFFFNITIIQMPQTV gt1 In chiral buried tttiritir 53 1948 1311 litlti dgt CI r1 Healthy was gt4i1c2iillizctl kp 7V gihdtull futtticd Eli setting iii tum 51 which Bernice Elizabeth ltioinp PAGE FOUR vaSDjhgctOBER 1948 sw 2W For travelling the bride Viv navy suit nay hat with pans WEDDINGS Hi BAHh Cdn liUIl eldest daughter of Mt atul MI Laird Thompson intart Womans Viewpoint on lhh and The WW bride of Donald IIti tlrffe Ba son of Mr and M1 Newman Gil fullls R05 ten Edenvale Rev Allewen 13 4m itlllltlillcd Mr Smith was The Re Jud lm rm 11 mm 133m lthe organ and Mrs ll Lennyei Will be rt Lollizn Strc it wt in gt nl lh lmrmmnl The Lml 1le Ml Au sen DI from Lille and from cyenrng 1P iilltlc wore pearl grey Etal Given in marriage it her father ant with matching hat lindithe bride was gracefully gmtrt 1131 03 11 WOTV 5311 Hklhle surprise party It =11 in Hull lime duyslnml neckline Nd 8k 5mm vhmHi 11 in d5 fllentlttl LbMIN and lace heartshaped coroner an MacDonald of Oyven Sound of tag mild he mmmam 11 ho Milli WV it With ills RilbummcSIic carried cascade of Iloll Tun firm if st till liliitk Ltttttilltsl itlltl wood 11305 and Mrs eriui 114 Palm ltllt gtitdtnttis lAGENTS for in My litk WW5 Tlh SIUOHIS Her only Jewellery was double Mrs Carter of Schonrbcrg is xi 7v Eve wnh m4 H3 inux hllikll1til Hurry biothu of of pearls gift of Le irtlltliylnlliii itlllll1hi Ck IN FOR Us Hlw ll jig pt In iertiitrrin was held at the home Ilht brides attendants were ilLl speeth ttcritti is hoped for by it Mills 31 fimlmkll Lu hm jf 51 51311 LHE IllWQI ml 41 W3 552 tlltl Igt lllk Ill UIl ltr lilti it it Il ILCtlvtl COUSIII 15 IISSt i1 1U 11 1t 15 kl lilKl llillly TlVl lvl gt with cal1e after iirs treating 1i gown of beige fn guwnrd rpgpcgtitiply in blur Slillllti Nilxkitlil F5 OHI Hp lttlll marriage in Knox silk with black accessories and pink faille taffeta vith lltillLll lltbllliI11 Will 1M livldlll lllx 36 Bad Phone 38 mlWF rlH bst onrrirtinity llall hurclitll on rvwmegfpyMm Ix rapt Illlllttl It ltrttl It groom wore ing headdrtssts and carind ca Uhbr me mommy and rosin1 llelen ina Scott is the mania of cocoa oroyvn crepe with cadcs of bltie and pink pomporn it will In of Mr and Mrs Alex tr vzi and gold accessories Guests inuins lmmf shit tltlti Stott loronto lttv Don ndtd from Owen Sound St Hum Il1 Sinclair is the son of Rev LEFROY The groonrsman was Arthur tlrfv Jilllt traritres Unionvillc and loron fen brother of the groom and thc Im Mm WU Mi in and Mrs Sin lotlowrng wedding trip to ushers were AlvinThompson and Mariner nrtl Mt 1M1 Adv El now it Tllll rirlakle thleir ulininein Alhziiil lolirrmCifflinMiii lildenileillti 1m YMH WMJM me in in East Simcoe W1 There were 73 guests pixsent at ill Open Soon bx Ittttlll the reg it tune and the reception which was held at ls NM 11L Executive Meeting itirviAirriunon the homi of the brides parents trtore rt pin the torr nn igtgm imivd Church was the The brides mother received wean Picturesque Residence with fourteen roonis completely modernized liltlliliy Iltlllt or lirirx llal tr 11 mutton of the womens for pretty wedding on k5 1055 blllf LFPM Vllh llcaulifuily srtu Itti le twainrt tlli raw of woodland Hitlllli IM A1 Institute of last Slincoe met on rturdad Septi lit at three oclock anal Ltlnlt of Friday Sept 21 in the YMCA when arr harslwritc Partridge 54 15 mliiiuszuliril1323lt mulan Hum 11 mu Finalist firm 11 iilmllikrfl rilha lhe gtttgtltlrtll Mrs James Mil daughter of Mr arid Mrs 5151 1h iltUUInS mother Mtnlktl llfUltfVNllib to answer llell presided lartridgc Edgar was united Wealmg 05 Pllm CMI CURRENT LOCAL llOSPIllU erllb UhlVWUH Mm pm New and Tm llMW in Mlmdumo were mama Ml Um Forrest black accessories and corsagc of TELEPHONE BARR 1251i OII WRITE Knuth xrnerrcan countries that or President Mrs Bell Vicedrcsu llairdy son of Mr and Mrs Lorne EllarCl r0505 dmm rubber ones hilrc an unv Mrs lluffinan Jud VicePresi llandy of Dalston Rev Hugh ommmw 811W flf mmt MISS FLORENCE BRIUAIUVIIX Panswwk nt lpleasant odor The new product tgt dents Mrs Dicker Mrs llumney Maolaggart read the marriage scr Hammo To1v Bllldfml li wrxyrw vlyytmcx AA Traintr AA YOU wdiitEN wiosurrrn HOTFlAsllEStiilf FEEI CHILLY Heres Good News turned out in 111 colors and six ipcrttinics comedy The Drunkard was lpieseiited last June by the Straw illat Players at Minets loint lavil lion This same inelodiaina Will be ithe first production by the New lorlltl Theatre and many of the fsanrc players will be on the stage ior the openini at Ottawa on Mott day October ill Those who were at Barrie and Will also be playing al Ottawa are harnrion King Mtir iay lavis lleth lillandcrs Bar bara llilllllllltll and Araby Lock Mrs llawke Secylreas Mrs Mclhcrson llon lres Mrs Mc Kay There were representatives from nearly all the branches Themain discussion was the Area conven tion lll Barrie on let l2 and 13 The district directors were re minded of the exhibition of handi craft to be held the first lay at Barrie Everyone is to be urged to give every supportitoeth ficers The personality and dress pro ject is to be held in the different centres arid members are request vtce before air altar adorned with piirk and white gladioli and link spur Mrs llerb Drtiry of Barrie play ttl the wrdding music and Miss IIlstc Switzcr of Crown Hill sang Bless this House and Because The bride given in marriage by her father wore gown of ivory satin with square neckline long pointed sleeves and small bristle lertulllengthveil of embroider ed silk net fell from tiara of sred pcarls and bugle beads and she carried cascade bouquet of Stayner Amid shower of confetti and good wishes the happy couple left for trip to the East Coast For travelling the bride chose dress of Old Rose crepe and blacklace with black accessories and wine On their return theI bridal couple will make their home in Centre Vespra top coat Velotirs is the French word for velvet 7mm Wig 7517 wistiikgism Temporarin call 5145 in iimnmramargm rain linguist rm mart 14 mig red roses and stcphanotis ltlrs Keith Sanderson of Lihd say was matron of honor and lb 52 and going through that trving functional middlewtgu period peculiar to women Iloes this make you suffer from hot flashes feel cliimmy so nervous irritable veak Then on try Lydia 13 Iinkhnrns Vegetable Compound to relievesuch sym toms Its famous for this ll UN Wise lnldflIPcdVmW It helps nature you kllOAV what v0 VI31kPinkIiill5COTITWU WIN antantilliisgrearnne icmcn so larly to help build up resistance has whatDoctors calla atoiuaclnc tawa From the capital city the Alllhonl against this distress tunic effict linkhams Compound contains my in my war mmA no opiateslit hilllllrltirllllntfdsFlgk llllll ltucls willi IIIIdIII imn illlill lhe Drunkard was one of ketl his 11ml llrc most popular IlltStIllZIllttllS oi 31hllll1lil NOV 15 Sim Hm aw during the OriIliaIttesday Nov to bridesmaids were MISS Marian sunmm mumps mi Muck WashagodVedncsday Nov 17 Dicker of Toronto and Miss Phyllis 51i my mmth mg mun Coldwaterrrlhursday Nov 18 Sanderson of Barrie The matron ttormed for winter lltSrb of 35130110201Friday N0 19 110 010 gOWH 01 blue Ipiuys and vim 1llmpmp has The meeting came to close faillc taffeta with matching long 71pnriwawdfortuiiwegHHiIwith flr singing of theddational blue laceinittens Hcr headdress and cascade bouquet were of pinkl roses The bridesmaids woreI play 111 go on on lhlllll such Are you between the irgesofilh and entres as Kingston ltteiboro LU0ltld brocaded 51m Wilhi matching long mittens TllCll several others ltoducer Brian Do it Lydia Piinkhams VEGETABLE compounn Special While it Lasts BROADCLOTH yd 39 WHITE BLACK RED PINK BEIGE GREEN no OTHER BARGAiINS Cotton Prints yd 49Cc1nd 79C Gingham yd 890 Shirting ryd Bgcqnd 79c Fianneitte1i 5yd 696 horty who organized this allstfana tiian theatrical company also had an interest in the Straw ilat Play crs and he was at Mincts Point Pavilion for the opening produc Ition North of England textile lirrn hasbeen trying new spinning process in whichwool is wrapped around threads of nylon instead of being spun separately Strength of nylon gives fabric resistance against wear and tear yetHyVarmth ofavool is retained The most un ique feature however is that new lmaterial weighs only two ounces yard live one was made by Mrs Fior enza Drew at the Progressive Con servative convention in Ottawa last Saturday Called on to speak as the wife Acharming speech andan eflec iBrantford Hamilton London and AIKINSLlVlNGSldNi On Saturday September 25 1948 wedding took place in St Pauls Anglican Church Bcavcrton when Ruth Goldie daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Lloyd Livingston of Minesing and Barrie becamerthe bridevot Walter Watkins son of Mr and Mrs Harry Watkins Bea vcrton TheRev Pitts ofli ciated The bride given in marriage by herrbrothcrin41aw Dr KennethG Jardinc wore streeglength dress of pearl grey crepe withnavy blue accessories and shoulder cor sagc of red roses She was attend red by her sister Mrs Jar dinere who wore auttnnnjbrown with matching accessories and corsage of yellow roses Mr Ken neth Davidson brotherinlaw of the groom was groomsman teccptionkwas held at the lieaddrcsses and cascade bouquets were of mauve gladioli Mr Robert Handy of Dalston was groomsnian and the ushers were Messrs James Partridgeand Alan Partridge brothers of the bride Following the ceremony re ception Vas held at the home of the brides parents The brides mother received wearing grey crepe dress black accessories and coxsage of red roses She was as sisted by Mrs Handy mother of the groom wearing brown crepe mess with matching accessories and corsage of yellow roses Later the couple left on trip to Eastern Canada returning via the United States and Niagara Falls They will reside in Barrie BarbeeTender JlLOIcSSiontlI bitten Tiiriiiisrstmiiiiiivz Vegetable Soupllavorilc of More than 7iofa rcccnl gallrcringofprofessionaldietitians registered Itdeeitlcd preference for IIcinz Condensed egetablt Soup in Iasle Test of turn leading brands Asked to base their opinion on the HIIOIG of Appearance Flavour Seasoning anil Ionsisttnc of the experts gavellcim tlrcvcrdict on all fouTt hits by wide margins ne experienced food editor role have never liked cutltlttl cgelitblq soup before but like this very much Others spoke of its garden Iikc taste and its rich aml pleasing fluvour if Wilsons Dressmaker Supplies 124 Dunlop St BARBIE Dial 3030 AGENTS FOR NUSERVICE CLEANERS tSafety Chair TumbleProof For Lively Babies FOR FEEDING AND PLAYTIME 17 DELICIOUS VARIIIIIS Cream of Tomato 01 George Dlevfnewly elemed home of the grdOms parents after leader 0f the pallyMrs Drfewiwhich the couple left for points Stepped the mlcrophonc She South They will reside in Hamil was stirred almost excited by the rapplause of that great audience Fiorenza Drew smiled her extra Crcilm of Green Icn Scotch Broth Cream of Chicken Clam Chowder Chicken Noodle MockiTuillg Beef Noodle xlnil Cream of Mushroom ton Cream ofdspnragns Crinm of Celery She held tip her hand and the con Cream ofCrecu fNgtcr is woman so supreme as when 5727 is sure of calibreinch ELIZABEIli ARDEN ordinarily sweet engaging smite tintints FORMED last nights leftover roast makes tonight Magic Meat Rolls tbs soft butter cup chopped leftover meat 72 ans chopped onions cups our tsp Magic Bukinglowder tsp salt tbs shortening 31 cup milk or half milk and water Mlx meat onion butter Slft to gether dry ngrgedlents mix in shortening add liouid tomake soft dough Tunr on floured b0ard kneadllglitly Roll lilnch thlck spread with meat mixture Roll like ieiiy ioticut In slices Bake on baking sheet in hot oven475F for about L4 minutes Serve with vention was hers Ladies and gentlemen she said can hardly speak because am so moved by this demonstration of your affection not for me but from mute George can only say Thank you thank you with all my heart for the support that you have given himand for the support that you will give just want to say this You have placed great honor on him also tremendous responsibility You have placed your faith in him iLadies and gentlemen know my husband know his heart know his thoughts know his wish in regard to this great and wonderful country of ours and an its people and believe he will be very worthy of your faith Then she began to speakin per feet awless French and was halted by the delighted roars of thelQuebec delegatidn Her little speecha speech which the slightest inection might have spoiled met the need of the moment perfectly Talking of this experiencelater Mrs Drew said It dont know why people cried Iwas happy Per hapsit is thy theatrical background that makes me peculiarlynsensitive to an audience But the feeling was intense WaSso movingthat all couldvdo was speak from my heart iln Indiana im has produced avradio about the size of pack age of cigarettes Antenna and ears phones plug into top of gadget carried much like hearing aid It weighs 02 has three tubesafi and operates on two batteries good for about 80hours gt October Mrs Gilchrist visited Mr and Mrs Giffen strongvrne on Sun day Lorrie Cuiham Miami Florida visited his sister Mrs Mc il 5913173101 lNGREDlFNlS Nabb last Week Sunday School and church 5ser ylce will be resumed in the United church here next Sunday and VMrs Newman Gien Babys Safety is Priceless Free Demonstration Phone Toronto M0 7650 or write STONEHOUSE 111 HADDIN GTON AVE Vegetable lelllel P01 Vegetable chelnhlc illlotll cal Beans Mayowerx THEN HtSiWirr HADAN IDEA JAndIikedthemgleo FifiElsi ttttatis ha illiitititltolldelftll all that keeps you coming back for more And Posts Bran Flakes supply the natural bulk you need to help relieve constipation help kecpyou use ddle Other pnrlscf wheat too for more allround nourishment 5mm lunatic Mrsektffff5 if 95 FAMn immunities ivr TM Mi7 Glen Stinnlilale 0213s rs mam Glnml Tad one 32