PAQB Cntre and West Simco Plowing Match on Farms Harold MartintElmvale Im In Ilene lint tum Iiis prizes iw rtiin also Stqynci ICIIILI1 of tin ttie ant IIEt it Gul inwn gt= Mirna slltl Misie Donaldu Mam LIIltII iIIt IZIitil it til itllli norI itlU 31am Iiiin liiIIin them Itgt Ill illnl tlIltltt lion Airmail of lIIIIgtIig out Id Slltmll Iili full wing it mu Jack AIipi and Itillii ll vi1ip tucli Ivl riown Hf tla Vllllrrltuf gttllIiI or the ocIItioIi tL lllrEt would tic cwiiint IIIAIIIHIII HI yalirr llalditoi of Elm Iclloirilil of Ililltltlll of II1Ilillt Allan pine lzoa Final Ittll tir AHICIII iitlui livt plownil land tractoi Mcxaixl Youngest McDonald Youngest mnpcrtei lc MtNiililu age ll going competi Midland who owl lilltililtlttli Iioni SI International ntxt IUUI rlli lin it than llank rilni and nut ni Match to in ii nun IiIdiy lfxWaidciilimitch honorary pftxiltlll oi ihc tcn litmus THANKSGI illlllll George ti ltltll iuzzras toiizpwtitor ii llA Altxillm and he won prisms IRIZlnL llflt8 gt open to all Allan Xxncisti ot Stayncr Llso llti finish slziiyn branch or Alllltlll William Vancise lirauk tovvan ol Stioiid Stayncr FOUR 51 liiviih had been made with Ilarrie Mel Iotiald tcron Iiiiiicoii Ilcst land in jointcr classis rAl lzin iiicic IIactoi special Allan lealib VESPRA JUNIORS FLOWER SHOW espia Horticultural Society Ju nioi Flower Show was held in the Public Schools located at lkleiivalc hliilliiiist Minising Station and Minesing Vil lagc on lliiiitlay and Friday Sep Iltliibtt and ltl There were five classcs or flowers The seed had been supplied by the Vespra Socie ty and grown by the pupils were exhibited in Win plow Arthur vmc siirciiits loiiztci Illi the waiter collection was not Iilrn Ilix Slavnei llii Spichci ciou Ii Illlt It Aiilcii Mills YOUNG TO 15 LBS CAPONS to lbs lb 55c CHICKEN to lbs lb 49c JUMBO DRESSED RABBITS to lbs each lb 45c ROUND STEAK OR ROAST lb 670 PORTERIIOUSE WING or SIRLOIN lb 690 PORK VEAL and LAMB ROASTSror CIIOPS SLICEI BACON SAUSAGE HAMBURG STEAK SOMETHING NEW IIFEE STEAKS for 37c Frozen French Frieds Fruits Vegetables lrUBKBY Ex lltitl Ihe celletit each school Rev ltlcments judged the exhibits winners In each school were lltltlhlllt tleachcr Miss Walkerl Margaret Goodfcl low lVljllIliltti Johnston James iArnistrong tosnios rrrrr Goodfel Il Johnston Nahl Snapsl Johnston Condiellow Zinniasril The alendula Al low Alex Mc Culhani Lorne Clar Shirley Johnston Armstrong Armstrong cnce Black and Ken McNabb were also awarded prize Antcn Mills Teacher Mrs Met Morley Hayes Nprinc llaiglit Joyce lliltz Cos mosz Shirley Priest lliltz Jonesi Calendulavl Zinniasl Hiltz Jones Margaret Newton Ti Don Scott Teacher Mr Boyd Astcrs in lhompson Peggy Adamson maid Coutts Mary Peacock Cosinisl Corftts Lois Colitis II endulaml Coutts Coulis gy Adamson Lois Loutts Minesing Station lIcat WatticCosmosI Ronhi Icom Phyllis Bowen Rhc Ginnis Clarkiaql Bowen Eiaiikcom Caleiidulal Fra said to my wife the other day Why we used to save more whei was making less money weckfI at Snaps 71 Suddenly realized that if my weekly pay cheque stopped to mlitlUAlllltillLlIl illness or accid cnt my savings would soon be use ed up in doctors bills medical and household expenses Thats why feel that am providing ieal ser community helping people safeguard against lifes contingencies with health and accident inSurancc For full information write John Wylie Cr Associates MOORE BLOCK 24 Dunlop St Barrie or Phone liloNo obligation David Priests lricst Jones idlnirs WE DELIVER TWICE DAILY BARRIE FROSTED roons 29 COLLIER ST vice in thmngll Thompson Ctillt danison iiniasl Peg ZI Icusy Coutts ier PHONE 3750 Goods sATIsrACIOIiv purchased PHONE 2439 gtOl your 101le refunded COAT SETlf MOTHERS HereSJa snug smartlystymiecc Coat Set for your Pretty Young Lady Made of good quality Chin chilla lined tum Kasha for extra warmth Choose from Pink MaizWCoral BabyBlue Sizes to ZellerValue GRAND ASSOBTMENTS Chincla MADE OF TOASTTWABM CHINCIIILLA kasha lined Elastic Shirred at wist for snug fit ribbed Wool cuf from style shOwd or belted Helmet COral Maize Brown Powder Blue Scarlet Sizes lto SIZEs gt2TO3xI $649 SIZES To 3XI Made not sturdy Wool Blan ketclothn with neatfit ting elastioshirring at back Kasha lined rib cuttings from Copen with Baby Blue or car Aqua with Cor bone with glue APBACTICAL WESTERNf STYLE shun hejii wear daydn dayoutlgMade ofgoodi quality Doeskin with conw trastcoloured piping Colours twotone combination of Blue with Grey Green or Brown with Tan Sizes Ste 14 Monday Tuesday Thursday antlTjiiday 900 AM to 530 PM Wdnesday 900 AM to 1200 Noon Saturday 900 AM to x855 RM fings Choose type model STO bed Choose Wool Thrown DunlopStn BarrieiQnt mam ONTARIO CANADA lINNlSFlI TWP HAS NUMBER 20r PROBLEMS lliv t1Ill nic zt StIouJ Jr at ION ii nu Illx III pIclic liil lip IIvllliliilll to of titliilzilrd Ill Llitiliili piers oilil tilJtIt Ilii iit Iltll llIl the Deputy iltIIlIIlri llcpzity Reeve 1=te Itll llil litt elii plow II II Imll it the old grader as Iil iiw pluutng It was dc that the neu tqiiipiiirnt 2i Iizeie lliItltlll should In llamd llNlll RIGQIIISIS ili llunt picsiden of Minetr IM was IllttIll to request th Iti Among other he wantul lettcr load Dir En lllll collection of gar Jul other lllitltltllllll III trilllt ltitl lighting Arrange tiie protection This was paid out of Assoc funds In InIrence to the garbage qiies It at toun Spioulc tell that durl unmiry The Health Officer can Icozamcnd anything but we had pay for it he said The gar ic ii thrown out during the illlt Will freee and be no prob Iitl he continued II llunt thought they should how some system of disposal even Ii it were removed by collector in the Spring He asked that road which crca lid tire hazard should be cleared and also the removal or llydto pod obstructing the road He complained about the speed or chiclcs especially taxis and lch that signs be erected and the lower speed enforced DYNAMIIING IIlll The contractor blowmg ditch on the Third Linc submitted bill of $44872 foi the work so far havI ini done 63 yards There is somel additional expense for briisliing etc not indicated in above figure tonncil decided to continue the work sullicicntly to carry the vatc to the river POLICE CONTRACT ENDS onslahlc James in the Town ship service since June to police 10 Summer Area and other pints of the Iownship was laid off as it was felt his services were no long required SIIEEI LOSSES Five claims for sheep losses vcie submitted the largest being from Roht Sinclair Churchill who wasl outSIIIl DUST PROTEST Samuel Broley who claimed 10 com McGiimis Donald Mcl illlIIIS and Murray McGinnis As tcrs 771 Douglas Patterson Mc tlinnis Paul Channen ltheta McGinnis and McGinnis Zin niasI It Frankcom McGinA his McGinnis and McGin ms Minesing Village Teacher Mrs Herb OrchardlZinniasl Kenl ith Fralick George Luck Ba bara Luck and Moyra Knapp Astcl Tommy Pfander Gloria Evans Moyra Knapp and Paul Iricst osmos Evans Knapp Victor Jackson CalenW dulasl Jackson Clarkial Evans Rod Pfandcr The second cstim tion of the principal nadian2grain crops for 1948 issued September 14 by the Dominion ureau of Statistics are in genera than the estimates releas on August 17 Exceptionally goo ma turing and harvesting weather vailed quite generally througho August and accounts largely for the enhanced production prospects The wheat estimate has been advanced 19million bushels macr that of midAugust to 391 million bushels Oat production is now estimated at 3617 million bushels barley at 1571 THURSDAY OCTOBER 1948 GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS Tova WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS DECORAIED WOODEN TRAYS $159 $250 Handsome Round EGG CUPS Plastic Sets of for In assorted coloured sets DECORATED CAKE PLATES ROUND $125 $165 $200 and $375 DECORATED SALAD BOWLS 89c In the the popular Swirl design PLASTIC SALAD StittVEitS IlaclrSQc andwich Trays DECORAIEI MEIAL TRAYS 12 18 in Assorted Colours WOODEN KNIFE HOLDERS Each 69c White tinish with black or red trim Too many cooks spoil the broth Too many fingers Ill any pie means that much less for each month Too much government in any country means that every individual is paying too much for the privilege of being overgoverned Is it possible that this Pumps to Canada massro tilt Bcsiiriiingssunr COOKERS $1695 $1995 $2550 PRESTO DIVIDERS To fit the two smaller sizes CIIAIR PADSGrecnBlue Red 39 RUBBER SINK STRAINERS Allie 590 98c QUEBECIIEATERS lt1 100 and $2600 ELECTRIC HEATERS Portable $705 5995 $1150 $1495 51fo STBAMIBONsW COAL HODS Black and Galvanized 95c $115 $135 $195 SOLEX LAMPS ltIOst light for your money Turn off those extra lights and make it possible forliydro to keep under our quota BUY NOW that weatherstrip you are sure to need later New Dinnerware Iust Arrived From Canadian and British Potteries BREAKFAST SETS 32 and 381ccs 3995 $1095 $1195 31 DINNER SETS $2195 to $7500 20 Pieco Sets for persons $895 Heotproof Green Glassware SOUPS and IIJAPLALIES for 350 BREAKFAST PLATES for 45c CREAMS and SUGARS pair 350 PLATTERS Useful Size Each 350 HARRY ARMSTRONG 98 104 DUNLOP ST PHONE 2801 It was agreed to hire man on ltlth Line from Stroud to Leonards full time as soon as suitable one all asked to have dust preventl Touncil women the Council very complimentary report on the weed conditions on itltl was spent The Couri rcprcsent all could be obtained the roads this year on spraying cil are hopeful they have accom plished considerable Various were passed ouncil adjourncdto meet at hurchill Monday Nov called specially by the Reeve LIGHTING rixruirs NewLow Prices AT URRYS DINING ROOM rixruars 16 BOWL LIGHT $595 14 BOWL LIGHT CHROME FITTINGS $875 OUTSIDE BRACKETS BLACK WITH GLOBE $315 ALL COPPERIWITH GLOBE $435 BULBS FOR ABOVE NOT INCLUDED+ COMPLETE STOCK OF ELECTRICAL SOCKETS SWITCIIES PLUGS gnoxss COVERS BOMEx CONDUIT PANELS FITTINGS ETC IDISCQUNT To ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS SPECIAL LAMPS for 25 Nearly 62 road to have the matter if llllllILllflI was avail ative laid promised tendcd able After further discussion the posi tion was offered to Roy Ferguson ol Stroud at salary of 225 for full time services with car and daily patrol for one month while con sideration of tendering be given WEED INSPECTION County Weed Inspector gave rm STREET LIGHTING flit Cmnuiittccs IIarvey Hughes asked what was re street lights new peti being done The lcrk suggested that tioii be signed as inme of the pro pertics had changed hands the petition was signed the llydroi Commission cost rind if all signers were still satisfied the installation would lie madel The estimated cost be about $1 aumonth per light WREATII FOR CENOTAIII motion was passed authorizing the purchase through the Canadiaii Legion of wreath to be placed on the cenotaph on Memorial Day It was decided to allow three lots northwest corner Highway and Con 14 to beuused as commercial in order to permit the erection of servicestation and tourist cabins thcie MACHINERY FUNDS MUST BE SO USED Zias Ludgatc Engineer of the Dept of Highways who attended suggested there had been an appropriation al lowed and passed by the Dept to Luck2 Mfmpf covermachinery tothc amount Of $15000 this cannot be used for any other purpose He agreed with the Councils decision to buy Do minion Grader GARBAGE ENQUIRY Doubt of the Dept asked what the Council had to offer on removal of garbage from settled areas during the winter Several suggestions were offered and the Inspector offered to look into them and see if some arrange ments could not be workcdout POLICE PATROL he matter of patrol along the ore was discussed The general feeling was that fulltime man patrOIIing would be satisfactory Concerning motion by Deputy unless Alter would estimate would fme HEN UNITS 13149 BEDROOM or HALL 12 Shade $295 $360 IN GREEN ROSE WHITE CLOSED SHADE CLOSED snADB $295 IVORY BRACKETS $150 Bathroom Brackets $145 $190 53795 on the of the KIT pecru meeting that $225 LumPline Fixture Inspector IIealtli higher various beaches 25 40 sow million rye at 266 million and axseed at 177 million bushels As this estimate is based on con ditions existing on August 31 be fore completion of harvest it is morerilthe nature of forecast and maystill be subject to signi cant revisions in later estimates CutIYour 65 Ch Of Livmg Drive out to my farm on Mon Oct 11 and pick up your winters supply of No CRADBD POTATOES at $100 per bag HDIEUSSEIIL Midhurst Phone 8031123 TiiiiiiisciviNG FRUITS Choice Apples for Eating 0r Cooking McIntosh RedsSt Laiir once Wealthy and others FRUIT BASKETS MADE UP TOOBDEB FreeDciily gfof Fresh Fruits Gocer les andSmoked Meats CARUSOS Reeve Eldridge that tenders for the work be calleddor it was felt that this would require too much time as now is the season when special attention is required 100 Watt Lamps 15c of quWT Phonei3874 Now under Complete To Serve You With Quality Low Priced Groceries Fruits Vegetables WeekEndgspotials gt one MQMLrnpse7caseloadB 41c ismoirts Pumpkin Nestles Evap Milkz Kel juice Homes Gravy Powder inc Green Giant Tender Peers 19 TI Jewel Shorteningf 39 Lloyd Iiiiiiec TolServ YourWIth Tire Finest Choice Quality Meats Obtainabie Thanksgiving ixHom ModeSousidge VBqueBocists OlBeeiHL VewinngeefhiiV Bound Steak OIBOCISI 55 LOin POrk Chops 55 Fresh Shoulders Pork Bologna zsoz TiNs LARGE TINS 2002 This ziic 276 19c 306 PB 456 incw ICBOIaIIgiAppIgsr L3 158 our acidicduct 17 Twaniiveri Boasting chickens DUCKSond BOILING FOWL No IJPotatoes luminarie hone 4103 jj rAsrBrrICIBNr furone 4535g Aitariovasf