Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Oct 1948, p. 13

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Sirunlit Mr turned Toronto Mi Eirxl Lloyd Son 1trd Limit 3111 wcciiclstl 5111 Mcliod Iul 1111 iii fa thaton liaiitav hint Tulir lion 111n Ilifl AP slts$930 HOT CHOCOLATE FUDGE SUNDAES 18c 11Nc11 AT BRYSONS Ice Cream Candy ELIZABETH ST Trinity Anglican Church REV crioss BA IT11 Rector Organist Mrs Roberts SUNDAY OCTOBER 10 19111 Trinity 20 800 AMHOIY COMMUNION 1100 AM Morning Beginners SLIIIIOIIT11 Rector 200 Il BIBLE CLASSES 300 Iwalrinrary aird Interme diate School 700 IlilIlVENIN3 PRAYER SermongThe Rector I1 Gospel Hall 19 Parkside Drive lraycr and SUNDAY OCTOBER 10 1948 WIIYLM BREAKING OF BREAD IMSUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS PMIGospel Meeting Wed PMt Prayer Meeting Welcome seats free NO Collection Emmi F22 Burton Avenue United Church Rev Carder BA Minister SUNDAYOCTOBER 10 1948 Morning Worship Only THANKSGIVING SERVICE Mr Frank Dobson 10 AM Jr Intermediate and Sen ior Sunday School 11 AM Nursery Beginners Primary School IIolly Anniversary Service at AM 11111730 PM Rev McFarlanc and 11 zzmzzzzf The Salvation Army 60 COLLIER ST iTheJIome of FriendlyWorship Sr Captain and Mrs Strachan SUNDAY OCTOBERJO 1948 11 AMHoliness Meeting 230 PMSUNDAY SCHOOL 700 PMSalvation Meeting pmPRAYER MEETING Thurs pmHOME LEAGUE welcome awaits you at the Army First Baptist Church Miss Elsie Cloughley ATOM Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY OCTOBER 101948 950 AMSUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM and PM THANKSGIVING SERVICES Mr Murray Ford BA of MgMastqr University Wed pmPRAYER SERVICE scssssmsVs 11 13111 Miriiitii imviV Collier St Baptist Church Independent EV MITCHELL Minister Sl1r ILIUIIEII Ill 1948 FIRST tllslNllllANS TWO IM lllllllll SCHOOL llcgtdai lasscs 111 EVENING SERVICE o11t11d by Society Wcti ll IM Midwick llilycr SHE iec ct 30 MISSION NIGHT toinc lllt church tlLtIlllt llUltlS 11111 Isz where your FREE METHODIST CHURCH 200 Hayfield St Phone 4572 REV AND MRS CHASE ministers SUNDAY OCTOBER 10 1948 Time in 990 CHML 830 am for Light and Life Gospel program SUNDAY SCHOOL PM Evangelistic Service 730 pm IUnitotLljyaycr Service Thur pm hw= Collier St United Church 1cv Lewis MA BD Minister IIIIOYD TUFFORD Organist and Clroirmaster SUNDAY OCTOBER 10 1948 11 AMWMORNING SERVICE lSceirtg the Church in new per spectivc The Ministers Report of the Bien nial general council of the Unit ed Church held in Vancouver The Church School 10 A11Iunior Intermediate and Senior Dcpts 11 AillldNiiiseiyBeginners and Primary Depts PMEVENING SERVICE Some of the great issues whic so face the cltiirohamtdAuhaLAhecoun cil said and did about them Ix 31 St Andrews Presbyterian REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Minister Mr Craig Hamilton Organist ailh Choirmaster SUNDAY OCTOBER 10 1948 THANKSGIVING SERVICES 11 AM and PM THE MINISTER 11 AleAJINDepartments of the Church School later into His gateswtiith thanks giving and into His courts with praise ail Thanksg yonderthe directibn Association on MONDAYOCT 11 it of the Barrie and District Ministerial AtltdtttAMJn wcsk front Mr lpublislrer of the Mclvillc Advance DIAL 4137 Pres lpp Itist Office lll ll iizrizrw ititirwiiiw and Airs Itll 1115 rants ll china 11111 Erin it Ifornrcil 11 lilttllrJoiil spriil witkcnd isrlrnv Mi 11111 Mi llill Allen 111i1 lirrlr llltlll wood Mrs lice lloirciic titrrrilvirilsrnti S1 has left to vis lair two no 111 Mttlilootr 11111 l1 Urnalra Nebraska Slic will 1111 visit arrothci Lt1tlllIl Ilrrcsoir of Iclglilon 11 fort lurning ironic Mrs Surniirtrs 311 1511 Mr and Mrs Ilcckctl Fort William Mrs lliiciiclt is lllt former llclcir llullcr iliitiglrlii of Mr and Mrs Vui Butler Ross St and granddaughter of Mrs Stun rrrcrs ilai lo11 Ntlrldsnir 17 lcll Mr and Mrs Harry Burgcss arid son Gary llllllt vcro visitors with Mr and Mrs Hugh Robertson Sudbury Miss Audric rclrard returned with them after two weeks vacation in Sudbury as the guest of her sister Mrs Robertson Mr and Mrs Fred Marlin rctuitr ed to their home at Candles Snlur day after two weeks visit with relatives 111 Hamilton Grimsby Buffalo and Blackport NY They were accompanch by the lattcrs daughter and husband Mr and Mrs Myron Carver The Examiner trad Oscar call this Jukes Melville Sask Sincl attcnding thc CWNA convention at Niagara Falls he has been visiting friends in Ora Mrs Iukes bring Mr and Mrs Oro Station Miss Jean Dutrizac RN who has been holidaying with her par ents Mr Duhizac of the Packet and Times and Mrs Dutii zacr left Friday for Tanana Alas ka She was accompanied by Miss geatrice Hurley RN of New York ity The young ladies will take 11p nursing duties for the United States government at Tiinana Both are former members of the stall of Memorial Hospital Ncinork which institution specializes on the treatment of cancer VISITORS FROM INDIANA Local coop officials and farmers will be hosts here Thursday and Friday of this week when bus load of visitors are expected from Indiana Plans have been made for the visitors to inspect the Copaco plant and Simcoe District Coop Services plant on Friday morning and there will be luncheon at Robindale Inn the same day In the afternoon there will be tour of the Ontario Forest Station at Midlrurst Among those expected to be pre sent is Kenneth Betzner Of Water loo past president of the On tario Federation of Agriculture Some local coop officials recent ly returned from coop tour to the State of Ohio Those who went were Ray Lougheef vice president of Simcoe District CoOp Andrew Cumming Cumming and Al OConnor mill superintendent crippled Childrens Clinic is proposed for Orillia under the aus pices of the Kiwanis Club of that town We But Sell Exchange 71m AngSW COLLIER ST BARRIE ONT speaker 113110 CROSSBALf P11 TatarANNIVERSARY muWm9nwntinunnA Hour ANNIVERSAiusriivrciis 5Am AREINVITED TO ATTEND THISSERVICE L+ THANKSGIVING SERVICES CONDENSED Great to start mea1Delicious in snows and tossevnle dishes 111 Saturday Sllll rigiugitlct o1 Mi lor1asMirwood lcacotk son of Alllltl ltll i1111o gown of heavy blush satin Stirrm ml WWI liouvardia daughter of Wm McArtliur of IL corsage of Talisman roses THE BARRIE EXAMINER HARRIS ONTARIO CANADA JEWELLERS lrivzitc Diamond Room WEDDING IIIItKIchJCAN tcntrd lnilcd ttruich Harrie the tillc of putty wedding 10 1911 when iliav McLean and 11s 1111 Mclt izrrrlc llttlllll tire bride of Kallllitll lir Mr and Allgt Stanley laiirc 11m the Icacock llirwill pcr loriiiid ccicinony at four ocrock 111 front of the altar which ls banlod with gladroli colored lilllllkll whiti ctrrysanlhcnrums rstcis and tents Ihc lllltlt who was given 11 mar tinge by her lather wore hand asliioiriit in regal style with mouldcil buttmr trimmid basque dccp yoke or all over lace en crustcil with wide bcrtlia collar that was headed 111 Stitl pearls llrc extrcirrcly full skirt which was titted at the lriplinc cndcd in circular princess train full lcngth bridal veil of embroidered French not was held with lrin Elizabeth headdress of seed pearls She carried crescent bouquet of red roses gardenias and tSS Mrs Lois Makepcacc of Toronto was matron of honor and the bridesmaids were Miss Joan Cot trell of Himilton and Miss Peggy Goodwin Toronto The flower jiirl was Miss Ruth Peacock of Bar rie sister of the groom Ross Peacock t13211110 was his brothers groomsmarrand the ush ers were Donald lenni of Toronto and Graydon Knapp of Barrie Miss Elsie Clouglrlcy was brgahist and the soloist was Miss Cwen NIacKay of Dundas c1assmate of the bride er girl wore Twilight blue faillel talleta fashioned on similar lines to those of the brides dress with ny lon yoke and berthacollar They wore long crushed mittens and veiled headdresses of the same ma erial All carried cascades 0ft Talisman roses The brides mother received all their home 102 Clapprton St wearing Victorian wine and blackI accessories She Was assisted byl the grooms mother in huntersl green vithbrown accessories Each litii Barrie chncsday Inornrng Scpt 22 1111 1110 scvcnth line of 5110 took an active part The brides attendants and tlougtl Jinntum OBITUARY RHOI eckr IIIgt Cencavt at SlnghamPton St Andrews TeenAyers ewVt Lgd by Crolg Hamilton fgt1 Ttie IvetiAgcis Cur ltlzcw lrnth Atii wtrtt gtl rit rectlon of ij 1th 11 rlazkdaic Iiicd Viola In children Hi tigtt1 11111 111 1994 and ibiltisei 11 with on be lt1 311 Ward Itlrrrai 213 Bay two Thomas of and Edgar of Toronto 1iidctrilrircir and four grcat izrlthiltitcn i115 iii ltiiicral was held on Sept 17 Asgui liirtcd Erurch Services taken lxylttv Hunt Mi Irwin and Bishop 111 on llurial look placi 114 An lnion inrit 1y icuc1s were three IlllllltHSg ito and Art Worrod of and IAIIX lyphor of Toronto lii und lirrcti f1 rcnils Iamis Shaw of Midland Mac Ward of Barrie and William Irwin of Angus MRS IIIOS lctANN At 111l troun rn Angus carly Illill Mrs Thomas Mctann blotting Itltllll ol lIrsa Ioyvnship sirpt ourctly away to her eternal Ironic The funeral scrvicc winch was largely attended was hcld at hcr late rcsidcnce on Friday Sept 21 and was conducted by tliellcv Hunt of the United Church The intcrmcnt was in Angus Cemetery and the pallbearers were six neph cws Cecil Harris Garnet McMas tor Victor McMastcr Eldon Irati rricr Vivian Mcaiiii and Jack Mctarrn Friends and relatives at ttlltltll front Toronto rillia Allis ton and Barrie Mrs McCann the former Susan Jane McMaster daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Frank McMas tor was born in Utopia in 11107 1991 she married Thomas Mc anrt The established Irorne on Essa In 1903 theyirroved to farm in the village of Utopia Here with her husband in both conrnrunity and church work Ninetem years ago they ietired arid built home in Angus Her husband passed away in June 1941 Mrs McCann was staunch PLANT nus FALL r012 AUTY IN YOUR RDEN NEXT SPR ire While the toasts were proposed congratulatory telegrams were re ceived from Truro NS and Lon don Ont Before leaving on their honey moon journey to Quebec City and Montreal the bride changed to grey blue tailored wool gabardine suit with Burgundy accessories and corsage of white gardenias Her bridal bouquet was caught by one of her classmates Of Hamilton Gen eral Hospital The couple will re side in Toronto The g1oomsfa vors were personal gifts to grooms man ushers organist soloist bridesmaid and flower girl Financing Of motor vehicle sales new and used amounted to $11 365367 on 12546 vehicles in Aug ust 139165431 on 10136 units in August 1947 DES reports Fin ancing of new cars at203911nits was down from August last vear SPECIAL THIS COLLECTION $375 25 DARWIN Dumps 10 DAFFODILS HYACINIH 10 CROCUS Our Selection of Vallets ies Mailed Postage Free to any point in Ont also booklet enclosed on How to GIOWBllle Brown Co Ltd Seedsmen Since 1871 119gtDunlop St Barrie PIIONE 2435 TRALOA CHURCH THAN KSG ivi NGSERVICES SUNDAY OCTOBER 11 1948 11 AMTHANKS BE To GOD ANTHEMLORD OF HEAVEN Solo parts by Messrs Boyd and Eldon Tuck SOLOBESIDE STILL WATERS Robert Parker PMTHE HARVESTHOME ANTHEMYE THAT DWELL IN THE LANDl Solo part byJohn Slessor DUETQGRATEFU LORD AM lglrsA Rabinsm tidMiss Hook CHURCH SCHOOL 11 IAMBEGINNERS ANDERIMARY PMyOUNG MENSCLASS 230 PAILTHE GENERAL SCHOOL TRANSFER 01101119 Marv PUT are COFFEE in 1116 mt canistasmm AI QUAKER TIM WILLSOON Fix All 30 EASY TO PUT on liilll 1111 one daughters 11 night ttclol er ll Il llvlihc Illlligt1LL oi hint litsmtcr ran Church i111 1911 title The pallt Iottcir gtlriongh without inlciruption iris rand tiliicst lhilltl L111 rigliii Ital 111 L1 11 1ol 1111 3121311 IIV 21111 laloiMrrriio ttici tiic giorip lilthtl by tirec1 titacir oniy few moments Iioiiriiil toi begin thi progiair which sarrrvr trainisslolt The program coitsistiri tl angular sacicd niusrc with wins by Joyce Jonis and lit11 llHUii ittists wcrc Miss lliioih Voting who with lrcr gilt of rllttil lion hail the llltllrlltt holding 11 and Herman lorrrlriisoni who gave lisplay of modern na gic that touclicd oil iastr of innitf teur magicians among lllt flllllti ireirrbcrs of the 1111111111 All numbers 11t roundly ipy plauded and the group was tiranktd on behalf of the people of Sing lrzimpton by llcv laonrMurrro who also thanked Eldon lrccr ilirough whose kindness the trip was made possible The rnriirbcis stiles of the troup were entertained at the home of HcV and Mrs lrylor Munro before proceeding for 11Irrrt nc number on the program was rendered by 1111 Vocalcttcs griiup of 1111 iricinbirs of the choir who have bccn singing atannrvcrlt sary FUQIIIS and special serviccs in clturchc of the comuuurity around Barrie recently 12S IIOI CONDITIONS lltcOverall crop prospects 111 the United States for 1948 are reported to be most favorable llh official cstimatcs of the Crop Reporting Board based on July conditions forecasts total production of thc principalecrops above the average of the past ten years and at least equal to the previous record made 111 I940 The aggregate production is estimated to be 128 per cent of the 192332 average compared with 123 per cent in 1942 and 126 per cent in 1946 two of the best crop years in recent history member of the United Church WA and WMS In these circles she was always ready to make her contri bution and do all she could to fur ther the work of the church This year she received her Life Mem bership pintrom Angus WA and she was justly proud of it Although in her 82nd year herb active interest in everything made henseem much younger In late years knitting needlework an flowers were her hobbies Mrs McCann was affectionatel known as Grandma by her many friends and was dearly loved by all who knew her both old and young Left to mourn her loss are one daughter Mrs Hodgins Ruby of Angus and two sons Roy of Detroit and Wilbert on the family farm four grandchildren Beverly and Sharon of Detroit Joyce and Glenn of Utopia and one sister Mrs Harris of Barrie AY OCTOBER 1948 THURSD IMPORTANT NOTICE The Doctors others in Barrle will be closedon Saturday afternoons throughout the year In addition to being closttl Sundays Holidays after 12 moi cerizstriys and Saturday tt1illl5gt Emergencies willbe taken care of at all times STAYNER Special Thanksgiving Dinners SUNDAY ANITMONDAY 12 to 130 pm and to pm Mother be uptolate on the latest developments in infant feeding Send for the interest ing 22pitge booklet Health ful Feeding for Your Baby It tells about protective healthful foods for your baby explai the benets of homogenization and tells why homogenized foods easy to digest Con ntalns useful charts on babys grthh and comparative weight tables To obtain this free booklet just send your name and address to Libbys Charlrain Ontario and your copy will be mailed to you ONLY BABY FOODS ARE BOTH STRAINED and HOMOGENIZED Iibbys Evaporated Milk Homoipenized too BF148R Fashionable xSLIPCOVERS Tailored to Fit your Furniture WITH QUALITY FABRICS QUALITY WORKMANSHIP PLEASINGBESULTS PHONE 4314 New Shipment Of IIIIII BOXED GIFT LINES MODERATELY PRICED QUAKIII1W1E55 intact you AMth Aka now vooti ALWAYS Known WHATS Barrie Tent Awning 34 Baytield 51 INDIAN if TREE PATTERN DINNER WARE 421Piece Sets for 71cm Bdrfieldicindtcduisr Streets PHONE23953 DICKSTEELEC iv ifHollytittofltar wail REV GFMUFARIIANE or ELMVALE eyewmrnsmt Glee Clubunder insurrection at Mr Lloyd Tuftord win alvtheevenin service

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