7193 31 08 1W no 311121112 ex 11211111111211 BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA wwwwww the Featured gilxliibition Hockey Game 18L Louis Flyeis Win 42 roll oisn 113 COLLIER ST BARR PHONE 2488 1z 4JI Hum 11111 PLANE WlLl 1111111101111 CAR If You Indulge 11 iiter 111 11111113 It II I11pr lllrx 111111 111 1I1Il1 141111 13111 111 Yo LLb 145 iuIlIrUmg 111 11a math1 gt11 Jtll RAM Mi 111111 ly 11111114111 111 1111 11111111 1111111 11111 Accept no Tuck 11111 11111 11111ss1111111l contract 111111 Ii11 ll11oils of 1111 41111111111 l1ltlt llib 11112 1111111 11 Nolliirt fitsin 11111 011 1111 Lilil 11 11gt 1111 Public 111111 511111 11111 1111 11111 11111 sault upon 1111 1111 11111 ol 111 131111111 1111 aiiepit 11 11 11 11 11oi111 1111111 11 111111 hl ii 1lillrii111 ti II II 111111111 111111 111 MI 11111 111 11111 11ul Ab schools 11111 11111 Mil lmliiila 111I 11111 llll11tlillll 11111 HI 111011 11111 11111 111 11111 111111 star 1x 1111 111111 11 1111111 to 511 11111 11111 111 II 11 11111111 titlili to 1111 Error 11 11 1111111111 II soterr 11111111111111 ltI 11111111 1111111111111111 t11iiii1l111l 1l1 l1 Down the collidor raced this coming 111111111111 111111 11 II 11151111 appear 11 lel ant1 111111 lllnll tlililthc league ran into 1111 lhl 11111 111111gt11I 111111 1111 to the 111111 1o11111111111 1111 12 tllluupioi which seriously efforts the rural 11 IJIIII IIU111IM II I11 11111 wa 1011111 11 1111 1I Is III II I1 111111 111111111 1111111 an lllgt 11151 3111 11111111 111 III IIII LI nth III my 1M I1 II 11111l 11 1111151 11111 1311111 111111 was ltllllL 1111111 1111 Aria 2111 11 11111110 311111th 111111111 14511 mt 111 1111 11 llm 11 milk 31111111 1111 to 11111 11 1111 11 11 mi hmm MM mm 1H1 will inHm Iii Imm in mm Jun with MAM 1m Mi 71111115 111 1141 Miml ll 1H1 In Hiuntil 3mg nlli 11 II 11 11111111111 11 11 1111 1111 11111111 to 111 to mono II III It 11 11111 ll 11111111111 $11411 loox 111111111511111111I 1111 1I1 NINA IIIHIHJIII II 11 in 11n gt111 tum11 1111 ll 111m lt 111111 1111111111121 oi his 111111 l11s to 1s Dalston 1111 to 11115 gt111111111111111 II II 1111111 111 1111 hll II 11111111111 111111 111 111 11111111 11 IIXIIICtIId WI Inmwi iitIIIiiiI loI 11111011 11111111 111 II11 111111 lo 111 111111 11y 1111111111 111 lIitltlilIlgilgutiIit jxiii IllIn1IuliII II IIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII II II 11x 11 I1 lawl 1111 11111111I 11 111 11 Sim rumMC Shmmmki llil 11 111inil111 1111111 Ktui Liluiiiilllylilmiy 11111111 11 1111111111111 11 Md 1111 iliuul Mi 111 11111111 oast 111111111 111 1111 ll 111 111 11111 but ANN11 1111111 11 nhl 11 11mm him M11111 111 2111IIFIIIIII1mil 13 IIUll1 IIIII II A77A5 ill 11 111 111I11 111 111 1111 111 1115 11 11111111 1111 MIm 11III11I MMIW mm HI Uvmmmg II ll III II IIII III II 1I 111 Rmd Fxlminer Classieds II II II 111111 11111 1111 11 11111 oi 1111 HA 11111 11111111111111 JO 111 mile distance 11111 111111111 11p1111111111 lllnllitld mm lm1 my 1111 JIII Immmu Ill II IIII1I III II II Mummy Minimal 1h pn WI unmnm 111 lil 111 1111111 loloiito 1lt1 1311111 11 1111 lI 111111 11 121iI111 oi 1111111111111 1111111oii ihl 111111itll Auger showing bet up the 11111111 1l ololll1iv1gt1 1111 11111 111111111 1111111111121111111 1111111 1111 1111 1111 1111 who 111111111 1111 1111111 211111 111 511111111111 form The 811111111111111Ioliklider iinally 111111111 sail1v behind the ocketl II tum mm 111 11 111111111411tiainii111mpl1gti V1 111 111 1l111111 appealS Wm 11111r51mi1111 11111 IIIIIII I1III gm mm Skuhmyks 11111 1111 Mother play 1111 111 11111 111cred 1111 the outcome 11111 is cumin mu ImIM p111 II and mm mm Mum WWII IHIII 10mph Im m5 Impuh 11 WNm sin1 11 cola111111 11 l111l1 WWI 111 WW 1111 11111 1111 actors wkit 51111311011 Recreation Directory 1111111111 11 bim 111111111 111 v111111I 11 111 111111111 1111 pump 111c11111111111c1I11f As part of 11 ltCltllllUll surveyi Iu who win up In ava 11H 11mm Ermam m1 110011lllv 51101113 fHHlI111I 110111111 111 111111111111 111ml R1111 Fun1511 tugged Maii which the oilice has 111111 11111311131 II mm must must mm WM mp lliobe 11111 11111 School 1111111 illulkml 11111111 11111111 111111 11+ md AW with Him and on over considerable 111rind 1111111111 1111 1le1e1l 111 1111111IxI1111 IIIIIIIIIIII IIImnd In iI In 3111 Slowly 11111111 1111 11111111Ic11s 111111 11111111 11 you must be gt n1111ajgcmmud punitive 101jd time Vl 1131 mm UmlllVL dim hm IMkIUIimI ilIlIdlhth UIIITmI bwlI il CLANNI 11 111111 111111 111 11111111 1111 111 l11 oil which 111 i11111 11111111115 when listinlz of what 111111111 11= 11111111 1X11111111 to name 115 1121111 s11l gtI ML mum mS murml lhumianitl I1111II1I 111111 i1t 111111 1I11 IIHltIl 11111 1111 tliools 01 1111111111111111111111111111111 11111 11111 11111111111111511111 11 1L 11 rubbish Barrie Recreation lit1tligtiI lttt111 1131 Weeks Alkin will plob 1111111111111111211111110 11 11 10011011111 01151111111110 11 11111th lililv gti 111111111 at his usual 1111 IWIllt Ide ILWM 11 ilXH 11 11 0113 as WC on under three eclitlul 111Nines 11 111 11111 1111t 51 113 mmmnts Wm plinducml about Ill COmmmTiilv 111le ml immiui ii dr mu 111111 months as both clubs started 11 Under commercial are all ordain41 71ME 11 11 11 Misc WU 11111 11113 iMi lliitilsihoodiiis the 1111111111r to 1111 QHCK WORK AVERIE rum li1llldlil Plan111 Hw flntillinijl 1051195 01 5111110 1111t111111111 1311 Immm WU by 5m will cavin mfm itv Private oruanimilons cover 11 311111115 51111119 1111111 111 WW 10mgmwmmv dmy the 51K elds hYMCAS 1mm wriws mo mow rugmm imma Libi miMini xiiiNPvaomil1 swmmmm Chlhs Um Ith hit mg 10 Chief PM him Mid was blauilIilcu game till 1111111I 10mm which IWWII 1111 11115151 NIIII HIM Rom phthI with and Fire WHIch MN mmmmm 1W WWI imprm checking IIII 11 Ln0 11 mom md 1101111 can 11515 ml 1111 mp1 10 11 mm Dunwd ot tire was given by the lllt lllltl prill1Iucs 1111111 1111111113 returned it Mr 131 alum Sm IM WW1 111Pgtli11 111porits and iithilrauals by 5111111111 showed blaze 111 progress 11 DENIM the somnd and him 111111 11 111111111 prompt service these UmSI I101 DansI S1I11In1IIII1 are some of 1111 11111111111gcs otlcred by our and one or two helpers lllanllgcd Swings11111111111111111 to keep the tlamcs under control 1111111 the arrival of the Midland brigade llers ill the first Blight chose one in the third 1101 first in live II1Iarsl abilities of all groups recalllhss of race color or creed with the only membership qualilicalion being the Sept 11 111 111 their bestoltllrcc ability to master 1111 Iuaml or to nal 11 lt 11 one game apiece 111 Show an interest in the umitr 1111 11111111 111111 111111111 Ladies Whom it 1N 1hii1 51 Softball 11154111 cultural AllIoi which adds up BC Imam WITId 1h hop 1C ElCi tilqullIIBiinIlIc PIIIPYUHIILI11 of N1 lnlilltet into the tilt and Ifillirgluiniimx hurlmi excellent ball in 1111111111111111 and even we admit we were as tounded when ve got around to adding up the sum total 111 case inc clubs were struggling for the tie lliltVIltlllll counter Backor set 111 what could have been the payoil goal when he 117111111I117J1Iegl down 110 left wing hedge placed lovel goalladen pass to Bill McComb who broke in 111 the opposite side McComb merely deected the disk and it looked like it had gone behind Bell 111111 out again butIthelc was no Midland larkridcs litti llt Midlanu THE1 STERLING TRUSTS 1114111 on 11111 play II ll 1lklt 11 111111111 and are the lOll and McGiath ilnishtd the 1111 With mu ed Bullies liliLlLSl in hockey oi so II PIPE MOKERS 1611011 000 II Bingth argne ball 15 over questioned we 54111131111 1111 spectacular exhibition But 11 YOHm lllp 11113 5911111 CORPORATION 13 these statistics In the 15141118 Hm mm hm sum was mm 111 Osborn Newmmkom Head OHIIGITOIMIO third baseman was the most spec Easy to roll delightful to smoke tlilinzpll Musiel llaun the iron lady 01 1111111 continued her daily lime worn Barrie Flycr tag but never did get delivered picked up 11 McComb relay and was outguess ed by Gordie Bell In order to keep pace with the lilyers Springeld finally Woke to ACCOUNTANTS CHIROPRACTORS the art ofbackchccking and they obtained break Bill Griodcn and ARMSTRONG MacLAREN CO GEO RELSIE BURNSDSC Wimpyu Jones intercepted pass hOCkCY 59115911 11119 111 1191 the Holders blew many chances and cal OlgaanIiltilmS 11 111111 1Ich1I11111 WWW my kamgI prised of 31 teams and the 1111 sott The mum INHM me game ball Season saw seven organizations II which met the 1031105 of 331me 111 l11 lunsIbut lill1lts knot The number df games 111050 mun 11111 the count 111 the second 10111 izations played was astronomical tallies 1n the third gave Dixons and Speaator attendance must lead which they never llill1tllSll surely have dddCd Ill 10 l1111 111 Midland went scoreless and times BillliCS populillim neither team crossed the plate in liurrie Ofce 13 Dunlop Street lacular iiclrler She pullld great 37 years in Businou catch in the third and another beauty in the Sixth 2111 1151 213 1le 1121 1111arket Midland AfFlumaurlcci MaCLaremCA Liconsg Drggless Theraijis 1211111th Flyrs With 0110 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS EleClriC R3610 Hydl film iIII II II SPEBSQSA 11 foLuill Dixons outscored theirI 17 Owen Stroet Barrie Mechano Therapy Arum 1CId The above initials add up to liar rivals in the 111111 by 712 margin 21 King StreetE Town 115 Dunlap Street Phone 3194 ihoi 00 lev bel ShODQLlaYtCl 511111111 11111101 111111 rallied for two in 1111 seventh RY RI AI I0RBETT DICI QCFEYW 911g 0151101 dang02I who are Iinteresicd in sllchIltIitllci and mm Lama while Midland mourning 111911110 1111 III 192M011 SEE 311let PhonERgggoLEss st sion and no damage was done meeting at Community House 111$1 ihlaxhiih xingggflh Bmht 3m em orono nht 11830 It15111 Herbert Harris CPA BY ApgtglleFMENT The heat of the cantesIthas tIel gig tgsorganizc local Chum Edna MCth chmmi homers for Frank Spry rifle lnItIlic lilghitylng thud session and as only 15 members am new 11 winnersI Mclmms mamde II PATHY 15 10113 lCIIVilS mm Whlme saly for this purpose it appears BADGLEY E0 were prominent Coaches were that bathtub harmonizing will 11nd 1111 the purpose of kccpinc the ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR THE WHSON BUILDING forced to change player on the its place in Barries recreational Reach Pailalters in winter trim 24 Dunlop Street Barrie Consultation by Appomtment making it appear like regular Cal picture The cooperation has lJLtli even on Swimming llllltl upon and permission has 34llTole hone4735 Tole hone 2293 dcr Cu playoff hockey EDWN LSON BSA DO Flycrs nally broke the ice at the INCOME SERVICE When ANDERSON co 1111111111111 of the 111111 stanza when The authorities of Camp Borden 1111111 granted for the Council to have again very generously placed organize swimming classes and con the facilities of Bardia Pool at the time lnstluction to nonswunmers Charter Accutmams TNStees VETERINARIAN Mccomb baqkhanded IDmfms 01 disposal of the Recreation Council throughout the wmtcr season Brock Buildin 200 Bay St 1191 111155 bellmd 1110 31mm fI When plans have been agreed upon DR FLEMING Norm Tustm gained 311 1155151 on Gladu and Licari Liam Showed tinre Will be more information forthcoming Toronto WARD MA on AND COMPANY Acooun ants11nd Auditors Ward Mayor CPA VETERINARIAN and SURGEON the playI Sophia St Bturte Phone 4545 Following thisI Flycls played kittybarthcdoo hockey in an MUSIC LESSONS ii attempt to hang onto their slim the most on the nights play ecreatlonltl Film Showmg The mp Flyel In or the Sign The Council have again been Wfm Baekorv P02 Imd M99911 placed in the NFB recreation film With Steve BlaCk taking Wm 81 111111 and the 11151 fall showing will 18 Irrgmlito Stile rillaltlmm ALICE margin the left wing spot They led con Wednesday Oct 11 430 ea in 17 J13 Teacher in Piano and Theory Neveliheless 19y ContmlEd to tinuouIs 1ushes in the Springilcld 111 Community House Tile rst II 40 CharlottStu Barrie rush onI opportunities and in the and zone and kept Bell busy with Showing included elementary and lial minute of play the 01111011 advanced instruction in volleyball PHONE 2748 Cillll 777 WW BOYS JESSIE R1 BRYSON RMT Robertson had picked up ailoose TEACHEROFPIANO SINGING pass at centre and rushed into the many blistering shots They llS played the best passing conbmm for boys distance races JumpsIand also pole vaults audgymnasticswand simple stunts Barlstets lulglalg CORVQYaMQF and THEORY Pupils prepared for 1d dIew Another attacking unit which NEY To LQAN examinations of the Royal Conser pmge zone kept things hopping and showed Ofllice 13 9mm St lingual vatOIY Of Music Toronto all Be 0V0 to the 19 Side mid sup plenty of poweli was that of Doriul ram fig OEImval lam grades including ARCT M0119 Dad 3I 9133 to B13019 HQSkufgwas Int centre with Norm ITustin and 110 E1 YS studio llIzlfiggifmd st IICIfiVelmg liakaindkhekgggeCapgi Barry Sullivan on the wings II II WWII we I0 13355 11 ac Referees were Ralph Red Far GLA Stwk onthe W33 by and the puck 1111115111111 John Dobson both of BARRISTESNESSE1ETEOR 8111110111195 difiuzivg 111111115 3875 trickled into the melting Barrie St Barrie Phone 3175 INSTRUC ON IN PIANO Tile nish was appropriate for And apparently this victory was ONEY T0 LOAN OTIGAN VOdICfE ETHEQR the contest SpringeldWad taken no ash in the pan as far as the plpare I01 xamina lan 20 lead early in second per Flyerg were concerned fol they Barristgggwiioiioiiimdiiyamn at Royal 03116131233 Mus Iiod after being badly outplayed in really turned 11 on the following Niluhisdmmg 1111 tbs rgt seismn dwi night at Midland when they 51101111 oney anc may nan 110301 JOHNSON 00 en T01 urns 01135 an 82 victory over Eddie Shores LOW Street Barrio Associate ofuToronto Conserva brought about the initial tally and 194349 hopefuls 15130 COW 101 MUS 811111101149 Eng1 Gord Tottle potted his second goal CO 686 0f Musw P121110 and in as many games with blueline drive which failed to leave the ice Theory 111111111111 HAMMO 1113 110 BARRISTER 5011113111011 me 15 Maple Avenue MONEY TJ LOIAIN 1II It took Springfield Tone minute and3713800nd5110 take the lead MasonicTemple Bldg Barrie layers were now carrying the II II IROBTI JII BARRE FIFISuI momcle of underdogSIto dmtIthe II DONALD MacLA EN MI Anas Gordie Bell Ralph Hosking and Canadas Outstanding IOPIIQMETRISTPSh 29m one PAIttehilaInce 96 11 Gord Tottle barrier threeman gauging attack gave Flyiers theirrst life when Raynack pomABLE PIPELINE TRAEK JOHN MATHES Barristers Solicitors Etc Morley 10 Loan line of Milkrs 11 11 Masonic TempleBuilding Barrie nJOHN lmm hunting SM no scored on passesfrom 511 am Backer Nearing the completionof ggmgmgpuclgon I53 nugggeyipm 25 11 middle sesIsion Gladu capital Free Demonstration 21 2Hours 96dany1 zed Mower111 providing F1 1113131111 slum noon smmson 111 iiie 111115111018 Licariglossoscom our arm Successor ma on DUNCAINIF 111110111116 1m 09953933153310 4301 11 W651 great 911111 chmh by the REPAIRPART$AND SER ICE iRoss giiiiiieagiiiminili 3719 FUEAL DimECToiRIS iii33 hem tile Mldlaild smug CAilli MON StLQuiShaveaclub which will II 111 To 11011111 m1 II IGI XLLOYD STECKLEY BARRIggg Y61c1103 FUNERAL DIRECTORS m1 offgamnmld2 Owen st 43 11111911 51 Phone 2191 be tough to push over this coming season Their netminding worries are solved with Red Almas who was former Detroit EddW iIng pro F1111 PeterSen BARRIQ Phone 2661 L03 II party A11 135 didnt have too much OR rI to do on the nightZ action but did WRITE DIRECT To 11111111181111 Vicroniimcggmggrov notions evugghslimvcrons 311113312121111513511317122one IHOMSNDENNIS 01111 Barrie Bran 13111111 Gllnio Mm EMBALMEEB defence pair with Robertson and 11 om 2311 to 1180 ocloohevery W361 Motor ambulance in connection Grigg forming 11 relief role 394 Rldout 51111911910111in nesday Application afoulsell Bar 01 awmiiam Their 51am mm mm WNW 1cum mm Disrlbmo cilreet 01 MM owing millionaires 031 am 011 01610110 cent 11111111111 by =1=u