THORNTON Presbyterian Anniversary Tots niine est tvhm star III L25 Illtkl LC and courtly in in lie mitt llev Jaziies lei isoit both ell llitit oz foyeti ll 3e ites leigt lillc ii llJ choii conned rli 11 and lllii Ioxtniirie ltiit Th those who brought loii id 11 an egt t11tvs so siicc nay lllliix Read Examiner Classifieds DONT WAVE Say Maxwell House Its the same IllllIVflIOus coffee lrlend whether packed in Superluluum Till llrip or Regular Grind Or JIussincIincd Rug All Purpose Grind 01 NIAGARA CANS 27a Wa All rm mulbmuoumcom ORILLIA WARM3D DEBENTURE DEBT NEARS MAXIMUM rirv isSLx vit tiLe llillii of Millie meet obliga Il lie 1min 11 it approvztn tltllllllil rp ed the total lltlll be 31ii dirt in the time and too far in iavptrfceis crzlltied at dun this letter imillltl doiitit that was istteti said ld Wil ill him had strongly lltltttl mum et the largest expen tilril so tiii Uir iitiie To 31 if my attitude on 1hr thy chool he said stating opposed to the original tiiitl iidiiott suggested but he new switltlil ttt was entire ietomi the ability of the rule to pay despite government ciatis and participation by stir roiindiii ittiiucipaiities 1b tll Ii yer STROUD Stroud Folk Moving to Barrie Shown Honor On the eve of their departure to live iii Barrie Mrs Fred Robert son atid live were the guests of lhonor at social evening held at the home of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Cumming As slight token of remembrance their neighbors ask ed them to accept walnut coffee table The neighbors also offered congratulations on their recent iiiariiagc to Mr and Mrs Harold Robertson and as tangible token of their best wishes presented them with coflecdable Mr and Mrs Robertson were at home to Wilson Bldg DialZBBS PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANTS ARMSTRONG MacLAREN co AfFitimaurice MacLaren CA CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 17 Owen Street Barrie 21 King Street 13 Toronto HARRIS SPRY ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS surprise party on Monday even mg CHIROERACTORS GEO ELSIE BURNSDSC Licensed Drugless Therapists Electric Radio Hydro and Mcchano Therapy 115 Dunlop Street Phone 3194 CORDETT DC CHIROPRACTOR AND Owen St Barrie 19 Melinda St Toronto Herbert Harris CPA Frank Spry BADGLEY ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR 24 Dunlop Street Barrie 3411Teleplione4735 INCOME TAX SERVICE WELCII ANDERSON co Chartered Accclraiintants Trustees tc Brock Building 200 Bay St Toronto WARD MAYORAND COMPANY Accountants and Auditors Ward Mayor CPA 18 Toronto Street Toronto Phone 3070 Barrie BY APPOINTMENT MEDICAL VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Barrie Branclu Well Baby Clinic from 230 to 430 oclock every Wed nesday Application of nurses ser vices may be made direct or through doctor Telephone 2451 MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON RMT TEACHER OF PIANO SINGING and THEORY Pupils prepared for examinations of the Royal Conser Telephone Elgin 6116 LEGAL BOYS BOYS Barristers Solicitors Notaries Public Conveyanccrs Etc LOAN Studio 27 Bradford St CRAIG HAMILTON RMT INSTRUCTION IN PIANO WRGAN VOICE THEORY WW Office 13 Owen St Barrie Branch Office Elmvale Ontario BOYS KC 01JROWE SEAGRAM 71 GLADSTONE CURRIE BARRISTER AND SOLICITQR 97 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 3175 Pupils prepared for Examinations at Royal Conservatory VofMusic All Grades DOROTHY JOHNSON AsSOciate tory of Music and London Eng MONEY COWAN COWAN Barristers Solicitors Notaries Public Etc Money WantedMoney to Loan 17 Owen Street Barrie RossCowan cred Patent Attorney FRANK HAMMOND Brio 11cc EARRISIEER SOLICITOR ETC MONEY IDLOAN Masonic Temple Bldg Barriei as Money to Load wMasonlo Temple Building gliICITOR HEBER SMITH Succerssorto UNCAN mCUAIG KG jBarristersollcltor Etc 038 Block Barrie MONEY TO LOAN JOHN rwoons EC if did STEPS own mm 260 Mo Harrie ETC Barrie Onti Phone 2719 Theory 152 Maple Avenue OPTOMETRII ROBT BARRE FESc BARRE OPTOMETRISTS nlop St Phone Attendance 96 Du ROBERT SMITH R0 OPTOMETRISTZ 53 Dunlop StPhone 2586 Hours 96 daily NOEL STEPHENSON no OPTOMETRIST AVETERINARIAN D8 FLEMING FUNERAL DIRECTORS WfruNEaAL DIRECTORS 42Clupperton St Phone 2103 SMITH cg marrow FUNEBA DIRECTORS AND ALMERs Motorarnbulauoe in cormeotlon OPEN DAYANDNIIGBT BMW ONT mm psdkl tlooo izi amount future DRUGDESSTHERKPISTmm retina 26 McDonald set Studio 41 Maple Ave Phone 3875 of Teroweonserva College of Musrc Piano and ribs Dirnirirsrroararfrmrnzor VETERINARIAN and SURGEON Sophia St Barrie Phone 4545 LLOXD STECKLE ll dav Progressive Conservative Ni tron which will start lll Ottawa Bracken 311 as leader of the restate Progressive Conservative Endorsing New High School At Alliston Alliston Herald Many people have been looking for some activity on the site of thc proposed new high school for the Alliston High School Area build ing that will be erected on the former Henderson property cast of Lorne Street The board of trustees have secured its tcnative plans which are being approved with sug gested alterations by the Ontario Municipal Board and the Depart ment of Education The next step will be to secure the approval of all municipalities in the area to the issuance of de bentures for the cost of the new school and the current years main tenance charges Despite general meeting some months ago at which the method of financing was clearly explained to all the municipal representatives the local councils have held upthe required approval mainly on the grounds that the equalized assess ment on which the new school rates will be based Were more favorable to some municipalities than others This matter however has been clcared in with promise that sliortlv all municipalities will do Thereiis but brie municipality that form basis under county auspices Hhere is but one municipality that has not sodfar approved of the issuance of the debentures This will be done we understand at the Willi this all round approval the trustee board will be able to take further steps towards the erection of the school It is quite expected that work will be started on the building early next spring NoLeisure InWecrlih Prosperous Gardener Tells News Reporter lBradford Witness Far be it from this writer to dis couragambition but as one sees vatory of Music Toronto all somelof the best men in our country grades including ARCT Modern snatched away in their prlm0ne MelhOds is often prone to wonder of ambi is often prone to wonder if ambi ties is not optdistancing modern health safeguards However one does not often hear the Successful man express doubts as to the worthwhileness of attain ing success and thatis just what we heard he other day member ofone ofrthese success ful pionermarsh grower families readrs may have noted ere this that we think their logic pretty iness and lingered for chat In the course of conversation we remark ed that itrmust seem almost likea fairy story to have builtup such big business from sucha small be ginning iri very fewyearsbu11t big growing concern with little to Start with but akecn brain and willing hands If Instead of pattinghimself on the back and bOIrsting regarding how gotsurprirted us andwc think itis worth pasaing alongn 11858 comparative poverty time at least lts forcingthe from door mately Above are the men responsible for the three September 30 Over 1300 voting delegates will meet at this to choose successor to Hon John lllr Macdomicll at top left ispresidcnt of the Progressive onservalivc Assocration of Canada and chairman of the Convention Executive Coni sound was in this office on buss well hehad done the answers Yes he Said financially we have been successful beyond our highest expectations in those early days but when we didnt have much businesswe had time to an joy living and to be friendlyWith our neighbours Now we are so crowded with business We have little time for anything but bustv And he sounded tired and we be lievehe would beglad logo bak totheold friendly days even with fora short onEENLANTERN ENTERED nary last Sunday morning the Green Lantern on Highway 11 south ofBarrie was entered by Approxl $50111 cigarettes and choco 13307 95 llr XS BLAIR ALP LEON lllilllOl itional Conven Coliseum on Secretary of th Party and will policies in bringing over Municipalities Slow Consider Turning Over Sewage System To PUC Al Midland Midland Free Press Herald Possibility that in future Mid lands sewers and sewage disposal might be idiiiiiiistercd by Midland Public Utilities Commission rather than by committee of town coun cilwas broached at last weeks meeting of Midland Public Utilities Commission by Mayor Smith Stating that there was notice of motion before council nmv requests ring such change he uskcdkthe commissioners to give Consideration to problems which might be in volvcd He outlined the move as one to consolidate our llllllllQSaIl2I speculated too as to the possibili ty of placing the administration of parks under new utilities com mission which would have both ex panded personnel and scope Mztvor Smith considered that futurc sewer installations should be on rental basis with payment based on potential use rather than on the local improvement tax sys tem He said that the supply of water to property was only half the problem that it had also to be taken away He considered that both phases were really part of single operation and that combin ing them seemed to give the only feasible and sensible way of gang ing water costs nlernglionaLBldl Match Near Lindsay October 12 to 15lh With thirtyeight different and separate competitions for horse and tractor listed in the program for the International Plowing Match to be held near Lindsay from Octo ber 12 to 15 the entries pouring in to the office of Carroll Sec retaryTreasurerfiof the Ontario Ottawa from his province IV AN SABOIERIN museums iir mittec all of whose members are shown above Mr Bell is National Director of the Party and committee and with his staff at Progresssive Conservative Headquarters In Ottawa is doing most of the actual organization Subourin first vicepresident of national afsstxiation and leader of the party III the prov uebcc though not actually member of the lkecutivc onmiittee is organiztng the too delegates and alternates to iLL ANGUS September 25 Eldon Beccroft Toronto was In Angus on Friday Mrs Dempster is vrstting her sister Mrs Wm Muu at her summer home at Bala Sympathy is extended to the family of the late Mrs Thus Mc Cann who passed away vcrv sud denly at her home on Wednesday morning Seilt 22 Congratulations to Rev Lacey former United Church minister of Angus who was mar ried to Miss Elizabeth Lovegrove of Toronto on Sept 14 at West inorelaud United Church also to Gertrude only daughter of lilr and Mrs Archie Duckworth who was married on Saturday Sept 18 t0 Oscar Linton of Camp Borden Wbmens Institute The Womens Institute met at the home of Mrs Robt King Tuesday evening Sept 14 with an attend ance of forty It was decided that the members invite their husbands to dinner and social evening Sept 29 at the Savannah The meeting was in charge of Mrs Lucas convener of home eco nomics Mrs Bert Wright of Stroud gave very fine address on Home Economics Mrs Millar of Bar rie and Mrs Gordon of Thom ton gave an interesting talk on Spencer garments There was demonstration of salads which they were enjoyed at th unchliour JBBTHESDA September 20 Stevenson spent Friday in Toronto gt Mrs Stafford is visiting Mrs McConnell Newton Robinson Mrzlreland has been holidaying 1nCleveland with her two neph ews Plowmens Associationpromise to set record for this great event International competition is al ready assured by the fact ithat team of champion plowmen fvrgin Northern Ireland will be onhand to try their Lskill against the On tario champions and as has been the case in the last two years en tries frOm the United States are also likely There will be four fu1ldays of plowing eventsohe day conned to the counties adjacent to Victoria and three days ropentoithe world The closing day Friday October 15 has fourhorse andtountractorlt classes in sod plowing including the important Salada Tea Trans Atlantic classwfoi horse plowmen add the E350 Tractorclass the Junior Farmer InterCounty com petition in tractor plowing with the tva boys on the winning coun ty team receiving freetrip to the internationalrLivcstock Exposi in Chicago On this day equipmentfancl on the Iastthrec hotSehdeing competitions Will be competitions for teams and days of theMatch there willbc Ellison Sunday With Mrs Pierson McNicoll Mrs Dale almer on Tuesday rece Mill Tli Lad Ladies Mrs HUNTEDVZWYIH FIRE trials and th after Miss Stinson of Toronto is the guest of her sister Mrs Harold er and Mrs Palmer exit ort Mr and Mrs Abbott ofCleve land Ohio are guests of Mr and Rev andngrs Nichol of nutter re guestsmMrs Mrrandvirs KenBrown an Miss Laura attended the wedding of her niece in Morningside Pres byterian ChurchA Toronto The ption was held at the Old Auxiliary1ifth ngion held very successful eu chre in their beautiful new hall There Were twentyfive tables and thecprizerwinners were as follows McCausland Mrs Watson and Marie Aiken Gentle men Mr Boynton Ed Ellisonand Kettle Lucky prize winners wereMrs Dobbsr and Marie Aiken Indians hunting buffalo used to set fire to grasspanickingithe ani err moving in for an met of Mrs Hicklings was turnout and plans Welcl discussed for busy winter Ladies of the Manually are invited to join the group help with the work and hue lots of fun At the close of the meeting Mrs Heirward Martin presented ten wt on bur half of the Guild to Mrs Hickliugl marking the changing it hrl name from Mrs Wm Simpson to dis El Hickling Mkiu sue for Mission Field The WA of St Thomas Church held special sewing meeting at the home of Mrs Frank Benson onl Sept 21 to finish the garments which will go to make up bale to be packed at Mrs Sum lerrys this Tuesday night The bale is to be sent to the mission field There were 16 members present and ul pleasant afternoon was concluded with afternoon tea 5Mlllg served byi Mrs Benson Fine Community bplllI grand community spirit was shown last Thursday wlicnalhc men and women of the villagcoti very short notice gathered at the rectory of St Thomas Church to work on the projecrof converting the hay loft above the garagtyiinto hall for meeting place of the ubs the Scouts the Sunday School until other organizations of the church The ladies prepared two excellent meals to which the men did fullt justice The Rector expicssed hearty appreciation to all those who Worked front early mommi until late at night doing such an excellent job Community Razors Mr and Mrs Ilrckling The Community Hall of Shanty an was the scrim of large goth ering last Friday night when the people of Guthrie Oro Station and Shanty Bay met to do honor to Mr and Mrs Hickling who were recently married Mrs Young and Art Hubbert made the presentation of silver tea Service and the Rec tor Rev Eric Richards read suitable address on behalf of the community to the happy couple Over 100 people then took part in slingsong games and dancing Mr and Mrs Harry Winters ecle brated their Itllll wedding anniver warinly congratulated by all pres ent The evening closed after re frcslunents were served by the ladies EDENVALE My September Collingwood Fair was well pat ronized from this community on Saturday number from here attended the GillanThompson wedding at Barrie on Saturday Owing to anniversary servrces at Midhurst on Sunday the ser vices here were cancelled Mr and MrsR Miles ac companied by Mr and Mrs Boyd and Dorothy Barrie spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Alex Smith Thedford Anniversary services were held in the local United Church last Sunday with good attendance both morning and evening Rev Carder Allandale gave two inspir ing addresses his subject in the morning being Christian Steward ship and in the evening Christ in Fellowship Minesing Union choir provided excellent music in the morning service and Burton Ave choir officiated in the even mg AMI li IF ITS SPRING BARRII SPRING SERVICE REPAIRING LARGEST STOCK OI GENUINE REPLACEMENT SPRINGS AND BEST EQU NORTH OF TORONTO COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL SPRING ACCESSORIES Gowan St FACING TRACKS THURSDAY SEWFSERW rP 1N8 GIVE RING RLARCHING IPPED SPRING SHOP Alldndale PHONE 3400 sary the sameeveningnnd Were 101 In Other words is your home tgaged Ifsoeouldy0iu dependents pay off that mortgage in the event of iyOur death they could not then you can arrangewllliConfederation Life Association IO have it paid oil by means of special Mortgage Insurance Policy It will be worth your while to Inquire about this pol icy whether the mort gage was arranged with an individual company or under the National Housing Act Writ now for booklet Your Home It tells you how your Cwlfe can have cash to pay off the mortgage If any thing happens to you BEFORE You INSURE CONSULT COiifedcration Life Association HEAD OFFICE TORONTO Representative HOUGHTON Barrie unnrrocronn cANAnIAii GINEIIALEIECIRIC Proudly presents an outstanding new Radio Programme The rrur BELL SINGERS under rhodircclimrhs and liislfOrchesilra 5934 gfginoglcyouonioy lhllrrilllrlg vulgar oflho lull loll ringers full mu clinker under Howard Cables brilllunl direction Hrdruarrllc solos 5y chum Jordon baritone all of them distinguishd Canadian cum 74 suNDAY61+63orir i860 on your dial risen incIrilcrn criticco lie Bell at Alia humid Sundayiolr llro consolecoast CBCDomlirlbriNolwrltIliad