Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1948, p. 20

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imam tioii of 11 support 11 tic Eastern 711m wveeks lllfltflllclnHl Good Progress Shown by NSimcoe Potato Growers North Sum1 ers Ass11iituli Wycliffe lhi Septeiiitiez 11 241 to consider the 111111 HItlJlltill Yields in Pllflt 1111 lszarid Lil lrlhllleti 1111111 and lIlLlLfokLl 11111411 ll illttl the lillrrS is 1114 being ltc1l11l for ltx of seed potatoes and it Is my ta some airangemerit will b11c worked out 111 Sippl pota 11 11121111 Columbia where last Sprrng destrcyed ziuch 1r llop leyl1s21 Ultinalti The pi marks 11 Vliitcside 11 coopciatioi for 111111 1111 ing up N11r11 5141111121 sew Ul 11121111 will he epirscu it cling by Howard lliilpiz 111111 loitlwuod and It rI mcizil 1rl lrlitillltlll 111 exported 11 with which 111i1 Stillltlll iil 11111111111111 11 Itfllilllldtl of Mr 21 11111 11111111s unavoidably held mei 111 interesting and 1irtlr rcllr of tests and 111moor 11ris are again being conduci 1l llits Mar 111 North Silllzttlr b1 11111111111 of potato growis 111 111 1111 11111111 with scyeiiil brancth of lilllllltlll of Agriciiitiirc atswam Page agriciilliiial piescntatne reported bzlcfly 111 the 11111311 of tlitse projects Soil Itilllll scab control 31gtl spacing and variety tests were located 111 all of the major pulalo tltib and lUsllllS of thes Iii1ls 1=tlltl h1 givcri iii the arc 111ml repoit of the association for llllti ing with all made il to fulfil all contrais Vic somation 111111111 The 111115 11 11111 tl lul sttwinl lit moved 111 111 li1tl ed at Illltllll 11 Tlv to be 111111 111 11111 1l111 lllll llllllftlttlts The 1111111111 1111 111131111 Zone labs 11iii11 l111111111c llllltll 11111 lltiirtaiig Morris Darby 11l1y t1itl 7111111 sp11111 ivtimhh wan11 11113 phy1 Barrie li 11i 1114311110 11111111 liiltll llai rie 1111111111 lliilwell 11211 111114 iippiiiie 1Ji1lilttt llli If 12111 ltSlh li 1i11l illli ttil Nurtl Special stress was reported as 11111111 placed on scab control there being number of new killllthlblltlll varieties under test 1111 the farm of Harry lieaiichanip tiizciang Soil amendments to re duic scab were also being tested 111111 of the main ones being on 1111 farm of Wilfrid Murphy llariii RR The three major 111eds in potato prodiiction at the moment wcr1 tatcd as being greater volume 111 top quality sccds more 11111111111111 sioiago an dimproved grading and packaging The 1111111111 111 1111 Ontario p11 tato crop this year c1111lt siderable iiiiprovcinciit 11111 prcvi oiis years and illllltttltllllltl Will not be enough to sziopl1 11111111111s there are some il dlhldlltll yields in 1c11 1p1c111111l 01111111 potato growing areas will be general in slit 111s ll111lllll1i three to tour =h 111113111111 ing for Winter storage will begin Isuuatiori 11 was statedlthat 25000 meeting 111 representatives Norsimco Brand bags were hand froin live Eastern Ontario Provin led for the association last year ees is being arranged by the ltlllt Abalance of $46067 in cash and Its Here The New 1949 KaiserFrazer VISITOUR SHOWROOM AND SEE THE Style Leader for 11 311111113 MOTOR51113 Steele Street BARBIE Phone 2214 Goods Satisfactory Your Money Refundch Inwreimrtingmon the potato bag HEPC AUTHORITIES REBATE $20000 BARRlE CONSUMERS Sallir manager of the Barrie lublic llilities torn mission received telephone mrxsage from Robert Saunders llllC Chairman stating that application for months re hate to Harrie consumers had been granted Mr Salter said months rev bale here would be approxim ately 530000 119 could not sa what month would be chosen until the omrnission holds meeting However he sure it would be before the 131 1045 All consumers of Hydro in Barrie will bentfir by the re bate 01 one months free service ti11 of bags on hand lo the 111 111 gtttltlll 111 1111 has agaui been 11111111 for 1111111111 season 11 813 pm 11 below the Ill ltliti year growers will 1111 11l1 to ge bags more than one 111111 cheaper ll lhitesidc district inspecu 11 111 his 11l1l11 stressed the fact that to hold the 1Hll market greater attention inns be paid to seed 1ltcttoii potato grading and tuber llllll seed plots llc report ed that the Katahdms shipped within the iiast year gave clear 1111111 wadings 11 Athaca tests The balance of Mr Whitcsides address will be 1211111 111 the next issue of The Examiner September 20 lis Eldridge Ioronto spent he weekend with her parents Mrs litlllll Graham is spending few weeks with friends at Duri italk Mr and Mrs Lloyd ODell Wes ton visited 1111 Sunday with the tormers parents Mrs Coutts was 111 Toronto on Sept to attending the funeral of lltl uiiele1lohnM Dawr Miss Catherine Graham of the RV Hospital Barrie spent Sept l0 with Mr and Mrs lZ Graham We are sorry to report that W111 Copeland is not improving as fast as his many friends would like 111 see Mr and Mrs Barrett and Mrs Mabel Moir Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs W111 Morr Mr and Mrs Donald Kerr and baby Marilyn Everett were Suri day guests of Mr and Mrs Cooper Mr and Mrs Coutts and fam ily and Mr and Mrs Forbes Coutts visited friends at Midliurst 011 Sun day last Mr and Mrs Bennett Brant tord spent the past weekend with Mr and Mrs Squibb and Mr and Mrs ll Squibb Mr and Mrs Abrams of Mon trcal Mrs Janet Campbell of Ren frcw and John Abrams Tottcn ham were recent guests of Mr and Mrs Abrams Lorne wallaugher motored to Guelph on Sept 15 His aunt Mrs Elson rcturncdwith him for few weeks holidays with Mr and Mrs Gallaughcr Weekend and Sunday guests at Wm Copelands included Mrs Chas Stone and children Stayncr Mr and Mrs Copela Mr and Mrs Carl Copeland and Mrs Copeland Toronto Mrfarid Mrs Gouin and Mrs Aycrst Allan dalc Mr and Mrs Cochrane and Mr and Mrs Wicc Stroud 11111 iigtgt11vllllltll 1111 11 DANGEROUS DISEASE Measles was major cause of death among United States soldiers during the First World War gt Phone Dashingly qurt Tlnexpensive FOiShioynRight $2500 1111110111111011 to think seriously of your Autumn Coat So docbmelintoZel leils and SIbOpAroundl Style as shown is made of sturdy Suede Cloth with Fish Tail Flare back Flap pdckets chtcr Pan CDllarand neatly lined with Quilted Celancse Black Grey Green Brown Wine Sizes 1220 select your Autumn Needs Now 1114 ask or Mammal our convenient LAYAWAY mm John Wylic b1 LOCAL NEWS liallh llizggaii is now 11111 Shop 1121101111 51 1311 11min 11111 paid for good 11 Caruso Fruit 31111111 301 1111 Marine Moore of lrenfcl vs 1111 11111 111111 to Mr and Mrs of Fergus Just arrived plastic table leth Linkers 11 the 11111 54 111111111 all colors Tea Hayfield St In 111 gaidcn of 79 011111 St is an Easter lily with four fine blooms The plant gt 13 inches high Special Maries Beauty Salon 59 Elizabeth 31 regular $500 per l11e Awning To 34 39 Cormicr 1111111nts now $350 also 515 cold wave now $7931 Evening appointE 11111115 Phone 271 Zlfb Special 111 regular $350 permanent wave for $250 Otheri waves $11710 and $5100 Camerons lleaiity Parlor over Olympia Res laurant lli11111 44111 381be For these reconditioning SCtll1 trciitiiicnts before your ncw Falll permanent come to DUIWIH Beau3 ty Salon 33 Dunlop St Phonel 311112 39pl lieit loge popular converter at1 Barrie Community House has opened used car lot on Essa Rdl in Altandale under the name 01 Macs Motors When you meet them treat Take them out to eat where food reigns supreme and best people meet Robindalc lllll 3840h wfitllltldt Archer lllLICIEan cy sandwiches cookies wdding cakes made to order Advice or help with wedding receptions Phone 42115 for appointment be tween ti and 730 pm 34lfb West Gwillimbury reader writes as follows am sending $300 for years subscription to the Barrie Examiner May con gratulate you on the high standard of your paper Specials for Friday and Sarurda only 50gtliats $201 each 50 wool Cardigans and Sweatersxlightcol ors plaid blazers $298 each hildrens pullovers $125 each Tweed and Jersey short pants $125 pair Baby rubber plastic pants clearing BBC painIrene Collins Ladies Wear Allandalc 39b Miss Jessie Bryson has re sumed teaching at her studio 27 Bradford St Pupils prepared for examinations of the Royal Conscr vatory of Music if desired All grades including the graduation ARCT in piano and singing and the required sight singing and theory limited number of new pupils accepted 394401 fSylvaI official publication of the Ontario Department of Lands fricridsx give ill litls Newirian riforestation Newm Velerans Cl 01 Reforestation Tells The Club 111111 the 111st of their Fall tctiriesday Sept 15 at Park Midhurst 1111111 htl Veterans Ilairi1= illllnel Spring of 1le1 members and guests 1L down to fowl suppen served the Ladies Auxrliary of 111111111151 United huich in ltittt llall Piesrdcril Alf Jarman called the iiieetrng to order and siogsorig was led by Morgan rllt llt The speaker of the evening regional director of Forestry Province of Ontario gave an extremely interesting talk on Mr Newman ex iriied the organization of the On =lilllt forestry branches and during burst Reforestry Area was second none in the province The speaker was introducedby Mctli Adamson Superintendent of the Midliiirst llranch and thanked by Craig Among the visitors introduced by Roy Kiglitley were Main Jolinlt ston Acting Commandant Armd Corps Training School Camp 801 den Major Gillis RCASC School tainp Borden and Majo Hallie of the US Army who is prcscntly RCASf 11 attached to the amp Borden School Alumnae of RVH Elect Officers his discourse stated that the 11 Monday evening September 13 the graduate Nurses Aliimnae Association of the Royal Victoria Hospital held their meeting at Miss liclen Shanahans cottage at Oro Station Lake Simcoe Mrs Hl Cunningham president was in the chair After brief business discussions the election of officers took place as follows lion Pres Miss Sharia han Pres Miss Kctt Viirepres Miss Banting Treasurer Miss Mc Donnell Secy Miss Stockdalel Flowerand Gift Committee Miss Booth and Miss Wilson Program Miss Davis Mrs Cunninghamand Mrs Collins Refreshments Mrs Collins Mrs Horton and Mrs Rowe dainlyluncli and an cn joyablc evening then concluded All motored back to Barrie about midnight Previous to this function few weeks back Miss Shanahan enter1 taincd allthe Barrie Nurses of the staff and community presenta tion was in order respectively for Miss Walker and Miss Spccrs of the stall who were recently married and Forests in its current booklet reports that Stanley Mocking has just retired after 38 years of ser vice With the department He is son of the late Mr and Mrs Ed wardrMccking of Allandalc and at tended Allandale school for tirrie some 50 years ago Four vehicles were slightly darti agcd in an accident on Elizabeth St near Mary last Saturday after noon duririggi rainstorm car swung out from Mary St inlp Elizabeth St and the driver of an oncoming truck applied the brakes to avomhiuing this car Vehicles following the truck piled into each other on the slippery pavement Driver of the truck was Bert Tayl lor of Lefroy The drivers of the cars damaged were Ruth Giorr gianni RR Barrie Jos Scper ich of Levack and Edward Gowcr of Toronto Benjamin Postil 304 Belslze Dr Toronto was the driver of car into which Clarence Koller walked last Friday night Koller age 55 of Niagara Falls suffered abras ions and bruises when he walked into the side of the car near the FiVPOirilS He was takii 16 tli Royal Victoria Hospital Two vehicles were slightly damv aged in an accident at the corner of Burton Ave and Essa Road during rainstorm at 1115 pm last Saturday The driver of one car wasMurray Bereznick of To ronto and the driver of the other was John Albert Adair of Glen cairn Prov Cons Beeman in vestigated September 20 Mr and Mrs Hambly of Brad ford spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Earl Hirons Thanksgiving harvest hgmefra vices will be held in Christ Church on Sept 26 Rev Atkinson of cm September 18 Mrs Palmer and Sharron were in Toronto on Thursday Spence McCullough was visiting friends in Toronto this week Mrs Oleson of Omaha Neb is visiting her brother Wright Ferguson attended Barrie Presbytery meeting on Tuesday Mr and Mrs Stubbs of Beebe Quebec were guests of Rev and Mrs Cook Rev and Mrs Gault and family hav returned home after motor trip to Kingston and White Lake in the Ottawa Valley RalphCookc 18 son of Rev and Mrs Cooke enrolled this week as an upper school student at Trinity College School in Port Hope Mr and Mrs Dale and Mr and Mrs Palmer motored to Brampton and took in the bowling tournament put on by the Dale Estate Each lady was presented with dozen American Beauty roses The extensionto Bcetons new arena is nearing completion It will include an assembly hall measuring 40 90 feet with dress ing section will house municipal Offi ces Cookstown will be in charge 11 am and Rev Prvince of Everett at pm Archdeacon and Mrs Emmet Orillia spent Sunday with Rev and Mrs Simmonds Mr and Mrs Coxworth Walkerton visited the formcrs parents over the weekend Mr and Mrs ARundle of Sun erland spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Herman Jennctt Rev Simmonds was in charge of theservices in St Ath anasius Church Orillia on Sunday September 20 Shirley Chappel Barrie spenta ekSholidayyatiher home Mrs Sullivaanoronto spent week with her daughter Mrs Sheldon Mrs Harold Sheppard returned bn Friday from twomonths trip to England Mr and Mrs Rae Lazenmby Tor onto are holidaying at the home of the Misses Lazeany iiMr and Mrs SWheeler hav gone on fortnights motor trip to Wiartonandpther points Mrs Atkinson Mrand Mrs Brown Edward and Marshall To cottage 15 tonto pcntthe weekend at their Mr McCarthy Mr ahaMrs 13 More and Ricky of Toronto are spending two weeks holidays at Mrs Cundals cottage Rev Arthur Fosterof Glencairn Baptist ChurchToronto Was or dained TuesdayeveningSept 14 two 228 peoplenre injured you or me or the man next door and killed every hour in occupational accidents We aIWays hope it wont be us but the wise man or woman protects the 1uturewlthaa health and accident policy to cover all hospital expenses For fulllnformation wrlte Associates moon BLOCK 24 Dunlop St Barr or Phone 4110No obligatio Fred Fitzsimmons Hed353 student pastor here for years Run Over by Blcycle Ankle Broken suffered broken ankle on Friday at schoOl when another boy ran overhim with bicycle He was taken to RV Hospital Barrie for treatment and is resting at his home now Preaches FareWell Sermon Mr Henderson preached his fare well set on on Sunday evening OnSatu day evening quite bum ber met at the church and SP8t aocial time and gave him going awav gift He does not expect to backagain Owing to his moth erbinguveryill he cannotre some his studies at McMasterfor mi year at least The service Wll now bekhelcPat 630 beginning 911 Sunday IeveninghSept 26 ow mgto change from DST 111 ompartments fitted with mod ash room facilities Thenevv GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS WHERE YOU BUY MOREFOR LESS ALUMINUM UTENSILS COFFEE PERKS $l25 $145 $175 5200 to $259 TEA KETTLES $125 $135 $159 $185 $295 to $495 PRESHIVING KETTLES $195 $269 $325 $375 STEAMERS $150 $1200 $450 to $1425 EGG POACHERS $100 $200 $295 3395 FRENCH FRYERS COMPLETE $150 $169 $195 VEGETABLE POTS $150 $175 522 COLANDERS $125 52110 SALE OF PLOWSHARES FLEURY 21 95c 22 Gang 750 CLOTHES DRYERS FEET HIGH SECTIONS BARS IN EACH Good Buying at $225 STURDY CHILDRENS WAGONS and RUBBERLIKE yard TRICYCLES MATTING Black 36 75c PLASTIC TABLECLOTH yd 500 and 690 CORN LBROOMS 950 $125 $150 $175 COLOURED BOWL SETS $125 $225 $295 $325 and pcs 1301111011 111111311111 111131111113 OCEDAR SELF POLISHING WAR qt OCEDAR PASTE WAX HALF POUND PUDDING BOWLS White Sets of $125 Large Earthen Mixing Bowls 10 inch 65c 12 inch $115 NUT MEAT CHOPPERS are 69c ONION CHOPPERS arc DRIPLESS SYRUP SERVERS Ea 390 These are for innings So it is in real life Both for the price of the self pollshtng wax This Is Fall Special for only limited period TliercS iiOtliing it might be worse game that seemed 1051 has often been won on the last end or in the last RUBBER STOVE MATSsl56 top of Electric Stoves 590 DRAINBOARD MATS si5 $149 Red Green Blue and Black HANSON NURSERY SCALES S7195 $87115 MAXWELL ELECTRIC WASHERS METAL KITCHEN STOOLS $295 whim Wuhaedtrim METAL UTILITY TABLES White with Red Green or Black trim $350 $425 ALADDIN OIL LAMPS $1045 $1195 and $1395 Complete ALLADDINJ LAMP CONVERTERS ea 5135 Transform your oil lamp into an electric llllllp FHARRY ARMSTRONG 98 104 DUNLOP ST Soroptimists Hear Convention Report By Claire Tillman At the September 14 dinner meeting of the Barrie Soroptimist Club Miss Claire Tillman gave report on the IOth Biennial Con vention of the American Federation of Soroptirnist Clubs held at the Royal York Hotel Toronto last July Miss Tillman was delegate of the Barrie club and attended the full sessions of the convention She said she was very much im pressed by the memorial services held on Sunday evening July 25 in memory of those members who had passed away within the last two years white rose placed upon wreath of owers with the members name inscribed made beautiful memory note LieutenantGovernor and Mrs Ray Lawson held reception on Monday afternoon at the Lieuten antGovernors suite in Queens Park and shook hands with over 500 delegates from all parts of the United States and Canada On Tuesday evening the Western Canada Region of Soroptimist Clubs sponsored dinner in true style with dcgorationsv in speaker at this dinner was John Fisher of the CBC There were various conference sessions in full swing from Monday to Friday but on Wednesday ev eryone was given avfree dafto sightsee or shop or just relax Many of the members visited the Yacht Club and remaine for din ner in the evening hi blight of the convention was the Friendship Luncheon held on Thursday when everyone was asked to come dress ed according to her occupation The costumes were ingenious and in formative as complete ranchers outt from Oregon or an intricate bit of millincry representingwflor ists telegram delivery and some times hilaritisfii corsetiere came with her merchandise worn outside Miss Grace Nicholls convention chairman and the only woman managing director of life inur ance Company on the continent was bprne into 1the room on Stretchr by group of nurses and doctors from EasternCanada This luncheon was sponsored by the Maritime clubs and little light houses sat daintin at each table The menu consisted of fresh isea foods ownto Toronto from Hali fax On Friday evening Eastern Can ada Region were the hestesses and Mrs Kate Aitken was the speaker apparentlyarict qlmbst didrrlttget to the meeting Her plan 1was 1111111 wctern Ilf 7Tli grounded due to bad weather in Montreal but she chartered pri vatc plane and arrived in time to give rousmg speech on the re sponsibilities of successful women Mrs LlcvtIclla Maclnnis thanked Miss Tillman for her report Miss Mrs Aitken had bit of difficulty the Barrie Soropttmist Club for the coming year was presented PHONE 2801 with small pin in the shape of maple leaf one of the souvenirs of the convention and gift from the Eastern Canada chfon Be fore the speaker film Listen to the Prairies obtained from the National Film Board was shown by Rose Doucette Read Examiner Classifieds TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAYM SEPT 2829 FIRST DAY Preparation Day Judging of Hall Exhibits SECOND DAY School Childrens Parade at 130 pm from Town Hall led by Alliston Citizens Band 2l8 Purse $150001 Entrance $100 Three hca an TRIALS OF SPEED 09 Pacing Harness Horse Association rules govern Trotters allowed seconds Simcce County HOlstcln BLACK AND WHITE Show At least 110 entries $60000 in Prizes Simcoe County SHORTHORN Show Simcoe County HEREFORD Show $18000 in prizes foreach Show Simone Dairy Calf Clubj Simcoe Boys and Girls Swine Club Achievement Day Buggy Races Baby Show FreckleFoe gtCuntest Beeton Boys and Girls Grain Club Public School SpellingContesttochn toall public Schools ADMISSION togrouliasz ADULTS 35ccHILDREN 20c gAUTOSJSc Eagh occupant of auto95c Soldiers in uniform FREE DANCE in the AGRICULTURAL HALL Evening of Sept 29 Admission 50c music NORMUERLINGS ORCHESTRA or VNEWMARISET wiyr WESTLAKEdPres fHARRY oRoSS sagasst ForlPrompt DoliVery Albertaleihiridge11m11750 IAnthracitsttard111111111111111195onz THE SARJEANT CO LTD Fuel BUM PHONE 2461 Headquarters For 811170101889 and Earmers 3113315 931

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