THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7900 Copies AUTHORIZED AS IICOID CLASS IAIL KO DIPL OIIAIA meruan BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 23 l948 TELEVISION SETS MADE IN CANADA SELLING AT $700 Thousand Entries Annual Essa School Fair at Ivy Section lPoges to JET PLANE ZOOMS LOW OVER BARRIE MILES MINUTE jetpropelled Vampire stag ed demonstration over Bar rie following the Battle of Britain serticr last Sunday 1114 tcrnoori Zooming through the air at more than 500 miles an hour the plane roared along within 100 feet oi the buildings On some occasions the craft was in vertical position travelling littueen steeples and towers Spectators caught only brief glimpses of the plane at close range on account of the terri tic speed The terrifying whistling sound was heard af ter the plane was out of sight The Vampire had come to Barrie front No 100 Auxiliary Squadron at Toronto The plane made the flight from Harrie to the landingficld at Toronto in approximately five minutes JCyce Soloinan of Cedar Grovelant tent 50x30 School and Ronald Spencer oflfeet was set up and this Icitturedi llelSl0n 10 CIRII Hill School were illltreci seds and reforestation and James Partridge of the electronic CGE last Friday night told members of the Lion lub of Barrie about the present lstatus of television in Canada Television sols are now being manufactured in Toronto and the sell at from $700 to $3000 At the present time the szts in Toronto are picking up televised Itigliilll from Buffalo station There are 30 applications before the Canadian BroadcastiiigCor poration for firms wishing to csA tablish television broadcasting sta tions in Canada but no permits llliite yet been issued In tho Un ited States there are more than half million television sets in use at the present time The technical details of televis ion vclc explained to the Lions by means of slides shown by thirilimw Kmlll speaker Mr Partridge has been Wm lll in the employ of the GE for Hill WMIWy Wm you nnd during Hm war he Ititlltllt in 192i and was on the sorred in the radar division of the if lttll lll RcAF Tchoil from 19313 tullllliJ lllcn he vlliit north to zitziLicvIri and won seek New cAarmanv to will again be directed by Craig llm 141401 mi Hamilton The chairman is How lvflll Ill Nililmc oriipariy mm Ema 10mm ard Naphtali and committee menu HH llllt Mr Hitlilill was on thc lill WWW milllllft PM it be me DH Usumvm Arthur hoard of tho Mann and nmym Illltllllii lli llltll Uffltt 51 Drinlop Morc Jack Richardson Osmond phimate Institute was member St llitrrsday evening last Since Rowe Ted Oaks George Wilsonl lllc board of elders of St And Wlllilm lh Chilmmn and NW Stephenson rows lresbytoriiin Church and til John Mitrhinson the cochziirmeii N0 Stephenson reported that active in the Boy Scout mowmom In lodd and James Hart have the mm rocmpts the dog Show Mrs Riddell and the three children llitllrtilllllllii Hill It ilHEIOS were 5177437 and emxmdilmtcsarc remaining in Barrie ior thcpm WW WWI lake were 3147431 The mom of tune liemg ovcr the ltiltlillip of this import $30015 was divided tilally be Im bumd tween the Lions lirb and the ll thL 1h dmv Kenml Club The $150 allotted tons who all ndcd the lllitdliltllltEH the Linus Club will set aside member who had formerly been in fund 01 wenRm work dlvjlltlittllttl to fill the chair now WWW Sunduw durum AW had some free time gave them mm Slts Bum Awmw hope that this party will decide In view of this the RIChard v1AINNI Age United lnirch were held in thcim mull Has Fractured lnclioolroom hllc tho auditorium lmmmmw Hv Aw mtm lwas being completely cleaned and Of lwlmmmx mm AUTO Acoldent Sept Irovinciil Departinuiit of Health process outletoratcd decided to continue as they are FivcvcaroldRichardson of Mr Wm ms um Mk rdomgw IfiltttttV chairman does and Mrs Gordon Van Attcr sfliiltll Smith Ainq 4111 included mm 0W Wm set up the Worslcy 5L Barrio suffered mull fin limb lc various committees required to fractured skull last Thursday Dmlm 57 ml continue the raising of funds and morning when he was Suuckhy atrim was done by Hilliard Webb handle the various phases of gel superintendent champion girl and champion lioyIftiiltst products of various typesi respectively at the annual EssalThis display was particularly atl Township School Fair The fairitractivc and hundreds of schooll this year was held on Friday childreir and their parents visited Sept 17 at Ivy the big tentf Joycc had 37 points and Ronald Miss Audrey Gray county 11 had 34 Franklin Higginson of brarian hadadisplay of books Utopia School was second boy with and was on hand to explain the 25 points and Betty Holland oflcotmty library to visitors at the Baxter School was second girl fair with 22 points Eugene Smith was chairman of High pupils in the other schools the school fair committee aiidi were Dawn Butchers Scotch Frank Higginsoii was secretary Ant RSIIH KIirBIIliii 140in ILuisI Lee Ranting is chairman of the 00 IRHHS Nice 7al uni school areaboard and Bell Tookstown Shirley McVancl Ivy is secretaiy 375 rx Emily Cml Hunter Crumble Hill Ray Compiling the records was wch If lldnnl ulmu Dinlpltl AHLUS JOIHI Workman Lashley agricultural representa ML lllxifjmd up 110 UH Woods School Orval Leigh Mount titc assisted by Mrs Lrislilcy and nial Jam unlsml Pleasant Mrs DOIvl Brrdbu Dirirtin ELdmp MHQY In svwm from September to The total number of entries this the pmucmhngs durum the op oiti year was 1094 which was 85 more noon was George Woods super 1M up PL Anni than ago organ of ellow Springs hio visirig principal of the schools The school Winning the highest The event was concluded with Wm d5 Hid on KM ml smn by the Government ill India 011ml01lillllSlWllllDilwas SS all the schools participating in at UlODIH with Miss Eva Mitchell parade and their lining up for sot 9m ns In and as teacher tingup chrciscs Rcvf An HM whullvtwdlm for SS 14 woods School with Misslmmv of Amsmn played the balkl lotus lt1iltlll appointment Joyce McCann as teacher voii pipes to lead the parade The 10 hum mm first prize for the best school diS first unit was the Scotch Line play The CXlllblI illtllldtd ltilVOS School with the pupils appropri insccts seeds plant diseases vceds alply dressed in plaids The and other items of animal and schools varied in size from Bral vegetable life dcns with eight pupils to Cooks Second prize went to SS of town with about 65 pupils Cookstown with Miss Rilla Jack The schools and teachers which as principal Thivdisplay includ participated inthe fnir were 53 ed luncheon table set with fine Scotch Linc Bruce Edgar RR linen china and cutlery The Angus SS Elm Grove Miss lunch was salad plate with fruit Mary Wigston Alliston SS for dessert and milk for beverage Cedar Grove Miss Elsie Aldmson There were also scrap books on Allison SS Bradcns Mrs home economics Mary Church Egbert SS mimeSSEEgEMMLMLLCookstown Miss Rilla Jack as Mar ChlllCh HS 19011011013 W011 third principal and Mrs Annie Wallacel prize This display demonstrated and Miss Lottie Dodd teachers agriculture across Canada Prince SS Cherry Hill Mrs Lucille Edward Island was illustrated by Prentice Thornton SS Ivy fox breeding Manitoba by wheat School Geo White Cookstown fields and other provinces by SS Grumblc Hill Mrs Margaret their most important products KilizlrkuVIIIVQIIIIVQIILV SS Utopia TlmmHISDIASSThtfwvegelable Miss Eva Mitchell SS 10 Angus classes were all in the Orange Burton SS 11 Baxter Mrs Hall The poultry and other live MargaretHugill RRI Angus SSI stock were on the grounds outside 14 Woods Miss Joyce McCann began Memorial H05pita Campaign Committee lt ChampionShowmcm Barrie Exhibition Is Leila Cochrane The Junior Fair Barrics revived Sept 14 was not large entry but an interesting class and one which gave promise of returning to the bigdisplay of prewar days Allan Brown was chairman of the committee which consisted of Harold Robertson Belle Warnica and Bruce Cumming In the field crop displays shown in tent near the main entrance the results were as follows Seed potatoes earlyMurray Brown BarrierrRRrrrlriirAllan Brown Barrie RR Joanne SniithUiopia Seed potatoes lateIlelen Smith Utopia Murray Brown Glover Hutchinson Oro Station Joanne Division at Illlxhibition on Burton Avenue United jAuditorium Redecoratcd THE DAVIS MEMORIAL TROPHY is presented to Jimmy Strachan captain and first baseman ofBarrie Flyers by Miss Norma Davis of Toronto following the final game of the South Simcoe Baseball League Barrie Flyers are first win ners of this beautiful and impressive trophy donated by Miss Davis in memory of her brother Sgt Pilot Laurance Davis of the Royal Canadian Air Force killed overseas during the yearLauranceDavisnwasa popularrandwstarplayerof the Ivy Baseball Club in prewar days While he was in train ing as pilot at Camp Borden he played on the RCAF team He was son of Mr and Mrs John Davis Utopia RR Outside 1411 Boone Avenue31orofifo Name the building The Ontario seed extraction plant of Angus had very fine ex hibit on the grounds Under the direction of Al Carmichael assistlthisissue of The Barrie Examiner TAKE SIINCH PIKE KEMPENFELDT BAY Last weekend some fisher man lost huge 51inch pike in Lake Simcoe or one of the adjacent rivers The fish was picked up Monday morning Kempen feldt Bay by Harold Tordlff near his home at 261 Dunlop St The fish was bleeding from where it had been gaffer and it had not long been dead Scotty Alexander cleaned the specimen and it was hung pp in the garden of Mr Tor diff where several fishing en thusiasts stopped by The 51inch pike weighed 25 pounds and was one of the largest caught in the vicinity of Lake Simcoc BeetEVEN Broken lmiisfil Auto Accident Toronto Youths Hurt William Chalk age 19 of 243 Boone Ave Toronto suffered broken back last Saturday night in an auto accident in Innisl The accident oeurred at pm on Con 14 and No25 sideroad The driver of the car John Rid dell age l7of Aldergrove Ave Toronto suffered severe cuts and brush burns The owner of the 1928 model veJ hicle John Cobb age as not seriously hurt XThe accident occurred when the auto went down Gads Hill and failed tomake the curveat the bottom The Accident was near the summer home of SLee and he rovided accommodation and fa cilities while Dr Laurie at tended the injured youths They were later removed to the Royal Victoria Hospital at Barrier Prov Cons Rey Roberts investi EdWinj Ineson Utopia SS 15 Mount Pleasant Miss Elma Quniitz RR Thornton The names of the individual vin ners are printed on page seven of JACK SNIITH WINS BEEF CALF CLUB PRIZE ono FAIR Jack Smith RR Hawkestone was winner of first prize in the CFO Boys Beef Calf Clth this year 231110chBRZ$han1y Bay won second place The achievement day was held in connection with Oro Fair on September 15 The prizcrwinners next in line were Tom Ross RR Oro Station Donald Home RR Orillia Ivan Clark RR Shanty Bay Neil Mc Niven RR Oro Station Bob Gray Guthrie William Gowanlock RR Orillia Mel Strachan RR Oro Station Eek Smitliwonthe prize for the grand champion calf and the re serve prize went to Bob Gray Bill Clark won the prize for the grand champion showman and the reserve prize was won by Jack Smith lat the achievement day exhibition AberdeenAngus Shorthorns and Herefords The scoring for prize winners was as follows entry at fair 400 judging 100 verbal examination 100 Showmanship 100 feeding methods and care 100 monthly re ports 100 attendance at meetings 100 maximum total 1000 points Andrew Bartholomew was the club leader and the records were kept by John McIntyre assistant agrilturalreprsentitiver +ltL TEACH CHILDREN TO BE CAREFUL Accidents cause more deaths aipongchildren4han any disease Train your children for long life by teaching theWtowbeeaeefulwlw streets and highwaysto play inl sate ples away from traffic Teach them thatthey can have fun without ireckless risks1mdre memberyour good examplerris their beatlesson Threebreds of cattle were shotiii Smith Gloria Hutchinson Station Allan Brown Hutchinson Smith Joanne Smith Brown BarleyJoanne Smith Smith Glover Hutchinson Gloria Hutchinson Livestock Baby beefMurray Wariiica Barrie RR Bob Gray Guthrie Ruth Ireland Everett Dairy heiferMarilynCochraiie Thornton RR Leila Cochrane lThornton RR Eleanor Jermey IIC RR 103 dairy calves Leila Cochrane FrancesJermey Eleanor Jermey Marilyn Cochrane Grand champion lwon by Leila Cochranc championBob Gray Cfrscadden Stroud Joanne Smith Utopia Helen Smith Utopia deb Helen Smith Joanne Smith By Neighbors Auto High St LastSunday Twoyearold David Young of 63 struck bydrcar driven by George Wilson of thersame address lhreeyearold Patty Coughlin also of 63 High St suffered lacera tIiRonlWt01fiIf Hospital for rays and treatment The driver of the car said he did not notice the children playing in front of the ear before he got in to drive away He stopped in stantly as soon as he felt the bump Read Examiner Classifieds ro OatsGlover Hutchinson Gloria Helen Fall wheatHelen SmitbJoanne Smith Gloria Hutchinson Glover Hutchinson Allan Brown Murray Helen Barrie RR Frances Jermey Bar ShowmansliipBcef calves Bob Gray Ruth Ireland Murray Warn showman was reserve Showmanship for swineCarolyh Yorkshire giltCarolyn Carscad TwoYearOld Boy sittictc High St Barrie was injured last Sunday afternoon when he was tionsDavid Youngwayvtaken to car on ivcn street the movmg vehicle Richard was removed to the Roy cry The accident was investiga ted by Prov Cons Al Pearccf Bazaar and afternoon tea Andrews Presbyterian Dec 39b Rummage sale Oddfellows Hall Saturday Oct 23 Auspiccs Lady Lions Auxiliary 39b Dance in Gearin Hall Phelpston Monday Sept 27 Admission 50c Everybody welcome 39p Rummage sale St Andrews Presbyterian Church Oct 10 Doors open at am 39b Dance at Cookstown Pavilion every Friday to Don Gilkes and his orchestra Admission 50c 37th Dance Wednesday night Sept 29TFShantyBay Hall Snack bar Stroud Mountaineers Admission 50c 20tfb Wohelo Class are holding rum mage sale at Central United Church Sunday School room Oct 900 am 38401 Dance atBaxter Friday Sept 24 to the music of Paxtons or chestra Dancing from 930 to 130 381th Anniversary services Angus Unit ed Church September 26 Servies at 11 and Guest eaker Rev SrTfWlnx 38739b Rumma sal Burtbif venue United Church Saturday Oct Auspices Burton Av Evening Auxiliary Doors ope 21111 3940 St Andrews Presbyterian 51 day Sept 26 pm Rev ohn Robson ville at both services 391 caretaker The my was llwon by Miss In addition to this work grotipi Hazel Bidwcll 70 Sophia SL androl members and helpers working the accrdent occurred at 11 aml1n ItlillS CltIIIHd 001s lightintl when Richard ran into the Side of fixtures and seals and polished the al Victoria Hospital wherehc vasilciy and other soon making satisfactory recov the contract was also done by Churchurday Oct 16 WsIIMWetkat Dancirrgweveryr Frrdarand Sati ChurchHillsdaleanniversary Sun Friday Oct Musicbystroud 11 am and 730 Mountaineers Auspiees LOL 3112 Hunts Admission 50C woodwork of the pews Extra painting in the choir gall parts not included villing workers making most decided improvement throughout Rummage sale IOOF Hall Sati Auspices Conceal Polio and Tuberculosis Fund Doors open am 39 Womens Hospital Aid rummage sale Oddiellows Temple Satur day Oct am Contribctions welcomed Phone 2374 or 4613 3li3lb Barrie Branch BritishIsrael Monday Sept 27 Library Hall pm Speaker Mr Sproule Subject Armageddon in the Off ing 39b Stroud United Church anniver 11 and 730 oclock conducted by Rev Eagle BA of Cree more 39b Moving Picture Sound Film Beyond Our Quin auspices 39 Club at Burton Ave United Church Sept 30 830 pm Tickets 25 centsx 3940p Womens Canadian Club Tues daySept 28 830 pm Library Hall Speaker Mr JA Edmison subject Some Canadian Social Problems 39D uiday atPirie Crest Dance Cen tre One mile each of Anten Mills Ted Scott and his orchestra Ad mission 50c 39tfb Dance Midhursi Township Hall Lucky spot prizes Government ting building operations into proL grcss If the discussions and proposals nowzutidip way with the Ontario should materialize which tlichommittcc are notyet in position to make public the Barrie district will have the great est dollar value ever to have conic their way It may mean some revisernent of the present suggested plans litit should make the likelihood of new hospital in the very near future certainty The subscribers who have so generously contributed and those who are fulfilling their pledges may be assured that not day is being wasted and every effort is being put forward by the board to bring to reality the culmination of the hoped for hospital expan sion In the meantime conditions at the Rdyal Victoria Hospital are still very overcrowded Patients are reported as still waiting for rooms from time to time before being able or have necessary hospital treatment or operations TWO CARS DAMAGED ACCIDENT NEAR ANGUS was an accident on Con Essa two miles south of Angus 1941 car driven by Walter Craig of An gus was in collision with 1937 Aniodel driven by Symes of the same Village The first car was damaged to the extent of $150 and the second rolled over and was damaged to the extent of about $250 Some of the passengers were severely shaken up Prov Cons Roy Roberts investigated GIVE KIDS THEBBAKE1 Dont drive as though minute of yountimevisiworth more than school hilds life You know It is MT cDepartment of Highways is conducting campaign to see that ourchildren get safely to school When you drive near schools parks houses please take it easy Be preparedforemerg Lunch counter 3940b ency stops Give the kids BRAKE At 415 pmlasiSatuLdasLthere Manager of the Ivy team which lost out in the closelycohtest ed final series to Barrie Flyers was Wilfred Davis star pitcher until he suffered broken arm two years ago brother of Norma Davis and the Late Sgt Pilot Lauranoe Davis Annual Battle of Britain Wateror Photo Barrie Commemdration SerVice Wing Commander AFC commanding officer of the RCAF Station at CampBorden placed wreath on the Cenotaph in Barrie last Sunday afternoon at the annual memorial service to commemorate the Battle of Bri tain More than 2000 persons attend ed the largest memorial service gathering in Barrie since the close of the war The streets in the vicmity of the Post Office Square were lined with spectators as the parade proceed ed to the Cenotaph police cruiser headed the parade follow ed by the color party of the Bar rie Branch of the Canadian Leg ion The veteranswere next in IrinerthentheRCAFLbugIEbm the RCAF firing squad and final ly company of RCAF personnel Mayor Grant Mayor of Barrie addressed the gathering and paid tributeto the heroes of the Battle of Britain May we neverrfor get this sacrifice of human lives Ferguson MP veteran of the First Great War remindedk the gathering of the fears of 1940 and spoke of the way in which the forces of the Allies were rallied to victory Vchrge ohnstonMPL called the leadership of Winston Churchill in the dark days of 1940 Flt Lt Kenneth House Pirates tant Padrerelated details of the Battle of Britainfrom June 1940 until October 1940 He told how few members of the RAF and of the RCAF with small amount ofquipment and few planes fought offthe might of the enemy fondantmonihsglamittHTibattf7 was won At that time victory seemed within reach of the en emyfbut the valiant fight of the Allied lairmen carried Britain lliltz through the darkest war Flt Li Molsaac Roman Catholic Padre led thegathering in prayers The firing squad then fired three volleys and at tliatinstanf Vampire jetpropelled plane whistled in low over the square with terrifying roar and was in stantlyaway and out of sight Wing Commander Hiltz placed wreath on the monument and the last post and reveille were sound ed wreath also was placed on the Cenotaph by Bibby of the Legion Branch Those attending the service in days of the addition to the persons mentionedr above were Warden WalterMMid ffton Reeve Clifford Lockhart Reeve John Woodrow Reeve Louis Truax Reeve Earl Richard son Dr Ross Turnbull of the R0 tary Club Dr GeOrge Seymour of the Lions Club Roy Kightley of the Kiwanis Club Miss Isobel Campbell of the Soroptimist Club Lt Edwin Ineson of theSea Cadets and Col Garry Lee OBE Following the service at the Cenotaph there was demonstra tion by the jetpropelled plane which roared back and forth over etownet low altimeter277 Tiber plane was travelling at 500 miles 5m hour as it zoomed within 100 feet of the buildings NEW LOWELL LAD INJURED An article in one of the To ronto dailies told the story of how little Teddy Rodgers 20monthsj old son of Mr and MrskG Tu Rodgers of New Lowell was in iuisMI 81191sh99fs when aL temptingtoreseuehispetkittenT which had strayed into the stable Teddy was trampiedl unconscious and required stitches in his face and arms but thekitten was unhurt Rat eparersm OrganizedTueSdayf As Campaign Chairmanef The 3membership campaign is part of theorganizedaudiencepian andTassures apadeup concert ser ies without anyfinancialrisk be UTIie initial membership EHEEEEIEEEEEEHEEH Be innin Monda Octi iand meeting of membersgof theexec starof concert and radio concluding Satu1day0ct gfhis announcementvvas madeby Morrisonpresidnt and Mrs Allan Scottysecretary at utive committee Campaign chair man for this years drive is Mrs Edwin meson In announcing the datefbr an other campaign both Mrs Scott and Mr Morrisonhave pledged every ffort to make possible seriespf four concerts for this season This will be done they said by enrolt ling as members of the association all people in Barrie and the sure rounding area who will wish to attend the series of concerts which Will be presented during the rap and Winter months The more members we have the more com certs we canpresent they said At least three concertsmre always assured Last years series presented Gen eral Platoffs Don Cossack Choir the Columbia Concert Trio and Eileen Farrell celebrated soprano artists selected Dues arecollected during the campaign which are pooled to form budget IiWhenAthe drive is completed series of art ists arid attractions can be engaged fore anyvconcerts are announced or tising the fullamount of thebud get less whateverl expenseseinci dent to the campaign and the preSentation of the concerts Artists are selected from the roster of Columbia ArtistsManagement Inc New York City thewor1ds largest agencyfor concert artistsand at tractions The Barrie Community Concert Association is one of the more than thousand towns in canada and the United States all enjoyingconceijts under the Organizd Audience plan Some others are Orillia Owen Sound North Bay Pet oro KitChener StratfordfHamilton The association executives are serving block of tickets to madeavailable to rural ns organizations throughout is trict AT THE EliERIE EXHIBITION Mrs Barden of Hills burg won th ladydrivers cla as with this team of hackneys Mr Borden wonifirstftn the =s1 ngie roadnorse 152 and overf in the business The Barrie RatepayerS AEsocim tioii Was organized at meeting in the Community House Inst Tues daynight Frank Smith was elect dmresiderrtffEff Nprman yice president andC Brown secref tarrytreasurer President Smith saidVthere had been deplbrable lack of interest otthe townvand he felt re association would en courage more interest in municiJ pal affairs When Dr Spiels asked about the aims and objects of the ters pertaining to civic members of the and first in the single road horse under 152 He also won the ad race and the Gosgrave Trophy forrthe best road horse organization Brown said he felt it would be for the members to decideesthe organization pro gressed MrSmith be thought the association be interested in tapies and othermat affairs ngtlng the meeting were four Tom council Mayor Mayor Bap James Hart Ald Charte Griffin Atte for discussion such as trimming trees tearing up streetstfor sewers Severiilikms were opened up and water mainsand general penJ tralization of civicgauthority Three persons from eachyward wormappointed to the executive those with an following theiri name were not present Tuesday night Ward 14 Sparling Dr Spiers George Holloway rWard ZRussel Landry Thomas Lowe Herman Osborne Ward 3CScott non Dick Steele Ward HIth McKenzie Empke If Roadway and Ald William Merrick The councillors entered into the cussion along with the others pres ent aw