PACE SIX TWISTER STRIKES BIG BAY POINT Cunnnu Mr the Vllfiu the wind suddenly firm11v 111111 11 with trees page one 11 uLi 111 1f who was 11 inlatrt senr 5111121 The best background 1111111 zfMKIJItmm NORWICH UNION Litre lt14 Mf offVZa lli ANDERSON DISTRICT MANAGER Mr Dunlop and Hayfield CONCRETE BLOCKS PLAIN and ROCK FACE All Sizes SAND GRAVEL DELIVERED ANYWHERE Banada Concrete Block BARRIE ONT Phone 3009 Ks 77 nuances erooo BTTERS 1111p to cleanse impurities from 11 imly and time up the digestive organs 11 has lltllltil thousands who suffer from 113411115111 sour stomach hilionsness headaches or minor coni plaiuts of 1111 liver or kidneys it should do the same for you in sale for more ihaii it years 1311111 available at tllllif eoiniierscvcryivlierc 11 Alillittill Co Limited Tor Some of the boats were overturn ed 111 few were damaged down in all directions FLOWER GARDEN illt 15 1111 were on the ion Uttier work in hitrs 111 er can have 1c ifrt fibril 11111111 itlrtl ili 1gt l31111i 1111 or 11111 of 111111 lr 1111111111111 gt1 12 people assume that his 11111111 power bill xviinld 111 1111 when 11 111111141 tho IVIIIV aro 1111c 11111 li 1111111111s 311 flours 11 l1 1111111 trees 11111 I11 lilirif =21ic only 111111 151111 arrie till 1111131 1111111 The pumps 1111 i11llj iiot 11111111 that 111 hour or day lhuurhotd 2111 are nun 111s shrubs and trees of all limos agt well as hedges 11111 1111111 plants Most of the flowers 1111 animals and tlierr is also 11111ic11tt sized vegetable garden lr lltliciiiigtoii lltlgt voiltsiiop 111 lligt garage and cellar and he be found almost every 1114111 111 7h working around his boine 111 says he could not have ltlie mounds 111 their present ion tdifion without doing most of thc iivoik himself 111 is also grateful Tile ifor the tllii and hclp that have lben given by many friends Box Last year Mr lllltllll111111 was honored for his efforts by being 111tattit two cart 111131115 thew aarded flll prize 111 the 11111111 limprovcmcnt contest sponsored by the Chamber of ommerce Since that 1ii11c he has made ftirthcr ini provemeiits and he has plans for other changes that will occupy his lsparc timc for many months to come Sunnidale Corners August 30 is holidaying 16 Miss loan Wood with friends at Ivy Miss Marian Maycs spent weekend with Betty Loughccd Mr and Mrs Melville Bates and family visited Mr and Mrs Ross Elliott Cookstown on Sunday Billie remaining for holiday the ock Blood Bitters is onto Ont C156 rat50km All Merchandise Sold at Tour Dominion Store ls Unconditioiially Guaran teed to Give 100 Sat wlsfaction GROCERIES iiARvEsr crioICEzccrrisos ASPARAGUS 01 Tin strEIJAismecriorcn wrx Bur113 Tins LYNN VALLEY 1111111111115 Tins 27C CLARI 1N CHILI SAUE 1101111 Mirnsgflfg 27 200z Tins 20 Oz Tins rirciiioiiiis 23 caoicr 1111152 27 FANCY OPEAS it 19 BANQUETCHOICE jiPUMPKiNW $13325 Chantry YALEIQFRDDfCHOICEL if RASP ERR IES 131193913 BC PACECHOICE CPRUN ZPIUMSHIlfI coon IrAsmDmssnnr PEARSC 311017237 65 SUGARfAYLMElt DESSERT RHUBARB 16 TOMATO Knc11111gt mm rppgllnozJOc 41 13 Oz mamW Mm CPORTERHOUSE o1 MEATS lied or Blue Brand Beef 11751 Steak or Roast lb rerun and vcssra LES ONTARIO VARIETIES FREESTCNE PEACHES These are excellent for preserving eating or slicingArriving Fresh Daily and Attractivcly priced SIRLOIN VWING Steak or Roast ROUND Boneless FRESHLv GRoND As SOLD RICHMELLO COFEEEir 5L ENISH BREAKFAST STYLEBLACK DO it 13 JOLLY Goon 16 39 SELFRAISING HEINZPURE 16 oz BOTTLE 13c particulars Reggrading station 029 FITTED DArEs 11LASCoCRANGE 92 1529c BRODIES FLOUR sag Bot AIMIELCHOICE 200 71 cos WANTED tags available at ourstores See manager for common sronrrs tumED LEA Mfr BAKING POWDER Tins We pay highestmarket prices for eggs Shippirigr il=ll to the 1111 run BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE cursing CANADA FRANK ETHERlNGTON FARMERS DAY SEPTEMBER 9TH item page one gainrimrn has arranged nihch of Stay to assist with The contest writ the first entries ptovided by the irtaruecrs and the Klitllvrtitl monster Killgvi under way at 31111 the street dance 11111111 am guineediiigs 111 be 11ptc11 at 11 111 when Mayor conducts or presenting the 11111 Waiter Mid 111 followed by for hundreds of in 12111ttaii1lise tl1ibe toiiiineice scc 11111 ili my that during cit1111 11111111 hot dogs ll 11 111 cltatgc tiern planned by tlx ihaintier Commerce as Iwllltiil tor the unichants and busi to their appre pmple for tlicir contribution the pitisperity of tiit iica lln prims to be given vj 11 total iwll 11111 $3111 and hue will no admission charge the dancing or any other event rural liltlk1l1 throughout distrut 11111 In wclcome to liaiiic 1111 the afternoon and evening of lbursday September The Dahainians 1Il to Toronto 1111 had liriet gltiiipse of the NlI betore entraining for Miami ixlieiicc they lll 11y home 111 time for school opening Sept 13 With them they are carrying reminders oi tanada 111 the form of silver maple teat bracclets 1111112111 sou eiiirs 11111111111 rable snapshots long 1sts 111 their new iricnds addresses and exciting memories of their 1151 days under canvas at the amp of thc Never Never Land xlflt 11 1111I111 to te 111 Taken from Ilarrics famous Ictcr lan story the theme was carried out throughout the camp period With the live patrols named after characters 111 the book WalletDelivered 1100 Gal Tank Itontinucd from page one Mr Moran ottcn trucked water all night 111 order to supply farm ers whose roads had been plowcd out that afternoon or evening 111 one case be filled cistern of 811110 gallons capacity Many other tYSIIIIIS are almost as large After hockey game one night Mr Moran hauled water all night out to Mincsing with the thermo mctcr It degrees below zero On each trip he had to pour boiling water over the tap before getting the water out All winter and spring be con tinued to haul water for livestock and households and other places where the c1stcrns had gone dry This summer the demand contin ued strong and Mr Moran got pump With this pump he can rea dily fill his tank from the nearest stream or lake in about 10 min utes Trips have been made as far north as lslmvalc and Mincsing as far south as Cookstown and there have been calls evcn to Orillia ne of the places with the greatest demand for water is in the Edgar district whcrc the area to the north is known as the dry lots Not all the trips are made to farms where cisterns have been cmpticd During the dry spell in July several trips were made to farms and homes where the wells had gone dry In these casesthe tank of 1100 gallons of water was pourcd into the wells Mr Moran said he was surprised at the demand for water to be Tommi eman trucked around the district and advertising in The Examiner cx pandcd this line of business In additin t6th water for household ride and live stock the tank is also in demand for such farm uses as spraying Vern Walt who hasover 100 acres of potatoes used the tank steadily for ve days hauling water to mix 11p spray to protect his potatoes against blight The price for tank of water dc livered is $4 One tank is about 30 barrels and many farmers pre fer toipgygmr water rather than continue their former method of hauling water by barrel and stone boat Holland Landing Male HitchHiker Chgrgcedinm Sluggmg and Robbery According to news dcspatches Oliver Holly ofHoIland Landing has been arrested and charged in connection with the robbery of at Fred HeadsEmi who isbelieved to havebeen sitig gedbyhitcmmkei and robbed of $418 his watch and car Saturday morning Headwortli picked up chhiker in Toronto and later regaed consciousness inl ditch along on Mills Rd Withl car money and watch gone lHis car was found few hours later at Richmond Hill and irivestigationl resulted inv charges being laidf against thehaccuseds 11111111111 Flnante Conipa ny Ltd wrniiiisnAii affernpmis for your convenience MM 520 To $1000 WILSON BLDG DIAL 2325 uu new SEPTWBER 23948 WEBSTER ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL WIRING SERVICE OIL BURNER SALES SERVICE PHONE 3230 BARRIE mm ANTIIN MILLS Reforcslry Pulp Wood The fourth car of pulp wood has just been loaded hch from the Hendrre reforestry Twin Boy Babies Died 111 and hlrs Walter riemingl August 30 lanes of IIILIIIII spent the had twat boys born to them but Pauli here with his parents We are sorry to report both died ifls Johnson of Oro Station 51 few days With Mrs Scott Am Eon we Read Examiner lassifieds c1 ul days w1h fzrenels 111 De 111 It Ztriiit L1i5 filltl SLIIUUI 11 Airs iletcalfe of teacher LICENSED AUCTIONEER inklzy hLlYICt Will lie IILlLi 111121 church Sept 12 at it 11111 730 111 noussnow Erasers FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Lulford Toronto and Mr Phone 2577 SEE or RENT The Amazing New FILTER QUEEN CANADAS BAGLESS VACUUM CLEANER FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION WRITE OR PHONE HART 25 ROSS Sl BARRIE anti Kits Alf Potter of Toronto wim itccnt visitors at Wilsons 2111 ANN lcddes and children 111311 citiiiied their home at 111 Ila Ioit after fur weeks at tox 3112111 has his new 111111iern dtr1 hail iiiitost coiiiplttcd and pl1l tohave the grand opening on 5111151111 er It Was Make Sure they go 11 ck in Practical Clothes from Walkers Fine Shootings In Bani PHONE 3451 Walkers ForQualiiy Tunics Iii Navy tunics well tailored and from grand hard wearing materials fjl Smart Little Flannel School Blazers Sizes to years those well fitting blazers arc justthe thing to Pretty Flannel Bolero And Skirts Priced $550 Priced $298 $469 to $569 Sizes cutest trickicst little outfits be sure to see them Walkers For Gym Rompers Walkers will supply this must item in excellent quality perfect fit and at low price Dainty Printed Cotton Dresses Price $298 to $495 Just the very nicest selection of dresses you corrid find in long trek Blouses For Tunic Or Skirt Wear They fit theyre the daintiest little blouses and sized 11p to 14X Shop at Walkers for best value Priced 98c to Boys Plastic Raincoat Sizes 81012 Its hard to believe at such low price See these for sure 49 Girls Plastic Raincoat Sizes 81012 There is sure to be lots of rain in the fall get ready $249 Boys Oil Slicker Complete with Hall This practical outfit cant be beat for the hard wear boys demand from rain wear August Sale of WINTER COATS Warmly Interlined Fur or Cloth Collars to 14 Warm Coatings Marvellous Colors Wonderful Value at 11 Autumn Anklets 39031101 490 Hundreds of satisfied customrs make Walkers their headquarters for school socks theres areason YOU SAVE HARD CASH BY BUYING THIS WEEK BIack 3th Youll find Walkers well stocked and theyre good WWILLQWILUJNJJNJLLWJLLIMMIQJIMILWJLWIIWJLMIU WUJIUJWILUIMMMILWIMIWMLUIQJLUIMMWMIMLQ Mlllgllllblilpl Girls Fine Panties Fine cotton panties roomy cut and areal bargain iwChb Wool Knee Socks Made In England These are just grmesl 00 sure to seethem qualitw JLWJIUJMMIWUI in WHILEVOR IN THESTOREBESUREITOVISITTHE SECONDFLOORTHISI WEEKEND timirhiiriiimf 10113 llglllllwgt imltimiifmmiimttimffttift gagiuyyiiggiiypgi Hundreds ol yardage ends 12 Yard to 501 yards Draperies Cushion ends curtainy prints WoOlDrsS EabricsandSuitingsIiwill be amoney saving eventfor out they go at bargainprices PAYTEX DRAPES MSTmm BEAUTIFUL WINDOWS AT LOW COST CELLULQSE FIBRE Styled and made in Canada processed to look andhang likeexpensive Cloth Hooks are reinforced lt Pair $149