Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Aug 1948, p. 7

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4mk THIS WEEKS iSSUE 7900 Capies AUTHORIZED A5 SECOND CLASS IAIL PO DEPT OYIAIA 85th YearwNO 33 Friends Gather to Honor Mr and Mrs Wright Prior To Leavingephllanitoba On Wednesday evening August friends gathered at the summer home of Miss Elste Rfillic Shanty Bay to honor Mr and Mrs II Wright of Rama pilot to their de parture for Manitoba lticie were iepiesentattws of the East End Home and School luiL Timity Anglican Church and Trin ity Church hoii Following lc lioui around crackling campfire on the pomt overlooking the bay the par ty adjourned to llll log cabin where the Illllltlllltg wciii seated on the verandah for happy cert mony Rev ll ll lIowdsn former rector of Trinitv hurch where Mr Wright has been organist and choir master spoke of their assmriation together over period of Six years lIe referred to Mr Wrights qualil tications is layreader and spoke highly of his services to the rural parishes in the vicinity of Barrie When it was feared that some of the churches might he closed Mr Wright undertook to take the ser ices and thus carried on heavy duties during the war years Rev Mr llowdeii who is now rector of St Michael and All An gels Church at Toronto recalled the walin comments he had heard from members of the parish who spoke of the years when Mr Wright had been the organist there In lighter vein Mr IIowdin related one incidont in the history ago Mr Wright was playing thei organ when he felt mouse crawl up the inside of his trouser leg The oiganist stifled scream and reached downand clutched his troust leg over the mouse After some seconds of squeezing the grip was released and the mouse flopped to the floor The serum was continued without interruption but the members of the chair who later saw the body of the mouse on the floor remembered the incident for some time Tracing the career of Mr Wright in the hurch of England Mr ilowdcn noted that he had aspired to he clergyman ever sincc lie was young man Ills ambition was now to be realized and he would be ordained into the diacon itc of the hurch of England by the llishop of ilrandon Elliott Reynolds past president of thc East End Home and School Club spoke of the many friends Mr and Mrs Wright had made during their l3 years in the East lind of Ilarric IIe refierred par ticularly to Mr Wrights contribuo lions tovtliioiiiiiiiizil hristmas con certs at the school On behalf of his organizationMr Reynolds prc senled Mr Wright Willi Iarkcr pcn Thomas Mays president of Trin ity hurch hoir spoke warmly ot his associations with Mr Wright and on behalf of the Church pic of St Michaels hurch Duringisenicd purse all IIIlDltSSIVt StlVlCt SOIIIL years In expressing his appreciation Collision RepairsTow Truck Expert Wheel Alignment and Balancing International Motor Trucks Hart Garage 100 BRADFORD ST Barrie PHONE 3026 FARMERS we have Special Policy torcover nthFarm Implements and pi Equipment It covers ALLRISKSCoyers without restriction as to use or where stored 41 Dunlop St TnuuunnIInnn4nunununuunuIoI+ itnntstnunti imbalanced lungs MaleomSonsi BARRIE ance Dial 3735 PAINSWICK ONTARIO OPENING WEEK OFAUGUSTWSIEII Picturesque Residence with fourteen rooms completely modernized Beautifully situated in the centre of eighty acres of woodland Quiet restful and yet very Convenient on Highway 11 one mile east of Allandale Ont Telephone Barrie 4268 or write BRIE thing MISS FLORENCE BREAKWELL GEORGE REEVES age of Toronto died following this Innisfil Township on ivic Holiday of Barrie and neighbors are here Mondayugust Dr Gray rendering aid at llll scene of the crash The accident occurrd on the tlth concessionof Innisfil at siderozid intersection cast of Highway 27 The car driven by Itcchs Mr Wright said he and Mrs Wright would be sorry to leave Barrie but he would prefer to go west to work than remain home to rust in retirement After refreshments were served by Mrs OBrien Saint and Mis Raich and others the evening was happily concluded with sing song with Mr Wright at the piano MAGISTRATES COURT NOTES lause Disturbance Convicth on July 28 of danger ous driving on June 27 near Lisle Morley Rawn was ned $25 with costs of $4490 or 30 lays in re servedjudgmcnt given here by Magistrate Gordon Foster on Aug companion Glenn Dodds was convicted of causing disturbance on the same night at the restaur ant of Miss Mills in Lisle and was ned $5 with costs of $3775 Stole Diamond Ring Gilbert Patrickwas convicted on July 28 of taking diamondring valued at $1000 from the home of Mrs Bodrowsky at Wastiga Beach on July 13 Hchad been deliver ing ice and had picked up the ring from the top of the ice box where she had left it serious past record meanta term ofsix months determinate and three in deterininatcin decisrongiven on August Careless Driving Barrie man Wm Derochie was convicted of careless driving on July 15 by Magistrate Foster and on August 5was ned $20 with costs of $1375 or 15 days An addi tional charge of driving while his cemllde1SIISW brought ne of $75 with costs of $175 or 30 days La Overcrowding Hogs On July at the intersection of Highway 27 and the 9th Line of Innisfil Blythe Black Stroud driv ing truck load of 38 hogs was stopped by Chief Inspector Morrison of the SPCA and charge of overcrowding was laid Asimilzn charge was laid against the owner of the hogs Jos Coch rane RR Barrie At the hearing on August the inspector claimed that the load ex ceeded the rate ofthe schedule apt proved by the Dept of Agriculture Judgment was reserved by His Worship until August 11 Reach SECOND ANNUAL EMT MISS ETHEL DAWSON of Collingwood is seen here in the unifpimnshc wore in the year 1900 when she was the first graduate nurse of the Collingwood General and Marine Hospital She has been practising nurse in Coiling woodlfor the past 48 years and now serves as member of the hospital board COLLINGWOODS public health nurse Miss Ethel Dawson has been etlirstibject of dispute be tween the CollingWood Town Council and the recently organized Simcoe Cbunty Health Unit The Collingwood officials would like to have MissDawson retained as the public health nurse but the director of the County Health Unit points out that nurses on this accident in was proceeding towards Ronsecours Beach The car was in collision with truck travelling down the sideroad and driven by Stanley King RR Barrie Two other persons in the car suffered severe concussion and were unconscious for many hours Mrf and Mrs Stanley King were not seriously injured lPRONT iNTERIOR GREATLY ALTERED llarries Main Street has seen many changer Slllt pioneer days but the past two years have broken all records with many new build ings and new store fronts Most recently completed is the rcbuilding of the Neill Ltll lslioc store at 35 Dunlop St The new tront now gives sep aratc entrance for the Derinac Beauty Salon With show window on the west side The Neill main entrance has two modern shoe display windows with front of vitrolile in black andl forest greenwith chronic sash and fittings Windows are of Hobbs plate glass and floors in natural Oak The Sign above is of chrome let IlUIlllICRl FAMILY REUNION leis set relief Window back grounds are of tinted Weldtcx new type of plywood Designing of front and interior was by Cameron Mclhdoo Ltd loronto and color plan of rose and deltt blue forms pleasing contrast Effcctivc use is made of tiibing grills of the same tints Pale green is cool contrast for rear walls and ceilings The shelving on the west Side is relieved by three fulHenglh mir rors Shadow boxes are set in at intervals for novelty displays and are tinted in harmony with the color plan All constructionwas by Dennis Sheard and painting by Russell Dickey New lighting is ofboth fluores cent and incandescent Emms Electric had the contract new talled by McNabb The childrens department at the rear has new fitting section set in recess with adjustable steps for convenience andwith seats up holstered in dark red fabric large hobby horse still holds the attention of unruly customers The Neill Company was found ed in 1865 in Barrie by Robert Theating systemiSnowbeingirr occupied by Wysoglads shoe re paitat 120 Dunlop St The late George Livingstone was manager for many years The pre sent business was started in 1942 when the company purchased the shoe business of the Frank Hurl burt estate Arthur More for merly with the Bank ofgNova Scotia here has been manager since opening with the exception The rm is headed by President Collins VicePresident is Miss Agnes Neill who also played prominent part inthe last war as Matron oijurses services There are 18 stores in the chain Peterboro KNOWN 2500 YEARS The fact thatla magnet has the power of attracting iron and steel Neill with store in the building now of few nnnths for organization RICH REWARD Just by insisting on Miixwell House withhead office and warehouse in lIIX MINER SIA FF IIIQTOt lhe fourteenth annual Reunion of the IIiibbert Family was cele brated July 14 Friends gathered from St Catharines Barrie and Lefroy The weather was ideal There was guessing contest which was won by Wilbert Pear son The minutes were read by Mildred Schaiidlcn The ladies prepared well laden table which wasbnjoyed by all Prize for the oldestmcmbcr pre sent Mrs Rhoda Pearson for those coming longest distance Mr and Mrs Palchynski the youngest Melvyn lalchynski The evening was spent in sports organized by Will and Jim Hopkins Officers for the coming year are as follows Pres Iim Hopkins VlCtDl8 Elcvin Pearson secy trons Mildred Schandlen table convener Lilian Pearson sports Palchynski Will Hopkins and Ralph Scliandlcn It was decided to hold the next Reunion in Innisl Park the sec ond week in July CARSON REUNION The eighth Carson Reunion was held at SpringwaterPark on Aug ust About sixty descendants of the late William and Agnes Carson gathered to renew old friendships and make new acquaintanceships The reunion took the form of the usual basket supper in the pavilion As special feature this year nicely bound booklet prepared by Ed Carson ofToronto and giving the history anddevelopment of the Carson Family was distributed to each family Three deaths were reported dur ing the year Arthur Carson and Mrs Harryf AQLEELEQDL w11011 onto and Mrs Orville Robbins thee Grace Beetont EverettTlierc were seventeen marriages and twentyfour births reported The youngest child present was Sharon Galbraith Barrie the oldest mem lbeiuptesent was Fred Carson Ves pra the only surviving member of the Robert Carson family Visitors from distance included Mr and Mrs Norman McEachern with their daughter Madeline and herhusband from Hamilton Oli vcr and EdnaCarson formerly of limmins now of Toronto Ger trude and Percy Corbett Bowman ville Norine and Roy Rhineliart Jack and Beatrice Arlitt New markctMrs Grant Jones Ottawa Letters of regret were received from Rev Au rocks Giimsby and Mack Murray and family GlassporkPemrrwW you get the woildswfavorite brand ofcoffee blended by experts from specially selected Latin American coffeesthe best the world GRILLIA JlVlTNIHjs IIARGED DRILLIA PARENTS ASK WITH STEALING SHORES To VAXDMJH IN HRHHUNT iINll OrllllLl Police in ies of ww glicr goods from thcl AI Iljitil to latch it if stand at the Oval play their in coronar tlltliInYIi lit grounds have charged seveial Wth Ward no here right em juveuilcs Iiie refreshment sand dows lic lecrt linger had been clitelctl several times me during the as few months Ill recoil Ins been IlilL by Cluwl iili=i=iie TAILOREDTOJIEASITRE ORDER YOIR FALL SlIl NOW PRICED AT $1750 $4950 to $7700 EXTRA TROISERS II DESIRED HAVE YOl SEEN Oth STOCK SIITS Sizes 35 to 40 SINGLE OR DOUBLE BREAST MODELS from $1750 SPORT OR ODD PANTS All Sizes $475 to 51395 EWOiIrf10vrrrOfOO0r0ofoaoo10002o SEE IS FOR BOYS WEAR Sizes til to 12 years iiiixsiii nova iiiit nijsmi sr mnnn meaoverPIuxrouxx 1w0v2vIarard0004I04 Boyds Garage Corner Tollendal Road No 11 Highway At PAINSWICK SIHLIALIZING IN IGNITION and CARBUIIETION Repairs to All Makes of fans v1 jf insiiicronnoiiroriisf Pub Waterwnaces Chillest gt On August 271thejggateswill againswirigopenj foo the worlds largesltvannual exhibitionu This yearwillmseee collection of spectaculqrjfeaturesg never eQualIfedr before new grandstand of StilpedOIlS proportionwsiuwhere the mes brilliant entertainment features from EuropeandAnlerica will be on review Welsthiards band Those hilarious funlmakers Olsen Johnsonifjr National Horse Show Motor Show The newest features in industry agriculture sport pagean try music elegtrbnics Science transportation Make your plans now Come to the CNE lic Schools and located in Brad ford has been notified ofhis transj Sign fer to South Frentenac inspeCtorate SIANDARD IlltIRIC HOME gt V3 He will begsucceededfbydD539 WING SWIMMING CONTESTS iiitFiftiesfltiftiflnll232a iective on September 35 LWELDWIBED HOME yjEvENING 7230 This tijansfer means that Mr and Mrs Horton John and Edward will at ml3l953n cues 5A RED SEAL Wiring Job It primary power demandsdactual BARRIEBATHINGABEACH SENIOR and IUNIOR SAFETY gggzdpmgfssljmgygfggggz PATROLS 513$ afgmizssgiof gfg pigtigf It enables you to use electric appli Come and see how the Children have progressed thispsum or 179970 kilowattsi24l247 horse ances and equipment in full and to mer power overJune 1947 The Commissions summary for have 990d lighting The iree use June also records an inc ease in of electric labbrsaving conveniences Come and See and Learn COmmonsense water safetyandrescues the total power generated and pur gluinutes mugh hard drugg9 77 at Alternmive Date Wed August 181 The monthly load summary of Water safety Demonstrator netincreasepeing 53 per cent or 103785 kilowattgi 139122 horse 331161 over the same month in closed in the Southern Ontario and live the REDSEAL wayea ycatladlalttllitt1 Thunder Bay Systems altd the Northern Ontario Properties the Enioy ItsAdded Comforts MMS LIIw iV1Fxgzmvii

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