THURSDAY AU smzpmwnm THE BARBIE mam BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA WWMWM Belle Ewart Folk 951 ID CI ecessmn If Mg gm Recs tI 55ml an act lhc lltgl date nc Il1 igcll arl held I43 Sm 30 as It Ilc malicious Coal Drink Directions Make lea exactly as usual While still hot pour into glass lled with cracked II ligtlt it about ICC SUQGV and lemon IO IGSIO 111cc winch hac WomanfEVlawpolnt on Ihln and That ltllrrIstin 11 CA zIItL Eat enda Safety Shair Tumbleuproof For Livciy Bagaies $1 Miss Harriet llIIstIc um Hill lllIlllit llt tulfwe itrll lit lllcolu In hall lllc lIIIIcIl luucll Babys Salct is Priceless IIIlo Inlonshntioli Arc vol Ilg through the functional lniddlo pctloll HIIIILII to union Illoilc Ioronlo mm 20ml Housekeeping Mauwlggg or IIlt II SIUNIIIIIIIFIII lll lIllIItItN AVIS tunic tlltcll Five Riots Caweteria 38 Bayfield Sty rrie We are Proud to Announce the Opening of Our Cafeteria Specializing in FISH and CHIPS PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 4553i UPHOLSTEBENG oIIESTEIIFjIELns STUDIO COUCHES OCCASIONAL PIECES AND ANTIQUES We have vev large selection of coverings Our work is done in our llayficldi shop by highly experienced workmen Telephone 43H it you desire an estimate We pick upand deliver promptly anyylherc llllSllltCut County Barrie Tent Awaing Co TEL 4314 34 BAYFIELD HST live homevcan use extra blankets sol iller blankets in glowingzjewel c010rslvhippedgdges You can also obtain fr jWOOL and salvage woolknilted Gnodrt BLANKETS CAR Roars l2 IIIII llIllIl tor Elm pa pair atllilahl ulII louxuri lla lamaIII lily lll llilllll to Klilada cart In flIptculhcl to lm lcr Ill than tllc IllzllIl llurcll llaunnv School luionlo Earlnoun lo rldllllltlll baad on Does this make VIII uullcr from Ito Ircl so nm ivl uomuleed MO strunn IIIItI IluIl Iui try Lydia Ii lulkhanln vcpclalili ompoiuul III HIlll sulll svnlptolns lIlIklIaIIIN loinpuund also has what Doctors call stolnacluc LYDI PINKHAMS ESTATE Ilrllsatiirlioundi And lilseuanutl are ltilDEFOlt am your loll tremiyeur I0Wll W001i ior from your silliageyoollmitted goods This service in gloat I1Il tliltllzu 21 ilult 13 YWCA III ill lltv 112 lullll uulu ul lI Illu ll 11 an fix mu Mix till it llt1 Slit Illll ill the min IEI Iiiltl lIl ill Ivll til1 tlll Illll nu llll1ll ml the IvIlIIl til the lloiu Kalli llaicuv taiaala in leavingv llIc Hop Sciif and Iluwiu liII12cII to uniilwll Alp hall lllx than tillIllltil with liaintonll travclIIn has by lhc ill III tim licpallmcnl illc aim suiIl al lll party at llIc lwnlc ul lll and All ll ll unulll Sonic It ntzlrio School Icacltcrs arc tlllllltllllli the annual summer cllool ill asllcultIircral the AC and about lfl tll lake ll llltllll courrc ill tarm mechanic THREESSA allows ONE ACT PLAY AT SHANTY BAY Last Friday night another full house glactcd the prcscntation by the licmpcnlcldt Community llay ms in thc Shanty Ilay hall hair man of the proceedings was How cll llarlridgc Tile oneacl play Threes Crowd included Ruth liditcon of Sllauty Bay14 Helen Nicholson of Barric Lynn uutls of Midhurst and Ted Garrett and llarold Cus dcn or Barric lhc dircctor was Mrs George adogzan and this light coiucdy was vcll rcccchd Miss Louis Collcy and Stall Sharpe p1cltclltcd an hilarious burlrsquc nu ballet dancers and their brief number was vigorously applaitdcd NFB tihils on the Dance in Can ada and the R0jccll hild were shown by Gordon BCSCIIICIICIT Quirt McKinney instructor of music of the Normal School at PctcrhoIo was present to lead the gathering ill an enjoyable sing song Within law moments he had the audience grouped for part singing and old and new songs were IendcrIlwith enthusiasm Wright of Barrie delivered two monologues and he was ac companicd at the piano by Angus Ross These numbers were much appreciated The evening was concluded with square dance Two oneact plays will boprcsentcd Friday night this week Some Fashion Notes From United Kingdom Great etlorts are being made by leadinghairdressers in London to pelsuadcwomen to wear the new shorthair style This is not to be confused with the shingle which appeared after World Warl The 1948 edition is coiure with the hair softly curlinground the head medium length at back and carried off the forehead Richc one of LondonsmIhalr sty lists points out that this hair style islar more becoming to the aver age woman than any coiure which has been introduced for years The car he says must be hidden or nearly so and the cheek wave nll llclllur Can mnud by the pa lmndoll HUZHI vllSlclll lllarlv Seance Illgru ll lr lullllvll lIt In lIozn AItGlll Slptcnlllcr Until tll superllltcild Ililtill Ignaz dtllillll was sulcmnized noon on Saturday July 17 lllandale by Rev It lnlT1lltMuriel llalcumlz Illlllll UI Mrs Itcila Baleman arid the late wnumnhl Ilatlman and Michacl Fcnton Kelly ol the lttAt School talnp lordcn son of Mr and Mrs Tho lxtllv Nlauaia Falls int IH tlllllll lll Iualilauc llIy llolotliy Alnold of Barrie ittcnlcd they lllltlc wlulc Ilrucc llnuly ol the RCAC School amp lorllcn vas groomsman IIccpiiull was held at lhc home of the brides mother alter IlllII lllc happy couple lIfl lnl lur lllockallc and the United rslalxw lhcy will tilkc up resi lIncc III IIJIII WALSHOCONNOR lovely wcddim took place at St Mary llonlzul alllolic Church lialrIc on chncsday July 2tl llllll at ltllltl am when Bernadette Theresa tltonnor laughter of Mr aIId Mrs OConnor of Bar rie was llIlllvd in marriage to Har old Vincent Walsh son of Mr and alliz John Walsh ot Waterloo lhc cereillollyva conducted by Rev Vlorcau illll Ill marriage by her father the bride was beautifully gowncd Ill vllilc chanlilly lacc with short train and net insertion neckline ller lingervtip veil fell from cloche headdress and was caught on either side vitlrtiny rosettes ot orange blossoms Tho bridesmaid Dorothy OConnor ol IllLllOIlCl wore pink moire talleta with titted bodice pink mohair pic ture hat royal blue velvet strEatIfL er with blne lorgetmenots and she carried cascade of blue dclphini uIn and pale pillk gladioli Mar garet OConnor niece of the bride acted as tlower girl and wore blue moire tallcta replica of the bridesmaids apparel with head dress of sweet peas She carried nosegay of white laisies llle groomsman was Jack Walsh of Waterloo and ushers were Frank OConnor of Toronto and Austin Walshot Kritchencr Margaret Mc Klnnon was organist with the solo being sung by Joy Ralston For the reception at Robindale Inn the brides mother received in powder blue facon sheer with navy blue accessories 11 Kolillskyv scarf and she carried corsage of tea roses The grooms mothcr wore gured black and white sheer with black and white accessories and corsage of American beaut roses For wedding trip to Northern Ontario and Montreal the bride wore pink gabardine suit with navy blue accessories on their return they will reside in Water loo INNISFIL Hora By RGS The commotions stirred up in the Belle Ewart district over lack of attention to ices to the Sunl mer resort areas is not conned to that district Although not so much pressure has been used in other places there is general feeling that better roads to and through the districts are needed Lack of sufcient dust layer is complaint in most places Tllis is not the fault of the municipality as the material is not available It is claimed that considerable of this was used during the bush tires in Northerneontario Road Supervis or SteWart claims back order is coming to the Township which conceals it 115521 mostisoft eniweeet Mcweovenithisiisr the only hair style suitable to the new cloche hatlikely to be leading tashion in the autumn Riche goes ontosay thatthe new style isbeconfingto women ofial most any age althoUgh for the voldcrwoman itlmight be setinxa slightly different way to underline her dignity The chignon and bangshe regardsaskdenitely out If date While Summer hats inBritain More Accidents at Blind Crossings There continues 10 hammerand more serious accidents at the blind erossmgs throughout the township Some of these are trivial because the drivers get theirivehicles near ly stopped before they contact Others resultin considerable pron erty damage Much of this could be avoidedif stop signs were plac ed where the viewfromzthilt cli rectlon does notpermit the opera tor to See what may be coining he tore he reaches the crossing Slow Speed sigh are badly ndedin the areas adja ent to the various bea lilc IownShIp lleunt at Icrc RIcvc Lockllati Ilill Culllltlllil Twill ltillI Illrs of council did It alivlld tough the Deputy llcmw ball are ol conlnllllce tn IllitI lyltIIlI luc liecyr said he had been talk to task by several I1tllllllll ha Mull because la Ias alumina lp on Sunday Ilc llild Zia tlllllnl1 that his council had 111 1l vcd lllc Township ollcilor ltwlcnce lu then dalzanlls Il uIllvlc of the Icpoll Illill wm lII taken on stirct IilIlII1 ll IZlcd aflcr vcluicalton to llch Illllgtgtlun this Would he acilu on IvIult mad lw cu Li Speaking of this report Claude lloudinlr Illl1 tuliuly Itllll told the llccvc lllal ll dat grlwt Icipulc oliCItol to know that could insllucl the Road Suptl glvarcc lolmcr ollllollcr III lo lII to have the roads tixrd loIIlI and it this VII Ilol lone tt IlIl rquuStcd he could Il dlacl dclnand that otllcml agitation and pulsommncul zllo iwould Ulgtc Instructions lI lcalcc felt that Very litllc oI Inclr numerous dcsilcsdlnd hm willlillll IIIlcc I10 tltlillilll that illIducttons had Ilttll made from that party which new included llil llix contract Ilc also Iltllillttll why Ilarry Fcrricr lllc cointanlc llIl that arca should he required lot walk hi5 alca when the other man lzr paid for lllc use of Ins or that new manwas placed in chargi Utl Mr Perrier llc quotl tlI all Ilcln III The Examiner tr Illtll olulclllur rlodll llad Ilklll Ilalitioncd suggesting Ivlly two1 llzlll lllltI to be ill car lugclhcri all thc time Would Have Iva chk IlisIlIisIl Arthur Wicnburi moved lllOI unit that becausv tllc lcrk had not carricd out the instructions otl ouncil in rclcrcncc to rlllcil helium application he should he llrllllsmtl llowcver it vau poIIlt ed out by Mr Icarcc that llli meeting could not do other than recommend to Council IIIISlIch matters Mr lulick also spoke on llll motion and mentioncd some personal matter rcgardlng permits Mr Samuel Mr Wicnstock and Mrs lapicllo and Mr Itindcll haunt also spoke regarding the llllcVilllCtS with the township oili cIal IIochcr it was later dccld cd that the Council be asked to takc whatever action was fclt ne cessary Ill reference to the coin plainls committee was appointed to take over the matters and to car ry on with the Council The com mittee named were Lindcnbaum Shactcr Claude lcarcc Wm Rutlett and Mr Snyder They will holdia meeting again on Wednes day evening Aug 11 Ratepayers Meeting The meeting arranged by the ratepayers of Belle Ewart and dis trict at which the Township Coun cil were to reply to the requests ofi the delegation that had been at the Council meeting was held on Aug ust with Wm RLIfTett as chair man and Mel Richmond as scoreI tary Claude Pearce who had headed the committee to council asked that Reeve Lockhart twho was present take the platform and give the meeting report of the Councils decisions The Reeve regretted that these ratepayers had not been able to at tend nominations Hc said he had been criticized for attending Emmett meeting on Sunday espe cially by his own mother But heL pointed out that this was not Council meeting but Committee meeting at which he represented the Council We have given consideration to vourrequests and realize that at least two of your requests are para mountthat of street lighting and roads We have large area to handle and have at time criticized some officials and they are not always to blame as shortage of help is re sponsible said the Reeve He stated that other mattershad beenvdiscussed with the Township solicitor These matters they would be in pusition to discuss with committee which might come to special meeting admit said the speaker that the present type of roads cannot be kept up have gone to discuss with the CountyrEngineer surlac ing some roads with the HighWay Engineer but to date have noth ing denite to offer fOur solicitor will have more ad plicil IO llc look lllc lchvc in Ill reference to the galllagri cullliuclor Irliilfrrllc cIaIIlIIl hull Ipllaclt aman who had l1tl vice to giv us on the Localflm provement Act Wei ugliest lla lvac pulial yam lyznu nu listll and the italw l1 lam II what ha rle lullx lie at tvli that If the rout lllill ll bed to patio tl qtcstwl ll lI lllc IIlI don Ira laudc Icarcl and that If Illi loilmll not pc1=tlltl LII miuctllule tuitllwllll alrt the load gtIIIII1III lt not capable cl tunic Illi ll ouncll lluuul agtk lIl llllllllll Il Irllcc ltlill HI luilil Ill llic llll ll Ifonl Iliw Illlulls llivad met no Itu liltoztcd llllllrh asked about ditch 11 Mill wart kllicll cd road llcivu 1HlIIltill Hill ll was tounty Inallrl Mr Ilrlllletl ounty lluall piollnn lH um pr will azarcd that It toun ty math IIII Is to IarcI paid the IIIIH slid 1mm Ftl cent up in Ill lillll but llmc til llll wan to lclilli cillpluyccr lll lcarcc morvd motion that Iipoll lroia lltc Hllllllll he oh IIllIltiI on the liialm ol holding IuplII funds on taxes tIqu year to caia li vlvnldtt Inovcd motion that Allan who had not lor vardgtd lllt application lor slrccb trillion as iugtlruclcd ll ouIIcIl lil Ilisulisxl The llIUlIHll wa lur tucr ducuscd by Mr burnk lllc pmlicr said he llould hc innum cd Application had been made tor pIrmlt and though llackcd by letter lrom llr Shannon the per uut was not 11ranlcd Mr IIIItIlIlI1lllll spoln to the motion and conlcndcrl the meet IIII had no autlIorIty Iur uch ac lion Jack Samuel movcd an amend Iucut that the matter bc lctl to lili llevi to lead with the tlcrk Arthur ticnslock itclt lhc llccvc should have lllt lcclincz ot the pen pic and deal with the mailer as he tell hct lllc Icrclaly stated that the clcik had told the com nnllce that he had discussed the matter of strcct liglltinu with the local llyllro SIlpIrintcndcnt who had learned that the lighting would not lie aailablc Mrs ltlllllll reportedhaving llliltlt complaints some time ago would apply to Fred ilcid lurlncr and the New had taken no action garbage collector Sneaking further Mr Pcarcc Replying the llclve advised that Itlilllluncxl Constable Fcrrlcr 11c James had answered the advIllIsc ItII that hiring new man as ment for nightman and was It llhI urcr Mr lerIIir was not hired for the summer on trial the all faithful employee This pay including use of his can Pursy It QP III as maltoseI FREEMS ut elstandard Ill ncipa and lecturing 20 delicious ways to use llbbys Mustard In your cooking doll and Your home and address la liSbyI Chalham Onlailo DOUBLE YOUR MONEYBACK If you dont agree that llbbys PropelII Mustard Is the but you IIWO aver lasted Tax Removed Lower Prices Now THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE NOW LOWER IN PRICE BE lFURNITURE 129131 Dunlap St CAUSE THE RECENT TAX CHANCES THOR ELECTRIC IRONERS ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS HOOVER VACUUMS NORTHERN ELECTRIC RADIOS TOASTERS IRONS MIXMASTERS CQFEE MAKERS FLOOR POLISHERS Etc Etc For Example Royal Electric Floor Polishers at the new low prices $4950 $5950 PAINTS Phone 4492 srovEs Barrie It awou Canasta 11 to the Co mill Illl flIIzNH fffl md rm is gt1 Hme LL11 VJ md lly polls on Roads lam toII ILLlr on the could get pIopLr Ltllt Nlrnlmn Itttlv of wilds on 2JEDTEg vdeIItaIid iII thewest ismvr available tovyeastem 10 stluczcmm ngEnadatlIrouglltheoIIeIiingoIoIIrdenotinlllralnpton flINGERINGYARN Ontario Lotus sold onIlull particulars Jl have bencar1ying ratheranl eit hes it taste are not available cess of trrmmmghats for autumn St and winter show nosigns of being 01eslzfrbgaggtegh gt less ornate indeed the fact that the time One accident pre materials are being draped and vented Would be ample repayment folded seems to imply that hats for the cost Wecongratulate the will be more elaborate than ever county Engine on Seelng that me Signs havebeen erected on ounty Road 21 Plum send me your new malaise Elvin full information Read Exammer Classmeljs The aftermath of the accident at concerning prodpdslnada by gumn WoolVIwdum the corner of sideroad and this Ctdld ouny 108 came one VJCLIIII Hbndreds to select from Tin Glassinelined regain her strength spfficiently to know him The Glover boy is im Id ii Ba Motilnswm Maxweu proving fast ju Qua nle of Saskatchewuivs Hoguse made instantly Correspon Imlrerequatcdlta Slgn the Bafe ClFLAN AILTOAY The second Barbara Holiday is Yonget the same wonderful PPCWSQWS and in dangerous condltlon wtth fractured skull and Maxwell House Coffee many other broken bones HeI father ew from California and is hIend whether 111 Super remaining hear in hopes she may mufn