THE BARRIE BARRIB ONTARIO CANADA BETHESDR REAL OPPORTUNITY for RESPONSIBLE EMPLOYED MAN 4050 YEARS OF AGE illd nulillshrd Mrchaniul School has permanrut tulusiu dillitird positiuntor the right man Minimum earnings should by slot prr cell for the intelligmt use of his serc tilnr trllltl5 ilid Htlullda lllll SLLMT MIZST HAVE THESE Qt llltlllia Vv ii OFFICE HE leitinued from pag one UHl llcpwoith Illlltlll lluiitsV lllC Klitcardinc Knklield Luck nun himTier Markdalc Mcaloid Midland Hadrian storm Forest NttlbludllllnglllcOHMll Sound Paisley leiihthiig lozt Carling ltli Allin Mix illtilt ilh lwlluz llt Sllllitl it alllliugl All Flt lazuli Than Jilll ukat alal appa lVol hlgih vichlcoli Port VI Vim MD 51V VD VVVVV VV VVVVVVVVVV in if PWPVHVVVVV Petl lrtcvill Ripley Rossezlu llitwi and all llrltl IH serousv nrrhti ltllltlttlll bllvlbulnc South than 5m not uh nth 5dede Th3 TMSVKMHV hm Hi mm um VIN VVVVH Hm rm full drum bum yours mx Bum lllll BAHRIE Ihorllhury Lliornton lottcnhdm lt4lll tor trip to Uxbrldgc Victoria Harbor Walk lb 3M3 SLYT mid and Wainwright All llzl to li the Ltlcrjdly llllgflt Whitbhusllcnc Wlartun lwm Np Wt itlt plvasnl to rm 31 31 diths ihramln tnnghum Wuudvale ts331M how no human Auriga Cmilinufnn liaivkcsltonc lluuts vi gt Midland Oillngivlllc Owen Sollild Shrlburnc Stayncr Ux blldgc Walkci loll Winglianl lally Sound Ilic ioniulan Bay generating station arc Balu Barrio Big lltlt It Eddy Eugcnla Fergu sonvalc llanna hutc llaiiovcr Rattlltti Rapids South Falls lic umsuvlrr ihn unt ItJ linim to In it im ithJltlr mVVWVVVVV VIMHVVVV and WVVSMW mlrghiuitvtvlmil Ill VFW 0lll17fll it zomitnng UL soil hurl till It W5 ma my PM WW tiiitauld firm of industrial con VbV sultants to make coinpllto study of hp ruunjVltjm I1 lyNd on tho lltlllllllltlldltllilllS of llltll rciolts that lll llFlC va livid Bani Emily Wakcnl mm llu land of Nod lw TransCanada Air lino Slcwirllcsc Edith Dcchccnmu rd for ldnlinblruion llurprblwx in mm mm him Im ItltlmFy Ner ll 0an to her vutowcd illolllcrs ill llClllll to nllll ltthlllS and Barrio was travelled alone by air irolii LLlllllltl to an ll vd N1 Ls OlllLt lcr aunt lr ll lulllgsllott Folcttcd as tho lULlKill choice for le with her dolly Dorccil WIN modrl passcngrranrl lltlliilllftl frllow hfnlwwhu mllm passiwrr tigkgtgtlllm V1 If VllllilL IUI lutations and around airport stall by known all about her gm lali by VV Each of 1ch lllllt rtulonal inan lmQ31milinnllryrIrwin Her new lather Ronald ll liingsliolt mct Ulfillcalld her aunt wllilc scnult oilcfscas with the Royal esponmle IU head canaduu Arminy Um at Town iv 15 II pic KIH nu the mme llobcrt ll Saunders is chairman inV W1Vul hp HEPC no homo Champs is 1181 Vitopicsldcnt ltoss vr mrwrww+mw Strike is sccond VlCCpltsldvnl Lun rs mum nmndm rm mums Ll Chief mm CWM l5 SOHCi 3VgtAM1UJ ill llllltl5llhh mmm 10 and RV TV Why consultant Unhmiiy arm ileu null on humin affairs ANTgg SWIFTS MEATS or junior for 45 3ka tor ulul it th hillii uglislV Hulls VE 2V Duuv Ronald is homo fmmtllc lll and Mrs Aildcrson and LAXA SWIFTS BABY MEATS for hullill Me for infants north to Vigil relatives hem rumlly FUHlmL swim the 1m or Sour SiomBCl HElNZ STRAINED BABY FOODS 9t for 25 hiltm wc0 at the ormors ionic PSc VOW ftlfh beWlfft Mr MN Nwmm mmm Indigestioncaslolns pABLUM VVf 45 Prammarrow win in $32 USN de iniw rlfnnilmli Hdu qunl irvvr rArer cm DEX MALTOSE 70 courier flvllnpllqllflllollVil VO onrinuisas Bony Loughocd of Sunnidnlp was low days at lllll home here August Urge 10 aw lllmlm Pl Hhe llUCSl Million Nlhut at 14 Misses Mary and Illlzl Bcach of Mr md MN WM or permit 39 LACTOGEN 79179 millsll vcckcnd Coldwatcr Stlll lll vcclcnd with 1D le xi ML and Mm Cm Jacobs of mm mundVlumnVVVMm mmm iccrlenthvlstltl lilsllgirynllldtllil PHILLIPS MILK of MACNESIA 45 69 ruins Mn hills iVictoria are plating friends MR WVle mum mm TWmm1MimmiV v33 RlGO NPPLES 10 3lor 25 nm unlvaVlm VVVV VV VmNL Wiggikligxfdtmjoy qudc tho WCCRCHd with hcr ncphcw and lsrcnnan RICO NURSERS 10 25 spligiri lo film qua utiltril SuskV Spent tode with and Vnliv BMW Mctiill and my Hamill RELIANCE NURSERY UNIT 35 CHILDS um him in To RWTP1ght 245 aer thummll half Cfulmd Chcm um RED BANDNIPPLES 10 for 25 lllliwmclliml Illlorollglilyllifcilldll lly ltllll ilt Stlllll2 VlSl mi ten r32 SLlVicV aI United hilicli at CW VCqu thcir mman home Mr Emd Nil 51 Armmd COL FARMERS WIFE MILK 14 and nulilzcd 1030 an ext Sunday in charge Answer IllrluxtirnllruplcItll of mcmbcrrl oil the Sunday School he lmflihgnhxlaa Mg $15537 For Pictures Youlch Proud of QlePS 35lt65 Etcklhrlrr Iv Vt1w Irth in 10 rs vs 11 Mn iviuuau if Guests at Hotel Phelpston lb LRCg 25C RIC Srl luhbrl Sillll 1a union MBCMOH over Civic Sunday and Frank returned mm and Mis bnnStlom Niagara balls Your Fawnlc Snapshot BORACIC Acm Reg 25 19 ldziy weekend them after two weeks with Mrs NHYMMII ahdMMISMTBrleidMIIrlnl OLIVE on oz 39 oz 69 5an muml lullS pearson who has been ohms CO am 15 mil 15 my AHKLV lsunfneying at Elgm HouseV Mus Mr and Mrs WV prom m0 MUHCI KennV and M55J New UME WATERI6 15 225 55 Sm k0 iSV spending 31 CONDIC 0f torcd to Branltord Sunday to 126111 agglxlsmllmgnt2 CASTOR OIL oz 238 dz 39 wVeks With or son 1er and fam visit their daughlcr Mrs some 1me WHITE PETROLEUM lElLY 19 Jordon McKinley 0i Kenoshil remained for wccks v15lt Mpresfjnmhon Jr5i DQrdnf MENNENS BABY OIL 59 119 239 White SHOE CLEANER afgbearncznelyswaiecnNpginlg Health nding for vl 10ttlcihalgr1nsoogm 29 Toronto and Mr Skinner and MgrN330n5rtgmtgd3t With blanket and electric heating MENNENS BORATED TALCUM 29 daughter of Tyrone spent few Dad by the commllnltx and V1140 NFANT SYRINGES 405o days withMr and Mrs Ellsworth 3122 119 1PVVg 03 her former place of lCSIdcncc Thc LOVELY REGAL MOUNT rimmot Crawford Donna Graves or Penal ea Sxalsvem Christian Mothers also presented 63 WORM SYRUP ch 35c 29 tang has also been guest there by wallh lungH 5155 Werei her with Rosary social hour SHORT OFCASH Th for the past Oight glyg 515er 012 mid and xvlasreges was held and damy lunch colon 55Ex 25 to Miss Elsie Jacobs of Toronto SOIVC I01 the conVQmmn mm at Cross The Favorite British Way Stan Jacobs of Fort Nelson BC VV burner to buying new Firestone with his daughters Mrs Davis lmdaalrnc bgymlzlrszi here Drive in now and drive out Iand children of Nanalmo BL good report of me bake sale in Mr and Mrs Hiscocksand lam on tile safest longest wearlngV luy of Toan Mn and Mrs Chas mledlggtghknclcks8 scAiVLIElCOblyV Stainton Mr and Mrs Harry For Indigestion Headaches Take of Keeping Fit BILE BEANS m1fi uuuurss 5ch Human icln INDIGESTION CDNSIIPAllttlt CROWN HILL MACLEVANS TOOTH PASTE Largest Selling built es Stalnton and AudllC Stainton of August wilt TN Paste New VLowoll visited Mrs Alfredl yMiss Joan Cottrcll Hamilton spent the weekend at Carl Drurys Miss Carol Ingram Toronto is visiting atMiss Frances Jcrmcys COMPLETE Firestone SERVICE Gil BLUE BLADES with the ggglodge evu lmmd INVENTEDnXSEETBnLL NEW LOWELL Mrs Dunsmorc is spending Dr James Naismith Canadian th born instructor at Springfield Col August negways WI Cr so 001 lly French and family Mrs Pcstot legeV Mass invented the game Vwatson Rowe spent Sunday with Miss Dorothy weir TmontoV is MORRISON MOTOR SALES basketball in 1892 to provide indoor his mother at Newton Robinson visiting at NormanTucks Mcl ville Tuck Toronto Spent thc Mr and Mrs James McMath To rpnto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Sam Coulter Mr and Mrs Buckland Detroit and Mr and Mrs Jno VBarkcr motored to Ottawa Mr and Mrs Herb Speck are visiting their son and his wife at Geraldton for few weeks Mrs Bates and Helen visited Mr and Mrs Frank Mumbcrson Sn and Kathleen last week Phone 3178 Barrie Ont exercise for his students weekend with Mr and Mrs Tuck Owing to Mr McTaggart being away on holidays there will be no services in the United Church or Sunday School on August 15 am Revolutlpllilry Ngw HEARETTE il VAlPINE NOSE DROPSReg 25c 19 VAPINE lNHALANT Reg 39 29 ASTONE TABLETS 501oo5oo CALRINEX 100500 LANTIGEN 600 EPHAZONE TABLETS 150250750 PARKE DAVIS ADRENALlN VAPORIZER OUTFIT 425 BURROWS WELLCOME EPHEDRINE Acid Acctylsalicylici Prompt Relief for Headachcs Rheumatic Pains Neuralgia Etc Bottles of too Tablets Reg 33c ENGLISH STYLE HEALTH SALTS Reg 43c 33 for 65 August Mr and Mrs Moreh use Guelph spcnt the weekend with their daughter Mrs John uir MI and Mr1 cCa Co The Womens Institute met at Mrs Carters Wednesday lunchwas served by thehostcss Mrs Carter Mr and Mrs Lawrence Patter lt ILyall of TontoVcalle on Mi an and other friends VVV gr 150 BEEF WINE and lRON with Mifvsatifrlltwbm of Jarvis The De taullyvisited their ASTHMA NEFRIN gt chg 100 W691 for 200 esl calledton Mand Mrs Mum lathe le nney who is in OUTFIT 154m CASCARATAljbbjR 35 96 or berson last Wednesday Mrs New Poor hard at me of writinr REFILLS 75500 Cg Desi hed or bury returning with he SOIL ey ouis Yiruabt rpturned CELERY NERVE TONIC chV 50cV43V Mr and Mrs Plaxton and the RV Hospital DYSPNE INHALER 600 Reg 100 79C gmea lng as de Sharyn OfAnguSTmMr lr otheeretnd the week fouowmg RAZMAHtAlSULES 60 25 00 WITCH HAZEL oz 23 l6 oi 45 Herb Paw15 nd r1 and Mrs Harvey Turnbull m7 mu rs ssell Cnllson and frlend li mo 01 ri ia am ll Home Thursday 85 Friday Augu VV Ens Sunday to PM HealY Medldm mill Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Allen Miller Were Mr and The Hamil VBOW Lubnca Demonstration mm 9pimllg Dundas L9 Revel of Hamilton all holidaying CONTINUE THE WAR ONJESTS by Appomtment Queens HoleliBarn at Midlhd ytOUhSl caqlucllelf xzikgiBMyalrEg fglyyfgg l6oz Bottle 40oz BottliL VVVQVIVI MrSJBailes and st We er OriiliaV and Jim Parka Troro By Using These Effective Preparations Reg 73 Reg 39 to ELYJOX Width DDT24=4373 Special gt Special Community Shower largely attended shower in the school Tuesday evening followedrw by pleasant and happy social erfand Mrs Stan Jennett were SAPHO PEST PAINT BillJ guests of the corrlmunity at 21 254386 COLD CREAMReg 39c 29 Reg 699576 SAPHO PEST DUST Sglvlsesot FLYTOX AEROSOL hilt 169 smwmg cREAM WPEROXIDEJOOIH PASTE132lm 35L SAFETDRyKLEENERgil 60 ctsrltziitf playing at Beaten tonight Thew nal scheduled game here was evemna Playoffs Coming BRmGEPORr AERAsoL 30M3V BENZO ALMOND CREAM Rcg43c 33c gt South srmcoe ban playoffs get 12 02 19s SANTAXIOILET TISSUE for 25 =Indispertble for qulikwgomg We Ithfv vr under way this weekWithmoria BRIDGEP0RTAER9ASOL leECT OIWA135RBOTTLES mums oz 498 updating VtcVFltS corners better thaaniio 11$ ELITV with played last Monday night with 2051 23 3959 mp as $291313m3u9 13 SHELLTOXwuh DDT chancellor unequal V54575 Dr P19ng 86 SW and Elimilllllon or Waste ivBUG 3er 30MB Shift for Such as It 1602 uy3Ig chi walls stairs wrighwork baseboards panelling desks REFILL wrh returnedomb autoslwlntlclw lasshem ea negular dell minnticn of waistes MgIm CYGNE HINDS HONEY ir an mummy meowe pm Wm CASTILETSOAP ALWND May also be used Wrung out Vdry tor cleaningrrugsgg mount lilies for good health Mil CREAM Complete directionsfor use and for cleaning go with 31121 atyoimgi straight 74n planar mm am 50 WV to IV gm em men each mop butit willbe greatjadvantage to you by non pf lgxahve and tomodrugs r455 pom$222 Iofkzgcdnnd Delighiiut OWL having its many good points explained to you at mufn grgmmtgs Kgsilfliflllai1il Joc$iesii33 Even in HardWat sunbumr Skin edi di nounailcxoummza 1X3 ml If mm the swam gm 23 3312 65c Mmm P111 help 48s 23 for gt to atimulata the rum clean the elicited tongue sweeten the breath an eliminate waste from the sys tem AaVui afterdinner pill theyrolieve that bloated feeling and help indigestion Sold at drug ceriumliveryth lltlnn on tn STORE HOURSMon Tues Tim irom spout to DELIVERY 830 pm Wednesday 830 qm 911230 pm Saturdiiy 330foa Phone 2650 to l000pn1v Open everyV SundayIZVteV5pm WEARElASV CLOSE To YOUR HOME AS your TELEPH ngpgmggv 3V PHQNEzVsss 80 Dunlon Staciii