not perform Convention of Liberals Was Democracy at Work lti2y oh lift Merit of have 13 it mat it LI rcpmstrrtafit wide of irititia 11 large 211 Ifitll mic the future 111 setu and tt iutisltlil the future neer chosen irztipoint is For Zlit hero sufficient =ici 14c 1115 record his ii ccit tlfltf and his jiIigtli Iittri or the future of the 1tii Pitts and of Canada tfi1 machoding points of Liberal olt tl practical dcirrocracy at when after form of to seriously it H111 11 and welfare corirforting it 111 this country and the will of 121 iergu stipreinel much more consid iiiii was expected by of the National l1b cral 11 ioii the delegates elected to rcpigeseitt Zhe constitu cucicwa Ihis oiiventtoh arrived in tfae deftriiilned to have hearing They were heard lhe man in the ranks had the occasion to expres lllititll restrain his views on the admiraltuition of hiscouniry and on the orationatrial of his party More clearly than ever before in the history of anada and possibly iii modern history illt riidividiral IllZfll expressed his wishes to his chosen leaders as to how the at fair of his country should he dcalt with EVOLVING ILAIFOIIItI The platform adopted last week by the Liberal Iarty of anada was not by any means program sub mitted by atcw for adoption by the whole resolutions Jllllllltltc made up opal if ii iii ilc of ours the in 111111 ilti cruililo XH the or of 110 members from all across Can ada each province having its quota and of federal ministers and pro vincial leaders find the task of studying and presenting to the gen eral Issciiibly when the committee found it advisable to do so rc solutions submitted by every Liber al association club or group ill Canada isseirzbl thliiiilexl lint At one tune inter Bock ltltiil beef irriitied and Iillxl alltiriporznnt ct iCozrverrtrozi Of Ciclilrc izriiy of tlrtfl illitriti duplicitrt or some on iail points rise ibeeir iiiipossrble for 111 iiceczvc dac consideration Still all iJtlt likitl itlgtft1 iiixl idigeaied tgerieral assembly idelegaic who hr isolation tifsiduclttl that been brought forth from the knobs Loiriiriritet it AU his pity were liltt Hi 11 or thitiiil and finer sent Mimic ili semny himself thc principles of 1berlrsin in ir adn ii the ti to sonc 1iple lltllllo MFor Taxi phone 11113 10311 Beauty llox Salon will be Aug 211 to 13 incEiisiw holiday Special in anent wave for taiiicioiis plume 41121 Jltlli The Sunday iiornuig services of llurtoii 1t United hurch arc lic irig held in the sclioolroorii for several Sundays while the audzioi iurrr being redecorzititl 1ne lllllilllttss of the picture llilllll Express is as trcsh as 1111 news starts Monday Aug 10 at the Imperial Theatre 113x iawslraw Motors formein flui toii Ave Allandale now located at rear 11 Frances St Ilairie Repairs to all makes of cars Weld Ing and parts supply 11 guar anteed 3111 lliitts no delay the Active way Local or long distance trips Active Taxi Phone 1151 or 2419 24hour service Sltfl Mrs lanieg Ilattle of Ilainil ton was taken seriously ill week Iago last Iucsday while at Iier surn irier Ironic at Port Sydney She was brought to Barrie where she is making good recovery at the home of her daughter Mrs Laurie Hayfield street Shirls pants socks sheets anything you han to mend bring to Margs Needlepoint front door 60 Clappertoii St Phone 5109 llltfb Another 13 autoinornbilcs were broken into last Wednesday iriglit a1 tourist cabin establishments in Barrie Cameras and other small articles werlc stolen The cars were forced open by prying win dow ventilators All police were staff 213Hti It litl 111A lii 11 $11 All Dependable Quality Merchandise of fltlli Zai fc Iege to present it it litt ttteiai Tltus were evolved the directius which will rule the ipglicitiui of Woodstock General Aug 1918 to Mr lilo Bell inee Mar taiichillu son lMONt At Sutherland on Jul 1918 to Mr It Diiiinnroiid son liittii iINNiIIJYWA the Royal Victoria llrzrlilldl BAIILL on Aug 10 1918 and Mr Wallace Ken 11 Blake Sr daughter BlelEAN At the Royal Victoria Hospital llziirie on Aug 1948 to Mr and Mrs James McLean uilti lift Itiidtaiisi daughter NtxtlLlNlllllwAl the Royal Victoria llosiiiml Barrie on Aug 1948 to Mr and Mrs Darcy ONeill lilhurgt sun URR At the Royal Victoria Hos ptil Iiairie on Aug 1918 to Mr and Mrs Alex Orr 51 John St daughter Judith Helem lEARSthmAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Aug 81948 to Mi and Mrs Joshua Pearson Belmont St Toronto son =Ilatid lhoiiiast ilfftil At the Royal Victoria lluspltal liziiilt Ili Aug 11 1948 to Mr and Mrs John Perkin 213 Iliuiiop St daughter ii ELI uric gt1 llllllt and nuts on overloading tlostai called out on special patrols for people of llaiti are of pure African few iriglrts and thcic have been descent ii Sifttt itl iitxtf ltlltl ltflii ippiiiiit 41 Lilith tr itlltlliillll to llarzie was if the 1001 illtlllNIIr At the illoyal Victoria 110gtlgtltl Barriefon Aug 1918 taznp Borden liltlllltl WALI the Royal Victoria Hos pital Ilariie on Aug 1918 to Mr and Mrs Wiltgpd Walt Siroud daughter Linda Draiiirei daughter Jac sfuitn 3or lloic it Motrin special liiilllllllL mire oclock $1170 ii ii 5310 am eions 11 iutg larloi orer iyinpizi Itcsia Ilroiie 711351 inftli Iriij iu ti 1919 airfo titutifli informing to John Kenny 3103 St If Ioioi 5H ttRIlIII At Ihornton on Aug 10 1910 Rachel Spcers beloved klli of Andrew Corbett Fun eral fioiii her late residence Thornton on Aug 12 fit 230 pm Service in Ivy Presbyterian hurch at pin Interment Ivy enretery UANIY At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Aug 10 1940 lessic ll Quanta daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Edward Quantl and sister of Mrs Alvin Wice Farinyt and the ltiteMrs Mae llarkcr Resting at the Lloyd Stecklcy Funeral Home llarric for service on August 12 at 230 pm Interment St Iairls Cemetery Inriisfil caught tire and was de The accident occurred on concession of Iiiriisfil Township about till Iliiiiii and cookies or iced Iitiitl illi iiill rcrcpiion sandwiches Wedding cakes made kit rriig or help for your vedtiiiiif reception etc Town or country itlllllflt Archer IIionc 1213 for appointment Ililtfli Iheie was an amusing scene at the corner of Ilenry and flow streets Iriday evening At that point there is new hydrant aiid detachment from the Fire Ilri gaiic rode up on hook and ladder truck to test it The fire fighters disernbarked presently and were reath for business wlicn one of the crew unexpectedly turned on the water and finestreani quick ly shot out and there was great scramble to dodge the forceful stream SflllltwAJI the men got doused with more water than wits lmllillv lttlkk 111 19110 We who loticd you sadly miss you as usual the hydrant riictr shiu As if dawns another year off the water aiid in minute or In our lonely hours of thinking so the excitement had passed and 1111011141115 01 you are ever near 2111 was peaceful again LOVlnfly ICmClnbelCd bf Husband and Family CAMPBELL1n loving memory of Campbell who passed away Aug 1933 As the days grow into years Still in silence falls our tears Tilne never can erase Memories of your smiling face 33b Wife and Family CiN MEMUWORTAMT BEIILIlYIn loving memory of our dear mother Mrs William Ileclby who passed away Aug 12 1942 1111p ISLAND or =Ariticnhs More than 90 per cent of the Thrift Prices GOODS SATISFACTORY OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED COLEIn loving memory of our darling son and brother Rodney Charles who passed away Aug 16 1947 No stain was on his little heart to Mr and Mrs Kenneth Ihorne Sin had not entered there And innocence slept sweetly on That pale white brow so fair He was too pure for this cold earth Too beautiful to stay Arid so Gods holy angel bore Our darling one away Lovingly rememberedDaddy Mummy ice Gcorgina and Cheryl Lynne 33p GILLIn loving memory of my dearfather Samiil GillT Who pa ed away Aug 12 1947 Thy will be done Florence GILLIn loving memory of dear husband and father Samuel Gill who passed away Aug 12 1947 Gone from us but leaving memories Death can never take away Memories that will always linger While upon this earth we stay 7Lovingly remembered by 33p Wife and Family KENNEDYIn loving memory of dear son and fiance Tpr Don ald Kennedy Bl43888 missing and presumed to have been kill ed in action on Au 14 1944 Sunshine passes shad ws fall Loves remembrance outlasts all Always remembered by 33p Mother and Harriett YOUNGIn loving memory of our dear husband and father Henry Slzesf4 to Width insults Aand Widths in $495 group QZELLEicsvis ALL smmo SERVEYOU WITH FASHIONLSMART SHOES Eon FALLfStyles shown here fire from our assortment at 5395andv $495 featuring beautiful models iriad of splitsuede orkipleather in Baby Doll Pumpsand other Pump styles ArikleStrapmodels Stepin typ somegwith the so fashionable new gold trimmings others with noveltyCutout designs tucking and attractive detailingiiBlackispredominant in both ice ranges the new roman ntalr Greenfmlso is strongly featured and ther arethe beautiful Browns and Claret shadestOOQWhaf grandassortment torchoose from at ZELLERTHRIFT PRICES STQREHOURSiMonday Tuesday Thursday and Friday 900am to 530 Wednesday 900 auirto 1200 con Saturday 1900 am to 855 pm NE2439 Kenneth Young who passed away Aug 1941 Down the lane of memories Our thougfftre ever dim Until the stars forget to shine We will remember him Loving1y remembered by his 33p Wife and family CARDsoF ROBBINSMr Norval Robbins Donna and Shirley wish to ex pressto their many friends rela tives and neighborsrandr the Pen tatcongregationsefston and Barrie their heartfelt thanks and appremation for acts of kind ness messages of sympathy and beautiful Tfloftributesxtended in theirrecnet sad bereavement in the loss of dear wife and mother lt TATTONWe wish to take this opportunity to thank friends of 12m BLAICHFORD and MASTER Egg prices today warrant feeding the best for full production and for high er grade The above feeds will give you this result Secdslnen since 1811 117 Dunlop St Barrie rnoNir 2435 51cmnzw 311 Cr Mrs6 Grey spent holiday in Northern Ontario Summer Program George Storeys weekly Sports Calendar in The Examiner started as thinking on summer scale so we jotted down feature pro grams and events which the Recre ation Council were sponsoring or in which the recreation office was cooperating and we find ourselves slig ily exhausted in just looking at it The Barrie and District Re atta is now an event of the past an we can certainly take our hats off to the Junior Chamber for staging the best yet The Lions Club Carnival tirade again sees the children hav an opportunity of dressing up in the land of niakcbeligve and entries will no doubt rival last years splendid turnout Monday 16th will see the Recre ation Office in conjunction with the Bathing Beach Committee staging the second Junior Regatta with Water Safety and Rescue Demon slration at night by the Senior and Junior Safety Patrols Wednesday September will be Recreation Playground Day when each playground will hold its spe tlill exhibitions of games races etc They will collectively put on view all their special efforts of the summer which include minor arts and crafts collections etc Shear Park were last years winners of ihc Playground Pennant which is special award for the summers workand are reported to be de termined to retain this honor The third annuaHKids Karnival is slated for Monday September which will again feature costume parade Soap Box Derby Play ground Softball finals and last but not least the races and novel con tests which have such an appeal for the younger fry With definite dates to be yet es tablished we have comingup special Day Camp Day at Minets Point at which exhibitions and dc irronstrations will be presented Junior Tennis Championships will be held for the younger tennis players at Queens Park The two playground softball leagues have schedules to complete and quarter and semifinals to dis pose of in order to be ready for Labor Day and the championships The Copaeo Trophy series em bleinatic of the County Championi strip will go into its first round during the weekending August 21 and should be completed by the first week in September With the date yet to be establ fished some prep work is being done on the third annual Public and Separate Schools Track and FieldMeet which is sponsored by the RotaryCltib of Barrie and in which the school teams will com pete for the Rotary Trophy In early September two sports programs are being presented with the recreation office doing the or ganizatin of events On Thurs day September the Chamber of Commerces annual Farmers Day will see horseshoe championships foot races for rural competitors and baseball game between two outstanding rural teams On the 13th the first day of the ricul tural Societys twoday Fal Fair will see sports events which will introduce junior and senior bicycle races soccer and softball matches Wonder what its like to beboied Playgrounds Under good news we can re portthat the playgrounds are still showingirconsiderable interest in the industrial tours and the scope is increasing with Silks Ltd and Canadian General Electric being included in this weeks agenda Participation at the Playgrounds still remains at high level al though the personnel fluctuate con siderably during the holiday sea son Under ungood news we have to report two cases of slight mali cious damage at the St Marys and Brock and Innisl Play grounds At thaformer the equip mentfslied which has been kindly loaned to us by the Separate School Board was broken into but no serious loss was experienced Lack of shade being primary con cern at the Brock and Innisl play ground the youngsters under Miss Doreen Crosse have built their own shade shelter fromiboarding left over from the rink boards and although hardly palatial it cer tainly serves the purpose Unfor tunately there are those who take delight in destroying and the gang became utterly disgusted to nd on several occasions that termitep of the twolegged variety have created havoc Playground Ledgues Both leagues are whizzing along in good style although we mustad mit that the Juniors are handling their administration little more effectively than their older eoun gt whentherfearnrrdMthtdath of telling the Seniors to get their score cards inpromptlywe cant tell youhow the league stands if you dont tellrus what the scores REEN THURSDAY AUGUST 12 1948 wl FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS WHERE NO TAX ON ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES OUR PRICES ARE REDUCED ACCORD INGLY WE LOSE but YOU GAIN ON ALL STOCKS ON HAND cw MM WELL Make HEAVY DUTY RANG ETTE You can use all Elements at once YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS LAWN MOWERS $1495 Prices represent big savings now ALADDIN LAMP CONVERTERS $135 an attractive Electric Lamp from 5800 your Aladdln on Lamp JEWEL ELECTRIC STOVE FOUR CLOSED ELEMENT ROOMY OVEN ENAMEL JEWEL ELECTRIC STOVE LARGE DIVIDED TOP SPACIOUS COOKING OVEN WARMING OVEN OF LARGE CAPACITY RANGETTES SELLING for $6195 Fliie For Apartment Use TANTOO PREVENTS SUNBURN Tube Tantoo protects against Insects too BUG FINISH SPECIAL 10 129 Stimulates growth as well as annihilating plant pests 518500 LINED $28500 FLYS ARE CURSE IN MANY WAYS Keep the Sprayer going with Fly Dcd 29c 49c 98c $175 and 150 FLY SWAITERS are BUY TIRE CHAINS NOW Each $120 48C KIDDIES WAGON TRAILERS $275 NUT CRACKER SETS per Set 500 Pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities An Optimist is on who makes opportunities of his difficulties BUOYOBOY CUSHIONS $175 $250 $280 $350 Boat Cushions in this group too CARVING SETS and Pieces $350 $450 $795 $1195 $2095 $2250 Splendid Values are here for you BUOYOBOY SAFETY FLOATS Small and Medium MORN GLO DINNERWARE CUPS AND savanna Set 45c 100 md $130 Breakfast Plates 39c Cereals 29c OVEN MITTS Colours Blue Red Pink Green BEAN POTS 500 650 790 DESSERTIKNIFE Sets Of White Handles $200 $275 $335 $600 Bread and Butter Plates for 450 Fruit Nappies for 350 Creams 75c Sugars each 50c 5tlc and 75c SETS or KNIVES FORKS $450 $595 and $1050 SETS of 24 PIECES i$850 and $1050 Handles Ivory Red and Ivory and Red MAGNETIC KNIFE TOO LOCOMOTIVE WA THIS IS REAL SURE 98 104 DUNLOP ST rie Hollyhawks can actually call their own nThC Barrie Agricultur al Society hope within weeks time to have playing area avail able in the ineld of the race track and if so are offering its use to the Barrie and District League It had been hoped to es tablish suitable playing area it the west side of the Arena but the cost of putting this area in aplays ing condition did not appear war ranted Some very good games have been produced in the league to date and apparently the partici pants are becoming thorougth en thusiastic There is the possibility also of the Mimico Beach Football Club palying visit to Barrie shortly to show their wares against local combine team Bath Tub Warblers We have been approached with the suggestion that investigation he made into the possibility of forming local group of the So ciety for the PrserVation and En couragement of Barber Shop Sing ing in America The title sounds like UN SubCommittee but actually it is an organization that has grown to quite tremendous proportions in the United States and Canada It has been made popular by members who are in terested invharmony singing just for the pleasure to themselves and others of exercising their vocal chords in their oWn interpretation of blended harmony ity of perusing the organizational details of this very popular phase of recreation and chance to dis cuss it with the interested persons there will be forthcoming more MITCHELL SQUARE or Memorial service Next Sunday The Soldiers Memorial Service for Oro Township will be held of Central Presbyterian Church will be the speaker Death of Mrs Shawijg The community was shocked Mrs Meredith Shaw who passed away in the Memorial Hospital Sunday August Mich sympa thy is extended to the bereaved Soccr We think about it by day and dream about last we think we are on the way ocatiugc pit 1y ock presentedlto us which leafles us with many happy mm ories of CiaighurstNelson Alice and James Tatton 33b mp FERGUsouvAiEf August 10 Weeks and Mrs Trevellion are erecting anew home beside their isiore Alfred Cumming of GoHome Bay Spent the weekend with his family here Mr and MrsJas Portcband Miss Betty Portcii of Islington spent the weekend With Mr and Mrs Wm Cumming Mr aners Switzer and Elsle of Crown Hill and Mr anldngs Manning ofCreemore were Sunday visitors at Mrs ur ws iMr nd Mrs James Desmond and4Mramd Mrs Robert Desmond of Astoria Long Island NY eat weekwlth Mr and Mrs it by night but at which thefBar hurstcommunifyfor the love Visitorsmt fThe Larehesi 111 Park in the lossofalovingrwife August fol and mother August 10 Mrs Hubbert received letter from Mr and Mrs Ivan Reevie thanking the people of Shanty Bay fornthejlovely wedding present of 1a desk and desk lamp Sunday Aug 15 at pm in the Town Hall Rev de Groot clude Mr anthrstRoy Martin Thorold Mrs 7A Dowle Hamilton Mrs and Miss Albertszorono Miss iBlnns Toronto Messrs John and Capreol Toronto Miss Williams of Toronto Mrs Mur phy Miss Pritchard and grand daughter Leona 12m DALSTON Archie Debenham celebrated his 83rd birthday the weekend of Aug With hisfamllyand some friends at the home of his son Wm Deben ham GibveStreet PAINSWICK the Innisl Flower Rmembe Show August 18 In Township RACK $150 Stainless Steel Blades in all SHER almost brand new only NOUGH BARGAIN HARRY ARMSTRONG PHONE 2301 FINE FOLLOWING ACCIDENT p$95oo CHURCHILL $60 and costs and had his license suspended when convicted August 10 ofsdangcrous and careless driv iiig Wilson was injured on July 16 on No 11 Highway about one mile south of Fennells Corners He had passcda car on theupgrade on Death Hill running into the path of an approaching bus His car was knocked into ditch The case August Glad to scchisJ Prosscr home again Miss Lois Burke spent the week irrMidland Miss Joyce Matbhett is holiday ing nearo Pembroke Howard Allan Toronto is spend7 ing three weeks with his son Ron ald was heard at Bradford EDGAR 12m August Misses Carol and Karen McLean Mr and Mrs Sinclair motored th Minden in Haliburton on Sun ay Remember the Innisfil Flower Show August 18 in Township Park 33 advt The United church is closed for twoSundays while the interior of When we have had an opportun information the church is being decorated Theball team played their last game on Thursday evening at CookstoWn going down to defeat Congratulations to Mr and Mrs are holidaying at Bonneys Mrs EggJohnson visited her par ents at Thornhill few days last week Mr and Mrs Duncan and Bobby of Thornhill visited at Johnsons recently Mrs Sampson spent few days last week With Mr and Mrs Sampson Oro Station Miss Dorothea Lees Toronto was with her parents Mr and Mrs Jno Leesover the weekend Mr and Mrs John Lees and Keith visited friends in Game bridge aind Beaverton on Sunday There will be no service in the Unitgd church Sunday Aug 15 RevI MacTaggart will be on holidays for the next two weeks Mrs Robt Johnston of Sydneyf NS and Miss Helen Lauder RN of Orillia are visiting with their parents Mr and Mrs Lauder Cecil Hayes Barrie Mr and Mrs Hayes and family of Anten Mills visited with Hayes dur ing the weekend Dorothy returned with them after weeks vacation her cousin HAWKESTONE August lat spending boy David Thomas on August The Guild of St Peters met in Mrs Willsons onThursday with 15 present quilt was worked on We were sorry to hear of the sudden death of Mrs Cousins Wife Robert Wilson 22 of 508 Globe holine Blvd Toronto was fined Dunbarton Rev and Mrs Cousins were in Innisfil Parish for about eleven years WARNING Notice is hereby given that bylaw of the Village of An gus forbids bicycleriding on any sidewalkgtHenCefoitb of fenders are liable to fine by order of Village Trustees Miss Norma Scott is two weeks in Barrie Mrs Leigh and David spent last webky in Toroptpj Miss Irene Benner Qrillia visitw ed Mr and Mrs Wm Scotti Sr Mr and Mrs RoyJoslin have been visiting Mrs Joslin this week The Misses Bodkins of London visited fheMissJagshaw last Week make of car Altmi McDonald zinld dJohn 33 REALIZE THE er ey spen severa ays wt i817 garems Mb andMm BLEASUREOELLL erg countOUR CAR WWe have radios to fit any Mistettvsiiring of Toronto isrE spendingher viiation at home Edna Mae 48 ing is spendinga week with Mr andMrs Gordon Fralick Toronto In racontSissaufztti batngmbm mg holidayingywith Mrand Mrs Dodge DeSoto Distributor Spring and Mr and Mrs Fra lick of Painswick =65 Collier St Phone 2487 EEP BRISELES DOWN BARRIE0NT remember to keep the bristles down nnml unLni When drying holisehold brushes Mounts swans lt $1777 1111257 PROMPT DELIVERY International Ptickdv with minrfi Wholesa1ej7toDealiiis 33 advtll Pearson on the arrival of baby of the late Rev Cousins of RAD LITTLECosT walmzoizMiranda