PAGE TWELVE WWI10V LETTERS to the EDITOR IIIIJII It HORSE ilii llxiLli Iii 21 3i zlI take iRoN ARAILING GATE OR FENCE Measured and Installed Barrie Welding and Machine Co 17 Iiilcastcr St Phone 3714 Barrie PORTABLE WELDING ARC and ACET STEELFOR sins mmoooa ti COLLIER mocr KI 1rlllVOOlrmtlinlilidUi4I414 DANGERIIELD morons WILL BUY YOUR CAR THE BARRIE BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA might mend his ways for this card it yoa llzc that through your paper he hear of and be kinder lllsvzll his employer hoist The reason istglicdi hills iiZilltlfltl lt wt August Miskor tilts EARLY DAYS OF BARR SALVATION ARMY MALI account sen yoi lion Arm think that pillli re earl history of ill mect Will The article you kindly paolnli then has been repeated in War but villa it as lately as this week There llltllti nun IKtUIltVI those tiers til yet to me tin are lzitl Inc rated Zl areal III 111 many ILvtvs main sir yours fazthzidly SARAII If llllllltl Buy new 1Illllltlll Dunlop St Barrie other 1111 It Eli iill ILII lilt It II HOLIDAY HOME FOR SIIITIXS the Editor The Bairie Examine Deai Sir May he hayw pltiiiiiiit and piivilcuc cf izsi columns oi your paper It appeal on behalf the shutins We are trying to liloilllt 11 Mel day Home in nlaia tuneddbuhmh itiilii where tile imuuicappto na enjoy two weeks summer holiday llll out charge There is no place or illls type in the llllr or 111 anada for that liltlllelmilllil to say that one is badly needed would be SOIlitlllllltL of an unclerstatemciit We believe there are places in cn tial lllllllllilllitlls near lake or streamwthat would be ideal tor this purpose it not vacant coun try home that could be renovated then piece of land that eould FOR CASH BARRIE PHONE 2488 a1o ltlIvritIt$0lIVIlgtOUnlflUO4 FARMERS ATTENTION OURBULLDOZER is now EQUIPPED with GRUBBINGond STUMPING BLADE for clearing brushy fence rows and new land Stone piles buried and earth removed FREE ESTIMATES SKILLEDOPERATORS VARCOE shamans 300 Bayfield St Phone4600 or 3375 Barrie WE ARE PAYING THE HIGHEST PREVAILING PRICES 70R DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS HORSES CATTLE HOGS Telephone Collect for Immediate Service GORDON YOUNG LIMITE BARRIE 32517 95 our our godlbw on have uterine lNIlICIl IIIIlill IINII lOlt BRITAIN it IIaII liiilaai Iilllllil program lzst IUII liliI ons and Idle lligt i1illl iini iziii El7 to terms llzrll liltl Illillll ll elleclilig llltll are so lilliiili ill purchasing tanat and their tin tiaarl King Hllllil= ill gt ml lllllilr in lt Qitlu asoraiice will con ccivcd lh list of llieers and threetois indicates strong lloald Lt Ilreciors drawn rom leading lanai iion coast to coast The first National inpai to raise large lulut lll take pce in late Noveltiber or this year IcIim leltlgtlll lIlllllil iic complet 21111 the procrazi of advertising which is to he on national scale My colleagues on the Board of Directors and will lie indeed ap premative or whatever in the Inlet lllri issmlm was three years old when his par cau be iciiuircd to lilillrll Your laithlullv Sir lIllsioilli Flavellc Bait alionai haiimair LITTLE lIIIOKNIII OI IIII thllihlls IiltIIIrtlltllll Iooiil There are yet elderly residents of Barrio who are interested in the Salvation Army jiioperty In the Armys early historyin Barrie by some accident the Army had possession of an original lres byterian church which was situated immediater lll liontol the An glican church Here let me pay tribute to the dear old Anglican congregation who bore with great patience the close proximity of the two icli gious bodies After some years in this building it became too old for further iccupancy and the property was sold to the Anglican body Adjutant and Mrs Moore then being in charge rented the Orange Hall and thch carried in for while In the meantime arrangements were made for new property The Army had practically no mon ey apart from that gained by the sale of the original bpilding At this critical period in the Bar rie corps Mr Thomas McCulloch otlcrcdto give portion of the lot Ion which his own beautiful resi dence was built on Collier St This gift was greatly appreciated by both officers and friends chvould like to add brief commentary on this elderly gen tleman who is now passed to his eternal reward He had previous ly been impressed by the fervor of the Salvation Army and joined up as Salvationist Moreover his lovely daughter Millie McCul loch became an officerof the Sal vation Army few years later can Mrs MillfllJIleSHShC wcinti Nowvoo CAME LLER MN 94 Home to Heaven square mar ble stone marks her grave in the Mount Pleasant cemetery Toron to To proceed with the present Sal vation Army building Adjutant and Mrs Moore worked on the pro ject Mrs Moore collected money from well vishcrsfand so in am short time the property became the possessioncf the Army The gt grand opening was honorcdby the presence of the then Commissioner Eva Booth whose name is engrav ed upon the stone in front It marked great forward step was used PROMPT SLTTLEMLLT of potential labor trouble occurred in when Wagogo trlbesmen were about to dow on which the British plan to grow peanuts to help relieve th ancc arose when bulldozer crashing into tree exposed tribal custom When the Wagogo employees encd to desert Unit Manager setup beside him and called council The euccs should be field round the fe OBITUARY HENRY WILLIAM MAYOR One of the settlers of Iiiiiisfil lownsliip llairy Mayor died on Sunday Aug 1948 at the home of daughter Mrs Bert Wright Sound He was in his titlth year and had enjoyed good health until he suffered stroke eight days prior to his death Born at Markham Ont he was son of William Ihotnas Mayor Doctor of liernistryaand Har riett May llarry Mayor was the youngest of family of five and pioneer cuts moved to Big Bay Point He could recall clearing the land as boy when huge maple pine and hemlock logs were burned be caiise it was hardly worthwhile to haul lhcni lo lumber mill and only the straiglitcst maple for fire wood Wheat was taken to Holland Landing by boat or ox cart At one time Mr Mayor owned all the property which is now known as Crescent Harbor on Lake Simcoc and he remained on the family farm until 25 years ago He told of celebrating 60 Christmas lays on the old home stead without break Mr Mayor was keenly interest cd in archaeology and through his study was familiar with the early life of Huronia Among his dis coverics was an Ossuary of 150 Huron Indians near Big Bay Point Many other valuable discoveries incliidingcorn pits mcal stone andpestlc rare smoking pipes coppertknives various arrow tips beads etc also meteorite which was found under sixfoot pine slump on the old farm Practically his entire collection of Indian relics was turned over to the Nor mal School Toronto and it was later given into the custody of the Royal Ontario Museum Mr Mayor was instrumental in establishing the first rural mail delivery in Simcoe County and it was approximately 35 years ago that the first piece of mail delivered on that route was placed in his own letter 0box in Innisfil Township Vitally interested tion Mr Mayor served for sotoral years as game and fish inspector for the Innisfil section of Lake Simcoe While lifelong Conser vative Mr Mayor was known to vote otherwise on rare occasions on certain issues Itwas of years ago that lie inar ried Elizabeth Rcai of Innisfil and Mrs Mayor husband in 1909 Mi Mayor was the last of family of five Sur viving him are four daughters Mrs Jeffrey Webb Gladys Mrs Elvin Richardson Hazel and Mrs Robinson Ethel all of Barrie and Mrs Bert Wright Marjorie of Stroud and four sons Guelph of Toronto Ward of Port Credit Morleyfof London andijrant of in the Armys work in thetown of Barrie Surely berefa word of praise should be added to the peo ple of Barrie who have alway en wholeheartedTIOVefand praise to the Barrie branch of the SalvarRonald Haldenby of Glencee Jack tron Army lSince Tommys teacher bought him Jersey OldTyme ice cream cone hes got terrific crush on her Mllli Ivom urniistrmix TCRHM mm to cum PLANT Jain LTiYf ThdthonderIul ICE CREAM Special Flavour for this Week is Buns Butter 3549 in conserva Barrie There nine ehiiiireii The funeral service on Wednes da Aug was conducted by Rev Paisley of Stroud at tlle home of Mrs BertWriglit Stroud There were floral tokens from the Council of the Town of llarric Barrie Public Utilities Commission Barrie Arena Com mission Barrie Rotary Club var ious church organizations relatives and friends There were seven pallbearers four sons and three sonsinlaw Interment was in St James Cemetery Stroud 2111 MRS ROBERT KIRKUI Early Thursday morning July 20 1048 Mrs Robert Kirkup Gil ford slept quietly away to her Eternal Home She had been ill only ten days followingr cerebral hemorrhage on July 20 Mrs Kirkup the former Mary McCullough was daughter of the late Mr and Mrs James Mc Cullough Biccliin Hill Ireland As little girl she came to Can ada with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Alex McClatchy and re sidbd in Toronto pt Blong Ave There on March 28 1888 she mar ried Robert Kirkup of Barrie To gether they established home first in Toronto then on farm in Vespra nearBarric and finally on Con 13 West Gwillimbury Mr Kirkup died 21 years ago From this union seven children were born five of whom survive namely Dr Kirkup Detroit Mrs Haldenby Jessie London Douglas at home Mrs Bickncll Marjorie Detroit and Victor of Lake Cowichan BC son John tied at 14 years and baby Irving In infancy Fifteen grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren also survive Mrs KIIIUD affectionately known as Grandma by many was in her Blst year but her active in terest in everythingmadc her seem much younger She was member of St Johns Presbyteriam Church Coulsons Hill and past president of the WMS as well as of Coulsons Hill Senior Institute In these circles she was always prepared to make an excellent contribution to the program For number of years she taught the Bible Class at St Johns Presbyterian Church ln later years needlework and owers were among her favorite hobbies She especially enjoyed visiting with members of the fam ily Less than two months ago she journeyed to Toronto to wel come the arrival of her youngest greatgrandchild Brian Smith son lofDr vanuiivns Ward Smith To rontofm At homeshc wilLbe sadly missed predeceased herlby Jack Katharine Carolyn and Shirley children of Mr DouglasKirkupu The funeral was held from the family residence on Saturday at pm Rev Sinclair DD Allaniiale conducted the service ArthuriKneeshaw of Bradford ac companied by Gordon James 101 Bradford sang City FourSquafe Honorary pallbearers James Kerr Toronto cousin of the deceased and Harold Megginson brotherinIaw of Sault SteMarie and Mrs The active pallbearers were her sons Norman and Douglas grandsons Dr Smith of Toronto Weir of Windsor and anephew 15 Tongan tools while clearing part of the 31 million acre farm world fat shortage lribcsmens griev human skull buried there according to fearing the vengeance of the spirit of the deadthreat =Watterson acted quickly He had the skull arrowed in picture agogo liked the idea and decided that all future confer kull so that the spirit of the dead could watch over their interests grand Itoy Ilickling of Iluiie grandson Ilob liirkup was unable scheduled WBIE or Disnute ka mamas Africa fourth to arrive in time on Ilu funeral Interment was made in the liar rie Union cnuteiyz Relatives from uisiaiice attend7 in the funeral included Mrs Ward Smith and baby Brian lo ronto Mrs Jack Weir Windsor Mrs Ii Ilaldeuby ilencoc and Miss Janet llac1innon Toronto Remaining for the Weekend with Mr and Mrs 1ouglas Kirkup were Dr and Mrs Kirkup Ilob Joyce and Marjorie of Detroit Mrs llaldcnby London Mr and Mrs Newton Bicknell and Joy Ann lc troit and Mr and Mrs llarold Mltitiinson Sault Ste Marie LEInor Etwr MrsSutlierlaud and IIllli of Barru cro recent guests of Mrs Ivicd larksoii Mr and Mrs lttc Lott children spciiltiic Ltllcll with their parents in tll7 Ilev Mr Aiideisoli lizivlltisl rIIll istcr of Belle lIwiut lil ration will occupy the pup Sun day in the absent llcv Paisley who is eiijoyln holidays in Muslioka The sports cointe are lrmk iiig forward to lILIll 101 at their carnival and siret dance for lriliy lllll Aug 13 They have plans made for ibiudant nmlls1l17 to en tertain all attending Funds are to meet expenditures on local iink Since the objeethc is for the lll lit of our youngfolk and adinissiun only 25c it is hoped there Ill be line evening and generous donationfroni all attending even if they are not actively taking part 1n the proceedings FOUND IN THE ANDES The condor large South Ameriv can vulture generally found in the Andes builds its nest at height of from 10000 to 15000 feet above sea level Confeder tion ife Association Housman NEW PLASTIC TRAYA simplestwistlof the wristandout pop the icecubes its that easy The little lady shown here is usingpa newpolythene plastic tray whichre1eases ice cubes all at once or one at time withouttheneedtor holding under water tap The odorless tasteless completely nontoxic tray has another advantage It tray compartment freeze to the refrigerator and THURSDAY AUGUST 12 1948 lImW====Im and Mrs Victor vildrnan Urlsr Zane mm name hit and lhlrs hank Lii and onlann of Ammmmwi dclazzj and er Chile Bathe August it le Melikwlls Mia Mr Dev of lIanJllull SillllIltitlgtllck trial 51 llilNIItlilboiU Hm IIIUI at the Irvsch swig agar 11 liilc dr and zlis rira dining the morning 59521 =Gaston Toronto 11 11a gSunday Mr and Mrs Yttkclitl visitois included drwth friends Easy does it with Kodak Vericlironic Film in your camera You just aim and shoot and get the picture Canadian Kodak Co Limited Toronto Its made in Canada Ll Kodak Film the lm in the familiar yellow box KODAI is TRADEMARK The drink that SATISFIES your thirst d6esnl iusl tease ill Millions of Canadians agree that PepsiCola is downright delicious enjoy it whenever they want refreshment and pleasing satisfying volir And no wonder PepsiColes unique for mula brings you pleasure no other drink can thatch its treat anytimel aim Ilicfllllilot for fst for refreshment for bomb passed ripality PepsiCola is better drink And ouhddfor ounce it is your bestbuy $0 whenetyoure thirsty or want to add delight to the out of relaxation pick the drink that gives mor for your moneydrink PepiGL1 and Pepsi are the registered trade mark In Canada afPepsi1Cola Company quamdaEljmiled It