Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Aug 1948, p. 1

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THE BARR EXAMINER 85th YearNo 33 BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY AUGUST 12 1948 Section lPoges toII Georgian Bay District lHEPC Regional Offices 75 ew Fair Grounds Ready for Sept 14 Buildingigging Up At Town 11 in rrie At the beginning of this week fair grounds the Barrie Contrac workmen Llt bustling with activ tors had men working on the ii MW gmunm and fmmdalmn for We and Ville iii tll WTL it ti ii follltl sta tr ii trauma in ice iv 14 izvll iii 71$ l1 iiiii i315ii3viEiJWiJii litiifia3iii3ii$iiiii ANNUAL NW NW II Vi is hi hair to bi llLltl on iucsday Sept by l20 it This will be apploxi Ilflrj ii mhtctV ihP 5mm Si in the whip second and llLlitl flows of Baliiciiilzrlzits am lib staff Look after Filtelliiv lllt liollnds it tie buiidllilV which was recently conl FHHWJwl TM betWM luilillmli SM mmng and Ftit iiIIfigt inth hit in ii hihthdI gt t4gt tilthl itll hi le 11 9103 dignity ii TL iIlmIidIl biiihv if Smihmhugh Last night the annual Lions istaff of ii 111 and mintin and tlm iluion which number some III iii its ii larnival was opened with tin lizljrloilI is zipploxliiizitcly Sllo tiIU pttlttis itl puttllil up thc bulld did Mini mt Ht IIIIIS IIIII IIIII IIIIIqimIIIm IIIIW II IIII in we Ship It III grounds parade which set out from the Iooti laslim Small regional atLOIlIiliIl bitiidtttitp 1H titliiiiiiiiu Wt bi llilzll tilt 119w hjghwilyI iliidIou lht park in Ann My IHAUEHH mlnfmlmi emplhvm the BRIT of ihmtkhihh ghnmhciwm amt witthmst Chi0i heat it Road lair and procccded to the Post riliiilttloli Willi the iiiit an offeri not in lili tzlfltil three llVl Witt ht ttttt hut with Whit lhii iintlit grounds will be sun 0m EquarrIPirade HSth ssmdm hilly HUNT hf lihl Ll immmng 5m phimbmi hICIiIiIIISI muth it sevenhot win ItfasIIlItcriItIIti thiihliisallIrIIai its iIcIalIsI Iaiio II III lie IIicuIirilIiIaIi iIllliilIIiitI II IlIIiItIlClIiItsI liriSItfttlLiItIIIch3111 with HIM with tmrbmi wire 11 la me lt ii ll H5 ltlaclilnu lllt iiiifmlie ltt lllllished ili il Nil II II III II Thi 51 ton hunts an stt in f6 J10 11H it Lot to it tIt MI MN tiIiIlItiiIIIlInlItIIIilQiIiIciIIhlIIiII ItIIiiIltIi mmicth th Barrie PxIlmlnirI unw appointment ttiIiltI Ilicri finial townie till the him IUtti Maiconison president of The carnival is continuing llze iiii inn111 in philaal litiill Ii lIlt liltllI and women if tht Buttit Agiiwithiiii ShhihtIVI tonight and tomorrow night Illll llltil offices in he iotrnt if 1111 tlfllflltIIBilll llllie mm Jm 31 is it flil Lillllld lll and thc proceeds will be ill Illlt 11w lciitlvi WMw 1111 of if ill 58 oil It III iiiliIIiifiIIiIIIIIlkm1 mining Ztit Xit55ii hiS Smtg hard by the Lloiis tolfpromote ire ini in he iltlfltil IiIlidI lllIt irlli rIlIiItIIIlIilItIIII IIItIItI rhythm With ti tt hot cIr program wc are ltor it wt until iii lie ii an Ia Just inside the mlo track an For in inning of mi and in iiiiaii for lllining imm buy mm iiiminim ho if Imfi 4011 Dim Illlllltl Commenting in the all 10 hr frolic visit the carnival at the and tlwy air with chinalimit itIlIIII Flvtmll Wtlllmo IM ItIIlIII II Ill iiiIHI SIlilll held on lllcsda Sept 14 Mr P0 0m 501m and SlePOIl lindrr thv izintral SHIJPIIISIltgt id in ttivivimii tt stirs anc Illa ii IhIi 0111 btllltllllt Malconison said the board had 10 IffIWIOIhY 59 of itlr htlullJulrillMliE are tour LuwpmI miW 11de WI 111lIk itlttl to specialme iii good prizes r44lt idiriglttns tf tht With IIIhIIIfiItyIiiollri liliIiiIuItipalIhIes aldl lIt liltt Illt If Klitdtt for all lllt horse classes The fair ttiittia hitstttttpr Spittut ll lt Ii clcinil iiilin lrleh an from lllt ook ItlilSlliltlltlll om next month Will be the first iii engineer has staff of SIX nieli Silitllltd 101 illf Battle Of iilIl W35 ltVtllmi it hUkCtI Billlit SHHt tIHl lh tllt Witl 11 The Imponslmmy 15 Wm WM mic it if fie 11 vl ha the st in hh 11 11 110m windy sunlivtgion of the rum tie male ice is Over in another section of the the newly acquired grounds muniplpaily and direct commissionilllltlllhhctl ith ieorglan Bay Reg limit itlilmq vulhllmljtllilllslll operation illiziil IlllltlnlilTliJBVttlllltllgxLillglllil els as llt are iimm t0 tut to himth thi whim cor has ll head office staff oftiIhiu iliiiiitndFaIlid fort Deny as aas rs Pictured here on the loft is OHI Louis ht hiiiiiiihtcs his Shhhhhhm its Mini Si Laurent 11d faculties Wt hatt to ymi stun nan ihell lobIIls to kttIp SIIWIIICIIII IIIIIIiIIIIIIII II iurcnt who elected itI Lihhttqi COti i0 It ii in phi it gt in round sports In our lllllnltipullv Sm Wrmmu 107 mm in mL was on Illt Ilili all ll IIWIIIIIi IIIIIIIIIII WIIIIOIII IIIIiIIIIIO IIIId it hm iiiiiihthhiutco or iii taIlIi IIIiIiII iiiLilIlIlhlpa itlts ale lllClllded iventlon last SatlllIday to become the now Will take oIvel illsllowdlllloh as ilille Miiilst IpuhticityI the Barrie Atom COW IIIKIISIIIILlItIllmIIIYIIIIIII IICI Last Friday evening Imem leader ofttlic party ill Canada Mr St Laurent or some time bctore the next Federal clect illisslon has steadily impriin tile lA to Nth will 83 t3 15 toofr lllgflftlltlgl tttiunclinl my will summed Mackenin King as prime Mitt totiI building and cqlllpliient during the cc uh CY venlng IIIIII HCIIIOiI iBIItIIIIIrIIId cos er ii hommmo anointed mmcchng istcr of Canada Prime Minister King con iihlinm 11ft yeli it Near Newm Rob5 tanninstnn Chatsworth Choslov is in mm is secI if nitI Chillt 0f HHMIWS WINE 5108 by Barrie TECUMSET SCHOOL AREA 0nd to none in the smaller ccn Damage Estimated ltigvcfl D5335 has been laid against James Fraser Brim 10 Canadian Legion res 0f hump pnggiblv tho wholt Fi jiI Heather Sh iimhntOI The to discuss the housing problem IIA lCgIlllal meeting of iecllmseth of CiIIIadIII Ni ppm Wits ihiiiith hiit himldttn illwoor Il csheiton charge was laid following an acci in Barrie mwlflll FClm AW Board Wits II II pvtti dhmttml tothiihii about 5500i NHI Yal Cy Gravenaurst Ham dent on Highway 11 near Httwkp As result of the meeting it held in PeilVlilc school On July 22 ll1dp urns bi9lmltm iii an auto accident on Highway Ctlltmlkd mm Pilevthret smurf ORVWedncsdar evening was decided 11 formation Wit WWW9 WW 8W ea lber hum by may OWN 27 New mm Aug when Maty Cook of To would be sought from the Cen Sturgess was appouited PIIVPfIl IbY lllOIItzglnullSIOH mm Sunday evening limit by route was killed if ousmg aid MOlglge teach it SCIUOI at Aimf tinTil toilet antfldd arid Pa GoreV 5Mlbank AvelERN Th0 aChidhht Owin on the orporation Ihls Information $1500 year WARREN AlinwlN lit to lll otvs lilltfldlh ale I01 95 mummgm mm Toronto collided lvltli car drlvcn highWI1V curve at Fist Om Finite will be in connection with Ian OnIJIiiini i7 it wilscliscovered that In the Globe and Mali iflllly ttllStlUIllSvilS the tumult and 011 andsmnydPDlllFll10nSl10V0 by Dmtgtas Mitt151 Mitttlt AW had been travelling towards Oril commdation for rental and No school had been entered and Canadas new Liberal leader and liolltini of the convention llmlx 30 Shownthrough 10 wilde Gmmeloml ha and he made teittmnd tum will be referred to the Town considerable damage done such as Prime Ministertome looked just ltS illltIlhly hare cast aside itthghterlIISIItiiICilleotltlomgo The accident was caused when li ctd to slam on his acms th htil it Ti Councll broken WlIllClOWhlllllS etc Plltlcs enough out of plail illaiililni be ll it ItI01 to Hal lli eiccy nix 01 LN Liv 10nmtol Al hc meeting Friday were found responsible for the damage hind two pipers yesterday after 0W Wolds In Mr nlldltlcr and mount WP been received 0m brakes to prevent LlilSlHIlL 110 ii cycle dllvell lV Wllllam Gaw an it it ziI Ot 196 Ciiittibiii Ave Toronto Bibby and Alfred Harris will be asde to pay for the Windows noon to lay emphasis on his quiet itlllmvl lttlllllr lmlllltill Illftlllfl tC no 03 car which cut front The Was plOCccding in the oppositc or the Leglmi KMnym and and replacing of same and to clean ability to carry off most sitlla JIIM litllIIti lIlll lkttllli lma001nhumld Shmmft Macliaren car lsiicd into the direction int Charles Griffin of the Town up interior of building lions owcr Ilev lave mace aIIsa 35 50 mVCrS tV rear of the Gerccy car Each auto Ernest Crawford Oro Station righhhand shit oilhemautgnm the Council and Twiss and 21 fire extinguishers will be He was far more at home it few Hilsellsatlonai choice They have biiClWllfi Who made it 09 was damaged to about the same with score of 95 was the win Shvmt itM Be Hi Chamber bought and placed in schools minutes later seated with Mrs St llltktd 010 Rpllllmimi IlHCkm PIP Sledm 0f th bummg extent het ofthe field crop competition of by mm sch001 No to crowd of newspapermen10 news 51 IHVC Vt 0i 11 1108 cu ura ocicty Fran arritt scatcd behind Gaw on the nlotor llosntll ll Orilli Ispomng pup v1 1w veiled to Blrre th 15 mums school to Cookstown paper reporter Will ever be trcai Ito lllm MICCI dlld 1111110 MlmS Spec Keswmk was the Judge cycle Shc was thiown over the were not SCIlOllSInd he was rc 3m CCIICIaII is to communicate ed with other than courtesy and hi Arena and to get Ipians of the Second high man was Wimam cal and landed on the road and leased the foilowmg day heBs iqiivle to aying for frankness by the he iehdeh In the Home of Commons ML seating accommodation etc Beaton 0f Coidwator with 9tI and gt wth Whed MM carlhenpassod 1711 cons Ian HUFhwn of aim it was characteristic of the mall SLLHWCMJ more one than ml Gibson Mbmcey Ind Simde 0f 00 Statltlnv over her body She suffered Olllila investigated the accident SelVlceS 9f 39 009 regriatio andI as he said appropriate that magnicent remotnhet coming spected the floor the Barrie with 90 was third inlcnlmd Sliuiil dand tsellere CheSt and he conSUItEd With crown At leadter gfor duendmg ela Ion his first not should have been to 01 0f the Kalltly after 0110 Of his Arena Vm Vlow t0 lnSlalllng Other winners who scored over injuries an lc ins an torncy Frank Hammond KC be mee lt exteinioraiic us switches wond OHC in their alenal He had been 71 come to the huge press enclosure pom swore e0 Kirkpatrick William GHW was taken to the fore the charge was laid WWIIWMI at titO warm the convention hall mg why the Lllll Party should told of the floor in the Barrie Om Smilan 39 eytmur Hutchihi bother to llllil convention Arena by the OperatOIS 01 the new son Oro Stati 80 Eld ed Cl slllhmidinlllimllitiiic ht 21125an arena in Toledo Ohio who recom Goldwater BSOEIriieSt Horrne Darin 01 lt ii us persona con ac 15 bargain with the newspapers and gracious friendly ahdsympathetlc II II if 00 ff ha 77 Smith Campbell Oro SItaI radio networks of Canada and There is certain reserve and Ia mg we lion 76 R055 Currie Oro Station Basebah playofst ivy at ShmidI through them with the Camdimi some times hr Slight iihconscious hockey letter was received the Others Wh0 competed were the Friday Aug 13 630 Ad 15 people On one hand he prom lmpaticiicewith time wastersIBut 3hr dIayf iaomA RObtG FrdeelanId follOWing in Order ThOS FletCheri Sim 253 Isgd My pollcywm alwaYIS mi phmle lug hat ls enmely Midlcgizle ilat alumni ugsrtigsif 01 Station William Clark Shan Buhding permits iswed 1t the Jam Ex be Monster Carnival dancing Ibi l0 makefmSt1fIfCCCSSIbl0 the foreign to this formation abimt the 10m in the t5 1383 Thos Clark Goldwater if III ouse on Iames go and gamesI at LeftWI it press as requen Iasqpostl iI OAthehi Stingsthe ethikLtbera marne Atremr and ton distance Kenneth Gilchrist Oro Station we I0 OWIn Engineer to tween Dundonald and St Vincent ust i3 Im On tire other he appean ii attei iS ta gtinct disai poihtmentt Robert Andrews Guthrie Isaac the end of Jul this eat totalled $4 000 in WJ rv ii 1l phone call was received the other Ia ouse tBaxter Fray have great responSibi ity to seems to have no sense of poll Shaw Hawkestonc $423225 ThS was appmmmateiy between Name and CodrmgtonI ance aI my party and to my count and cat occasion He talks not so Iay mm ltectorsI meeting of Irwin McMahon secretary of the $70000 greater than the total of $6000 Dangerfield Motors alt to the music of Paxt ns orch stra do ask iiou to hel memo dIS II the arena in Fort Erie for infor Om Agricultural Society said an $350 3731 th th Dancmg from 930 130 mu We 0w 3y matlon about the ice making equip of 1047 seven mon logsllor ngBDmelrltsD Dude Dance at Cooksiown vilion Charge that responsmlmy from them TheV respect per ment the oats were Beave Wth the ex on 191 eppar CO tion Of tho The permits issued last month house on Clapperton between every Friday to Don Gilkes and Ehfscirzigds gig 512 131 laps admnde rlmhremam 00mpilet It is quite evident from this out Beaten who liead ggoggw virietl tot 11 $92 860 in 11 his orchestra Admission 50c 30tfb unmove mm side interest that Barrie has one an mam we an mgtonl $8000 electedto office but no one wllci of Beacon oats were housi Frank Barron house on James Dance Wednesday night IAug heard hem had my doubt of thoi NEw WEATHER WRWCE it ingest arenasIoutSide of the II total $75 in prizes will be Permits Issued July 1948 between Berczy and Dundonald 18 Shanty Bay Hall Snacki bar earnest sincerity 7n fact it wifl Rig 95 and with the Well distributed among the competitors were Napier 118 Tiffin St $3500 James Harris houSe on Vic stroud Mountaineers Admission alwayt be Saidof MrIStI Lament new weather seerce conSist ot aISlemer skating school this REV SERUMPHREYS pastor special prize for sheaf from conversion to apartments $1750 toria between lnnisfil and Robert 50c 20tfb thatiight or wrong he has new ing of radio and press warnings on meat it established the fact that the of First Baptist ChurchI who has thesetietds will be awarded at the Charles Graves boat house on $8500 Innisl Horticultural society spoken without sense of deep weather gondltlon which are like qulipmentils caprbIlIe OfI plOVIdmgI accepted call to Alta Vista Bap Oro Fall Fairtto be held on Wed waterfront south IofI Davis St Burry house on Adelaide Flower Show next Wed095dy1 conviction an attribute which will 1y to due bilghl on potatoes ye 19th we mg If the fans tist Church New Westminster nesday Sept 15 $2000 Joseph nggmsi CralghUFSt between BaldWln and Mam $2400 evening AUE 18i 630 OCIOCkv be admired but may not produco ha bier insmmec gt01 diligptgmt wan BC M11 Humphleys W111 CON To be Eligible to Collect the prize blouse St Vincent bEtWeen COd Spencer hOUSe 0n Welhng Innisfil Park 33Ib the most successful of pnhhcai ant Ioinao 10 his ISdIICI Qt NEW MINIST clude his ministry in Baliie on money the winners must exhibit rlriIgtonk 33d Penfetzilang t$4000h gnEbegilleeiit Ifel andOgeln $7530 Oro HortlEIulturIIaIl Alignlialgesttki leaders gaghlghdlghofj eagaggign of Th ER 1N ALLISTON Sunday Sept 12 sheaf at the annual Fall Fair ran orp ene ang ouse 10 ouse on oga val wednes 331 ug In 11 MtrSt Laurent not lon 30 ex in uc ion service for Rev on Be bet ih een Penetang and tween Reid and William r$7ooo Arena Doors Wlll be open to the OAC Guelp ale we 1Mccgimackihe new TC re presse rich is convic lOll Wel ington $4 500 Bauldry Clayton Wilson are and work by 33b in this sauce for Eastein and Cen pu 1C pm that decrsmns of democratic gov hou on Peel between Wellington shop on Innisfil between John and The Kempenfeldt Community and GrOVe $4700 Lawrence Parry Brock $3000 Players present two oneactplaYS house on Cook between Colling Emerson Webb house on Drury The Bed of Petunias and The wood and Pellew $7000 between Wellington and Grove Bathroom Door Friday Aug 13 Mrs Howes house on Rod 6000 Perry house on John 830 pm Shanty Bay Community ney between Blake and KempenI between Meiband Anne $4000 tral Ontario and weather warnings emmems even If they wale alwah will be issued regularly through out thes ason from late July to late Septe nber The plan is simi assailantssucrose Inniswood Convalescent in St Johns Church on Friday distress Lodge at Former Lenno David GaultBABDofBeetoni and at 30nd EstataSonthgBanriew Mr Burton opened the service Gene Krupa will bring his band with scripture reading and short The stately residence on High renovating and restoring the build andof curse his famous drums prayer prayer stressing unity of way lljust south of Barrie which ing they had no idea it would be tofheI janadian National Exhibi effort on mtg furtheranceofIGods was built by the late Mr Justice Such tremendous undertaking tion thiI year TommyIDorseyS wlshes Lennox about 60 years ago has Their saidthac manyftinies they iambus band WillmalSO be there been restored and converted into would have givenlup had it not Both will appear on new dance II gt17 convalescent home by Miss been for the encouragement of beam the Coliseum Krupais Florence Breakwell and Miss Ca their friends One of those largely jiue on Aug 27 and 28 and Dorsey therineMackay responsiblefor assisting the ladies ongAug 30 3t and Sept Named Inniswood Convalescent was Harold Webb whose homefis Lodge the 16roomed mansion has just southyvst of Inniswood But 15 hospital beds and all the neces now after two years of painstak sary facilities for the care of con ingeffort the stately mansion has valescents IA been restored to state compar The brick house was built about ableIIto its original grandeur 60 Years 53 by ithe lat Haugt The floors have been sanded and Next Monday August 16 the Lennpx Who 23 that mm was stained the oak woodwork has second annualJunior Regatta will 13W JDaTtHEIShlp With the ulate been cleanediand stained the fire places have beenrebujlti walls right could not be taken from ivory towers The conduct of his own department of external af fairsihas fully implemented that laioa lccessful one which has 33h been in peration in the United feldtI $5I500II RII OSbomeI house In additio to those listed abovI Hall QF behialfthese qualies couplm IIIII SWESI on Donald betweenBoysandIAnne hereullzece15smai1e totalling $3260 Bearded Baseballersfj aer searc ing mind his innate modesty should spell successful and popular leadership of party and state But this is precisely the question today finitherminds of Mr StLau1ents closest friends and supporters WOne of them saidtbday Some one will have to stand beside hiin all thetinie to see that he learns U1141 P011113 12 this The oicialf costofliving index spurred by higher food prices bounced ahead another 26 points during June to strikea new his toric peakr ofrl56i9 The Dominion Bureau of Statisticslhas re orted that the index climbed from1543 at June lto 1569 atJuly The 26 point jump compared ith Houseof Dawd iPiayColtsMbnclay The noveltybaseball exhib andalso has taken part in the of ithe yearwill take place Mob Pacific Coast League With Port clay evening at Arena Park The land Brother Cline at first base robust and wandering House lot lsCincinnati Red property and David 1=c1ub riwill tmpack their Brother Petrongo who Ltakes the be tspOns red by the Barrie Bath AleXaPIder C9W3nv Theihom was rise cf lpoint in May and 17 oints ing Bea Committee in socializegoccupleil regularly years by the have been plastered TliFBiiild travelling gear jfa onenigll nosltlonlbehlnflthe platen the in April tipni wit the Recreation Council Lemx ifamlly l1nt1l Haughfton lingthroughout hasbeen decorated stand with our Barrle Colts of the St Louis Cardinal hookupI =1 Asiduring May thetmqeaseiwas Commenth at ihre ouciock hi LerIinox was appomted to the OnIIIiin StyieItiiQ complement the NonthSlmcie BaselliiLeaguex Thhlsk5i ilvfays all tmbtfted toifwdsifwiththis index the afternoon there will be swim lam Supreme Courtand thefamu architectural lines andjdesignx most intereshhg feature camera fiends curiostty fanciers climbingfrom 1933 02013 my hing Iracs ir the folibwing age lly imovgdltorfroronto modern plumbmgami heating this team isthg long beards woin gand throngs of women and chil ages if the retail prices groups uhder to to iIi and For nearly 20 years the build System has been installed and the rby theplayersi And tese unique dren as well as regular baseball meats potatoesIandIeggS inngas Vacant and boarded up It 12 an There W1 be evens kitchen and dining room equip 532enfire WhOIEheatEd Veglei giras Seoxgtffgulghggtgnfgiltgmfggg Tliiere ialso wereinbderii for boys and for girls 31126 dthfif pigggityvandals de ment is adequate for the staff II II II It II Odd of appearancei yetlcoriia crewd eats 131 gralgishtn iSwlmmmg events 11 Elude The boarding was torn from110 and pmems who canbe accomv up stituting as awhole classy1tea House of DaVid lineup41hr gt of ball players it is little ded shock if Fort Myers Davenport giflihctihggngnjggvtizeslE that they draw cardsbrat 32 ban Ga Caltlinal Chain to 162 fuel andlight from 43to crbwds wherever they appear1M 0111b3 Ellis Cf Satannah AthIEtlc 1245 5nd miscellaneoug ltgmsfrom jor leaglieelubs as wellas 50 farm 1Mackery 3b Chicago Cubs 12211560 1231 of the best minor leaguel and 1943 also Portland of the Coast ents stiu uhder rigid giem crawl stroke breast stroke back modated In theibasement is an windows and ever she of bass Strkei free Stylei lm 11le and elicit the sashebs livere smaihed uptodate laundry Prone glidei under Waterv jeyuyl ond re air The hu oak deors The Wilding is psituateti balk fish float running race in water wag romp from thegframs and from the highway in Isplendid t0 thighsmvlty relay carried into the nearby bushes gm There will be prizes for all The interior of the building was on the Staff 0f Inmswoid 3011 IBeach patrols plate glass mirror six feet by eight and We 35 waselrlri The program for the day will be feet was smashed into tinylpieces ed for three Years 333593013 1359 and by Jan2 this ye it ranging for bleachers that Willi acl Portland coast League Denerdo semiprofessional teams haveitast Leaguei Paladeno Waterloo eVentrandthe parents and friends seen of havoc The plaster was Yalescent Home in addition Ied the bitter morsel of defeat IlOlll Watson 35 Allentown Redbirds men comm remaineiunwllged will be welcome to attend ripped fromtheIWalls the oak and Miss mneme Brekieur the House of David new Cline 11b Cincinnati property M0 at 1403 In the evening commencing at maple wainscotting was scored and Mary Breakwen and M155 Mackay Another feature ofethe tilt is the crick PineBuffs Western The mammd3xv calculate on 730 there will be demonstra broken the stone fireplaces were 15 Lithuania couple Wm oodlights being used allowin lLague Petrongo Cardinalprm 19 btasls that 193539equa15 tion of water safety and rescue pulled apart the plumbing and IV came 19 Caldlii 111043131331 inie game Ito commence at 83oiiniperty Mair PennState Logan 115339 23 gegtvastig dug methodsby theiunior and Senior heating xtures were pulled up was mechanic and iii The colts management amiar+ Western Maryland Slack cominodate 300i spectators had reached 1483 in an up ard BARBIE ramps lino SON AT raTAwAwA CAMP leaps Little Rock Mosig South At under the general supervision of The interior of the building was it claimed few of thevisltorsare hooked lantic League swing that has brought It Its Johnstone finds life at Petawawa camp even more interestingthan Kenneth Robinson recreation coun anabsoluteshamblesij Prior togacquirlltd the up withIImaonr clubs am one ihatt present alltum hlgh most due to the fact that Son Juniorandtheir dog Bonnie are both at ellor and Mrs Phyllis Moody Three years 80 the property actually been The important food index ow camp as well Juniorworks in the canteen and Bonnie just laps up at 2013 registered only 159 at all the attention she gets from all the soldiers around camp Capt July last year making the 12 Johnstoneis film and sports officer 01 HQ Div Reserve Ferce CAN nionthrise 415 points 1I ADIAN ARMYaPHOTO IinIactton Iirlltliei Hallucinations perceptionof National Leagu E50 her Macki jects that do not existare most ery at thlrdtbasje ior the linti common in connection with sight iorm oi thgchicagoc bs in19 It and hearing layground supervisor In event was purchasedby Miss Florence the program summit lind Citthrine will bepmtponed from Monday Mackay 11 Aug 16 to WodnesdayiAug10x WhenitheyitackioniitherItaslpotx oiul lll

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