Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Jul 1948, p. 6

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PAGE SIX siuw HAT PLAYERS Elli ii K1114 yciiis 111 111 liliis TillililAi wtie pit 5litgt 11 Canada 11111 offered on my IALI 11211 Ml 11111s 1111 211 11111 Georgian 11 111 liic cacti 1111 lllll 1141111 11111 showed 1111 enlt 111iiI 111 pronct STAN DARD IIIIIIIII IIOIIE 111111111 1111 lllic gt1itlitiil respoure sll1iii this tIii Iteiic tilllltl be vii11111 111 liar The RedSeal Standard of adequate wiring should be in all new homes Is it in YOURS 11111111 Vgtllillilfsliil 11 111 1111 lliise sum the 1111 and lllllti season playeis have already made definite bookings for theatres 111 Toronto and tiill1llti plans iiie being made for winter circuit which would include Toronto g1 13 1111 111 111 Klllli ptllll 47 beset amuse 11 1111111111111 11 1t1ied 3111111 page one 11 11 1111111 111111111 111111 11111 ilttoiltc 411 1215 1111 iiic iri s11il destroy11 the flow 1111 guide 11 111 Twenties 11 1111 11117 uric and these disposed of each Vona Rallllidil 111111c cf 111 lower sales itley general tlitilitiiiiii 11 liainivzii said 11111 of 111 zizciiibezs of the wished to express sinieiu the splendid gt111 io this 11111111111 111111 unintuitive members were 11131111 faking Fred Kelly ccil LHllLl 11ei1 irom page one 11 1113 111111 will be insulated building committee are 111111111211 plans to have forced 1111 furnace and chemical toil installed the 11115111110111 floor there will 11 111111 The 115 Ii 11 31411111111111 on the assessors work the 111411111115 to make up THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA iAssessmenr Procedure Changes Coming Page If how peo tssment still ed on that minimum in There 1611 no ap 11tltl or examination tile 1ltessors roll ewr appeals they med on the appeasement 11 11113111111111 of investiga 311111 ci few chronic conscious ratepayers one liiilitelctl his head about the These cliionics were 1y with The Court or 11er1sion which sat it Kitlt tl ssliltlll 11151 nearly always the members of the council With the annual elec lzion only some two months away 1iniuiicipal politics played its part litiany an appellant has got are liliiciion his assessment for no Eothir apparent reason than that there were number of votes in his household Is 11 an wonder that the assess did not spend more time in uoiking out fair and Just assess nientf Many things have happened in 1111 field of 15gttissiiiiiit procedure and practice 111 the last five years it can be said with certainty that within the next five years more improvement in assessment will take place than has occurred for siwcral decades The reasons should prove intresting to all tax payeis 111 Damng Suit Against Tiny Toy Fall Fair Lost by Mrs FaIIis Judge liarvie dismissed suit for damages brought by Mr and Mrs William Fallis against 37 LODGES CELEBRATE 13111111 feElo 1111 10112 Ruskview THURSDAY JULY 22 1918 r1151 wurzs T1111 our ALLEYS OMILT LOL 1099 Rich 11111 LOL 7114 Mansfield Lt Roseriiont LOL The hard sands of Dilylrild The lint great Ioiiiit to appear in W119 Mela 11 LOL 60 Stanton Beach Florida used 15 testing the sky was llallc Cornet in 1911 101 11 Aiaiat LOBA 75 ground for racing cars is 200 feet It 11111 be 2111 again in February mle 11111 lEfoU wide at low tide The pzin 1n the paiude for the lolilcst rangeniun went 1to 1M 11 101 2119 semi Robinson AT EVERETT tAllhlUll lieialdi Sci1111111 does July 12 come 11111 1111 there 15 rain 1111 the Orange 111111 must be good people because 111 ram either before or alter the celebration We havi not known in good many years the parade or the afternoon program to have been caiitellcd beciitisc of weather CtilllLS 1111 11 was so at Eyeiett on Monday 111 this week The day dawned dull with rain threatening clouds and poured down for an hour or two early in the day By noon how er the rain stopped and the par adi was held leoplc patronized the various booths listened to 1111 pcakers watched the start of the ball games and Visited With one another When the main part of the program had been completed the rain came again this time 111 torrents accompanied by thunder and lightning was the 23111111 anniversary of the Battle ofthc Boyne and the crowd at llvcrcttthat day was record one Those who might have been inclined to work that day were prevented by the morning Iraniand made their way to the Ilnssorontio Village There were no less than 117 ingc and LOBA lodges in the par iifc There were few othch that did not register ounty bllllslltil Lyman Cave LOL 2711111111111 with Marshal Milton Lawson andI Alliston Citizcns Band lcd tiic parade Scattered along the route were smaller bands of flutes and drums It was an imposing spccl tziclc with the banners borne byI lie is ill year 1111 flraiigeinari Other plhkS includcdeest ban izir 11littt3 licli ladics lodge Iilountioy Mansiield LOBA 1101 juvenile lodge Aliiston 10L 2111 mens lodge Tougher LOI 472 music 111111 11111 101 359 The speaking was held under cover or two large tents County Master licniy llolincs acted as cliaiiinan word of welcome was extended by Rev 11 Mactart 111y and was followed by speeches by 11W Junior Deputy Grand Master Elias Grey of Ontario West ltcv Downer MPH and lion liarl Rowefltll The hard ball tournament wasl interrupted by rain and was unable to be iinishcd THE dance followed in the cvcniniL 111 the Orange Hall at which the lucky draws took place The prizes CORPORATION and winners were as follows Mate Hood duke Imonia tcl radio Norman Stavley of Or Home ofce Dunlo Shae iingcyillc motor rug Mac Lawson of livcrett lfile bag of floor 37 yum Bum ll Mclmllan of ollingwood AESmitli Furniture SUM ER STORE 1110 Rs COULD YOU BE YOUR OWN EXECUTOR If that were His11110 you could he sure that your iltlfliifol your estate 111re carried out in accordance with your wishes 11y naming Ihe Sterling lruxts Corporation as your executor 14nd planning with thcirasigtia11c you can make certain that your ihcs will he faithfully and cflicicntly carricd out in friendly spirit which may 111111111 much to the beneficiaries Lets talk it ovcr without oliligatioii Csm nus 7950 AUYNOIIlED lo ntnrio Demand Faced duction beef pelled their Beef the United Shedden tion meeting During Prices and in come losses the stockyards 13111111101111 BUSINESS Many voiisenergy both And 111cheziting unit games room 11 kitchen and lunch bar in the upstairs floor there will be cliak rooms small commit ice 1111111 and 12foot stage The the Tiny and lay Agricultural Society At theiall Fair at Midland last Septcn1ber20 Mrs Fallis was drivu all the lodges and many of the members resplendent in orange and blue The parade started at the Orange 11111111111 and lttziwa STORE CLOSED 111111 and horse on 1110 GENERAL ELECTRIC Household and Commercial Appliances ICE CREAM FREEZERS GE and Norge HomerFreezers We Servnce Steam Irons Coffee Stoves Heating Pads Roasters Broilers SOIdeFleP6 Waffie Irons Motors Elements Bottle Warmers Steamers Drills AND OTHER APPLIANCES EPLETT Furniture Electric 139Duniop St BARRIE Phone 3721 Percolators Kettles Irons Toasters Grills Chimes Curling Irons Fans Mixers 11 Vacuum Cleaners Humidifiers Floor Polishers Floor Lamps balance of 11111 space will be occu pied by the main hall which will have seating capacity of over 230 and will be zivnilahlc for dan ccs intclings and events of coni niuiiiiy interest There was one unhappy setback to the project but 11 was not caused by anyone in the common 11y Thc building committee liad obtained some fine lumber anddhis was unloaded in field opposite the sitcnc rainy night some 20111 board fcct of dressed BC sprucowas stolen from this field The loss represented $200 to the residents of the district and they organized shotgun patrol for the next three nights but there was no repeat attempt to take any more lumber The loss to the community was not only $200 but the inconvenience of replacing the lumber However this setback did not delay the project The foundation was put in during lull in the haying season and the work of raising the frame will be proceed ed with in theFall The board ofdirectors for this community enterprise includes two membcrs from the Oro Township IGuthrie Coop Sporting Company key of the Miss Laura Hall of the lWomens Institutes 10f the board ship to embark on such com munity project It was only about 115 years ago that thou banded to Council Andrew Bartholomew and Norman Stoddart Five other organizations are represent ed on the board Clifford Besse of ing race track After the horse passed the judges stand he approached section of the track where people were cross ing There was one lady with parasol and another with baby buggy and approaching the horse and carriage on the track was an old model auto According to the evidence the horse began prancing and jump ing and Mrs Fallis wheeled around 111 turn and proceeded up the track 111 the opposite direction She lost control of the horse and was thrown from the carriage and mJtllCd The damage suit was brought on the grounds that the Agricultural Society had been negligent in not preventing people from crossing the track In defending the suit the fall fair officials stated that although the ladys driver class had been called it was not actually in pro gress They also emphasized that the horse had been turned around from the scene where it was sup posedly frightened and they ar gued that good driver should have been able to control the horse on the open track They also quoted regulation of the fair board which disclaimed responsi bility for any accident The action was dismissed by on Federated Farmers John Judge Harvie with costs Osmond Campbell of the Presbyterian Church Gebrge Sinclair of the Guthrie Arena Mrs David Pil United Church and Miss Hall is secretary In addition to7fhe1b0ard mem bers and the two main committees there are various Other committees and scores of residents throughout thc district are enlisted in this proiect This is not the first time for the residents of this part of Oro Town gethepto build the Guthrie Arena on similar basis That arena which still serves the community was built to replace previous strucfure whichwas destroyed by tornado which cut across the district 11111151111161 IS 1101111111 Continued from page one After the re truck had been at lubdstockrfmsonreweeksrlre re and light committee received letter from the rm pointing out the advantages of bronze pumper and asking if this type of unit should be installed It wOuld cost anadditional $550 Afw weeks went by while members of the reand lightcom mittee made inquiries regarding the value of the bronae pumpem Finally their recommendation was preseritedto the council and ape proved and the order was sent expected Within to Woodstock for the brOnze unit According to the members of the re and light committee the nal work is being done on Barries new fire truck and delivery dis the next few weeks The Town of Barrie will then have BickleSagrave pamper and asmlth Brothers dab mount ed on an International chassis The price will be approximately $13000 and debentures will be is Here in single product is complete protection against dies common potato pests including early and late bligbts Colorado potato beetles flea gbalei rind leaf hopper5Widelyused by leading potato growers this combination insecticidefungicide consists of 511111111 build of BailCOP andMicronized DDI Regdtmlemm oonaCrou the sign ofMotIornProfecIIOn 11111 LEADER PRODUCT i115 sued to pay for this new equip ment While the deliveryvvdate of Bar ries new re truck has been the 112315 of many jokes at town coun c11 meetings Ald Hamblypstated that the new pumper will begable to throw as much water as some of the largest pumpers in the cit les In recent years the property holders of Barrie havehad to de pend an temporary equipment while the old pumper was torn down for repairs An old saw to be remembered need yearWhen the oaktear is 3S 1518133 mOUSQs ear then thou 3111 951 Plantthy corn Rowe of Boys and Boys acted for the defendants Indicators Point Up To Big Tourist Year The indicators are still pointing upward in the tourist business accordingto Financial Post sur Ve By the time the last ofthissyiim mers flock of American tourists packs up his playgear his newly bought English chinaand his va rcationimemorles he will have left behind him some $262 millions of the kind of money our economists likemost Added to this will be rOughly $12 millions spent here by visitors frrom countries other than the United States mostly from New foundlandig swellingv Canadas take in international tourist trade to $274 millions Thativvill ban alltime record beating1947s high by 118 TheSfigures arent pulled out of hat Admittedly theyre fore casts but they have foundation Financial Post correspondents chat ted to tourist officialsz every province federal authories were quizzed railway spokesmen asked orJharopiOnion with spgtr checks amOng retai to round out the data GALA OCCASIONS Important Hindu holidays are celebrated withpicturesque pro cessions reworks and colored lights 211111101 WFARES 161 and Hie Enjoy that holi danyowiilEast OpedbyBF Goodriclr was routed cast to tlici sixth line where it turncd and1 came back to the park The head of the parade met the last of 11101 marchers soon after the lattcr had begun their march Wallac Lodge No 270 rim11 was host to the visitors that day which included members of the following lodges LOL 331 Rich 11111 101 210 Alliston LOL 288 lalgravc 101 1277 Primrose L01 9310 Monti ccllo LOBA 900 Mansfield 101 463 Ilockley LOL 449 Cookstmvn LOBA 1043 Orangeville LOL 354 Violet Hill LOL 472 Clougher 10L 415 Northvicw LOL 676 Thompson vuie LOL 704 Crcemorc LOBA 113G Alliston LOL 1053 Bond Ilead LOL 1246 Honcywood LOL 10113 llelesscy LOL 260 Enniskillcn LOL 1321 Shelburne LOL 590 Noblcton LOBA 407 Beeton LOBA 739 Primrose LOL 1125 Hornings Mills LOL 300 Whiteld LOL209 Newton Robin son LOBA 759 Shelburnc LOBA 361 Mondays AlliDay During July and August Only OPEN WEDNESDAYS ALL DAY in former years this change in store hours with the long week end tor luly and August only has proved satisfactory to both customers and staff We ask your cooperation again this year SMITH FURNITURE STOVES PAINT 129131 Dunlop St Phone 4492 RIDING 611110111 Ixrluiostsuu IiiTITS 11101111 III 424 Silvertown by 111 Goodrich You have the smoothest safest most luxurious ride youve ever hadP cushioned againstthc shock of running over humps Iutsstones and other objects These big buoyant hillowy tires smother road shock instead of transmitting it to the car and to you because tlieyrun on only 24 lbs air pressure BUT THATS ONLYl HALF THE STORY 35 stronger fife body gives you extra blowout protection longer tire life Hundreds Of skidresisting edges in the treadvmean faster safer stops Andyou can also enjoy FREEDOM FROM HUNCTURESIThe sensational new Seal040121110 Safety Tube devel SOISHHXOIZHIeS instantly permanently as you ride See your Goodrich Dgiler today jfMOREKiii want ONLY 24 11 AIR unsure 21132 lbs AIRPRESSUIIE MORE AIR In the dire and lOWER AIR PRESSURE perm SMOOTHER FlEXING ACTION that cushions all shocks MORE TREAD on Oh ROAD givessmoolliarxrlding safer stops and longrmilaagur airborne or awnywnbfnends 1Low summer fares return With stopover permmed to SEPTEMBER 6th time 21st Consult carding new Railway Aim limit 21 days fit Es fin HE TQM It BARRII BQRDEN MITCHELLSI sales and Service GARAGE Camp Borden Highway 140 Burlanxhve PHONE 8311113 PIIQNR 45112 SipsaARAGR 2513rgaiordst PHONE 2697 HOPPvs CABINS Highway 11 PIIONE50633 hausted edy undue Smoorh the hands slammer only tion nonmanual lnxed create sidestep worry brain strain trate and do NO if familys That adians is provide under

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