PAGE TWELVE IIt11llil iii Va lli 1i0 Ii FOR COMPLETE ACCOUNTANTS Itlllltltllttifc MacLaren CA CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 17 Owen Street Barrie 21 Kingr Street Toronto HARRIS SPRY ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Gwen St Barrie 10 Melinda St Toronto Herbert Harris CPA Frank Spry if BADGLEY ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR 24 Dunlop Street 3411Ielephonc4735 INCOME TAX SERVICE WISLCII ANDERSON co Chartered Accountants Trustees Etc Brock Building 200 Bay St Toronto WARD MAYOR AND COMPANY Accountants and Auditors WardE Mayor CPA 18 Toronto Street lheonto Telephone Elgin 6116 iliIhN IIOSS INSILII Illl Sm it bririia tirio dorm ivmiie Ilouc ilatlo ldtltttt Mrs lack ison tililllllit rird Iilrss ltorcncc oooopVEm In smvrcs FOWLERS TIRE SERVICE 11 ClapperIOn Si Barrie Ont Phone 433 mlVULCANIZING RETREADING PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY3 CHIROPRACTORS ARMSTRONGMacLAREN CO GEO RELSIE BURNSDSC Licensed Drugtess Therapists Radio Hydro and Mcchano Therapy 115 DIInIOp Street CORBETT CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST 26 McDonald St Barrie APPOINTMENT MEDICAL Electric Phone 3104 Phone 3070 Bame VICTORIAN ORDER or NURSES Barrie Branchi Well Baby Clinic from 230 to 43tloclock every Wed nesday Application of nurses ser be made direct Telephone 2451 MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON RMT TEACHER OF PIANO SINGING and THEORY Pupils prepared for examinations of the Roya1 Conger Mr Roberts Among the beautit fiil floral tributes were those from the following organizations Seven VICCS may through doctor 01 Wt QLV grades inclu Music Toronto all ding ARCT Modern Methods LEGAL BOYS ELBOYS 71 Barristers Solicitors Public Conveyancers Etc MONEY TO LOAN Office 13 Owen St Barrie Branch Office ITTBTTBOYS KC ROWE GLADSTONL CURRIE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR 07 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 3175 24 DBHIOJLS MONEY To LOAN cdrirAN eovaN Notaries Public Etc Money WantedMoney to Loan gsniipniianioii Si eBOIEOVTHYJOHNSONN of Toronto tory of Music and London Eng College oi Associate Conserva Notaries Music Piano Theory 52 Maple Avenue and Elmvale OntariO SIEAGIIAM FINANCIAL SURETY Specialists in Collection of Accounts Barrie Boone 4111 Barristers Solicitors Conveyancrs OPTOMETRY DOBT BARRE FFSc Strrriid ttioi llt liirtiiijr children lrt cst son was Eilcti 111 action at the Sortina in Milo lcsstc ilis Leighton frioowr divr1 at lcth t1 srrr rlll arc of lorriiito and Mrs 11 lirrscyi ar rift Mill liillltil Mrs all of llrlllflltli At tlir faintly ltslftilltt beauti fiil flowers wore bankcd all abotit ltlii room llt t4 the caskct iistcil land rc also irisirrrt iii large liaskcts across llit chancel of thr itllttltll Sumo ol tlicsc had been srint from lltltllt ltls including Ilcihbiiltie and lotttical Many In re from friciids and relatives here from the liirrton Ave Unit orl liirrcb and also from the WA of the church from the officials and directors of th Ilixall Drug Toronto from the sales lt ptltltlttllt of that firm arid from the Liggett Lo Toronto Thcrc was large attendance at tho funeral on Wednesday after noon July 11 in Burton Ave United Church with friends and relatives present from town and district and from Toronto Hamil tori Wycvale Kingsiillc and other places Rev Carder minis ter paid tribute to the genuine liristian life of Mrs Britnton tak ing for his theme the assurance found in Psalm 116 Precious iii the sight of the Lord is the death of Ilis saints Interment was in Barrie Union Ceiitetery Six grandsons were pallbearers Clarence Riddell Lorne and Leonard Brirnton Percy Roscvcar George and Jack Pouch er HENRY THOMAS HALLIWELL Death came suddenly on Sunday morning July 11 1918 to HCnry Thomas lialliwell as the result of heart condition Captj Strachan conducted the funeral ser 11 latlicsl littiitr tirrirr tiziil tlio 1010 but of iclcliiatt tinrz aiiiiil it Hm 11llrnrll movcd to liarrit to live HE oz laittlv their cldt rrpr and past patron of JCpli Iylilllltit bits vice on July 15 at the Salvation Army Citadel The graveside ser vice was under Masonic auspices Interment was made in Stroud cemetery The pallbearers were three grandsons Milton and Nor man GallowayandRoss Browning and Dr Corbett Mr Ripper and Oaks No 148 GRM and AF and AM Jeph tha hChapte HWin ipeg Bays yiew Chapter Ng ltt Barrier BE Of EvelynHaiTKifk 135111 irliicli Captain Ill iii armyr to ii rs llt5Etl and the Sahl iii ryzro irll front dist lzc trierd were Mrs rr7is Saskatoon 1r triid lialliwcll Iittfni Mrm 31 lioss lirowiiriig loIiiitor in antiwar and Miss Hazel lilliill lkitilllltil llr llrlllill who was born on trirrri train in Brighton Sus sex l1lnii spcct the first forty Ili trl of his life in Southern lInulaid 11riryfivr years were silili II oon and Viiinipegr mri iritc frcai ago he and Mrs with lnnr daughter Mrs Iailoitay Ti hlritcaster St lie was suit railway night sirperiiitciident was member of Seven Oaks lardttc No llti Al and l1 Wiri hali haptcr Winnipeg In re ligion he was member of the Salvation rrny illr and Mrs llalliwcll had just celebrated their 61st wedding ari ircrsiry on June 20th last lch to mourn his passing arcr his wife two daughters Mrs ialloway IIilligiiit Barrie and Mrs Wm Watkins flatcyt Saska toon two sons James Ilalliwell of Vancouver and Ilalliwcll of Pictoii Oiit JOHN ERNEST FRAWLEY Mount St Louis Correspondenti An investigator for the War time Prices and Trade Board and1 resident of Sudbirry for the last 20 years John Ernest Frawley 22 Eyre 51 died in St Josephs Hes pital In his sixiicth year Ernestoas born at Mount St Louis son if the late Thomas and Ellen McAvoy Frawlcy As his mother lied when lit was baby his aunt Mrs ileiry of Midland cared for him He attended Midland school in August 1027 he married Ma bel Fennel who predeceased him in August 1930 He was mem ber of St Clements Roman Catlil olic Church Sudbury Three sons and one daughter all living at home survive They are William Robert Thomas and Anne also his mother Mrs Thos Frawley three brothers Michael and Thomas of Mount St Louis and Nicholas of Welland also four sisters Mrs Mary Burtch Mrs EileenRiimball and Mrs Ida Gau det of Toronto and Mrs Catharine Shiels of Waubaushcne Ernests death was great shock to this community as he attended the Mount St Louis Medonte re union on July and returning to Sudbiiry July The funeralwas from the home of Mrs Tlios Fiawley on Monday morning July 12 to Mount St LouisChurch were Requiem High Mass was sung by RevnThonraS Hayes The pallbearers were Joseph Drury Bud Drury Mac Frawicy Bruce Hogle Harold Flanagan and Maurice Fitzgerald Interment Was in Mount St cemetery WILLIAM LAWEENCE KIRK After an illness of only two days William LawreiieeKirk seven imonthsold son of Mr andMrs Lawrence Cyril Kirk of Vespra 1948 The bEiby was brother incur True the traditions of cilar aids offered lnzs photo was taken at two the unofficial lockcrs strike in London on ihc Communists This may or may Iiot be the iasc but thcic vcic strikes and far worsc rinis before Mr Aitlcc came into powcr and they were otlicial be gone llic labor unions in Sm strrkcs organized by labor union lcadcrs who now hold high offices in the Labor GOVOIIIIIHDI Mr ttlrc ncvei condemned those strikes or attributed them to thc oiniiiiriiists and as member of the Labor Party gave them his trill support It is only siiicctticy assumed the responsibility of gov Ummnt mo in Tm rrnmcnt that Mr Attlic and but workcrs as result of their long government This is shown in tili tact that most of the unofficial istrikcs have been started on thi yr JWsmswsis SOUTH FlX SAGA These are not pirates but some of the 53 refugees aboard strange Europeantype itlirc sped the ziiiarliziii National SicziiirrliipCanadian Constructor Elsiials rcccrrrd rircntly in the ziriblicaii Sm llltll piiglzt was ulstl by lack of sczi Captain yallace gziic tiiciii siitlzricirt itcl to sail their traiili lgils aboard the rip showered cigarettes chocolatr and srap on fire hardy ZdICIIIUICIS otlotl in the morning The stagnant By LEWIS MILIJG Prime Minister Attlcc has blaiiicd labor leader colleagues have dis covered that strikes are bad tor the economic and industrial lid of tilt country The chickcns haic conic home to roost The fact is that striking has dc clopcd into habit among tllliiilr training They have come to rc gard periodic strikes as demonstra tions of their independence anri flouting of their employers and thc tlicy succeeded in destroying capi talism and rolling rip illilliltIIiA ist or tttl Socialist system they would not bo pcriniitcd to strike for any reason whatever lhcir independence and their frccdoni to of government department and Pvmdvml lf1mllll SltilLc at WINS Wimp premium it is advrsablo to make poiiitces with authority to quash llli lcast siin of dissinsioii tatc tlit policy of the government but it has always meekly subndt ted to the forceful persuasion of labor abinct ministers liltd liiiioflicial strikes are largely tin of lillliilli on the part of the slightest of pretexts suehas tho discharging of one man or as the dockers strike because few men refused to unload dirty cargo unless they were paid cstitu for the job That question could surely have been settled by iicgir rights but to continue to use it tiation between the union leaders and the operators it was certainly rcontinuing the war after the vi no reasonable excuse for 100ililttory has bccn won That is the men quitting work and depriving Londoners including the dockcrs own families of half of their al ready meagre rationsto say nothing of the stoppagi of lllf muchneeded expOrt trade The odd thing about these oin munist strikes is that the strikers themsechs cannot really know what Communism means for if Executive Gflrrofessional Service for Employment Established Nationally Until year ago getting at the executive level or gettint it man to fill the position wasgen erally hitoraniss prop sition To rectify this condition Domin ionwide poolwas set ip where confidential informatii on posi tions and potential ers of posi tions would be qu kly available This pool becam known as the executive and pofessional division of the Nation Employment Ser ed on aninemonth trial and was officially recognized in June 1946 better positions LL Cross at the Lloydand Stock Township died in the Royal Vic iey Funeral Heme There were toria Hespital at Barrie on July lovely owers from employeesof the Canadian General Electric piantaiid from neighborsiiiteiT The funeral service on Tuesday ment was made in the Barrie Un July wasconducted by Rev ion Cemetery By Howie Hunt 17 Owen StretBarrieff WG Boss Iowan Registered Patent Attorney FRANK HAMMOND BA MONEY T3 LOAN Masonic Temple Bldg Barrie DONrigor MacLAItEN BA EbrlRRISTER SOLICITOR Moneyto Lean MaSonic Temple Building Barrie Dunlap StBariie JOHN REID BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC 24 Dunlop Street Barrie Ont HEBER SMITH Successor to DUNCA Barrister Solicitor Etc Block Barrie MONEY TQ LOAN JonN woons Kc Ross Bank of Tom to Phone 2661 OSTUOIATIIY THE WILSON BUILDINGS Consultation by pointment Telephone 293 EDWIN WILSON BSA BARRISTER SQLICITOR in Lemma OPTOMETRISTS 3Dimlop St Phone2963 Attendance 96 ROBERT II SMITH R0 OPTQMETRIST v53 Duitiop StPhone2586 Hours 96 daily NOEL STEPHENSON R0 OPTOMETRIST Phone 4201 YETERINARIAN BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC DN FLEMING VETERINARIAN and SURGEON Sophia St Barrie Phone 4545 FUNERAL DIRECTORS LLOYD STECKLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE 42 Clapperton St F1rlCCUAIG KC Phone 2719 Phone I703 20wen St ey to Loan Estainsiied 1869 FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMEIIS Motor ambulance in connection OPEN DAY AND NllGHT Banana ONT PHONE 2530 2250 snrisi It Vo not In In httrpriln mud by THIS than UniIlium slut iy ltd rill going of thihgtsjgyi trod whinging with It is inthe main concerned with ypOsitions in the executive and pro fessional strata which start at $2400 ilMale executives earning $2400 vice In Sep ember 1045 it start During that year this branch of the employe service placed 4146 top grade personnel in new and Thus the and was able to satisfy the demands of companies seekingwsuitabhyeunLmenwauid women and was also able to help the young peoplethemSeivcsf This tlllttllll Illtlltilh Buy Mawwll lloiisi Iiiilcc iii riipiiWaririiin tin or lilasiiiclincil ling or gci Ilisluiil Maximll House nice dispiay and it flowers and lzrstitigs made IIIiitlt instantly iii the cup ll llic IIIIH gloriously Saturday at the fa been peas zicri plintrfril irritdvliviuhblunt will not last ltltii longer lirc first iaspticriiis soid at rpiaitj INT STAINS box and few pairs at 30c liliit rmemhle Wilts llt BTW it 11 W9 Liiits ii iit lift llIlltIil curb vendor from distance had hub amide swch cherries at 5130 to $200 In JanIV the sixquart basket few fresh buzyrs and new po tatocs sold quickly Spring tintk ens were plentiful at unchanged prices Averagc prices were as follows lEggs according to size and quality dozen 43gt tilrE Boiling fowl lb 10c Spring chickens it Vegetables Fruits Etc loizrliits Radishcs bunch Giccn iiioiis bunch Leaf lcttucc bunch Spinach iqt allfitti Beans qt Jor tiqt basket iiflc iiicis Carrots biiiiclics 13 Peas in shell qt liic Shelled qt ItiFitic tiqt basket in shell itItlrlc Home Baking Tea Biscuits doz 30c Buns 30c Chelsea buns Date cookies do Tarts doz Flowers Plants lottid plants cactus baby tears ivy etc each 2Iizitlr ii IIvcrlasting flowers bcli 23c Tut flowers bunch 10c up strike rir itli to complain would Fresh lavciidcr biincli 10c we vict Russia arc virtually branchcsP PUT REA HG Association room for bread llyfill havont regular breadbox old keeps it UGHTON Representative fresh for several weeks and pm It is notablr that British laiiorwmg mould loaders liaic bccii vrry docile and rceoiniiiodatiiig since the Labor Labor Party Congress has on scv cial occasions attempted to tilt 747iltl3h Qi result of the submission and loss labor iriiion leaders For years they had kept the tinion workers in chronic state of discontent and had trained them in the use of the strike vcripon to obtain their Ill mands we all know that an established habit is one of the hardest things to btcak it liccoiiies part of our nature and iloiiiinatcs the Will The strike may have served use tiil purpose in the early struggle of labor for rccognition of its From Trees to Textiles and Blasties Again the eyes of industry have turned totlie timberlaiids of British Coliriiibiatliis time to provide high alpha pulp for the manufacture of textiles and plastics Modern harvesting of wood and reforestation methods will enable perpetual use of the forests for this purpose under present conditions is like sitiratioiriti Britain where organ izcd workers have got all and more than they ever struck for or ck pcctcd and who yet seem to be iin able to get out of the habit of striking It thesame with la bor in aitada and the United States where unions seem to take turns inlgoillg oii periodic striking sprees Columbia Cellulose Company Limited wholly owned subsidiary of Celaiicse Corporation of America has been incorporated tobuild plant and to produeewthis Special pulp under contract for the parent Company We Offer as principals Columbia Cellulose Company Limited General Mortgage Bonds Series To be dated July 2nd 1048 To mature July 2nd 1968 Denominations $500 and $1000 Price 9875 and interest to yield 510 iiigiiirizatioii lS101ed to fit it needs oftmen and women in the middle and top income brackets year for men and $1800 for wo men To dategit has filled at least one in the $15000 bracket opening and dozens in the $5000 toi$llt0000 levels Officially it covers this group Prospectus setting forth details of this new enterpriseincluding mill location timber limits sales contract earnings estimates management and capitalization will be torwardedvpromptly uponrequest by mail or telephone or more year 2Women with the ability to earn $1800 or more year IlDischarged armed ser vice personnel whose income came within the foregoing categories at any timeduring service 4Uni versity graduates showing ability to start at $1800 year men or women SSkilled or technical personnel who can show the abil ity or have earned7$1800 year There are representatives in 250 36 King Street West Toronto Wood Gundy Company Telephone ELgiri 4321 Limited of the regional offices and through them Canadians anywhere can wmakettheirniipplicationsand they have the whole country to choose frOiri in both jObs TadfbTakTST Because it does the rest Kodak Vericlirome Film makes all your picturetakingsurere gives you Clear sparkling snapshots every time Canadian Kodak Co Limited Toronto is gt nA its made ctj Radar Film 17 iiiriiiifiii the familiar yellIOU bdx KODAK ISA TRADEMARK