Over RC Plait flied to short but Pampliii THURSDAY JULY 22 1948 IT CAME IN DUTY FREE lLsI lunl Laxnun 111 11r1 IT IS REAL via Miss Eileen Dillon as she gives the handlebar oil Reorgc firfl upptr lip 11 plill to ere if it is tilt genuine article It as 1111111 111 11111 arrived from London aboard chartered lCA Nonh Star fitrating uiulcr the Dominion Governments iii iliiiuigratinn plan ll111111111 11111 1131s 5111111111 resclublzluce to movie star l1rry Colonud v14 lilule Handlebar of Londons llaudleliar tluli an Organisation which he says was llllllrid to prove 1111 with 11111111 lathe 111 111111 111 111111 character He ruliiplaills however 11111 111ch he goes 51111111111115 11111111 111s fish to 111m Richardsonss Home Run llelps Prysons 17 Win AI in Phydowns Aft capturing 11 ll lead Iry leillet was safe on an error by sons almost 1111111111 their first Jerry lteid He stole second and game of llcstoflivc scrics with then tt0itthffttHSHtli1mtvt RtAF Ihursday at Queens Parkgroulidcd out second to first For bul hung on to Win 97 111 game tune brought lciIht home when which possessed every excitement Stiansmail erred on his stroke All of ball Llllli error to Elsasscr and single by Gum football mums we Joe Brewer made for another run made by 111111 llatt of lrysoils and Grillers sensed the threat and Karl Schroeder of IlAl both opened up with three runs on cciitru ficldtrs trite Ilrook three hits Paul Meger doubled lyn argument resulted in the Cook walked and Mcgcrocolcd ou Richardsons olit at first Cook tallied on iiiiscuo aild Schroeder filinbled Strzliisiiilliiiiiglc to cell trc allowing Thompson to bring him home with single Reid and Elsasser followed with walks but Fife hit into fielders choice for the third out Orin Pamplin claimed walk 111 the eighth and scored on George Wilsons onebase blow Teillct followed the parade with free pass and Sclirocdcrs fly to right sixth when F0 MacKcll disI agreed oil 11 second slriklgcallcd by plate umpire Archie Marshall 111 auger he threw his but at the screen uiidwas immediately baii ishcd from the game Jerry Grib bling took his count at the plate and struck out These incidents along with errors and great field ing plays made for 1ousipg opener for the playoffs Ed Elsasscr hurch givulg up nuic fair 111111 in scattered safeties while fanning five aild walking gave Pamplin 11 Cliililco to Cfoss my 1110 01 the blows were the plate Tclllct tallied on For extra base hits Bruce Low al WHOS d01bl01 lowed slim six hits one of which was home run by Murray Rich ardson thc lgagucs leading bat Richardson provided what prov ed to be the winning margin when he elouted circuit smash to right ter He itkilcrcd biit one strikc centre field with Cook aboard to out victim aild showed poor cou give the Grillers comfortable 1101 iii walking nine edge Air Force rallied for one inthe ninth as Park got on by fielders choice and scored on an error Air Force retired in order for the first three frames but Pry sons went soaring ahead on their opening venture to the plate Murray Fife walked bilt was forced at second by Paul Meger Cec Cook shoved Paul onward by drawing free ticket and Rich ardson singled to score Meger Richardson was me only player on either club to manufacture two hits Meger Platt Straiis man and Thompson gained credit for the remaining safeties for Pry sons while all but Pamplin and Schroeder hit one safety for RCAF RCAFBrewer 3b MacKell Gribbling 3b Park lanPamplin 55 Wilson 2b Teillet 1b Schroeder cf Fortune 1rf Low PRYSONSFife 3b Megcr Cook rf Richardson lb Platt cf Stransman 2b Thompson If Reid Stransmans drive for two runs Herb Thompson flied to Red Fortune 111 right field for the third out The third saw the Grillers stretch their lead to four as Cook gained his second walk of the night and tallied on Platts single RCAF began to eke into the pic 55 Elsasser ture in the fourth when they man RCAF aged to get their first man on thelPrysonsn 301 000 32x9 paths Two consecutive doubles UmpiresArchie Marshall plate by MacKell and Jimmy Park ac Herb Dyment bases erred on Moe 000 100 2317 counted for single counter and they battled to withinpne run in Correspondents lore requested to the seventh when the Grillers fell have their news in by Tuesday noon if possible apart BEETth BOYS HAND FLYERS 1312 SETBACK Iii13 triumph 1111 ifl111ltilil 111111111411 the 1111111 tll1111 and has charged with 1111 loss lhil P111111 11 111ollg11 allowing hits icuzled the 11111 it halted tile Hyris viciniy colliet 11 if games The Hit1s conflucd tin11 scur lug It the set111111 and sixth flames il V1 11n 1111 11111111111 51 11111gt 1111 In um publuhmg M11 11111 11 each 1111 111111 hanged 11111111 Drum you of 111111 hulls 1111111114 1111 1111l the match Hills ifl mm hitting thrillpacked till Bttltlllt Lim li111111 111411 tllll 111ii TUTLHQ reiiinl 131111 111 Ultltl 111 1111 flisitctllull 11111111=gt11112 111 1211115 two dump Ni 11 11114 11111 Sulfur111111 141 mm 2h 11311 10 151 mi 111111 1111 lortris singli 1111 It ll 1111 The 11111111 Imd Militias 11111 111111111 lull adults NU 1mm 371W 1111 filly till tllll iii FDIC md MK ltntl lilllla 1111112 11111 111 pl tzill um WU 43 111111 11111111111 tillll 11ll tiZl 11f1lss1o11 111111 l111 111111 11 ll 11111 1111 011115 1111111 Punching laul Mew1 1111111111 1111 1H his 1111113 111 11 1111 lllltlllillltll 11111111 11111 111l 111 111 11111 double 111111 11111111 as Ab 1ll lrtllv All 11 11111111 would Ilouffis 11111 was 111111 upon fi3 11 Ml lEm bit 111111111 111111 and 11111 llil litict 11111 singled to scolc lift 111 Lil Chg xiiimhizf it Mlmm mm lloulft and cashed himself on 111 pl 11 lip Hr Hum rm 111 11 1111 11 111 111 11 Him In 11 my Slli lnvl 11 Hmi lb11 Hill113 11 tlls111 311st 1111111 1111 1=111i 1131 11 MN mam 11111 liillur f1111111 11111 ar 1ol11l Ill1111 tllil 1111 11111 111111 11 Mg 1H1 III liliuus was Hilt oil 111 111111 while llllhl til3 1111 111111 1111 111111 II it Iclfir 1s lti1u ll lloulc 1c Ml lll 11 11111111 11tiiil 1111111 Arthur 111111 111111 via 1111 Mint 211111 Mthuim 131 midi 111 911111 l1111 111 1111 11 Ht iIl b11111 111111111s corcd 1111 111lc tlilililfpklith firm vat 1itdu Im IJm 11 gt 1t 11 111rh1M7 Avv sw 1i It lllllll 511111iii111d 11111blt MR hm ll Mllhllitl1illlt tlttlllll 15 c111 opt11 111 1111 1111 11111 lilt 1111111 1111111111 lilo efforts of lluo editor of 1111 11I11111 11k11t1 lt gt fish 51111111111111 111111 111111 him 111111111 1111 IIHMh IM 1MP lltAlllltl lllbbll of the sailor comes through during 1111111 lolllltlttl 1111 sucks 111 the liitllvuifilllllilllllllflzhllht ll rehearsal of fieldguii drill for the Royal Ioiiiuzuiiciit annual 11 477 1mm hy mm Um Hm hmmm PM to UN If summer display by nnlliers of all Britauis fighting 1111113 now 111111 pH11 rcvrved after wartime interval fills year is Olympic unes year WM 111 li it 11 ml the inter ti rial lmc will lie 11 11111 the raced for 11 111 the fifth to iilovc 1111 for 1111 11111111111 1111111 13171 11 11 Ck Th 1111 v111 +1 mdm1 summerlong programme of yearly national events from traditional CI UK It It ccnturiesol1l country dances to modern highspeed 1111 races taking llj place 111 settings known to every reader of history book novel or 11 mill l11min 111 ill illus 11111 Illa poem Britons too do their best to forget austerity for visitors 1111s retc 111 or wo 111 111 1111 ltLL AND tUlll portion to gain 1111011111 11111111111 which thcy held llic 141 ll l1 111 11 111 111111 1111 1111111 1111c Stl1llllll to smother their filial cliaucc Jimmy Stillclizlli with thrcc hits one of which was 11 double topped lt1 II 1111 Ilycis ball1s followed by A1 Murray Fife and Johnny Ftltis wrwr mm lmw ti llgiiiis Motors have won MW WWW ml mil Md 110115113111 1211 WIN OVER STROUD HAS TRIPLE PLAY Strouds plans of pinning suc cess 1111 Johnny SuziClic in the playoffs received jolt 1ucsday Jilly 13 when tllc eighthplace Bond Head crew edged them 1211 at 51101111 All the winners runs were ob tained off Suacllc in the first three innings which was enough to send 1liim to the showers Hugh Ness lhurled the following two frames but gave over to Bobby Dixon in the sixth John Boivman tried his luckin the seventh The three some allowed but two hits during their respective stanzas Bond Head Victory was high lighted with triple play feat seldom accomplished in softball With Dixon on second and smlche let his prisoner go about 111 sec flicd and was field after on first Johnny Johnston out Dixon left early caught off his bag and Snachc was taggcdbut as he attempted to reach second after the catch The visitors garnered four runs 111 each of the opening thieein nings and held 123 margin when Ness began to hurl Stroud started belated comeback and captured four tallies in the fifth Flegel cashed on Snaches triple in the sixth and their threerun outburst in the seventh and final inning fell bilt one short of mak ing it new ball game Danny Flegel paced Strouds unsuccessful attack with three singles while Snache with triple and single and Ness with the same card were close on his heels Kreuger on the mound for Bond and was ably supported by his males who fielded well Har vey Thompson and Nipwell led the winners at bat UmpiresJoe Megani Steve Simone bases DOT MILLERS RUN plate Jho drink 1111111 sarlsrllssiyoor 1111111 doesntfootlooseill Millions of Canadians agree that PepsiCola is downright delicidus enjoy itrwhenevrer theyfi want refreshmentandpleasinrsatisfyingu your And no wonder PepsiColds intone for mula brings you pleasure no other drinkcan Vmatchitsfatieatanytimet IYes fortastefor refreshmentfor pained qualityfPepSIIcolafis better 111111 1111 ounce forounce it isglyoufi best buy So whenever youre thirsty 1111111111 delight to 11111111110 relaxationgpick the if drink that givesmore foryoul money41111111 Pepsi Made from onlyltlicypurestofingredi lents theresno finer carbonated beyeraget LL modemmums ownam claw1s Mmef gt two in the third toNew three single AIDS VVKLEEYrWIN QVERVVNEWMARKET 7Valley Taxi moved intoa first place tie with Newmarket Dixons Wednesday July 14 whenrthey Vine from behind to defeat the Dixons 1211 at Queens Park in the ladies softball Ieague largecrowdwitnessedi thefvictory drive staged by the locals and their terrific fielding which has carried them to the top rung The winningrum was very ap propriate in that Dot Miller se cured it She hasbeen hurling great ball oflate and is partially responsible for her teams success Betty Vanzant was charged with the loss Valley clambered to an early lead as they gained hivo runs in the first three in the second and markets reply of three Dixonscutscored the localgals 51 in the fourth to draw even and Went ahead in the fifth with two runs The added anothersin the sixthbefore the Taxi girls began their winningrally Behind one run in the seventh lifter forcing Newmarket to fly out three straightto the daisy pick ersLois Allsopp led the batting order but retired Phyllis Moody drove sharp double and Dot Miller singled to place runners on first and second Mary Wood stroked double to score Moody and thethrow to third was wild allowing Miller to cross the plate unmolested Hazel Wrightth ahome run and singleled the Valley heavy hitters while Miller drove out ichuse 1PhyI is Osborne and Mary McInnes headed the Newmarket attack with thre hits apiece Head turned in pleasing effort 1331211 J1ol stunned iixii full 111111 611 ulilILIl Lllmii 11 111 5141111 Bastbulb it Lipoil llflrr r1tfflzpi1u Ijltltrll iluls pe11111111i the trick befcit fit111 111111 fans 11111 1111111 1111 two 11111 111 1111 121111 11111 1111 THE BAR Old Time Barrie Orillia Lacrosse Rivalry Strong Ihe BJYIIC Lumilier recent 131 published little arlicle 111 its Fifty Years Ago column referring to the rivalry which Histed between Mills and Barrie at that time No little part of the rii1try1 us 315mm hiltd through sporting compel lions between the two towns Lit that period An interesting ucount of lacrosse game played between the two cen tres 111 1891 in Barrie printed in the lriilu Newslmtter at that time clearly indicates the feeling between the twu towns that 111111 existed No doubt there are two sides to the story and the Article Lsilefin itely vrlllen through the eyes of an lriliia spectator but for its historical interest alone it LLu ltTW 1111 llllltl of series Pry field which 11111111 dropped but thrown ll 1110 01111121 team chanted 1111 two spare men of tho UIIS 111110 and RCAI who 1111 11111 Ihou1psoii 1111 111111 111Idols loam admission to 1111 playing bestofllvc lloicc llob Malliou 111111111 and There wrc half dozen flgllifillllllll If only lasted 111111111111111v charged Orlllia ladies but only oin row inigiglcf her own 1211 been for in this district two minutes and was caused by 7111111 11111 1111111 llltflt 11111111 Tlll Illlllolliicciilciil cumo iftcl ll 13 1111 lll 1cm llillln larrie geiitlciii11 litlllltt 11111 1111 TM 11111 carrier and stick curi mphtmn the 10mm 1l1 ltlull IltltIIO thrash lioboy Watsou The 11111 were charged admission lhcy 111111 of tho GilHarri mL Manm lollipop 11 Ollllln ClUWd lllllctlihc 011101 01 1l11ctf Ilitllric of Toronto who 51 am much nu1 Hmn mud Harris tllt scorchu for the lows to standstill 111 short ordcr played with Toronto against 111p llaui brought the red light ll Rum MCCHHIW that TIE Rum and 1mm 3mm while and after that only striiy sheik Capilols 1111 July and the As1 litfore softball last 111ck for WNW bk 10 um 1mm GE 111mm Hm in mch stone 111rotten 111 came 10111 11c gie 11 11 sh 11111111 shouldnc tllltlie 1ssus1I 1111 first film 111s mason 1111 my sownd most the DUSP 111111 mm mu Dim WILL but itrnwdill lultm hillttrtll 11 11 limmv 2111111111 lclchd the throw ARRESIEI 1111111 IIMES 0111111111 11111111 Within year b0 1W Constable 1111111111 of Harrie 11 Bmdfmi kmmsgc 111 has ll leaving on holidays thus were to first llc 111u doc 11 to st coil Fooled llllll0 f0111 1111105 boon assaulted the Sutton cricket it Hi tm wily obliged to forfeit the round Har 11 111155 In mil lulllll When C0111lo 0f mlmllts The 1303 club has been roltcn cggcd 1hr lul ll hhul ljm 115 111 Um in from 113 at the Miles kicked throw made at W011th 10 kllOIW why BLCIIUSQiColliugwood hockey team was so Willy OngmmuwlulW 11mm second 111 the third Itaycraft sin you were fighting was not hyufanv assaultpd that even 1h l1ague11s postponed Barrie ll 130 11 g11 ant 1s111 1111 11111113 YOU WCIO Tht 110 1051 lHS Iltlirlc pupers printcd half at allcy last vs Midland Iark few of the losers had no HmN hllhlmm PM 111111 rimd 111ml IliadVi TIPfull illlmg tho llOOdlumli d01lni sides iii Midland on Friday ltl1c1ud of the ithdrawalland vcic UM 10 01 11 7ll Pn 33 mlm Y1 For 111 Ll hiviilr with determined vill Well If 1011 wcronot fighting11115531111111 according 111 Biliiioi 11ltlj llflfrltftl pnl But mm the hearse Miles Hushlt1 In the arrest you for calling me liai1p1per two weeks ago and when up Smu fourth and scorcd 1111 1111 error to Owing to circuilistaucc ovcr which 01111111 visited the town on Wed ms llg 1111 195 CHgm the MeGibbou hilt after that the he had no control the constable Usdny 111 limx was much season 11mbltlon was gone and what could game was uninspirim With nom onds later The crowd was licvci the first pciiod The Barrie constables made little of fortto kcepthe gang off the east side The editor of the NewsLetter pointed outlthrec hoodlums carry ing stones on the field during cvensong to constable but the latter took no action Barrie played ringer Guthrie of Barriejsuteam got his brother of Georgetown and Toronto to come up in his place He played half Barries game It was battle between men and boys and the boys won handily Barries team weighed half as much again as Oiillias Barrie warmed things up 111 the first game and won it They field their own in the Second but after that they were not dangerous Before the match Beaverton demanded bond from Barrie that theteam would visit Beavertou and play off the drawn game President Craig ofthe CLA final ly guaranteed Barries turning up to play atBcaverton Had it not this Barrie would have been thrown out of the series and the game with Orillia Would not have been played The sooner Barrie gets out of lacrosse the better for the game off the DELAYED BY FACEOFFS third of the time of the match was lost in facing off through the ball going off the field But for the rest this gaVe the Barrie team the Score would have been dozen to one against them Bari15s roughs are mostly youths All the stories Were1 thrown by boys under 20 years of 3g Quinn point McKay cover point D1OConnor first defence Hammondh second dence Dunn third defence Blaine1 centre JE 71G Curran home DunnAeconcL home 11 Grant first home Frost out Side home Wtoiifdiiside home Henderson field cap into BarrieRl Dalton goalLMc1 Kee point AShanacy cover point Vansiele first defence Glithrieysecond defence Webb third defence Kennedy Kidney Pills 111111111111111111 Backaoliemay be caused by dis orders Oftlle kidneys Consequently if you suffer frombackache Donuts Kidney Pills may be helpfulto you Because oiltheir stimulating action on the kidneys and urinary passages Deans Kidney Pills 1155131 in the Safe dependable and quickneting Deans Kidney Pills can beused by both young and old Buckacli as well as minor urinary and blad der ailments may be quickly relieved Muslimsprover treatment Sold at all drugstores mourn 00 Memo 0111 elimination of wastes from the body1 it RIE EXAMINERLEARRIE 011151110 CANADA 1111 11 1591111111 lliilitii 11 llltll This is the sort correspondent 111 111cc way by Orilllans quire into the reason the dron of constables did and suspend few 0fth1m Irleciflllnqsaufihenthtqu133llzglgigbif ticuhuli cood centre for these small the Mommmns eight mi with two singles leltltl double fol 11a11ie 7101111 be all right BarbyElfin All the fourth BOD lid 01 lowed by Len Chappel with two ism in sport always has its con sequences scribes about the only gentlemen 111 Cali ada who go around after defeat to count the whinids and scratm ches over which they wccp cop iously varying this p10CCllIlSlell lllc croer following Bobby WW m3 With hell or 01 Turnbull111111110513011011311Ram 11ith something about the islillwisiictl to protect the umpire Mc 101s Fumblltis set In on the rst 5211 lb Antllimik 0111111191 shots steel knuckles anddjrksGibbon of Georgetown vlioihad batter George Miles fanngl but Roach rf Gilmore 31 carried by the otherfellows zettc says Orillians carried slug Miles was across first A1 Martin 11 Boormzin 2b Ruddiclc shois steel knuckles and dirks islowed on Watson H13 hit 1111 It wasnt to play lacrosse at all rcdhxadcd gout responding crack Shevchllk allowed 1th twv 11 MLQDmm Ilftbd we went with our fslug sliotsoii the head with his lacrosse stick Pounce glmmdel WhICh GOld Umpllth lddd MlleS steel knuckles and 1111115 It was and thou cvclyobdy took Brown hobbled and then Pete Mc Earl Marshall base to knock the stuffin out of Bar hand Gibbon booted Lorne Davies drive Harris 7111 100 40012 lie One man the Allundale cor1 The News1cm had fins to say 111 short stop allowing Miles to CGE 111 111111 11112 13 respondent of the Gazette saw thision its own account The match and he wrote number of our sports went over last Wednesday to and weredisgusted with the way Barrie people let Orillia run the town shots No use of them now the lacrosse scasonliasended Apply to la crosse officers rillillLWLTIanley goal Cf third Snoche On Mound At Mt Pleasant Stroud Win 83 SailorsAre Human Axles 511111 of All V11 1le trial in fill1 tl 111 11 the 1611111 vm gag12gt f1111 II111 11 11 1111 111113111 11111 111111 to 711 tilplic llillpiil 11gt fol 11 41111111111111 11 111 1111111 lttiucn fillllid tililim won 21111 ttllltlltlllll 1111 Hallie 111111 milk and Mr iii 51 iii11 and lord sprinted homo Gilmore and Mllm Struck 11111 111111 1111 sciiioi softball finals as v1s announced by league secretary llruce Mctaulcy last Thursday at 11111111 lark They now sit and wait IIZ gathcred 1111c 111 their lluif as Murdy aulpluli 111111 to right THREE BALL GAMES I1i1s allowcd 11111 Ilastrafls llit huvc bccu good game developed into nine nicii going thro motions Bob Mallion was turning in splendid effort on the mound for General Electric as he allowed but three lllltl However miscues mounted to nine which accounted of town yous1 says was 111g to fight for the boys didnt give their host Lloynd King made great catch on Andrunyks fly to centre and Jniuiiiiy Doorman made two not used ugh thc GEORGIAN BAY APPLES Georgian 31 apples from the Coliliood district are famous not do tlwir lutyllcloss Canada 11111 Siliull fruits strawberries and raspberries lsrcl igrowu colliiiicrcially ovcr much of ye would tmlnillic County Midland being par The county council should 11 outstanding plays at second which aroused some inter est ill ttic game Al Shewchuk topped all batters DIFFERENT OPINIONS If the Barrie pl bother working too hard nor did his rival VAndy Aiidriinyk which brought about IZsi count Harris jumped into an early lead SIM one hit nettedthem singles Murdy Campbell Bob Mallion and Bill Rayeraft led CGE with two safeties apiece HARRISiMiIcs 2b Hines 2b Shcwchuk cf Davies ss Norris If the scoring of 1111 last gallic Pole lCIark said he would aunihilai Walson if 111 said it was garlic fWatly told him it was and backl 1011 up towards fhc umpire Clark It IS GEvCampbell Thompson 3b Mallioii Raycraftlb Gibbon lb bcvn linemen11 Finalh his flint Thompson filling for Murdy Ircadhoadcd hoodlum led an attack Editor King ll tk gin which several kicks were bc mmbe dump mo ml of the Barrie Gn score long fly ball was lifted to left field by Freddie Norris whichiAl Ruddick said had butter on both sides and two more runs was not particularly iOugh both sidcslwaiitcd to fight Barrics startiiig pace was too fast to last and it killed the team before the third game had Barries con were across Bill Ramosottom majority of people lack delicate stables not declined the assistancci went out pillher to first but run sense of taste for sweetness and of Orilliasforce there would have the WV the mfgegg 9f an 2031311112211311133a83langina runyk walked and Gord Roach fcrent sugars vary with concentra sce ahlfmi and timbmlm fail singled for theonly blow of the tion the sweetness of one sugar frame As they attempted to nab being apparently enchanccd by the lows were only too anxious to ac commodate them Roachvatgsecondrthe throw toilepresence of asecond sugar llf TSOF SWEETNESS Aceording to the findings of rilliaBarrie match Canadian Research selcntlsts the see the 111111 saleAiob lot of slug steel knuckles and dirks The row started this way Aft 31419va DIVE or Mme Wlnchesier VQCIQaVliEnrs