PAGE TEN For Ways That Are Dark IKL ll ll1 lil lt 11 21i T1341 11 111 llius 11111 1111c11111 1111111 and la fade111111 1111111 llli 1fol111 ititll 1111111111f llll1 it Ullt11l l111ifliii 15111111121111 1x1111f 121111 lWAl 1Q=11111s 1111d game 11 t3ltllst sclhililtil lllkb lNllIIHIIIDIAIE SOFTBALL FRIDAY JULY 33 133 gt Chris Iiis Int11111 1111 ilflASt is tupagu Slital 11 AH 11 Munmug 1a 11 MONDAY JULY 26 Mununit 13X 1Q11111 1111111 SlltJII 1111111 11 111Asc 111111 11 11 11 1t111 Z14 111 111 12111 WNW at pm 11111111l 11215 lilill11 LADIES EUFLBALL 113111 tllillllSllAY Jll 2L Illtllllltl at Newuiarftei 11 WEDNESDAY JULY MMldluliil Eli opacu thin11 Ncwuiaiklt at Valley Queenst BASEBALL FRIDAY 11111 21 1Mldland at llarrlc 111111 11 pin 53 MONDAY JULY lidSlioud all 111112111 lillil11 liaiiii 1J11 1131 511 x111 1111 111111 WlfDNILSliAY JULY 2134331111 111 1k 111 1111 11111 1111 it liilcluilg 11111 11111 11111111111111i1c11 wi 11 t111 11111111 11111111 111u 11011 11 3111 1t 211 11111 11111111 141151 111 111111 1111111 11 111111111 11 111 11111111111= 11111 11 1111111 11 111 111111y 111111 1111 Be MeIeTS 11211 11 ll 11 11 Itilxlu 11ll 111f tutti 11111 1911111111er Star 1l1 rli ltlil ltlrtlt It lH ircnultv Parking InfAnn 111 11 111 11111111 11111 lmtliUI 111 111 ilrpl111e 1115111111 was soon cleared up by British nlr engineering company Mimi imam NWlmy 11 numb Mm Acting on 11111111 111 an insurance 111111er11ritcr of the famed Lloyds of London the company dis itm91 tuft HEW patched Bristol lrligllter instlzll liritisli plane designed for freight hauling to the scene of the 51 31gt 1llt 110 tf HAM 1111111111 lhe pirtly tllslimlltlttl crackedlip ship was stowed in the Freighter and own back to hi ll 113 31 MW MM ill1111111 1111111111 her is the 1111111111111 111 damaged motor through the Freighters specially de hf litlillti 11 Vlmlk It mm ET mm lgned nose which opens up for nun11111111 really action Now the crushed airplane to being reas 11 151 for III1111119 of 11115 yew senililell 111111 Illldllttl 111 ill111111 Soon it will be in the all again Is Illlzhrr 1111111 11 has ever been uv ihls is in spite of tho removal of IV NH Mllfijii1 gt National week 211 meters 1111111 downtown corn ers to make 11111111 for bus stops 111la111 141lmctulllillllsA WWWim HQnQrS Late JOCk Minerm14lherrieveuue from parking meters 1121 11 film 11111 Conservation Stressed iii llit liistl fllt 11111111115 01 1948 it 1111 1111111 s1111i 111 111111 11s Sliclilii 11 as roveallcil 11 TE 111111 11111 11 111 1111 111111111 1H Nahum 1lm port 151111 tity rcasurei lltwill 13H Willdl lMAP1 11111 11111 1111 1111111111111 ut hf 111fiulsauil Mdullllltwk up 31 11 11 Ml my A11MIUIXW WNW10mm lhllhn1q up 1917 the parking 11111111 took lll 1mm Willi It UH hr till In hiy Ml Hit 11 NM 11111111111 111111 tillltl llltttltlttl Slllm mm hymn mpmt Wm Y1 111111111111111 vein111111 11111 ltlllldlvdl aw Vin 11111p that 1111 1ttlgtltill pl1iltl1 my mums mm Wail 3483090 111111 ml 111 111 1111111 are 111111111bl1 ciops 1111 lll 111 excellent oppoitiuuly for 11111 My WHh ft this year has 1111 HM 1mm my 1mm Mm 111 11l11 fro111 111111111 Khulna 1m mnmmc and 1produc1d mort money throuin the lairt 111 11 11 Rf Wilt will guilt11 mum In If Hle paiklug ilieters than 1111 Similar 11111111 ml 1mm flumg Pg likc 1mm ll cullfl lIi HV All Hm pmwnw Nd Nllltlllllihllfh cithcr 1947 or 1946 lit to 111131 l111 11111111 1111 11511111 111mg 1111111 their tff1lgt Md jut 11111111111 is for 111111 protection Mm bllglm 75 lukmlln us my Hi llt1li HW iiTillinimiz ll IN 11111 1111 kisc ouplcd with this in lupinId WM $Hmm hm mg hl tnumlll12m 111111111111 objective is the tat1 that Min fwd two lymymlfzm LN 11 N11111u11 Statute Wildlife nu 111122 Ti will Th lynl HM 1111f llio honors 1111 memory of tum libs 211111111 best known coiirclva ml mlmd Vullltuhlc 111 111 1151 111111 1111111 MIN hm Mum last yellr the report discloses Ell 111c 1111 llUIli 1111112111 11 111111 to May 31 19471 the Cll 501d by 1111b miller and 111111 111 11111 Wd pmtwmtl 8137951 worth of parking permits fdark for 1111 1111111 1111It111111111 mme Mhhff HJ ms hilt have sold only $71650 worth lBUh Him 13 Wmmnu more imperative Year by year understand tllat many of the people who bought parking per kuocktd 111111A111111 1111 1111111 LOWES 12 tablets 24 tablets 25c PRICES 1110 tablets 79c GENUINEAselatkils MARKED 11113111111 Orillia K131 Beverage ILEISE RENE LU happy beginninng 15L Plane Rescues 51111 pasxcx 1111l 5111 11111 11211111 The Full ilitl1l 111 1111111111 lluily 1111121111 111111 11 fir111 11111 1111111111 1111 11 1111111 of lllb which included 11111111 11111 111 Paul llttll 111111 toliluiyl 11111saudu 11111111111 by 1111 Richardson 1l11111 I1t 11 1111111111 11s they counted three an 21 Hillier MacDonald McCabe If Its never100 late to start saving$111331 regularly hut its never too early either Many substantial bank amounts and notti fewflarger personal fortunes owe their existence to habits ofjthriftvauired early in 1116 ISuchstolies always have happy endings When Special need arises for ready money to meet an emergency orto take advantage 1ofahusinesii opportunity its warm and happy feeling to know that the inoney givill be there when you need it There is no better time to start savin than right now ITHEVBANKT 0F NOVA scorn mi BARRIE EXAMINER maneand Pac 11 in the 11059 BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA SPORTS CALENDAR SENIOR SOFTBALL llllllAY IllllARIlSON 1111111 111111111111 thus causing 110111 1112 111111us111111it and loading the 111 lmuuy lilacDonald drew chill 11111111 liltilttltlStlll across 11111 111111 Aikul singled through to 1111111 Stracllau all Ill 111111 Joiiuny Ieltis po ed devil 1111110 to left field 1111 llzlrrie 1111111411 five three to raise The next Leticar l11b illoiupsoii and Paul Mcger 1111111l poacttully bultcrs leorgc for the llc1 111111 titlll bust hit 1111 gamed tllttll first run Richardson startod tho olts If Jmhkl MbOlISkl walked 10111111 11 lilt 3111111111 Ltll iitau Sums lmd Xmd on L0 11 tlfiil single Slacllau ll1d It Mlnilfl 01 1U 19 Air Fore 11111111 1111 1111111 um MN the on choice llllllrl 11111 111111111 lll 111 ihc lilltllil 11111111 1111 11111111111 04 mm hm hm Curl laislcy uncovered walk and 1111c home on Morris McCabes 11plc to centre field John Mc 11y followed with single bring ug McCabe llOlllLLOIldwllllllUdrilllllr 1111 on an error to Mcger However walk to M91101 double by Richardson and singles thr dnlftom half as Richardson 1111kcdIlis second single Gra oouski erred on Strachans pop fly and Ernie Harris booted Hil licrs swinglate drive allowing fwo runs Hillier cashed as Aikiii 1111111lcl out third to first ICAF tried to stay within hail contributedby Danny MacDonald olilccd two more runs 011 the olts countf Meger added another the seventh and 11eGear and feltis tallied in the eighth tojcom plcte Barrics runs Flycrslally of two in the ninth failed to lint the lead to ally extent Richardson with four hits for perfect night was away out in front on the Barrie atlaclLTwo hits apiec went to George Le Cear llerb Thompson Paul Meg er and Johnny Fellis Ernie HarrisjMorris McCabe Jphn McLay and Lou Larsen were the pnlyiivals to salvage safeties off Hillier RCAFHarris 2b Gribbling 3b Paisley McCabe cf McLay If Lobban 1b Grabouski ss Larsen 1f Denboer If Brillion BARRIEDLeGear 3b Thompson 11 Meger Richardsonss Strach rt Lougheed rf Aikin If Feltis cf CHOCOLATE NUGGETB 1V4 pllpsSifted our 14 teaspoon salt 14Iteaspoon soda cup corn akes l3 cup shortening egg yolk 3cup brownsugar tablespoons milk 1A1 cup semisweet Chocolate bits Sift together flour sattaml soda Crush corn akes into ne crumbs and add to our mixture Blend shortening and sugar until creamy jgreased baking sheet in moder this your 111 numbers of residents and nou esideuts interested in the recrea 111111 pursuit of fish and game 1111 llltlt1tti at illltlSlUlllSlllllg 1111 liuriug this period environ lltlti for game has decreased and lil capacity of the waters to sus 111111 increased Iiuiiibcrs of fish has been lcsscucd through various 11uses Industrial development forest fires clcurcd lands soil ulosiou driedup streams and pol lutcd waters have all added to the liificulllcs of iiiainllliniiig an ade quate supply to meet the overin creasing demand liie Department is Jusing every possible means of overcoming the many problems Willi which it is laced Its management policy cu iSiUIIS restoration where practi cal artificial propagation where necessary and control measures adequate to ensure reasonable and C011EQILLEIDDILIlka suc ciessof this program is dependent upon public support Wildlife Week presents an op portunity for stimulating interest and once more reminding thepub lie that the protection of our fish and game should be the personal responsibility of every citizen for each has an equity in them Conservation is the first law of the land and one of the most im portant factors in the perpetuation and development of our wildlife resources mils last year are paying as they go this year said Mr McCormack llicyieel that it will be cheaper to put iiickels and pennies in the meters than 1111111 aziplruiit The city took 111 $711 through the sale of permits 111 May compared with $13 the same month of last year Large sales 111 April aild February of19l7 account for the difference in the five month totals UNDERSEA SUNLIGIII The Blue Grotto on the island of Capri is limestone cave half filled with water Sunlight enteiu ing through submerged opening creates an unusual blue light WAS INSURANCE AGENT Benjamin Franklin helped estab lish mutual fire insurance com pany in the Uiiitedetates in 11752 CUTY0 Congratulations to Mr and Mrs IE Winter on the arrival of 1abyboy in the RV Hospital Barrie on July surprised by visit from her brother Fred Cooper of Van ouver BC It is 42 years Since he left here for the West in Sziskatchewan andAlberl if Sincere sympathy is extended to Robt Allen and family tenth of his daughter Leona Mrs Harold Third ronto July 12 Mrs Harry Allen was pleasantly Robt Allen is visiting relatives in the who died inATo Michael Shaughnessy Barrie is visiting his aunt Mrs Gerald lruen this week Read Examiner Classifieds Luv 111 NEIVIIGMCS add egg yolk and milk and beat weli Add dry ingredients and mix thoroughly Place dough on lightly floured ard androll to thickness of 43 ch Cut with lifeinch round cookie cutter Bake on uri ateIYIiOtoveri 425 degrees to 10 minutes When cool frost if desired Yield dozen cookies litinches in diameter EXAMINER lllUllSllAY JULY 22 lasso11$ gt uli HAULING Engineered for Handlin9120ndDrivorComforl Theres no truck caboni the 1011117111111 can surpass GMC inactivated fortresses for yourself whats beendone to lmproire thecoinf0rt1and safety of truck driving Vworkstation51161111111ho A1111 rliucmullrsvouciiou TRUCKSIRVICI 11411 of and Motors WEBSTER ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL WIRING 115 SERVICE OIL BURNER SALES SERVICE PHONE 8230 BARRIE iiilnlal lllllttl11l ions 111511111 11111111 11111 oiiiel inn 11111 1111 1111 lot of 1111 111115111 i1 astcful fut Noi lliull 111111 11 leached theinal W111 Should Pay For Strike Losses tlile Financial Postt and if Millie vandal delitieiately de ktfllit 111111111 11 ducked may gtIIUK1I few lllllillltd tons of food dollars Lead for being ovci 111 first tlui Allell half ltl world Hfgilf trlrli llir litign vtittld thI 1111111145 close to stailvationl 1111111 itiele would be aiilliliiicd 1111 public UlllCI And yet d111 l11g the illegal packingliollse some uielkt 111111t1l11 151111111 11111111 for 0Vclacus The Wtiulc tiling boils down to heavy 11111 i1bsullllcl unnecessary loss of valuable food anti nous and leal 111ou11aii setback for Canadian funnels its unfortunate that the matter has to end there unfoituutlic that unions 111111111413 illegal stilkes cause serious 111s to innocent pai ties should escape the lespousibilv fly of 11dies tar greater amounts of Vital food were 111st as study lost With hard 11 111111111111 of general pioiesl Almost hundred thousand hogs destined for export as bacon and at least the equivalent in beef cat tle veal and lamb were shut off from market by the packinghouse strike While being held these Wm CTake No Chances Moke sureof troublefree holiday by lbonishingre worries before you start Mlleltustjcheck Your Tllieisow c1ndnmokoionynocestory ropairs Export workmanship plus fair pricoslmeon rea satisfaction If you need nowjiirosyow recommend DUNlOP smomulw rials made of specially 101161161101 rubber to resist road shocks cuts wear and tear and io give you 11111 and miles of safe smoothriding comfort ARMORIZEO TIREg Wicca5 macrav Truck and Passenger Car Road Service PICKUP and DELIVERY of YOUR CAR on NEW TIRE PURCHASES Ti Batslone as ervrce JinanethsfandMaple Ave PHONE BARRIE 3922 051 WITH 1111 ll Sl mm am Tat1131501111 we 1948 grilles an and reing otced by burs of heavy bumperpluck at top and sides They are frame mounted ondangle braced Paths ventilated and fresh air can be lecullted 21v inmliin their eshAii 11111 an Deli011113111111 11m coat mm ls 11m