PAGE TWO THE Wm RARRIE EXAMINER MEMBER OF Clubs leckles of Canada Audit Buftau of Circulation Newspapers Association STAB tSlim BDA Published Thursday Morning by THE BARBIE EXAMINER LTD PitclAREN FRESIIEM nu MGth EDITOI WALLS VCieisibxm no stuns MANAGE Cons SLISSL rIIITiONS or Great IOLIII II cgil 00 year $3 00 year So each WW Illtllil on this widespread demand 3W was also believed that savings instrum Canada Savings czit with the features or FALL FAIR PLANNING Bonds would serve useful purpose by giving Alter lapse of senrut years the Barrie further stimulus to the savings tendency Frill Fair will be resuilied next Seplciiiber developed by Canadians during and since the Monday and liusdziy Sept 13221 and lith war Present holdings have already rend will mark the beginning of new era in the cred more than million zinadians better long history ol the Barrie Aglltilllllldl Soci able to meet personal emergencies or to carry ety lor on those days the new lair groundsg out future plans Such iridlvlduziland faintly Will be opened to the public for the first runoff resources are an element of strength and In acquiring the new grounds at the stunniryin the nation Stllillltsltll entrance to the Town the directors oi the Barrie Agricultural Society REEMOIIIZ EDITOR DOESNT LIKE THE have plenty of scope to expand llill plum IDEA BIG BUILDING COST The now have three thes as Illllll land as 115 AREA PLAN they had at the Dltlltil location This few weeks ago the Stayner Sun an larder area means more work and more nounced that Sttiyncr and Crcentore had de nense for the first few years but it will prove fouled not to gt into the high school area to be litlllllEIUilS udvllllizlkt llll itll tollliis tus followed by the following editorial collie First or all there will be accoiiiinodaPin the Cieemore Star IlOll IUl llttlklllt hutitlletls ll ll Illtll We Et not llgtlllgtllilttl ovclktheticcision of UM wm wen MIRRIOY ultipsnlmmlh Luger LgtflillluilIjiiilmfbllllliiixii1301IIIIicIIe llltllt of lltl1111111lll buildings llie centre mm Ma or the litltinlle race track can be kept clear Illtlt lll Di Lillllllt thtOllllllOtlilllllll 101 ll llllllllilli iitiw llvlfl Iltllllt ciliisidlel lidway and other attractions that make Illll1th2335in13 F3 mir Impumr With the UZHH no oppose ii IIJIIIIhlI alternative Cieeiiioic is However it is ilot simple matter to have WNW mm dobphw adequate 1titlllllt5 developed Ill it short Iliilt gtiiml lltl beforethislmimicipallty11alliglilesntkziit To WW it In wm mmm 00111111055 HIE 101ml CMHDINCd liiless the Town of Liilliiigwood is included in we as the large In projlms Rum the nut undercoiisitlerution we can see no lidvuiio will Illllt 10 bllllt Wilhlll Ill grounds IlLl Iliccost of new school without Colling Water and plumbing and sanitary facilities mind would be prohibitive will have to be provided Adequate and sale electric wiring will be very necessary Weedsl and dtist will have to be controlled It would be pity to piit so much effort and investment into project that wouldpro on me army remarks the Farmers Advocate vidc fair for only two or three days pach his jug of Wm Wm handful of rolled ar But the directors of the Barrie Agrii out in it and dash of molasses cultural Society have in mind long range program They are making their plans on the basis that the facilities to be provided will be used many times throughout the year Perhaps there will be huge sports eld in the centre of the race track But the mairr project of the Barrie Agri cultural society will continuc to bc the annual Fall Fair By the success of this venture the citizens of Barrie and throughout the district will measure the progress of the BarrieAgri cultural Society Thousands of residents of Sirncoc County will be looking forward to Tuesday September 14 the main day of the Barrie Fall Fair for 1948 IFIIJI iiiui no iiicIIeriic of Illllil will be of ieiil villitc to our lot The best solution of the drink problem vA story comes from Akron Ohio about man who filed an $8000 persOnal injury stlit on the ground that an extra strong handshake had broken his arm and interfered with his employment This incident should be warn ing to the fellow who delights in thus trying to manifest the cordiality of his greeting even though the hand thus crushed may be given some cracked bones or other discomfort The mOdest little petunia promises to find place in thousands of gardens in America next year judging from news item which appeared in daily newspaper last week an nouncing that Japan is sending 44800000 petunia seeds to the USA That may sound like big shipmentbut it will Weigh only ten pounds There are lot of petunia seeds in an ounce Ten pounds cbst around $48000 it is said GOVERNMENT 0R GANG STERISM Whatever may have been the causeof the dispute between the Canadian Seamens Union and the ship operators the leaders and members of that union have forfeited the right of bargaining and even of negotiation by their resort to gangsterism By their own criminal acts they have outlawcdtlie union and proved themselves incapable of carrying on reasonable negotiations and unworthy of government consideration Whether they are communists is not now the vital question Whatever be their politi calviews by resorting to violence and bandit ry they have broken the laws of the country One of the latest of their acts of thuggery 15 described ina news dispatch from Port Col borne which reads as follows Four members of the CLSU crew of the Colonial Steamships Ltd agship Royalton attacked in their bunks early today by about 25 men who boarded the freighter armed with clubs and iron bars still are confined to Wel land Hospital Three of the men have been arrested by RCMP and local police and charg ed with aggravated assault To say the least this was cowardly af fair The four sailors were taken unaware while sleepingin their bunks and brutally beaten by 25 menfor what For exercising their freedom as Canadian citizens in accept ing jobs in legitimate and essential indus try The assault upon them was not only brutal breach of the criminal code which Jrinstituted for the protection of individual citizens it waspanbrganiledwult upOn the common5rights and liberties of trade and erce Such violence lends color to th charge that Communists are behind it since they havenorespect fervour laws and con stitrution Theirgpurpose is to disrupt and destroy our way of life and ifthe CSU is allowed to succeed in gaining recognition as bargaining Wmlnw then the Government would be surrendering its authority togangsterism COOPERATE DURING RESTRICTIONS Living in Barrie mostvof us have become accustomed to turningon the tap andwe expect water justas we expect the air we breathe But talking to the foreman of the welldrillingcrew hereitwas surpriSIng to find there are communities inCanada where Witter is so scarce it is sold at the rate Iffive ceritsfafpaif We are fortunatetoahave f$upply ofclearwater in Barrie and we should do everything possibleto cooperate with the Public Utilities Commission when they introA ducetmporany restrictions Numerous enquiries were received last week for the High School Entrance results but we were unable to supply theinformation as no local Entrance results were avallgble before we went to press When quite num ber of newspapers in other towns carried the Ehtrance names for their districts The Ex aminer was unable to secure the information search of which kept our telephones busy That does not seem fair to the candidates who wrote or to their parents and others interested With Parliament closed and the members home in their constituencies the chief topic of conversation in Ottawa is the National Liberal Convention coming on August and Three reasons were given by the Prime Minister and the president of the Na tional Liberal Federation when they iSSIled the call for the Conventiontlhese were to consider the party platform to con sider the party organization and to consider the question of party leadership At the July meeting of Innisfil Council motion was passed authorizing the Town Clerk to revamp the taxi license bylaw to provide certain conditions and require ments before license is granted That the rightidea Barrie might well follow In nisfils example At present taxi drivers ap pear to do much as theyplcase and itthere is any locaTlegislation governing their quali cations and acts apparently no one worries much about the matter One thing Barrie needs is taxi bylaw with strict regulations printed and posted plainly where anyone interested may keep posted and Offenders midv know clearly what to expect if thereis any infringement of thebylaw To have the whole taxi situationthus clearly set forth so there would be no misunderstanding would be in the best interests of all con cerned OPINIONS ororlIEiis SAYS METERSNOINEEDED Simcoe Reformer Judging byrgmarks of one or the recent Board of1Trade meeting there Is still in Simcoe The Reformer is still of the opiniOn that parkingmeters are not needed and are not Wanted in thircommunity Simooe is essentially country townandderivesa large share of its business MORESAVINGS BONDS THIS FALL Ottawa JuIyB 1948The of Canada has anuounced on1 behalf of Minister of Finance thatarrangements arebeing made Toffthnoerlngof thild seriesof Canada WIIY Maggie 333 om Spvmgsaonds thisFall Terms ofthernew illqu wrote finally established later prob The are mm 31331 some time In September How2ver itlis consoled that the security will retain the ensures whichiproyed sopopular tn the be it gonadal Savings B46=upplloatlobs for the firs totalledmore than 2IOO It Incxcossiotlssllmilllong nurseries 1s based tsmel ALMOST 57 think it isaimistake that visiting shoppers should be asked to pay for the privilege of parking on our downtownistreets forua sociailist on the neck of the majority which doesnt want that kind of thing What cant understand is why Why dont they go to England Australia Saskat chcwan or some other place where that kindbflan adlninistratIOn is functioning This is especially true salary4nd could movequite easily Money in Soslgatchewan is just seek spotterg June government in OnturioThey would like to fastenone the inalcontents Continue to live in this Province Hie who iii in say Owen Sound 1fme vision 25 Years Ago THE BARR LXAMINIIR Jullr 35 1323 Harrie Ltch otes tUcl ill the inquest Illilisiiioie June 17 was Titus figured in uccitleiit when freight th of Al highway Russ did not across the IlgllI up to io on was ill Iios who had The auto was TIM IIt IILc hull litwins liiil uttldclillil Livan Ross MP and IJIIJI IuIILI pcytllzl letlr v11 coliuiul Ill on If Inhdule III the dc sac iIlL filiglil tr llIIIlI lllcll Fortunate jllltd except Ml olic foul jJIIlllJKI butll damaged The tilovili ciul elections Sriiicoc resulted in Inukng tile Iliice tidings all re presented by Conservatives In Centre Siliitoc the otiiig totals were 11 Murdoch 3015 Dr SlIllpMill 2301 Irllltlll 3541 At Home centre 149 candi lIilItgtIlrlt the IIS IIiiliance ex ains CaldwclL Illake SL had Spring winat Ii fl inches fall Mi lc it Simcoe County Briefs Miss Norma liiippcll Minesing Iiuliicflulii Nllllli Hil WlitIt 5110 had llsl completed her Normal cotiise Ilrc Ross brothers of iiithlie IJHSHI their barn one day last week AI Slaynci straw berries were so plentiful 11ml the price dropped to 15 cents box Walter McMuckon Angus has bought Chev car Justin McBride Angus Flats liiisgone sailing again lliis Summer After four years as pastor of Elm vulc Methodist Church Ilcv Morton preached his farewell sci iiiori on Sunday morning His ncxt charge was set for Sudbuiy ltlllliilt Council voted $100 to the Orange celebrationthele on July 12 Gwillinibitiy Cotill cil voted $250 day to men eni ployees working on the roads in After being without for several months Bond Head Anglican Church secured Rev Ileuin recently arrchd from liiiglaiidf His family was still in England hundred thousand buss fry were placed in Lake Coucliiching on application of Olllllil Board of Trade During last weeks storm William Jebb and 105 Martin had nar row escape from serious injury They vereworkiiig on Mr Jebbs farm on tho 14th Line West Gwillimbury and when thestorm arose they took shelter in the barn The barn was blown down and they only escaped injury by crawling under the floor of the barn Bradford Council bought chemical fire engine and 600 feet of hose mounted on truck With other equipment this cost over $4000 Flats IICILN so Years Ago THE BARRIE EXAMINER July 1898 Barrie Local Notes The last sitlings of the Board of Arbitration on the value of the Waterworks Plant and system was held ii Stiathy Qc Haughton Lennox counsel for the Town concluded their argument and were followed by Pepler KC and Cres wicke counsel for the Company Estimates of Mr and Mr Pepler were $49000 and $120000 respectively Judge Ben son was chairman of the board The chairman said it was very difficult to say when the award would be released for publication The Electric Light committee of Council was instructed to pre pare $35000 electric bylaw for submission to next Council meet mg temperature Saturday and Sunday morning While out wheeling one evening John Smith of Vairs Grocery was run down by lady rider As reSult of his sudden dismount John was much marked about the face grand moonlight cursion to Peninsular Park was ldyntisedndancingeondqboam and at the park with Keenans quad rille band in attendance 1161 boxes of colored cheese were of feted at the Barrie cheese board priceTZ henR Freek was wheeling past team on PenetangSt loneiof the horses kicked himin the head knocking him off thevwheel and injuring one foot and wrecking the wheel The silver jubilee of Very Rev Dean Egans ordination to the priesthood was duly commem oratcdby his fellow clergymen and prominent members ofthe laity Beautiful arches were erect tum speakers at some agitation forthe intrbdubtion of parking meters patronage from the surrounding rural districts We nionmcol gjrooonro Fojdohlu unwind My hound most of Ih 50 rooms In ouch halal have pivot bill and radio fornwvaonu wrlhor who Ilia Marlow onI In ad maul unllqlpdod mlvd 11 ed zianw Stratliy Indigent committeevreported Spending $170 for six months of 94 degrees one THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA WILLIAM been liplhilllltd of tile Cctillul LII Iliu Utitldiuil ECCI IUNI fins Ilix lliiblnl CtltipJILY III illnllli Itli Ii T111 AI Mi toopcr gelitfiml mlis 111111Ll1 Iiccltstone Igt fillllltll li cliutac of the llnlitline IIlgtiill 11 piiIiiotion brings him to To the Cornparos brunch office at Fleet and IlziiIIrs CailialiiTcs 1I IIttlesloiic has been tigtgtticitttl with Goodyear for number of years and has had thor ough experienci III the sole of the Lil Lg to ZIII Ulilllililltilliiui by oinpin pioducis before the church and piesby 1y ulso floiul decorations willi ln the buildings The llcan was pidsentcd with numerous address and beautiful gifts and Stewart Iizid llillll cs loys Instill the Toronto ttnliis mumnd mud ghmrlnrmgswrwa Iiincnt Simeoe ounly Briefs 011 Mary 951 cow was stolen from Wilson ii ltl Cooks town Detective Alf Beardsley was pill on the Ililll and located the cow near Creighton Mcdontc Twp month later though the thief was still free storm visited Cons and cliinsclli Sunday evening Ic Richard Iiill wcrc unroofed Mrs Keogh returning from church in Adjula got out of the buggy when the hull storm started and directly afterwards the rig was hurled against fence and badly smash Wliile Mr Pair of Grenfcl from one beam to burn the plank fell 16 feet to the ii iii and dish caling shoulder Guy Kirk patrick of Oio Station has sold his bees to Morrison Pains wick Sonic residents of the of Elizabeth St was crossing another in his broke and he floor breaking some more which they the very best Mr Young and in Allandale and to cover the stind claimed to make road Rev family arrivcd now are nicely settled Methodist parsonage Among those who passed their primary exams for the College of lliysic ions were Bremnei Min al the Vairville Section favored having paper and gravel put on the road esing Begg Orillia and data already collected and report Henry Ihornlon IIAS CLOUD SCREEN In spite of its ncalncss to earth practically nothing can be seen on the surface of the planet Venus because of thick layer ofcloiids surrounding the planet violent Barns of John Skelly lllllllty Evans and wwozowrowmoooamy ii LETTERS to the EBlT0ll I1I IIU IIISIIS It the ILdllo The nkc to draw It orl published Juli of 11 fxllll of llit dune Ilitlll sumoil Handing molar IIlIuiIgIl rm party 11 1II lion liti and II Mons litl1 illlllwl ro nIicc the ixll llj till ln ili iilllll at per la III toIl IHlll Ill IIIIC IlAIIIlII Ll CLUB tut llil Rollins CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NOTES Iof of Activity LII liarnller Information Booth Ioio itie lit III in Itlllllttl Hf mmle my the roillllilll lilil1t to II111II It JlUlll popizl Ii quczy point for Iilllli Howell lililde believ cd to be North iiciici only sight ligt louiis oiirisillor has itliiilt of Iivci It enquiries each It IFIIIlai Iifl Szittiitiiy Ihe niot lnquent request by both Aiziericzin nod Canadian tour ists Where we secure rllllllllll voltage or housekeeping cilliii Illll illlthfllll frequently kctl iic Ieltziiililiiz loinl boat trips can quest for ovci night Iccontniodaion tin tourist bonus is relxitrvely light ELIilllpniItl to the demand for lioliduy ucconiiiiodatioii Doctor If 1ic1liIiron kindly contribucd first aid kit to the Information Iloothwlieie it is availblc for an extra measure of gttl ice but we hope we do not have to 1131 it Our sincere thanks to the good doctor for his kindness Community liesl Survey The Chamber has asked the local welfare aecncies for their sugges tions regarding the fortiialion of Community Chest for Barrie Geri elailly speuking the coiiiinunilies comparable to Barrie use united fledged Community Chest mimily Chest iiiidcitikcs planning and supervision over the inclfare services ivnilablc in the coiiiinuiiilv Strangely enough it has been found that more money is wellorganized single appeal carri caiivzisscis time and at the some united appeal As soon is the various agencies information will be added to the forwarded to the Town Council who requested the Chamber of Coni nieice to undertake this survey 1948 Members The Chamber welcomes to mem bership this year Eplctt Electric represented by Eplett Larry IIaIl of Hart House Ross must it with my new50ml ould be unusual for at new Iii 11ltllilnl un 11 has obtained from more givers when patiin is used All additional adg vantage is the saving in volunteer time all agencies benefit from the greater publicity which can be given THURSDAY JULY 15 1948 fortteriy of the flame Bus lflcz College Flynn Iger izzti Fred TilcCorikcy Miss Otlgli Ci his icpltSrliIrd It Jilllllz Bric tinc Coach Lilies UK timer Ilzlialctl bf lidu Vx thplgt Wright of Wright ktft Welcome the New Members The Buliic Br of Eitisls Culpolekt 11 mil rl IBIS Jludlun Trade Iiidr Ahlllllble Ivltgdle flcpil Jhiu ticil the Court in llic Wilson IUllit ii Lem the sum Chamber of Colt Itc Sterling lriisi Will be it cizlcii by Scott Iluirw nI WEBSTER ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL WIRING Si SERVICE OIL BURNER SALES lt3 SERVICE PHONE 3230 BARIIIII Real Estate Brokers And General Insurance OSBORN 69 GARVEY Listings invited on Homes Businesses Farms Summer Cottages and Lots MONEY TO LOAN ON MORIGAG CS WILSON BLDG Suite llionc Barrie 5229 IltI evtii greater numbers on Prompt Reliable COMMERCIAL Refrigggation Service REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES COOLAIREREIRIGERATIONBarrieCo 97 Dunlop SI Downstairs PHONE 4962 BARBIE AUTHORIZED DEALER GENERAL ELECTRIC welfare campaiin rather than full Both forms of organization raise funds for proup of agencies through av single appeal In addition the CoiliI broad HELPFUL SERVICE IN planning for the future of your estate many things must be taken into consideration soriie of which are very complex and require specialized training and experience if Lllc best resultsurc to be scctircd During the past 37 years we have served mauy clients in variety of ways The experience thus gained may be helpful to you May we talk it over No obligation have expicssdtlieir opinions this 144 vhf STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Balm omce Ia Dunlap Street is homeimvncrto be without ro insuranceyet the drawer of his house burning within the next 20 years Is Only lin 200 The chance that he Will not be living in 20 years however is only31in 5just 40 timesfasrrisky at age45 Nmrygrfilvs security removeihat Lin5 chance of losing their home by providing Imperial Life Assurance to look after the mail gagean the needed running expenses See your Imperial Lifegrnan IMPERIAL lir 74 roman to IIEXD OFFICE 10mm CANADA BRA Bank ofTororIIofBuilding Barrie i=7