THURSDAY JULH mu my mama EXAMINER Brianne ONTARIO CANADA Eu FsWWI An as SHANWTY BAYW iiw V7 Miss Kirby 12 m1 II iIr rne rs Maximal Mr honte Angut an LI Alilr Ill Eifill vl lililll Mrs Illlll gtpcii it Hutu Filllbrfned the WI Toronto iagtt week 11 HHINU June Mr REV and Mrs llrirdo and iidrtn ooktII Iril hirs John Dickie of llilll$ at llarig are enjoying week ioniniriit Itgtilll friends in this has held the iriiftrl or lhiirsday MI Tm nal WA MIL season was hgid on HIV at tin home of Milton Sutton Airs lill Mr and Mrs Gum TW Itlurr sister of Mrs llobt l1i$lklvDitSltltlli Iitltllpmtll lrln I1gtt qmo were me will Ylm mum Elmvulcf llililllilllillilllndrIilll Audibllit MIS Wm Whitton last weti MW Manning and Woods Mrs Iiiekt and the lim Alex Audie of Mitchell is tlll Jmhonm MIT imd MTS Ilicliurdx eazra in and II Ns Hither few weeks lnliie tintq llllNh lororim were Sunda Hill to attend Summer Scum treal are spendtn lrll l2l15llii80 rs Tito Ma ited her tlllllii Tut lflttllillrl limit 31 qlrndey fin Smith Cameron an iiiitlvoiaI NJ hhcibume pent In Niall Mi fm 11 HHI anle with Mr nd lrlll lVrllrll llii New 5pc W25 NHL15 rs to ll June 31 liteiiti 545 MH pm Mi Foster Ilay Jack Guitar altin mu ll lill Vilviins Attended the Sutton and Md NILIIIWII raricre are litililvrI mi almm pm up or bi II Gillies it Vtrl and gillillkik ultlitl Roi Ia opua oi ax spending the stirtrnte wiii Mu 05pm Barrie Rob mm It Furid June 27 1948 Mrs Joyed With the Illelllil the dr lliil yih Mr and Mrs Robt Iightfiil refresiirrzcrits stivtd iv Robt Ritchie and Miss Iry 11th Ritchie spent the weekt riti will he farmers daughter in Ioionto Mrs las Belfry Toronto Mrs Jas Lee Bradford guests of Mrs Jas Smith last tri Born lt At Royal Victoria llor til llarrie on June 27 in Mr rtitl llrs Morris Bell lIIniale daughter Miss Sally Jordan of Brooks and Mrs irton who celebrated their wedding anniversary on June ill at the home of their son ll Iiirton Harrie iii and Mrs McFarIanc il Margaret and Marilyn and iltudoek left by motor Monday for tliorirls Susie to visit the formcrs lillltilti for few weeks Mrs Sutton Read Examiner Classifieds AESmith Furniture 15 Spending llilLe wetksnyatation The Young People of St Johns mih her lmrwm Ml Nd MT GQJ MW Church presented le may dezm MIMI was 01mm on Tues SUMMER STORE HOURS 5ssossoso sni sC lt STOR CLOSED ALTHOUGH llllllANIIIII equipment did Thursday June 24 two teams of horses also most of the work on the Riithven took part Here is Elizabeth Murray of Everett Farm near Alliston at tile Grassland Day with one of the teams day and large audience appreciat burst on Saturday June 20 to mark 0d the fine rwrformzmcc their fiftieth waiting anniversary IMPORTANT Beautttul or RA BlE flRERESISTING Roch that will rfiI boModcm Iomcrrow So whenyou select roof for your home choose with care Viceroy Asphalt Roof ings have color and variety that will satisfy your demand for pleasingappcar anccand the brand name Viceroy is your assurance of qualityI durability and economy ICE R0 Builtin quality makes Viceroy Asphalt Roofings more economical to buy be cause they better resist the continuous abuse of time and weather You can depend on Viceroy Asphalt Roongs and you can be sure of good roong installation from the reliable dealers who sell and recommend them London Roofing Division VICEROY MANUFACTURING COMPANY lIMITED Forlory lONDON ASPHALT RoorrNos VicERoY LONDON ROOFINGS ASPHALT srrrNcras nun mnom Ami Minn tunnel ROLL ROOFINGS ASINALY OI VIII SHEAlIIIIIGS FELT ruinurrioorm muons 00f corrtrtn Head Oicc TORONTO ICE CREAM Rare one aurora Kai ciCOOlSellvit III 414 WWWi 1111471197 Ill WWIAx Alfm lene Speers duet Carol and Bill trio Glenna Graham Kleona Ques Fred Morrissey Shanahnni and Jim Columbus spent week Ill New York City and attended the heavyweight boxing match between Joe Louis and Joe Walcott Glen Rebekah Afternoon Tea pleasant time was spent at the Hall on June 23 when Glen Rebekah Lodge held an aft ernoon tea few games of Court Whist were played Mrs IIerg Ito wat and Mrs Ray Srigley carrying off the honors The room was dcc orated Willi cut flowers The pro ceeds were In aid of the Cul and Fund Shower for BrideTollc The home of Miss Florence Mari ning was the scene of happy event on June 24 when group of friends met to present Miss Rosmorid Kir by with miscellaneous shower of gifts The rooms were decorated with pink and white pconics As the gifts arrived in basket topped with rosetrimmed umbrella the bridelobe was showered with rose petals Assisting were Misses Ruth Wenstcr Helen Middleton and Grace Bertram In few words Miss Kirby fittingly voiced her thanks for their beautiful gifts Choice refreshmcnlswcrc served by the hostess and girls Piano Recital Mrs Shaws Pupils The pupilsof Mrs Shawl gave very successful recital at tier home Friday curling lune 25 Space does not permit giving the names of the selections Those lak in part were as follows Trio Glen na Graham Grace Archer and Klee na Quesnelle Stanley Dyer Larry Houth Bill Simpson duct Evelyn and Etta Gilbert June Huth Marina Blow duet Verena Adams and Mar garet Greenlaw duet June and Larry Huth Wilmer Giffen Marlyn Bell duet Giffen and Jack Tip ping duet Marlyn C00 and Mary lyn Bell Mary Lou Whilton Otte Simpson Ina Dickinson duet Max ine Ritchie and Ottclenc Speers Maxine Ritchie duet Ina and Don na Dickinson Grace Archer duet Mary Lou Whitton andMrs Whit ton Bill Burgess Ronald Dutcher nelle and Grace Archr Funeral of Mrs Christie The funeral of Mrs David George Christie was held at her late resid ence here June 24 The service was conducted by Rev GMcFar lane Interment was made iiithe family plot in Elmvale cemetery The pallbearers were Vern Beard sall Beardsall Stewart Drysdale Wm Clement and Thurlow lady present they being George Ilhis grade will be announced in IALtgust Relatives and friends were present from Toronto Kitchener Ilcspcler Ilarrie and IIlmvale Mr and Mrs Eirick were married on Corr Flos on June 26 I898 by the late Rev Brown They have family of five daughtersr two living in Winnipeg one iii Cal gary one in Toronto and one in Wapapa Wis As wedding gift to their parents they provided funds and arranged an itinerary for trip to Ontario and to visit each mem ber at ircr home most enjoyable afternoon was spent visiting and talking of olden times Following bountiful sup per Emcrson Elrick Toronto took charge as master of ceremonies Gifts were presented lo the couple also to the oldest gentleman and Dickie 87i Elmvale and Mrs Jas Elrick 85 llillsdale gift was also presented to Mrs Fred Van sicklc Phelpston singsong was any led by Douglas Eirick of Tor onto Sports for old and young were enjchd bringing to close most happy event High School Exam Report Grade 13 standing of pupils in Grade 12The following pupils In Grade 12 have been granted stand ingFrancis Archerl Mod Hist French James Archer Geom Frencht Betty Beardsall Marion Furlong Latini Shirley Handy Geom Lois Jamieson Marilyn Jones Geom Frenchi Audrey Marr William McClung Gcmna Grade 11 French Donald Thomp son French Ray Turner Mod Hist Frenchl Granted standing in English John MacPherson Grade 11 Granted standing Beacock Marjorie Draper Gene vieve Drysdale Fm John Handy Catharine Hunter Mod Hist Grade 10 French Madeline John ston Fm Edward Marley Phyllis Marr John MacPherson William ONeil Marlene Turner Grantcd standing in Grade 11 Latin Marilyn Jones Grade 10 Granted standings Shirley Archer Marion Bumstcad LatinFrench June Crowe Ira Dickinson Shirley Doan Faye Frec man Beatrice Graham IrmaIHaIl French Barbara Jackson fLalin French Donalda Nicholson Amie lVIelville Barrett Chem Gweiy crowrs June 2H Mr and Mrs IIarl Lyons and Illllll spent few lays at Kitch Iitl last week Mr and Mrs Ii lerrilt and lloss Visited Mr and Mrs Arthur Ferguson Irayenhurst during the rtllll Congratulations to Mr and Mrs McLean on the arrival of it laughter born on June 21 Shir ley Anni Ken Dicker and Alberta Key were among those attending the Junior Farmers Field Day at Guelph on Friday Alberta with Shirley Wilson and Noreen Strana ghan Dalston and Dianne Jones Vnsey won the llllllClllill relay race Weekend visitors were Melville Nixon and three sons Ransonville Mrs II Straw and Isaac Straw llawlwstonc at Bonneys Don VanAlter and Earl Spencer Buf home Read Ekamincr Classifieds Ritchie Carroll Sanford Latin Frances Whitney Grade 9Granted standing Alice Barnes Br Hist French Ormic Barrett Donald Bertram William Among the beautiful floral tribul es were those from St Johns Unit ed and No 14 Tiy Elinvale Curling Club and ElmvaleBoard of Trade Burgess Robert Chappel Harry CorbettMerle Cumming Marion Drysdale Ronald Dutcher Lawr ence Johnston Mary McFadden Ambrose McNeill Raymond Rance French Math Maxiite Ritchie MtSTChristIerWhosemaidcn name was Lucy Matthews was born October 1879 near Bradford She came to Elmvale after henmar riage Following theIdeath of her husband in1921 she carried on the business for severalyears She was member of St Johns Church in terested in the work of the church and regular attendant at its ser EOttelene Speers Douglas Townes French Arthur Trace Donna lhilton Math Granted slandinE in Mathematics Gwen Jones VAScience Shirley Archer McCullough Principal vicesnrntit preTented byTiIihealthx She was devoted mother and kind friend Leftt02mourn are one son Graham Christie and two daugh ters Mrs Campbell Helen Mrs Campbell Jean and NYMrs Roy Matscllus and Mrs Giliiooly Barrie at Beard salls Mrs Robert Roy Toronto Ialo at Sitclswclls Audrey and Orion McLean Barrie at their Mondays All Day During July and August Only OPEN WEDNESDAYS ALI DAY in former years this change in store hours With the long Week end for July and August only 13 proved sotiSfuciory to both customers and staff We ask Your cooperation again this year SMITH FURNITURE STOVES PAINT 129F131 DunlopISt II Phone 4492 brandnew wrislitluy miracle nu Proctertltiambles amazing disco NEVER have you used anythingillke Tide for your whole family wash There just wasntanything like it until new knowledge gained Iniwartime research made the discovery of Tide possible Tide just laughs at dirt and greaseT laughs at hardwater problems Tide washes clothes cleaner thurranysoap made yetuctuallyleavercolcrfbrighterFf oNLvmIe DOES All soon Washes clothes CLEANER Ir Yes cleaner than any soap made Compare Tide with any soapyou may be using Youlbsee FFidgetbAhwhdlewacirldneevedgreneyoverallelf Tide not only leaves clothes free from ordinary dirt but actually removes dingy soap film as well Getsclothes dazrling Whllefreyre CilEANER grandchildren TheLate Mrs Eliza Blackburn Brown Tired of yellow looking white thlnsPTlde gets themhdaz lmlg white keeps The funeralofiMrs Eliza Black them timewayt week after week Videnevger turner lamyet OWL burn Brown was held at Bishops Funeral Home on June 25 1948 and TI service was conducted by Rem33L It With all Its terrificcleaningpowerTlde is really safe for yourbright print IdressesAnd youll bethrllled to see allyoiir washablecglolrs actually come II Burgess Interment was in Elmvaleu gematryFwiithTthf logowlnngallz ersz re or car ohnI gt Sagwmiam gee Jame Tims out brighter afteraTldewashl Lorne and Marvyn Graham Among the beautiful floral tributes were those from St AndrewisrPresby terin Church Mrs BroWn who had been livin with Mrs Wm Graham Lot Con Enroll my clerks have been eating up the plofits that way since 10 F105 passed awy in 1191 Sleep Wednesday June 23 She had been bout as usual the prcvrcus day Deceased was born in England on pctober 22 1868 daughter of Levinah and Joseph Blackburn She ivedlin HuddersfieldEnglandfdr 39 years for six years in Hanover Conn and for the past 34 years in da She was textile worker onderfulr and house mm at of Presbyterian Church she taught in SundaySchooland was choir lead and soloistdShe is bSurvlvedIiby wo sisters an one rather be Gives mtiresudsr Ami prove it in your dirhpun KindgtohAndssuds Longerlasting suds than any soap lnvhardest water Tide cum greasellke magic washes dishes cleaner than any soapl No scum in the Water No cloudy film on dishes and glasped Thats why they rinse and dry so sparkling clear even without wiping GUARANTEL Procter Crumble gunr nntees that Tide will do everything claimed for it in this advertisement If ypu are not com leter satised return um used portion ofyour pnck age to dealer and tho urchase price will be re unded began to sell flavor filled DarrieAllanrlale Dottiloo around GUERNSEY MILK CR EAM latter Fred Blackburn of Northboro 46 JERSEY ICE CREAM The Special Flavour Mass attehded the funeral For This Week 15 Golden Wedding Anniversaryand Family Picnic Mr and Mrs John Dickie nee Annie Elrick of Dauphin Man to gather with Iielatives and friends numbering about seventyfive held picnic at Springertater ParkMid OFFICEAPLANT HO nusimrrritaBirrie2