Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jul 1948, p. 7

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THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7950 Copies AUTHORIIED AS SECOND CLASS MAIL IO DEVI OYIAWA 85th YeorvruNo 28 CAMP BORDEN The RCAMC School Camp Borden league softball game was played between the RCAMC School and No fIlGiAF on Monday June ill the Meds had an easy victory by de feating RCAF 133 An exhibition game was played between RCAMC School and Mine sing Indians at Minesing on Thurs day June 24 Meds 14lndians 10 The hit of the night was by Home Run Spratt whoknocked ball clean out of the field CAMP BORDEN STATION HOS PITALLt NS Squibb spent the weekend in Toronto vis iting her mother Mrs Squibb who is visiting in Toronto from Ellsworth Maine USA CBSII now has its first under graduate student intern Farrell isone of the many futuri embryo doctorsspcndinu their last year of COTC training as inteins in Army Hospitals Noel McGratli son of Cait McGratli RCAMC left air for school in England last week Noel will attend Mount St Marys School Chesterfield England He was accompanied byMrs McGrath iiiiiiiiirti DIRECTORY The Barrie Examiner Ltd Corner Cupboard Beauty Box Salon La Velma Beauty Shoppe Edwin Wilson Osteopathic Physician Cook Construction Co The Excelsior Life Insurance Company Industrial Acceptance Corporation 11 Aspden Laboratory Osborn and Garvey ITS 2lt who is returning in late July or August after short isit Royal Canadian Engineers ENGINEERS BlillJ NEW BltlDGElttccntly an inspection of the lot bridge over the Pine River on the taiiip Ilorticnlasle Road led to the diseowry that the ends of the main stringers had commentcd to rot An attempt was made to ltpllll the structure but this only proved that com plctc reconstruction job vils neces sary The rebuilding of llll bridge was ably bossetl by Shaw Removing the old bridge was tickliin undertakinu as due to the heavy traffic on this road during the summer trainiuc season it was iiiipcizitivt that the road be closed for not more than day There was considerable 1lliftlillitlllwgril vcl on the lllltlLIl had to be re movcd the approaches optnod up and new timbers cut doliziiked shaped and placed on the site in preparation for the actual con stiuction While this work was in progress traffic ncioss llll bridge had to be pllllitllttl and this traf fic largely consisted of military convoys All traffic was shut off last lucm day morning and the old strut tuic dismantled Using tractor crane bulldozer and ciVilian crew Cpl Shaw had new structure erected and temA pormy plank across it by four in the afternoon The honor of tak ing the first truck across the bridge fell to Spr Banks who with serious misgivings took loaded Hon dump truck over SIORTS The RCE softiiait loam hasnt made Very good showing so far this summer Something had lto be done about it and finally something was After lots of talk on the subject it was dccidcd that the most sensible thing to do was to ainalgamatc with the liirehall team since the liiiehall forms part of the RCE organization The preliminary rumor that this was 10 take place so heartened the RCE team that they won the pro amalgamation against thc Eirchall 42 So on Friday the combined team trotted outandpiovcdthctriitli of the United we Stand Ilcnly They won in game against the RCAF On Friday afternoon thc Vollcy ball team upheld the honor of the Corps in threegames against the RCASC School by winning two out of three COMINGS ANI GOINGSDel Someivillc our genial director of landscaping forestry and rifle ranges has gone off to lctawawa Camp for week or two While there he will act in aniidvisory capacity on the soil conservation and landscaping projects now und pl pick cd flllt 83030 fr tlm lit1 xx HERE IS SECTION of the crowd which attended the Grass land Day at the farm of Ruthven near Alliston Thursday June 24 This is one of the 52 pieces of harvesting icquipmentused to take Mr Rtithvens bay to the barn After was done in one day thanis usually done in week Members of the South Simcoc Crop Improvement Association shared the work in arranging the details for the big event ONTARIO HARVESTlAirmen City of Toronto IS SHORT OF HELP Squadron Take Special Training at Camp iitario regional officials of the National Employment Service an Twentyfive officers and more tiouiictd in Toronto todaythat itithan 10f airmen of the City of is of tlu utmost importance thatlloronto Squadron RCAF left the 3000 workers are secured to assistcity by air and ground convoy farmers with harvest operations June 26 to begin twoweek throughout Ontario During this summer training course at Camp time of emergencymen nccd notiBordcn be idle bumper hay and grain crop throughout the province has been iTercentenary Sermon Delivered July By lThe Rev LaWIor Rev Lawlor of St Marys lRoman Catholic Church Barrie ldclivered the sermon at the Ter yccntcnary of the Martyrdom of St Anthony Daniel at Mount Louis in Mcdonte Township Sunday July Father Lawlor based his mes sage on the 30thversc of the 4th chapter of Mark To what shall welikcnthe Kingdom ofGod or to what parable shall we compare it It is like grain of mustard PRIMITIVE LIFE But when we consider the moral primitivencss of the people among whom he lived and worked we have picture absolutely devoid of any human attraction or com fort It is fine for the pools to write their Songs of Hiawatha and to tell us of the Algonquin braves the heroes of the wild of how the Indian mother in the forest rock ed her child The auxiliary squadrons depar ture for Borden constituted an operational move as tools lock placed in Dustin of tremendous ors spare parts as well as radar importance owing to the fact that equipment mobile radio homing luc to adverse weather conditionsesfation and very highfrequency in the Prairies seeding operations radio equipment were transported wcrcrctardcd greatly increasingl Training COMSC at the summer the risk of Fall frost Added to omnpjnciudes both flying and Ills SCIIOUS Sltufltlon wesmm ground crew instruction Airframe mop now hem macde by and aero engich mechanics will St on grasshoppers and in some cases the hay was taken in the fields were plOWCd and more Work Section Poges to Building Permits Total $329365 Months Li Grant on tll lugr and Johnson hm on Centre be inii aiolintn $4000 on iziiilierland be William $5000 in Boys between gt and Ieiiy him llll in tun 2le Jill tnzizuls Roi of Sin ii lei litii Ill lia to gt lltwllllm ll lli um and 41mm and my ill The lwiliill diii Sim iiiI Lll id 20 fit and nix llllllllfll 11 low ilf tln following house SLOOO Eric iigmt shop on Hayfield ll lluiili and Ross $I500 ii lllllllll converting garage iiou tiithtll Toronto and Thinlye gtlllitlltl permit SHIT ltllillfr DIEI Illllfllll Iltlllill office of the luii ILii K05 tunvii Itiiii ll liiodtsoii lieuii ylillllltllilt Slllfil Allan ii in mien Donald Slilitill Lawn SILIIIIII l1 ii inn wetii Sophia and vvilll4vli luiiiiy lintt liillxls on iittvi to and liiock each at $1 ilfll llltl Hllllli for mm ii iii Vlay 1iitliitli Williaw lili tow on livid llllitlI Burton and Iiiiibi ilaiirl $1300 ll llsiiililiy iii lecl between Grove and Wolliiix ton $4000 Milhiirfon Iliiiialii iiitwiin Ilill iillll lis $3000 Stiziiisiiiaii uni It Sophia between lzippiiioii and William and Baldwin two each at fiwivii $0300 tilfiod Bishop oiiiinllll Iiascr on Theresa Maple llti1 Sophia illlfl Vrl Turn to page eight please ll iii fps Ull ll and SI ii tll Hi tl til llffxl IIIltMlIS litlll ssucd during 8574 The per rIiwl ilitliidtl one to It Med Show Store for al $10000 and another for oi $13000 liiiiuts new houses were llaiii as yliilholland on lapperton ilititswii Wellington and Sophia Sl illll lion lliirdy on St Vincent lsi tww ll Jami and Duckworlh Stiiilo ll loiiiliiisoiiwon Owen on lilill Wellintztoii and Grove li Stiflllll uilaili fl iiiliii1 zi ll litlli lot Dixon on llolgzitc between MENS T0 $649 BOYS $235 TO $449 SlltAw iiiirs $200 to $350 WORK 50c to $125 onn PANTS ALI SIZES $095 to $1695 SPORT SHIRTS ALL SIZES $850 siii its con YOIR SUMMER CLOTHES WILFH r00 MENS AND BOYS 55 DUNLOP ST WEAR BABEIE Keep This Date Open 5thlANNUALBARRIE and DISTRICT REGATTA or way at Petawawa be kept busy as pilots take advanr General Insurance drought LewVair our boss tinsmith rc Under this homely comparison But lest we be carried away by tage of their holidays to log extra MitchellL Artist WlIlmQIhopoQjultQHlm turned to duty after couple of weeks holidays down in the States Sapper Rocky Strachan re poetic sentiment we might recall one writers more truthful char acterizationn To make ahero of the American Indian is to raise our Blessed Lord described the Divine vitality with which He en dowedIIis Church During previous years we have had the cooperation of western thinners who have come to assist in the Ontario harvest usually ob flying hours Many ground crew members will get the opportunity for flip or two Mon Aug Ausriciis BARRIE JUNIOR CHAMBER OFVCOMMERCE turned from training at Chilliwack We gather that good part of that training was on Flood Relief and Control The Engineers from the Dr Perkins Dentist RCEME were on fulltime flood tinn Barrie Chamber of Commerce uucluuuio Turn to page eight picase Collision RepairsTow Truck Expert Wheel Alignment and Balancing International MotorTrucks It WHart Garage Under the guise of this umpire tentious image He portrayed the interior power by which His Kingdom would quietly attain pro portions far beyond its small be ginnings Opposed by the Jewish leaders ignored by the vast majority of men to the Jews stumbling block and to the gentiles foolish ness there was but little hope that the preaching of the Gospel would ever succeed Rome and Home P70 But today my bre thren as We assist at this historic ceremony Christs parable has for us the significance of hec fulfilled op W51Barxiereuom3026 Attention armer Dont forget that we can issue you short term policy to cover your Farm Produce for FireendLightning The cost is small but the return is large it you lose your seasons crop by FIRE LIGHTNING or at THRESHINq DONT DELAYTHE HAY IS GOING IN THEfiiARN Malcomsons IriSurancef 41 Dunlop St BARRIE Dial 3735 Memher of Barrie Chamber ofrCornmercev Normandy at the town of Dieppe 08Duniopsi pit tr AN ED Momidentbe satised With 000 nary cleaningqu Sanitone Service once andyoull agree its0 better kindiof dry cleaning Notice howclieani they lookjhow alive thefebric feelsc TCIiow long thcrrpress holds Try Sanitonc today costs n0more HOV mvucI Thewiiiglii Ines CLEANING and DYEING ALL KINDS OF REPAIRSAND ALTERATIONS BARBIE Phone 2634 trime Three cenfs SEC to what could we compare theChurch in this part of Gods vineyard It was indeed like grain ofmus tard seed Here the first halfdozen Chris tian priests divided the whole rug ged and romantic wildrness among them These first intrepid missionaries followed the endless trails bring ing faith to frontier outposts WhiCIYWEIe unknoivn and unten anted except for the savage abor igines who roamedthe vast plains and dwelt along the riveLbank Among the missionaries was one by the name of Anthony iDaiiiel who rihadf arrived at Quebec in 1633 sand who had come to Hur onia to live and labor and die in thecountrysidrwherr we find ourselves at this moment BORN AT DIEPPE Anthony Daniel was born in And when during the lte war Canadians helped establish beach head from which to attack the European stronghold of the Nazi pagan overlords and boys from this district were included in the Dieppe raid it may have been Gods way of exacting from us our mead of gratitude forthe generosity of Anthony Daniel in Cominghere from Diepp 300 years ago to spearhead the at tack onpaganism in thedpths of North Amevrican hinterland He spent Winterat CapeBreton lt Island andVabout two years in Quebec thgpehastookup his work here in Huronla aw ere he re mained until his death Three missions were successive 1y assigned to FatherDanielzOs sosSane on Nottawasaga Bay Ca hiague near Lake Simcoe and Teanaostaye inland between them and probably within speaking dis ltance of this very spot Living iit our atomic agehwith airplanes television electricity and fourlane super highways it is almost impossible for us to imagine the conditions under which the missionaryworked and lived The physical conditions were bad enoughfor one who had enjoyed the comforts of life in Old France To leavhis college ros trum anda positio of dignity and life otcompa ative afflu ence to comeiand live hundreds of miles in the interiorotga van undevleloped bush country with out material comfort of any kind certpinty strikes us of the mid Roth century as fgrlm In the ex panied by diabolical superstition last Muss One village afterlan taining in the neighborhood of 2500 men However indications are that help cannot be expected from that source in anything ap proaching the number requiredl Assistance has been sought from other regions in Canada but with out great deal OfSUCCBSS An urgent appeal is beingdir ccted to all men and boys over 16 years of age husky and strongl monument to cruelty on pedestal of lust His courage was disgraced by his ferocity and no form of vice however loathsome or cruelty to an enemy however fiendish was con demned Strength endurance and brute force alone cxcited his ad miration He was merciless in his sav agery to an enemy He was un moved by any pity natural tohu manity And victorious he was fiend whose recreation wajs tor ture This moral debasement accom who are seeking summer employ ment number of young lads have already7 been placed on farms for this work Those interested can register now at their nearest National Employment office All you needto say is am interest ed in summer farm workthe of fice wilLdothe rest Ontario farmers urged to ignorance and unchangeable cus tom was his only inheritance AILhislife 7a victimof uncong trolled desire his regeneration from within himself was an im possibility and could be accom plished only by civilized men en dowed with supernatural patience burning zeal and faith sufficiently deep to realize the blinding value of asoul Working hard to raise the men tal and moral standards of thc Hymns with alwaysithe constant danger of the ubiquitous Iroquois prowling along the trails in quest arrflesh for feast thony Daniel could well have said with the soldierpoet given 7a pleasant surprise have rendezvous with death the PD staff presented torhim Someisputd Barrieiaa ic6rpltm6king outfit irlig 4t JULY 164B nition of his efficient service dur That barricade proved to be 19th 135320 years In handling the roughhewn door of his own the mall RR Bame church where he was shot down Roy Klghtleyv aSSJStant 95t on theAmoming of July 1648 master in making the presenta Two days before he had return tion referred to the esteem in ed frcim Fort Ste Marie on the 7Wyei River over across the coun try whre he had made his annual retreathi5 last eight days alone with God in prayer and prepara tion for eternity On the morning of July4 he vested for Holy Mass And he must have known that it was his are shortage it is of the greatest im portance that every available man or boy ienced in harvest work be utilized experienced or inexper realize that in View of this acutel Receives Gift from Staff When Fred Isaacs on Wednesl day June 30 made his last rural mail delivery of incoming mail at the Barrie Post Office he was Fred VIsaacs other in the neighboring territory had recently fallen to the Iroquois enemy were approaching It was ing thnpthe ancient liturgical boliq robes of his priesthood frenzy Closer and closer the Tenoastayes turn gnexts owfilled with pro hetic mean gt OF INSURANCE prayers as iihe garbed inth syni Putuon my head0 Lordfthe helmet of saIVatIOn Cleanse me Lord and purify my heart that being maderwhite in the Blood of theLainbh mayhave the fruit of everlasting joys May merit Lord to bear the maniple of tears and sorrow that With joy may receive the reward of my labor Then he went in to the place sacrifice and bowedv before the altar he made the finaloffering of himself and his ock In humble spirit and in contrite heart may we be received by at Thee Lord andmay our sacri number flee sobe offered up tnThy sight this day thatit may be pleasing to Thee LordGod MASSCOMPLETED The Moss was lacetcely over light 539333 mm er of dehth an destruction The village was 31 les recggve rum to DaftIiiclnhtpleaeg of to Harvard aircraft Oro Station Property when sufferingsInsurance Veterans Intuit Living Accommodation BlaSeIliite If you are Veteran and needhousing accommodation urgentlyipleuse drop card or letter to Box 81 Bczregiving your inotme present dddress and phone is iri your interest to onswei this aid if the above condition exists not later than July 11 Many members of 400 Auxiliary Squadron not able to stay the full two weeks will be taking advan tage of the daily shuttle service between Camp Borden and To ronto which will be carried out by an RCAF Dakota Saturdays air convoy conSisted and one Dakota Ground convoy leaving Downsvicw at the same time in cluded the special radio and radar equipment and one bus one staff car twoltrucks and 27 private cars Provincial police motorcycles pro vided an escort which Mr Isaacs is held at the STARTING MON JUNE 28 Laylield St to Town Limits BUS SERVICE Buses going up Bayficld St will find it very difficultto stop at every street but listed below are the stops going up and also stops coming down and as soon as can be completed Bus Stop Signs will be placed there PC In acknowledging the gift Mi GOING UP LEAVING COMING DOWN Isaacsrrrrefcrredfto the factthat FROM HIGHSTT LEAVINGFROM Eggietgrfem$e gosiiisgi til Mary St Supertest Service Station Five Points WhiteRosc Service Station 23581st rosnglsssibggls Jahnswn Corner Collier Bayfield St Grove St gt Sophiist Dalton St Former crdwford Wellington St Wellingtonst Dalton St Sophia St Top of hill past Grove St Collier St White Rose Service Station Mary St SupertestServiiJe Station High St TIMES Sold for Summer Homes Firman of 7812 Buffalo Ave Niagara Falls NY aners Ethel Bonhurst have purchased TIMES some lakefront property at Oro LEAVING NORTH OF rRTCrawfcrd ffBKYFIEED ST LEAVING HIGH ST fine maple tr and is pictures quely situated on the lake Mr WWWJITOO mmmvmmm rill Firmannand Mrs Bonhurst are 720 730 planning to build cottages and 740 750 summer homes and operate the 800 property as summer holiday 8720 830 840 850 ground 900 015 DIAL Everygllalf Hour Till Every Half nour Till 4427 1200 1210 r012 lift 333 INFORMATION AND RATES 100 110 120 130 2140 150 vv200 215 Everyalfourlill uteriHmth Till KBARRIriw W530 540 Vi 550 600 pjc10 020 IV Every endeavour is madam maintain thlsschedulebut cannot be guaranteed There will be no service on Wed nesday Afternoorieifter 100pmThere will be no service on Sundays or Holidays FARES 4Tickets 25 Children in armistice 10c Single Fare Every one is asked to place their own we fit mam box If FULL changer anyone asks for change the driver will give you th and passengers williinsett coins themselves This will loading of passengers Ifthe passenger asks fortlcketd willglve you four tickets and pasangers wlll mm themselves The drivers 3r forbidden to deposit fares so dont ask them to do so BER TRANsioiiiiioi our our AND runes mi

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