THURSDAY JULY 1948 Wnppmes 111x1lt11x111u11 3111 11Cl cascade of pink csw p143 We Wore 111311 to match w1111 RIM zizuzidcnd lingertip cl intuit Jone blulllti of the groom lI iIR giooimman 1111111 George Xfldvlltfliltl and John l1lllllf weir 1111111 11113151113 Valium I11I The boil from the groom to 3th hi lg 11III was 11 Bulmu wrist Wixlcli Ulll 111 ilirwcil Alli1 1111 1ccept1on at Club 73 intruding tulipslzc cuiiplc left by plane for New 21nd 1111 ctt111c Mr 1111st1 115111 while iiin VtJlllllilll was tlltii lllZRRYTERSIGNI I11 St Marys Church Barrie 1111 Jun 215 1918 Victor Jlulip Berry 551111 of tr111d Mrsilichurd Berry tllilllli 111di1udiii Lori111 Tcr 1111 daughter of Viiiccmo lcr sigiii llurric and the lzitc Mrs ligtigm vcic jtlllltd 111 matri Imoiiy Vtl llcv Dean ltui if Epcifoiiiiitl the Ctlllilklllj 11 10 1111 WMVH The 11111111 of 11ouoi was Mist Ht Wind it 111 4111 111 tttllll Mary lllcltll of Barrie and the 3553 M1 JW with 1111 lllttitbllltlltiF were Mrs Josephine lilttltdllluil wiiic blue gt111 cr 11nd Humor 11nd Miss lt1orliuC1afl 11ot11 of Barrie Stellar Jcchiu To irouto niece the bride was iflowm girl Ambrose Rivctt of Burr iv was the 1111111 the ushers were Robert lluii Her and Frank lcrsigni both of 13111111 Given in marriage by her father AVailiiblr now winters 10 the bridc WUIO portrait gown of cumulution of high grade mill thc tiuditiomil vliitiIslipptr satin end roofiiigs 11nd asphalt itiisiiioucd with 11111011111911 bodice shingles it money saving land 11 richly gathered skirt which prices Send now for free continued to circular train The prim 115131 10 guaranteed ibodice was made with long tight tull measure of llStlllllt 1111 211111111 sleeves and iiiset With oriuL vrm 1shctr ullc yoke encrusted with ASTERN FACTORIES Iberthii of Chimtilly 111cc The OUTLET Lll lluidcsmiiids were gowneil in sim Dept Box 331 ilnr dresses of blue sheer ballerina jstylc trimmed with blue eyelet Hamiltonntiirio The brides ltilli veil was 111id by 11 satin coronot of seed pearls 011 rnil 1i the 11111r Fart ch wi1ii1ti 1112111 1i$ 1111 1111 11 1111111111 1111 1t111 wztli hold She rimS 1111 pc1tl 1ll lHtlt Won tiiuimcd 11111421111111 with 1112 111 swat pc11 t1ll11l Iitil 11 1111 11 111111111 c1211 l1111t it istrl 1111111011 111111 of SLACKS SPORTS WEAR Sheard DressmIaking Phone 5145 Barrie 82 MARY STREET Upper Apartment Do the Work says Langmuirs LITTLE MAN The symbol for paint of sup erlative quality Langmulrs lit tie man works with you when you paint by givingbrighterbetter results And Langmuirs Paints and Enamels go on easily and stay on both in and out of doors If youre planning some iiiterior decorating use Lang muirs Sinex Enamel for if superior longlasting finish Available in wide range ofbeautlful colours as well as clearIand undercoat Sinex Enamel is one good reasonyoull agree thatI Its better to ypaintwith better point Fmall your painting needs specify Langmuills Then you can be sure youre getting the besttvr WV ROBINSON HARDWARE 3113111119165 Ph9ne2431ii Just watch the family grammar this savory treat Aspect logtxlrsrssd pp in spicycloves and candied glaze lia doli clousl Thrifty toosand easy toproparo Get Several tins ofdelictovs Bums Spoof uiyovrrgrocers ioduyII BURN co lIMlIED Hoursmannerisms camps 1113 ok They will illilkt their home groomsinau THE lStayner Lady Kecthes 1H Ninetieth Birthday Sarah fisher on Tuesday June 22 reached her both but day and 2111 event was utiictlyt 1iuiikcd the home of her 51111 lEdwin 111 Sunnidule Their wore lsix sorts and three daughter in ihe iislxci family viz William of Toronto Edwrn and Hugh of Sunnidale Thomas of Midland 1who passed away 1151 Marni Sudic 13115 Turner of Cold wzitcr Edna Mrs Iaylori of But fulo Jack of Port McNicoll and icoigc in Alberta Thirty graiidcmldrcn and 32 urcahgrandchildreu completed the four generations over which this loveolile old lady reigns as queen Mrs Fisher saw two sons George Izind Jack and five Itlu lust war Fisher grandsons 111 One grandson El 11111 gaVc his life to the which Stuyiicr Sun for fought and 5111 carried spray of white The cause they maid of honor trimmed Willi wore pink pink eyelet was in yellow curiiutioiis and white roses sheet The flower girl slicer lliits ofI attendants were of the Dutch cup type with gloves to match Bridal titlcndiiiits guys of yellow swcct by colored buns doubld strand white pearls were gift to his bride Miss Margaret McKinnon or Rlilllst PllldlllLAvcdding music and the soloists were Misses Jean etta Caruso and Anne Murphy ITthchdiuig dinner was served to 10 people 111 Hart House Lodge followed by reception at the home of the brides father Guests were present from Toronto Guelph llorric Orillizi 11nd other places The brides travelling costume was light grey suit with navy Cllllctl nose 11111cd roses and peas held lll of matching the grooms BARRIE misses BARBIE oxrAaro CANADA St Andrews WMS Hos The 16121 Atlatliecii ffctllilull Wu Encouraging Report from held in 1111 Fo Hall Mld burst With 21 HS Mlsslonary Nurse all war 12in cumui hopped 831 The r1111t1 41111111 in 192 by the dcscvztd of llcthiai Kidd and Tliutzizististitsmii 11111 cumi to Canada 111111 511519 Eng land 111 18s 111111 1lllttl 111 Etobi coke County where Lillill Iof 51x boys and 11w 01110815 cl ctcti gus Atkilhoii that Pres Leoniirii berg 211d iul1ct1iits Young III Pillslc SII Tell Atkiu IAII1n son Ihclltiliil lions lio111 III III IIIII IIIIIIIIk IIIIIIIII IIIIIIII III Allin Pubic 415111111141 11111111 11 shit Among llltlkt prism from dIS tanw 11111 Mi 1111 3115 15 up Md up Parr North Bay Mr 11nd Mrs IIII mums NI Bruce Wuhl Aivzdzi Que Mr Ii mm HR WUI 11nd Mrs KilillmtV lliiionvillcg Mpunuw chm Eznln Mr 111d Mrs Liberty zipreoh MI phebmvnhn 11 Mr and Mrs Atkinson mm 1n MM lodcricii Mrs lIotxo Aiiiiis Mi IIIKmHL KHIWI Huwuid Aunts 111111 Mr and Mrs vkmx Young 111111 11111111 Iu1c 111d mm 9mmde II others from 121111 inlet Mid xIHm Hum Jun burst Eduiviiic 111111111 lidizclov and Noslivillc ATKINSON HEIMON Ar Sti iui ll 11 311 T1 1111111 11 111z1 1111 Pros An lsi V1cc 151111 Schum Jacobs tltnlfill 11 offer The topu 1s taken ltilEtZtruli 121 coiiapictiiii1vp Hilli 11 the 1i1 111111111 tsiili 111111111 111 l1 1111111 phoning111 li 111111ntitdwii ul i111 11111 1111 11rfill 211 111 mli in Uhd it11a1 11 Ho 111 l1 11111 Clvi 1l1i 1112 Ali1 311113115 1111 11 1=111111 1i i1ull 11 iii11111ii 111 111111 11 1r 11i11l K111 11 1110 Billitllllii 11 111 MIl ml umicr wzis ttlYltl by 1111 My phVMLHI 151111111111 17111 1111 111111 Read Examiner Classied Adlets accessories and 21 corsiigc of white roses After Wedding trip to eastern cities Mr and Mrs Berry Will take up residence in Barrie WILEYSMITH An arch of roses and evergreen backed with stzmdards of sweet rocket was the setting 111 Rob Roy United Church on Saturday after noon June 26 for the marriage of Doris Arlene eldest daughter of Mrs Daisy Smith and the late Mr Howard Smith of Robhoy to Mr Thomas Melville Wiley 5011 of Mr Thomas Wiley and the late Mrs Wiley of Allandzile Rev Somers officiated and the wedding music was played byMlss Marjorie Wiley sister of the groom who wore floorlength gown of pale pink During the signing of the register Ernest Cloughley of Barrie sang flll Walk Beside You The bridengiven in marriage by her elder brother wore gown of ivory satin fashioned with fitted bodice and long tight sleeves The hoop skirt was caught upiwlth satin bowknots showing quaint frills of lace The lace yoke was clasped with pearls and her long veil was held with sweetheart halo She carried cascade bouquet of red roses and white babys breath She was attended by her sisters who wore identical gowns of Alice blue corded taffeta styled with full skirts and bustle bucks with coronets of pink and white roses which match ed their bouquets Little Miss Brenda Cook as flow er girl wore an offtheshoulder gown of peach nylon withmatching bonnet She carried nosegay of blue cornowers and sweet peas Cyril Cook was groomsman for his brotherinlaw and thepshers were Murray Bristow cousin of the bride and Ross Emms of Barrie The reception was held atIthe home of the brides mother where Mrs Smith ayesassjstedb3Mtsz Cyril Cook sister of the groom The formerwore twopiece dress of Florida blue crepe with white ac cessories andthe latter were dress of pale blue lawn withblack ae cesSorieS Their corsages were pink roses and pink carnations They left by motor for wed ding trip through Muskbka The bride wore an aqua blue gabardine suit with navy and white acces sories corsage of pink roses and gold locket the gift of thegroom The young couple will reside in Allandale Cornwall England was one at Freshly rimd am 1111 PRIDE ARABIA iiim IPiescrIoingTSupplies PARQWYAX am 52512 le19 133112 cnili vie10 ZINC JAR RINGS 1290 RUBBER JAR RINGS 69 STORE HoURs MON TUES THUR 21111 to pm 1151 am to 12 noon JFRI 830 am to pm ISAT 830 am to pm LACO MAZDA LAMPS 1591121120c GGILVIE TIA 313501 moi 41c enuncnis plexus SW 02 OF 12 r011 ms 1107 20c rnu1rmn TFRIIIT JARS 1123 Jillyinns 519 Loblatiis 1Ac1lt 811111 Ml BUTTER Iii32 MAPLE irAF 1121191 on sum GI MIXED JAR the worlds earliest sources of tinJ 11 ll Are on going through the functional mid 19 ago riod her to women 38 to 52 yrs Does make you suer from hot ashes feel so nervous hi hr strung tired Then no try Lydia Pinkhams vegetable Compoundtaheve suchxsymptoms Pinkhams Compound also has what Doctors call 11111101119ch touicIeectli III 11111111 EPlllllllAMsm PLATE prismiii CIIRISTIESRITtIscm iratec Inlsnsrriii new regiii roe Irinriiigitgusrm 1crFrlci1aiir PENN sunny 3th Mix Jzfk II IIIEINZ KETCIIIIIIP oiigiiiel II no 111111111 JAM 11mm airii Jumsb IN 011 1le 9II rectoGM immune1 ii2sc1 smrrs perm 12792279111135 MAKE Loblaws IIITIHE sunrise ailmentsiii IMFRIBROMTPba53yr poems CHICKEN anviiswicr Miaoz rm shins pure 1011111 MARASCHINO 21 Shirts I8OZI BRAND Jlill DATE and NUT 1102 We rm 11111111111 BoNELEss lb 411 CI nJriocx orr point SHOULDERS 11 ROASTorI CROPS MACARQNI at CHEESELOAF as 1141c DUTCWSTYEE LOAF 533 11141 SPICEDPORK LOAF1511CED lb 35c MQCK CHICKENLOAF jsucrp lb 45 1111MCFIMSAT sucp 11 52 KM LYmsAtJS9 114 Articles RC Pnunrpwns uteri 66 02 mi irriiivronciiownsuun IIfllll 2ch ltvi Itw iBURDOCK LIBEIitiTismrREDgi sllllisof 33 33 MIX SPICE CAKE 11 51 31 1113 flavors CHOCOLAI GOLDIN sric pm CAKE MIX BLOOD BITTERS gt Helps to cleanse impurities from the body 111111 ltilit up the digestive 11131111111 it has 11111 1141 thousands who suffer from dyspepsia som stoiiiiicli liiliousucss headaches or minor com pliiiiits of the liver or kidneys lt should ill the some for you in sale for more 1111111 111 years burdock lilood hitters is available tit drugcotuiters l11lltl0 The Jiiiiuru C0 11111ited Toronto Ont PRICES 1N THIS ADVERTISEMENT EFFECTIVE THURS FRI 81 SAT IULY 81 10 SpecileLbblawgil SNOW WWIIIIECAKE Aouniivenooucr EACH or THEI iomw iiAxriiv noursiic 113 ci RE portions 11 STltEAIITCZED car or lIEIN SOUP moo 300R air is 32 MARMAI Essa Lims Wmi MEIAT 151w IurromruSAiJcroLiiw PW OSES FLOUR 38c BOBCOFFEE 596 Cottage Brand LBlAWS BREAD WHITE WHOLE WHEAT 12407 CRACKED WHEATI II 310 511111111121111139 paisrgzjisrzqc AMMONIArowogg Iaifto swms chAnsrn sosrie 144 Vitttiiiitilftffti29g lmszsc coucrnrurro sarrunn IOFL OZ TINS 3201 JAVEL on some MRGE 11m fiiiu MASTERBRAND $215153 $11217 PALMOIIVE mum so Gm 11 THE nutter ICLEAINER ursrriicimor GARDEN iris 717mm TVAwhenbeauties Arrrrmoriym mom ACCORDINGTOiSIZIE Ih No ensuemessma Size camsmop