THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARBIE NTARIO CANADA musonvggw 3943 VVVM WEBSTER ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL WIRING 51 SERVICE OIL BURNER SALES 51 SERVICE VIM 11 1111115113230 BARR 1111 dlC 11111viaI11g Egldlitsiil1127mi1irn 11 111 11111111111 f5111611111 Helen Swan B111 Barrie School Promotions EMavis Vair Marion Veitcn 1115121 1152111011 111111ClaVVVVllg1rVV Continued from page one 1111 1111111111 Jarman Barbata JLAK BIAUSTOLh VV VV IV Flear Kitchener lull bthIfIIJIugnQL P013 Grade pix to Grade bcvcu ester Tommy 01111101 VVVV1V1VD mg kiocrrgn v1 II 11 III VV ham Olivc 11ar1d1111 1L1 VVVVVVVVV VVVVVIVIV Runmc OSbOInCV18rlict VBlhthoVn 1111111 Blunt 11 111f MW Dan VVVVVVVVV VV 11 1115 II GAEHHV MIX at Dick 015011 D211 llvtlgt lCathcrmo 11111111111 13111410 11 111 II VI 1L 11114111 11 Bernice Philpott 11 lull Horton Joan lluozon Vm PM Hekn 1101safifzl11 gym111 ViVrgiil Vftil I11111V 1111 mm I91VVVVIVEVIVIVV II I1 war 3V 111111a 11111s blt 11 11VIVVVV VVV Mm Mum VI VfVV IV VVVIV IVgtV VV mun LIVIVVIVUVVVL Jones Gail Kzrsllnrr lilulnr VVVVlVlglngVd Ps gusonV 313111 Fwy Ben 3131 blunt VVln 1wl nedy Robert lit11111115111111 Gillespie 1111111 3115111114 Bunglrm 11 linibour and Margaret A1lll1 Lois 81111 and 55mm Au is 111111111 of row 111111 not VIIV Johnson DX1y Jol1111V1111 LaverdlereV James LVVMIUVV llarford Shirlov 11111111 811111111 LennoxV Mar MVVCDVVHVVIVVV VVlV1V1 VVV1 11 5111111111 1111s Tum HurstV Mam IVIVVVMVIVV my VVVVI VV VV 11111 11111111 1131111 Marsha Hubby Chump VV DOA CAMPBELL Donald Joan Marshalllz11y Eliyz nett 11 All Ir Jacke 111111n Tczlchcrs iiiiiiiillhillr1grl$l11111 Wa ne Patov 111 11 Rwy Vd POVV1VVV1V1 1VV1VVVVVVV VV VVV VVVVVVV do to mac Morph 111111151 111111V111VV11V1VVVV1V1r1VVVIV PrVnaVe VVVFVVVIVVVV VVVVV VV VV VV VVVVVVVVVVVVV BVVVVVVVVV JVVCk Ram ngddVllnglVgx VVrVXVmVlVVV VVVV lxlwi 111 ititvv 11 ly Rbus Marilyn Suwi D1 hlllll Biiwl Lame Bendm FrcdnYotch SVVVWOVVdV MaVVVVVVVVV SVVVVVVVV VVVV VV Rf 11 80113 ChappelVV WV MVV VVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVV Smith Pan Spcllttl i1 hm Mi mi Graham 11vitllton btunlcy Dunn Dorothy Sutton 1011151 51mm 1111an HVVV RVVVV HVVVVV Ricmrd Fine Grad F1 to nude NV blc Garry Vallty Dir11 1111111 ktli1kl Jmn Grahim DWid leilir BWl 1111ilt MV Mm wmon Jm 1111111 111111111111 Russell manger mm Hl ROW BM LOT 3nd lll Carry Caldwcll lltiltlltl urllln 11111111141WWi arddle Billy England w1111111 Evans 11111 111 IIHIMW menu 8le VV Grade to Grade 11111111 llcllron llni llook Btuu rem meil Ami 1111 Ilium Allan Alscniiult Mary tl=1111s1111V 111153 31111110 KmmngmnV Doug Claw5 D0110 110111le 15 Vlltl J1me Ayerst loiin Blzlko Joni is lonu liclen McKenzie Julia Kelly Anne Kmmdy Jud hill 1VVV VV VV VV VVVV Brown MlltS BIUWHlHk 511thMclvllzlt Barbara Mlnnlkm Bli mmlon 1le KHB im 1111 Ellt1 111111ll lllliltV taVille lultlllt Mot111111 111 THlS WEEKS or 11 11 111 111115 111115 oicrfstn Patsy dV CI II pI IV Chown Bob Thrlstlc 11111 litlltilllSltlcnltV Sillrlv Stewart Gail on Tim KW Hill crs Delores Cooper 1111111 l1111gt1Stubillllgs Donald Stilton Donald 5053 Nag Inwgmlwu VV field Lionel Donn 11111111 l1111uV111I 111le TutpV Donald Valley 311 CVllnn 4111111 lIUNV Jack E1h1111111111111 1111111 111lx 111111111111 111111 11 CAMP 5mm mm mm DorOthy Gnllatighcr 8111111111 111111 gt1 Larry Grccn Dorccn 1111111 11II11 lmcmm 31110 810le Ullkk 11all Norman Haverwn 11 Hull irntlc vu to Grade vui an 19 ton Anita llalwcs izitly 11111LI1 WVERA WllDMANf101111112 51111121 Armstrong ILylc Bristow New 11111111 jointno Lolioi 63 Colered 55 Extra lwucy Hum11111 Ruth Clizintlor 31h I1 Chum JO C0 Grade four to mule Fire 1I yc 111111111 Critic Dclmnr Darling Ann LCWiS Mary Mmrm DU VW ald Luinson Mary Ann 11111kx VVV VVVlVVVltVgtVll VlVVtVlclel VlVLVlVIVthVVVDUgIVIVLVlDEVESVEE Susan JonVISV Caml An MCIVVVVHVV VvVfw 1111 F1 Pal Oblnson Gm 911Wll Ll0 WWI UAW 11 HI Billie 11011111111 Slltllll Rodgulx VV 11111 1111111 mph Au Frances 11111111111111 Jill 31111111 111 IlilfI1a1d James Horns Ruth gt11 Wm Bob Ruth Peacock Rollclt Slotvzut 11V11111 cr1ey VV VI VV rims mun Nancy Janes Donna lemge alumni Gull Shmkl our kw FEMtumth am my Klilldiiii June McFadden Sandra Barbara Molson KM IWmusmn in mm 1211111 1111111113 51111111 Johnny S1cb 51 Improve lour Snapshon 1011 Fivonlc Snapshot Enlarged to Size 61181n Tordill Joan Urry Slllllllnl Willis VV thryrc not 11 does 111 1e Mlhlunmm Anno MCManm Don goblilaellltilglbllallilli Illl11r1 McMurtin llurold Morrison Sally Pclcr Knvncs Vcrnon lcrricr Portrait Muss Junt NMx John IOEUC 11 11111111 loolc chui Poole Shirley will Lado Donald lust Face POWdCf125 Craig Norma Jzirdlnc A1111 Von mu km my mm lilllll 1111111 SdllllthlS Clark on thk MIVIIUH JIVVIk Fdemh RougcCakc or mm mm now Stylllolll 11v1d Stewart Myrna RI PtV VI VV Orange Flower Cream Loo Use tjnud mnry rcc1pctilt1 cups Syuuott IlonWilcy Frank Wiley Jay 1111 Lil X1 5131 Skin Lotion 125 pastry flour 11111 shorivnmg llt1llilvn Wilson lrvin While Cnney 35 it Hm Makeup Base 100 mm 5a and COM mm II Delmar Dore lz1ullnc Scott Pclcr 00 bmd mm Bake NV DIIVHARI and GV 0V SMITHV MyCVVSV FETAL PVNK VV 11111 011311 1450 111111 After Your VV VV In pic is 1111111 3111 the cover on re ltltlltlb MI LI ANDREVVV 11 drhuI VV Md lltzlltlylwltli lfloured hands rllisll rig gay mcllns the top crust doesnt rise up Grade Thrcc to Grade Ilour mm 11 ll r1 111 VlClOlla SChOOl Bobby Bcrcsford Murilyh old um mum omen ml crust raise up 1111 lenl over the Face filling Why are my cakes soggy bzkc them at 350 leg for to 60 minutes and ntvcr peek In our daily hves Vat of VV must mingle and Pcrllallls 11mm the Duaam and cover 11v 1110 5011111111 you ork whh CO 1101an irlidr Sow11 to Grade Eight 1111011 COltlfll DtmillVdDHlll wonderformula bLVVVtVCakaV 1611 Check ygur IVVVVVV VVVVVV HVVVVVVM BVVVanV MurVVmomV Shirley Dawson mums 0011 VVV01VVVVVVtVrVus1V1VVV1VchVrV recngramorr do notliko And this presents my mulmyV ROSS Bennyhnomthy 111111 mol Dixon Andrew Dy Max Factor Face Powdcrc75c135 VI 1111111115 odvisc No Duco 111111511 0b 111 mm Ronald 11 110M 001 Float 35 Pr 1c hmh alum Vlmgh Donald Max Factor LIpStlclt 110111 glaiilinrid at any gar should recognize 11nd attempt It takes all kinds to make world And 11111311111 lhcrcI 11 bl 11 th 11111111 1111111 01111015 Barpald 01 11 t1 75 1V 11 I1 at cy mm 11 Littklns 1111111 ax ac 01 cu LhLAkGED IORES Could you to solve plii 1111lsm11 Holloway Sally Joncs Tttltlv Kcl please recommend zoodclcaM Marilyn HunSh Sylvia Hickung 1y Harold KcipI Jack Iy1111I1K1rl 7H 7774 ing fmc Bras Obviouslywcmnmn111w Mum HmV r111 11111 1111131 easy as these People he earthnI 1lll Billlllil KllkWOOCl Palsy Melntn $011111 VIfrfnr slilapcdaanjd 111 111650 lillle pockehts 11nnox Bob Livingston June Lu Ulmy CW 0111 RIICY 0011 Thats mchow 111 1151 II mus it llllly MiltDonaldr Frances Robertson Shrlcy RWUWW mm Wk lmed pom 115 11 themV VmV VVIVIVVVVIVmCC MCDOWCHV Donald SwanV Donald Tmcka DVmVVM Body LubVVVVVVVV VV VV VV fstVVsslieDViVVVk OVVVLVV 5113 McKiilnon Eleanor McNabb Bry Thmolzond Arlene Tyndall Mar A1111 Constipation 01mi1kluilgt ashyourfatefive jorie Vain Mal1mm wamV Marilyn times daily 111111111111 well with shrink the ports with astringent FR BURKITT MLle then usca nonoily cream Stick Sylvia HOOK Bjuic McKenzic Mury Juno Milnc Iius rubbing on cream Pores are ourselves to associating with Min11V Marilyn Maxim Foggy Mar clyn Shanks Naomi Soon Donald 1m 101 dict 81 Wingrove mild soap After each washing 1602 63 who do not like us So we bound to be some lwld should try to develop it spirit of tolerance More important we should try to conceal our dislikes For when we show our 1ch ings it merely makes 1111111ch worse On the other hand if you make even little clTort 111 be friendly and courteous to wards those who rob you the wrong way it will HilliC your relationships with them more11plcnsnnt And eventu ally it may even lead to guliuv Hot weather has brought on an unusual crop of garden pests W1 curry full line of Green Cross and Insecticides DDT for Dusting and Spraying King In Bug Killer Hillld Sprayers Dusters Tworow Potato Dusiers DDT Barn and Cattle Sprays Grade Two to Gratin lhrcc Mnrnlync Applcton Harold Bish op Ann Butler Larry Carson Goldie Chantlcr Richard Cook Beth Currie Florence Dcmpstcr Bobby Dobson Frances Dorc Douglas Flcar Donald Graves Gary Greensidc John Grosc lcan Hickey Patsy Hurst Barbara Inc son Brian Incson Knrcn Kennedy Bonnie Langhord Bcvcrly M0150n Donald Meredith Kenneth NLycrs Michael Newton Jimmy Page Alan Robertson Linda Robinson Constance Symons Roger Tomlin son Darla Tower Brynn Ward Bobby Watson Carol Watson Donna Webster Carol Woodrow LIVINGSTON tcachcr Turn to page six please 111 BENZOALMOND PETROLEUM 11111 11111011 14 11111119 lllliNEllASlllliL11111510127i SWEElNllRE2z23 iii43 BllllAlE 01 MAGNESIA1Q23V 59 111111111111 Alllllm2l27 41113131 ESSENCE 0F VANILLA trial will convince you of the superior 117 of this product over synthetic flav orings ZIoz Bottle CREAM Soothing and Healing to Dry Skin Reg 43c 1151111th WW 101hatrcg1mc and your skin should become clear and smooth CONFIRMATION My daugh ter is being confirmed in the An lican Church next week in the evening If she carries white prayer book should it have strum crs or flowers hanging down am having friends and relatives In afterwards Could the sandwiches be made in thealtemoon How much coffee for 15 Church officials say members of the confirmation class should be plainly dressed That seems to eliminate streamers and owers Sandwiches made in the afternoon and wrapped in wax paper or cooks 1011 will keep perfectly fresh Coffee for 15 takes 161 pound coffee and quarts of water Tie the Coffee looscly in cheese cloth Stccp for eight minutes Send your questions to KATEL AITKEN 225 Jarvis SlrcctToronto 0111 ag The Safe TOILE PAPER me neuasmls 24D Weed Killer nnpnunms VV Dog Remnants Em gal 5V 10 33V 17 01 For another aid t0hnppicr and more succossful liviligtry to Quart and 11 Get New Pep Vim Vigor VV 553Vth cultivate peace of min in BERRY BOXES 11550 ry WV VV In IVVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVIVV RBZV 75 VV VV every FOSSlble Way cs 27 es tlnrigtllltllogildllililln 1111111 Ullllltillgiiliih mu vlfninin 111 culcuuiu fllllCll 111111111 liourlu achieve this for yourself and Seedsmen Since 1871 1rcn11111 111111 nourishment 11111 1111511 on 11111111111111 Keeps Mosquitoes and RUBBERGLUVES 29 11111111 Dunlop st Barrie 1011 fear 1101111111 11m lnt Slop vhrn youu your faintly 1111111111 49 11 15 or 30 lbs 011 nor1 for 1111r11 TANT00 43 PHONE 2435 1111s1111111111111211r CASTOR OL Wllilllllllllls SOAP 31123 IV this woman man who ucvcr 11111 11 f1 Clally nancially Life lSllr re now 11roud of sluIiltVly llciiVltlioIMoukiilltlz 1111 ance offers the most depend VV the thnnkthesnecliilHum111111111111 11c1111ullli 01110 03118 113 toliica 51111111111111 1111 monitor and effective lay 11111011112 11nd 11110111011 110 food glvcs you ll e11 Face Cream SAPHO REPULSEUR 50 n1111101de1111oi111dn1111sreryV1111y 1111111111 1911 EV VVV V7 REX REPELLENT 39 me Qua Vi LEAD ARSENATE lb 45 02 IRSEPERrXYcRffLgoggo 1111 3391 VAlllll SHAVlNli BOWLS 49l gt WETVILEQia 11 100 VV LIME SULPHURV lb 40 IVFLYTOX 244373 UPE It Here SHAVING CREAM VI DVIVVVV 5fova tonsLastingtarher US EAM softens the ToughestVVBcard Refreshing 30711113751111lineman511111111315 17 If EIFEGUARD TUBE Jamslow quks 51111311111111 11111011111111 NewHiifBifW SUPPLIES Hoz VVV Certifitid Color isianreVthirely of Bringinxlcknllofwah tubihat9ltlnisa 211133Ye 11111111111111 111111111111111111 7111111111131l1r othmf vcrsoyunf chamber dinarytube cram tiretodenteslowr 11131123 gt ginoi Tff 5140149 1Yvit3ub9l MQhYVVlnsocfsV CERT CRYSTALS i+r12 2311321111137 airstrnzutttt wuotr LOVES60z 251 WHOLE CINNAMON 101100 IV dangers if ttyoufipreSntVtiresulili any gt IV make Theyare economical 1900 of mums weldsets 0f we it WNW V1 VV 11 DEALER STORE HOURSMom Tues Thurs Fri from830 10 VV VV V1 830 maWednsdaY 330191 In to 1230 pm 561de 330 Vm Vulcanizingfqnjd uegding Phon 2650 10 mm VmeV opnVV every lzVVVVVVVszmVV llCLAPERTONISTgNQL 13111111113 IPH0NE 4335 VV1VV1IVIVVVV V11 II IV piss1111511111on 1y permitting LifGuardstum ablowoiltracpident mica slowz 11113111witei1rawii QWFlQEETCEIIch Illell enmiatin bIOWOUti lnti 1H1 LARGEST SElLING room gileakmmdentfvcomPe PASTE 1N GREAT BRITAIN VltliallllllullVVVVI VV pAirowaV g151 +7C MEMBA SEAL V1VOcV VVVVV SALlCYVLlCIAClD oi iociV iifgfgifm 14