Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jul 1948, p. 10

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PAGE TEN VRSDAY THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY JULY 1948V Vt WM AwNiNGs or DISTINCTION Newton Robinson VV tt233Litigfilligiiii VSame2ghigxglVVVVVVVVVV andrclEitciiloitllfijviif llli1 was tlilllLL co inclfl tinting tnid ill tli mid aim in tiihlultz VV tinned1 and MVV EVVVVVVVi fm 4314 34 BAlFlELD 31 VVVVVVVVV IVVV tVV VV Av and Sllir wile the tin Fill49 disliii MKMC LL TVV VV VV Mm VV VVVV Ti Matt tot til llJthv lLoi Bu iz i1 lL and Mi and rm ta wood llii ia with Mi uiid felt it Ziy uii tfltttl us VVVVVV VV VV uni Kukmm VVnVi FVVRVVVVm mgr VV VV it Full East an ifltilEtltlhttll anti zltt ll M1 and 3h NVV VV1VVVVVVVVV lVVVVVVVVdVVV Ur NVV 51 TU it gm qV HUth HAV lit Itd filr ltltlrfitd flint ll fkllllltklll 11 ii lJtNlh visit with thi lottris biotinr PM sh Ralph Stephen at his rotten at twist the liital ottllikl it ticti it duh imp my my an ti lifillltgtiV kiVltt My Muir mi 1th Smnitn lltl tiliiltt iliittu tilt and itiiato Jo int lziiV liii rill Ontario Sizes tic iliiizi 2h ll ixi Ii Mr and Mrs Nitittiiil Uchc and liilliiI do tiltrL loaii Mc Miriam visited at Mr and Mrs 10 NHL 00 13 IL 15 to llmtv rt raw oit oion ast LUV 2L MVAFHHH Nhind Mus JMlLldm 17 Sftltt Eliilt lilll llltltllltt lltltili lllii truth in hump1i Ailm son rrtuinedeuh them Mr um ltgtltti Slluiit to ll ziiltitilil lluti lit 11x Mrs Ewen altiwcl accoinpanatl MV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV VV VVVWNVVVVVJ unit ell 19 Mr and this Bchi to Ioiiinlo mti ihiMdVWuh Mr mph liltttlti litisiii to iinl oil Vl liiiiilti1 LbldwM wle WV Tilly Hid Federaum Wm noioiizti icii iion xi iici iiulcia 55 NO lNNlSlll hiirthilt imam The regular iiimiting of the hut iVLtl iltVtlltl the piotizicial borders Jilin ktilvtl cration of Attiiitiltiiir was hild it tlihtr linutorl iiiakiiii name in Ill1iilVVlV VV tiiiig Mn the litilllt of Mr and Minx ituiitx till if lcutxnxiciiiiiii ttitli iic Algtlllit Sine air on tine ii iii mm 114111 Minoant siritVi iiVli gt4 iiii Juant Mum pnsmom SVNVV VVtVVAVVVV VVVVViViVViV VVVVVVVVVVViVVVVVVu RVVVVVVin one 0x I5iliLfV1lfL iliil ill illillLr fury Norman Stoddail conducted ilt ii rwm short business intrung After VlVVll MUM MW ihiiii ikiii in warm Herb not up on the wrong side ofbed this mominl this llii tiiiiliit Wiigt hilllll iii vii mm it tt VV viwv Mm joyuble games of cards and crokin KIV iVlVHll lHtVDUJ sciiooi iiit Al the ontltisuiii lilt liiistvss IIluluul ll 1Itlliisf at VVVVV VV VV VVHVVIHV John Butler Ronald lllil luitll Kimmy twrrard Ollellly Wayne treated the members to honntitiil outinn oii VVV pm lltlllpsltt lcoiiiid llzickuorih Rumll lilti Sutton TH tiif Lnniliilp thirdoii James Danny tombn hath Jr to Sr Kevin Keats illliiilngkthifiiirtiiiillithium Jlflillllx MUM MM iillv Wintiiudi llill RUlliliSOli lliiliiia lloliioii li We ltt and Mrs llarold Robsons on July LXVVVlliillV in VV KPH mu Hugh 5W Drum THMMVV VV1 1VV Humor ithltSStShlttiltltltS Gordon It tiltlVilVV1 NVli1Vwl MUM VHHVVVVUHV mm 4V Rum mum NV lthli llciti llichammnV nu1 11 iiiiLlliiHItv iv JWH llillliiiS inoiid Luff lloiina Luff llilda lc llAXllIlt SCHOOL Mk and Ed mnlis Mum VtVLIHHVVV 121 VVl SVVE iiVlVlVlVlVlVV clicy MarVy lovdcnV ltohcita Wot Lilt tlit at ilaxtcr School will Vwmlllll Null To mpin Vi mm VVVV VV iV VVV Robert tillan Ifthlt Holsty Vii ltllltl up next your llii iiIVlhiieVlHthld thicinV llVlllV tlli lone Isllnam ill WU ln Tide til 42 tlliiiliti lliiliii tiiiili ll MAN lilllii Joan Rob Vulg 41s tlii Jltlitll lltllllll lrulit in lluttoii Ioniiny Knight ltilti Ernie liy Denney Edythe MW Nmmmd 13 Iliaiiin toiilson 55 NOV XV nighlle $1an VV Viz Mer VIM lVoVdcn Pauline lluxion liaiimia thViItiii ilccii liiiiibull Dolores 1ka Ilnilululwl b311 tNiiiitet iii ilplialic iiitlii mitt tiIZillJlil John 5mm Milli hilllhlUll 55 tcrcL packed for tlic ltliic sliip iitAiiiI to ii ii li iiini iiiiin ranma Vicliiilii Hicti leniliii lixiili ll lliily Holland mm mm ll ii idd till ll iioll llu it ii ti id Ho ltlltV Billie TM Vt in tun ss GRADE mil LANA MVle on VVV SRV tlltlLi by gitini hints fol lllt Ii Itonnin ANN iVlilitin llolhiiid Susan Howard Rot in lit1 lid tl mm itlldillt 45 ittltlld Bush James Vlllitlll Joanne Vilbllllllilillll iltiillii Hlktlm Frank difference read by Mrs itlltl$l7illillINANCICtltlltllltll Cumly 1mm litlllili lliiTiiil iii taitci Sliiiliy liictthVVV mnV Molt Nicholson loirilt ainphclL Mrs Wright dclight dot or liziiiktiblc security Up to irade to Douglas Adair John L1 Iliad lilllklmi Mary lllt lililllhtls With two liiitli ilt months to repay in Coichiiicnt AllusonV Nmnm Bush IVlloii lliifiin Donald Show solos Loves illcrchant inti ct uil inontlilv instalments Knigm VTDHHHV IVMMmV WW hr tirade Joanne Boorman 10 My First 140W Mrs Mink Asahcl West Maynard West Illllillli Ullllllllll LUV ltild tiiitillici article on Aim Protect Your Credit James Dietrich GRAIN to ti llziiliaia Siziiil ii Wick Joanne loiigh GRADE to Ti liant iiilinii l1 litriia Phillips Ncil Graham son Lorraine Partridge znol lii tiimh Patsy McKnight Ann nn armpi iw iddinu mV with Btllrmliqmtsmo33005500Sl00tl tumor is to Alphas IAiilZ to ailylc Aiiaii Umi PM MHHIHUHWILy illanncl na Bush John Caincroii June tar tilllli llilltllib Willktlllh luni brilx TI is ll il Charles Dietrich Miillti Rina ii mu Florcnce 4iti iltlitli lliiiii llllll GRADE It to lltlir iiuii ll ll LUlKHililCl lcitllti Eunice arr liinniie Eur Haney ll$ llllllt SllLlL Grade to ll VilliIll orsoir Mrs Gloria Clarke teacher PM Wm MilllltdI Mlsv Wild widi Kmnmh lnntm MEV Wright displayed hcr weaving ltsuiwtoprotettyotircrcilitPay VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVV MVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVBVVVVVVVV ROWN VL SCHOOL liViViiVinichantV VgtithVinthiiV iiilViVm iVillV ovcrducliills seasonal hills medical Lawrence CV Bum mmlV Arranged alphabetically 151 or emergency expenses with your reshly made With greater palatability for 1als ing on slats cm towels luncheon sets lnfl JMLLLWHM LN hUlmrSL scgirfs MFSIIHOWMU CHmimcn CUH OWEHOLD FINANCE hm OAKLAND mu 1thle Em CrlppSV Barbara ducVVVd VWVV NVVVVVsVVVV VVVVVV bVVVVVVV VVV If you need extra VShV VVhoneV Lower in cost because ofdnect sale from inanu Gmdo VVI Wendy BommtV Illllihilliilt llv 010 Kmy moch something from stick of write or come in and see us for mature Keith Caldwell Donnie Dunsniore VVlVVVlV1Vu MVDUUWH Nmmn Par Htllll The VanmiS were Mrs promptcourteousattention103m Spilllti All WWL lvoilouing is the list of names for June promotions of Angus Public School lrinier to Grade Edward Lud Jacuiiclinc loivdcn Frank Staist tll Wonlsc trade to lcddy Abbott Wayne Vlzlllltlll Dianne Blackburn Regin lt VVVVV fald lloorinaii lcd Bcno David Coul lgtill Dianne liowcy James Evans lziirt Aniic lonticr ltlora Knight lllctty Luff Katherine Little Fred HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS lllink litithlcilastcr Garry Mc Air MI Pi Wiislit mid Mrs Pilkty The ituiiilvenL fig Riftlivgildtiixhlilf Ilh Mi Partridge Carol July meeting will b0 91 inim pimblum Kidd t0 Highest in feed value buryV 1L IIV thwald CVdePbtlls VThc spczinVcr D301 GradeV VI Glen Faragher Nor 10 1mm Jug caldwe con be Mls Angus ampbeni Tum itTi ltliiilln7Canaiia100 FeedIn milHr Jiiiiiitllltf litJiiniliiVy night ditionallyi Bruce ChnppeuVChar ronto writer of My World tzin liiii Fiillllitl DerYV prod peacock adiah Cotintrymanl Roll callAA Gitidc IV John Dtiiismore Canadian much and wh Wayne llickling Clarence Rinchurt James Kenny ll Hostcsscs Mrs Alex Cam bcll llltt 55 Mluluagu Street East tiaititld ltatotk Gainct Ie cock Dennis lhompson Glmm Smith Mrs Bert Jamicson 2nd Phone 239 ii hm y3dm Buelley smith Jean Patricia Shaw Noreen Stringer mun ON To 91 Grade Divid Morrisonr Grade to 3Marion Clarke Bill Heuri9la5orbyunpainimani From Grade to Ramsay CameronV SCVEVIIVIVdc 11 Ruth Jcnnctt Barbara CHM gmit Moore Ronald Shaw loanmadclarcxidenlxonearbyfown is ury toigt Botiimaii James Buiton lo Crtido Sylvia ChappenV VVVEV llthtVVVVlVVVVchViVVV REtitVlVdSVCVIVthtleon smvms tiii runuc smcrterm mm we we 10 To Sr Grade Joyce Cripps Ul gt Bcgnineerean Johnston Ti No SUNMDALE Mlloilltl LoughVecd tcachei Names arranged alphabetically FARM STOCK AND tuiliiiizdi Lola Mzillock Danny Mal IMPLEMENTS Phone 2577 Barrie Grade 111 IV Alvin Smith Grade II Ill Murray Faraghcr Ronnie Uriy lotl1 Hobby Sccase Violet Sccase lltoticr lurcottc Winston West lulii lI llodgins teacher 11 Names EREVVNEVYVVVSVSQNV VVVVVVVVV SS NOV VVV 0R0 cut it 101Vthltci If child has failed to pass to the SVfoVlVlUIEVDVVthVVVVVVSOVlVtma Andrews Read Exammer Classmed AdSV D0 You Spend 30 13h itsmg an next grade his name has been omit in bed unable VOVSWVVV DO you VVVVV up mommgs ted from the IVSVV VVVEVVIVVVlVfiVDE Mllldltl Besse Tamil WMnu tired irritable and without an appetite Grade to Ivan Allen HillVe GRADE GAtidus Wright Collier George Falcon Rum GRADE VD0VV0VVV AndVVewsV If you suffer from such condition you will ner Marjorie Magnnsson Eugene Betty 31m Joyce CampbellV Isa nd Milbtirns Health and Nerve Pills most helpful Virga belle Gilchrist Keith Johnson Grade to Joe AllenV Barbara Harvey street They stimulatethe appetite the nervous systemnid digestion and thushelp DayV Gerard Dunde Lorne Omen GRADE 4Raymond Duncan GRADE 314 to promote refreshing sleep and generally improve it rundown condition 0315 ViIVtVoVVtiVVVIVVCViiViVViVipVe 53213211217111 aVVVV EHSVVVVVVVVVV ampVeli VV Get the genuine Milburns Health and Nerve Pills Look for the Grade to H5318 KCCSkeSV GRADE SR 2D0nnie Duncan GRADE David Caldwell tnde mark the Bed Heart On sale at all drug counterl 3111193MCC0m Qlleellle Til1d prd Cdech Helen Nesme Th Milbunt 00 Limited Toronto Ont Grade to Mary AnonV Jimm M1LS MARION IZVILKVEY BannermanV Stanley COHVQVVV Mm cactei garet Kecskes Mary Mac Magntis son Rq mond Shoe Leigh comer sumo N0 10 0110 Grade t0 33 Douglas Emmer Grade to 9Marina Perryman man Ronald Day Bruce Twaddle Edward RatcliffeV Writin eVE Grade to Marjorie EbeVVVVV MelvVVVe MVdesVeyV V3 th5 Elaine McQuay Grade to 8Helen Crampton VV Number on Roll 35 Number writ John Carter Glen Mawdsley Dillon ing High School Entrance Wigg 111 Robert Flour teacher Grade to 7Howard Bird Bill Shaw Lois Stringer NEWVTON ROBINSON SCHOOL Grade to 6Peter VBeamishV Names listed in alphabetical order Nancy Carter Jack Mawdsley Ruth passed Grade on yeariswork Perryman Eunice Wilson Shirley Bateman Earle Edney Mar Grade to 5Jne Clarke Shlr earet Rowe ey aw sey rm Grade to 8V Joseph KramerV Grade to 4Stewart JohnstonV Graded to Jack Breedon Ted Houghton Louisa Nevils O3 Grade to Ralph Gilroy Frank gmenBetty Meher Barbara Wel on LL LL gt Grade to Ruth Bateman Keith NEW Brown Margaret Hubert Roy Jar VV IMPRDVED gt LVIS gs to 21 Brian Beeston Nor You Vthe motorist want facthot ction Itsaiact that Canadian ESE VeaVVVVeVV aexpense VV motorists over many years have shown an overw hEIming preference for Goodyear DeLuxe tires Now this favourite is built even better its fact that millions of miles of road testswha SV SV EgEgAIVJESPRA Goodyear DeLuxe giVES 34Vgtggineoggtigg Grade 6Cairroll Hankin 79V VV Its famous predegisson 11313255 Agltiiialtilvdtzisggliiildisirs ghatis because liswlderattertread ls Stronger and Safer because its riiriuiw Grade 4Billy Hnkih Wgf VjVfUYS 19 upelWlSt COIdtVsVsturdIe because its huskier shoulders boost tire life AVVWV ours AllWaheT MS Irene PartVrldge TeaCheTi or Rib Tread lt 95 VV Grade to 31 Dle HOWEY For each Sickness or accident Grade to imam Howey Grade to Jack Watters l1 tL IL 1th Grade t0 4IJaCk Howey p5a5 99 gradeVthonfJoh VCVIthBterVB$1cVe Lmedeggtddl lmtl 99V 4V wey Var ynn at ear Va riffmm 70 3178 You chaosthehospiialvuomJ rut Jr32tSi42xaitSelim vYLllWP95 GooDEAn BMW PM GrgdtVlVtoZLSharonVlgoweYTom amViVprIVGE prlvote anywhpro VV emu on rezory alters niewor gZVVVe IVrElrSVVngVlVVVgitVIVZIVVlVY Withers VV ran benet tor gunman VV VV VV V9 SpearCushiqh by Goodyear is the rstnew no vssmm rerunMammo kind of tire mi=15 YearsLading auto manu IFEGUARD aioeMmmndm rewiring for rrtvlumss La their newmodelsa wene Vt peacock D0333 PgSeVQVmsMay JVREVMEMBER SuperCushion is farmorethanV gem bWYtVeLifGii8rds us anew iret gt ve asou not VV VVV VchVlvafe Eler rade to Audrey Andross VHEAHH AND ACCIDENT new KIND of tlleV that Jus James Bertram Ronald Bertram runs on only 24rpounds of air It gives You an partialblowoutpmtec RT izonaVlgVVVCOVVinVESV Janetteniles MVVVVVV ASSOCIATION Vmbehevazysmoothensofter rideV Vincreases tion LifeGuard Is yn ompson incent dierent kind ofinn Cmeorta Safety achiallyaddstothe life 0f tube with no manual sarimisses amiairxarsi by swims up and corlliwifli gt owou oatiow en provedthattheRototiliermeth steetsV duck fee etc Th0 34 King St East LifeGuards an 9d of cultivationis themost we ma teaCher EAR IIEIEsw bet god bunks ed lend the Cultivating attach Grad to Harvey Eales Muriel Toronto 45V 33 sztegrgm mi We he merit Spence Joseph Thqmpson YD 59 POW at 13 Peak and topicwmy grasses Into tiny fragments semsmau View Is avail Grade to Barbara Andross ormance from Goodyear Factory Be VV Mimis surfaceaoiland coir for maple mw Wk Phluls Andms Ruth Ckv DWI wzeshchcitxryngpmmllbethhave Mb cl Plete Mary Thompson Gordon yle Wur oodyear WmifumWheteiconvcns Cam in See for Young Watt an Gradez toi3 John Beasley Penny $1340 Lv Bee ey Donald Fieidhousevie smut ii gt mm mi 001 do Keats Char es VV out Mk Wiigiier Kennethii cm 1m MPHPEOPLE DE at ht GooDYEAR RES TH gt Grade to William Bertiany VV VJ mm cm VV VV VV LTVqJ VV iV V7 VV VV VVVV VVV VVVV VV VV

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