11 1111111 11111111 Annual WildmdnclampfI 85111 Year Doard Of Wofks Spend $261771911n Monthsi THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7950 Copies AUYNORIIED SECOND CLASS IAIL IO DEPT OYIAWA RR BARRv ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY JULY 1948 NO MRS HAMILTON BARRIES SECOND WOMAN ALDERMAN Mrs Marjorie Hamilton 62 During the first six months of 11 315 free time High St has been appointed 1948 the board 01115 51701013 to fill the vacancy on the Bar SZGJIHQ against budget of $130000 1111 1111 12141 717 ol rie lovvn ouncil left by the On this basis we are about $400 2511111 $754111 gt within our budget slated Aid 80 Griffin in presenting progress re port to the Town Counctl lust lion day night Ald Griffin said he was lepeatid 1y beingcaued about jobs MN The 11111 1115113 the 1111111 111 pm but the budget allowed only geni will 3111 HJI ttrlit liHtl 01 11 eral maintenance lltllflttilt llIVHl 3173134 30 11111111 The money spent during the first ilfIII six months of the year included 118186 for whgps and 511198833 331 UllN 111111 51111 walks $9090 10 materials etc Em tutu 111111 tluanllucs The amoum budgewd and theIliueltuition new bulldozer $9200 amount spent to the end of June flip 311311 St 3111 NIF particular items follows IIII5II1 Ki MM HHIUIH 11 11 11 111 gt1lttll tl water courses 53000 $9108 Ted the wot 15 IiltlslltiSllli cutting $500 $8736 oiling $2300 $2890 Patelillgslm 5449 toI111130$303012 llllllitltxiii 1111i sllm $42466 aming Suiwmltario lieparhncnt of Highways for $2500 51131619 paving connecting links and 52000 Maln sewers $2500 5107940 eul tif forums removal last winter verts $500 $23095 brush and trees $200 $2918 catch basins $1500 $l00073 handling materials $500 135 It equipment 54 Niel office $1300 $715159 e1v dzspond $11300 $3519 34 l111l 11 3211710 51510713 btlII1C lildxti SIlJEthI 5119140 Igtlllilrfltllll 81 ii 23 resignation of Ald William Valley Active in various eommun ity orguiilations Mrs llamil ton as candidate for the town council two years ago She will he the second 11 man to sit on the town coun cil in the history of Barrie The first woman alderman was Mrs Laurie who is still member of the town council The appointment wazi made at the town council meeting last Monday night 1111 motion of Reeve George lark and Deputy Reeve James Hart KIWANIS KARNIVALI POST OFFICE SQ IULY 13 14 and 15 DENTAL IIIIIIIES NIAIIVI Dr Ellis Dental Surgeon The big 111111111I Kiwanis Iiaiiuvai 733 $23317 Bradford 111 vi 11 will he held on the Post Office Itf blllllnt hit t1111liiut Equipmentmaintenance SEMI $892 wok III II IIII IIIIIIIIIiiIIIIIIIIIfd HUNDREDS PERSONS Visited Mount St Louis Iroquois 300 Years ago Among those taking part 5011101 IHN Iucsdnr tlitsdiil im Wmni 35 property maintenance $3500 $4045 dental itliicsenlatne 1111 11111 an mt 5Lng amend 5019 high ss Condwted the Nice 35 MW 11 lltiiiamin Webster DD and Ihursday July 1311171 The 1111 tmmi lHIt WW general 6102mm $500I 5503I14I meSI mm 1pmmIIIm III VIIIIIIIIIIS the Icrccntenary of St Anthony IDzmieIl auxiliary bishop of lnlolito The sermon on St proceeds of this 1111111 evcin will be lucky draws bingo 14111 II and driveways $250I $2047 hnlIdIIyS AIIIIIIIII III UIIII IUIIIIIIIIII cmass 11ng Itelebrated out of doors on birch log Anthony was preached by llcv Edward Lawlol of SL 115ml gm uMurpmlpgpdInnllone contest and sever ailm IIIII 1lIt11 It lb believed this was very close to the exact Marys Church Barrie mphm 1tt11ctlons and the eel rat11 site where St Anthony was put to death by the on Hun 11 mm ighfg 111 Jtltltmld 111 it late 1101 Bayv1ew Park Well 11s 11111111 Square will 111111 SUNDAY s1211v1e1lt1 gay holiday atmosphere with music and Shows and fun and games Seventy Deep ititillli lolhlyls ILln ladies EXAMINER Section lPoges 300th Anniversary Anthony Daniel Observed July 34 Swine two 111 tllfft 112 1i11111lt1ei1ieti on 1111 11 Meduide Tourisal 1111 llltlfillllll when the 12 connection with the Prison presided after the 1ttr11on gttitill and elco111ed Mayor 1111tellttllllile son of 111111 Rumble now of TI ioiilo was ginsent for the 111cc 11111111111 was Heated I1Ivo of Mount St 1111115 for 1111 111 Illtlgt 11111 ftufHIIml Warden thnge 111111 xumt 1111111 st Miller lleeve Boyd Mill Deputy IIIeve Ilshai Canton W1 ham Robinson 511 Johnston MPI 111211 sevenl of the 111111111111l 11 Sunday 111111111112 lllllltitttl 11f v1s1tors gathered on the hilltop AIL O6 11 mass was Heydon t111111 Mount St Louis ltev Mc 11 of St Anthony l1 31111 Jelland and 1111111111111111 El iliu ll St Pauls AI 1cr11n Clerk Thomas Help Subdel ll 51 Basils native of the master 11lli1111 OBrien 111 of St Alli and Thomas partimpant in Excellency Most 1f1hater DD E1111 11 lhlulitii llC WOM following his if11z1l high mass 1ii1e earlier in sermon deliver r11 Lawlor of 11111 St Louis is put ill1 11 11 lteen This scr irliitl lMutu 11111 til the signi f1c11l 11111111 111 the life of St nll1ony 111111 who was mis HUM 1M iv in mum For the children there will be alivher 1InI outdoor 1Iilar of lurch 14111111 111 Iluroizia three hundred 11 11 Eil 11 mum rmwnuw 1111111 1111 111 pond 11111111 Ills1Insulin my and Judy Silti and other populai mulling 111 lllIl Park is ltllltlltillS witli the Inle1n1t1ona Water Silli lunch night there Will be 111 draws 11H1oi1ipaiI1Iy IIandII he has been mlh mph pryu v1 ewlnr clwkl 1111 we 111 years III III is COUNCIL ANNIVEI SARI II Simcoe are scheduled to tram III I11 t1tlIIlIIill 111It 111111 complett manage estimated at $5000 W831 of wales School Junior to Senior Set of luggage etc Lb and 1t 111e 111111 lti inches 1l cc Petawawa Hum mm II IIIIII II 11mm Vi 1en lie swept the home IIId tent mitts 1111111111 llanmliiic Wm Viewu is due arrive the northern II II1I111 of Mr and Mrs Robert Ingram Dick I1Vcrltllere Donna lVchadI 11 camp by AIIIII for OIIIIMILICII Nmi the cell pump Wlll be ho Minets Point Road early Diane Appleton NthY Bttlt den MarvinISpencer Rcy George Mofnson IIIN Si intensiyc training perde rm1 mi WWWN ILleiWL Monday morning Mr and Mrs J011Bclcskcy EVOLVH BillktJfllf 13 CIIANNICN Wlftll 1111 Up the flowof water While umam and me three Children Carter Ralph Cooper Ronnie Cor11 GOODIIIILLOW leachers In New York 05 week IM Imdqu Central Command Headquarters 11m will Send up heavy won in Tormm it the time kan Beverley Cowan Winston vmdp Id 1mm 010 gr has announced that over 0000 How Wm 1w mlumi pressuru Crydcrman Bobby Darch Carol MM Hm rlB cc unng um er ampllllmll lCllttSCtilltht was liicstnt lielve members of the Canadian Army 11 pump will Hmmc of 10 lltlkt Ill about atmI ind Davidson Paul Desourdie John MmIkI IIIIV EIWnili IITI mm4 lftem Lindsay firm explaining ll Vcrsary Reserve Forcefrom all parts of SWNHI hump muons minute lfl Dome were Ollfled Dougherty Teddy Emms Norman BHXIIHI Min mismwLhunglld Call 11 ternm1 Morrison of Vylvulp process by which the Town Ilail II TIMI LI I4 lIlmy have Eastern Canada In to mm III IIIII 23 XIIIIIIS IIXIIIIIIIIXIICIII MIII IIrov Constables CowanI and On FIergusmi Howard Finlay W11yI11cllI Jum 31me Jmm rmIIIIWIIS III SHUT 1mm New YWkI LN could be covered 1111111 an 1131 IIIIttI indie 1111 since they threc 0f omarmiig lame mnltlly llolilitr has drilled hundreds of IHCd 10 8311 in bngade and F1tFoxialllSZIYI91lfFilenllnizi 5111413111l AIL DWIV Gillly 19111L15n Ik llflt 11 IIOIIVVIM MilV 17 mm mum Whirh WUHM my We Hmlltil camps this summer Trillium W1 wells The deepest well llmed L01 Itddy response foidstch in Gtthncl DMOIIII 611 M11IkIl1sl1er llrancesloster Bci lures at summer camp Sptlnsorod Iitliont $0000 1A lOllllll estimulo IIIOItI Ii cemel get under way July Pdawn was IIII IIIIIIIIWIII SIISkI Where The owner of the house Mat l01J heroinlirer dawn Picgyfysl Gin Ily itittlkI Douglas Ililvoltsoli by MOSH nnfcwnep ol thclwllll precise sppcifjpntnnm 1IIllIrf11e 11111141111111 when he II wa Fido and BarrICCIdI and IIIOIV IIIIII down 2mm INII and had 1031th to hot IIriIlngln EcIny GIlhm LLCMICen III1IIyIIIIol1I1y IllayesIIIlonIalu Mmhmlis 1mith helmred to the property comm IIIlIIIIIIllllIzIiiItIc III111I1I1I115III1I1I1IlIIrean 13 1s 11 111 W111 b0 10 111051 CXICHSWK MA to abandon the proiect Without 19W 00 now Gleason Jimmy Goerk Patsy dumb 111151181121 The camp was attended by 101 in Ontario Since the war years nmlim mlm Strict he wah awakened by Gooderham Gail Gray Lorraine Kauai why 011 Klt clergynicn 11111 Rev Mr Morrison WI ltII ECAIOSl II 1111111 11 1111 Largest of the three camps Wllllill were fewwanall wells and LitigswgbnqugglsEEOClgxge Harbndgo fhmmy Hlayes len mlflitllv Klmictli Kidmtm R1011 lthllVClWl IQCIUV 010 PHitlicr asked when thtidhl lhiii Hwi10211011111311 by Rift be at Pctawawa where IllClilllaill Was sold for two cents HObson Patsy H9 mes lemizston Kay MacKinnon Patri church Mr Morrison is Sfttettili 0t moles in the road on Burton Avenue Wallace ll Hons have been mam mm SM momma Wits llmg mass 0f amCS cia Madigan filthy McClaflerty Hougmon Donna JOhnson Maman the Simcoe County Federation of 1113 Johnson Anne over 4000 men representingsome 01111 of 1111 deepest wells in on T1 SIX100mm dWEIllng and all JOhnson Plly RBI McDonald John McDowell ll lct the 100 units between July auditario is at l1111lcl1art where the the Cmtcms were mlany dCSUOY gearsgy01n305tnggnaLSI Iilntliy McFadden Joan MCFad 30111011111111 liiie liistitute Aug 14 All Reserve Force units watei comes to the surface from fdk TM 11101 atwa menu Tiriy Maglriiinesmlgzlibara 111111111111 dMOJIVImimcgnMcKrm Slimmer and he virrics on theschduties in II II 000 on tesone waso vi In geI ies uzanneI II tgglallos Central CoiIiiIriI1a1IirtI II11111111 100 feet below the me kitchen anlii the Stone meaco non Peter Machan Dennis May MUM Jon Mmmmpbpu Joan addition to his pansh work exception of antiuiciaftgwound bee Jimmy McCurdy Billy Mc Mrs Morrisnn and the children also attended the camp at Silver Lake One other Canadian was on were standing in the smouldering and signals will train at thisl During his travels Mr IfOpper ruins camp while Quebec and Easterntlias been all overOntario Que Commands will be represented bybec the Prairies and as far as untts of theRoyal Canadian Arm Fort Mathuray in the Northwest oured Corps Royal Canadian E11 Mr llopper and his crew here gineers and field medium and linyc approximately 40 tons of antitank artillery regiments All equipment This includes the 80 units are scheduled to trainJor foot steel tower and various units oneweek period with all camp for putting the huge pipes into the activities being directed by Major ground General Vokes CB CBE DSO The firm with which Mr Hon assisted by members of the Gen per is rinployendiavc 25 ows of tral Command staff Five training well testers and drillers and each wings will be in operation and one uses up to 80 tons of equip wlll provide instruction in arm ment lepcndiiu on the size of cured artillery engineer and genuine job eral military training subjects Arrangements have also been inade to run promotion qualifi cation and trade training examin ations during the period of the camp Antiaircraft and signals regi ments of all of the Armys three most eastern commands will train Fadden Wayne McKeevcr And rew McNabb Courtney McNabb Phyllis Minnlkin MauirccnIIIMIossL Sammy Poole Jeannette Pratt Nancy Rowell Larry Seaman1 Paul Sheppard Kdaren Shortt Polt er Simpson Li SUFFIva Bil Richard Ste hens Mar aret Stew Swani Cal03 Talneri Joan Trlbblci art Edwardp Suttonfvaltcr Toy Joyce TWlSS EllC Walelel Sani Carole Turnbull Judy Willis Ger dla weSt BObbY wmlev mallet aid Yeo Luana Young Williamson Leonar Willis Gail Gmdelmwo Gmd IA Winson Dayle oung Teddy Madge Churchill Jimmy Diam ond Ian Garrier JOAnne Hook ISheila More Wayne Parker Paul Teachers Poguc Sylvia Synnott Grade lto Grade II CHANNEN YOUNG Dianne Amos Carol BallaEfIlItanOIand GOODFELLOW Teachers 1rn1e Cary Ballantyne Carol Grade III to Grade IV Freda Burridge Loreen Brandonl John BearcmINDouglas eles Judy Brolley Donald Burton Bob by Cameron Jean Chown Frank inDglaldk BgdsrvBElsle gfygi roc yers Chappen Lynda celpltts cathal lCameron Barbara Campbell Bob ine Coutts Newt Coutts Joanne Cutting Betty Davis Marilyn Dav Callgppelcli lasing thllstceneni 3401 idson Jac uel 1111 115 51 ralgi 93 ey Dug Cunningham Bruce Dangereld Dou hert Gar ment Delores Ebefhardg EN lmmsI Lenora Dorothy Dav1s John Douthwaite hle Nancy Noble Mavis Owens Billy Philpott Dianne Pratt Mich apl Redmond Eleanor Scott Mar got Scyniour Rosemary Sharp Suzanne Simpson Judy Smith Teddy Sparrow Alex Stanwyck The building was insured lMitehell Alec Nichol Bobby N0 Themembersvof the dire depart ment Wercable to save the narby sliEdTzinda grove of trees on the north side of the building the staff Revw James Gorwill of Toronto was the chaplain ServicewGlubLLeaders94 Participate in Radio Young KIRBY and OWENS Program on Recreation Barrics second recreation radio brbadeast the firstover CJBC will at Picton and BarrieeldI respw belieard on Monday July 12 at Exell Mam Flear Donna Follleme Ferguson ROSS FOXi Patsy tively commencing July OclockI under the heading of TQmmy Forrester Judy Gage ROSS giaeronltiicfle Rutlll0 The Armys most modern equip isfglmemm Fumlme Gllroy Davd Gray Elgm GreenHiglEs Tomvriiy thleay 31211 Liligia eitOneof th scrit 11 ament Will be made available at W1 David HumphriesI Garnet Hang diere Baibaia Lave1y Teddy Playground Projects forI Service ClubsI In the formof question and aiichr program the script is All three camps as will the latest in training aids Instructors are being drawn from the Administra Long Edmund Langley Gail Mac Lean Dorothy McDonald Mary AnniMcFadden Sonny McFadden son Sandra Jennett Susan John ston Donald Jones Garry Judd Barbara Kashner Barry Keast Lvnn Greenhaugh Norma Halbert ve and Training staffs of the unrehearsed and the participating John Kinnean Viccy Laverdiem Jack McKinnon Mary McMartin three icommahds supplemented personIstnl have the gpportunity Jean MacLennan Shirley Mallion Peggy MlCheui Alvm Moorelan where neceggary by personnel of votemg theiriiopiniousof the Arthur Martin Marilyn Marshall 1g$gfoncalxrgggomlgeakatgIn FRANK 01 FOSTER formerly 0f itablIShmems 111 tgencm n1 spec Kiel installed as PrESidemDfihemary JOanMcDonald Jeanne McKenzie IPrter1 JOhn RiChardson BObby ll t1 ycommen ingon the paygroun Club of Barrie Succeeding Blake Gary Mitchell Carol MOYIIISOIIZI Rowen Neil saunders Sondra raiwayman was me program as offeiFd by the Barrie Underhill Serving in the recent JeanNeal Joan Patterson Douglas such as the raising of sidewalks lie were going to be repaired and Ald Ayres said section of the side Ald Griffin chairman of the 111111111 of works said ordinary repairs could be made but there was no money in the budget for major work recalled that the budget at the beginning Of the year hadbeen cut from $90000 to $60000 and he was determined to stay within this amount Mr Griffin presented board of works progress reporti Which is published in anothcr 11111 11mn Ald Pouchcr spoke of tile cars parked on the sidewalk on BayL field Street southofthe Five Ppints and Ald Griffin asked if there were any special parking privilegcst for the property holders on the cast side of Mary Street south Of Elizabeth Aid Corbett said any person could park there and he added that althOugh he had had complaints of trucks and carsrparkl ed on the sidewalk in this areal heIIhgid not seen any such parking Ald Merrick asked if it was neei essary to use the air raid siren for fires at three Oclock in the morning He said the sound frightened somcl children in the vicinity of the MarI Ald Hambly raplicd that more fire alarmmembeing connected dirch ly into the homes of the firemen Ald Hambly presented copy of bylaw which would forbid burnt 51191 NFB Film onltMaps At Roxy On July 1213 SimpsonI Jimmy SouthwoodI She1Ih011orcd at big dinner atIINorth 1a StephensI Edythe TerryI Bobby Baywhen he retired after 12 years Watson Robert Wilson as chief mechanical officer of the SMITH VG GOODFELLQWI Ontario Northland Railway Mr TeaChOFS Festrfbgran his railway career in Grade IV innite England but he Carrie to Canada Jim 333mm SEW BETH Amie Wsagwfronr IMHO 193 Bradley Judy Blilggsa JOYCE 331d he was with thersCNR at Allandalc wengg ghnsue $033 glough and it was here that Mr and Mrs 31 an rydcr Fosters 11 children were brought man James Dinning Harold DoughertyI Laurie DouthwaiteI up and attended school Magistrate Gordon Foster is the only son now Bobby Drury Nancy Ellis Maxine Turnip page three please residing inBarrie Recreational Council Allan Scott of the Kiwanis Club and William Garner Of the Lions Club and Miss Ethel Crosslandof SOIOBIImlStile pep Parkcr Wayne Peachman Wayne Peterson Herbert Pearson Billy Pool John Poole Marion Poole Ear Rawn Joan Rupert Judy Bobby Selwood Myrl war Dr Turnbull was surgeon Sarjeant woodScott Mry Sinclalr Anita on the WesternFront and for his services in Belgium he was award ed the decorations Legionaire of the Ordemof Leopold andsthe resent their servwc clubs over the Croix Guam DrI Turnbull air Miss Ilys Booker assistant has taken an mtive part in the director of radio fOrIIcmmunity 0Fganmion 4f4he40taw 11m programs of the Department of Ed Since his return toerieI 1611 will be the chief com mentator R5771 Sherring Strangeas it may seem today ChristophefColumbus To firliisdmlvven Spain and India isa small sea nav1gable in few days Then he set Off and bumped into North Americaaf ter sailing manywe small sea Modern civilization could hardly exist without maps and to bring tO light many of the interesting facts about the cartographers Five Years Ago at Borden trie the National Film Board in cooperation with the United Na Now at MountForest tions Film Board has produced Maps We Live By short film which will be shown at the Roxy former rectpr 91 A11 Samts ITheauIeI BarrieI on Julylz and Church Collmgwood was traps 13I ferred from HamiltOn to the parI Maps yve Live Byv my bro ish at MountFinest IIIThe Sunday duced foretheiCanada Carris On beforelcavins hePteaShedatb9th series by Gudrun Bjerring form Sell1de0 Christs Chm the gr Winnipeg newspaper reporter 0T 19151 dillVOfhls of Icelandic descntwho is curr intihc jpaitistiIvAtithe com 1310 nanny in chargeIofprducingimosfOf evening prayer reception was of the National Film Boards edu held for Colonel and Mrswsherring eathnal andlschooLlms in theyll15h Id With Dean Walter Bognall presiding In afarcwell address the Dean exe Boy SOOufsAnding= pressd hiswarm appreciatim of the tonal cooperation of Mr Sher ring in shhringlthe parochial re sponsibilities and wished him god sped in his new field ofgactivity On behalf of the congregation the rtctors warden presented 111m With cheqtiefor $500 For several years he was senior chaplain at Camp Borden and some Smith Donna Smith Ronald Smith Betty Ann Sperling V11 giniaStubbingrbonatdrstrClair Richard Symmes Patsy Thompson Billy White Teddy Williams Kay Wilson Yvonne Woods Anne War ra ExMOyor John Little Returns from Montreal IExMayor John Little recently returned from Montreal where he was obliged to enter the Lachine General Hospital while enroute to moved to the hospital where he underwent Ian Operation His 5011 Recently Rev 1G Sherring visit his son Jack in Labrador frbmLabrad6rJacl spent week to Libradorwhere heisin charge Gorpbration After 18 days in the ers ere beginning theiijsries with heI Nationalesi Taken slid vdenly illOniMay he 3wasIITe wasin Montreal When Barrie Fly homc of his son Mn Little left on April 15 and JaCkI arrived the following Iday withliiSfather and then returned or the Exploration and Mining hspital Mr Little returned totthe 1p Montreal to retuperate COMING EVENTS antmm ammable to the music of Paxtons orchestra Dancingfrom930 to 130 22th Dance Wednesday night July From My I3 if District Commissioner Ian Wels mariand Several scouts from Barv The and district were Scheduledto opentheir annual Weeks outingl today at Wildman Camp on Geor Whmrhttrrecr was largely financed bylthe pro ceeds from the paper salvage gal lection madeby the scbuts on July7 Parents and friends are invited to visit the campIonISunday after noon and evening July 11 There will be Campfire gathering in II 11 II PRESENTATION OF THE PROCEEDS of the Longhurst Secy MrsMontaguLeedsg1SpOn GaeI20s Spring Ball to the RIbyalfVIctOita get of the Geo 220s Club Margaret Milne Hospital to purchase modern equipmentiWaSJ VicePresident standing are Kay Dember IIShanty Bay Hm Sackbah heldfat the Wellington Hotel recently The line Marg Hodges Kay Wallwianune Per Stroud Mountaineers Admission cheque W33 131939an to Miss Helen Shana 50c II 201m nan superintendent Of the 1111 Hospital te fm 0091 3nd concert The abovevplciurenwas taken athe presen Wind My mum From ten wright seatedilre Marjorie from Barrie to Hamilton asassist Ant at Christ Church Cathedral in that city The buildingfund committee of West Church Nottawasaga pointed to raise funds the church destrOyeId by Ruth Splers Ruth Wallwin Mary Mltchln the evening ports generouii contr buttons 158pm Splendid concert Ad Sarieant JOYCEIStele JeanBrowtiing Nom amounting to $1086933 11nd midslon25cIand 15c Pie andiceLOnshurstLSQphia SpanlsTreait MISS Helen Armltage AlvaDembCrllne Bead Ier Classieds pact budding to start soon Cream15c 28b ShapahanVona Robertson pres Edna 1PH0TOBY THEOAMERASHOP 111 fire hall and present report kins June Lick Terry Smith Fern Hampelp Wide track isfenced on both sides son Eleanor KIelly JoanStrachan Laurtne ing garbage and refuse in defined area of thcbusincss section The bylaw was sent back to the fire and light committee for revamp1 ingIand clarification ReechClarkmand Ald lliueii IllQI sealed motiOnWl11ch was providing for all town prone to Ald Harnny askcdmc town cu gineer to inspect 115mm 011 the now of T0 11111111 An employee of the railway for Walk on liffin Street was sinking 49 tit lltlult llt mural in 1932 Mr Goodall was train despatch er at Allandaie for 45 years Iv Illt 111 the community Mr Goodall served six years on the Board of Education and he is still director of the Royal Victoria Hospital For the past 25 years he has been scretary of the Board of Parks Management For Iluiel family dinner0n Sunday Mr and Mrs Goodall were accmnpanied by their daugh lelll15 Ellen Goodall of Barrie 11 Sister of Mrs Goodall Miss Ethel Aldous of Los Angeles Calif and close friend Mrs James Dougall of Montreal VIM SOROPTIMIST CLUB MEMBERS SPONSOR NEW The Soroptimist Club of Barrie have taken over the sponsorship of the playground known as the Tennis Club Playground Because confusion has arisen over the similarity of names between the Tennis Club which is now non active and the Parks Boards new tennis courts in Queens Park ket Square right out of their 1101151th mum has been renamed lhi Soroptimist Playground Concurrcnce for the change of names was granted by the control Iing interests of the Tennis Club property and the Board Of Parks Management and it is hoped by this change to eliminate confusion in cormectlon with tennis activities and also totcxpress the Recreation Coun cils appreciation for the financial assistance of the Soroptiinist Club This activeplaygr0und already has remsnuunnofnearlyv cl ildrei llltl the Playground Lead also the supervisor there last year be revaluatecl andthe insurance adjusted accordingly LOUTPOST 0F EMPIRE LL LVLT St Pierre and Miquelon two is lands lnviiiitEsIsotitli of NewfoundI land are tliesole remnant of the Turn to page two please America TTlirfBuildingsGoinI Race rack 5111111 sSPtlel4 +Rsmliall Fail The foundation ile for new home stretch of the raceCOurse cattle barn at the Barrie Fair Tliisistadium which eatends back gt 35 feet from the ratil is nine feet high at the top The grading is such that three thousandspectators could comfortably watch the races There will beno buildirigsinslde the race track as the plan is to keep this space clear to be developed Grounds and contractliasbeen let fortwo other buildings all to be completed by August 15 William Malcomson president of the Bar rie Agricultural Society said every thing Would be ready in time to re sume the annual Barrie Fall Fair this year on Monday and TuesdaY September 13and14 Tuesday will be the main day for the showing Of livestock and the races The halfmile banked race track is completely graded and fenced and the top dressing will be put down within the next two weeks The with cedar posts spaced eight feet apart and there is cedar top rail Of intend to the Tace horse fans is the fact that natural Stadium has been graded for 700 feet along 1II into sportsfield in thejuture Several thousand dollars havefbn spent on the new grounds acquired by the Barrie Agricultural Smile The main entrance to the 35 aerea of grounds Roadand the grading of the gr has been completed Among the executive medium the Agricultural Society zwho working on plans fontlie II to be held on Tuesday$ep 14 are the Prebi ouit dent 5W fA comsonlstvice resident 11131111 at chairman Of the propert Brennim Toronto 74 PLAYGROUND sssAimesttprW French colonial empire in North SUP III will be from Esau