Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Jul 1948, p. 4

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THURSDAY UULY 1948 Mrs 11 Reed of Toronto is holi daying with llrr lJlllcl 31in Mort Mr and bltgt tcte Letts and Children merit the weekend with relatives it Zephyr The Public Schools Oi this ritei emoyed happy time at their pic nic oil Friday night at liinzstll Pink Congratulations to Elizabeth Hoiiand Gturr Noble and Muriel Corner who posscd lllcll Entrance on llivll years work Mr and Mrs Thornton Reid of Powassan are visiting their sister Mrs Chas Reid who will be leay ing soon for her humc in Western Canada Siiiidiiv iStlUlS zit Shear doyviis Were Mr and Mrs Goodhzuid Wycyalc Iii Dale Saskatoon Mr and Mia Adrirnsnn and Marilyn Midland Crawford Mr and Mn Kcn tim ford and Dianne Cookstown Mr and Mrs 11 Shannon and iam ity Thornton Praise for Teacher Conginliilntions to the three young ladies who passvd the En trance on thcii years work and best Wishes to thcii teacher Mrs Allan who has cliniplcted spicu did record of two yours work in the schol here The discipline and order in the school hits been quite marked during her term of trach mg CRAIGHURST Mrs Max llcwitt spent the weckcnd iii Shanty Buy chin McMastcr oi lilden Lake is visiting Binburn Anti Ellsmcrc Mrs livc Tuner of Toronto visited licrniothcr Mrs Hart re ccntly Mrs Strantighan and Sylviasot Dalston lizivo bopn visiting Mr and Mrs Max Craig Misses Jcnn Dunn and Helen Pcdlinghani wore in Guelph on NT RAILING GATE OR FENCE Mleqsured and Installed srEEL$EoR SALE Angles Plates Flats BARRIE ENGINEERINGCo 17 Mulcaster St Phone 3744 Barrie PORTABLE WELDING ARC and ACET PLAIN and SAND 3009 Phone glllEti sou lrtiiiWorlters ornamental ANDSTAIERAILINGEEURRIT IfiHdVethdtomfdrt Hose replaced Itsi easy to droid trouble annoyingsnubscaught TrioWBntveryi7 iby surprise CONCRETE BLOCKS Au Sizes DELIVERED ANYWHERE Cjanada Concrete Black tile Iwa EXFEEIENCED RECRARIESV GENUINE CHRYSLERRARTS illicit dilqtlll is liltlit iii lizl lirnutuiii 1o iiit My villais of this SUI xiiiti tiic ltSpUllhilJlL iiii luv it lilllll Build Nil itli Single llt sinkith of yoiir uci inil itlptltlttl tari of llli ttinici ltilill no ii gmm5 minty mound just 1i pious of all our lzilltii Until All UAU lii Will ii oi wm with Llfitltllti will llt beautitlvu Wide Ludwig iiziixiuping and the planting of i=i1 NH litihul RISTnyrpn 0mm iiiiv south ilill lllitl and litiii Wm Elohim WindowH him nit hi lunarst Uh 55 latch on re oith aix LLIl and lb no mil Lit tltLlttl at ouch grow All tilldtlWl lll Elm WitH 2i Hwen lliliQ Tlllll litlliil itrm Unliltlil llltll Lirc grtut iiiiiiiillilk If ltiiiMHl tin1 it MAM 011 ROSS 8Mtu who has been 1JOHN JOSE who has llltll5tl llw mtim iltllll tilllnttlt th ilttjt lltilClrllllS to be May tituiin oilrr yoxi in no int li liw llllut isit lotcd tor connected with the Barrie liiisi lthe Barrie littsititss tollccc llt WINll if Hiikl sidll 1d ll llllll WNNUF iiilllgt vii home ht ililllil brimin the mini mom lt made tlil2gt1lltrllll lllilv it is not your iiiiuiit tozi trim H31 pwhimllv iiess College for tlirpast 20 years his Bachelor of oiniiicicc tityrttI from the University oi Toronto and also has his coiiiiiicicial Sltttll husk and has been owner and principal for 18 years has sold the school and will engage in other activities inJ Barrie Saturday competing in sports event There will be no servxce in St Johns Church on July but there Will be service thetollowing Sunday ti Rev and Mrs Mason and Lorna left on Monday for their threeweeks holiday at Big Bay Point Camp 22 THORNTON Gco Fry was operlted on for zippcndicitis in the RV Hospital last Saturday morning St Judes WA willtmect Tuesday afternoon Jtily at 230 at the home oers Geo McDonald Pupils of Thornton lligh School held their annual picnic at Innis tll Park last Thursday afternoon Trinity WA will meet at Miss Pearl Newtons Egbert Wednes day July at 230 and the WMS at the home of Mrs Fred Grose on FridaygJulyQ We inc glad to report that Mr Barlow who has been in Wellesley Hospital Torontofoi some weeks is improving and is looking for wnrdto gettingliomc intlic near future Last Friday pupils teacher and parents had an enjoyable time tit the annual SS picnic held in In nisl Park Games races and ball games kept everyone interested throughout the afternoon Mr and Mrs Lennox were in Toronto one evening last week attending tamilydinner in honor of Dr JoeLennox of BC who is here on visit after an absence of over thirty years Plans are under way for the TB clinic which will be held in Thornton High Schodl on Tuesday July 27 starting at 10 am This will include thpse of all ages from school age up 40 ii hundreds and the Tlibrnton and Ivy area Congratulations to Billie Peacock land AlexCaldwcll of SS who obtained their High School En trance certificates on their years work with honors Much credit its due to Miss Shirley Jonesgtheir teacher who is just completing her rst year in the professions Trinity Sunday School observed their Sunday School anniversary ROCK FACE EGRAVEL7 310de 151 MARERS at WEbuoHTiEon PORCH or tiiic sermon on tlic Church Stiiitliiy School lloinc larcnts lllld tho Bililc ling so hard Not many wcrc pro pzircd for rain llowcvcr those who Keruieth arid Melville Crawford Hi certificate from the liit1irio Deport 18111 of Education gt last Sunday morning with RN Ctlttll ot Horton 11S Llllll spook prcaclud Tiny Attitude Mr innit Ottt in Thu Jun ior Choir of twenty Ultt plliVltll ed the inustc Bountiful Ruin Most people were rather stii prised when thty pot otit of church on Sunday iiioining lo tinti it rain had cars were kind enough to help the less fortunate oncs homo liii rain contiiiucd until late on in tlic ntlcrnoon STEWART MacDONALI Stcwart Alcxnndcr MacDonald 161 Maple Ave Barric licd sud denly on Wednesday June lit18 WellIkiiown citizcnjincc coming to Barrie in 1937 having been employed as foreman for Barrie Tanning Ltd Born at Byng Inlet Mnrclir20 1909Lhc spout previous years at his 11 iplacc before moving to this town The funeral conducted by Rev Sf Lewis was held at the Lloyd and Stecklcy Funeral Home on Saturday June 12 with intermcnt following in Barrie Union Conic tery The pallbearers Wcrc Leighton Clarke Char gt5 McMiii tin Charles Read Bruce Turnbtill Harry Wilmshotcr and Orvitlc Terry Surviving are his wife Laura Winnifrcd three children Doro thy William and David and brother Clarence of Britt The many beautiful floral tributes were an indication on how wclll liked he was among his associates Others came from employees Credit Union and company of Bar rie Tanning Ltd Bank of To ronto Collier St United Church and Miss Grace Goodfcllows room in Prince of Wales Public School GEORGE METCALF George Holtby Mctcaif passed away at Penctnng on June itl 1948 The last member of family of seven boys and two girls he wasl born on July 1860 iii Torontol where his parents James Metcalf and Elizabeth Iloltby resided As young man he resided at Mine sing and Grenfel For 17 yearsI at Oro Station and 22 years in Orillia He was memberuof the United Church and belonged to Otillia RB and to Rose of Coucliiching Sons of England In 1922 his wife Mileslwwpassedtwawayandmvon daughter foIIDWed iving are two daughters and one son Mrs Crawford of CPD SEttTriTlVIEHaToldDRyDf Pent tank and Melville Metcalf of Bar Ile Thb funeral was held on June 21 service was conducted by Rev Lewis in Lloyd and Shacklest Funeral Home after iwhich the funeral proceeded to Orillia where interment was made in the Union Cemetery The pallbearers were jive grandsons George Bell lRoss Day and Doug les Metcalf one nephew THE BARRIE mom 3mm ONTARIO CANADA lPO Leonard Gosney Interred by RCAF In Berlin OBITUARY OntI he lived at Hawkestone 10 years Sarah our toliitd mil lfzv itltitlJttsttul iiI Cemetery 11 htlhtdtll lwthlt alt ii thlln liltit lAUliJiLl Bl ji iiil vum vb ll irrruvd lint iu will lm ttiititd itt tiltl ititi littqiid pulhnntlll Picnic Supplies 1191 3sc sittiiit or RAM MEAT sums with Pom 3mm Eisnttti liltESSltlli illitt istts421k SERVIETTES 53333 25w mum 3m RAYLMEB MARMHLAIIEolXli ozilia 28c iiiiiiiitiitt curs mung 9e c1 HMS tithltlts lltlSll STEW lattit me 10 SNACK transgression iiiiiiiitiiti Siiiiiws attti 9c 15 GOLDEN UAR 802 CHEESE PLAIN on PIMENTO PKG 23 riiiiiritmnztssinitrgsEsi BlSClilTS slime Pilt 19 SnnlNESIAIRHAVENlj if trims iiittitfztmx toiitiiwsJitcii mi PEANUT um traits aoz rite MR 35 PEKOE 57 MG titlingnoitrtitiii 52 27 ivoitrtoiir mo me cm 13c iioz TINS lTUPLlNG arts tiles nu nRrtl if lilt uni with tile ex hlitli ilwlgdll the air Kunllci intint tram ltix rims iimr girl ivEiiltiltt in tht lie gronld tiigt tibbt British Milliat imam Your gtull was rt ill plot row gimc ttziavttiy lucatrd ill iri tit tiiil Wilt karma Ulllllll HI ctitns sang ctltiucitt catsuit SPECIAL tosnws Compote These Values ENE To MANZI ICE ox JAR we Convmce Yourself OLWES 31 333 oiita 226 mm gtltllhlllETiES centric 12 ititiirr ritEEsr ciuimiu its 275 siltiitt MIME Fttihjottttbio ticiioe EECIALfIfReoLQ TOMETO 235 BRADFORD EDGE lBOND HEAD 65 all Hmong citeittitittiixtti dtiii Mix Chocolate Cake in 60 Second 1Cit5 ttl tzizt with Riaipirils Cake iiii ttiii tisgi it lllllr or outer rlil lilitl iii lint 5121 iltmznmx lurch lim li Lint Host ChOCOlAlE GOIDEN 15h Ulltl lt iitiii tllfCillth timii nail litiiicl run hil In lm out five izi Romain onu IA AHODUCI OF THE OILAW KER PKGS 17 JEttt towensi2o 35th ritiilgir oilth 23 SPitttttEttt irateerasures shit 13 instincts ettiit citile 17 strait Thai emc2o3$he29c SEEIILESS llAlSlllS AUSTRALIAN 16c APPLE JELLY sr WILLIAMS 24Ft 29a iitESiitraitouiiii JIFFYJ nuttit Aitiiiiit 77119anan oz JAR iN MEAT 77777 302 SiAj TIN mortise marmm ii i=Rtaittfatidgotttgetise imi stgrlione 2852 To protect their bee coloniesw from giatit sugar cane toads Queensland Australia bee farm ers havebeen adviSedby their Departmentxof Agriculture to put their hives on stakes at least two feet high ortto construct netting barriers around their apiaries The giant toads which measure up to six or eight inches long and thefhives towards nightfall and withdhe aid of theihelorig tongues sometimesieating hundreds at one meg 11 nomination of valuable yege table reniedies blended together under rigid nudism of purity Wats InnLiver Pills are often voluable in the relief of constipa udminorgiijqrders 91 the liver uomwlianti bowels They hol titeoliminiitory or no end dear tit system of waste ich to often the causeof constipation and heartburn OiTco tried youll be 191615th by the renewed feeling of Moe bmiiunHm Pitts no on wwm four to ve inches inbreadth visit lap up beesfronith hive entrance meal Dissection of one toad that its stomach held 800 Nature Ti itiniiei tine nick and bilimie spells headaches b9inxwhish the helwo McMinn Among the floral mes II geeWeretlid efronrthervvait in Planing Mill sta 13 WASHDAY womanJ 31 mmm my 135 tate SOAP CA gt first Sims gtffnt2 may no irisAr Plilllltsntsiii masgr inst East 5513101 SM ortillst 65 Mm mix rust jut uc it 55 portiwt BRANDS Sitcom nuns lihilfr roruLAit BRANDHMOKED me on Anomnssgms JSMOKEDVSKlNLISS Bolus sue in 33g 10 intrt titanium Enisms with FRUITSSVE sneer LI timiiitraittiiisiiir 44c ltwgtIw= Yrtiiitisimuii Britt 15c units in ionmws lNSlHllT cairn tr53 GWEllllllSliEEcwxswrr aiirs 2L BREED it MAPLE LEAFJEEABISK diathedlc 13202 with wrtotg WHEAT citAcKEii wReAr Liiiiiiitz initiatorstics ms llilllfltlilt titlllll rriiitits 21 nu icmrs TOMATO smelt me 802 rites BOT mi rite 1TSSTEHWBERRYTIME AT LOBLAWS Fwiiiliglil iiiiilfoiteil PRESERME NOW QUALITY AT ITS BESE setEcini MPOKTEDJOPLESS 3135329 ALB37c cannons anBAG 1lmrumnrstttttt 25c Lmonsi mm jnoz3o LARGE 3le D9 29563 gt

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