Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Jul 1948, p. 17

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PAGE EIGHTEEN THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA Barrie Kiwanis Karnival posr OFFICE SQUARE Net Proceeds for Child Welfare Community Service GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA Oirrs TOYS WEBEYPU But it FOELESS 31415 r5 yo 3CC SRO IKIDLIC TK COOKSTOWN Miss Wilma Pitcher relatives 0111 AILN Ill 1111121 in v1s1t111 McLean znol and Jack spent last Weekend at 11 Bonneys 111 Toronto of clean dry lumber in sections turnmg to the West number of our Young People enjoyed trip to luelph on Irr day with the Junior larniets Ilill 1111111111111 Bola Allislon and Walter i1tlill xvi1e among g111up of Sea iltitlx who on Wednesday June 13 enlajscd cruise on Lake where she 1lt ll1llll 11111tives Mr and Mrs ecil lhckItr Ilwg ImmwmI www Mrs Wlk1nhn 11111111t11l0m IV lltlldaylng MU VI vv 650 Wm 1111 1111 pumm nvn WOODEN CLOTHES DRYERb Folding thCIRIC NS mother hits lcl111ghl who 151 Rom McAllrster spent few 225 conned to lttl with pneumonia days With his mother before iil bdr 513 CLOTHES LINES ILASIIL boxJD AND ALUMINUM TOWNSEND CLARK LAWNEOWLS INSECTICIDES EOE ALI PLANT CHAMPION 15111 Set of $3100 Mr and Mrs lZlmer Hall111 of II ENEMIES 1111IIII II1r1ple 11 Forms 1111511211111I We have one Slightly used set at reduced LIQUID AND DRY SPRAY SPRAYERS 1131lfli 1111iiiiiii silii WWW Drlcc DONT LET THE BUGS our AHEAD 1211111111 111 Amust ti and 10 111 thel II II WNW II 111 Hall 111 1111 benefit of Iall M331IcarigatignrI321 FISHING TACKLE $149 or YQIUI IWV fr iim1 31 lnls 111 it JOINTED CASTINGIRODS 211 GOOD VALUES 1N CORN BROOMS mp Hutchinson 11111 family allentleit REELS FROM SDCI 75v SJIQJ to SUIJJ 951 $110 $125 $135 $150 to $200 iLOWEE POT WAlERlNG CANS$100 Colors Red Cream Green BONE CHINA TEA SETS 121 pcs that ttliil1 W111 take advantage of this oppoitnnity More specific WW will limi Conservative member for 121151 two of our Villages cstecmedImun Dying NIT EHltyignmir New Pastor July at Dalston 50111 111It1eI 11I1111I1I 11111 11111111 may Jul Rm Mama Mth hmh mum gart will be inducted 111 Dalston the banquet at IrIccs torncrs on Monday given by lir lilclheeI LINES HOOKS LEADERS SINKERS CASTING AND IROLLING BAITS IROLLING RODS WITH REELI HOUSEHOLD FLY SPRAY WITH DDT iliiiti1il 21 10113 311 iiifli Chm Pints 29c Qts Misc 111111021121312 $1395 $1495 $1795 $2395 to $2850 iv Jt ftls 11 II nvm ml rot3 gilllllllllivtltlllIlls HL GLASS ROSEaBOWLS 450 650 MUN MN 1mm lms Wm CATTLE SPRAY AND BARN SPRAY ROSE BOWL ROSES each 50c IIIIIIWHUIIIII JIM IIIUIINI Idhmbl largo number if Unilttll IIIIIWV vr VV JA 113l 811311111112 111111511113121313131113 iiiilidh filiniii1 21113113 finial 24DFOR WEED ELIMINATION PLASTIC TUMBLERS IN COLORS ea 15c lion regardin tl vws rndcr IIIr pint I00 ed WM EMQSNHHimI 1lllivnlg2tl liftinlrfgiilll Zi 11111011 doc Impl 25011 CHOP PLATES $150 $150 $595 Arnold for the Church and Wesley they for an hmm than rogumr PLAIN AND DECORATED Good Values lm lt 51l5l lg Sunderiand and presented them SOME 500 PERSONS attended the annual Donald Bell of llarr1c ledctzition Irestdent These pricesarc away C11 IIIIIIIMMIIIMI AIII iiiiiiiiiiv 011111115 MEN12111 IFIlllI Emmy mg 113 worship service at Springwater Park last Rev Boyd of Ilolton RevW Clem SEPARATOB OIL IN SEALED CANS Buoy0BOY SAF gTY FLOHIS vv 111 spoke gratefully in reply Imi 51333 0mm Sunday sponsored by the Simcoe County Fed cuts of Minesinu Itev Wigmore of QUARTS Impl 400 Gd Small Medium Sines $150 $190 Icrllass eration of Agriculture Seen here are those Alliston and tiny Loughecd of Holly Past AUTO OIL QTS 30c GALS DFCORATED METAI TRAYS 35c 500 wmmm Ink Wm dross mm Iltksm mm 53 mmmd who took part in the service left to right President of the ltederation 10 20 30 40 50 1W lac WIIm 1d lillthm liltt nuptial vows with Alan Dickson II II IIv III IIyHIImmIIWI KNIFE HOLDFR 690 iwudiilivssuslild mufhliils mi fr1132d0 wmnipwi Man was taken from the text Jerciniah tuxittoal heart and conscience of EVERY AY GLASS TUMBLERS some NUWAY ti1101Na niIjIIla Ilfllld zgxiSIIIIIIIpItIeIrl IflIlIiIurollii ITO 1111 Thus saith the I111l stand 1111 rlpis too is the 1111ssage of colored 5cI locI for g5cI 209 for 45c Red and White and Black and Willie vI I1I 111 110 111112 15 the pee MEMORIAL SERVICE 111ztr 13 115 32il 3111 iass 1olts own and the late Mrs Glass ThcKNOX good way andnvaik therein and llllli be return to religion DONT pAY THE pARKING MEIERS AIIN1 13151 Rp IIN 1p MoanNu 0R groom is the son of Mr and Mrs ye shall find rest for your souls lheie can be no reformation in IN THE EVENING EX SEPT SATURDAYS WHEN THE LIMIT IS Pvrduei 10r0mo RW llev Jameslcrguson of Ilarrie The minister pointed out that WHY 111 WW ho adorm AFTER DC DC 1REE ALL DAY her father was the speaker at the annual the llible often compared the truth 11 hmmm hemL RAISED TO AND SUNDAYS ARE the bride was attended by llsjlllltllltlllttl service of Knox lres of God to path At the time the WI Ml jemwlmn declared thatl text was written the national life of the Jewish people was ap proaching crisis Idolatry im piety and immorality had affected the national mind Mr Fergusonpointed out Ilti the prophet called upon his people to flee by means of reformation from the impending wrath and anger of God 110 counselled them to turn to the religion of their fathers Hutchinson matron of hon or in powder blue crepe with lace pepliim and matching lace head dress and mittens and carried nosegay of pink carnations and pink roses Mr Gammon Toronto was groomsman and the ushers were Mr EQA Woodland Toronto and Mr Arthur Glass of Cookstown During the signing of the register the brides sister Mrs Norman Brolcy sang Loves Coronation Mr Simeon JoyeeTo route was organist The reception was held at the home Of the brides sister Mrs Lennox in Toronto byterian hlueh at lro last Sun day afternoon More than ltltl per sons were crowded into the church andthere were another 1100 out side the doors However in spite of the rainy weather those who were outside could remain in their cars and were able to follow lhc service by 11101115 of the public address system provided by Ralph Gribble of Barrie The service was conducted by Rev Mr Ferguson and he was as The iiuSSiigc of the Protestant 5mm by RWI III LI Grout 0f GIl1ef11ine1s was the message of the thrie Music was provided by tliclltlplltt said the iliinister They 11 there was to be new worldl 11111111 11111stbe an asking for the old paths in other words l1o found religious revival is needed 11 save the world from the disI islil toward which it seems to bc 11111111111 It is not just luck when yOur gar ments are return ed irom conys CLEANERS HARRY RMsmgImI 98 104 DUNLOP ST Goddard Reunion ENTEN MILLS triculation at Minesing Continua oncluding his message the 111in lion School ntil declared lhere can never in peace on this globe till men of 1111tlli ttllli1I jnspircd by moral and religious principles lee1111111111 to uphold the triumph Mrs Dickic is spending over hell on earth IWithout faith few days at the cottage here 111 the God who made us and the reunion of the Goddard clan was held at the home of Mr and ers Sid Cox on Sunday when over sixty friends gathered and en joyed social time together They all sat down to 11 bountiful dinner Building Proceeds Nicely Local building projects are com mit along very nicely Eldon Knapp has the foundation completed for hiSiiew house Dell Priest is ready for the roof on his ne new cement Iil 1111 is F01 wedding trip the b14111 yumm Choir of Lanril Dru Ircsu labeled on the 11111111le that 11 hrist who died to save in there congmmhhom to the Dumb HH who 0m ew wonderfully cleaned and chose pastel blue suit 111th bytermn Chth reformation to Clldlllllll$l be IS very little hope Our safety fgrtg $22 11 Ilqkmm MOOSL Ilw COngWOOd Orillia Toronto and other nearby amatching hat and black aecessor places ies Mr and Mrs Perdue will re side in Winnipeg Man STROUD smartly pressed Up to The message by Mr Ferguson Cox the minute equipment and expert handling as surcs you of this QUALITY WORK gin 111 return to God in the iii lies along the paths of God who obtained her Junior Ma his new modern dance hall Mr and Mrs Palmer Mr and Mrs McCraw and Billy of Niagara Falls with Mr and Mrs Reid Mrs Willis of Port Hope with her sister Mrs Alex Black MrsClark of Toronto at Keith Constables June 28 School Picnic Much Enjoyed all the tim The United WMS and WA will Friday June 25 marked the day meet next Thursday afternoon of the annual school picnic in coco July in the 55 room Innistil Park With large reprei Mrs Clarence Ferguson undcr sentation from schools in attend1 tonsil eration in the Bar ance The weather was perfeclq Do n0 gamble Kgnugspital 13$weekI and all hfldlillnclillllt lations to Mr and Mrs eacI crs onore Wllhlnlellor work Elgraigbms on the birthof Before school closed the Stroudi teachers were honored by gifts Of appreciation and remembrance from their pupils Miss Downey re ceiving fruit juicer and Mr Ar gue an electric reading lamp Mr daughter in the Barrie Hospital on June 22 Mr and Mrs Walter Hill and daughter motored to Watsons Cor ners and spent Sunday at the home of their son there Argue was also presented With Mrs Freq wice and Ruth MC several personal gifts from pupils Arthur are spending two weeks and handsome gladstoncI travel with Mrs Wices daughter Mrs 1mg bag from the community Palmteerin Syracuse NY WQFIQYES I9lllul Mr and Mrs Bob Kemp The June meeting of the WI on little daughter Gail Of Aneroid WBdnfSdily June 23 hadma god Sask visited their aunt Mrs Gabe attendance thl gall responsea McConkey of St Pauls last week current event An Interesting Rev Paisley conducted an letter was read from North Devon niversary services at Bond Head England QXDFGSSIHS appreciatmn on Sunday evening and Rev IOFIbox 0f foods FPCGIVd It was Burton of Bond Head took the dec1ded to correspond w1thIand evening service here Mrs Spearn $9M the neIxt box to the Institute of Allandale assisted the choir and SllOUd England $0061 ICDOIt htful 5010 at thesgroud of the DistrictAnnuaI at Beeton Igggiga 1g was given by Mrs Milling and Mrs included Mr Recent visitors Wrightt1 III recognition 11fIlt1aIvi mg serve Tee years as lS r1c and Mrs wm HurSt Toronto with President Mrs Goodfellowwas 1esentedeith Walnut bed fab by the Stroud branch The prize winnersiin good radio quiz coril ducted by Mrs Nelson were Mrs Leonard and Mrs L0wry After puzzling Stump the Ex perts contest the meeting was closed bythe servingmunch An nouncement was made at this vmeeting that the NationaIVSanitari Associationare holding free chest Xray Clinic on August inl Lefroy Continuation School It its hoped the residents of East Innisl ve years and over willdakei ad vantage of thisfree clinic Let us prove Our work is better CALI 2885 Corivs CLEANERS OFFICE 109 DUNLOP Plant Florence zgm 26111INTERNATIONAL COOPERATIVE DAY CESEEEATED SATURDAY JULY 3111 Text Of Manifestootthe International IOoperative Alliance On the occasion of the 25th International COoperative day the In fernational COoperative Alliance which standmand social justice liberty and peaceful association wOf the whole humanfamily de lclares that one of the main reasons for the present state of world affairs is the lack of Cooperative spirit in the political and economic relatigis among the nations But it affirms that in the coOperatIVe organization national and in ternationaluitstestedandJedprinciplesrthepeopleofgthemmrch have in their own hands the instrument to overcome the prevailing diS blnson tress and disunity Foot BadlyJCutbyMower IMr Edney had serious accident last Friday when one foot got caught in the knife Ofvthe mower Thereof was badlycut before the horses were stopped He was taken to Newmarket hospital and Iwe hOpe he maytsOon be around again theICOOperative MOVement and to PAINSWICK Congratulations to Earl Green and Russell Sturidenof St Pauls and Mary Warnica John Warnica and Roy Byers of Painswick who were successful in passing their Reaffirms thebeiieithai bythe application of the Principles or CO Entrance lb yearswrk peration to all mes Of productionand distribution the present shortI FOOT HYGIENE FOR SUMMER ages oods can be overcomeby the rationalization and expansion of 11 ion and the establishment of just freeiandIefficientcystem TheI InternationalIOoperative Alliance further declares that the progressof iceOpefation is me Of the most powerful factors for the preservation ofuniversal peacepand thatthe causes of Irictidn intheI Iworldwill disappear as the social and onomic life of every nation becomes organiied accOrding to the cofoperative principles The Internanimal Coioperative Alliancetherefore Appeals to the tpeOplejof everycouptry to join napply its basic principles in an Walks of life shOw you the natures of the II Ibfandnew Mtbrsjtsbeautifullines wide roomy body rearjseuts IarIeZ60 inches access compaccinsirument grouping with black light illumination and line iIdteriOr styling ITheres 11 luggage compartment of 19 tisable cu ft fOr your Convenience when travellingIII 100bp VLtype8cylinder engine independent coil spring fro suspension andextralong parallel rear springsq All these and many more features await your inspection indie iva Meteor We willibe pibud to Calls upon the COoperators of theiWorldto work with all the means iii their ppwerto secureuphold and defend Freedom Justice and Peac Urgesdhe COoperative Organizations of All lauds to give their whole heartedifsupporttol all earnest endeavors which may be madeknationally or internationally withthe sincere Object of reestablishing goodwill etWeen nations of promoting economic securlty and of raising the standards Of living of the peoples Of the world sole of the Oct than any other part of the body feet are bound to perspire in hot weather For pro WORLD1 anmn WORK FOR per hygienefeet should be bathed IIITIQNI iamawgm Where frequently dusted afterwards with talcum powder Another good publication ofabove Sponsored by freshener for nondry skin is mumSERVICES m1yigt1 orrisonj MOtdrSialeNi PHONEg3178 rubbing alcohol AI dab of rubbing Ialcoholapundtlie lining of your shOe will ralsoremove unpleasant l1 ti Euphoric Odor and stickbiess

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