m5 Wm IgsUg 7950 COD manna mg cut IAIL lo 71 mat YGOIMNO Section P0985 l0 Attracts Five Thousand Ruthven EarmI HEARTIWARMING BELOVED DELIGHTFULII Ia seem of Ontario gthered on limiting the council session last Monday night Mayor Mayor thanked the councillors for having sent hlrn to the Canadian Mayors Convention at Halifax and he said he would present report at later date gthe farm of Ruthven Al liston last Thursdayito see the latestand most modern methods of haymaking demonstrated The event was known as Grassland Day being only the second one of II Several thousand farmers froan REMEMBER MAMA CoStcrring which was passed asking the police to enforce the bylaw forbidding Everett Womens InstitutcBurns Church and Allislon Legion were food caterers while Alliston Jun ior Farmers with the efficient hclpofthc Ontario Provincial Police handled the traffic and parking William Henderson and Lorne Buyers neighboring farm ers loaned their fields for herid day of publication this week ISIZIItltIIESV and parking facilities because of the holiday and it ittic merchant in Al is was clearly stated that news ton provided pressure Isystem items should bc in not later Mnlhfvongafgis afogiggnaisdsae thus supplying water for Sprayers than Monday afternoon and Id Tic Mayor added and booths The district hydro of the publication of material 15121 Barrie ficc Iunder the direction of Vern arriving on Tuesday morning singiewas to Coutts supplied hydro for thc could not he guarantord la won our rnmcu MARSHALL McCRACKEN EVE snows 6155 PM for it successor to Mr Brisco bicycle riding on the sidewalks The Mayor said he would refer HEREI5 WHY tliismatter tn the Police Commis tedding and chopping hay stuff The resignation of Mr Brisco nion at the nextmceting In lust weeks issue definite WM Md pouchor asked if the notice was given of the earlier lng Cvmby rodveen Inc mum ANNE NICHOLS ABIES IRISH ROSE MICHAEL CHEKHOV $1 JOANNE DRU RICHARD NORRIS rmnmittee appointed to study the log problem had any report the Mayor quoted Icivic official Matlnee ThUTSdQY pom llinctfndvznge Ieldcm pmh Aid Mary Laurie chairman of Barbara Geddes Oscar Homolka Phlllp Dori CONTINUOUS snow SAT 230 mm mm mp ham committee Oke of the Pm of the Department of Agriculture lwa last report presented by Sanitary wh Cedric Hardwxcke Edgar Bergen nIebIItq ziggnfghddled Inspector Stanley Sharp and noted II of South gimme Xgriculmra lml he was now with the Simcoe vallee Barbara Ne II colmmlgee Valid mp lmpOIve tlllllilgl glmlluxlgnld was go merit ssociation 3333 xingIfggtglfrxww Third and filial reading of Wilson Livestock Coillilliqi lmi llylliw to license electrrctans was r0 Ontario Ofcial clgrbdutlh lirerd The fees for local contractors II Show OpenI PHIL Rumka rill be $25 new and $10 year Ire II head of the Song Dewmmem newnl The annual fees for outside OAC Cue clcctricians wishing to do work ill Speaker andphis theiric Ti be 550 new $50 Grassland to Make it rCzisliland 3l Th bylaw ltIOVldes for ex Prof Jim Scott of th limmlmg CICCtriCianS bemre gram II agricu In muses IIiialCeIrIgiIneeriIng department Iof IiIc oI cgde dingted thc inachin RN II II photograph of Donald Mac yI pdmI an commented on II IIlI II on InIIgrncer fOI MW Mayor in 19424344 W83 IIMII IIIIIIP CIIIIIIIl as It passed the Ilf Illlllllllltrl It It Iluiiic for the Irpcnmd I0 the council to be plac levmlilllgIstand Amorlg these 50 nilSI year has rendered ills regig with the other former Mayors of machines In theparade was nation to accept it posttion is chief If pod hay builder designed by engineer for the it of Owen mw farmer in IRenfrcw County The Sound ills starting mlayy in his OII IIIOIIOII Reeee CIIIIIk and MINI VIhWLinosLat 0W ltmltlllll Will hr $5200Iannua11y Dorm Reeve Hart motion was tcntion Was the demonstration put IDilli of vlurh lll ltIilli by the IIIIIIIIIIIIM Imd pwsed authorizing on by each manufacturer such as public lltilitim ommission There in Id tot for me Town balmg mowmg ronmg raklng Is also 855mm Hummu the inhgezindino Lthp brought bv Fred Dobso andothers in cori JUNE PETER The Ontario Agricultural Col W35 IIIIlIlIIl Illl lILlIl by the wt Mnkm are logo and the south Simcm Crop IniIrnI olIintil Inst Monday night 1m mvomen Ass iz in mwmo on of callioiial disdlaysm mo hid ed July The Town is now advertiging Ald pmmhm mtmduceda mono MON TUE WED Mat Wed 230 pm EVE SHOWS Come and laugh with and at tinmeet lodutdedoll at Edwards thel and p111 booths Kenneth Fauls MI This explanation IS 7gal The Mayor referred to letter hearts who delighted 50 million Amcr ILNIIMNIIWIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIILAT crops branch along wrth Plofcs 5mm that ovorvom may TI with theirlovouyunmmkind II II mmmum sors Evans and Gammon of the defy kd T9w Hal mm 1m lm uy son indicating that it was his Opm II oany epar men directed the item does riotippcnr 1d weed Spraymg demonstrauonsI ion the new in liket building shou Another feature was demonstral he 1th dc 0f the qun on of mm mm arranged byI IIResldents Object Hall rather than on the west Side if its NEWI see it at the llVlPERIAL Car Ste hens of Everett survey of the market square is Amongp the prominent officials To BeerLicense mg made and locatoi Present were HeinriCh For Country we 25310553 dgsxsggrierbmld IIYDRO ENGINEER DIES Ily HOUSE by the C0ODS 0f 11$ ICOQ DISHIll C0701 Services Ray member 0f south AuStrana Board mg CK district Chairman of the lunch Loughecd past president Federa SUDDENEIE stgggrngnli eon Iwas Cecil ChappellI vice tion Frank Scrvnis Copaco Em WHILE presrdent of the Federation of arson Swain manager of Simcoe Agriculture District C0np Kenneth Wood Melville Belfry Who came to Others present included manager or MING COop Louise Barrie last week from Markdalc pagoI amiculillralTeplesentativeI Collcy recreation director and died suddenly Saturday afternoon BI BI warnicaI president of Sim Whom He was in real estate office completing negotiations for tth of Agriculture and Dr counc approved ordermg hght purchase of new house when he Mann and Romaine of Pot ash Institute Washington DC Local committees responsible for the arrangements were as fol lows Grounds Russell Hood Al iston Machinery Isaac King Tot tenham Finance Dr Mc Kelvey Beetbn Parking Calvin Ireland Everett Lashley agricultural representative was secretarytreasurer of the Grass tie country Club were Hollis R0b land Day inson andJamcs Willis FORMEELY SPORTINGDOG TthIBarric Country Club is 10 The mastiff docile and good catEd vespm Townshpl and tempered British dog was one bred there was Damon slgned by 600 persons opposed to granting agtsggrzlggegurposes but 13 now any form of liquor license The petitioners opposed the granting of licenses on the grounds that it would not bein the best interests When Reeve Clark asked when the Hown Hall was going tobe ready for occupancy Deputy Clerk Burton said he understood the HEPC staff were going to move into their offices on July8 Strong opposition was register ed whcn the Barrie Counth Club made application0 to the Ontario Liquor License Board for din ing room license and public house llcenscfor men and women The petitioners were hcardby Judge Robb at asession in Barrie Tuesday morning The decision was reserved Appearing on behalf of the Bar fixtures at cost of $377990 for suffered heart attack He died the Town Hall floors to be occupied before his wifeI waiting In an by the HEPC and $2512 for the automobile outsrde could reach floors to be occupied by the Town hi Mr Belfry had come to Barrie as an en ineer with the Hydro Electric ower Commission Sur viving are his wife and two daugh ters brother in Uxbridge and brother in Cannington lt Forum Delegates The customary annualagreement with the provincial police will be signed This year beginning July the force will have one extra man bringing the total tol2 The town pays at the rate of $1750 for each man plus mileage on the WALTER DEBORAH RESTAURANT Full Course Meals ANIGIELA LANSIBURYI CEDAR HARBOUR of the members 0H1 Club crulself FINEST SALADS 5i SANDWICHES PAVILION and onytheg baSiS that it ewulq Lletterwasread from From Province Quebec INNISFIL PARK make abadIIl5Ilb the Badgley objecting to what he in Visit Simcoe on Tour Lake Slmcoe People Of VeSDIa one Of 19 dicated was lack of consideration noon to pm petitioners was Mrs DoWson re ted certain secretary brine Homand Sciiool apemlo en v7 77 77777ALSOOITIER SDREENTREATSIwiwiw Cumming Clerk Coutts Rev Clements of Vespra repre given luncheon at the Cqmmun senting the Barrie and District Ministerial Association and Mrsl Lennox of the Barrie WCTU At the same session in Barrie Every Night CM SSI IZI VesmeI Among Turn iopage sixteen please 53 Better Food Better Surroundings SaturdayI Fenmmg II Iggnpgrggmzgmsltenrogmierg ST OPEN FEDNESDAYH 0113ny I33 338 durIng aI 10day Thidftrs whitesterfileTlffSl itll Stilllle3lrcolfl331 DANCING SAT NIGHT pm I0 12 OLD ngchgIODERN gang grill oincllifgzgdsze $413 be 1228 iiiiiforiiiseggiginwgii33 atgo elbenaslgcfegicigeggf II ditiise3223 Qrafr THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Marinara Trim lSAT230 PM or lcelrl WWW SECONDANNUAL BELFR REUNI airliner PAVILION esday morningthere were ap lica ons on behalf of three ho Ltest iels tABigwin Inn Cardy Hotel no objections glottal Russell Hill We th at Whiteid ah ctio is arner 18 ns reg VG ea er an some tered and Layland Holiday Vil NEWS There will be nopickup of Garbage on Thursday Ioi the playernite orchestra in order lage Hotel at Gravenhurst no obI jections Saturday iuiy3f 1948 II to give you better music for dancing gt ANTIS II avggggismiendcdto members and relatives Iflemon quarterlide over the Ntglcp12ntgy$ r33 Wehave also built new addition to the pavilion which plate When yo the hI EVE SHOWS 8i PM COME AND BRING Your PICNIC BASKETS cut off the mini and iiiiy wsrll Ill up roof 299 3989901318 t0 Ia table Stay put PLEASE PUT IN YOUR RESERVATIONSEARLY SO AMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESD Yr THAT YOU WiLniNOT BEDISAPPOINTED II II II II pMAIITINEE mummy DOOR OPENSSQCLOCK II II II II II IIII IMAKEADATENOW rotsEE it IN ll elds 756 Lailies50cgt ii l7 villgofgfggwkfmglggggyegm AT NO EXTRA CHARGE PHONE 4702 yMINETS POINT VI II II here and his staff Miss Mary Jane Halstead aner ReservationIonlykepttill10 oclockI ask the doorman Gerrardmar will be lanailo help installers and teach themthemndamcntalsf BY THE Vi Following IIIIS 9n my 161 therele be open house from gt RAMBLERS Wamumm 8mm pm whighconsistsof special ice dancesesslon CORNER MULCASTER AND McDONALD STREETS and specmtors areW9100me at this time wit ME 10 PIECE ORCHESTRA rt EvasnowsArr 840 PM 581 FREE SUBPER pm STARTING TIME Cement Skiing AouLrscse CHlLDREN 1356 Try I0urfLunchSrvic Fabulolls Dorseys 945 pm II Wedn Fd as Vance Gamble once 131 840 pm 88 HY 11 GI aiurdc NOTICEThe Pavilion may be rented any II Bingocncl Gch es in the Evening from to oclock for card parties oi TheIPavlllon is open everyIIan from 10 am toqmidnlshtl evninqsltrom 810 10 pm ADMI$SION soa EXTRAI Rial12laser1riris