TriURSDAY JUNE 17 1943 wecgu THE BARRIE WWIARRIE ONTARIO CANADA PAGE mtz ti Mr and dr timiding rI tlo honor to the nod NNISFBLRE9UNCL hullalilidbiflwii June It Wedding bells are loudly ringing liamirrss tript Mrs Melvyn Noble is holidaying to Toronto on with Ilcl sons in Toronto Mrs Biaht it It gt tuning Mrs lrrd Robertson Stroud her sister Mrs Irifiltd at the lngrain home last iy quiet Miss Joan taiirplin or Toronto Week 85 hum ll ulllil Congratulations to Mrs Reid Tl POW Ml Pm FWCl who celebrated her 80th birthday ing new house on tznire St EM MDMRVI Miss JULi iglii Kitchench ltls ill toe 18 ndav fKiriKI Spciicci illllkl liiictid dayIs lemg Lama spent the clclttl t2r her parlink Wk exits Miss Williams Toronto spent Mr and Mt Hair of Wallace lllt weekend with her sister Mrs hurg are holidaying with frauds llillliillt7 herc Mr and Mrs George Nicholson MP and Mil ll Sliilliliin Tm Ioronto were with Mr and Mrs onto are holidaying 1th Mr and Cum over SrmdayI Mrs bll1l Mr and Mrs Bob Dixon have Mr fwd l1 Chll now moved down on the Eighth spent Saturday witzi rlr anthMis Um Sm the sum of the Leno Herb Harmon Cuokstowu Inn Mr and Mrs laliricr 7pcnt the II Weekend in Severn the giltst oIIIyrifl5wIIzmmlrhl133dwith3 Ir and Mrs llrl Harmon Mr and hummus Mrs GIIIIoSkhart and Robert of Huinbm Green and Miss Green of Toronto were guests of friends here or Sun7 IaglSRIILIhillsl Ilslgkilgi WI iv tllltllillllltllitllti to Mrs filly IlfrIIlrlngIggfgSIegi ML who celebrated he llllrd birthday Mrs 11in has hurt in Heeton iiil IIijiffgixkxtggisuii linIIIiIIIiId gift years The Canadian Legion held ticldl yum I50 ml FIldiUIlIn ill ROY day on Wednesday The lliiIitlSIJICIIOHH thitlldl 3411107 were as follows IlstII Everett ndg the community welcomes Mr Camp Borden 31 cetoti fund Mrs John Torons of Toronto 7779 who have rcccntlyI purchased the Correspondents are requested to LCIIOY Inn We Wisli them every have their news in by lucsduyISthLOSS in ieir new vcn ure noon if possible Wilfred Stewart attended the As sessors convention in London last week Mrs Stewart went as far 351ng as Toronto and spent the week there Mr and Mrs Robt Ayers makes all the lillercnce lllrIImUmtIi and Mrs Gordon or lt coffee Maxwell House liniIIiIiIud LIL thcii weekend guests 33 Radiant RUGWWI Mrs ll Grosc entertainedvthe iWMS at her home on Wednesday Itllldlldlltlt prouss Ilirillmt There was ne attendance roasts every bean ermer all and nice program several ladies taking part Mrs Grose was as lhrmgh culllnl ylswted in serving dainty supper NHLIIW the lunch committee Next atom of it toll mMmg be Mm Iwm ch Nobles Mr and Mrs Elutss spcntI Jised to consider what might be Counctl which convened on June and adjourned on June left considerable bllslllczib unfinished The monthly muting of Inaisfill which was resumed on Tuesday Jun3 The Rectc read some cotrc7 spondence receivedill letter of thanks front the Barrie Fair Board thanking the township for the use of then rozrd machinerth for couple of days in shaping up the grounds to park improvements Council decided to engage well digger to commence drilling well park John Allan was present to en quire If the township was interest ed in playground equipment He ind the superintendent were ad lesired Chief Constable James now cm loyed by the township vfor police work was present to receive iii itructioiis and also to arrange for he purchase of siren for his ar The matter will be given consideration RE TAXI LICENSES Deputy Reeve Eldride enquired lbolltlZle licenses and asked if the license stated that the particu lar vehicle was properly insured Instructions were issued to the police to prosecute aliympgrsons carrying passengers within the township without township li cense PARKING BYLAW bylaw to restrict the parking of cars on 30foot streetin Plan 591 was passed and forwarded to the Department of Highways for approval befoth the final reading The bylaw ylrc parking in front of the township park was also brought forward and instructions issued that it be enforced This was enacted about 12 years ago NOTTAWASAGA DRAINAGE Township representatives were requested to attend meeting in the Court House June 23 re the conservation program of this drain age basin STEWART PLAN DISCUSSED letter received from the Plan ning and Development Board ad vising that until ah agreement was reached with the township regard ing the road the plan would not receive approval BIG BAY PLAN Some residents of Big Bay Point desire the closing of lane at Big Bay Point and the opening of new road opposite the7hntel It was agreed that if petition was presented it would be considered and lled friends at IIniomitle and Toronto over the weekend Miss Eileen Clark was in lor 717 whee Um Wk 0er Lgsionary Hung lhoiizas rrnJ tlrirticr7 Knapp Marion that ii Toronto weekend at Howard Miss spent ainpbclls II III II and Mrs ra er mr hi 55 litrv LDEN airie Miss Isobel talker of 1UP III Riggs TIL IITIIIII hane utll Go viilily ladies in illi tii2 of North Bay spake rst hen Mrs Matthew recent onto and Mr Covari Sask visited wit tie It Black Iurk Supt niiichImS comma JI WI Wmst some requests and btlglltstlolls asnast Sunday Sympathy is extended to Mrs It IId glIIlIWD BII Henderson in the loss of her hus ESL mmm Mr Henderson was injured when his car crashed the guardE ls at Crown Hill on May 33 He never recovered consciousness and died in Toronto General Hospital last Friday and Mrs rluir ac Mr and Mrs Doug llnmd WA Mid W515 ilIlllIllt Sow siltt reap gtllttr Tile rlS and WA of in Ullllttll but Watch lllt Vtttl Id band on the west camp ground of theIrIII compunied Ias Muir on Weeks holiday in the Kingstonjaiitiiiiitruc district tlltl tiiuich met at Mrs last week ofMay Last week Illeiill June tlJI an excellent at all Eltitlkilii Mill 311 whole Muir famin visited at Mr iidarice report and Mrs Mr and Mrs Douglas Muir and Barrett of Torontri Mr and Mrs Kenneth Muir of Montreal Mr and Mili Francis Muir of Murr Phillip and xiire the speakers They Douglas of Stoutlville The latter llltll work on the Missionlicld it were accompanied by Mrs Muirs parents Mr and Mrs Phillip Mile last summer Mrs sort of Calgary Alta pccially of her work Work at Cemetery ttillilll and children The Guthrie Cemetery Commit tee decided in lieu of the annual Work The uddroyavg bee to hire the work done by truck quantity of earth was drawn The committee would dee iiiiic student missionaries ciate it all interested lllltlLUIl business of the WA meeting was llIUlIi 10341334 tribute one dollar to pay for the the decision to have lllt instead of the regular Mid lriiit Committee send cards in halfday of labor the future to those Newly Weds Honored Ihtiltlllsly ill At the conclusion of Last Monday night quite nuni the meeting dainty refreshments her front around here met at theWere served Mrs Francis trucking Mr and riis All Campbell are Toronto and Chadian for week isiiine their sons iLuHIailvsaic Mrs Cold 57M well and Jackie 24 liztii tart ipltrd to the address audg Matts new and Mrs Dick Uli Iiranch of the 1th interesting and 7t live car loud lutiiiic ittei ed Mi It Band oft WMS it closed her talk by reading iii Juiy II and In MEI WW king DUNK pm 3342 ivitli mutt lilt some fines 7i didlithium Mme mm Mn Iloriscz were r7 were four convictionsg local resident xtas fined 8100 story on overcoming lifs dillicul us At the conclusion of the ittrec in liouritrful lunch was scared Bertram 7l iulcalili ltlltl paper or the bale Maw conducted Illislltil tlliittl Muirs they werew read Mrs Duncan rrlctuaiglhlis and rlis Iylchahi conducted brief devotional stir served iclreslmieiits li III Home Missions Mr and Sloutlviitc Establlscd 30 Years lull Lake Alta vitli lhi Itcal IIstrite Broker stressed the need for iringcirstici Houses Lots Tobacco FKHHI who are not mtietde craniumm Mix Chocolate Cake in Little lil lento llic second Wtiih liif Slitwss every time with Campbells Cake Mu Just add cup of milk or water stirand bale Light tender delicious Huis Killiml gigil his ii Jirllil day cpl Bt7ttlllil zesaiciicc ladle here on to be played at lit they having iii two games out of tin um ITny NitriteN JW iiMM smri moron tONVltTrIONS Mimi rotis his lI ir tin opening of lilllflltt ltff Garden Hint Air tllitlll tIt iiis appornted delegates to llc lstrict of Airntial at Ciossl irii on June rs iiiiiiin rzi Mi Titlcn rd poem on tlri um fm Limb la io ii 2i ilace other than rest UPHOLSTERING Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Repaired and Recovered Stratford lipholstering Co Idemc with the usual fine of $100 lit37 Miiir WV HM General lirms exchanged interesting and certainly created For Free PICkup iiJiie interest in the work of our RILNI 2NIV IiIHVIlIiIi llie cluel And Delivery Call Acliiel he Schcppcr ii Wl Lowe Son Phone 4365 Free Estimates List Your Properties Wllll us ston Aliaiidalv thbii frauds II 30 oCNOCOLAIE CUIWltlltili tlt also registcicd and the Toronto Conicrvimadr Uanm III TB why AMI mm My mu pumping irrioxziIation ii public place test to he held at ldeisiaie on been making their usualllvm lullW14 lllllsimlc and Bur rlagrstlatc IUlel here orcwuh WI II rm IMHWHIR lo7 to run at lziigr without collar township road occupies the shore line fronting the hotel 9th LINE WATER CONDITIONS some mdmauon Mb mvon the water conditions at the high way and the 9th Line Council decided to have consultation on the mall INVITE FEDERATION plcNKI II II giggly ThCIfKWRSthtTIICtM to in Vite the Federation of Agriculture to hold its annual county picnic Ihe supervalue money savmg in the township park new DeLuxe has proven by actual With some business still unfin test that it will give 34 more mile ished and plans and blueprihts age than the big mileage Goodyear spread over the table the Couri it replacesStrongercordconstruc Gil again adjournedattlicczillot tion provides more protection from the Reeve the ho bemg may blowouts ii wider atter tread mldmght steps up traction in any weather Howard Griers newII housceaSI 7I FOWLERS TIRE SERVICE itcorrespond 3m Ualirm comm your iu om 1M 28 Peq PRICES IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT II comm IIIICI II gt and Darlene of as con ViSI ca FLI PHONE 4335 relatives here iast week cums sour oiltits 157 ocuvu mm email at 11= 5511165 cum WW IIIIIre IIleEVIInII fIIr teIIIII daIIIIS iII New mmI ESE PHILIItnHIA if 21 onusmtiie Big 19 38111 MIMI Ifo 92139 re orrison IS Lu JM adqdifessilnlg seviaralgatheringson ggggggw 801 19c COWANSHEEOEEENI Rural Life BENZ JUNIOR FOODS 301 ms I25 AIT DINNER monorail 517 7JMND77 771M vuvm noun it 32 ANDPASTRAYIIM no1 ml 3w GYIWIHEDWNDS $534 25 rnmcv upmnsnucn 23 91 MST H00 till7 29 MOT33 JACKSONS ALIENS APPLE JUICE iiiism mg Start on hiSI GIN Mr and MFS ACX 3915 EFFECTIVE JUNE I7 718 and 19 11 STU Mr and MrSI Rouse Wayne OGILVIE 01 65L mutt Mlxns AN 27 Mmsculmo CHERRIES 01 m27c Rev and Mrs Morrison run when 55 PERFECTION ILI 39c N7MMUTE CHEESE WWIEl dlrhridr ititisg CAULIILOWEB omens swm oziiia 23 we Olin 12 mo WASHINGTONS 54c JIFFY IlzLB CHOCOLATE 51701 CHARM Enigma EKG 19 It easure Panama 24 nm IlKG Mn GmTOMATo JUICMEIII i723 11 ROSS mm ooGissdiis 52 16c ENGLAND 0234270 my so not six curb 11c 77 Openln cum mums PKG IIlc or ForgiAsuoKwniguzs tit323 Ml um cm mnyzynos on so 2e 5e CW BFrhzzi gnaw FORKKiBmNS Idllitrzomsisucr diiihs 25=I WWW 0123 MIDOG moon uzoz VI of our ncw ROSES flown 38 on zirms 19c lavas 8m smlwum 19 $5131 onitiicrsmto TB 51k mom Pmnns can 63 333 ozzfflliil33E TF TIN n7 wmrnsmvmrn WW WV GMMSBY swmi 151 all 257 355 25 77 777 so comnmnmcmtsn MIN It mm 13 GOLDBERGAN SYRUP noeeasI 126 cnvsrALSIe 4mm counts wnxnn rum rate we WKENIJT PIECES cmo an CERTIFII 77 777 77 NABISCO smnnmsj mas an Branch Manager toaLAws JACK JILL mwNGS I7 Ilijfglb35c MC Pal Ci aveiiiScarf JIIiIUilns first II Iwm Sonya Bancy holdersIarrcIIprospectivoclients theIIcountiesr II IIIIGARDENFRESH IjARIRINGSI5III WdSi coeandlnthe DIstrictofMuskokaI IQl IEIIey7Irucear1 EOESTiisraTslb53 gum CVI mm rirrivrng in Plentiful 7uppIyONTARIO enemy 5mlm5lm 747 T957 If I77ejlephonq Barrre73734a WINESTWMW e746 CAUIIFLDWEittttnltih777racii25cf Ptlttftfsrrouurriisvrostrum41c GREENEABBIIE girth gt ii noasr 01315 Immune GROWN mummy errors 53 I7 III IIIzIIIIBunIthSII IlqcI ttlgg lb onirzuno GROWN Spleetedo Grade Mimi Pit srttttralttib4sc CHIIIIIITS Imported 3155196 SMOKED SIDE BACON thri lib63 MCI8 CHEESE gang 1139 Amvmg Fresh Daily from Selected Chihuahuas HEAD lETTUCE ennuii GREEN omens cum LUNCH MEAT trail lbi5lc HOT HOUSE TOMATbEs cucumaiis man 931m35 $35 ItoaLAw GaocrrrttiAs co LIHMITED