Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jun 1948, p. 7

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THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7950 COpIeI Atmtontuo can cum no v0 um man THE 85th YeorNo 24 Drew Meeting at Barrie Stirred by Questioning Of Mrs John Lougheed What had been comparatively quiet election campaign in Simcoc Centre was turned into something else again when Mrs John Long heed wife of the CCF candidate attended the Progressive Conserva tive meeting at which Premier George Drew was the speaker in Barrie last Thursday just days before election day The meeting at the IOOF Hail was attended by about 250 person with inert and women equally well represented Chairman Donald MacLaren KC introduced Mrsultfercer Ham ilton who spoke briefly on the im portancc of women in politics and said she felt the Drew Government had been very good from the standpoint of wotncn Rev 1111 Downcr candidate for DutlerinSimcoc urged all to take nothing for granted but get out and vote on Juttc George Johnston arose to in troduce Premier Drew and as soon as he mentioned the 22point platform of 1943 woman got tip frotn her seat in the centre of the hall and asked which of the 22 poittts had been implenigntcd Mr Johnston replied that alftlic points had bccti put into effect but the woman pressed for specific ari swcr When Mr Johnston that Mr Drcw would be answering the question the woman left her seat and made her way to the front of the hall to spot directly infront of the platfortn and she insisted that Mr Johnston answer the question At this point the chairman asked the lady her name and when she replied Mrs John Lougbccd ic ST MARYS PARISH BINGO THURSDAY IUNE 10 815 pm New Parish Hall MulcaSter St PRIZES CHICKENS FRUITS GROCERIES Admission 35c minim mainstreaming fotir suggested Collision Repairslow Truck Expert Wheel Alignment and Balancing International Motor Trucks mum Garage 3011 BRADFORD ST Barrie PHONE 3026 ttTtiAtuicutittisffoNAircrewI got ottouubctiswritAiNiuoJnrul nNyAHCJB gflm informed the audience that she was the Wife of the CCF candidate Mr Johnston then told Mrs Lougheed that the Tories would not interfere wrth CCF meetings and he asked her not to interfere at that meeting However Mrs Loughced pressed for an answer frotn Mr Johnston He rctorted that if Saskatchewan was so good why had 70000 persons left that province in the last four years many for Ontario Referring to the low auto insurance rates iii the CCF province Mr Johnston said he thought this was probably be cause thcre werent enough cars there to bump into each other When Mr Drew began his ad dress he said new technique had been encountered in this campaign and no matter who used it it stemmed frotn the totalitarian method Mrs Lougheed then asked the speaker Is it being Red to stand up and ask question in democratic audience Mr Drew said he did not believe Mrs Loug hch was asking question Do you say Im Red rcpcatcd Mrs Loughccd see little brown little green and lot of noise said Mr Drew Mrs Loughccd was wearing brown suit and green hat Again the woman asked the Premier Do you say Im Red And tltc reply this tltnc was You may not be red but youre very near the boiling point IAre you down below the boiling point asked Mr Drew No not until thcrcs an answer to my ques tion was the reply The Ontario Premier said one of Turn to page tcn please BiittttgnND The School Musician magazine published iri Chicago and edited lfor grade clans and their directors devoted page of the May issue to the Barrie Collegiate Concert Band Under threecolumn Canadian Band Thrills heading MENC the entire band and there is also another photograph of group of the individual artists Accompanying the photos is the fbllowing short article Detroit MichWhen Luther Richman retiring president of the Music Educators National Con ferencch wanted to shake hands with our good neighbor Canada through the biennial Conference at Detroit he sent GrahamOvergatd scouting for representative school band of that great Domiti ion The search was short swcct and decisive and the performance of the Barrie Ontario 111in School Concert Baird at the Masonic Icm ple on Thursday morning was one its fortunate audience will not soon forget Director Fisher BA gave program of all British music and the band played those numbers with typical military precision yet with symphonic understanding warm and mellowed for indoor performance From school population of 550 the Barrie band by American standards would fall in Class BIIt coitld easily have competed with Class bands in national Contest days Director Fishers band has won so many honors that it has lately been barred from competition From meager start with students BARBIE BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY JUNE 10 1948 US MAGAZINE David Croll is Speaker 11111113 CONCERT Liberal Meetingxat BCI and high school must1 recent campaign In Simcoe Cttiv thcrc isa splendid photograph of unable to be prtscnt owing to his crowd of Well over 500 111 ES to Ontario and tended the Liberal rally in the BCI health auditorium last Friday night thicc days before the elcctton It was ill the largest political meeting in the Qtltlitt ifltlldllLL ltd ll UltW titorgi ire aud was held iii the interests 41 of Charles Henry of Thornton and vi Dr Mattlntid of CollingWood The speakrr Sun to have been ltobitrrttc Kt but he has would 01 lb ttti to old agt fitlhlull tln ii only three per Irtiriu ltl attenditttcc 1illlt rtqtureo at so tune has come Jiiit of tiiarm itll catch and v21 rather In in iiiun than 1R right ac siliilltt ptlhlllltln invit additional $11 Kahlil lLeose of 1881 Dealing XAMINER With Property on Dunlop iOccupied by Sanders mwt ioti 11 it will of liarsc Tpill irf lil 31orikirt Dalifl ilLtv tends ll lozttts II IEttrizttct otic of tro Iuan CHuH HumanL ititltl limit litLfl 111m 11 Ittcttumjteg ttilttl lflt Invert other hand 111 port inf lllt first mill anti ittith llrc 11kt for tie ochston was II ii litrtisit tolttntnu r1tiv14tlllll of tin Inst of llatttc introduced David roll tltzm Mr Troll 311 by Gladstotrc tuittc it the otin ot birncm lriitnii tot trtittio litiiggirt 1tlllltlll dirtdenls With 292 reinvested in III bu litntcd Kingdom littll raised by 50001 crates and lived iii Windsor and rose to 1c lll l9 come Mayor of that City and their 11W mllld ilk Him xvi our 111 Timid Omen mo mum Legislature VD mu WMNIH ipzirti v1 tnssetti lllill lfttttlivgtlcr and was cabinet minister to tlrc vlr that told how the ottiit fmm 31 Im Milli1 Hepburn lovcrtuncnt Ila resigned iilt taking ttedtt lor iti 1Iliwlnfl VW will all his high offices and enlisted tlll hilt PNNUHS Gillllfipfiql Ii early in the war as it private and Coiupciiszitzon and such Ni imlmu Ill wctit oveiscits and Mentuztlly be uity measures but he Ti liill flit came Colonel Now he is scrvmtt Wit It ltmvl liltimil in Hlf as Member of Parliament for will Illlt1 Hillutllltttl 111mlflirtinizivll vjviilidviiih spudim Town itgttt ol social legislation Milt HIM NEH ihd In his introductory remarks Col 15 110110 Slitllile middling inf 1v Cm 5pm mp 311 id itlttlltlll llll llic Ottiiwitgllium Tiirklll 312 fvm mildly Simpson with whom he had served PM Heltlll it WW ill 1m llm ifl If iii the Ontario Cabinet Ile said WNW hull lttllt was Strongly ill ih1 fill dillwild he was pleased to sec his laughH11l ilVl ML 0011 Ctr mm Hum mm tor Mrs Ted mow the furmprplum11 that bascd on an csttttrii Ruth Simpson on the platform at WI lztoss lllCtlm 51 billth the Ban mcumub gtatiada this year the Citizens of Mr Cm wmuwndm Charlcsgltlllltltl lliitl lost 525 millions 131 mryts mufn SC mp titt of tilt Drews refusal to sign $162001iiiiplniit bought by Mrfil tiiiiiilt with Stiml Drew and he recalled selling Fiti hymnS Ham and Henry calSf lht lllltltl ptogiatn ttt iclatton when the Liberals swept into powi illlt ms 43 er at Queens liirk several years WW ML CW 110 lmllllil ago The MI for Spadinavsnid he had commended Mr Drcw for bringing immigrants to Canada but he add labor 4tlilitltlltft itr tlcorgo Drew Warning against voting Consor xattvi on June Mr Croll said utml 11111 the labor pcoplchad not scribed its the Batik Bloclt sit tinted ott lot olcvctt oil the Iltlllll side of Duttlop Street in the said Town of llatiic fotttictly occupied by one Sanders Jcivclltis and vittclinrakcrs store together with to lllt sonic the ilill itt roar of iloclt for storage ptitposts Witness to signature was 11 tlcotgc trcasc Jack Mottlttnnti tttill cartics on the drug bustticm tttho sattn lltlliflllltti at 151 Dun ilop St 11111 IIN ed that the Ontario Prcmicr had It Driv is returned to power ltct purchasing their own instruments uniforms stands and oven music they worked their way through selfsupported performances to of their community Only three of the present soloists have rcccivcd specialized instruction on their in struments The band is product of group instruction obviously re flecting the harmony of the or ganization in itslovc for good music and the joy of making it In addition to the story and pic lures Of the Barrie Band the maga ztne published short account of the conference and listed some of the other outstanding perform ances as follows Detroit Sym phony Wayne University Band Detroit High Schools Concert Michigan State Festival Groups University of Michigan Band Charles MDenhis director Of music education Of the San Fran tsco public school Was elected MENC presidenttp succeed Luther Richman director Of the Cin crnnati Conservatory of Music The conference was held at De troit on April 19 20 21 and 22 Door Prize Reporrby Winter Meeting of TheSynod was read at the Anglican Church Shanty BaySunday May 30 at the morning Service by Win ter the lay delegate from St Thomas It was stated that Overseas work had receiv setback due to the reds in ina Most of the stall in Honanvwere forced to withdraw and only Bishop Lindel Tsen and his Chinese staff remain The diocesan camp at Lake Couchiching was reported to be open In regard to education at the camp the Drew Government com mented in saying that only 19 school boards applied for exemp tion in 1948 It was stated that 843 clergyman gave religious instruc tion to pupils that same year but in 1947 the number was 1044 At the convention report on the Diocesan WA was made audit was found that an increase in all departments had resulted Also cannonr mom Htcu scHOOI place of cndcarmcnt in the hearts At Shanty Bay Church On if The report of the Toronto Synod only half done the job After 111 ML Wk Ml VUU W111 Stt bringing the people hoto he did toilitttg of it health plzitt until 11c not lift finger to build houses for WWW Hitti Youll be short them although he did spend tens ltulitittl YHl tilnt trust those things to Iory Govcrtuticnts 2dr Troll urged his heaters to innit of housing hydro and health 1ltll going to the polls iou ought to be concerned about the company your political iotirlors keep This understanding twiwccn Drew and Duplcssis is something we cant afford That tnztn itr Qucbcc is Fascist with Fascist tendencieswith no regard for lairru of thousands on one lrouscOntar to House in Lotidon England Speaking of Iibcralism as way of life Mr roll said the Domin ion Govcrnmcnt had built 7IL000 houses in 1947 and they would build 100001 this year The Pro vince of Ontario refused to make one move toward housing he add cd MrCroIl related how Mr Gro myko the Russian delegate to the United Nations said no to eyery You have right to indict Drew thing He described Mr Drew as on the basis of his failure to co having the same relationship with bpcratcwith tlrc Dominionon so Ottawa as Mr Gromka had witlrl thllIl to page ten please 774 Lns 74 ESSA ROAD W315 tilts licd itccnhalgh was host gt5 to tlic WMS Auxtlittiy ot lIssn iitoad Iicsliyttnian Church at her home on utnbcrland Street May 21 for their May intcling Mrs 1N Sinclair presided with fif ttccrt members prcscnt Mrs Dickey was lllllltllgo of 11110 dcvlotional period with Mrs Dickey and Mis Dickey road ing the Scriptures Following the business meeting Mrs It Sinclair and Mrs 11 Dickoy gavc very interesting reports rcgardttig the Presbyterial held at Midland ion May 10 The meeting closed with lunch and social tralf hour le1 lit the not of and appertathl and right tot slittl TheBarrie Branch of the Canadian Legon BESL No147 ANNUAL luntdads citrus crop again stir Section 2Poges to 14 lSpecial Low Fares For gDominion Day Period Announced by Railways ILLERS 1947 REPORT Znlers Ltd 1947 annual report is our in appearance and well irated with charts and pic totes Sales income goes 6924f to trwretiairdise and supplies SIM in MI MN between for remuneration to statf 5mm mmiyiind to CE llliiHEfil 555 18 taut border points iii the United cutaneous no income fitifllsmk mm Dummion Dav isc gt profits taxm and 175 holiday period are announced by Montreal chairman of the anadzan lasstngcr Associalt tion TRINIDAD uRLS CROP The reduced rail fares will be thr oneway rate and onehalf for Itaswd all Itccoids and 1750001th tiNlMIrip Ti Like wm critics have en shipped to the itmiuii limn dmsmy The contract has UML ibfixf Pm $3de tit Thursday July Por the return trip they not be honoer lcavitrg llr1llllllill not later than midnight Month July 73000 crafts or Juice will be pur thascd Factlttzcs of the local fac tory have brcn overtaxcd and add cd facilities are expected to begin oppraiion this year Increased made this jtll and new product oliunttues of marmalade will be grapefruit ptgs has been added IA1LOREITOMEASURE BRITISH WOOLIiNS PRICED FROM SIIITSINSTOCK All Sizes Priced at $3750 to $5850 ODI TROUSERS size 30 to 44 Price from $475 SIRAW IIATS $200 to $450 For Work 390 to $125 WE CARRY COMPLETE LINE OF WORK CLOTHES WILF TODDilliliiotlhTs 31 Km ONTARIO HEREFORD BREEDERS ANNUAL PICNIC AND SHOW INNISF IL TOWNSHIP PARK Saturday lune 12 MEMBERS AND VISITORS INVITED SIMCOE COUNTY HEREFORD CLUB SIMPKIN STROUD Chairman Publicity Comm Can be insured against damage by fire while in operation or while stored for veryglow rate SARJEANT INSURANCE 49Dunlop St BARRIE Dial 4427 main Objective BURTON AVE UNITED WA The regular monthly meEting of the WA of Burton Ave United church was 1dLLune5Mrs Pugh presided Mrs Mickswas in charge of the devotional period After the business was discussed Mrs Micks committee served daintylunch Read Examiner Classied Ads PROTECT kayour =7 SUWER COTTAGE Be careful with mm but InSurance is the Only thing that will pay an unavoidable toes INSURE Busting MMGOM nits INSIIIIIICBAGENCY 41 Dunlopjtg Dial 3735 BARRIE that its50ciar Work liadbeenithe istcjcr rtiijuicittaitet 12 Jim In JackSOns Gril or no Nsr up Mantel Radiiovl13rd Electric Tickets on Sale at Barberigsliolp Charettes Tail egiorrlnfrembers ifmiitMENi 390m Lucky ValuableVI Orslidlgil Hand sDrawsThursdayurgingJune 17 AllgPrizesLPurchased lly

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