Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jun 1948, p. 5

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By RGSJ lnnisfil Township Council had June morning and afternoon with all the mem btisy little on Saturday when it met at Stroud bers present The chief subject of discussion was the proposed bylaw to deal with regulations governing build mattch ap mg construction and pertaining thereunto Mr wacr representing the Department of Planning and De velopiiian was present to ex plain and discuss with the Council the aims of the proposed legisla lhe areas to be defined he entire township and it may be zoned off for various purposes such as resi dential business agricultural sum tioii said the may include iiivr resorts etc lie explained that tho or the whole bylaw llll3 OCCUPATION cottage which iits alm should not WANTED Ambitious youngr ladies for Interesting permanent work in progressive retail orgnnlza lion Age l8 to 25 years good character pleasing appear ance public school graduates with some high school pre ferred This Company offers pleasant working conditions congenial i1530ciates good salary op portunity for advancement to those interested in retailing For interview Apply Miss Macdonnell Personnel Supervisor ZELLERS LIMITED PorcOIators Ketttes Irons Toastersqnlls hlms Curling frgns vacuumCleaners zuhildtllers rFIOOIPollshers Floor Lamps INNISFIL COUNCIL bylaw even if acceptable to the Council tad to go to the Municipal Board for approval at which time every resident WUttltl have the privilege voiclng his protests on any part The question came up as to the games of occupation of summer is deemed to be an unlined type of bulldingcong trueted entirely for summer use Mr Keefer felt that such clause was necessary in order that Coun cil might have control over per sons desiring to become permanent He suggested that the be set as of building to be erected but left ifor adjustment from time to time or any type of business was felt on Guaranteed Trust Certificates ISSUED for any amount for term of veaears guaranteed both as to principal and interest interalt obtains milled torN reach holders on due date or at holders option may be allowed to accumulate at compound interest An ideal investment for indlvtdtull com panicsruutlmrized by law forcemttry boards executors and other truism inn STERLING TRUSIS CORPORATION Hood Nicolaiinto Barrio Office 13 Dunlop Strut 37 you in lotions lry now dholulilttltKolllo for one weekNo oblijutlon The amazingly fill Electric Kettle bolls our in hurryenougbforfotlc gt cup of lid in thro unionist Wide opening spear malts filling easy Beautifully nishedin tumour chroma withblack bskellte handle capacity pill that in and up QE Kettle Tfiihanlbr litany =4 for our minimum on spatial of thisstore WW5 Stolen Soltlrlmtubns animators sprenampxoriin by Mr Keel to be good rug gestlon as It would prevent beauty parlor and such business es from being operated in sum mer cottage The delegation brouxht up the point of doctor making call or giving treatment at his cottage The all of lot to be used for dwelling or cottage would ap ply on all lands except where the lot was on plan registered prev ious to the passing of the bylaw Regulations also would specify the space to be left on lots and be tween buildings And set back from line at least l2 feet Other clauses were dealt with separately BEACHES DELATiON large number of lakesborc residents were present represent lug various areas to complain about the suggested building by law Mr Clutterbuck of Leonards Beach Association as apokesman went nito various points of the bylaw aiidfeli that the proposal became instead of building by law Zoning Act He pointed out that such zoning could not be passed without the approval of the ratepayers affected Mr Clutter buck pointed out that as rcevc and as member of another mun icipal council hewnr quite con versant with the matter he was discussing We are prepared to carry the matter to court where am in junction can be obtained be old personally have some gr ev anecs with your Council as have Written three letters without single reply He read lengthy brief outlin ing number or complaints which The clause which would pro they felt covered the matters un 1ibit private residence used or der discussion ilsuinmur cottage being used Reeve Lockhart described the report on the bylaw error and misleading We have just heard Mr Keefer of the Planning and Development Board who has dealt with various points of the proposition As for the dust preventative which had been mentioned by Mr Clutterbuck an additional 20 tons had been secur ed for the road Mr Keefer in his reply con cerning the bylaw said it was to cover the use of land and comes under different section The by law will bc properly drafted and submitted to the ratepayers for further consideration Reeve Lockliart again emphasiz ed his desire to ke the aifciirs of the beaches in vorable con dition and give those ratepayers every consideration Mr Clutterbuck agreed on be half of the delegation that the draftbylaw be submitted to the ratepayers first for their approval before finally being passed Mr Keefer added that before the final as being in TRIAL mailman mirrors CoffeeStQWS Hbtl Pmi Innuendo itinerahltmmsi provide accepted the debenture of one mill overthe area concerned the for matter to had swimming classes at the township park She asked that some rafts be arranged thatthe pupils learn ing swim can be under control of the instructor Council will make some arrange ments It also endorsed creational work Mill Ill BIFFEIS passing of the bylaw the Iitunicz pal Board would consider it fully kfterwhich no changes Could be made without proper amendment NEW ROAD DISCUSSED William Patterson of Km It the road which brim cull through to the north iownhin The delay is being caused by the railway crossing for which puma has not ya Dccll obtained letter was read from the ltrkl of Barrie regarding the claim that lnnisfil had pushed itizile over to the Barrie side also that the road was not straight ltoad Sup ervisor Stewart explained that the read line had top which would be rounded off much as pos sible Mr Patterson asked some action on the road and crossing as he had numeiotis enquiries for lots which cannot be rcachcd with tlm roadln its present state Deputy Reeve Eldridge asked if Barrie had sent its promised sharel $250 The Clerk said this badl not been ieceind If the road twcrc Opened to to Highway at least 20 petrolis are ready to purchase and build motion was passed authorizing the road supervisor to rush the work as quickly as possible wnh the aid of necessary 9500 TRIP TO USA Frank Kell and Miss Belle Warnicu presented to oiincil project they have in 111111da trip contemplated to Cornell Uniycr sityi Ithaca NY The trip would take three days by bus and may include total of 50 persons The date will be during the second week of September lotal ex hired iiiachiticry if lenses may amount to over $1500 of which the County ouncil have offered urant of $200 With other assistance expected the ap plicaiits asked for township grant of similar amount the balance of cost after the grant is to be made up by the club and members PARK WIRING Mr Banting contractor ad vised that they had wired the new service into the park booth They offered to do the outside work on tiincand1iiaterial basis motion to accept this method of handling the work was passed MiCaliWLll president of Cedar Harbor Associationspokc of the through roads and suggested that roads crossing the concessions be made stop roads He asked what defined sum mer cottage and how they could be changed to permanent resi dences He was advised that if the clause regarding dates of using unlined cottages as permanent homes could be defined provid ing Council agreed and the word ing as shown on the draft should be changed RINK COMMITTEE William New and FraserSuther land appeared to ask assistanCe in getting the ratepayers together on June 18 to hear and decide on the advisability of debenture to link The suggestion was that general meeting be called by mailing notices to all concrnedu If that meetinghthcn necessary steps could be taken If after this meeting Council agreed than it might be possible be completed by Council without vote taken meeting will be called for June 18 and notices mailed to ratepayers PARK NIGHT WATCH number of applications were receivedfor night watchman at the park Ted Webbs apiiicatiipn WaSTaCmTW NEW TRAFFIC OFFICER Louis James was engaged as traffic officer on months trial and counlycdnstable for the town ship of Innisfil services to com mence at once James has considerble experience at police work his own uniform and anew car 8150 trafficiofficer supplying his own car Salary is to be $225 for the trial month RECREATIONAL REQUEST Miss Louise Colley was present to ask for better facilities for her the re SADDLE HORSES John Copeland Owner of the ridingstab1e on the beaches was PP9Sent plaints re horses Heassured the to answemwsomewcom He will act as chief ionisation Mr and Mrs Tali Dobsun with asked for information concerningAlbtic Lois and Raymond at lLlidru tlic Hall bliectsile on Saturday June lhv Ilidll friends of Mrs RlCh artist alt glad to bear slil W05 is able to 1cziirii home from Hospital Baiilc on Sattird is getting along nicely iiiisi1aiy Mental June I3 at It am and pm ibis lemsall loronto and Mr ulflh Jj tnyrr Rm Lmns Ur Comerl and hits onlcl and Billlt South id fw ll Sm Unt Church Barrie Wm Mundane spent the Wtcktlid dllll 14 it it illt it be in charm of lllr mormn ser BU mm Hung smvici will Ml mid Mrs Art All my cltccl their twist ominanioii all bc taken by Rev Wesley liunniscll with his boys oichestia from the l1cd Victor Mission of Toronto United WA and WMS The United WA and WMS met at Mi Donnellys on with It piesciit After the business of the WA was over Mrs Walton tinned the missiona giant over to Mrs ll held at ollingwoodi picnic and join with the School at St Vincents lar rie July Supper at followed by sports Iloll Favorite Quotation meetimz slipper was served hostess ouncil and ratepayers that if any complaints about his horses were received he hare them cullitlitl Council illutlllltl finished cs in United Church Sundayf Parr Ilunt lrlttl the Scripture and Mrs li Iarr and Mrs Garnet hitMaster care report of the WMS meeting It was dc cidcd to llilltl the July meeting as all After would immediater the meeting until Tuesday ttllllll Iune ll as coiisidti able husiiiiss was left un lle AltX the RV on driftn 33 nd llll 114 km of Cila clioscn ha spent Sunday 21 Julin Buic or Fwd day 11 London tii ii Jl Mn harlcstloddurd and taimb WW0 IfIUI MH Ml Mull Mis lctri lnlloi and fliiiill oi Mrs Sunday Bar will be His ill it the by the MI and Mrs il Inc Toronto spent thcii cottage Mi Nitieai the and Mrs Ias Falls Wilbur TIMI and p0 Billy 311120 Read lIxaiiiincr HOMELESS SPllllt wiiirgymouurlrultrasound vJilinnsrorriiiruraosruacn am sanctum IN mmon unit was In MILKFED VIM Siioiiiniiii Illlint llllMPllllllSTS H129 SIIIWINBIITT llllllST is 49c lllllkSl Milli ltllil suc moaton rsrsc ut39e=sosrmris aims mm ms 25 monumcblmmm Humanitarian 31 iiWm Stairs 1352ch Mm GROUND mm lllllTS LBL errors ROAST SHANK HALF lb 359 3mm Smitlllogfslng 45C SKINIESS Wllilllllls mom LB35c LUNCH MEAT oruc10us sucrp us 51c Macaroni Cheese Ltlllt our LB 39 lllllilll STYLE SliiJlMl Pith LB 49c so LB 35c ill 25 WHISQV IACN 9c recruits in 0111mm Sunnidale Corners lllchrist noting lltl daughter Mrs Er ations to Marion Grant Beauty on Monday hiltliltiiill and Mr and Mist Noi llitlll Burkhotdtr Sharon and San with Vrcktnd Visitors with Mr and Mr and l111 Briimr liaivcy Saunders Toronto is ritimi at leo Baxters Slitppard spent days 111 Toronto last week Mrs lhldon Joan and friends Weekend at NY then rummei home last week lassilieds L8 450 gt lloliiics Niauaia Frills nt are at hero Iiiiiiili ilill llillklllllil The Wl met at ili lloiitjla illTthll til l1s on lliiiiiliy witbi oiiitv al SPECIAL mourn JACKSONS VPOWDBBS Julian Miiiiriiiiiirr an matte Mrirnicmrn gc PHELPSION June cSScS boardhats Mary tiller Illillcy home Illilli Angelas gc London built cooled to giatic on lltl year 1k nipaths iv extended to Edtllsalr Queen the Just add Caiiipl uni Mass in St latiicks tlrutcli$uh flit lliiilllllig illltl Mrs lilt Kcllti of Lonl llilll isitcd Mrs llall Saiuidax She liilllllltl Willi them for bob lubr Mn ir and Ncwmaikct laincs Sitplullr Wil rtii Marley and John Sexton lw ing district gave short fall which was much enjoyed by all Two Young Ladies Showered Mix SPICE CAKE hi hi null 01 Liam to stir and llllL linio lzrsli bonuinatlc kllitQlltil llltl lender and tlcliriotis liy it rimming CAKE MI the rest of theevenlng On Thur lday night nsbower was also hold lunch was served by the hostliar Miss Beulah Paddisori when she received many useful presents Lunch and dancing filled out the June shower was held for the bride cycning mu pmun Ivv spent Lxlltl M15 Dcllllls srvey or tubc Wednesday night the at ff 311 l1 sexein Luisa airs loncr luWii hail hen Miss Helen Lock ls umm it mv is sorely hcic be hurt ILLLHcd iizariy useful pres NJ it want 1am aie 91 cats lunch was scntrd tn the 311s littllci and dancing was enloyed growths from the outer cells ATIFRAL onowriis PAGE run it in plants ate natural Flavors CHOCOIAIE comm SHCE iniito Mr and Mis lloiien of TH iniito NEW LOWELL June rii and Mi icit liawn Keni iietli and loiotl1v Severn lliidue spent Sunday with hilr Ainistioiipi and Mi and ML lcoiee ltiissrll tilad to izport that Mis lxiiltl llutl is able to Le home from the hospital All hope to we her iioatiib few of tow members and 11tois piesent Miss tollcy of Baiiie spoke on ltccieatioii M1 Fraser ot Aron1 BLUE BB1 TIA BROWN BillTEA lit TRUMPET BRAND TBA LOILAWS FINEST ORANGE FEKOE 1111 Liiiiri TEll iiiirs ltle er Jirrr rir aim noun 37 119 nos usi Plexus arm iiirhmlc IBYS COCOA Jenrm ml Vinson burrs ram BABY root mm mm 3oriiiszsc TAiuitkgplnLIW17f JAIMlIx itll CHEESE in 231 cnocomrnmmriszg 802 PKG puma VALUES couvmc vounsurn ZiotrLZBe innitvii WlillllTlllillitfSiziisr 23 SHREDDED warrrweo zwzsoz titlillti illilll SYlluraiu SPAGIIETIIimtblul an 11 cmsiltMKZT tlllllillS truncatingg kg 12 tltlllliSYniiPI JEWEL SlitlliTENlllB drugs Wiiirr SltViElTESW zapas iuuwscuazztyms RED mu TB glib bill 50 hill 99 46rlktdl 91 43c lid85a lift Ill 25+ FIRM CRISP ONTARIO llllllltlll Iceberg Nov annierGonmmo NEW CABBAGE commieRosanna IIIIDISHw ONTARIO SWEET MILD rst omens 211115 NEW error muauvsnocru JUMBOVV DOZ 9c moltr Cums Lirliz9g Hills PlllE IlillKEtfltllllllfWW IjIPTONS Tlillvnl km Wat57L WEBSTER ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL WIRING SERVICE OIL BURNER slurs SERVICE PHONE mo sour GREEN HEADS 12c 390s nnrrrsn COLUMBIALEXTRA FANCY MN BSHP APPLES 6000 SELECTION Ant sronss affix PRISM ltllMor Stillltitiwantuc BOSTOIIiBllllSL trill massw Lg samurai iiiiiinir sir23 Mm n1 14 Lav ea In LB BUNCH 5c 33 mu

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