Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jun 1948, p. 3

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he won lsi cir Proficiency Vy gilglgglilrshllidnl flint1L tlsgmtlexohltt itv passed third year in licrnical Ln ginecrmg Holiday Sim Mm WW Rem of Town in NWS IiittiJanotRTinonto nt1 lllls home 55 03m ism in pay tints Mm DUHS 132mm In her gdmh gym conipbcll Misses lzllllIill and Ther hi 81 ma 81lnfilnhnsg mm altworm hf munchmy wr 2113 foil itllliflliicirfilfuln st Peters The tiltllfllllL SLHiCC will be Charge 01 Em Richards of Shanty Bay and in the otvonjnl 3110 waxd of St ShhlfmrtlillIlilluhllsttlllilluhirsjIll Johnston Alcona BOElLlllfll Miss Doris Noble Allandalu THURSDAY JUNE 10 1948 encircling MINESING he in Toronto Mrs Wm Paterson spent few days with her sister 11 Stayncr Mrs Frank Wood of Bradford visited at Ii Sinclairs during the week Mr and Mrs Roy Brown and family Saskatoon are isilitlg ill and Mrs Allan Todd Mr and Mrs Sturgeon and family and itticItott Iisitttl Mr and Mrs Spence Shanty Bay on Sunday Congratulations to Gordon Todd HOUSEHOLD CLEANING PASTE Cl Lurim mare Is HNHIOI IllIANnll letter lhan lilkf or lowtlcr Ulth QM Du At All mmRV and Hardware Stores 15c lin 77 Kin gm Fast TORONTO ONTARIO SPARK MOTOMASTER gives you would pay for other firstline plugs They are pre cisionbuilt side by side with and identical to original equipment 77 POINTSQE Extra Hea Body Alloyed Elec Nozzl Corrugated arden Hose check this for Ivnluel Servlceable llivnbnitink hose for lawn gal sh etc Complete with nounsend int in maclim white metal Better qualltvnumes fully rustproofed rind69 in but vry efficient sprinkle of dlecnsi material Ecolproqf mechanism with wide cover lilo Prodticedin huge volume which stakes this low price possible 49 Mrs Sturgconvspent Thursday ztgcmcnl TUlSlelOS mommam ium quality at almost half what you Heavy Dufy Insulation Heat sealednoioompressjoii eSieffev electrical conductivity It Garden Hose Sprinklers Connectors 99 ranrrrcisrniNKLERA lowpriced 4133 siNrrio REVQLVISG iSPBlNKLISII iiiAitYI June Mr and Mrs Stotesbury visited friends here on Sunday Joan Priest is patient at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Mrs Scarlett of Allandale spent ithe weekend with Mrs John ston Mrs Parker and Patsy spent in few days with rciillivesin Tor Cilllli Mr and Mrs Plowrighl spent Sunday with relatives in Aurora Miss Bailey Barrie was tnday visitor with her cousin lMiss Bernice Young Congratulations to Paul Stotes ury and Miss Grace Twccdle who were married at Richards Land ing on May 31 Mrs Cliff Bell and children and lMiss Helen Johnston of Toronto nro visiting their parents Mr and Mrs lrvin Johnston Mr and Mrs Maw were lcalled to Toronto last week on ne count of the illness of their daugh fer Betty who is recovering satis an appendix opera lSt lb fnclorily after lion Womens Inslliule The regular meeting of the WI was held on June at Mrs Chas lDays with good attendance The roll was answered with the name lof the birthplace of grand arcnts EDuring the business pcrio plans lwcrc made to atlcnd the District Annual at Crossland on June 15 and delegates were chosen Mem bcrs were urged to attcnd this imccling committee was named ilo arrange for serving at lhc Park Eon June 15 and again on July The Coopcrativc program was adiscusscd and voting showed that the majority wanted course on Ci1izcnship or Household Manlt The meeting was torn led over to Miss Jessie Foyston who prcscntcd the oldest grandmother iprcscnt Mrs Gco Ayers with illtilllllilll bouquet of owers and other grandmothers present with Springtime was the theme of an article prepared by Mrs RA Clements and in her absence it was read by Mrs Duslo All present took part in oncminulc speeches which were very interesting and humorous Mrs Wes Johnston won the prize for the best impromptu speech display of articles from foreign lands proved very interesting Tca hostesses were Mrs Adamson and Mrs Peacock The July meeting will be held one week later than usual on July at Mrs Pcacocks ST PAT THERE TOO Irclandis not the only snakclcss land in the world There are other snakclcss regions including New anland and the Azorcs muss pram spark band 15 bcrn in tire lIIlllL of Maycs included Mt and Mrs MOSQUlO funding 0i his pnv fluliipf to MQYCS Marshal and Marion and unlltgnlltr tillmsulliomml 1111 BMgaggngndelIlmgd13115 alum Block draw niolicyl lor hi toliarro so 1Ill Till community extends con REPELLENT liLlltlhlirltlFfilit ll hind 511 iL ll money rcrauxc our tnIiI tors Ellrimsslsl 11illtshctiiticnfzliiiihliL asslihgmt Bring in Your Exposed Film to unite turret hint llJlDTIls inc Banting and Beth Huddlcston Us for Developing and Printing lllhlnild 50illliiftill who Will graduate as nurses from By Our Exclusive MIRRORTRUt IRO Iof mind their oiill ultimo 310 Ronylwvmtoria Hoslimlr Balm SUNTAN MOTH KlL 49 Photo Finishing Fast Satisfactory Service my Illfjllwll ilkfjhfxftlf MEIilndeflggzni fgjkgvilhy LOTION SALOTYN TABLETS 27 his 53 22 Grladhamf abndcthcfr guest Mrs no pm we ENGLISH STYLE HEALTH SALTS gg cfii150313fil1 zt 11 10 RV lnrl In Limits 5fwi iii Harmlul sun FOR nulrscgof the Royal Victoria Hospl RaySFrom SANTAX TOlLET PAPER FOR 29 gigglcdaurxg ta arric on Thursday evening BLlillcdln th lnlelplic lildlCS of Bummg Dilliiltiittiiitylllali3 cites Unilc Churc packed lit Inl mlv box for an overseas family which 2955f PAPER TOWELS INTERLAKE 15 lllltlccolll i1 pthtJlrtLnily lnit W85 shipped through the Tamblyn 250s tnurkel until the new crop conics service Missllrcnc McMaslcr vcry ievccnltlyt lCgCiVOduEl most apptccia WINSUM LUX SOAP Send oltr tutstunts 10 or mm recipien sa KiIZ triiiix ing thgt the box and its CXllonlsl LOTION UFEBUOY 25 Janillstmiilnrontnint arrive in perfect order ifiong Soothin and the items sent were rice which the Healing for BATH SOAP PINE and ALEX recipient saidbthcy hadnt tasted inl Sunburn PALLMALL for 35 lawnm years also ox ofTca Bisk Its cut lovely whiteness was greatly ad tiigc 30 BATHINC CAPS 35 49 75 mircd as were the tasty biscuits it Bontc 79 125 made 113 GOGGLES25 49 79 100 and up ANT EN UNGUENTNE 60 ldciil for Cleaning POISONIVY TANGEL 65 165 raise Teeth TN STANDAG 240 WEED KILLER 95 29 Newtdn spent Mel We SHELL WEED KILLER and NEW days with friends in Toronto T3Tl5 APPUCATOR 168 ANNUAL SALE Jim Coughlin and Eugene M111 Tmnhiemm 499 89 gt Ezyigrlltiiosnto spcnt JSunday at Airmen MOTH ml 00 Edith Cox spent the Iwcckcnd 23 39d TAT ANT TRAPS35 for XIISDI Willi Ml and Mrs Glen Richard lsonv Slam HOT WEATHER COLOGNE Mr and Mrs Lawrence Archer BROMO SELTZER 25 49 95 LOOK and children Toronto visited lARGEaOlBOWLEUSUALLYSMO friends here over the weekend ALKA SELTZER 29 57I THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA r0 PAGE s= Mr and Mrs Wilson and Miss mm 31 teldon Lxbiidge visited Mrs Kttthtng and Mrs Mcv Mr and Mrs Storey and fam ily of Caledon visited Mr Mrs Marling on Sunday Mrs McMasttr visited her daughter Mrs Finley Hunts ville couple of days last week Mrs Bates is at the home of her daughter Mrs Palmer of Bar rie who recently had an operation Mr and Mrs Geo Squibb and Miss Joan were rcccnt guests of Mrs Squibbs sister illPurl icrry Mr and Mrs Elmer Graham were in Toronto one day last week Mrs Edith Gizihain returned lllll them Miss Eldridge of the Givens Public School stall Toronto spcnt the weekend at her parental honit herc Mr and Mrs Wm Copeland and Mr and Mrs Rogers attention the funeral of Mrs Writ Wonth on June Miss Joan Squibb attended lllt horse rates in Aurora on June 13 and spent thc weekend with Mr and Mrs Squibb Mr and Mrs Toulls were in Toronto on Tuesday June lat tending the funeral of the littlcrs aunt Mrs EC Thompson Mr and Mrs Forbes Coulis and Mr and Mrs Norman Coutts at tended the Shclswellfoults vcd ding ath Midliurst on Saturday June We are glad to report the sick ones of the community tMrs it and hits ll Ltirntnis during lung iziltd the former daugii Richardson of Mtdlandyspent Sim Itk lier Mrs Reid lliliiliilL Tomi day With Mr and Mrs John lilitl Mrs ltoy Barkley Torl day Brown spent llik weekend with llic The Wl it it 3115 lion 3111 Mr and Mrs litl Mr xlI Its =ti Jung June tul lofsuoiwIctll Ii MI and Mrs Ruth Sanderzon airdTSlflvll ILlilvktllvyijl iirJligi Miss Jean Watson spent day 51 and run rtllta if an if LL tuned at Slcssors lei5 Wm and fulfill spent the lis lldtigfllufl Mid ti tutti =41 3L its last their at the home of htr Lilel pw mm tassel Mrs Courts ttvtIIttl il Balm Beach vly ifilcltslllzll lining oft file The and his Iil ltl il Mr and Mrs pakm and HM 31 and Mrs Abetdec Robins training of youth and Fill nt Mrs McAiizste it feIi d3 Six Culiglalltitilitili in Mr and Mrs li tum Oshawa ted the son vlitlihliti gaze tthtlitiil tiiw stllfliS lunch was ntsday June iii llllii Mr 53d hirinC agilmsdlmr ll Foirtwtcr on the itiiivaPl ll parttits at the Weekend talk on home dt king it rvetr by the hostess assisted by church are cordially llx twvi intIrc buoy no ilankm Miss Macintosh was decided to wiifi ten dollar tuI Mrs otlrns will pi tut p31 and termini ritimtx to is lhc litSl tuy to ill littlirr pillons ll lit llixlili hr fcniottil front lltr touting lts Bring in the Negatist idly our pun can improve any good $JpllC by enlarging if lo in Patricia Mount Colored Complete so lii It be mi PAINI lL llnu iJ Like oltl IlJilll llll ironi lolli Ilot llmu nptnt tlii lltmillg olulion for shin lllvlivl For best results load your camera Gallaughcr and Wm liillocki trn Wlh Kodak provmg nicely after their recent lntl ttl 005505 Verlchromo Film iiuntiizt lllslNES ly lith bundny guests of Mr and Mrs Now $100 Mr and Mrs Ken Campbellx and Mr and Mrs ScottIattendcd the Jorvpmkly Hm TAMBLYN COLD CREAM 29 57 WORTH 15 Identical to origin al equipment in very detailerr up flu prion surriuomrv fo better heat condictiviiy and ruggedness 3GluzingRemoved from Lower Porcelain Vijausejlesircle Welul l9 and itosa hairpinsJainism of aged horulogetberlii ill dose MuslimSum tins the market cartons host irritations on stsntly eon verts plain spout tspoOr finch hose ELIZABET hull it is AUTOW Horse Show on Salmtiay NQXZEMA SUN TAN 0L3o 30 For Limited Time Only Art Mrs Diclde and Mrs Burns Chang and Here are fwo doiiglrlful trout in Ihii fruiting Inan tho ASLOmdlnillY Torontgbtspent aIVIffsw Idayigniguig Sim 55 25 gsrmmm ofofollowin and year Belvnlo goiynmhm Beautiful Turned to Toronto w1tlithcm for iWLllIamMi tin1 amiwmjclm Creation HORNERS and family of Elmvale Maritaasthmatic BRYLCREEM HONEY LMOND RA SAL folk gathered in the little red CREAM Prior to Murrays wedding the IN Slchr Nowiusrer than ever Sunday School presented them with flair of crystal bedroom lamps Murray has beenIravery ewclgiygv R1 capable and reliable teachergfor am gglsgaefifiigcqmmw some time and he Will be greatly WIMM gzlrksoinn5gI to In mlssed IPHILLIPS MILK commaM6 Etiittvafl2l1lisfi235 All EnfotlunaLecheks II Apro sltpatmn qumtf mm Last week was quite an unfor 0F fig scur siomacli tunate TweMrEfOn Monday NESA Willi little Garry Priest was badly bitten in the face by dog and had to be taken to thehospital where several Prompt Relief stitches were required Then on for Wednesday while Margaret New ion was playing at school she was And indigestion hit by bicycle and received Upset SMmach yery bad lsash at kftle lecestsll ating rus ing er ospi We areIglad to report that both 4569 RdI9Rbbefi are doing nicely If For CutsBurns Abrastons fewdpys inToionlo sort Toronto are visiting at Free Rm Seconds man Frenchls1 trcadcil all over to keep hairi with Mrs Abe Truax and Garnet al fron in jiberuler tendcdtliefuneralbf Herb Crucas pp 1n TorontoIriday The United WA held their June 9le WHY 19 lCUw meeting at Mrsu Mam Slratll yourToniPlnsiic Curlerspllor witha large attendance nk willrniilmuwsJ Mr and Mrs GordonBrown arid glam SALT 905s WWW111159 JackBaiinister of Toronto spent the weekend at Bannisters onto visited Mrand Mrs Fred CI IfLEENElt 18 2tii3s AIRWICK 789 119 vLiluc Time Wood Springtime Airborifcnllifml Southern Magnolia few days Sunday visitors at Hayes were Mr and Mrs Bracciale and boysMr and Mrs PatIMonahan and children of Toronto Mr and Mrs Frank Duggan and Patsy Barrie also Mr and Mrs Archer 2545 AMBASSADOR PAPETElhES New Low Price Large size formerly 250 now 198 Small size formerly 125 now THE PIRFECT HAIR DRE$9ING school house again and presentedJ Gordon Fleming and his bride with lovely oor lamp After lunch was served the remainder of the evening was Spent in dancing Excellent For Excellent Quality urr urn Gives your Imir Dicklcd Parchment 49 Ital well groomml Presentation to Teacher Quite Iainumber from here at tended the presentation at Apio School last Tuesday night for Mr andMrs Murray CarsonhThcy were given beautiful floor lamp appearance No GumNo Soap Reusoblo boo AST1LSOA Gives FiniR it Lather Even With Hfr Water fIOt WAVERLEY ii visited in name Mrs Freeman Frenc New Deluxe Klff Willi plastictuilers $250 if 29 ron semir crrrerrvey RELIEF or CONSTIPATlON 33 Sorr jihear fitliat Leighton Snider onuthesickiist MrsFEllioits spending some limeWithIpn aunt in Detroit Mr and Mfstd Bell of Toronto spent day at their homcherc II MrandMrsLymanI French and fWGoesto Workfb RelieveE fiiiJust 030 in huiitltaiimtroni gt lrofcisidnolllastic Curlers liiivemorc curling lSutlcflntllllpyfcIflltde 48 everything but curlers 1213 Mr andiVirs Foster and Mrs Foster Sin and Margaret of Tor srottiifHoUttsMon rues Tltdrsl=ri from snug mica1 830 weduesddy 110 191230 pan Sdfltlrdcry lo100013111 Open every Sunday t2 eraser tarpm gj FREE DELIVERY TIPhone 2650 Archer Mrs Hor ing visited in Tor onto and Lind returned home af ter being with her aunt MrsIMc Quay forsome tlme by Elm playLeita Rivers vale United YPS in the0range mu on Monday fright was out attended and very much enjoyed

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