Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jun 1948, p. 11

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Lily of Iilill he itvwil valued THURSDAY JUNE 10 1948 Mun GetsfHearty Sendoff Front Saflohns For Barrie trsoiz iii Dari News of St lofisi ttllxlllilldl Ytltilitl lilllliiil busi Iitllill oi ilw tll of Mt lci Sim it izt the person ill by the SS Nova liculia III liada fili Steele no dui iiizs sitair or to Ii tins lion iiet he and his sot llitlll mil lliittl to Ilzti tic nlaiio llllt lzc us to LSllillt liin ciucltvtyaait itiiiies For zipptoxtiiitcly years he had lIIIillI rt iiuiiar business in tins city and timing tiiat lilltt he gained very large llinltlt For many years he alro playtd major role iii the social Div of Hit community and duringtht last war he was among tiiosc who did so much in the entertainment realm for tcemcn lhursday past the Si lohus Ito or SUI nittuber Illtwllltll IllIIl with beautiful liti cariiioa the pre ESTABLISHED scntation being made by President Halley who referred to the active interest that had been shown in tlieoorganization by the iccipient Later the Kilkare Group of Rotary With which he had been associated presented hint with pair of book ends and Thursday night the Caribou Group of Rotary field special meeting for the pur pose of presenting him with suitably worded scroll Yesterday afternoon St Andrews Church of which he had been member of the session made presentation of Bible to him Mr Steele was also the guest of honor of several private parties during the week and he takes with him the best wishes do very large number of friends Mrs Steele and their daughter Doreen will be joining liiiiitvithin the near future With his host of friends the Daily News wishes him future success and happiness Slim Worth of Insu allcea Ilcztsel Itu iiinplc as llillIlli family IIIfl Itll otir Iliiltlrcn antl tnl ltavc crtal and for yourself Iiilllt III How much hill Slflfl prci simplc loo lcl us say volt att will lic FIISIUIII iliicli iIltis the stroke of pcn your out lllllll arc financially ill an immediate citalc wrvc for your retirement niuni Irriug you Thats age 23 Youncstatc tratcs thisauiazingly low osiplan iil how hilliillt it is to budget for it Your animal Illlllllliil is slated ip iound figures sit your Iiiiiliiicnlal Life Representative about this lltin today Nil OONIINENIAI If HEAD OFFICE INSURANCE COMPANY TORONTO BRANCH MANAGLR l50 Dunle Street Barrie 41 in TINy own ltom cesium moiu It ABi virility MANN sterling 6I77 PELHAM AVE For Sale by Jones Allenwood Brown Co Ltd Barrie Dennis Bradford FitIler Strachan Cookstown lttllllllllllllllllillllitniii EGONQMICAL Barns For Your Home ASPHALT SHINGLES You get Viceroy Asphalt Roll Roongs made with heavy felt thorOughly saturated with as phalt ltdmake them waterproof vlongflasting and reresisting obtainable in either slate or smOOth surfage willV SOIVEYOIirroong problems for many years Reliable dealers redomrnend them London Roofirigs ivisidn ithrtn Ilcod Ofii lver140yenrtt experience in the scientic reparation of Iiyeslock feeds ensures rareeds endure when you usedliceroy FlRERESISTING goriPANY lli Purely Canadian IF Company OUTESIMPLE JUST FEED YOUR PIGS HOG FEEDS II grow quicker wfaucn quicker ltccp healthier and ltlfltll market weight much sooner ttnd at lower feed cost FEEDBW Iig Starter from the very slur up to 75 lbs mam 5W Hos Grower from 75 lbs to market weight FEED Hog Concentrate when you want to feed your grown grains Conquer The central figure of the above picture is that Of Eleanor Giiddon first child of Mr and Mrs Donald Gliddon for tnerly of Barrie anti Shanty Bay who was born Without arms in the Royal Victoria Hospital that time her father had store at Shanty Bay havingloeat ed there in 1935 sister was born in 1939 also in the Barrie hospital and is reported to have died in Toronto hospital iisRAer Rar Jllllf7 We are glad to report flint Mrs Richards is making satisfactory recovery The Rev Iirit Richards St Pauls Sunday June 13 Mrs lllavlor having re stgned as correspondent for The Examiner Wilfred Prissick has taken over the duties llense re port anv news to ORO 406 The Rev Professor Cole man MA SIM will preach iii St Thomas Church Sunday June 13 Communion at am 11 to Regular sot the Professor vice at church Coleman The Mens lub met in the 70m munity Hall lhursday June Wm Morison presiding After the regular meeting cards darts etc were played The evening finished with refreshments served by Mr Morgan and Mr Morison The Womens InstiLutentet at the home of Mrs Wm Compiled Please fill Rev am hear With MXS Handy DltSllinlii 14101 wealthy people to collect speci members were present motion was passed to raise money by pub lic subscription to place lifesaving equipment on Shanty Bay vharl merit ORONTO ONTARIO Fred Webster Allan Oliver Wilson McCandlish Harrison Bros Factory Buildings Garages Homes allbuiidings are safer when roofed tofresisl re and weather this protectiOnin roongs that Asphalt LONDON nomads Aspirin sittitorss ASPHALT mcora AND musAt IHIIACIO IROLI VROOFINGS MAIT GI IMIID turning rut Irrational mitnutts IRONIO Elmvale Stroud Utopia Bonsr in Royal Victoria HO Handicap Writes and Weaves With Feet will preach the anniversary services THE BARRIE EXAMINER HARRIET ONTARIO CANADA Barrie in September 1938 At all such CULTIVATION IIIISI There is tniich interest among farmerstoday in the value of Chemical sutntiterfallow as an alternative to cultural practices for lllAINlNG PROFESSIONAL SCOUIICRS Somc All professional Boy Scout leaders representative of every province in Canadaare meeting in weed control The average C051 Ottawa on June lst to begin 10 to apply chemical on summer day course at the newlyestablish fallow to destroy certain suscep cd Canadian Scoitters Training tible weeds is conservatively CSlCtnlic at Dunrobin near Ottawa timated at $140 per acre 00 ccntst per acre for cost of chemical and Sitcl and cast iron pipe are still one application for 50 Cents per in short supply in Canada owing acre being the cost of operating lic kilioitagc of cast iron and tractor or truck and spraying maIstccl chinery The herbicides at thisi rate do not kill the mororcsistant annuals and very few of the per ennials The cost of one applica tion of chemical weed killer isl more than for one cultivation by oneway disc or cultivator Mcchan vumnuunnuuu BOOKKEEPING and ACCOUNTING SERVICES ial cultivation not only destroys weeds but facilitates the intake for retail and wholesale and retention of moisture in sum trierfallow busmesses Income tax forms EARLY IIUSEUDIS completed The museum as we know if or iginated in the Renaissance when weekly orMonthly the revival of arts led princes and Aumts INQUIRIES INVITED Oaks 189 Bradford Sf uuuuc mcns of historical value in special buildings HIIlnmlIiIlliunll Mr and Mrs McNabbl spent Sunday with friends Brampton Mr and Mrs Herbert Young Barrie spentSunday with Mr and at Mr isons visited Mr Atkinson Scliomberg on Sunday Mrs Webber has returned home after several weeks with and Mrs II Maw antl Mr and Mrs Webber Hanover Mr and MrsfAlhert Dixon at tended the WilsonDempstcr wed Mrs Maw and Mrs Cecil Boxes will be placed in the tWO stores for flint purpose Dont lot its have another fatality like last year Thr Parliament of anada has jus fatWC cosmeticliecdlW Telephone Company of Canada 777Mi HIft is what this act means to the kpmneusfng public More on ding Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Hankin on the Mr and MrsvAlcx Smith llicd ford visited the latters parents Mr and Mrs Miles over the weekend randMrs Geo EvansJor alone and Mrs Strong Stayner spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Spring isTthcr best time le gt year to clean and inspect the fur naceorbmle iSHEJLTS at Singhampton On Saturday birth of Wson in RV Hospital Barrie on June In the 34 months sinCc VJ Day we have Period of Unegualled ndded350000 telephonesfuton more than in the prccctlingten years We nOw E7W7 WyewliBOEOOOTCIephones for every 100 persons throughout Ontario and Quebec We have nepr before provided ici so muchinewrservitf in504 shortTatimii This unpreCedented pace hagbeen Amainlnined with the aid of newcopital gt from Canadian investors MojeZMIII be required ii title Continuin Demand for Service Yet despite this rapid growth we still have 96000 unlled orders for tele phones and another 69000 requests to change party lines to individual service Thousands of new orders are coming in ixeyerymontli LOngVDistarice calls are tliree times preWarlevelsai jMany new buildings switchboards litres and other equipment mustbe provided as rapidly as possible The nxfdeeade may well see more telephone Construction than during the preceding 68 years OfOur histOry Rural Telephone Service Ruraltelephohe service has expanded and will cOntinue to do so In the tenrt tory we serve55 of every 100 rural homes and businesses have telephones In 1945 only 39 had service AN EDDY QUALITY PRooucr lr splitalin Bette PIONEER MEAY PACKERS OF CANADAS Tender iuicy chunks of wieners cooked to flavor perfection with wholesome vitamin rich beans And all in one tin too Pile the plate highthe family will really go for to which city the family moved in 1941 Her father was eni pioyed at Camp Borden for sonwtiine Those who have known Eleanor say that even as little child she was very bright and confirmed to show herself smart at anything as someone expressed it Despite the treat handicap of being without arms Eleanor continued to progress as anormal student in Wellesley School On Bay St Toronto Shown above in her class room at the only orthopedic day school in Canada Eleanor then nine years of age demonstrates her pedography acetnnpiisinnent while two fellow pupils Helen Stephens and Bud Brown look on Painting and weaving are among her hobbies Remedial work plays major part in classes conducted for crippled children and Eleanor takes an active part in BETTER FARMERS run THE BEST FEED The NEW SIIURGAIN PIG DEVELOPER Foster and more even growth superior finish It is c1 Hi4powered high quality food Egyptian Cleopatra painted their lower cyc iids green zliid the tipper lids eye brows and lashes black this ovorsome dish BURNS co llMITED Telephone 5erce Vast Construtlim Program Continue Parliament has ngen the Bell Telephone Company permission to increase its authorized capital bysssopoopoo The Company can now contintiektp go improvement program in its history telecoms for the mossy hecessary to further the greatest expansion and This construction programxis neces io at more telephone serviced vi TELEPHONE COMPANY OF sary if the companyistooarry outgits Obligation and satisfy theipublicscon tinuing demand for more telephones and Ovr obieclive is to extent tindimprove the service Isa lhatiulflmolelyiwe can give every opplicanl llieltind and quality CI service Ite Wants wlien iiiadios he ygnlsil in FRESH and very palatable LOW in cost let your hugs to market earlier anti with an grade finish by feeding them the new anti provcn SHURGAIN 16 Pig Developer BARBIE ILOIIB MILLS ladies zmmw 77 HILLSDALE FLOOR FEED animations ian 70 out of everyiIOQitelephdnes iVertediTo dialoperation The principalmeans Ofsecuringthisnewgm Of ounsIOCk from time toftime with the approval of the misioner or Ptarliomentwas obtaiyned Besl Srvice almost 051 Workers will be devoted to turning them materials obtained with thernew capitol BELL IITOPIA Illilll SliIAL in Iran dustladen northerly wmd winch blow constantly for four months ill illit summer is called the Shamal in the days of Mm luaut norm hrvm wvm Our farm program calls for still more telephones for fewer parties on each line and for more new switchboards Dial Telephones New dial equipmentis being installed in tremendous quantities Today we have more ditil telephones than the total of all Our telephones in 1942 dial Mitre emotes will he cots Fincminllie Program Much of the new money necessary to extend the telephone system must be obtained from thousands of people who wish to invest their savingsY capitalrwill be by issuingadditional shares Board of Transport Com was for this purpose thatlthehuthority The skill aitd enthusiasm Of telephone into service of thehighest standard The public canbe assured that The Bell TelephOneCompanyof Canadglwillf continue to provide the best telep Service at the lowest pissible cost

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