Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jun 1948, p. 10

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PAGE TEN no can AT BARBIE Continued the first eminent cost of taking respect her taught who was so there it think it spoke Mr Then he btIUlc we ILi it million it tributioi three lilli carry ott if From the imitr Spoke up in li it SIX Itl icing iiid villi iii tail BRIGHTER HOME FOR LESS THAN s5 PER ROOM 721$ mu taunt lOAIV Nothing could be simpler or tnorc satisfying than redecorating with Spred No surface preparation is neededyou just paint right Over the old surface Faded wallpaper old paint stained and faded patches they are all obliterated by Spreds wonderful covering power lntheir place you have velvety colorful surface that is rcadilykept clean There are no bruslunarks nt painty odour And Sprcd drics in thirty minutes into hard long lasting finish of which you will be proud THE GREEN FRONT STORES HARRY ARMSTRONG BARBIE ONT PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ACQOUNTMTS CIIIROPRACTORS ARMSTRONG MacLAREN 00 GEO RELSIE normsnso FIthilUliCe MHCLalen CA Licensed Druglcss Therapists CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Electric Rama Hydro and Owen Street Barrie Mechano Therapy 21 KingStrect 15 Toronto 115 Dunlop Street Phone 3194 HARRIS SPRY ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Owen St Barrie W47 19 MelindaStToronto Herbert Harris CPA Frank Spry It CORBETT IC CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Barrie BY APPOINTMENT BADGLEY ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR 24 Dunlop Street Barrie 3411Telenhonod735 INCOME TAX SERVICE WELCH ANDERSON CO Chartered Accountants Trustees made direct or Etc through doctor Telephone 2451 Iirock Building 200 Bay St Toronto MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON RMT TEACHER OF PIANO SINGING and THEORY Pupils prepared for examinations of the RoyalConser yaforv of Music Toronto all grades including ARCT Modern Methods MEDICAL VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Barrie Branch Well Baby Clinic from 230 to 430 Oclock everyWed nesday Application of nurses ser vicest WARD MAYOR AgND COMPANYI Accountants and Auditors Ward Mayor CPA 18 Toronto Street Torottto TelephonILEIgin c6116 LEGAL Studio 27 Bradford St 130YS BOYS Barristers Solicitors Notariesv Associate of Toronto Conserva Public ConVeyancers Eton MONEY TO LOAN Office 13 Owen St Barrie Branch Office Elmvale Ontario BOYS KC ROWE SEAGRAM Music Theory 452 Maple Avenue College of COLLECTION AGENCY FINANCIAL SURETY Specialistigioutgoiection of of TJrGLADSTONECURRIFrw BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR 97 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 3175 iMONEY TO LOAN COWAN COWAN Barristers Solicitors Conveyancers Notaries PublicEtc OPTOMETRXo ney wantedLMoney to Loani JOEL JI BARRE FFSci EBANK HAMMONDfBA KC BARRISTER SOLICITORI ETC MONEY LOAN Masonic Temple BldgvBarrie DONALD MachREN BA LARRISTER OLICITOR Money to Loan nlc Temple Buildingknarrie ROBERT SMITH R0 OPTOMETRIST Hours 945 daily NOEL STEPHENSON no OPTOMETRIST JoIIN Lawn EARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Dunlap Street Earrie Ont HEBERE SMITH Successor to CAN McCUAIG KC gt rrister Solicitor Etc Russ Block Barrie Phone 2719 MONEY TOLQAN moan woons Key 1er ND SOLICITOR Iilo Bid VETERINARIAN mi CC FLEMING hFUNERAL nmacrons LLOYD STECKLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE at 42 Clapperton St iitimid co EcthIshed taco FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Motor ambulance In connection OPEN DAY ANDJNIG om PHQNE it till lkililtl anc tlandnids Ipily it is true that there are homes istudy was not Ihonc730707267McDonaldSt hibition tory of Music and London Eng Hons Piano and They 24 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 4111 17 Wen StreetBariie OPTOMETRIST 23 CW 93 Dunlop St Phone 2963 Registered Patent Attorney Attendance 96 Dunlop StIhone 2586 Dunlop St Dorrie PhOne 4201 VETERINARIAN and SURGEON Sophia St BarrierPhone 4545 Phone 2703 the Datinnarn We did igii Mitt amaldl mat earning pay ail additional Sill iiiI tho the tax in the faintly Sic licl pay 5143 me anti llll an agreement ll Juli tJl or iii will taa liti you say Mr Joliizle said at it drs Longiietd rentted the titieslmn with lLl address tIillE uglierti repmad her qte Did you say Mr Ioilillt sail tlt ilzew Itlllitd Nu ti ans he Drninsonlrovinc tli Iolliile to and Zit lici Will be nose of tactics like this Lt litcl wasii iliclt Iliew lizrniti told oi ntai 105 plans In pressing for health andl social welfare measures lie said rlthe Knig ovcrnmcut had pro rustd capital grant of $3000 bed for general hospitals and 3501 bed for convalescent hospitals llllillt has been paying $1000 led tot general hospitals and $2000 bed for convalescent hospitals find we are hopnig to bring Otta va up to our lcVeI liic speaker referred to the ad inccs in education and he cm piizisiid the lllitmllilllti of physi cal instruction as chi as ethical No part of our educa tion is more important than tllili latter Bible studies were intro duced into ottr school and this was tiiticicd by the CFI What the use of teaching ioligioii to children whose parents never go to church asked Mrs lougliecd cant imagine ques tion that illustrates the need for lliblc study in the schools better lll Mr Drew During the course of his address when Mrs Loughecd got up to ask another question Mr Drew said Its sometimes wonderful thing to be able to bring demonstration of the evils of the other side right along with you IIr Drew who is also Minister of IIducation agreed that children iiouid get their character and tthicai training in the home and the church but he added Unhap lS where children dont get this traili ing anti if thev dont get it at school they would not get it at all The Minister of Education said if he found any school where Bible bcing tatight that teacher would soon find himself looking for another job Again speaking Mrs Lougheed said if yoti read your Bible you will find that Jesus never went to the temple until he was 12 years old Mr Drew went on to relate that practical agricultuie had been in troduced to 36 schools and was be ing extended and Mrs Loughced stood tip to say that she taught school and garden had been put iii and the Department of Edit cation would not authorize the exl pcnditure Mr Drew repliedthat any money spent fOr agriculture according to the curriculum was eligible for grant Speaking of libraries the Prem ier said the grants had been in creased trom $44000 to $350000 during his tenure of office The Premier of Ontario told of the Dotninion Governments plan to bring displaced persons from Europe and he spoke of Ontarios lcfforts to help these people learn 1about Canadian ways in order to guide them away from the Com munists Mr Drew said there were small groups of organized Com munists all iovciTthnifio 111in are you combatting these groups with beer parlors and cocktail bars asked Mrs Lougheed All yoti do is scream red red red she added know you dontVlike that because the reds are support ing your party said Mr Drew On one occasion Simpson arose in the audience to say that most of those present had come to mear Mrrew speakidie offered to make the hall available to Mrs Lougheed to speak following Mr Drews address if she would be silent while he wasspeaking Apparently replying to Mrs Lougheeds reference to liquor Mr Drew said she would have the audience believe the CCF policy was different from that of the Gov ernment But he added there had been three sessions Of the Legisla ture since the Liquor Act had been passed two years ago and not once did the CCF or the Liberals put forward any proposals for change in the Act Mr Drew chains oovrrirhm had met with Officials of the Tem perance Federation and allagreed that nothing could be done by pro When We took office in 1943 in this province he said improvement Mr Drew bars asserted Mrs Leugheed ing Hemust bea hardylbird not wishfto see Mr Johnstonat Queean Park he wouldwish Mr Lougheed could getelected in ord er to get awayto Toronto for few weeks each year there and the Premier said ment antLtlieCGF leaderforfthi ed to make thestu himself tal accommodatiorpanddcclaredc stuff there were shocking condi re still disgraceful inter jected Mrs Lougheed Those who can speak with experLane say the is marked added MrsQLOiilied spoke pit to say the people of Toronto had no op portunity to vote on cocktail bars and Mr Drew rejoined that the people would have chance to vote on June7 Mr Johnston voted tno when motionMas introduced iv Toronto Ole cocmall ejectedfanjdytwo or three Zot Afteia series of repeated ques tianing by Mrs ougheed Mr Drew said he could say one thing for the CCFtcandidate infthis rid Premier Drew addedthat if he did When Mrs Lougheedintroduced remark about Saskatchewan Mr Drew declaredl will personally be glad to pay her way to Saskat chewan as long as she will stay There was another ardent dis cusswn between Mr Drew and Mrs Lougheed on beverafe rooms he main difference between the Govern subject was that Mt Jolliile want lFrdmidltne to time during tlte tneeting various persons in the audience tried to persuade Mrs ILougheed eitheg to rentiinquietly seated or else to leave the hall But she ought of these efforts and THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA detachment of Royal Canadian lIuguieciis fiom the 3rd Field Ed gmeer Regiment of Montreal wcrcl ziown north to Anglicrszuebeed recently where they threw Bald icy bridge across the Quinze River in real Army style ieminisecnt of the lltl crossings iii Europe dtirf mg tiic last war iLlfi detachment of 30 soldiers in= charge of llCol I3Ii Tucker DSO were the guests of the North ern Quebec Power Company who purchased thi bridging materialf some time ago front British war assets The bridge which is 240 feet long was constructed iii three 30 foot spans and one l00 foot span and was quickly assembled and put across the river in near record time by the Reserve Force lads with the help of sortie of the Companys workmen WA practical form of training tori the Army lads the completedl structure will be of real value to the Company in their present deI vclopmcnt work iii Northern Quei bec The bridge is to be called thc1 Biain Bridge in honor Of It The above shot shows the bridge lllain Plant Superintendent for the nearing completion All the Bai past 27 yearsA Local iesidcnts iiy iliidgc material was purchased watched with interest the rapidim the lnifcd Kingdom and was construction of the bridge brought over to the bridge site last LIBERAL RALLY April Ilctwecn two and three hundred people from the surround ing district wire on hand to wit 1089 the construction ANADI ARMY lllOlOS he was in favor of spending more li inty on the back roads and less Ill the super highways iEosl Simcoe Anglican lRuroI Deanery Meets The Conservative operation of at Shanty Bay Ontario llouse in England was 7l ilitiZtd by Mr licnry and he said dr $410000 year for this could Tm 51mm moon pf 1111 An Ullllllt 500m lllll Wills lllil giican Great liapttir of the Rural cial sceurityBeenuse of his use Iliisplay house llc said that nrizuwry East 511mm will he 0f the lmlicc lllltlICFIniZ Willi 15 mm mll llli lll held at Shanty Bay on the evening the rights of workers imfillllitlll Fl0m Wilds illslm of Ihursduy June 10 The special David Croll recalled that ithe CUUHIIC speaker ill be the itcv Cannon electric lights had gone out in On W0 1111 11 4i Slillillillff 511100 Dixon DD Jiiii lencral Sec tario last Spring anti he added llUIllllll till lift2 tlillllilttl In fllVI rotary of the Missionary Society of you want the lights to go out in Wats sold Mr PHYS Ill Said the Church of England in Canada Ontario politically tlicit let Drewihaf the Illilt could have builiilll The business meeting will be pre get elected Monday Hilillimt in Canada for $3000 cedbdby supper to be served Concluding hisaddmss Mlzcmnor an English plane for $38000 hy myimp 0f Thomug Stressed thnt the Libel Gowmdlot Mr Drew vcnt over to llit ichurcpl sham nay ThoKW mom was one with plan no 1Cllnitcd Slates with needed Canarli Pollotim Goldwater is Rural mucd that it was Duck in 19 Ill dollars and IMHILlll ll Silllfjl 1can and Campbell Raikcs of when Mr King had promised allli CONN 315200 It 51111111 Bay is Loy Clliliillilill form of socitiosccurlty and hows mull llll Clllld RBI ll Boyems later hewas able to bringinto this Day said Mr Henry this philosopm fmo focus He 1g ivlr Henrysaid that hundreds oi clared that what Canadians vantMIMIllI Illliilh year could Cd most was personal freedom Hdbc saved in Ontario by not having modcst amount 01 bicumyo so many ltoyal Commisstons Continued from page seven It pays to read the Adlet The speaker was timnkpd liicre avert several persons on Orville Todd hahman of the platform from all parts oi the meeting riding and nearly every seat in the The candidates Dr wf amauditorium was died for the meet land and Charles IIcnry also nessed thuaibc by the mg UNIVERSAL LANGIAGE An throughout the world speak Eng language mSDAYErJUNE 10 1948 UPHOLSTERING Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Repaired and Recovered Stratford lfpholstering Co For Free Pickup And Delivery Call towe LSon Phone 4365 Free Estimates Iish winch next to iiinesn the Worlds most unnersally used is estimated ittll00tl0t0 people Yes clinical tests prove that even six weekOld baby can digest Libbys Ilaby Ioods castly without upsets The reasonbecause in preparing foods for your babys inexperienced little stomach Libbys take an important exlm step After straining Libbys llaby Foods are Homogenizedrough fibres are pulverized tough food cells are exploded open the nourishment is released for immediate digestion Libbys Baby Funds are actually en limestrier in rcxImc thug foods which are only strained Think what this means at the critical time when you mm feeding fruits and vegetables What continued safeguard it is NO other baby food Offers the added advantages of homo genization FREE Wriln lo the Iron booklol Hccl hil Feeding for Your uby Jun Iund your name and addmu to lihbyt Chalhom Ont 0NlY BABY FOODS ARE BOTH STRAINED and HOMOGENIZEDV Iibbys Evaporated Milk Is Homogenized too BFIOA go fa aweToms cacaowe Cake DR MAITLAND onuda Sends Over The Liberal candidate for Dirt to Newfoundland fcrinSimcoef Dr Maitlaiid said the Drew Government had Mor than 150 different commo Shunned difficultl When they gQIdiIies ire imported into Ncw bad 513 they applmled atoundland rom Canada in the fis commission cal year willfir and valued at over He related how Barrie and other 1350000 The bulk of items communities were short of hospi were agricultural products 00 sot all typesrineludingrtlourt that the leelal pOhcy wasfq gwegi tea sugar confectionary pickled these hospitals the necessary fin beefv pickled pork fresh meats metal and Without an amusement packinghouse products cheese tax butter evaporated milk and eggs Referring to social security ianimal and vegetable fats canned cattle for slaughter animal feeds cost the averageupgrson album and alcoholic beverages New mUChFe Prime Munster foundland is also an important MaCKCnZC King recently proposed market for Canadian mailorder health scheme but Mr Drew houses wili not cooperate with Ottawa CHARLES HENRY FROM CENTRAL ASIA jimh generation on his farm In the daysrof Julius Caesar Ger InniSl TOWHShip Charles many was inhabited by barbarous Henry said he belieyed the Liberal tribes that are thought to have partyrrinOntario had donrmor good for more people moretimes than any other party Mr Henry spoke ofthe Drew policy in relation to Hydro and said he was told the rates were likely to go up 20 per cent next Spring He said he liked baking Vsucc ne roads but lioniriins 764 two brooms mounted the platform besig Mr Drew to voice hefrenrarirf pther ds she stood on bench in the front row Armed with abook and pencil she continued to ask ques tions throughout the address of Mr 23 3565 1635 Dre Several times there were cries from the audience to have be menwere willing to take this tionjbut they weredissuaded by Mr Drew and the chairman Concluding his remarks Premier pgictousfcckeEMiX =cliocotctee5i TRANSFERTIM 0H DEAR INEARLY POT QUAKER transmits man you ARE MUM mo THE COFFEE to THE TEA was sceasv New voutt ALWAYS KNOW CANISTER AoAml 270901 ON WHATSIN tr Clumtckvmasre war soon Tr modern wa to thrillisciiir Drew said Over andabOVeany oGoIHCn thing have been able to say you havelhad clear demonstration fwllson BldgDl3ili 2325 this afternoon of why you Should IusIAMIx Zr 90 By not vote CCF next Mondayll AlsoTryCdmpbeIIsTaciBiseuiIfo 655 Delicious cake for your family For YOU readymixthat saves you time fuss and bother on busy days Thats Campbells Cake Mixly All you do isaddmilk or water mix for 60 seconds and youfCake is Vreadyfor the oven Youicafi Inakeeup cakes layer cake and many other quickeasy desserts vxfandrbearrealiwhiz at cakemaking Try itsoonl keep several patloge colicid and you always heplepargd WIell mortgaged companytomes tMglxj AKERNWHEAIIFLAKES

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