Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jun 1948, p. 1

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went THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7950 Copies prawn swoon cuu IAIL to NFL mAIA BAR 85th YearNo 24 Two Young Men Die In Flaming Plane At Barrie Airport There was double fatality at the Barrie Airport last Saturday afternoon when two young men from Toledo Ohio died In the flaming wreckage of their light airplane It was the first fatal accident at the Barrie flying fild The men Thomas Richards pilot and Kenneth lleiss passenger were probably coming in to Bar rie to refuel party of 15 men in six planes had left Toledo that morning heading for weekend fjshing trip in the Muskoka dis trict MrS Norman Copping who saw the accident said the plane flew in low over the northeast corner of the flying field In making sharp batik to the left the plane Dirt of control Wheeled into the ground plane rolled over and immediately burst into flames For normal landing that after noon the plane should have been approaching the castweft runway from the west The plane was at the opposite end of the runway when the accident occurrcd Mrs Copping was in her house at the entrance to the airport She was preparing birthday party for her twoyearold son Gregory when She heard the plane approaching the field As soon as she saw the crash she telephoned William Valley and then ran mile across the landing field to the blazing wreckage Mr Valley director of the Barrie Flying Club left word at his office to summon the fire dc partment and police and others and he immediately set out in his car for theairport Driving his car across the fly ing field he arrived at the inferno about the same time as Mrs Cop ping who was on foot Mr Valley rushed into the flames and scizedone of the occu pants of the plane but as soon as he saw the body was burned be yond saving he ran back out of theareaof danger The Toledo men had been trap ped in the flaming wreckage and they must have died almost 111 stantly The long grass was and carlscorchcd for radius of 100 feet The and there was little left of the plane but the engine and the twisted metal framework The Barrie fire brigade soon arlt rivcd and put out the flames and police were promptly on the scene to lend assistance It was coincidcnc that the names of the occupants were dc finitcly established in Short time William Valley recognized the plane as Iipcr Cub and he knew the only plane ofthat type in this district was based at Gravenhurst He immediately telcplroped Grav enhurst to make inquiries It so happened the Gravenhnrst Piper Turn to page six please DainWiter Pumping Jumps To 1341 000 Gals Thursday The Public Utilities Commission ftnmd it necessary to put restric tions in effect last Friday under which the use of hoseisallowcd for onehalf hour daily between 830 pm and 9pm These re slrictions will probably continue for the month of June This action was made necessary sudden increase Of 300000 llons in the use of water On Thursday The Commission have been quite concerned about the delay in connection with the new well which it was expected would be in operation now Daily pump ing has been watched closely and the Department was keeping up with the demand which hadbeg running between 850000 and 1000000 gallons per day butthe jump from 1026000 on Wednesday to 1341000 on Thursday was more than the wells could produce and the storage supply was depleted beyond the amount considered necessary for fire protection 118 GALS PER CAPITA DAY Taking Barries population at 11325 118 imperial gallons per day for every man woman and waterrMr Company did expect to get their equipment to Barrie before this to install well in Bayview Park good supply of wafer is avail able thereso good fact that their test drillingcreigrput down Liloinch pipe which is to be pumped to keep water away from the large well to be installed When it began to look as though With Telephone in Launch Hence Some Restrictions the now well wnuld notbe corn plcted before the hot weather ar rives the Commission realizing the necessity of increasing the supply decided to take Edioutage of this auxiliary well and are only awaiting the arrival of pump valves temporary wooden re servoir etc to connect it tip to the Water main on Dunlop St This is merely temporary ar rangement to help out for the im mediate present MAY TAKE $150000 Gore Storrie have not com pleted their work tc the point where they are in position to make definite recommendations Since the snow left they have made barometric survey of the town and from preliminary dis cussions it would appear that in order to maintain pressure on the towns higher elevations to increase the supply and storage capacity an expenditure of somei where in the neighborhood ofI $150000 may be necessary Their report is expected daily Since agitating the large well at the pumping station in February cmmm1mm bea oto iwhengproiuefiongwas 11003198901 8000fgalIOrTSper day the supply The International Water Supply yfrom that well has continued to diminish due to fine sand ac cumulating at the bottom It can be improved but to do so would necessitate taking it out of ser vice for from three days to week which is out of the ques tion just now Work was also done on the two 10inch wells between Mary and Turn to plage six please Fishermen Can be Called smiths Boatin telee allfo an on Simcoe or Kempenfeldt Lake Simcoe has been approved for mobilevtelephone service and and Guiding Ser vlce is the firs to install mobile telephone Fror tits dimmer The Goon Ross Smith can place lcation Bay Similarly any person can send atteleplhone ctrll torithe boat Thisuriit now in operatiDnTwEE installed by the Belllelephone Company This lake ls possibly th firtii1 Canada to be approvr ed for such service LBIrrlebecame Attentime Cam adas first highway mobile tlef phone systcmg early this year when telephones were Installed in 11 snow plows Anywheiiei On Lake Simcoe Ontario Department of Highways and four plows operated by Sim coe County The telephone calls are handled through the Barrie9ffice ofthe VBell Telephone Company in the same mannerzisran ordinary tele phone call YZITTSmitter Withirange Of about 3571111165 is located south of Allanclale and there is areceivhig stationat Sutton The switchboard forthe mobile service is at Bar eif Mobile telephone service was in troduced into Montreal and To ronto last summer the first two citiesirLCanadatOwhavesuchserc vice irst centre 111 Bell Telephone territory where highway mobile telephone service operirtedgby the wasput into operation of Agriculture BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY JUNE 10 I948 SUNDAY CONCERT BY BAND OF BCI AT QUEENS PARK Through the cooperation of Fisher director of the Barrie Collegiate Band and the Barrie Board of Parks Management band concert will be offered to the crlizens on Sunday June 13 at Queens Park commencing at 830 oclock The services of the band were Offered to the Recreation Council by Mr Fisher to give concert in appreciation 09th support which had been given to the barid by the Town of Barrie during the past season Mr Fisher said he would also like to offer another concert in the early Fall at the same itimc pointing out that concerts throughout the summer were lni possible due to the breakup of collegiate personnel It is also possible that the Recreation Corin cil may be able to arrange furth er summer concerts using bands from outside of Barrie wo MERRYGOROUND AND PLANE RIDE LEGION CARNIVAL Lasting for three days June 15 16 17 at the Post Office Square will be the Legion Carnival from which proceeds will go toward the Canadian Legion building fund Among the many attractionswill be inerrygoround and an air plane ridc for the children These will be fromdhe Carol Amuse ment Cowliich has been engaged at previous carnivals in Barrie The refreshment booth will be taken care of by the Womcns Auxiliary Of the Canadian Legion while the carnival is under the direction of William Buck Rog ers chairman Harvey Charettc Del Cotes andHarry Young BERGER CUP BOWLING STARTS Thursday saw the commence ment of the Berger Cup whirl from which Allandale faired poorly in the first round Barrie sOarcd ahead by largemargin btit the Ward cltib has until September to trim the lcad Andy Malcoinson and Harry Milnecombined to roll score of 3011 over Jack Rogers and Vic Knight Dr Spiers and Dr Stewart won by three over Charlie Beelby and rReg Ayrcsl512 To make it clean sweep for Barrie Graydon Cole and Elmer Thompson whipped Alvin Bowen and Mathews177 COMING EVENTS 122 Dance Craighuist Hall Friday night June 11 Lunch by WI Admission 40c 24p Dance at Baxter Friday June 18 to the music of Paxtons orchestra Dancing from 930 to 130 22tfb Lawn supper auspices St Georges Church Allandale Wed nesday June 16 57pm Plate 00 cents 2224b Trinity WA tea sale of work and baking home Of Mrs Lowe 168 Dunlop St Thursday June 10 to if DariTeWdiay night June 16 Shanty Bay Hall Snack bar Stroud Mountaineers Admission 50c 20tfb Dance at CookstOwn dance pav ilion every Friday to Don Gillies and his orchestra Admission 50 cents 23tfb Sixtiefh anniversary Services Churchill United Church Sunday June 13 11 am and 730 pm Special speaker Rev James Dor rian Alliston Music by quartet ffOi COllir StUnited Church Barrie and Churchill choir f24b Orange Hall Barrie lecture on Bible PrOphecy by Mr Whyte from London England onThursday June 10 pm All believers in the identity of Anglo Saxon as Israel should come and bring friend Thereisno col lection 23241 The annual meeting and picnic Of the Simcoe County Federation will be held on Saturday June j19at Innisfi1 Township Park Thespeaker of the day will be Mr Milburn SFcretary of the Ontario Federa tion of Agricultmusiness meeting and election or officers will take place at the morning session commencing at 1030 am Mr Milburnwill speak at pm Rebrettionill beunderxvthe lead ership Of1VIiss Louise Colley Re creation Director for Simcoe County 2L25b DI PESFORSFOODi The kingfisherremarkable for its peculiar shape and brilliant coloring dashes fish on stone or tree limb before sttllowing it SYLVIA AND JOAN twin daughters of Mr and Mrs Fisher have been jointly awarde music scholarship of $200 by the Junior Leagues Of Hamilton and Toronto Sylvia plays the violin and Joan the piano Both girls are in the BCI Band which is directed by their father In the band Sylvia pliin the clarinet and Juan plays the French horn suggestion for forwdrdthinking citizens 1me HINDIth imititiii Tho Barrie Chamber of Commerce has noted the union activity at the Barrie Works of CGE and there is one point 0Iiwliicli we think there should be furtherdiscussion This point is the union suggestion that wages in small town should equal those paid in thelarge industrial centres Let no one Say the Chambers attitude is either prolabor or biased towards the company Certainly we are agreed that GOOD labor union benefits large portion of our citizens and on the other hand the Chambers function includes en couraging new industries into the community Barrie and other small communities in Canada will be on the threshold of progressive expansion if the experiments now being made with decentralization of industry prove satisfac tory The settingup of plants outside an urban area present added costs to an industrial corporation one being additional cost Of transportation to bring in raw materials and to ship away finished goods To balance these costs the company properly expects to pay less in taxes and slightly lower scale of wages This balance means that the goods manufactured in small town can be sold to the public on par with those manufactured in large centre Unless this balance can be achieved how can we sell the smaller community to the industrialists Certainly they wont move out to the towns if it is going to cost them more in the long run This slightly lower scalerof wages is not an injustice to the worker in the smelLtown Tlactwages Euro different but so do many other factOrs vary The large industrial centres are overcrowded inconvenient and expensive in which to live In smaller community the worker lives closer to his work enjoys his home his garden place nearbyto swim and fish finds it easier to raise his family To top this he pays less for the fewer thls he has to buy He may take home slightly leSsI than his fellow worker in the city but he has more money left over at the end of the week We feel that each worker at CGE should consider these there Will be an aerobatic display by one of the new DCIIltVlIiiitlti mirth Dr McPhee reelected in Simcoe East this county again have three Progressive Conservatives representing GOOD PROGRAM AIR FORCE DAY CAMP irritant The IICAF Station at Camp Ilor tier will be open to the publre from 1110 to 600 pm next Satur day Juiie 12 on the occasion of Air Force Day An interesting program of displays of all types of aircraft tours of buildings and workshops and Sporting events has been arranged To highlight the afternoon weather permitting jcl Vampires streaking zitruss the sky There will be three bands Atliel and drum band the 2nd Ilivrsional Signals regimental band from Io ronto and the RCA trumpet and hangar apron at two three andl four oclock Sporting events include three big gfiltltSIfisebiiII Softball and soccer At 130 Thornhury scheduled to play the RCAF is The billed to start at 230 match between Army Force wtll begin at four oclock The jebaiicraft acrobatics willi take place at approxnnattly 130 An interesting air feature willi be the supply dropping demonstra1 ton frnni aircraft at 230 On the parade squarezit 445 the model aircraft display wrll attract young andold llicceremonial Retreat will he held at 545 at the parade square with the 2nd Divisional Sigiials hand in attendance During the afternoon there WI be conducted tours of the build ings refreshments will be avail1 able and the public can get clostni lpS of the following famous typeSf of aircraflLancaster Fourengine bomber Dakota transport and troop carrier Canso long range flyin boat MosqujtpLfigliter and bomligr Expitm trainer Anson trainer Harvard singleenginei trainer Hadrian Glider troop car ricr and the VampirestngleI engine jet fighter Air Force Day was inaugur atcd as an annual event through out Canada in commemoration 011 those who gave their lives in do fcnce of their country during World War II It affords the pub he an opportunity to see the acI tivitics of the RCAF in peacetime The function of the RCAF Station at Camp Borden is not active fly ing but to train ground tradesd men in the skills required to main lain and service aircraft in order to keep them flying further purpose Of Air Force Day is to raise contributions to the RCAF Benevolent Fund This is fund inaugurated befoiethe last war with the object of afford Tlie soccer and Air twinengine twinengine my financial assistance to airmen and their dependents requiring such aid It has been bullttlp by1 regular contributions from all RCAF messes and institutes and CharlebOis Johnston Section lPoges George EXAMINER lto6 Johnston McPhee and Downer Are Again Elected With majority of nearly tWO thousand votes George Johnston Mlneslng basket ma tug of Slmcoe Centre for the nttfacturer retained the rld Progressive Conservatives last Monday The Conservatives throughout Ontario won 530111 of 90 seats and will continue to hold the have had for the past five yea With Rev Downer reel will reins of power they rs acted in DufferinSimcoe and the voters at Queens Park Dr McPhee had majority of my 50m Cum manapproximatelyhone thousand and Rev Mr Downer had majority of about 2500 In Sirncoe Centre Mr Johnston Illllll hand These bands wilL be got 5816 votes and was far ahead 2cen and heard in revrcw at the of the Liberal candidate Charles Ilcnry who had 3880 In third place was the CCI cari didiite John Lougheed with 1870 votes Mahlon Beach the Indepen cn candidate ran fourth with 1716 The candidate for the Union of Elec isofibuii malcli between Camp Hor tors Jerome ClmrleboiS got 507 dcii Army and Air Force teams isUlS Compared with the election three years ago Mr Johnston lost about 400 votes but his majority was in creased because the Liberal can didate lost approximately 700 votes For the CC1 candidate there was gain of over 100 votes while the Independent candidate Mahlon Beach Showed gain of approximlt atcly 500 votes The 507 votes col lected by the Union of Electors cati lidate Jerome Charlebois was all gain because it was the first time Simcoe Centre Results on June Innisfil Vespra Plus Beach 118 I93 272 674 98 Hour 303 576 57 TOWN OF 76 Lougheed Beach Ilcnry Johnston Loughced 210 303 TOWNSHIP Cookowh Bethesda Churchill Beach Charlebois Henry Johnston Loughced 03 53 46 17 59 tO to Belle Ewart raw cocomcc crease 121 harlcbois 15 292 72 69 for this party to have Candidate in Simcoe Centre Mr Johnston collected about 900 of his majority in the Town of Bar rie lie was also far ahead in his Own municipality of Vespra where he got 400 Votes more than Mr Henry lnnisfil West Gwrllimbury Bradford Plus and Siinnidale each gave substantial margins to the Conservative candidate In Penctang Mr llenry got the largest vote with 6413 while the CCP candidate Mr liougliccd was sec ond with 530 votes In Tiny Town ship Liberals also pollcda large vote with 461 They were followed by Mr Charlcbois resident of that township with 330 Mr Johnston followed closely with 336 Mr Beach ran third in most muni cipalities ahead of Mr Lougheed but the Independent candidate did Turn to page Six please Sunnidale Gwill fest 122 75 339 276 A161 363 336 72 123 643 130 360 435 40 153 530 143 BARRIE 222 139 3011 142 546 307 117 13 IN NISFIL Total 785 14 1092 1975 617 Big Bay poin Leonard Painswick Straud 53 Thornton 84 143 15 or 10 74 2i 95 HA whyI campus TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA by individual contributions from gardenqanhyimmuweom he promises of pieinthesky Their decision may cast the die for Barries destiny Theirs is the power to help or hinder Barrie and each worker must decide what HE or SHE feels is right Right for the present right for their future right for their childrens future BARRIE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PREMIER GEORGE DREW led GEORGE JOHNSTON of Mine his Progressive Conservativeparty sing was againelected to represent foreelectionasthe Governmentof SimcoeCentre inthe0ntario Leg OntariooniJunejbuLhelOSt his islafureLMr5J0bnstonJ1ad aSuba own Seat in Toronto to William stantial margin over his nearest hand She waSadmitted totlle Royal Victoria Hospital at Barrie Temple of the CCF rival MacKeii is kdjutani Officer Johnston and the Equipment Of There is no entry charge to Borden RCAF Station on Saturday but all proceeds from sales go to the Benevolent Fund The RCAF Station at Camp Bor den is commanded by Wing Com mander Hiltz AFC and lo cafd on the unit is RCAFNO Technical Training School er Alty There is also the Sclrool of Basic Science for Off ficrs of which the 0C is Flight Lieutenant Shepherd and the Precis Production Unit comlt manded by Flight Lieutenant Youngl Chief Administrative Officer of the Station is Squadron Leader Thomas Flying Officer Accountant is Squadron Leader ficer 15 Flight Lieutenant Ir win Two Auto Accidents Last SaturdayPJNne Frank Tomprowski of rolled his car over on Highway 90 last Saturday and the vehicle was damaged to the extent of about $400 nThe drivgriwasrgot serious lyijufed 7Pro Con Earl Mor rison investigated At 1115 pm the samedatetherc was an auto accident in Innisfil Townshipwhen Miss Roslan Saltyzy man 224110rthcliffe Blvd Toronto suffered severe injuriesJoheLlefl of which thcOC is Squadron Lead Dalston Beach Charlebois 77 Henry MlthIISt Cundlgs Z4 Johnston Lougheed 37 109 li 27 110 21 gg Minesing 40 148 16 lt Grenftil Edenval Anten iMills Ferndale 118 39 272 100 674 17 98 634 commune lemma rtthOS Nancy Scottof HawkeStoneg Celebrating st Birthday Has TweIveGranprarents Nancy Jean Scott daughter of Mr and Mrs William Scott of Hawkestone is celebrating her first birthday today and she prob ably has more grandparents liv ing than any other child in Can ada Not only rvdoesiNancy have all four grandparents living but her leight greatgrandparents are also ivingantf ingOTd health The Lisiel fouLcDuples of greatgrandparents have all celebrated their golden wedding anniversaries within the past two years Nancys father Bill Scottwho wasfoimerly barber at Walkers in Barrie is now barbering in Her mother is the former Muriel Hopkins Of Barrieirz wNancys grandparentareVMrr and Mrs Hopkins RR Barrie and Mr and Mrs Earl Scottof OrO The greatgrandparents onthe mothers side are Mr and Mrs John Cripps of Burks Falls and Mr and Mrs Hopkins of Tobermory Mr and Mrs Cripps celebrated their golden wedding in April this year and Mr and Mrs HOpkins celebrated their 501hwedding an niversary last October The greatgrandparents on Nancys fathers side live at Hawkestone Mrand Mrs John Prophet celebratedtheiit golden weddingrgnniversary last May24 and Mr and Mrs WilliamScott Sn celebrated 11315th edgling anniversary about twO yearsago Nancy is able to walk few steps alone and the word she uses most often is Mum Mum HowF everw ithsiirigrandfathermn six grandmothersgshe will have plenty of opportunity to learnthe and grandpa Iv EFAMOUS BANDbfatheznd chntests and winning severgijlrst prize ArmouredpivisionstgxiaisHumiliation trophies At Waterloo oanune other won oritoplctured ab virulbe one of the must flrstiplacelnboth ClasihA and Birgietliafeg ritililvgvatyg progngngmggg alga aming 15th 2ndarinugltrllorcea looyMiislc Festival ls targng es va 91 Ven era 12 at Camp Borden emporiumtho 2nd Div Slgs were tops for igffggfpDwgg 3333 233 93812311 mNewnhamhlS TrumpetBands might resignto open seatvfor vtite thsimn 1945 but he still had 1041 entering se Premier Draws large majority men Toledo 0111 113d 11171116 11111111118

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