DURABLE flRERESISTING ASPH ntmwrwmxum THURSDAY MAY 27 1918 It 15 now 1941 Mill look back over period of smite mightyodd yeais may seem an arduous task to some of us And yet it is strange that as urndyer lig pages in the book of time we are always able totind facts that are most interesting Let us look in these pages for glimpse of iliei life of our school and of the people who even at that time Were anx ious that their chiluiQn reap the benets of education Among those early settlers were Mr McDougalL Mr Laird Harry Parkltoiise John Ashdown51ilr Ialiiier Mr Chap pel Thomas Johnson Mr Tomlin son John Kent Mr 11ttlelohi1 Mr THE SCHOOL Slit l0 In the year lillill the Vcspra5talioii ror two years previous to the erecting of Minesings first school Council With Jonathan Sissons til Reeve authorizml Jas ll McDou Beautitull g4 of Oh will still bloMotiornoTomorrow from $551 Skill and technical know ledge with years of manu facturing experience stand back of Viceroy Asphalt Roof ings Reliable dealers will tell you that you can depend on Viceroy Roongs to ycsist the severe abUSe of time and weather llMlTED Factory LONDON lt wwwxm HEM Mae or See il iror shirtsin 41 minutes thanks to the patentedu IGludironrolll automagically controlled by toucFofyour kneel It Historyol Minesing School welmldeis This meeting or the puipose of electing trustees the new School Section No whzcn had Just been formed in ac cordance With the proVISions of the School Act of Upper Canada In lrtil these newlyelected trus tecs lxirrowed from the township the sum of three hundred dollarsling W85 dCSUmd tU SCIW ml to be 1epaid in eight annual instalt merits In 1863 SS No was enlarged to ltake in all the territory between gMinesing and the Sunnidale town lime but twu years later several Orchard Mr Jacobs Mr Ronald 10 wcm detached mm was Mr Standen size with toimation ofSS No 15at Minesing again reduced carried on by Miss Isabel Laird and later by her sister Mary There followed several otheis 1867 John Harris 1868 Elizabeth McLean 1869l075 John Jackson 1817 Mary Bremner 1878 Vincent Jones 1879 Mr Carleton increased considerably an new brick school was built on the same land by Davenport Bros of Midland As Mr Carleton was married man teachers house was also built The community was proud of its new school and had every right to be for without doubt it was one of the best and largest in Vcspra at that time web at ADD CHARM TO YOUR xxixp To large extent tlicwcolour and design of your roof determine the character of your home and the condition of your roof suggests your homes age and value Choose Viceroy Asphalt Shingles for lasting satisfaction ICE R0 ALT ROOFINGS VY is slide as have as 33 bushes LONDON ROOFINGS ASPHALT SHINGLES AsPNAlY VMOOYII AND MINKIAL SURFACID ROLL ROOFINGS AVMALY OI YAIIID SHEAIHIIGS 81 Fill nuiiiurnoorila MAIIRIMS noor citrus London Roofings Civision VICEROY MANUFACTURING COMPANY up SHlifl tl Pltlllllltih Head Oire TORONTO uni EXTENSION wmos aim See how itlolds to clout sized and wheels from roointo rooml The successor to the famous TlloriGladlrorl isan ironing ltelpright your dreams The new ladiron operates automagicizlly you controliit with single knee lever have hands free whiskshirts sheetthrough in mimics AadWheniioning nished it fold to less than two square letot space tucks away ina closet Come in for demonstration seeihlow easy ironing can be with Gladiron 70 stand and iron while yougitdown $14450 ITURE STOVES PAINTS 29 DUNLOPsr aPI1ONE4493 in 1861 classes were held in the Home of Mr Land by his daughter llsabel who later became Mrs Dr Bosanku of Barrie Among her pupils were Lizzie and John Jac taii who occupied the farm now obs Man Ann parklwuse wait VIlttl by John Partridge to call Orchardfxomlan and George pa meeting of the freeholders and mm Florence Ashdown John and was Will Chappel and Alvin Johnson SINGING CLASSES IN 186l Interest in education grew rapid ly and in llilil fiaine school was built by Mr Laird on the corner of his farm now owned by Irvin Johnston The little frame build purposes and was used not only as school but also for church Sun day School concert hall and sing tng classes It is interesting to note that thescearly settlers were profoundly interested in music and rarely failed to attend the regular classes in singing Teaching in the new school was NEIV BRICK SCHOOL 1880 By this time the attendance had Mr Carletons successors were 1885 Mr Finlayson 1889 Mr Gil lies months 1890 Mr Moir who had been at Edenvale came at THE BARBIE EXAMINER IlAllltlli ONTARIO CANADt Hiding of nature dilutetil 2111 bcautduz iy1tlftil User Lieniinig tle Klltl1tl11l liu pin Drinking leing the 1147l11 1111 ioit iininu 11 pl 11 guilt1 par Ye liloou 11 11 lunar 31 than Ye blot1 lIi lzii tip at 21 would Ytllt1iiltt iii ll1 411119 Zlir illA ltlgtl The Window hicks will with mi wine up tle ilzllia ye llgttlli Ye Did Ilfltlll nle To pencil llltlt To Itas cnzployi11it so inlet unto Ye aiiswertd nil No twas an That clothed ii beauty and STYMIE owned by kin Staniiier of Barrie viii Can RIC gems Uf Hymn Um WM in 10 SllllNIillAlEIt the 2nd ullaii llgtlititio liiie Arena on May 13 AllBreed Dog Show lI itlr Skinner suffered 1cloii1 llospzial where he liite1 Wch below llltl was taken to the llwy still resting 111s due is shown here ll Walter vliilllll of Stratford And pom on the senses supcrnal limit Wildinus of nature oi cultured Ye When inorns early beams gild the Your incense ascends unto nature When sunset lllltillitl5 the days distlaryofflvandiemainul for our years Mr Molr passed away in April of this year and was bur ied in Mineting Cemetery Duringy this period the attendance had in creascd to seventylive pupils so the trustees dccided to hire an assistant In 1894 therefore the school was divided by means of partition In 1894 Mr Shaw was engaged as principah Miss Vansickle was engaged as assistant Shea sent her application on an ordinary post card and asked for salary of $210 per annum 1895 Kcrfoot principal Miss McLean assistant 189697A Battcn pringpal Miss McLean assistants scnoor ANI nousr BURNEI In 1897 the school and teachers house were burned and unfortun atcly there was no insurance For the time the senior room was transferred to Workmans Hall now Mr Durnfords blacksmith shop and the junior room to Grange Hall now Maguires bee house On vote of the rate payers new site was chosen at the village in the same year and the present tworoamed school was built It too was built by Daven port Bros of Midland The trus tees neglectcd to issue the deben tures untiLtoolate in the year and so enough money was collected in taxes to pay off the entire debt only one year end of June 1949 mained for two years teachers have been engagedi Salsbury present principal Mrs spratt present teacher teacher gt Ye fold up your petals for vcli Your odours Unpredinlle villii Ye furniin feast1r the banquetl Ye promise 1neloqucnt language Bouplis bending with offerings ot deliCie lruit Ye icyWWII your glory and frau That autumn shall come llll his 4vcetinss of life ye are iiifancys To boyliuods lllllilll dream what charms ye displavi In years more mature we but low Ill ore As tracmg veild lltlll 11n dreamt of before To childhood to manhood to age Ye are strewn at the bridal and Fair flowers evcn soothe the lone And hallow tho turf where loved iii Pomeranian valued at ileinational Dog Show in lBarrie and died from broken neck Seen ore is Mary Thought of Dara who was in the Cage when the General fell Mrs Peacock of Ilamil ton is the owner of Mary Thought but the General of Dara was owned by Mrs Walkiiiglon of 1105 Augclick California GENERAL OF DARA an international chain $2000 fell from this satinlined cane uthe Wildintzs of nature or cultured Ye are beautiful beautiful everylt Wk from 18014948 no teacher over last but by no mcans least our lied ln harness as the saying is farmers who still continue to be thc backbone of our country who still continue to pay their taxes HISTORY OF SCHOOL GROUNDS events to raise money in corres The first school site was on the pondencc or Lets Chat These will be charged to sender at the regu larv galley disc Coming Events for such notices The above appeared in Chambers Journal with the signature of John and Palmer indsruiis Willi the exception of James Mc Doueall Thomas Lawson and John Jacobs the very early trustees are practically of those who are still fresh in the memory of some of the older residents of to day John lolmston was trustee for period of twenty years from 18741894 Others who have held responsible passmu years to the present tin McKinley Wood Wm Johnston James FlatI Johnston Ficd The names however unknown Teachers now followed in rapid followed Succession many of whom taught side of hill which fact made it practically useless as playground Therefore greater care was taken in choosing the present one which originally comprised one acre At the front of the schoolin the year 1898 maple and oak saplings were planted stately trees and addmuch to the beauty of the groundk In 1913 the Mincsinc Athletic Association purchased from Or chard one and lliiecaiuarteijacres of land lhiswas adjacent to the school grounds and was presented the section ideal playground for the children and sporting centre for the coml inunity In 1930 an additional two acres were purchased from VDowncy and community park laid out This lies tthhc cast of the school were planted eighteen years ago have developed The future of this little square of land remains as one might say an unknown quantity At the evergreen Principals Mr Burkholder Mr Snider Mr Johns Mr Hill Mr Stephens Mr Hindlc Mr Kiel Mr Moir Mr Brooks Mr Bower man Mr DeGallant Mr Ward Miss Henderson Miss Miller Mr Ward Mr Gowans and Miss Blythe who remained on the staff for record term of seven years Assistants Mr Mullen Mr Shel don Mr Kipp Mr McKenny Miss Standcn Miss Campbell MissKer foot Miss Stafford Miss Ralston Miss Calder Mr Ralston Mr Buie Miss Downey Miss DeHart Miss Strange Miss Switzer Miss Camp bell Miss Brown and Miss Ferris CONTINUATION SCHOOL IN 1924 named as g5 this position Today these tall are James Daiicl lVlclt llml clicr Cullotigh Priest Wesley ichaid II John Livingston Johnston Foyslon Wm Lloyd Alhcrt Adams Geo Orchard James Muir Irvin JohnV Downcy Adams Wm Addison and Lloyd Johnson Thomas Stokes In 1922 Andrew ston made an ston Carman Eldon Ronald ccretarytreasurcr and In 1924 two ratepayers meetings has held the position up to the present time Prioito l922 this IS were held to consider the advisa bility ofbcginning Continuation pdsition was holdliyiimciuhcr of School Inspector Mills Inspector the Board It is also worth noting Garvin and Morris were at this point that when Trustee presentat these As result of the JamcsiFletchcr was secretarytrea discussions the people were led to surcr his house was burned andl see the advantages of High School education to see that by having Continuation School their children would obtain their Middle School standing andstillrmain in their own homes The vote when tak en was practically unanimous The ratepayers have not found this ad vanced education trio burdensome to nance Minesing Continuation School hasnow become part of the Barrie High School Area and it most likely will beclosed by the Thcsc trees which remarkably well all school records were destroyed in the fire SCHOOL INSPECTORS Morgan was the first School Inspector and held the position un til he resigned to follow some other He was very fond rows of three present time trees beautify sides of our grounds which now consist of two and threequarter We like to think that it ranks among the best in Simcoe County line of work acres of music and it was1m ultoconi posed thcfamiliar lines of Its Only an01d Bit of Bunting ltsl nly an Old Tattered Rag His successor was Mills who remained until his appoint ment as Continuation Scliool In spector Joseph Garvin was next appointed and was suc cecded by McVittic whol wasitransferrcd to Guelph andE then came Scott our present Continuation School Inspectors Were M1MlllS Mr Hoagand Mr Rendall EXPUPILS IN VARIED WAIVIKSV Many and varied havesbcen the occupations chosen by cxpupils of Minesing School and Minesing has every right to be proud of them Thy representher inalv mostcvery walk bf life There have been or are Minesing pupils among the missionaries ministers doctors dentists7 nurses profess sors teachers members of both Dominion and Provincial Parliaments members of the Tariff Board Reeves Of the editors bankers mom professional hockey players and iBTadford Board of Trade isspon soring contest to improve Brad 17inch Conn ford MOlllll ti The Continuation School was started in September 1924 in the former Presbyterian Church built byDavenport Bros of Midland The SchoolBoard rented it for three years and then purchased it for the sum of $800 Miss Kennell was engaged as teacher and re Vspra boy Rnwllnlon lelted up IndIhlp Household Furniture lolldued Pool Can to Manitoba Saskatch ownn Alberta British Columbia aunt CalifornlnWrIto wlroorphoncloriauil Elubllahod 1835 kingdun 5125 WE inspector Some mtght rate 610 Yong StqToroutI CHINA Mullah 511mm utilll In 1926 the Public School was reduced from twoteacher school to dueandmnehalf while the Continuation School zwas raised from one teacher toopeandone haltGrade At this time also the Continuation School forvcon tveriicnces Sake was transferred to the britkv building and the first Six grades ofPublic School took up their abode in the old frame church This system is stillin ef tect twv Since that timejibe following pELIVEirY Now inBarric by xter Bros For service artists musicians Township Princ1pals of Continuation countams School Miss McFadden Miss El born Miss Flcwelling Mr VRiddell Miss White Miss Baker Miss Dempsey Miss Bourn andlMiss aviators Assistants Miss Scbell VMiss Kenyon Miss Loveless Mr Rid dell Miss White Miss Marks Miss Barker Mr Morrison Mr Whit ney Miss Wilson Mrs Bush and Helps to stimulate the action of the Assistants In Public School Miss bowels kldneys liver an Ferris Miss ONeill Miss Barker ewMlssLeadlayMi Barley Miss Pickering Miss Wil son and Mrsu Orchard present 11 stomach It aids St$alld+impuritiesifpomtth The result is often simootltcr clearer skin Burdock Blood Bitters is sold ThoT Mllburu 00 ngitgorpnto 9a all counters It may be of interest to note that ate 1mg durtng that long periodot time ILOWERS ISIAILISHID H99 Willi at where How to create at once an Estate of $715500 0f rullrif if you saved $10000 year for year youd each oiir Ultjlllltlll e1ri1lilrtiiiie and the in=z tan aim llt Iniplr sure prolitaliluay rm realr llll wtati III the Hal tliiougli lie Continental Life 3109 lrcniium llan mg wail lltll literally with rtrosenfyour prii you innit at our all estate$7133lltlan rtatu lilt l1 piuttt your family your home from llit inoinviil ntt pay Owe b5 oiir lint ltltlllllllll and illlllltllllttll yiiaiauimw you in My nu pension llll nu retire oiii toutinriilal l1lc caipe iaatnii 3e beautiful ilowcrs ltiprtzsirilatitc about this Plan today gt t1fei THE CONIINENIAL llll INSURANCE CllMPANY HEAD OFFICE 101201410 GRANT MAYOR l50 Dunlop Street Bum litl trout llitt home the at icnt dyer stdie 111 o1 all the rich odours of llliiitll scrapliim gAeii Almighty hand Purely Canadian bade ye xpand Company the sight delight yith caie are beaulifuL beautiful every eycrywliere glorious cast high priest Retail dewy close liomepermaneni come repose odours the brewX5 mg buy llctter ways Same prepara 1ions as used in expensive salon wates Simple stepby step directions Latest improve ments to insure softer more flattering wave in fur cu Iimr Ask for the now im prmcd RICHARD HUDNUI HOME llillMANliNl at our cosmetic counter Price $525 Refills 5175 thouph mule r1 ncc is oer rich gushing store play ye the more ye are dear strewn on the bier it mourners woes ashes repose with care where Wi1 II THOMSON WI Dont put advance notices of lltosc plans you have in mind for rcdccorating think of how per fectly they would work out with Spicd the wonderful new wall finish Because Sprcd covers old paint wallpaper stains and faded patches almost always in one easily applied coat Because Spred dries in thirty minutes leaning the room ready for use Andrtlicres no painty odour Because bpred lHCildll cleaned without harming its smooth suedelike surface Because Spred is made in the smart new colors you have in mind for your next redccbrating job Pay visit sdon to your Glidan laintWDcaleri He is always willing to help in the selection of pleasing combination of coloursrand rrrrr will estimate your needs Made Up To Your Order FENCES GATES Measured and Installed BARRIE ENGINEERINGCi Muleaster Phone 3744 Barrie PORTABLE WELDING THE GREEN FRONTSTORES ARC and ACET BARRIE ONT HARRY ARMSTRONG Yes these fumcustigcreespure sight to dligln the eyes of any connoisseur Aiiil theyre better than ever today barge every Sweet up you smoke is now checked right from pluntiition to you liy Ilia exclusive process am as Perfection link xheied to ensure you cigarette flint lsrnorlilng slim of perfect in freshness iii snioothnesstintute