NEWS OF ELMVALI 511 and Mrs Arlu Sibbald spent the Weekend at Colwelt Allenwood United Wth ltlie Parsonage on Tliumday Bernadette holiday visuor at he home Mrs Dunn has ieiuzizeu tlili Weeks in Coilingaood Cue is pentiiiig Week tritli her sister 11 loiuiito Dow hey the thjktlld at llrt hi Vazeu and Ben truiziis in ilis 11 ll Whitney amt ces spent the aeekend at ttage at Atheriey Hawkins 11 returned isiting her gt15 Allixll Wm lezii Masonic Image night ullrllttril iteilel Mas lllril Mis to Strut111 ll 111 Li Miss McGinnis lliibt hits and Mi pelt Glenna Ilvltltlllltt Krystle 1th Mark llanullun on l1tiit tliss Hutu ltzlrhw st ueek 1iii Giand lluwrs ten 14 Wm Teri iti in llaiiu tor trans and Mrs Wilson ltuitter= trtktilll lilll of Iiieltlts in lliiiz illul Mill McIntosh weekend llyains at Niirtlti and l1s ill and Lynn llzeliai lnsl uliil and lilt tttl Sir all Jas with fauna Ut n11 311s liic ll cl n11t1 and ltl llamay llicklinu lyllltl Wtlt il Alonday to we the turiiiei 11 V1llrlt him sl lillei laitiltl ltoss Tutulili liii llll lyeti l7lllt llaiuc Slit111111111 ihttltl IIllllil lilfttll Sliillitlh til llrliiili 1s visitinu lici 1lu1itvs liid Kirtuii llidllltt Julie lflt guest tl MP mi our the holiday lilt Sizerlsyille 11lt lTikl lvlil Will ii1i iiad serious Hospital many 1lll itiu lit sitji Manila limitls vish liti speedy rccmery gtlllillllt ltiiiiiiz ilinlainl Slltt ll llumip Sprai school ligts llllgttllkt 15 llltlri hizne for the hole rl and ll Jone1 Vent lollt1li llowntan Martianl liege Nola with las Beardsall ill i111l Mls llll ltmle lllltll David but 1w years 111 Vlllllltnl returned to llllll iaiiii 1l 11 int illii ili Slluarl Illarson lsabel Hammad luiei 11 an Velma and who haw spent haer llaiice lUlL ICE CREAM grit Kwt 01 711 Milomt Kmt acorn We always treat Pop like this when he treats us to Jersey 011 Tyme Ice ream Try Milt 10m That wonderful ICE CREAM Selected Forms H005 curniisn MILK 11 AM The Special Flavour For This Week Is OFHCETPLANT tutu Barrie Butterscotch lllllllli IT Wllflllmuwragp lilies7 stRGAiN Dairy Rationifresihlly benelWimmst yourxmilk profitst HIV LOOKATEHESEBIG ADVANTAGES 11 highest dualityandifreshly made to from the7manufactureri lorlower cost ulk sale for convenience and saving LBUY BEST FOR implying RATICN 22 mar STARTER 1im1i nor madefor your to amen tinsJ COLWELL shower for Miss Berle and Hours The lltvllu 321 and Ali ll owes Culweil happy gathering on bin 14 ml about seyentytite rend anal tltigiltuls the for is social little liupiessne euehze was enjoyed his During lief NLIllllg there was mock Lctltllillg 21 couple of dllli Mrs Alyiii Archer and llamel ltdelzie as bride and mount and Mix Ailie DELbaht as the marl ister lzttle Billie and illsie 51b mill c1i1eti in baskets of gift Assisting Miss Berlell and Mr llu 11 opening the gdts and reading tltv potd VlSilt en 311s Rubliluld and Mrs Allu Sib gt llilitl oi hmnale and Mrs r111 wtotl ll Aliuiidale Mr lltv and yliss llerletl thanked the friends for the beautiful pills and good Wishes Dainty iefieslimeiits ll sewed Shirley llaytr Verne Jordan 31 bert and lutIte Beardsall all of Toronto iind Alex Andrew ul Mitcheil 11 and Mrs ll Locke lilt llll Locke and Joan of tosv land and Mr and Mrs lied llieli ardson ot leigusonvale attended the induction seryne of the form eis sou lley Locke BA at llolsteiii on lriday night and spent the weekend at the manse lloliday visitors included 311s rarrauliei Toronto at 311s Mc ratlis Mr and Mrs Frank lield New Toronto at 1215 Beardsalls Vasaga Beach Mr and Mrs Earl llrysdale llaiiiillun at ll Diys dales Air and Mis Jas Black Miss Naomi Bob and Perry Black iliiinilton at Bert Blacks Mr and Mrs Frank Duiclier Barrie and Mrs Simpson Toronto itli Mrs Bishop Mr and Mrs Albert Hutchinson rillia at Jos Drapers Mr and Mrs Win Beard sall Toronto at Jos Adams Mr and 311s Ewart Langman and son John Markdale with Mrs Geo Lanizman Elmvalc WI The May meeting of Elmvale Wl was held at Mrs II Blacks on lhuisday with the president iii the chair and 21 present iirange ments weremade for the Tooks lown play personal invitation to the June meeting is to be given to the Grandmothers of the com munity and Committees appointed The first choice for program Psychology 2nd choice Smock ine All who can are urged to at tend the District Annual at Cross land on June Roll call was an swered by Things Value Mrs ll II Whitney sang two delightful numbers and Mrs Alvin Simpson gave an interesting paper on The Flagfg social hour was enjoyed at the close and dainty refresh ments served by the committee g=l INNISFIL NOTES By RGS Council to Meetat Stroud Saturday June Unable to get accommodation at Thornton Innistil Council will meet at Stroud on Saturday June The meeting will be open to delegations from two to four oclock The regular date being election day necessitated the change to Saturday Proposed New Building Bylaw has Many Changes The new bylaw as drafted by the Department of Planning and De velopment and sent to the town ship council for their acceptance and approval has many restric tions that will if approved by Council aect everyone who may now or at some futtfre time con sider building For instance no one using summer cottage may use same as residence except between April 15 and November 15 also they may not carry on any type of business therein such as doctors or dental office an office of any kind hair dressing or other workshop No building for permanent residence may be built on lot less than 80 feet wide and no cottage on lot less than 60 feet wide unless run ning piped water is available with sewers and then the permanent home must have 75 foot width and the cottage be not less than 50 feet No dwelling including its out buildings etc may occupy more than 33 of the whole area of the lot tourist in trailer may be prevented filom staying in the municipality more than 30 days covering buildings etc TheseerehfoFthebodiesof was the seerie oil Unlesstlie publie show reaction against this bylaw which had its inception in the minds of officials of board not subject to the con trol of the ratepayers of this muni cipality their council will adopt it to replace their present bylaw Dragging Continues at Bonsecours two missing Toronto people who were drowned on Sunday May 16 HE bridal party at small home wedding sits down to beautifully set table in which every loved tradition is observedThecloth is Irish linen in dramatic new rosepatterned damask all shimmering white in honor and the flown decoration is breathtaking arrangemenHLpur candlelight the brides cake wreathed with white lilac has the place of whiteaulips and lilac mid May 21 ltlr and Mrs ll Edgar Toronto spent Sunday with 11 Walkoins Mr and Mrs Ito lVlrKiiiclit spent Sunday With friends in Mith land al members form tended the meeting of the iulhrie Auxiliary to hear splendid address given by Miss Mathews of Toronto CILFORD THURSDAY MAY 27 I948 CENIR AL 080 lzil Reid igt ing Medical Llllhclbll limgnt last uteriL Hurinan motored from Tor dCLlHllpElnttd who remained at her Loni and 111 tlltt day onto Mrs Wu Pearce for the summer Sacrament Supper Will be obsezyed at Central Presbyterian May 30 at 230 pin are urged to itllrlltl Congratulations to and 11 Andrew McGregor Birman Toronto May 13 of their honeymoon munily Holiday and weekend tisitois 212 McArliun RN Rockclilie yilli Mr and 11 McArtliur lrank Sansom Sandra and Juliiiv 111e Toronto atMr and 111s t1 ler lliitcliinmris Margaiet The the Load Sunday All izteiiibei Ch are it 11 1aine mat 11u They spent p11t his cons1 nee who St eluded 15s Muriel Win and dis Alis iilhllillic Hector and Rough Toronto thlli Mrs Wm lcaree Ales McArJiuit and Tommy Day Toronto with Dan McArthur and Mr and i1llgt MCCuaie Ordination at Guthrie scrvtre of ltlilllilillll will he in Guthrie Kiik at will lfeetoi 111 tine viii and Mrs and M15 Kirk held May iiolll Friday when was liliillllillttl Knox College this year lll be urn darned Ill lllll Central uus Central meeting home of Mrs Win MeAilliur lllll pond attendance and the pltll paper in keep ing with Mothers Decision giten by Mrs Grant Ansdill Mrs Smith Campbell and Mrs ll Mctuxug were much enjoyed At the close meeting Mrs tedaihhreshmPnthr this society al The held WMS their Church May lln dent in charge it the McArtlitll May 24 Ir and Mrs 11 Scott Tor onto were at Lou Neillys for Sun day All and Mrs Kaiiemans and family of Rotterdam Holland have Mr and Mrs ll olliei Brentimpel up resident at Benn wood visited Mr and Mrs Den iiey on Sunday Miss Norene Elliott spent P10 1nd holidays with her parents Mr Mrs Elliott Mr and Mrs Ritchie of Terral Nova visited their lilllllllltllNllSx Dullin Sunday ltlr and Mrs Clayton and son Toronto visited friends here during the weekend lirook 0n the Rothwell farm Visitors at the Itothwell home over the holiday were Mr atid Mrs Rothwell Mr and Mrs ll aldei and son Douglas all of To ionto Talk on Florida to Wl lhe Gilford WI met at Mrs John lells for their May meeting with good attendanceand the meeting 5nd Mm 1nmy havclmost interesting The new officersl moved back to the farm after the year were msmned an 97 spending the winter in the village celientresponse to the fund forl Misses Olive Ruddick and Mar dOPtlm 0f the lime Greek jorie Semplo of Toronto spent the weekend With Mr and Mrs Ruddick boy was reported Mrs Harold events Mr Parsonsof Barrie llell gave interesting CllllLnl Mr and Mrs Maclhee New W12 killdly gave of his tlme and market spent few days with the ilktd the ladies 0f the 1P ht1 Iatters parents Mr and Mrs R21 itellmg so many things that every lurnbull There was large allendaneeat the dance in the hall Friday even iniz and good time was reportedl by everyone Mr and Mrs Beyer and baby of Essex are spending few days 3one wished to know as to enter1 tamment while there different and Mrs Parsons took to Florida prices of fruits and vegetables and now quality Compares with ourl awn the beauty of the flowers and many more interesting high with the farmers parents Mr and illghls MYS Parsons and the Mrs Beyer grandson attended the meeting Mrs Franklin and son Harollllls NCSbm thande MY P111 Toronto have returned home after spendmc the weekend with her son Ira Franklin Mr andMrs Corbett and Mr and Mrs Erquarl and families Toronto spent the weekend at their summer homes here Tommy Dixon who has been in Chorley Park Hospital with frac tured knee spent the weekend with his wife and two children GRENFE May 24 The WA will meet allIts Donnellys on Wednesday June at pm Mr and Mrs Wilbert Peever of North Bay spent Sunday withMr and Mrs Cliff Harris Misses Norine Barrett and Nor ma Briggs spentthe weekend at Niagara Falls and Buffalo Mr and Mrs Harold Webb of Big Bay Point spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Lorne Barrett weekend Community Club boat at Bonsecours rang Hope Abandoned came to helpfor day All is continuing Constable Farrier ot the township palice has had men out with dragging equipment every day the weather will permit On Friday two boats started out with their lines bi were forced to take shelter on Fox Islandearly in the day and were not fmoved from there until one oLtheboats man ned by two men made the trip down the east sideof Snake Island to IslandGrove where they phoned Mucenmuaantgoczthdhelrzof 21 large launchwhich returned to FoxltIsland and brought the other four of the party home Constable Perrier had left his lunch under After weekend during which every small boat whichcould be manned andvequipped With drag ging apparatus was searching for the bodies of the two missing vici tims lost week ago from Bunse cours Point hope has been abandr oned of nding the bodiesliunless they come to the surface Besides the small boats mentioned ab0ve two crews operateddn large cruis ers and drag ed tharea between Fox and Sue Islands in the her lief that current which is con stant there may have Carried the victims partly submerged some distance from where they were thought to have overturned The operations were directed by Con stable Ferrier and assisted by crew of the Governmentvboat who Rev Ralph Adye was rinduct ed asctonoLAllSaints Anglican Church Colllngwood on May at op of To ke he delineate vacancy patchingwood admiration ctahuiied by the tainment and FIELD CORN NOWL1NSTOCK FSeedsmen slime 1871 117 Dunlap St Banlo PHONE 2435 Mr and Mrs Garnet Bicedon and family Tottenham spent Sun day with Mrfand Mrs Ed Howard Mr and Mrs TR DobsonAaind Kenneth spent Saturday in Toron to Mr and Mrs George Nixon returning homewithAhcm for the Grenfel Community Club met in the church Friday evening May 21 with Rev Hunt in charge the business part It ed that the meetingsbe withdrawn for the summer months Bill Ford and Mrs Wilbur Walton were in charge of the entertainment In the peanut hunt Bill Dobsons side won by nding score of i4 pea nuts Crokinole winners were Leis Dobson Russell Harris Fran cis Buntz and Carl Walton Every body enJoyed the evenings enter Open Pollinctted G1MeCandllah sons and everyone agreed the talk was most interesting lunch was served by the hostesses May 24 Mr and Mrs Herman Harvey visited Kirkland Lake over the holiday Mr and Mrs Tomlin and Fairy Watt spent holiday weekend at Watts Mr and Mrs Percy Reynolds and family spent the weekendwith friends at St Thomas Mr and Mrs Ted Hipwell and family spent the weekend with friends at Owen Sotind Bob Molfatt Toronto spent the weekend with his grandparents Mr and Mrs Baxter Mrs Ireland Toronto spent the weekend with her brothers John and Jesse Copeland $300 Campaign money was sent to Red Cross recently also $200 surplus fund which was asked for We extend hearty welcpmc to Mrs McArthur and her mother Mrs Hurling who moved from Schomberg last week For more prots from poultr assurance of ahig Iivmgrate start your chicks the Blatchford way thats the rightjvay Hcosfs ybu less and pays you more protsbecause chicks need less of Blatchfordfs than ogdinayfeeds scientifically formulated arm tested feed with it to indie Cogkstown Edgar Strachan Fred Webster Ollyer Wilson HaitiIron Bros 11 all APTO Quite number of relatives and visiting during the weekend and holiday Congratulations to Murray Car Mary llorn who weie Mur iiiends have been here son and Mi married9Sixluxday Ma my iS working Willlll$l3tlllTele phone Co in Barrie at present radix CHOICE MEATS BEEF PORK VEAL LAMB Cured and Cooked Meats ffGEO COLES BUTCHER PHONE 3014 dont care if you cant cook darling so long as you can open packages of Posts GrapeNuts Flakes other food essentials that sure will make your husband husky guy And of course was only kid ding about not being able to cook make scrumptious cookies cakes and other good things from those tested recipes on the Posts =GrapeNutsFlakes packages How about picking up some crisp crunchy Posts GrapeNuts Flakes on our way down to get the Oh Georgeyoure wonderful Ill just open package of malty rich honeygolden Posts Grape Nuts Flakes and quicklike break fast will be ready Ummm that oneandonly outofthisworld Posts NutseFlekes flavor And good nourishment dont forget ch Hon theyrejampackcd with carbohydrates minerals and marriage license Grape too BARRIE fHetthtmmg butrgfccaweldsii goili 2sineltf of framedWarm earth andofdiyitigtitonmhy andclovr hike barn shadoWy refugeffom the sand ov Timeznow to be makin arrangements for eiftra help for ha yesting and threshingercWS and moneytoinalicegbpcrzftions rill die crop issold Moucyto meet this need isalway tissue at the RoyaliBauk Call on your nearestbranch manager and discuss yourloanicquircmcnts with him Ask him too about Farm Improvement Loans and howthcy can be used for the benet of the farm the farmer andhis family higher digestibility For $an By Jones Allenwood Brown 00 Ltd Barrie anemis Bradford rut no ilgazvilu rec n1iCnzii Mineslng Stayner Strand Utopia