Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 May 1948, p. 7

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THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7950 Copies AUTHOMIED luau cum IA 01 OTYAL 85th Yeorwblo 22 BARRlE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY MAY 27 1948 Section 2Poges to l2 with lUiiII solo Mrs Armstrong who led in prayer Mrs Petch lWCTU Delegates Attendlllsiliel slits sMrs Johnson enthralled the rally lifll ladies ghlhclcd lot audience by her wonderful review tho May meeting of Collier SI of two chapters from the Study vN WMS held on Friday May with book She not onlv told of old Sixty dclcgatcs attended the 5711i to shut off ilictap 1n fut 119 Lip ML Gmham prehldmg in friends kt Adomram Judson and annual convention of the Womens is being tuiiicd on widti todayMOEn1 pmlb from various 694101 Munisun but immduced Christian Icrnpcrancc Union for than ever bcfnrc lpgtlmcnl 3Mth were routturd iii other not so well known The Slfllcoc Muskoka and Parry RH MY wllllllinb Wild Llftludnlg splendid report of tllclbcnedicllun closed wry uplifting Sound The convention was held firearms to vote on JllILt for ingv lrccent lrcsbytcriol annual meetqueeth in Trinity Parish Hall Barrie on candidate regardless of party who UV and 211 hunmg wow from Tutsday and Wednesday May 18 had llic couragi to stand ngziirntlghe Trmgm that the mank and 1t ithr liquor trallic Thu rctrring president Mrs John flosborough of Waubaushicnc wasi tltctcd honorary president Exccutive officers elcctcd arc thoughts John Everyone is searching for beau towards ch should have he 1y cvcr day stated Thor lIanscnlsaid Canadian Culture Unlim at the second annual meeting of itcd He added that Canada bad the Simcoc County Arts and Crafts all the potentialities for typical Association hold in tlic Cornniun 1y Canadian culturc Your history ity House at Barrio on Thursday is part of your culture evening May 20 Mr Hanson concluded his ad Culturc was described by Mr dress by showing several examples Hansen as the ncvcrcnding scarcli of his art in needlepoint and also for beauty native of Denmark designs for needlepoint Pl Mrs Fdwlrds Conmg he had gone to Western Canada The spcakcr was introduced by Wood prior to the years of depression Miss Nora Marshall prcsidcnt of Vmpleb IV all ookstown 2nd VlLtIC here he devclopcd Canadian de llic SllllCtlc County Arts andCiafts MVS Adm BHVHCV 3rd signs particularly stiltcd lo nccdlc Associatitli and was thande by VI 10 UL point in which medium ho is Miss Audrcy Gray county librar Vll distingliishcd artist He is now fair mlmod Mcdorite Township Council at iFid passer lio iunurcd do irVrits May memmg Voted unanmwus 1y to cooperate With Raikcs Mrs Russel Sznitli then took tlic Comm wem msmcmn in mun girlizrii and prcscntcd an oxccllcnt 1qu campaign to eradicate the Isprogzanz Among those assisting harmer 521mb which causes slctir twcrt Mrs Srmtlis little daughter rust gm TAILOREDTOMEASIIRE TAILORED THE WAY YOU WANT PriCed at $4750 $5875 $6450 $7300 SUITS IN STOCK READY WHILE YOU WAIT MENS YOUNG MENS MODELS $3750 $4750 $5850 IIOYS SUITS to 16 years Pants $1175 $1675 $1995 SEE US FOR SPORT WORK CLOTHES WILFHTOD trim CAMPAIGN Alllflllrl of the itirflUti iiizi commercial artist at Toronto and ME Tm included were CUR5PM is member of the Canadian Arts Council Increasmg Interest In Explaining what he meant by Timers Reunion Meetings and Addresses Miss II Broad Midland rcc sccy Mrs Armstrong Barrio CV AT If lrcas Mrs It Howell Barrio mm IICtlIl arc pushing sciiiiiisiy llltll ICmmndenb or lhe um cfforts toward tlillllllltngt for 131 committees were clotted as fol iic chncsdzry aficrnoon lows evangelistic and Christian Ma 19V the boys warmmq mm work by washing tizc inuiir strcci Midland antinarcotics and incdilrmm pm p0th MuralV cal temperance Miss Emma Kingth Barrie Canadianization and citi rvltx 535 VERNON ADAMSnun iris FATHER Reginald Adams are seen here seen in the housewife pumng up few momciits after th 1y were rescued from ii fillld pit on the Shanty clean curtains in me lady painting Larich Rumble personal rcprc Bay Road on May 18 111 was standing nciir his puwcr shovel when it her Mgrmiis the wumun sentative of the Management of slichof several tons of sand came down and buried liiVm completely Reg General Motors was host to the Adtlnis was burch to the Lltlhl Both nicn wcrc slightly injured but scrubbing the billhmnm 00Pleva Committee of Medontc prompt action onchc part of Ilcuruild Iliilpott of Barrie and Jack Mat Evcn the child says Isnt limbod Timers WEAR Frank Wadgc BARBIE 55 DUNLOP ST =2 He related how immortality pretty The spcakcr said the dissatisfac tion in tlic world today was be ausc of tlic grcat changes in cul turc in art music Mr Ifaiiscn divided todays cul ture into three divisions First there was the stratosphere culture in rarcficd air with no lifc giving oxygen It was so high rio body could understand it Many and literature and of these people confused sopliisti cation with culture Second was what tho speaker described as folk cullurc the na tural culture of the people Third there was jukc box cul ture the grcatcst amount in the world today This he said was the result of highly skilled and mechanical mirirl Mr Hansen dc scribcd jukc box culture as lower than primitivc cvcn subprimitive Ihc jukc box rubbish was codi ing into Canada from across the border because Canadians wished to imitate United States MrJIan cn said he regretted to learn that his natch land Denmark was similarly trying to imitate United States in this manner individuals in the machine age had come to do work that did not appeal 10 thorn in order to get money to buy things to givc tlicrnqnorc lcisurc People found they were not inter losing the faculty of entertaining themselves in their spare time He quoted George Bernard Shaw as saying Humanity is crying for yet we dont know what to doom rainy alteration9 We dont know What to do in our own companysald the speak er People want to sit back and be cntcrtainc Ho asserted that Canada needed an ideal for the citizens to work and Mrs Gribbon Mr and Mrs ested in their work and they were KEEP VCALM llfotcl on May 18 His talks on IIillsdalc have won him international fame and the address dclivorcd onVV May 18 made an indelible impression on the group He has takcn an active in forest in the Reunion plans from the beginning and at this meeting he accepted leadership of the Pro tcsiant Committee of Mcdonte Old Timers Very Rev Dean Clair inaugurat ed the St Anthony Daniel Tcr centenary Committee in Barrie on May 20 at the home of Mrs Brennan The committee form ed consists of Mrs Dunn Mr Murphy Mr and Mrs Jim Marrin Mrs AHawkins Mrs Archie Marshall Mrs Ictcr Hook anti Mrs Robt McQuay Rev and son wcrq off work for few Morcau addressed the meet ing stressing the religious and historical significance of the com ing celebration The Midland committee met at the home of Mrs Georchood burn on May 17 Among those present were ltcv FHaycs of Mount St Louis Mrs Brodeur Mrs Frank Holmes Mrs Fitz lgcrald Mrs Strimas and Rev Connell McKcown CP of Toronto who outlined the work of the Jesuit Missionaries in Huronia The well and wellpoised per son has all emotions under control is cairn and not easily disturbed So says the Department of National Health and Welfare Chronic cross ness and irritability is sure sign of poor health and the person who persistently files off the handle should see the family doctor While admitting that everyone has offdays the health authorities declare that no one should be giouchy tall the time Russell Bloomfield proprietor of the Corner Cupbpard Bakery and Delicatessen on the occasion of their 40 ammau mm id takes theopportunityrofextending personalmcssagcto the people of Barrie and Surrounding district thank you slncerelygood folks of Barrie and district for the business you have given me during my firstyear with you may say truly thatI have enioyed serving you aifdhope to have that privilege for years to come As have done from the start will continue to use only the Verybest ingredients in all baking etc and so give yoquthe best value for the price Tomark the special occasion have prepared hugebirthday cake and invite allot my custom ers to call and have taste of this On une part ofit will be placed in the main store Post OfficeSquare part in the Clapperton Streetbranch and part in our newly opened branch in McNivens Meat Market 17 Essa Road Again on behalf of myselfand Staff now twelve full time and six part time employees thankyou sincere1y cj Mimiipci line 1948 copacowilldiscontinueissu1ng new mem bershipsluntil furthernotice The Directors believe by the time those membershiijheld by retiredproducers and estatgshave been sold and tranSfrred to activepme Col DKTodcl the King Edward thcws of Collingwood saved the lifc of Vcrn Adams llic Adams father aysl DSO Inspects Barriggollegiate Cadets The annual inspection of the Barrie Collegiate 52nd Royal Can adian Army Cadet Corps was held at Queens Park on Thursday af ternoon May 20 While the skies were overcast throughout the day the rain held off during the par ade and inspection Col Todd DSO Camp Borden Commandant was the in specting officer Also inspecting the troops was Lt Haynes cadet inspector from Central Army Command Oakvillc Due to the threatening rain Col Todd spoke briefly He said it was indeed inspiring to see the number who participated in the inspection At the termination of his short talk he presented the Squadron Leader Rodgers Trophy to Lt Jack Bonney of No platoon whose group made the best in dividual showing in the platoon drill Promptly at two oclock led by the band the corps marched from the schooldo Queens Park Under the direction ofCadet Major Doug Allen they performed the general salute and the ceremonial drill which included the march past Platoon unit work consisting of foot and rifle drill riflerdrill on match and combination move ments followed before the pla toons presen arsLaid demon strationund Lt Bob Lackie and an artillery display under Lt Hugh Ridden 17pounder anti tank gun was supplied by the 45th AntiTank Regiment RCA Grey and Simcoe Forgsterst At tlie conclusion of the in spection the corps formed column of route and marched east along R055 and Collier to MulcasterSt where they sWung down to Dlop St and paraded along the main street to CMIegiate The performance of the drum majorettesBetty Chantlr Dawn Poole and Dagmar Grose won the approval of all onlookers when they put on sparkling display withvthc batons Dagmar GrOSc turned cartwheels While Betty Chantler twirld itwol batons Miss Chantleri workedunder the handi cap of at wrenched Wrist andvat Two Senior Officers Of RCAF Promoted To Positions Abroad The Hon Brooke Claxtoti Min ister of National Dcfcncc has an nounced the appointment of two scnior RCAF officers to positions labroad Group Captain LH Ran dall DFC St John NB and Otta wa becomes Air Attache in Mos cow USSR and Wing Commander Kennedy AFC Winnipeg and Ottawa is appointed Attache in Brussels Belgium Group Cap tain Randall has beenpromotcd from the rank of Wing Commander on appointment as An Attache Bothappointmcnts became effec tive May GC Randall wasthewartime commanderof thc Catalina Squad ronTm Ceylon from which WC Birchall thefamous Saviour of Ceylon flew to warn of the approach of the Japanese fleet GC Randall who juined the RCAF in 1938 completed his ying training atthe outbreak of the Sc cond World War and in August 1939 he WQSNShed with other membersof his class tothc east coast where he ew ying boats on Atlantic submarine Vpatrols Iii theifall of 1941 he was posted over seas to help form Canadas rst ogrseas flying boat squadron In lMay 1944 he was sent to Ceylon where he flew on Coastal Com mand operations eventually being namecfbommanding officer othhe unit Inhaddition he spent months op Air Liaison duties in South Africa Returning to Can adarin 1944 he attended the RCA Weir Staff College in Toronto and on graduating received an appoint merit in the Plans and Require mentsDivisiorrat Air Force Head VqLrarters In 1946 hp Went to the United Kingddin Vto attend thc Joint Services Collegercturning to Air Forpe Headquarters as Staff Officer in the Directorate of Personnel Administration He was mentioned in dispatches for opera zcnship VMrs Andrew Cumming RR Barrie flower mission Mrs Charles Goddard Bracebridgc mcdal contests Mrs Adams Barrio moral education motlicrs meetings health and heredity Mrs Galbraith Stayner trach lcrs aid Mrs Morbcy Glcn Cairn scientific temperance Miss Elizabeth Rodgers Barrio publici ty Miss Evelyn Duncliflc Waubau shone Sunday school temperance Mrs Carr Cookstownrnis sionary Mrs Itowcll Barrio lsttuds Mrs The convention was opened Tuesday afternoon with conirnitlcc reports and the chairman was Mrs Adams The prcsidcntMrs Rosborougli was abscnt owing to the illness of her husband and the Isl vicepresident Mrs Carr was absent owing to the death of her father On Tuesday evening the medal contests were held Frances Wild inan of Barrie won the junior corn pctition and the winner in the intermediate class was Margaret Vausc of Cookstown The speaker Tuesday night was Mrs Beth McKay provincial field secretary She emphasized the value of advertising and pointed out that there were tremendous amounts of money spent by the liquor interests to get more cusv tumors and sell more intoxicating beverages Mrs McKay said the cause of temperance should be advertised to counteract the efforts of the liquor interests The provincial ficl secretary of the WCTU showed lm Hanan Race The movie illustrated the gharmful effect of internperancc on 353 starpVathlete WEDNESDAY More committee reports were heard Wednesday morning and in the afternoon the annual elections were held VV Miss It Broad conductcdan impressive memorial service for five members of tlic WCTU who had passed away since the previ ous annual convention Dinner for birth evenings was rc cqtlipmcnt consisting of bus and rubber boots and tlic road blocks wcro suppllcd by the town and tlic party niiinliaiirllcd their wares to do an cxctilcnl cliorc of washing tlic sticct Taking part 111 the fun wcic leoff Glenn Bill Itltniniing Boiil Saijcanl llarvcy Clizlrctlc loo Church Mauricc llincs licn Clutc and Kcn llougliton Tlic campaign is on for two weeks and illt Junior liambtr ofV Commcrcc urges the cllixcns of Barrie to clcan up paint up and fix up HAS JOB Ti llccauscrndustry is organircd to get results 1i can make large contribution toward thc licallli of the nation licaltli cxpcrts say kL IURIINCAITLII THIEI Dick Turpin notorious highwayl man of the 18th century first started his predatory career by stealing cattle when apprentich as youth to butcher CANNIBALISTIC COBRA The king cobra is one of the longest and rnostvcnomous snakes has fierce disposition and prcysl on other snakes HER 6849835 served by the ladies offTrinity Church in the parish hall eluded Wednesday nightiwith meeting+ in the First Baptist Church Several men attended this service and there was good attendance Rev Humphrcys was chairman and music Was pro videdby the First Baptist choir The speaker was Rev Frank Wellington formerly Va pastor in Ottawa later eld secretary for The 57th convention was con the Big Brother Movement and now executive secretary for the Evangelical Association He deliv ered forceful message Rev Mr Wellington referred to the story of the Good Samaritan He said Jerusalem meant the foun dation of peace and Jericho was There are thieves on the Jeri cho road today he declared as he went on to relate thesad situa tion of young woman who had wal been robbed of all her virtues and similarly of young man Fhewminister emphasized that therewere thieves on theroaddf the place of the curse ife Follow the drunk as he aggers tohis poverty stricken home and see his wife shrink from him He has been robbed on the Jericho road by the liquor traffic Mr Wellington recalled the days Otlbnfagerwhenvirmanwasfgakerr tutu custody on suspicions of in sanity The man was placed in TRACTQRS Can be insured against damage by fire while in operation or while stored for very low rate SARIEANT INSURANCE 49 Dunlop St BARBIE Dial 4427 important Notice The Doctors offices in Barr 10 will be closed Saturday afternoons during June July August and September in addition to being closed Sundays Holidays after 12 noon Wednesdays and Saturday evenings Emergencies will be taken care of at all times June 1511647va 830 pm Matinee 105 230 pm turdayJune19V it Bax firmer 0PENS DAILY if 10 AM room ooded with water and given mop and apail and told to mOp the oor If he rrstrittirned oft the tap lie was considered sane Today there is plague of social insanity because while leaders some 01mm rLEAsm MAIL 70BIIEBS AQGEPTElJ N0W5 JV Uge mail order Blankbelow Makeficlieques ormuney orderspayublo lions against the enemy andVlatr Wish to clean up the haVoc cauSed LEAF was awardedth DFC IV byliqror they havenot the sanity times it provedcmuh1esome Please enclose selfaddrssedj stampedenvelope for retrinif 0105M cadet dance was held at the school in the eveningarid was very We httendcslsf fsrMAitvtsPAmsri ORANGEMEN To CELEBRATE BATTLE or BOYNE JULY 10 INSTEAD or 12th INZTORQNTOV THURSDAY MAY 27 315 pm New Parish Hall Multaster lSt vV PRIZES CHICKENS FRUITS GROCERIES Admissi6n35fc D001 Prize rducers imilhltlltal heal membershipifmfbeas 35 plant faculties of Twig after Clnsmerlng thezrnaior plant expansion prejth which is now near mg comment MAILfi ORDER APPLICATION MaplelieafGardensg VV Carltonvand Church streets TorontoiGangda In order to facilitate the sale and transfer Vof those memberships to active shippers form ofMeriibershlp Sale Agreement has ibeenapprovedwhereby theactlve ishippersf can purchase the memberships from retired oWners under termsand conditions similarito the Easy Payment Flanthe main featuresof Which are the doWn ipayrnentof $3200 iri cash and the payment of the balance of $15000 out of Patronage Dividends Enclosed ls cheque or money order made payable to mp1 Leaf Gardenllrtor 3533 for the following reservedteats forgthe AQUA PARADE 01V 1948 Torontos traditioltal and 25Ulh celebration of the Battle ofthe Boyne will take place this year on Saturday July 10 in place of Monday July 12 according to an announcement from Toronto Coun ty Orange headquarters Vthe change of date is an ex periment according to Thomas Addy former county master and was adopted afterwa twoltour dis cusion abdutfthe matter Person ally opposed to the move as were 25 per cent of those attending the meeting he maid the fact that Hamilton and London have moved at$075at 3125i srisu of Wanted lst In lf2nd ChOIOOnuruaousdIuooocooiobI NW3onununuuuneueanunrnouADDRESSBHoionounfnbuidcdcaiiououubuv intense print TranSfers are subject toTth approval at the Directbrs and thepurchaser must submit Va new form of Merit bershtp Application for theaceptance of the Directors r1wvmcn CuIIiSionRepaInTcw Truck Expert Wheel Alignmentcmd Balancing our 141 Nonmember livestock shippers who wish to take ad vantage of this should get 1ntoiichwlthfhe Office Man jV agar orthe Accountant to full information and to obtain their celebrationsV me Suhddy the forms required nearest theiztiiswayed the ma VV VV VV agilityth giving thoidea one yarlwhmVVVVV VIEW Hart Garage ooiinaurvoiiplsrmgnle mom 3026

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