iaaiLeiivaa vsyv Till mamaEXAMINER mama ormmro CANADA lFZmwm elects cur municipal officers Should tTottenham Senuiiell mgfgw who are nominated get to NEW Dont forget the nomination for reeve and councrllor in the councrl gem km by Mimi rims the toss of coin decide Who 11 take chamber next Monday evening May 24 candidate wishing to be nominated this or that office or IiUltld the THURSDAY MAY 27 1948 SHOULD ELECTOBS DECIDE Itllahulttxl any will if the plfll of low and genl IUItL then Wt know the United rich LZgJIrLZAILUII is ineffective 1rgt to itslialftand over mic cli remains in the muons represented be moral force otisrc at can save the 81 111 Ma 24 Secretary of in He Education 112m zr CIIUICilt Victory Elt Arnold iii Baptist Wt itimcs and 22 Zinc riLc LJir 1131 to be ONTARIO STOCK YARDS BULLETIN uhHing WALLY FORD nary Tum4 morning IIMI 900 715 am intimwmd Then spent the holiday with Mss llcne Wk mm melld TUWW ii trEti illlll of work airizri glint problth greatest work dem Graham Id M55 lily at 1031 Emmi10 hlltv quesuon arises as to who actually imymomthimwy Other exec0 Hymn Joim Dal Slw laughter wan to Toronto to Lrltcndl iw instrtirnciils til tir glmri icmin to carn We like to Vid 115 of mun and no irill 01 AW Wld 8093 Slmg milkmrs 1172 Sugar 11 if grinls Iltllii tttrr its bill Iiit iriil I1LlU1V IS Iht 10 VaVVWmu th AILIflggr llld PPM My win 1m lb source in meltitn spur ioiddy Hlli operation VV man Aramstrrin and itilWhltl of imi iilcl tiltliirifnti tin hll mv locking for King Mm mm Gmmgh fans thc lltlllLtgtl tin Iltl silently IlU silently MH Ulns Suncand Children Of Bum HEM gbtgiynoi arc vrsmng Mrs Stones Mlilllltlsttll Miss Pctcrs of To VV homes IICIO as might as the daybreak to mull 5mm COUkbmm Death of Jack Dixon rispcl our tiarkiicss and to bring Sm qualifications and have his taxethhe cost of an election 120 b3 COH It REVIJ ii metho ma dlllhlitd URN hm 60d 18 on the sick lisi but hupv she may lpdm Accordmg to rumor mere def 01 Mtg 11 Hing big supper to Thornton Toronto spent the Mr ind Mrs Alf Rogcrs hail thc the wedding of the forrncrs sistcr Uilit lkc leabot in hearts of men MCMMWTS PEHCHIS Mr and Wttklnd and Sunday visitors ualil Work lortli Bay With the Ioiiiicrs liiotli Iiic windious gift is iven in fin to ltl mi is pumm Mr and MVCUP rontu With her sistcr Mrs Lam Jack Dixon passed away on lll ilic dawn of new day Cook Iluntsvrllc spent the Mrs Corbett is toiling friends must be presrznt or furnish decoselectors be allowed lo decide the honour Lmkrfid at tm Coplands in Hamilton and other piacrs merit stating his willingness to run issue at the polls H5 course gt Bu no After the re theta and Call COPland Md may be several candidates but this leasin prove more expensive in the Wt mm spoilt last sunqu mm ill not be defintely known until long run than all election We do limp pf 2l xii note and God Mr and Mrs Davis and gtLi his enemies butllrolrda wcckcnd with Mr and llSlOlUUN MVP 1811 AIUUSC thth wars of his influence Mrs Graham blllmd Mundav llll Glad t9 report that Mrs Lamcrs has returned home from Coiling Culpritc fwd put tinn Jr is Christ tulilt not as con MW mm ClLdn Mr and Bummm TOHHHU Mr and Mrs Gallaughcr of 15 Um MHUN to sin liltll tors and stilliem high VV cr and SlSltl and her husband lil IIUMI Ul fillianllh bluiil It In MM Vimu Thou camst little baby thing nmo the hd Mr aners It Wilson and dangli So itlll ini nuts to human hearts llic bitssirigs of His Ilcavcn gland Mrs Copland and Mrs Stone Mllwr mu Mmmwx 9d IltlIHili itiid DIESOIU DISIIIIIIITUIIS Not by St inuci mi ary catcrs or= licsuiy in Barrie Hospital aftcr I21 IIN IllthI Illl plight or by powcl but by my Ulllllmcnts but wrth it fcw days lllIlCSS llic funcral guilt rush of wind Mir Blanchc Green Barrio MN PM Willis 598 must have the requisite propertyiilPPllfS 9W mllo and While tlitk ll tsu illl tor irztin timrz God showed Elijah mend Town daughu Tlllllmkb Silt he hUH mommy evening once again the 02 imend these remarks for mu VVVVHVVVUV IV 00d This is ML and Mrs Atkinson and Mr and Mrs Ircd Mathcis rnd Mm mink um um solve me prob ner spcnt last Sunday with Mr vood Hospital where she had an Mr and Mrs Earl Meximl md WllitMiSP01Il Mr and Mrs Nut VV may quc lg lltltl but as little Chlld easonable Prlces iui pl of thc llculllt lltilllltl on That nuuic woman cry livlwwie hmms bIS fOImclly of Calcdonia now tutti 0pg may be Silent bm and children sptnt lay with 51155 manor SMUH mmu mu SciVi 313nm it mm st tliosc who tight the battle for souls 08 livid lliursday from tlic Vl ll Tm mum the world rests not lilc Kingdoms of tho world go by hnnw Cum 10 1mm and in Old church and burial took placc lIl lhcy rise tlitylilrilrrisli md tlicc AUWIHWUII cemetery Womens Association And ml mic is MM llic Womens Association mot at Onweekiluvs wandererWill bdiibiasiiriyraisaaagggfi MAllKS lHl llPENlNll it THE lRSl CANADIAN lNlRtNAllUNA lRAD AlR new adventure in Canadian irudeis the first Canadianlnter Snterprise in its way asrany in our history Thirlyzlvvo countries Will be represented as exhibitors and twice that number buyers For two weeks the market place of the world lMllbe in Canadathe first eVent of its kind ever to be held in North America national Trade Fair iust openingninToronto as stirring an between buyers and exhibitors but specin arrangements have 1been made to admit the general public onthe three Saturdays TRADEI The search for shorter lrgde routes to the spice islands of the East lured Columbus westward to the discovery of New World TRADE Up the St Lawrence into un known perilslcome Cartier seeking stake in the new continents trade and treasures TRADE Along the myriad waterways of Canada paddled the voyageurs trud lng civilizations baubles for the raw wealth of the wilderness Rockies on to the western sea roared thalron horse builder of trade bringer of progress and prosperity TRADE Richer today by far thuntlig early explorers dreamed are Canodas Lnummlresources4productsbffavour ldrm sea and mine Wanted by wamavuged Tvbrld 79JUneJ4ndJune 12 Every Canadian firm interested in developing world markets wtirfhvvhileto send rdpreSentalivel forgitsV productsfoi world sources forits supplies will finditiwell Cancel observance of World ITrade Week has been happily inc Kingdom only is divinc inc biiiiiicr triumphs still lls King scrvant And its sign cross upon it lliii Sunday cvcning Murray Ronald slrowcd colorcd movics of Miricsiiig and tho surrounding district Thcsc were of partitllEHJlicsLithc many vilwlio vcrc prcscnt On Saturday tficrc was pro gram of sport and lilt day vi concludcd with tlic ladics of lil Itmllllltllllty serving big sllpptl to lll many visitors Ihcrc wcrc 130 sczitcd for the first supper and thc Stiltltli was similarly crowded for Vlllf sccond sitting Furthcr details of the celebrations arc reported in illllllllitl column May 24 11 lcnnctt spcnt the weekend with friends at Brett Congratulations to Bill Lee who was married on May 15 Frank Gibson spcnt Sunday at Mmcsrng renewing old acquaint once Congratulations to Henry Davis th0 is graduating from Guclpli College on the 26th Wesley Cocliralic Mastcr of Ivy LOL No 450 attended Grand Lodge at Cliatham The people of this community responded vcry liberally for thc Salvation Army Fund Earl Reid Ruth and Allan spcnt few days with Mr and Mrs Chaplin in Parry Sound Mrs Jennctt Mrs Jennett Margaret Jcnnctt and Jean Cochranc spent the weekend in Parry Sound Those at home for the holiday were McVanell family with par ents Miss Lollie Wilson at home Miss Ella McLean at the home of her sister Mrs Elwood Jcnnett MISS Jean Carruthers at her home Mrs Henderson with her parents Mr and Mrs Davis Henry Davis at his home the Gibson boys at home Bride Wears Mothcrs Pearl Emerald Necklace Elizabeth Ruth Clarkson and William Lee were married at St Johns Norway Anglican Church by Rev Fred Nicholson The bride IS daughter of Mixand Mrs Clarkson while the grooms par ents are Mr andMrs Lee Mould was at the organ and William Taylor was soloist The bride was given away by herfath erV She was gowned in blush pink satiniand lacenmd had 21 REFV length embroidered veil and halo headdress She carried white prayer bookand Sweetheart roses and wore gold necklace with pearls and emeralds which had been worn by her mother on her ddrng day Lorraine Jenkins was maid of honor She wore dress opreach sheer crepe over taffeta wrth matching poke bonnet Sharon Lee II VI Because of theirstimulating action her bouquet ItlIlUUII Scripture lesson was rcatl by Mrs Wcs Britts and Mrs All Patio rcad two short SlOliLS one on Life and lilt ltlicr on Proud to call yourself pnadianT lunch was scrvcd by the liostcsscs Mrs Mumbcrson MrsnEarlc Thomas and Miss Aggie Cartcr Mrs Jim Murrays Wednesday afl Few Attcmlcd cmetcry Meeting Tlic Board of Trustccs of Mid liurst Union Ccmctcry wcrc rathcr disappointed at mccting hold for thc public bcncfit in the Township Hall as advertised when so low turned out it is most discourag ing to try to do business with so very few to advise and cncoiiragci About month from this latc bcc will be hold to help cican tip the ccrnctciy and it is liopcdl that many more will be on hand One particular item was empha sized which had reference to plots owncd and not endowch resulting in the collection of the $150 year as from Jan 1047 for ZlilSllCil plots and that no opening would be permitted until such duos were paid Tlicsc ducs are payable to the Sccrctaryticasurcr immediate iv flower girls wcrc dressed in pink and blue taffeta trimmed with lace and wore matching poke bonncts ilicir noscgays were made of ycl low and Talisman roses Lee was gfoomsman for his broth cr Ted Page and Vic Lee were ushers The reception after the wedding was held at the brides home 77 Kingsmount Park Road The couple lett afterwards for motor trip North Upon their re lurn they will reside at Ivy Doans Kidney Pills Help Back Ailments Backaclie may be caused by dis rulers of the kidneys Consequently if you suffer from backache Doans Kidney Pills may be helpful to you on the kidneys and urinary passages Deans Kidney Pills assist in the elimination of wastes from the body Safe dependable and quickacting Dunns Kidney Pills can be used bybotli young and old backache as well as minor urinary and blad ier ailments may Vberquickly relieved by this timeproven treatment Sold at all drug stores Milburn 09 m1oiontoOnt IIasy does it with Kodak Vcricliroinc Film in your camera Ion Jrisl aim and shoot and got the picture Canadian Kodak 10 Limited loroitlo its made in Canada Kodak Film the film in the familiar yellow box KODAK IS TRADEMARK ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OI EDUCATION ANNOUNCING Change in TimesTable June Departmental Grade Xlli Upper School Examinations lll Agba and English Compasition ThcrrMinister of Educationzfm Ontariowannounces that the Grade XIII examinations in Algebra and English Composition originally scheduled for Junell4th will be written instead on Friday June 11th No examinations will be written on Monday June 14th The revised timetable FOR TOIIOWSZ Funny JUNE 11111 900 1130 am ALGEBRA 130 400 pmENGLlSH COMPOSITION ALL CANDIDATES reads as WT 77 AVQTE roitmooitr Means Bellerllal For farmers rFlidDRVPRICES Tsou conscnvlinous Demolismariou FARMS IF YOU ARE 7inllRDoffj Read unarmed Mr901iyet says heawill do 501 the farmers when The Liberal government Will establish und VTivLFivroouri irin andworrin promising tomak their lif ontlieiarmg air rel14 JAE 5Vllmled tocoincideNviihlheVoccasion of the Internationallrade Fair er the minister of agriculture conservation asvavaluablegcontribulion to beeruhderdlunding byth Cdnudiqn board for the followinngurposes at T0 inaugurate adetailedl soil and ang culture survey oftiny part of settled Ontario at the request of the community in prderthat the best use of the land in each community may be scientically determined To make specific plansbased on such gt surveys for the bestuse of the land and to pro vlde for theadoption of these plans byrthej free choice ofsthe community concerned jcl Toiestablishjdernonstration farms oper ated byfarm owners toillustrate the benefits of proper land use elvTo institute plan asSistarice to aid citizens implanting tresandprotecting existing wood lots ToVencouragethe development of com munity life in the townsand=villages of Ontario Vllorevise andcowrdinate the5existing statutes bearinggondrainage land Auseand con servationr no Tolcdoperate fully With theffederal fgovernment in the development of lhisplan and in people ofinheir own important stakeVinVi world commerce world 1TrudoWeek is sponsored by the following Canadian Witnesspiganizglions Ilia Cdnudiqn Chamber of Commerce The CanbditinVExporterslAssociation3Tb Canadian Mqtjuchfureri ducom Associblioithe canodiun Siclion 9f the international Chamber iof Commdrccqnd thoCdnudiun Impoderspnd Truderc Association TRADE On the rm foundotion of ConudasVVabunddnt raw materidlrhas arisen dmighiy industrial structure rodchingVnewhuighls of diversified prov und wanttoknow whyand whct can be done to restqrg your hearing send fortliis vgigabie book out 9Hedrilg lree WhilTlley 159 4Vbf1V in natlonaluconServafion IIVhe Liberal government will encourage young men thirty years or underwith etiperr fence on the farm who have been recummend ed by farmers in their community either by loaning directly or guaranteeingup to 80 pet cent of the necessary capital required by them to start efficient farming inJhe province 1nlmiiod butlnouiiicn who not In ponbulonof an lnvl lotion muy ileum admissian by presenting at the deana letter of ldantlcailon framtltelr firm mentioning their official position 50 roglutrctlon fu II yyuhlo at the reception centre in the To revitalize the Ontario Agricultural College with extended research factllties soV that it may take itsxplace as the leader in the scientific and experimental Work involved in this plan and to extend thereand elsewhere the facilities for the training and educational young nounsnoon 87 Richm mi Stw TORONT Collbum Building 1IH contourniibcscnvmc fir mmlelnlclmmerce film mnmgrr TRADIllBorn out of trade nourished dqveloped and matured by trade Cnodu must continue to trade with tho world If Canadians are to 011qu steadily iimptgvinq itdndplrdof living gwwnuyuudhuudinmhda Name gAdtiretis chcochubnunqoopccguniCA9guobuooo Tfj TTTV