Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 May 1948, p. 20

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PAGE TWENT mm cacao=====ouo====o=or==aouo==a THE EARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA IIi Eil THE WEEK IN cooxsrowui mo===oo===ouon===ouo== any the not of Dr RIF Court CCHI licn Rt llsiAhlisItl Zitl lean POLLARD Real listite Broker Houses Lots loliAico itncriil llirnis exchanged RE No li LOWELL illthI iiizrgi lititl lle Siliipper ifilii nu3 lu ugha Soap and washing powders go many times farther clothcs last longer clingingr soap curd is eliminated Youll bathc1n luxurious Soft Flow water 09 suds in rainsoft water when you use Softeneravailabte at Why put uh with hard water when you can economically have soft water flowing from the taps in your home with SOFT FLOW unit SOFT FLOW slips easily over your tap Nothing is added to the water only the wat er hardening minerals are removed SOFT FLOWlasts indenitely Softening action can be rnewed again and again empty flushing with common table salt ZELLERS LIMITED BARRIE ONTARIO Ii eemci ilills Toronto Breton iiaideii iiiinzc Jivtllimbnry lairmo it in and John pen in tliitm ind wtrv until three uhul owing to 11 iltililll0 out that no to 11 With her dauehter Iiterested 111 lioneis Mri Coons wart of limits Falls and Robt ol ooksl toxin arid llllt sister lrilgin in tliuSltl Wt Mrs lielinil art of Barrie and 311s Annie Cook of Villiiivdale The Late Fraser 1918 Austin Morley passed to rest at thcl and Mrs thas Carr stown where he had spent the months He was the only son to James and rs Frasert iiime Carscallen Napanect Odessa hit lie was born May 1371 on the Era homestead on No of ssa ll farm sitiled by his grandfather llaniel Irascr who was aScoteli Engineer in the Britiin Army The lft tfi farmed this land and adl in properties until he retired tol the illade of Odessa in 1941 In ltlttlt he married Catherine who predect him on March 11140 ters also predeceased him it ais ago He is survived by one daughter Laura It Carri aid fosterdaugliter Glc Ayl worth one grandson Fraser Carr own eed ough of quie isposition and busy man he gave much ti public service in Odessa and young man he be 1lStllCl for 35 years havinit icon awarded the diploma for incri service in Agriculture in In 1917 heslicceeded his falli secretarytreasurcr of Odessa factory until it burned in 1934 and treasurer of Ernesttowni Township holding the later position iuiitil NH lie charter member and fin taiicial officer in the Odessa Lodges lot Canadian Orch Chosen Friends land It at Order of United Work inen The mother of deceaseds family lCarscallent came of United Em lpire Loyalist stock The deceased was devoted mem ber of the United Church formerly Methodistt Following inthe foot steps of his grandfather and father he becamcba member of the Trustee Board in 1911 later an Elder and was Treasurer 1917 1944 Funeral services where conduct ed at the Odessa United Church by Rev Mr Bonsteel the pastor assist4 ed by the choir The solo Abide With Me Present and former members of the Municipal council of Erriest town as well as the directors of the Ernesttown Agricultural Society at tended in body Floral tributes were numerous and beautiful including those from the Agricultural Society United Church Board and Ernesttown Mun icipal Council Flower bearers were Borden Hag crman John Hagerman Harry Davy Peter Davy Alex Hagen man Donald Munro Murray Clark and Sterling Rogers Pall bearers Creighton Wylie Macdonald Alfred Babcock James Clark Wm Kenny Lewis Interment was in Wil it cool terrific expenditures of THE PRO TECHNICAL BVLEM OF EFFICIENCY By DEACHMAN ad booklet enz notogicul Stagnation in Britain It was prepared tliltilll Yelvcrton and Geo do not know Mr but know Mr Teri Work The Boggy uti Maturi and it was aI mined and lashing assaulti on these uho believed that pro had stopped in its tracks that nothing would save us tllllllclli IllUilf The booklet is published by the Ma hinery and Allied Products of Cl go an organiza ich has for its object stim ulation of technological progress Ifon that account may be prejudiced let me in this study it idraws Its information quite large ly from reports of studies madei by British organizations and the comments thereon in financial Jtillllltlls hooks pamphlets andi publications on studies oft British industry It would be too much to expectl as way of escape il first Sight odd is which in prin at least constitute writing ttiieut to the demo may of life should make strong appeal to demo parties of the Left as is of the Right The ion is perhaps ines the political the Corporate red business men with no fundamental belief in their own position in society and icals who have lost lllrll eaily vision of the equal narian Iiiilleniuin can safely and ca unitel The former hope ith considerable his toiicai justification that in pi tiee they will be able to reach it compromise with the politicians favorable to their interests the latter with there logiccn their side hope that it will be easy to sqtltc out the business men by constitutional means tind ItslUtc Paradise by stealth irom coin llritish progrws in those lines nighlent critit of Bil iSi industry he as rapid as American Thet iroblelps are not the same The self binder came into existencei because the wheat fields of Amerl icii could not have been harvested without itwtlio combine followcd for the same reason This is true in other things but the facts at least so it appears are that Bril tam has not gone as far as it should have gone The British ople arc consciou of this factl Stafford Cripps ght boy oil the British hallor vernmenti ono of tile keencst min in Brii lain shortly after his party came to power announced the appoint ment of what he called working parties toexaniinc the conditions of certain iiidustrics The object as stated was To examine and enquire in Then there is the viewpoint of the London Economist For two iuite separate rea there is tcndcn Laior to olisttuct its terests Sliortsightcdly it op poses the rapid introduction of more efficient that is more laborsaving machinery And if profits can bc whittled down to such level as prevents the growth of capital Labor is more apt to rejoice than to complain In past ages when organized labor had little iii fluence on business policy these attitudes were perhaps unimportant Blittodiiy they cannot be disregarded There is here no definite at tempt to concentrate the blame to the various schemes and lllnilxivlnf hlr bloilghf suggestions put forward for N1 01 improvements of org zation The tempo of movement blocks production and distribution WIWmwil the driving OiC0 of methods and processes in in musny 15 Oklqu AS 01 instry and to report as to the mm steps which should be taken in the national interest to strengthen industry and rend er it more stable and more capille of meeting competition in the home and foreign mar kcts How far behind Britain must have been may be gleaned from study made by British investi gator and reported in the Economl ist Journal April 1943 anddeal ing with the research of the Na tional Institute of Economics and Social Research Basing his analysis on the British census of 1935 and the American census of 1937 he concludes that for the indus Botl hat is industry and labor ve in organising industry both believe in pro tectillg it when organized against any competition either from foreigners or from native newcomers Both believe in standard prices for what they sell both unite in condemning competition the one as waste ful the other as destructive If free competitive private enterprisc capitalism is to con tinne to exist not throughout the national economy bill in any part of it then it needs rescuing from the capitalists fully as much as from the Socialists This book should be read both mcs covered physical output Socialists and Capitalists It per worker averaged about 23 times as great in the United Sta tcs Statements of this kind must accepted with certain measure of rcservation and in fact this book calls attention to conflicting points of view in the following paragraph There can be no doubt that the wide differences we have found to exist between British and American productivity per manhour are reflection imarilyfthotig means exclusively of differ ences in the state of mechani zation in the two countries Undoubtedly there are dispar ities between these countries in the average skill of work mcn and in the average in tensity of their efforts dis parities by nomeans always in favor of the United States but these can account for only small part of the production gap It is as true of the comparison of British and American productivity at the same time as it is of the com parison of productivity in either country at different is at least impartial in the alloca tion ofblame There may be defence of bothif one is printed for one would like to see it This is an excellent volume more work remains to bcdone THURSDAY MAY 27 1918 GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE cum GirTs TOYS WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS RUBBER BEACH BALLS PLASTIC BEACH BALLS $149 SL98 3300 PLASTIC BEACH COMPANIONS $100 $150 Grumpy the Frog Ogo Page the Serpent and Tubby for fun ill the water 25c 69c AUTOMATIC RANGETTES $6995 $7100 $7500 All in gleaming white enamel RIC LAMPS BOUDOIR LAMPS $350 $475 BED LAMPS $275 $295 $325 $395 RANGETTE SETS 77747 BIRD HOUSESfUiipaiiiieci $139 BONE CHINA TEA SETS 21 pcs $1395 $1495 $1795 $2495 $2500 90c $125 5175 pm Up LAMPS Three to five pieces in these sets Red and White and Blackand White $450 $469 FLOOR LAMPS $1650 to $2250 BASE LIGHTING way $075 $750 to$795 ALADDIN OIL LAMPS WALL $1I95 ALADDIN TABLE Complete $995 $1045 $1395 Every healthy normal person should know to the full what the Joy of Living means but unfortunately large number of folk seem to faildto derive enjoyment out of anything their work their friends or their play ALARM CLOCKS $245 $350 $450 $575 SEEDS Flower and Vegetable SHEEP MANURE 75c and $125 No tax on these now up to $1000 value GARDEN CULTIVATORS RAKES HOES T7 PARATOR SUPPLIES ELECTRIC HOT PLATES Plate CARRIAGE and MACHINE BOLTS SPADES AND SPADING FORKS lei $550 $850 $875 $995 large stock of these in most lines FISHING SUPPLIES APLENTY MOTHCAEES DEODORIZERS 10c 25 REFRIGERATOR CONDITIONER 39c FOR SUPER WEAR BUY SUPER HEALTH Keeps mg SW at mes ALUMINUM Theres none better any ZIP GRIP 50 ft lOtlles Lines $169 where The Tax has been No Clothes Pins Required takenoff all Silver Knives Forks and Spoons HARRY ARMSTRONG 98 104 DUNLOP ST ML May 24 Mrs Morrison of Braccbridge is the guest of her brother Mr and Mrs Mel Palmer spent the heliday uitlihis parents Mrs Graham Tortinto spent the weekend at her parental home Miss Porter is spending holi day with her brother in Sudbury Mr and Mrs Merland Londry motored to Windsor for the holi da Miss Marion Pierson spent the weekend with her sister Mrs Palmer Mrs McCann of Collingwoorl spent few days with her sister Miss Gugiac Mr and Mrs Herb McClain Tot tenham was the guest of his broth er on Thursday Mr and Mrs McClain spent the weekend and holiday with their daughter at Markdale There was large crowd at the PHONE 2801 ONTARIO HEREFORD BREEDERS Annual Picnic and Show INNISFIL TOWNSHIP PARK Saturday Iune 12 MEMBERS AND VISITORS INVITED SIMCOE COUNTY HEREFORD CLUB SIMPKIN STROUD Chairman Publicity Comm shower for Miss Bernice Icgg who Mr and Mrs Palmer on Sunday bcmg marned on smurday Quite successful cuehrc was WtfalCSOITYiO lCPOIi MlSv R055 held in the Lawn Bowling Club Watson in Alliston Hospital All house prize winners were M1 hope she will soon be home again Summerton and ML The sympathy of the communityEPort ladies Mrs Galbraith is extended to Fred Butler in the Mrs Westwood and Mrs Porter death of his wife after long ill Miss Willoughby won the lucky ncss draw Mr and Mrs Spencer of Thornl ton and Mr and Mrs Reed of Victoria ht were the guests of Read Examiner Classifieds ton Cemetery WAl YU AREOINGFOR WHEN YOUVOTE LIBERAL IN 1948 points of time that the prin cipal factor of change or dis parity lies in the mechanical technology not in the human effort iinvolved Again there is another side to the story which as yet remains unexplained We have examined the rela tive efficiency of the shoe making machinery in use Great Britain and that used in America Germany and other ii countries and wearesaldsfiedi that in general the shoeniakJ ing machinery in use is as good as thatiavailable in any other country Yet inspite of this condition the American output of shoesperirnanilgur LOWER TAXES Three cents off the gas taxno was PM as 1935 to be 102 etbo that re impOSItion of the amusement tax no pro Britalif chougfycelr vinciil income tax ence is attributable to num erDffact st HYDRO OUT or POLITICS Munictpal hydro seam transfj ijlhmugh LAlepresentation on the Commission extended the factory in the United service speed hydrogdevelopmentthe end of States Accordingly the work ing partyurgesg=reater use conveybrs in Certain elosin LABOUR BENEFITS Two weeks vacation with pay 75 workmens cempensation after three on muma Eon can sIMcoEr rboms overhead runways for handling sole To her roller conye ors in ackingv rooms dyswNationalPaWW COdef andshoevrackspofmodemfd gSOCIAL SECURITYAlf old agegpensionsJm SIEtih creasedto$4000reductionor age limit to 65 mm Brmhanalyss boot and Shoe industry unconditional Aid to hOSpttaIs health lliSlllfV The question which rem ind anceX Iv unansweged is this Eveniwithrthe HOUSING Tax Exemption fer owner builders same machinery British workmeil cannot even3approach American in additionm existing benefits production what thenfollows If TEMPEEANCE progamme of Education against theimpropervuse ofailcoholmalnt igijilpw H1 rtmll univenetian PLANAfor the Sc eritiific Voluntaryuse theProvincepthe 32 bgmthfgwefgyhogergggg gt rate will result from lbwer prod ductionad unit we VI realwealth aniline development of rurallife AEINET ANDREPRESENTATIVEA GOVERNMENT under the British machinery is out of date in relation to American equip Enance of local optionin all municipalities and strict Sincere enlOrcement of the liquor lws in Wildhke have the value ge cuts are not given ment TheprObIEm however is not qttite so easily resolved 11 the product produced per man emf the interest of thewhgle public ployed and other relative facts It lvNow hezfeilsVone ofine straits est statementsin the entire book It seems to imply iiiatiiabor Weary and industryis tired and tbatathe effort is towards com

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