MAY 21 I91 Motors Winners Churchill May 24111 ADA RACE DRIVER KILLED Ralph Hepburn one of auto racI tngs oldest dlecfS was killed in Pu biosthe Conchiti Santa Doin crash on the Iiotor alkedwiiy In 215130 San Felipe Santa Ana and Eliasspeak the Keres language inlaid CAI comma waom ve of New Mexicos Indian ii GARlEPY AIKIN ALSO EnY REID RETURNTO BARRIE The 31yearvold vet eran piled into the north wall of the come on which he had tried vainly since 1925 to v11 the 500 Ilillt Memorial Day classzc crown WEBSTER ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL WIRING SERVICE OIL BURNER SALES SERVICE BARRIE Irxdlhnapolis Mineral extracting and er ing Industries In Pennsylvania em ploy about 130000 workers Ray Cariepy and Rusty Aik in returned Thursday afterII brief visit at their homes in Iimmins will spend the summer here My ls Marking for Britain American Oil and Rust is on the new highway Strachan and Iloue are also highway Reid returned Week after visit his hitii Sound home played for Porcupine ombincs last season is newcomer for 134349 Long is now working for Sup Mckcr and Fay ero are cxpecled back in Bar rie next wreck and by then almost Ilycrs remaining in ton i1 Barrio list Pleasant Alll 12bit attack Both rota us our and thicc xvire the torcht of runs In four innings The fifth and last was the only frame If uluth they failed to count Tintibull and Steve limes shat lil3iltltl pitchers lubine and Knee ta1atinnlmxv with home runs utnlc Turn Shunt bulls was IaEtojs ahtltciosrett the plate tlfrce lUHlUt 13ml Nlllol trait litszzillead his team in that department iNlltlllty and Steve Hinss and Fred FrnlNorris counted two each ttiehnttng honors were usual to Nor round $ll ti ittoiy Inglis and coach limes both credited titialwavstl with llarris Motors produced of batting power tournament held at Crunc on Miiizuay clean sweep High teams liairts lilrtlllc ooksowiL Ma thirst name Jim Jerry Reid prIr oinpetttl Milton Fermiits sod last lay ing to Barrie work Miles tunes to grand slam Ilouflr ho hill The out of Motor men knock Heavy running hockey ranks Stan PHONE 3230 touched stirglc Norris ertest Oil and each doubles lll lLt scnuftnal Mt Pleasant with Hit Will then dominated Cookstown tolwith Steve adding two singles to lins itiuntitiipper tookstown 8lefroy ookstown took 21 lead 111 the and were they tune of 181 111 tinfinal Wm Hum llic pitching honors wcnt to flu ltuniitill trailer Dawes hand headed MORE ENTRIES ARE WANTED FOR SOCCER The Barrie and listrirt Sortur league is not quite under way but lumil May 231 at the Community House saw definite progress and all that is nectch is more entries were RCAF representatave from the army and Dalston and llairic llollyhawks Ken Robinson who is sitting 111 an advisory capacity to the linllt suggested that Rugby lIdgar Jilt land Hillantl Midhtust he tIivcn invttations to attend the lltkl lllttl ing scheduled for Wednesday lsinvi ii at thti Community lion at 1111 An executive member they in turn will elect oflitcrs Any persons interested in ollici ating in 1116 league are asked to contact the Recreational tounstl tins Luke Davies Jack Lorne to Camp Borden Fennclls 1n the and to claim shutout and liavvltif the fifth but title run cross the plate 111 hisgshort Gilroy was the big gun 111 outing Iookstown 643 and his with an 1115 txpciist of ltfroy who tvtrt from til3 shellacking they lltlVP Churchill juniors TOE had their lubint they dropped 1311 count to Newcomer Al Whig Electricians and llol Mal ttie sctond frame never for three innings They rounded llinfitll in the third and fourth to 1eply of trio invent good for two in the last half rally fell iiprntlig Adequate Wiring MUST be installed during the building of house openi if guv lilltlltl Hlifv Ul Illlls lftlltn sltlllflt thtn SIAN DARD Elltlttit HON who their three hits and Webb had two victory with Carr Ii tflr lillltlblt113 Blotti 11 seniors triumph join relatives in Winnipeg The 9000tou BCIIVLIDIRtr Huascaran was obtained by Canada as part reparations and will bring new settlers to the Dominion approximately every five weeks Eastbound she carries Canadian food and other cargo to the United NEW CANADIANS These three young Polish orphans were among 779 persons brought to Canada on the first voyage Of the Can adian Pacifics new immigrant ship Beaver brae The chitdren cared for by older pas scngcts during tub voyage are shown Short ly after landing at Halifax fMIDLAND GIRLS DEFEAT COPACO MAY 24th GAME Min icl reached ovr vessel lairclnli tiitll formerly the German Donut11y anti Neilly scored two reach for the losers while singles Dixon and lll were tollrctyttl lllLll first meeting Builders have the responsibility of deciding in most cases whether the wiring is to be skimped or omple for When builder displays Harris ltifookgtown 15xplosive second anti third stan crossed plate enabled Harris to vtnd tip tournament Kingdom ted by IItscnt tiptlltl hands on their way to their IIlllS win it 7115 lirls 111gnts of tho lublit and ISipziiait Schools to produce this years tllttllgt of the minor clitnnps Maltoinsou llvecrtzittou oiiioollor1 lllltlllll that ritllll of intuity reinaitinii ifroni lie disbanded ininton ltili to be made availI lllll itlti Pleasant 1n lttlSch fash tip all five runs relieved in lltltl the IVllllltlsScticltSF lIarris Motors ticIclinells 23 Harris opened the Scoring in the second tripled Len Chappel home A1 Shewchuk to make it two Fenncils count once in their half when Rose Neilly stolo home after reaching Stitch on Gordon Todds single Norris and Show three more in the OPENS TUNE 2nd AT QUEENIS PARK Barrie and District Ladies Soft ball lcaguc is scheduled to open at Queens Copaco 1947 champl ions will hook bats with the newly formed Valley club Manager Frank Allen Ia Bill IIarc feel that Copaco once again dominate the leag amalgamation Dixics and Loblaws should pro Vidc ample competition for the champs The ion ookstown to use Blake Constable for the tilt but even Blake had the swinging charges 2and Shewehuk led all hittcrs with two each Knapp Norris Davies and Chap pel acctiuntetl for singles ousg and Gilroy were the only annbuil for the losers TNTWU lmvmlssmn Ittuoufh William tlltI all needs Recreation Round the IRed Seal certificate the buyer knows that he is protcted trouble With Moo Hines llad lattns eighthit mound llaiiio tiirphiy enabled Midland larksidcs to more 171 triumph over Copaco in ll1lV 21 exhibition game at Monday pitching tflort coupled with some heavy batting had Copaco trailing ifionithe third innings Edith llare was not tip to par and found herself in trouble at in seveninning Although she struck out allowed them in nightmare third frame the acoring at their first liattings when Kay Bow ltn rounded the socks on errors larksides evened the count in their half lzhlc itor t1opliie lleatzues and will lu put up for uuI nnal competition tYP MPIEADSJIITII itEw Low rungs halt wyltcn Miles Steve Hines coinpi isc liltlli ill each II from Will It Mttlllilltl 1111 km reach ousc lone run mod rivals scored 32 SENIOR OPEN TONIGHT WITH TEAMS Stcvc Hines added and another inthe fifth by completed their scoring be Kneeshaw more for the losers Davies FILMS recreation film ing was matte yesterday munity catering to group sports Basketball techniques gave many phases for improved playing in this popular indoor sport tercst to many was the Tennis for Beginners and Advanced Tennis Offensive alid Defensive Football at service show Cont subjects individuall tervals during stretch llt 12 hits six of with and House counted Gordon opaco optnod ASL CUSTOM GROUND RED CIRCLE COFFEE lb 49c RICH FULL BODlED hits in five innings while Kinugshaw al of whlich were gave four lowcd two triples and Mt Pleasant 50615 Scoring three the second the remaining innings to shutout CGE aitled somewhat by spectacular Ross Clnbinc Griffin Brown were responsible runs Mallion turned in splendid rc but his team fatted to Heystruck Wednesday June park who Adamson walked and scored Ruth Rutherfords single Midland drew in from in the third innings on six hits for three was also an interesting subjch cov Adainson Ram and Ruth cred btit unfortunately was not too with applicable to oar Canadian game PLAYGROUNDS The playground leadcrs course is well into its second week and the candidates thoroughly familiarizcd work and techniques of their train McCormicks Waltons or Christies Assorted Cello Pkg much consideration nd coaclir adian General Electric have dccid win ed to advance from the intormcdiatc IHHS Lie league to the senior league its was crowd or disclosed at the senior executive meeting last Tuesday May 25 CGE lwill take the place left vacant by CNR and will games at Shear Park with RCAF while Queens Park will be the stamping grounds for Harris Motors twice and Prysons Grill first and Pleasant in the BISCUIT CHRISTIES or MCCORMICKS SBDAS CROWN or BEEHIVESlb Tin 65c cm SYRUP Yeg or BeefNoodle 1001 After 19 45 two in coasted the runners Adamson adding one more fourth walk to Ilarc and single by Draper accounted for pair of C0 paco runs in the fifth but Midland bounced back in the sixth to tally ing The opening night saw full evening of playground and minor demonstrated Consultant lb Pkg pitching were Griffin Edney Kneeshaw nohit ht However in and becoming 2Ib with seven 29 11 play their home outoftown entries Nowmarket and Shanty Bay arcI expected to field strong clubs and they will begin their season on Friday June withNewmarkct visiting Shaniy Bay Copaco have most of last seasons addition to some EditlrHarc will take care of the pitching duties while Ann Miller will catch for the speed ball artist The infield is made up of Mickey Kashner at first Dorothy Knapp at second Lil Bakogeorge at third and Marjorie Thompson at short Theoutticld will find Ann Bow en Effie Draper Kay Bowen Dor othy Gallinger and Phyllis Ruth in action The girls are sporting blue and gold uniforms this year and should show the fans some classy bhll two Campbells SOUP DELICIOUS SHREDDED zpkg CATELLI COOKED SPAGIIETTI Catelli Ready Cut Spaghetti or MACAIIONI job back him up with hits out five in two and onethird in nings while giving up but one hit Cookstown 6Cliurchi11 Srs Blake Constablcs record of seven strikeouts didnot overshadbw his five free passes and thti mayor rors committed by his mates the opening frame five men faced Constable Two went down swing ing and the third flied out to the right fielder but two rttns crossed Dawson and Mc Keown did the honors Four more were added it the second before Churchill finally cracked the ice in the fourth when They tried hard to form in the last but could only not single chroy litChurchill Jrs Lefroy walked all over Churc Barries Copaco worked desperately hard CGE W0 the Intelmedlale Clldm to form rally in the seventh Hare plOYISth lilSl lteal Etlld Sthd milIkelDraper Miller and Kashner bunch tlle SliuallOll in SGIIlOl company in ed four hits for two runs but Phyl teresting They have an excellent Rum went down swinging pttchiug stadium Mull ld cndumyposstblo clmce ofCopaeo Bill Raycraft to link witI tlieitImmcommg we margin strong fielding team Also known factor is their tremendous power at the plate While Harris Motors and Prysons Grill match Wits in lheh openingtEflicDraIer anti Aim Miller were game at Queens Park wmgm CJGE the loscis leading batters with will make their senior debut against the aggressive RCAF entry at Shear Park Both should be splendid games and there IS no doubt thestll 3b Ravm Rutheifmd lb league will be exciting to the finish On Tuesday June RCAF will and Harris arts and crafts MISS Tilly Cowan Child Arts Toronto brought here the cooperation of tlic inmunity Programs Branch II TheIcandidutes falso participated 353le lifts in the work and some commend able articles were produced First and Kay Nicholls 010 nth In line Md training under the SL JOIIhn Corps the art of storytelling quietl active and singing games and other phages of playground work will be included in the subjects taught BROADCASTS In the near future the Council is iJ Rutherford ss Nicholls If Hans agains participating in Recreation in Ontario Broadcast over CKEY on July 1241 shunt LntiadcdsL team back rough mmdwtmtgui 2002 1602 Pkg withtwo cacti Mickey Kashncr the plate two apiece MIDIANDAdamson Simp AYLLMER aosrou BAKED BEANS noimsnc JEWEL 23 DELICIOUS CANNED MEAT IIIEM PIC SPGRKV BULKI FITTED DATES FANCY CHICKEN 1111mm CHOICE APPLE nucE Jar9 30 WINESAP IEXTRA LARGE APPLES IBC WIINESAP EXTRA FANCY IPIIES CHILEAN SPANISH TYPE no FRESH NATIVE No1 summit if i7 if 5496 they hit for 1502 two ford 2b Jennett cf Carroll rt COPACOKaslmcle ng ll Rl lh lf Thompson 55 Knapp over CJBC at oclock will feature 2b BitkOQCOILEG 3buH31e Draper some Barrie persons on the subject cf Bowen rf Gatlingcr rf Mil of Community Value grounds PUBLIC AND SEPARATE SCHOOL SOFTBALL Tuesday of this week saw the grommencemcnt of the Boys and Charles McNiven Owner McNivehs MeolMorket IESSaRdL Allandole Through business change in Allandale the new owner manager of McNivens Meat Market at 17 Essa RoadisCharles McNivcn son of Mr and Mrs McNiven purchased the building and part equipment some 25Oaktand Hill at Dalston timeago from Mrs 29Dalston at Crown Hill wn Hill at Oakland Hill 2r visit Prysons Motor journey to CGEs home field Betty Cunningham Mary Wood Others ready for play are JIaIjorie and Wilma Longhurst Mary and Joan Kenny Pat McDougall Dorothy Goring and June SpeersAny of these may see action in the opener Wednesday June Shanty Bay will meet Valley at Queens Park with Newmarket making their first appearance Shear Park Writ QUAKEB second chiry Valley the first have sixteen trying forpbsltions Grabbing four in the in and coaches Archie Thompson and having their hands full making selections The McGuirel probable lineup will have Dorothy Miller on the mound and Robbin Lennox behind the plate Phyllis Moody covers Irst sack Lois All sopp on secondand Ethel happel on third Reta Jones Loblaw performerIofIlast year will be at shortshop Patrolling the outeld Will be 1H0HAOIll0llfi II In Elementary Schools Play gs Puts 11 utiIIEIs 11 BC ASHCROFT CATSIII MEDIUM SIZE MEATY lb iTCtIELLS FANCY RIPLE SABER HOUSEHOLD NEED SARIruini IN 1ALL SHADES SHOE EDI15H Tllt ctiiiiisntncn 79f 15 Love HIGH QUALITY ANN PAGE hills itial frame and six in the third they found It easy travelling until completion Thompson Taylor and Dixon were tworun men for while one each went to Shippley IGilmore and Fligel llarns MMt Pleasant Turnbulls onehit effort in the semifinals allowed Harris to open all throttles to completely swamp unior entt 101 Copaco Midland 100 0202 125 103 3102 and Eileen Key Paddy Miles are 34 uglch Tinz3 4802 Tin Donnelly 1102 29 25 271 Oro Girls Ledgue Has Three Teqms winners 2052 Tins At the Oro girls softball meeting held at Oakland Hill May 13 three represented CrOWn Hill Dalston and Oakland Hill The schedule is as follows May 2tlDalston at Oakland Hill June llCrown Hill at Dalston litOakland Hill at Crown Hill against Copaco 41 agenta 253 ND 43 am IIu19 48111115 IOIC Ceremonies IIUnlluIDIIUItruh0 gruff Cotter Ave who Patriotic services took precedence over classwork in Barrie public schools on Friday May 21 as child ren observed Empire Day At King Edward School students assembled in the 10wer hall where service was conducted by Rev Carder Lloyd Tufford followed and led the school in the singing of hymns Land of Hope andGlory and From Ocean to OoeanLEatIIIpicturesI of those killed overseas were plaCed about bronze plaque containing their names threequarterhour program in which pupils were in complete chargeitoolcplace Goodwin Toronto Hp was for seVeral years withI Canada Packers in Toronto and for Any games DOSlponed f0 CmYover two years with Copaco here cause will automatically drop to He will carry complete stock of fresh and cooked meats also Games to commence at 715 daily usupply ofHCorner Cupboard bakery products July 2Cro the End of the schedule sharp ORItLIATOSTMASTER OBrien postmaster at Oritlia for over five years has been named to succeed Postmaster Chas WIDevitt who Mr OBrien came to hcrOrill Post Office Itrycars agtr transferringAfromther Collingwood DljiiftlltO ofr Hawke tone MrOBrienv1ias made Act ing Postmaster while the position was posted fofapplication last Sep tember large number of appliv entercdfor the posi Elmer assistant has rettr cations were tron about art in the ceremonywith the entire school joining in the singing of hymns Special readings and poems MILK BREAD1 WHITE or BROWN Ionthe agenda alongwllrh demonstration of how the three crossescame together to formthe UnionIIack The repeIaIting of the pledge of loyaltyandthe singing attoan anthemg closed the The Truth andsnothin else but when 0111 Motor Analyzer hecksyourciar motorcn 38 points for possible trouble Drive in Today BRENNANS rouE ECIRIC Barrie III monitor 1Rttubarb tbs tot lit 3c 1035105 endojseglghg Se laxity Health Servictesp knows both form and Ilotborprobflemfs of then service Dur ng in WELL mime LessIwhsrr STEAKS or ROASIs skerdorrttie Bra day upon house was held in theklndergarden atfwhich dI morning Rind after rdri Housing Ha parentsattende noon classesy II Individual se rviccs wtere hld IIin stairs classrooms of the Vic chool while the Jive lower assembled and followed 1m some Lo vsntSlmcoe Centre ANDME you primeditqirlepter= glassrow theprogmm sent out byIIthe Ont aria Depatment of Education It 594 ILILE lh37z rALLAuDALE 85159111 At St Marys School special cereI monies and services wciheld in the respective classroomswith the program from the Empire Day booklet being followed closely Pat mac 1songs were sung Tana poems read with some pupilsktracing the map of the world andIianiing the people of various countries The booklet issued by the Department of Education containd message from the Minister of Edn cation George Drew to the 15 of Ontario Throughout the program werorecitations and read Faith of Our and patriotic songs as Iand Therell Always be it the Barrio eRev Perkins Torontorwlll speak at ta jTliere Will be informal discussion mono THURS Mini 27745 pain and IMQNIMAY311IO30 ll smoker SLICED can 53 42 jtttittitisqugumots Cap 11 BA RawsOndiictor of telf meetings ight development TransCanada beenawarded the mane Air Lines whoh McKee Trophy hiscontributionto Canadian av tron The award an mRsnICRUGHT trawaIby Hon Brooke misterof National De yearin me cry nuanced Claxton FILLETS Schoo fence ts made each ofIJ Dalzell McKee to the person akmg the greatest contribution tOI MS with hymn mothers Canada gas of avia theprqgr lioninCam