plant for storage of Marsh vege I20 500 CREDIT cons Chlldmg Sh wnud nu nister rwwwww 0p Agriculture found it IS THE SAME PARTY Mr Johnston promoted the pals nail tfgfIIIIII IIIIl Clothing Novelties Accessories age of private bill The Holland II PemQI 21 WHI 31715 Iat hits um Minute 10 Years thlillued from page thirteen Marsh Roads Act in the Legislature that is tire Lnlon ut Herturs IIIIII IIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIII rum 13d an Wellng W113 DTORWSS Which has beneme M95 Id WM Tom ImIb vtzlloz prvsmit Tho mett Before ou bu To for the Tots utid was welcomed Willi loud zipgrowers in constructing FOIGGS uddilr AIS ding looting urns lullulrtl by plant 91mm The 011 Pmrmlve comer The lniun of Electors is UI see our selection Of Declaring that there never was rive member Legislaure be branch Such tredn Il llIililci gm tin Slbtti time when democratic government tween Toronto and Barrie at party which gained promin IIIIIIII III II was mo on LI man is todayI Queenls perk MrI Johnsmn remer In Mr under III IIIII ItIrtitv IIitIItIiII Noun Mr Rum and that we have atfthat he was instrumental in lmVi trudcrship of thi late Premier IIIIILIIII3IIIV I1IIIgIIIIIIIIzmI Quttns Park An able governtrreriting the TorontoBarrie fourlanetI Aberliart ltrcrr ln about Ktl nub ruin ism ili Bron Suts allllltl composed of men of abrlthighway located in Simcoe C0untyi or 15 candida mm IR II Jutx ILIII and Integrny Ida premier who rather than on the opposite 5mg Kg ch run nuno Hun IIIIIII MMIIIHJII has blutiglil dignity to governmentilnike Simcoe poserblc to right Wig lt program rtl or tuni gunman hcilthv stated llill Mr Johnston stated that lllS tllEitlttl Sun Suits IIpr IO me pmpIe me beuer andlbeen that If g0 overseas Bl rot ty I3 1qu TIM II QI lIIIII IIIlIIIItIIII1IIII lII Illf belt Spilldllifl swam000 istVetemn is forurecommendmmnh ll OI IUb IIIIIIdIdIur III All IIti ItnLiI uiIIKIll good to tat1 mandate from the pooland as result government personl End tum gh IIngnl Idmg IIII mu1IIIx2x TI plc nellost year was percent veteranl hawk Midi mm likiw cm in by llcuirnding that byi ptIipulatron IItIeteIrringIaoIhrethrng rewIIIII an JHII MontiII er1rniI Iurt 9lnuu parentage Canada 04 try ins more us on sur ers icy ie affltl am it Communists than Russia had when is What is bestfor Ontario is best fathrr of nllrr children Vlr II CWWUWSS lm WW or the ConservanveIpanyII Immmis is Mg BARK that country Mr llowc said that we The Pmme direct road bel 0lniil SNrmun and Horticultural Event must work for this democratic way tween Bradford and the marsh wusi has been unmetted with tho incrt nutti llvl of tin of guwrmnvm if we 10 have itIItrlso reported upon by Mr Johnston 5mm credit In 11 nurnbyiy oi lllt lll liurtrcuIIlatti wure llll litltlllIvll thanks of lllc tlltIiS ruInnrngi in iluiric but IGmrge II JIIhnswn whOI with me Reeves Bmdmrd four ymrsI until Suitit in vitlritttiy ttlllt ttii oilicrstriitgtstrit it mow to ion virr lllltuthllllg Hat li shit llrtbs ltll ll in fl till ii ngo Juhnsmn MPP for me and wes owmmburyihds been gm hlllmum Im lIlLIllllIlI tIIIis IoktnIrllltlIIhrIllIIIlllI tviintiUII IlIllIt IlllllllllIl IlttunrvnIi ItuliIiItIiItIiII wlll th ninth lIflltIl all post fivcycars rind lrogrcssrchoii the Department of Highwws re has lived all his life in liny DukIIIHtI Iid1 13 iim tliwvrit lx must due to tuni svrvutive candidate for Centre Sim gummi Suesmad dillfIvI agff lanshirL is agent is Al 401 mL EMIQ Qinth forthcoming clocllonsaldlmelll as een mac lot 10 cum Maurie MIN gimp III III ltwI Iltviwv he had Wm made promise ht Demnmem Wm pay 50 per cam of IIIIIIIII IIstIIIiIII1IIIIlllI IIIIIl lilIIiIiIIIiIlIIIlI 010 couldnt fulfil but that he had en the cost and ti 8mm 10 Bradford bggin um guna llit ricxt itcrr arias it quaint iczivorctl to stjrvc and he recounted HeelI EVanS IWltquLltll and ttwn aunt by Mo lllllI lintk sunroof his services rendered during asIcharrmun torthu meeting in sub IdownIu hum iIiIrtli giBtlIIllonrlrg tlItrIy his yours at Queens Parkwluch rc roiling support for Mr Johnston on wmcom IIIIIlIII II IIItII IIIIIt IIIIIIIILIIIIIIIIIKII IIIITIIUIIII 51mm in immim or the people of June said that tollowrng such II his riding record of achievements during WI stitIIiIr short Iriolrti II III II II IIII Describing Bradford as the centre past live years he thought Mr John 31IIIIIEIlualilnffi liftldll Jamils IxilsirIoIrtNtIinllIt on sonic in his riding wm the biggest bust ston nearly 100 honest in not mak IIIIIIIIIII III TIIIIIIIIIItII kIIIIGIIIIIIII III IIIII IIIIIIII III IIIII SIIIIIIIIIIII nuss for its size he reminded that ing any promises Farbefore lhccor MI ndI IlIllt main lJiISllltss of lllt tVciir this bonsl had been accomplished in With Mrs George Green prc mrlmove or to IIIIIIIIIIIIIlIh IIIIC ItIIIdIIIII IIIIIIIII in was what Mr lillllt of ti large part by tho kcepingof Marsh siding at the piano the meeting the right 5rd unw with RIIIf IIIIlI MI Barrio was introducrd by Mr business in Simcoe County and this closed with the singing of the Nti HOMIIIII lititkworth and gaw it most ill was gtartirllv attributable to the tionul Anthem II II ttrrsinru talk on tho history and ontnrrrution sorvius iiiit iii1d dawtupnwm tulips cold storage plan being built hero III Church II III GUI SIIIIIII IIIIIdIIII bII IIIISWIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III imam or scam CENTRAL UNITED wMS Driver must orlng his vehicle to full stop It the trafc light in that hord Silltdly Aliltllllll Vllill thc lllcilllJtlS on care Itrtid tlitl duration JUllllSlOIlI accompanied The regular meeting of Cemml him and um take comer slowly min closely 9mm another of IVUlUlgipiUplWtltttlli prot 01 mumI Mp IncndicIvtII delegation to Queens Park lCtlald mnwd kll0ltdt Ul ill Sllllltll Wilb United Church WMS was held it edge or road The onus of disprovlng negligence rests on the drlvei Mr and Mrs ll liauglrton lo built Wle and Hindi Inc an Parsonage ThUl May JOIWIUI ll uiould an accident out if nlllty suspension of driving permit mm mm ML and My jI wI nrttizition tXpltSStKl hr Mrs Link ggfiggmpscehagSIXSIEgE Illmauwuy 90w5 IPrcston Mrs Iodtl loronto with It If mILI MIIS A314 mm MEL IIIIuIIIIIIIIIuIII Slewrfls secretdryv fith WIO MAKE LEFT TURN unnnntlimn lordnto wttlLlicr very inspiring message The dovot uncle ML Cussdmun ML and Ii RadlotIITall on 101lalWr0d W05 conducmd by Mrs Madmmm Im Partridge and her theme was and Mrs JackI MatDonald lo Each for till and all for EaclrTH romo WM When Mrs 8r av ec vscripture reading lst Corinthiansl MIIIIIMIIIIIIII this advertisement for Ichnpter 13 Mrs AI EI Allengave tho lltosc fromI hero who uticntioti ld Chum began making friends the EaklcyCromlcy wedding in pnce your requirements highlights the Pres ylefhl N0 BRICK ing at Collingwood Toronto Saturday onic Mr and 1888 and still moth them The beginner Mrs McMulkin read it chapter of xlmllllgl OVER Rough and dressed th book The In em cured II and experienced smoker both find the fresh it noids Mr and Mrs In bluroItI Mr Dlal LUMBER with prayer and Mrs Euklcy and faintly Novelty Cove and Bevel Mr and Mrs Cameron Mrs Thu May 13 80 00 consistently satisfying OVOWO Read anminer Classifieds Salisbury Robert Luffman and 1m Siding Spruce Iand ML and MFFI Angus Haw Sun 16 94 Old Chum hard to heal Fllle Floormgst BITCh and Weekend visitors wcrc John Ilarr Oak F100m Fir P1 kin Punching with his grurrd Thur Ma 20 835 d1 mother Mrs ltankiriI Mrs Uriiik W00 ll Ia Aftcrcompldmg wine and son Eric With the form Sun May 23I 915 pImI Birch and Cedar tum gradually IcrsIIrnothcr Mrs Robins Mrs PLYWOOD movzovu to right Porter Ncw Lowell Mr and Mrs ITuesI May 25 5535 pImI Young Man Bgecm md 50 and INSUL BRICK 18 to 20 years igIobiIlrIlIlli MrlIiId IliIllIiglIlldIfII ThIIrI may 27I 8I40 pImI The Tabacco Of Quahy Tluzcolezv Eggggitgon High School EditClrlOll Enter strceljust Norm 393 MI MIS Gem sum May 30 945 lJll Desirable ght of hm Russell and ILtlrclI Armstrong Iluu cm CARS FOR PE CUT NE FOR ROLNNG YOUR OWN Shingles Etc Ntw Lowdl all at hunk Rdlls1 GOOD WAGES IWIII End turn signal andlookri Maud aft before start gummy MAY COL KENNEDY 29 MB ling the building of cold storage SHOE STOREI ing to make tum PHONE BARRIE 3553 Beginturn signal an startslowm down at lens 10 feetfrom corner Well ahead of the turnlock for any following cars and move over close to center line giving signal it needed for moving over Some habits are good other are not There is one however which meets with general approval thrill systematic saving the habit of license if motorist involved in of laying aside delinit portion of one5 THORNTON zzzf income foriaISpIecific purpose Iii Our SavingsDcportmenlIaccepls deposits from HOW TO MAKE RIGHT TURN motorist wishing to insure left turn safely should proceed as shown in this chart He must also watch for cars coming from the opposite direction and concede them the right of way unless they slow down and sliow him to complete the turn Failure to signal can lead to suspension way and expect to spend several an accident Saturday after couple of weeks with his sisters and with his fath er who is still patient in Welles ley Hospital Mr and Mrs Joe Reed Victoria BC are visiting the formers sister Mrs Alfred Spencer Mr and Mrs Reed motored all the months in the East Holiday and weekend visitors Mr and Mrs Reynolds and Robert Chatham Mr and Mrs Fred Mitchell and children St Catharines at Halberts Mrs Burney Toronto with her mother Mr and Mrs McFadgeon Toronto at Sharpes Miss May Boake Toronto at BoakeIs Mr and Mrs John Scott and Linda Toronto at Speers Womens institute mmwtrmo There was allargeaftndariceatI the Womens institute whichmet at Mrs Bones last Tuesday with Mrs Reid the newly elected president presiding Roll call was an exchangeivof ibulbsg shrubs and seeds Mrs Cunningham was clected secretary for the ensuing year are Mrs Reid Mrs Smith Mrs Cunning am and Mrs McQuay Delegatas to rdistrict annual 3mm mm 120an CANADA UNION OF ELECTORS FEMS woman 34 NC PriorsWith IPcctin RASPBERRY JAM Heinz Prepared SPAGHETTI 24 oz Jar 15 oz Tina White Swan II LynnIV1IevStandrd Quamy TOILET TISSUE 30 T7I77 Choice Quality ClVEIhOUSFWF rum BEANS 2i29cl Henley Choice Tomato Ketchup I240 Tex Seedless summon MI Ont Comb grade AnimusEfra2af Fresli Veg 13 oz bottle Hernz MsEruifs arguable one dollar upwards at the liberal interest rate Ib have of percent OIIOWs checking privileges rgtuiied hore ffomarlhe Hos deposiisbvmail ifdesired PEIEIIIIIIItyWA will meet at Mm Lennoxs on Wgednesday June at 230 Mrs John Simpson Garry and gt Robert have returnedehome after um 1cInonth dinMStrafortIif tIIII ran PS Snell weekend and holidayywith their son in Northern Ontario gt CORPORATION Mr and Mrs Cousins spent the maliceoronto holiday Iweekend with their wanemiwirfn laintarantula couple Iofweeks his duties Ineai Fort William on II II IEiecirMiuuiouaEAma ifBdchyvillistippoiitandworkjforI IItheIneedsiofimooefgmtre Hoff is youngIaulertond ispledgedito giveyoii reproSentutiOar in them Jiivam out brash flureIVotefBenchJuno Mmmmlm CKE izi5twi BesPiM made for Salvation Army canvas order that on health program peacetime ltwasctecrded tohave boo at the forthcoming music festival Work also got under Way for tha TB clinic to be held here on Jul 27 Qne hundred dollars was col ected by the girls oncthe tag day for the blind Plans wereI ing and Mrs Wst pointed treasurer oftheffund letters Were read from members of the Thornton Wlfn Englaudg Mrs Wmelth reported on the recent district Idireotors meeting Mrs Cunningham convener of health program reported on the bustness transatd MrsI Altman gavetr paper on accidents borne Miss Jones gaveuareading Pioneer Curealts ThIeI members of the Evening Auxiliary furnished the music and two very interesting contests were very much tenjoyed An apple daYsaid converterj keeps the doctor awa Soit Wasquite in thereIshould beran apple contest And if are tome health we mustbe clean so acoritest ang irig Out the Washin vcaiisedraPlot of fun ers 3an ngham gave short talk on 3Red Cross Woik in ASsiIstant ihostegssa Were Mrs am the gtI 9011101ng IINFIANI rgopsa 25c Tm FresIhIGIIIIIIIIII=IIsI Kellogs LII 51c IRlCEI KRISP IIIIIIIIIIZZC 1qu ChoicI II tk Horsey HaIBiItant Fiiicii Style import cooking lllc First of the Crop rnitnain To iii ArrivingFreshIIDo At It MEA moi Hock off aporii summits otilessIVVedl PEAI SOUP BathSize cakIliic AylmerIChoich SOAP 279 539 Err if II McQorihicks PlainIor Salted II 1591 to or Em nerCream Sodas 34513 SIlCEEEc 27 III Concentrate II AylmngChoice agging moo BEETS to IMlld mom virtuamneouv until at unread To Gvo lo0 mm Intuit JT IIIMIIIAIMAW MI iilli enox rs heap and Mrs McDonald Read fExariiiner Classifieds