ROXY HOUSE OF HITS FIRST wng THE BEST IN BARBIE THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT 230 pm EVE SHOWS AT 650 pm Wionei of 35 Academy Awards THZIB WEEKS 18803 7950 Copies tWHMIZID Al $00 CLAII IAIL lo 01 OTTAI 85th YearNO 22 with Celeste Holm Anne Revere lune Havoc Albert Dekker lane Wyatt Dean Stockwell Sam latte ctmqnvrox MON TUE WED Mat Wed 230 pm EvaShows At and pm Plus New Color Cartoon PICTURE YOU MUST SEE Climaxing 2o CYFoxs lmdfronnlife lllvuoofqhg and Boomerang FAMOUS AYERS wr iiisa THURSDAY FRIDAY ANOUTSTANDING TWO FEATUREATTRAGTION 77 Mat Sat230 pml ivEvei 5110va 6306 9pm ======Edvlard LAIperson Riel9 Jill IAIWI Prodvdlgn hole mt House on 92nd$lreepr rum 20th ConivryFon JWABNER BROS ENTERTAINMENT SAT rsID me Kips 905 ltBUCKA BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY MAY 27 l948 DRIVER SERIOUSLY INJURED IN AUTO Henderson of Guthrie was taken to the Royal Vic toria Hospital last Tuesday night with alraeturcd skull broken right arm and other in juries He was in car acct dent on Highway 11 north of Barrie Travelling alone Mr Hen derson was proceeding north towardsrhis home about 10 pm when he missed the curve at Crown Hill His car went to the left and drove into the guard ralt Five posts were sheared off and the auto rolled over several tlmes The drlver was thrown out The car 1947 model was totally wrecked conscious the day after the ac cident but his condition show ed slight improvement 0N EAST SIDE Bunion ST The Town Council last Tuesda walk on the east side of Bradfor St from Vespra to Elizabeth by issuing debentures Ad Griffin chairman boa of works said would be approximately trians at 70 cents foot gineer lpascd by council N0 ST LOUIS BLUES season STAND Bimini vouiND anonwith expert advice on the right kinds of insurance AFIERgwith quick help in set tling all iuat claims Miiconsoiis 41 Dunlop St BARBIE am to 615 cam 10111 Ur ii WRECK CROWN HILL Mr Henderson was still un NEvisiniyiii It is estimated the work will cost $482290 and it will be paid for of the the walk 10 feet back from the present walk and it should be much safer for pedes The distance is i917 feetand them csillmale lingmdes laymg the money for agricultural research and futirtam lcways and 0mm have established three new research mummy altemuons and Cu courses at Ontario Agricultural Col The work Will be done by down Comma of otir farmer has improved Our der the direction of the town en Thc motion to proceed with this work was moved by Reeve Clark and seconded by Aid Poucher and Stan Musial who is hitting 350 remarkable contrast to his aver age at this time last yeargures rhe should keep up that pace all Dial 3735 BarriePublic Utilities Commission iladisf750c TABLES MAY BE4BTEERVED =snAiirv Museum ernAMBLEnsv nIoPiacitoncuesmrxv Yfl night decrded to lay new side he 11001 hxcs momma has Conservative Speaker Hon Thos Kennedy iBradford Last Thursday Bradford Witness Speaking at Bradford on Thursday levening at well attended meeting in the Town Hall in support of George Johnston member 01 illegrslature for Simcoe Centre will lProgressive Conservative candidate for this riding at the forthcomingl June election HonThomns Ll Kennedy Minister of Agriculture stated that Mr Johnstons honest third made him one of the most re spected members of the Legislature The Ontario Government is not planning and building for the presl rem It is looking ahead and build ing for the day when the population of the province will be 10000000 Col Kennedy stated When we learned that the Fed eral Government planned to drop their tax on airiusements fought for 20 per cent provincial amuse ment tax to be put into fund for hospitalization Hospital costs arei all too high lam looking forward to the day when it will not cost has pital patients penny Col Ken nedy said Col Kennedy reminded that Premier Drew had promised thatl the province would bear 50 per centil been fulfilled and on some types of vocational schools the government proposes to pay up to 90 per cent Ontarios Reform Schools are better than those in England and in most states of the United States Referring to the work of his own department Col Kennedy said We now have the best breeds of cattle in the world better chickens than anyone else and the highest producl tion of eggs per chicken We have set aside large sums of lege It is through this that the lot farm products this year will be close to 31000000000 Surely this return is worth one per cent on research the Minister said Closely in touch with the local Marsh gardeners and the packing and marketing of their products the Minister of Agriculture said that packing in Bradford is leading the way and will be copied in every section Major Lent Mackenzie Major Mackenzie MPP North York speaking at the meeting out lined some of the accomplishments of the Provincial Government that have affected Simcoe Centre and North York ridings He stressed the work donein the Holland Marsh ston and Col Kennedy who were instrumental in providing provin cial loan of$100000 for the building of acold storage plant for Marsh growers in Bradford Hon Earl ROWe In the House of Cpmmonshat pm on Thursday Hon Earl Rowe who travelled by plane to Malton arriv Turn to pagefourteen please m+ Music Festival Rural School under Leadership andTeaching 9f Miss Eva Rumble BARRIEARENA May 28 8pm Pioceeds to Barrie Memorial Hospital ADMISSION 25c BAND IN ATTENDANCE ELECTRICAL INTRRUPTIONS The HydroElectric Power COimission advise that service in Barrie Willbe infar rupled On Friday May 28th 1948 from and from pm to Tuesday night the Mayor welcom rand praised the work of Mr JohnV lt Im goin Ald Gri fin verified the remarks of Mr HotchkiSs and added that rr nW At the town council meeting last ed Arthur Boyd as an alderman for the balance of 1948 Mr Boyd was appointed to fill out the term of Aid Lougheed who rc signcd owing to ill health Council agreed to send Fire Chief Cecil McMulkin to school for fire fighters at Hamilton on June 10 and It On motion of Ald Mary Laurie and Reeve Clark the coupcilide cided to ask the cooperation of all but religious groups in planning finance campaigns and the advis ability of establishing commun ity chest in Barrie Will also be considered When Ald Ayres ask ed why religious groups wcreex eluded Mrs Laurie replied that community chest funds could go only to those who served without regard to religious affiliation Ald Harpiny was in the chair during committee discussion The council session was concluded by locprn letter was read from James Dukes who has property at 215 Blake St adjacent to BA ser vice station According to the letter the company raised the sidewalk and made certain other alterations to town property which made it impossible for MI Dukes to get into his own driveway Engineer Brisco reviewed corespondence in connection with this matter dating since last Octo ber After some discussion mo tion was presented by Ald Ayres and Ald Poucher and passed that the BA Company be given 14 days to reach an amicable agree ment with Mr Dukes or else re store the town property former condition One tender was received on the proposednew marketubuildjngl gt meeting was on 1y boughtheformer blacksmi anthhe council to its HOLIDAY TRAFFIC THROUGH BARRIE EXTREMELY HEAVY The holiday highway traffic through Barrie last weekend was described by many as the heaviest in history On Fri day evening and Saturday morning the traffic was prac tically all northbound while Monday evening the cars were headed back towards Toronto On the main streets of Bar Yic and on the highways the ears were bumper to bumper for miles at stretch By ae tual count on Monday night it required35 minutes to travel two miles from the eastern llmlts to the postolfice in Bar ne At the town council meeting last Tuesday night Ald Ham bly spoke of the traffic problem In Barrie and said many cars went straight out Elizabeth st lookinijfor Highway 21 Eng ineer Brisco said the Department ofvllighways were preparing new signs for Barrie to direct highway traffic CHAMBER or COMMERCE NOTES IHML BROADCAST CIIMLs new tourist program Ontario Vocation produced by Willard King will find Bert Hill manager Of the Barrie Chamber of Commerce and Ted Twiss president being interviewed on Barries attractions and facilities for both the holiday seeker and for the overnight tourist Their remarks areaimed principally to the American audience in the Northern States Bert Hill will be heard on Saturday May 29 at 230 pm while Ted Twisswill be on the air Tuesday June at 315 pm Station CHML Hamilton is at 900 on your dial perty Council decided to write letter to Innisfil Township Coun cil regarding this matter letter from James Thomson architect in connection with land scaping the grounds around the town hall was referred to the pro perty committee letter was read from Morrison chairman of the Barrie and District Collegiate Institute Board thanking the council for their financial assistance in help ing to send the BCI Baird to play at Detroit Ald James chairman of the property committee reported $83 54803 spent on the municipal merit as tabled in Ward The plans ferred to the board of works in une Barrie Radiator Service Expanded by Eric Lackqu Premisesot 66 Bayfield wvithwthe Barrie Radiator Service be proprietor Eric Lackie recent evs tract for laying cently Barrie port was later amended by AM adopted Smith and Co ascertain exactly how much oor apportion the ways to be up against it the good elm logs hadrbeeh move T0 viMinetS Peinl ns germinal gami 1111119 uomssovpmvon the final day for receiving tend This tender was not opened and decision was made to exr tendthc time by one week In last weeks issue of The Ex aminer it was stated that con linoleum in vthe town hall would be let to the Tile Glass and Mirror firmhwhich rel commenced business inl This was the decision in committee but the committee re Pouchr and the amendment Was The amendment asked for samples from each of the three firms tendering The others were and LOWe Son After some discus sion last Tuesday night motion Was adoptedinstructing the chair man of thepropertymommittee to lugwas to be coVered and then work evenly three Mr Hotchkiss who lives in Bar tie and has small farm burder nInisfilJPewnshiprappearL ed before the c9uncil He said rdad was being put through by InnistI Mandvhis fence had been torn up and tree stumps had been pushed ontovhis property Re If Imsnot asisted quick to the Iimisfil side of the right of way while the stumps and brush were phShed Onto the Barrie side There were 23treestumps som 90 feel inside Mij Hotchkiss pro scivino sq shop of Alex Cleland 66 Bayer Sin next to Ball Planing Mill building alterations to May 21 The accounts were approved for pay Council received plans of pro posed subdivision of IOOF pro perty adjacent to the IOOF home were re On motion of ReeveClark coun cil appointed Mayor Mayor delegate to the Ontario conven tion of Mayors and Municipal Of ficials to be held at Windsor early CMrfLackterisitomlavender thr 1d sight of theBlue Mountains and Thewalled yard in front ofthe ineradiatormepairaand shop has been roofed in giving an at 38 Bayfleld St In 1942 thefirm Newmarket CHECK THIS DATE IWednesday June 218 pourMrs TheYnd Annual iFESTlVALCON +ARR EXAMINER Section 3Poges l3 to 20 IMPERIAL THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Held Over JUST IMAGINE Theyre all in one hilarious movie Edgar Bergen Charlie McCarthy Morti mer Snerd Donald Duck plus three new Disriy Characters Fun and Farm Free Featuring EDGAR BERGEN DINAH SHORE SlIOWING ON THE SAME PROGRAM ubTrail Dusthdwith William Boyd Hopalong Cassidy Geo Gabby Hayes MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Big ZPicture Program iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniriiiiiis mnnrmirmsmursmi nonrioiuamusricmm The fightingestitbat ever item tie Sim 80le rm loamlm in Exliiiaha1bey strum into the beans in we and cap lured the butt of every woman 2ND FEATURE HIT Chump at Oxford STAN LAUREL OLIVElt HARDY Because of expanding business additional building of 36 by 24 with modern brick front Bud Allan had the building contract started in 1936 With Charles Graves enceAllen operates partneFShi glass iitirngbraueh ofGravcsand A119 fartingto the damage done aded ii dl racemes Go sermons moved to 13 Clapperton St and in 19467 sold out to Eric and moved across to 14 Clapperton where they now have aecarsalesuundezr 1119 pame of Graves and Allen Clar 19 The Barrie Schools Underi theyrlirictionoihloyd Tullord 5no13upiisln prOgramme Of songs and Dances v0 The Collegiate CdnCertBanddtrectectby Mr A1Fislier Special Numbers by the Collegiate Gteciub Produced bythertnctpaisand Teaching Staff Of theparrie Schoolsspiinsoredaud Managed by the KiwanisCldb of Barrie THEARENA WILL ACCOMMODATEALARGEAUDIENCE BUT THE BEST GUARANTEEOEA GOOD SEAT IS To COME nanny PLEASEPURCHASE TICKETSCE anymore Pumps ORRIWANIANS TOWARDS mi Function PROMOTION OgMUSIp monk